Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe

Page created by Craig Watts
Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Index 2019
Exploring the power of experience
across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019

                                   03             11              13                             54
                                   Summary        Methodology     UK & Europe Index              US Index
                                   Introduction   Process         More than a game               Go With The Fake
                                   Insights       Methodology     The Most German                Google Home Mini Pop Up Tour
                                   Conclusion     Award Winners   Supermarket in the World       re:Invent 2017
                                                                  Collaborate Conference         Hey Google @ CES
                                                                  HIIT On The Pitch              iHeartRadio Jingle Ball
                                                                  Grease Slumber Party           The Good Place at Comic Con
                                                                  Adobe Summit 2018              Google Cloud Next
                                                                  Farewell Yellow Brick Road     Today at Apple
                                                                  Mind the Gap                   2018 CES Keynote
                                                                  Project84                      Forever Taco Bell
                                                                  BVG x Adidas                   Farewell Yellow Brick Road
                                                                  Go Faster                      Las Vegas Desert Lights
                                                                  Lumiere London 2018            The Power of SHE
                                                                  The Android Works              SXSWestWorld
                                                                  The Wayback                    Trump Presidential Twitter Library
                                                                  Football Decoded               Fortnite @ E3
                                                                  Converse: The One Star Hotel   Neighborhood of Good
                                                                  The Tunnel Club                The Spotted Cheetah
                                                                  The Coffee Line                Ranger Reveal
                                                                  Recruiting Car                 Aeronaut Music Experience
                                                                  Valentine’s at Greggs

Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019


From product launches to conferences,                       sentiment across several, though not all, social platforms.   Sector Trends
exhibitions to live brand experiences,                      Measuring social mentions is important, since it ensures
                                                                                                                          This year the technology and entertainment sectors
                                                            the quality of social engagement as well as the quantity.
‘experience’ is now firmly established as a                                                                               feature most prominently, with the largest number of
                                                            We have also analysed every experience to explore what
vital strategic pillar for B2B and B2C brands                                                                             brand experiences ranked in the top 20 across both
                                                            drove social amplification and provided data analysis
worldwide. Imagination has developed                                                                                      regions. The public sector came next, followed by the
                                                            through word clouds and audience demographics.
the Connected Experiences Index Report in                                                                                 automotive and gaming sectors.
                                                            The Index is compiled of award-winning projects from
order to showcase the power of experiences                  a broad range of recognised awards organisations,
and – crucially – how they can be tracked,                  focusing on all experience categories. The data we used
measured, and therefore ranked.                             for the Index has been gathered via Pulsar, a global social
                                                            listening platform and analysed by our dedicated team
The report is an impartial piece of research, published     of data strategists.
annually, that shows tangible ROI through social
amplification, connecting the experience with a far wider   The variety of sectors, types of experiences and strategic
audience than those in attendance. Now in its second        approaches that brands have taken to amplify their
year, we have expanded the report to cover the UK/          experiences has been impressive. We examined the top 20
Europe and the US, with a top 20 for each region. The       experiences for each region to explore the strategic sector
Index ranks brand experiences in order of success, based    trends. We also looked more closely at the key behavioural
on engagement, measured by social mentions and brand        experience principles used to drive social amplification

Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019

Tech sector
Entertain and learn
Creating a live Experience Platform to engage               out from the competition. One thing that achieved the
audiences directly is a very effective way                  desired cut-through was Google’s ‘Hey Google’ experience
                                                            at CES. It created a showstopping three-story ‘town house’
for technology brands to amplify buzz via
                                                            to bring the end-to-end customer experience to life.
social channels to the wider community.
                                                            Engaging activations and screens showcased how easy it
Branded conferences, created and owned by the brand,        is to remotely control your home using Google Assistant -
provide a unique opportunity to gather industry peers       which meant nobody was talking about Alexa that year!
together to dive into the company’s products and services   Technology brands in our Index have successfully
in a dedicated space and timeframe. Amazon Web              delivered the same level of human connection in
Services’ re:Invent Conference created a ‘campus’ to take   B2B as in B2C customers via brand experiences.
guests on a journey of AWS’ latest tools, which included    The audience personality data has shown that
lighthearted games and fitness classes. This helped to      people are eager to experience new things, open
create a fun atmosphere while learning about its new        to new ideas, and seek out opportunities to improve
technologies - resulting in huge sharing on Twitter.        themselves. Therefore, by understanding those
Exhibitions that are part of a larger event have the        needs, it is important for brands to empower
advantage of access to media crowds and new customers.      audiences to learn new things while still keeping
However, brands definitely needed to work hard to stand     it interesting and fun.

Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019

Entertainment sector
Celebrate the shared moments
The entertainment sector includes TV                        series, The Good Place, created a replica of the show’s
shows, radio and music, and has the                         neighborhood that allowed fans to immerse themselves
                                                            in iconic scenes and take pictures and videos which were
strongest emotive media that resonates with
                                                            shared online.
audiences everywhere. Brand experiences
bring shared moments from the screen                        Entertainment’s brand experiences achieved the highest
                                                            sentiment score overall. Key words such as amazing, iconic,
and speaker to life. This allows the fans
                                                            incredible and surprise, are commonly seen across this
to truly celebrate their idols as well as                   type of experience. Audience personality data has shown
actively take part; deepening the emotional                 that these people are sentimental, with a desire for both
connection and creating lasting memories.                   connectedness and self-expression and also pride in the
                                                            community they belong to.
Sir Elton John’s final world tour ‘Farewell Yellow Brick
Road’ exemplified this by creating an immersive VR          Entertainment brands can learn from this
experience that acted like a time machine by bringing the   by immersing their intended audiences throughout
visceral energy of his most famous performances to life.    a journey, either digitally, physically or both,
Meanwhile at ComicCon in America, NBC comedy TV             creating a platform to celebrate those emotional
                                                            moments together.

Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019

Public sector
Spark conversation
The public sector, including government                           lost men on 84’s website took the conversation further.        Public sector organisations and brands need to craft
authorities or NGOs, features almost                              Taking on the cause that art is for everyone was Lumiere       their message and engagement far further than
                                                                  London, who set about liberating creativity from museums       simple campaign reach. Creating an inspiring brand
as prominently as the technology and
                                                                  and bringing it to the streets. Stunning light installations   experience is the key to sparking real conversation to
entertainment sectors. Brand experiences
                                                                  made by global artists transformed a total of 54 London        shift opinion and ultimately change public behaviour.
are used very effectively to deliver a                            buildings that are often gone unnoticed. This event had
deeper engagement with audiences                                  real talk power with people all over the world sharing their
in the live space and then reaching far                           pictures with the #lumierelondon hashtag.
beyond, by creating genuine and moving                            Most public campaign objectives are about raising
conversations about powerful topics.                              awareness and increasing engagement. The experiences
                                                                  featured in the Index have achieved both objectives by
Project84 achieved this when they partnered with artist           creating real conversations among the public, going
Mark Jenkins to inspire some much needed conversation             beyond ‘one way’ media. The audience data showed that
and action around male suicide. Jenkins created 84 life-          the audiences are notable for their empathy, challenging of
size male sculptures and placed them precariously around          authority, independence of mind and a desire to take care
the edges of tall buildings along London’s Southbank. It          of people around them.
instantly got people talking while the real-life stories of the

Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019

Gaming & automotive sector
Power of UGC
                                   The gaming and automotive sectors both                         allowed the public to step into the spotlight and become
                                   focused on creating a user-generated                           the star in their own movie trailer. They learned the stunts
                                                                                                  and shot scenes on a real-life movie set, providing users
                                   content (UGC) platform to amplify the
                                                                                                  with a highly emotional, adrenalin-packed experience of
                                   user’s experience to a wider community.
                                                                                                  the Ford brand. As a result, they got their own Hollywood-
                                   FIFA 18 ‘More than a Game’ made an impact beyond               quality movie trailer, which they proudly shared through
                                   the virtual world. A new skill move called ‘El Tornado’        social media.
                                   was devised and hidden in the game, where a player             UGC experiences allow everyone to be a content publisher.
                                   spins on the spot kicking the ball into the goal. A film       The audience analysis has shown that these passionate
                                   announced the skill, with millions hunting for the secret      fans seek excitement, are assertive and comfortable taking
                                   button combination. In-game tricks and uploads flooded         the lead.
                                   the internet, closely followed by fans uploading their real-   Brands can design and curate these bespoke user
                                   life attempts. Next real football stars delighted fans by      generated moments, to enable audiences to build
                                   doing it on the pitch during matches and the hashtag           their own unique memories and celebrate them with
                                   ‘ElTornadoCertified’ began to trend everywhere.                many others.
                                   The automotive brand experience Ford ‘Go Faster’
                                   created a human-centered dynamic experience that

Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019

Behavioural principles

Every experience in our Index has been                        Brand extension and the messenger effect                       compelled to share online. Manchester City’s The Tunnel
actively amplified online by guests and                                                                                      Club harnessed the ‘primacy effect’ by providing VIP
                                                              Working with other brands and experts from different
                                                                                                                             fans access to the pre-game tunnel moment on arrival,
online audiences. Having explored the                         sectors at your experiences is an effective form of brand
                                                                                                                             generating large volumes of social sharing and proving
different strategic ideas among the                           extension, as it creates a messenger effect through added
                                                                                                                             once again that first impressions count. Elton John
different sectors, there are also some key                    credibility. BVG collaborated with Adidas to shift its stiff
                                                                                                                             used the ‘peak-end rule’ at the encore of his incredible
behavioural experience principles at work.                    image amongst the Berlin youth by launching limited-
                                                                                                                             performances to end his farewell concert on a huge high,
                                                              edition BVG x Adidas sneakers - they sold out in record
                                                                                                                             generating a peak moment of social amplification. Timing
Exclusivity and rarity                                        time and relations improved. Taco Bell and Forever 21
                                                                                                                             really is everything.
                                                              launched a limited-edition fashion line on social media
Creating an exclusive moment or limited-edition product
                                                              dubbed Forever 21 x Taco Bell, brought to life with The
at the experience generates higher rates of social sharing.
                                                              Forever Taco Bell fashion and food show in downtown
Converse created an immersive townhouse featuring
                                                              L.A.’s fashion district, to the delight of its fans.
exclusive merchandise housed within a pop-up store,
featuring music, workshops and talks - it was inundated       Timely moments matter
with visitors from dawn till dusk. Ford Go Faster let users   Almost every guest was motivated to share its experience
create their own personalised Hollywood-style movie           via the design of timely moments which created a
trailer, in a once-a-life-time drive experience, which was    powerful emotional connection which audiences felt
widely shared due to its rare nature.

Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019

Pushing experience further
Technology plays a major role in how                                Voice & AI
experiences connect with audiences and                              Using AI and Voice at experiences as become far more
how they are amplified to millions. These                           tangible across the Index this year. Volvo and Google
are the three main drivers in play across                           showed different ways to use the technology, but both
                                                                    used an element of theatre to bring it out from ‘inside
the Index, in Europe and the US.
                                                                    the machine’. There is a lot more to see from this
                                                                    technology, which is now the priority for many CMO’s.
Immersive Technology
Immersive technology, including virtual reality and                 Physical merged with digital
augmented reality, occupies a new ‘third’ space between             The line between what is physical and what is digital
the live experience and the online space. AR and MR                 continues to blur. Beyond VR and AR other technology is
overlays a digital layer onto the live space, allowing youto        more prevalent. From transparent screens to electrochromic
create a ‘magnifiying glass’ to dial up messaging, stories and      glass, which allow transparent surfaces to be suddenly
information, this was put into practice by Android. Whereas         flooded with content. Smart materials, wearables and
VR enables audiences who are not present at an experience           haptics are all creating new emotional connections
to still feel like they are part of the action, this has been put   through technology.
to powerful use by Sir Elton John and Billy Corgan.

Connected Experiences Index 2019 - Exploring the power of experience across the US and Europe
Connected Experiences Index 2019
  Connected Experiences Index 2019


  In terms of effectiveness, the Index Report    Our Index Report demonstrates once again that             At Imagination, we have been delivering transformational
  represents experiences that deliver powerful   experiences have the unique power to change the way       brand experiences worldwide for over 50 years.
  engagement and depth, which in turn            people feel, think and act. They are more connected and   We understand the critical ingredients needed to
  generates quality and quantity of social       immersive than ever before, with emotions being the       motivate and engage audiences across different sectors,
  reach. Of course, there are other measures     trigger to drive engagement, both offline and online.     generating powerful returns. If you want to explore
  of effectiveness, such as experiences which                                                              how to shift your brand focus towards experience,
                                                 Whichever sector you’re in, we hope our Index Report
                                                                                                           please get in touch with us to organise a workshop.
  engage audiences then convert those            will help to inform and elevate experience as being
  emotions through lead-generation and sales.    a vital strategic pillar for your brand and business.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

The Connected Experiences Index 2019 uses social
listening data to analyse brand experiences and                    Amplification       Sentiment
create an engaging, considered and comprehensive
study. Working with Pulsar, we measure the                          Amount of social   Quality of those
impact of an experience in two ways.                                   conversations   conversations
                                                                     generated from
Connected Experiences Index Score
The Index score represents the social effectiveness of the
experience itself. This is the combined result of the volume
and the quality of the social conversations generated
by the experience.
The amplification score is based on the total number of social
mentions generated from the brand experience; covering seven
days, starting from the launch date.
The sentiment score is calculated as following:
Sentiment score = (%) of positive mentions x 100 + % of
neutral mentions x 50 + % of negative mentions x 0) x 100%.      = Connected Experiences Index Score

Connected Experiences Index 2019

In order to achieve a fair comparison,                      The results achieved gave us the Connected Experiences   Team Credits:
we used the following criteria:                             Index Score that ranks the experiences 1-20 for EMEA     Head of Connected Experiences

ff Channels
                                                            and US regions                                           Christophe Castagnera
             covered: Twitter, YouTube, blogs,
  forums and news websites. Due to the restriction                                                                   Lead Data Strategist
  of the API, some social media channels data can’t         Pulsar                                                   Zhao Zhang
  be retrieved such as Instagram and Facebook.              Pulsar is an advanced social listening platform
                                                                                                                     Senior Copywriter
ff Keywords: Tracked the specific combination of            that has transformed how brands and agencies
                                                            understand their audience, in order to create better,    Elizabeth McGrath
  ‘brand name’ and ‘experience name’ or ‘hashtag’.
                                                            more intelligent marketing.                              Senior Digital Project Manager
ff Region: Focused on the key regions where
                                                                                                                     Habeebah Ahmed
  the experiences were created for.
                                                            How we chose the brand experiences                       Junior Data Strategist
ff Time periods: Seven days, starting from the date
                                                            To ensure a neutral approach to the selection of the     Chi-Chi Onyebalu
  when the experience launched.
                                                            brand experiences, we analysed 67 brand experience
  (Please note: A few experiences took place over several
                                                            event category award winners for EMEA and 46
  months, however we took data from the first week only,
                                                            brand experiences for USA, from four different award
  when the experience is generally most talked about).
                                                            organisations in both regions.
ff Paidsocial: We are not able to dechiper the impact
  of paid social. This study takes into account the
  broad spectrum of paid and organic content.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

UK & Europe
Index 2019
Connected Experiences Index 2019

  1                EA Sports
                   FIFA 18 – More than a Game
Social Good Campaign                    The team behind the launch of FIFA 18 wanted
                                        to prove that a virtual game could influence
                                                                                          of which fans had never experienced before.
                                                                                          In-game trick uploads flooded the internet,
                                                                                                                                           tweeting their idols asking them to learn and
                                                                                                                                           do the trick so they can get ‘certified’ too.
                                        the real thing. So a new skill move called ‘El    closely followed by fans uploading their real-   Then the spin-offs began, from music to apparel
Cannes Brand Experience & Activations   Tornado’, where a player spins on the spot        life attempts, followed by real football stars   to all sorts of sports stars wanting in on the
Silver Lion                             kicking the ball into the goal, was dreamt up     learning it and doing it on the pitch during     ‘El Tornedo’ action. This activity blended the
                                        and hidden in the game. A film announced          games, to the delight of fans everywhere. The    physical and digital worlds in ways that were
Cannes Brand Experience & Activations   it, with millions hunting for the secret combo.   hashtag #ElTornedoCertified started trending     truly unprecedented, and as a result created
Bronze Lion                             What ensued was unprecedented levels of           – and gained more talk power than more than      a truly original and unforgettable connected
                                        engagement, as a mini craze began, the like       even the #royalengagement! Fans starting         experience that is worthy of the Index top spot.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

   1                  EA Sports
                      FIFA 18 – More than a Game
Connected Experiences Index
165,678                                                        Male

Sentiment Score                                    Audience    Female

53                                                             58%
                                                               Not Specified

Amplification Score

3,126                                                          35%
                                                               United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

    2              EDEKA
                   The Most German Supermarket in the World
Social Good Campaign                    In 2017, German elections were about to
                                        take place and it looked like there was a
                                                                                       in the World”, where more than 20,000
                                                                                       foreign products were banned from its
                                                                                                                                      supermarket. Pictures of the ghostly quiet
                                                                                                                                      supermarket with its empty shelves went
                                        grim possibility of the right-wing party AFD   shelves, leaving only German products –        viral – helping to share a positive message
D&AD Branded Content                    gaining seats in the German parliament.        the lack thereof said everything. It was the   of unity in an increasingly polarising
& Entertainment Awards                  To counter this, popular supermarket           perfect metaphor for how Germany would         political landscape. By doing so they
Graphite Pencil                         EDEKA used one of their its stores to create   be without all of the other cultures now       reached a whole new millennial audience
Cannes Brand Experience & Activations   a powerful experience for shoppers that        living in it – and a stark reminder of the     who are non-traditional, questioning and
Bronze Lion                             communicated a message of diversity. It        dark history of WWII. “Germany is poorer       compassionate – and only spend money
                                        opened “The Most German Supermarket            without diversity” said slogans around the     in places that share their values.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     2                EDEKA
                      The Most German Supermarket in the World
Connected Experiences Index
140,888                                                                  Male

Sentiment Score                                              Audience    Female

88                                                                       50%
                                                                         Not Specified

Amplification Score

1,601                                                                    49%

                                                                         United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   3              Adobe
                  Adobe Summit
Branded Conference                 The Adobe Summit EMEA 2018 brought
                                   together over 5,500 delegates to hear its
                                                                                    able to control the content on the globe
                                                                                    using facial recognition and RFID technology
                                                                                                                                   accompanying audio tracks. This kind of
                                                                                                                                   technical wizardry, along with a sprinkling
                                   latest news. With the conference focusing        embedded in smaller coloured replicas.         of A-Lister ambassadors, really raised the
Campaign Event Awards              on how to deliver engaging customer              These combinations then created a unique       bar not just for summits but for inspiring
Exhibition experience,             experiences, it was vital that it practised      live experience that exploded out across       brand experiences. They made sure that the
                                   what it preached and delivered the ‘wow-         the exhibition space, appearing on LED         key points from every talk could be shared
                                   factor’. A spectacular 6m interactive            screens underneath the globe and around        online and across social channels with
                                   projection-mapped globe formed the               the room. To complete the immersive            #adobesummit – ensuring the event is what
                                   centrepiece to the Adobe stand. Designed         set-up, eight aroma machines delivered         everyone would be talking about, whether
                                   to represent the brain of Sensei, Adobe’s        different scents depending on each unique      they were there or not.
                                   artificial intelligence engine, delegates were   users interaction with the experience, with

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     3                Adobe
                      Adobe Summit
Connected Experiences Index
89,392                                           Male

Sentiment Score                      Audience    Female

74                                               42%
                                                 Not Specified

Amplification Score

1,208                                            41%

                                                 United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

     4              Rocket Entertainment
                    Farewell Yellow Brick Road
 Social Good Campaign              When Sir Elton John announced his final
                                   world tour, titled ‘Farewell Yellow Brick
                                                                                experience that acted like a time machine
                                                                                by bringing the visceral energy of his most
                                                                                                                              the world. His 60 US shows sold out in
                                                                                                                              two hours, creating half a billion dollars in
                                   Road’, he wanted to connect to new           iconic performances to life. Using cutting-   gross revenue, with the VR content viewed
 D&AD Branded Content              audiences and leave a lasting impression.    edge motion capture, live action and face     over 14 million times on YouTube. Most
 & Entertainment Awards            “When you write a song you want it to last   replacement techniques, fans could enjoy      importantly, it touched the hearts of new
 - Wood Pencil                     forever; to touch people as much in the      these iconic shows as if they were actually   and loyal fans around the world, allowing
                                   future as it does now” he said. Delivering   there. The content was livestreamed in        the legend of Sir Elton John to live on, long
                                   on this, his team created an immersive VR    VR using headsets simultaneously around       after he retires.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     4                Rocket Entertainment
                      Farewell Yellow Brick Road
Connected Experiences Index
34,279                                                         Male

Sentiment Score                                    Audience    Female

59                                                             52%
                                                               Not Specified

Amplification Score

581                                                            71%
                                                               United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

   5             Greater London Authority (GLA)
                 Mind the Gap
Social Good Campaign               As 2017 came to a close, the iconic London
                                   NYE fireworks display also provided the
                                                                                  famous London Underground mantra
                                                                                  “mind the gap.”After this point the show
                                                                                                                                 “Dog Days Are Over” to Annie Lennox’s 80s
                                                                                                                                 classic ‘Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves’
                                   platform for the launch of Sadiq Khan’s        launched an incredible medley of the           to modern feminist icon Ariana Grande’s
D&AD Branded Content &             2018 #BehindEveryGreatCity campaign for        world’s greatest female recording artists to   “One Last Time” – this clearly set a new
Entertainment Awards               gender equality. To bring this new agenda      create a women-only second-half, which         intention for a new year, where gender
- Wood Pencil nominee              to life, a show-stopping layer of girl power   was enjoyed live by over 100,000 people        equality is a real goal on the national
                                   was added to the experience. The show          and watched by millions around the world       agenda.
                                   was paused midway by a voice saying the        on TV. From Florence and the Machine’s

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     5                Greater London Authority (GLA)
                      Mind the Gap
Connected Experiences Index
22,784                                                             Female

Sentiment Score                                        Audience    Male

89                                                                 45%
                                                                   Not Specified

Amplification Score

256                                                                67%

                                                                   United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   6             CALM
Social Good Campaign               Project84 was founded to help make a
                                   stand against male suicide, which claims
                                                                                  sculptures made from packing tape. His
                                                                                  work focuses on themes of marginalisation
                                                                                                                                  tracks – everyone thought for a horrible
                                                                                                                                  second they were looking at real-life suicidal
                                   84 lives in the UK every single week. To       to create a stage that absorbs passers-by.      men considering jumping. Each figure was
Campaign Event Awards              stop people in their tracks and inspire some   Friends and family members of the deceased      a poignant reminder of a real life lost, with
Bravest Campaign, winner,          much needed conversation and action            helped in the creation process of the figures   all the men’s stories available to read on 84’s
Campaign Event Awards              around suicide, Project 84 partnered with      – some of which were placed around the          website, making them more real than just
Experiences for good Winner        artist, Mark Jenkins to create 84 individual   edges of ITV’s buildings along London’s         a statistic. This art installation was a plea to
                                   sculptures. Jenkins is an American artist      Southbank. The figures looked down eerily       society to come together and talk about this
                                   best known for his hyper-realistic street      on passers by, stopping them dead in their      shocking problem – and it worked.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     6                CALM
Connected Experiences Index
18,876                                         Male

Sentiment Score                    Audience    Female

66                                             43%
                                               Not Specified

Amplification Score

286                                            75%

                                               United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

    7            Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)
                 BVG x Adidas – The ticket-shoe
Pop Up/Branded                     The BVG (the Berlin Transport System)
                                   was struggling with its rather stiff image
                                                                                   A limited edition BVG x Adidas Originals EQT
                                                                                   Berlin sneaker was launched with just 500
                                                                                                                                    were kitted out in BVG gear, and windows
                                                                                                                                    were painted to resemble train carriages.
Experience                         amongst the anti-establishment youth of         pairs – with the genius idea of the tongue       A special music track called ‘BVG – Adidas’
                                   Berlin who weren’t paying their train fares     being a free year-long BVG pass. Suddenly –      was also created for the campaign. The
                                   and were generally disrespectful to staff. So   Berlin’s youth were very interested in getting   sneakers sold out in three hours and were
D&AD Experiential Awards
                                   the question was posed by agency Jung von       their hands on the 180 Euro trainers. The        resold for up to €3,500 online, creating
- Graphite Pencil nominee
                                   Matt – how do you turn hate into respect?       sneakers featured the iconic red and blue        another ‘collector’s item for Adidas’ and
                                   Their answer was to launch an unlikely          camouflage pattern on all BVG train seats –      most importantly, a new-found respect
                                   collaboration between BVG and Germany’s         at the launch event the stores were decked       amongst Berliners for the BVG.
                                   coolest streetwear brand, Adidas.               out in this camo too. The store salespeople

Connected Experiences Index 2019

      7               Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)
                      BVG x Adidas – The ticket-shoe
Connected Experiences Index
15,488                                                              Male

Sentiment Score                                         Audience    Female

64                                                                  57%
                                                                    Not Specified

Amplification Score

242                                                                 36%
                                                                    United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

     8              Ford
Pop Up/Branded                     Ford Go Faster is a human-centered
                                   immersive experience that allows the
                                                                                 Ford with millennials as a cool brand. The
                                                                                 campaign invited the public to play the
                                                                                                                                  own Hollywood-quality movie trailer where
                                                                                                                                  they’re the star attraction – which people
Experience                         public to step into the spotlight and         role of ‘Wheels’, the getaway driver, in an      happily shared over social media because it’s
                                   become the star in their own movie trailer.   ‘Ocean’s Eleven’ type heist movie. They          personal, authentic and high-quality. PR and
                                   This groundbreaking, multi-dimensional        had to learn the stunts and shoot scenes         media partnerships amplified the reach of
The Drum Experience Awards
                                   approach to experience achieved               on a real life movie set, providing people       the experience, creating 318k+ subscribers
Innovative Activation/event
of the Year, winner
                                   unprecedented cut-through. It was a           with a highly emotional, thrilling, adrenalin-   and over two billion impressions. Go Faster
                                   sold-out event with 65% of subscribers        packed experience of the Ford brand. Every       was so successful with audiences it is now a
Campaign Event Awards              aged under 35 – key to helping reposition     participant received a slick edit of their       permanent platform for the Ford brand.
Digital Experience, winner
Campaign Event Awards
Creative Event of the Year,
highly commended

Connected Experiences Index 2019

      8               Ford
                      Go Faster
Connected Experiences Index
11,658                                         Male

Sentiment Score                    Audience    Female

67                                             70%
                                               Not Specified

Amplification Score

174                                            37%

                                               United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

    9           Greater c Authority (GLA)
                Lumiere London
Pop Up/Branded                         Lumiere London is about providing art for
                                       everyone; liberating creativity from museums
                                                                                       outer boroughs and participatory
                                                                                       workshops in schools and community
                                                                                                                                    level of awareness with audiences who
                                                                                                                                    were all inspired to share the beautiful
Experience                             and galleries, instead bringing it onto         groups. The visitor demographic was          images over social media, using the hashtag
                                       the streets. In total, 54 light installations   varied, with 69% under 45 years old.         #lumierelondon – this combined with the
                                       transformed London – each made by artists       Beyond the festival, there were 680k         livestream is a perfect example of how a
Campaign Event Awards
                                       from all over the world. They illuminated       video views of the Visit London Facebook     physical experience located in one city can
Outdoor Experience, highly commended
                                       architecture otherwise unnoticed in wintry      Live stream: the festival captivated those   become a global connected experience.
                                       London and brought the city together. The       who might not have been physically
                                       extended footprint of the festival included     present. It generated an extremely high

Connected Experiences Index 2019

      9               Greater London Authority (GLA)
                      Lumiere London
Connected Experiences Index
8,918                                                              Male

Sentiment Score                                        Audience    Female

91                                                                 42%
                                                                   Not Specified

Amplification Score

98                                                                 71%

                                                                   United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   10                        Collaborate Bristol
Branded Conference                 Collaborate is the biggest UX and design
                                   conference in the South West of England,
                                                                                 bore ever-more innovative ideas, formed
                                                                                 invaluable networks and nudged stubbornly-
                                                                                                                                accessibility throughout. The discipline of
                                                                                                                                UX design has particularly grown in profile,
                                   and an essential date on the design           held notions. An exciting array of topics      and at Collaborate dedicated experts further
The Drum Experience Awards         calendar. Collaborate 2018 was its 5th year   were covered, while key industry questions     pushed the UX message, sharing
Small Event of the                 and saw it build on strong momentum and       were tackled, revealing unexpected solutions   key messages and highlights online
Year, highly commended             a solid online following. This conference     and championing diversity, affordability and   with great success.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    10                        Collaborate Bristol
Connected Experiences Index
8,692                                                           Male

Sentiment Score                                     Audience    Female

82                                                              39%
                                                                Not Specified

Amplification Score

106                                                             80%

                                                                United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   11                       Android – Google
                            The Android Works
Brand Activation                     The Android Works was an experience-
                                     led, demo-led, outdoor activation to
                                                                                  experience the latest in Android technology.
                                                                                  Designed to feel like an ideas factory,
                                                                                                                                 demos, there was a space for everyone.
                                                                                                                                 The speed of which it was assembled and
                                     deliver Android’s presence at Mobile World   ambassadors wore boiler-suits and gave         disassembled was remarkable: built in just
The Drum Experience Awards           Congress in Barcelona. An industrial-        away Android-bots in a lab coat, complete      1.5 days – it was over 2.5 football pitches
Experiential Brand Activation        esque, laboratory style space with eight     with personalised stickers. Each guest         long and could cater for 100k visitors – yet
at a festival or large-scale event   unique stands, Android Works gave            could curate the experience they desired,      was removed in just six hours.
of the Year, highly commended        delegates a chance to break away from the    so whether they chose to relax, network or
                                     frenetic environment of the Congress and     try out the VR, AR, Google Lens and Home

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    11                        Android – Google
                              The Android Works
Connected Experiences Index
8,568                                                         Male

Sentiment Score                                   Audience    Female

56                                                            59%
                                                              Not Specified

Amplification Score

153                                                           36%
                                                              United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

   12                     Chelsea Football Club
                          HIIT on the Pitch
Brand Activation                   In collaboration with health & fitness guru
                                   Joe Wicks, aka The Body Coach, Chelsea
                                                                                  Bridge, streamed live across CFC & Joe’s
                                                                                  Facebook and YouTube channels. Attendees
                                                                                                                                 event was livestreamed out to millions. In
                                                                                                                                 total 9 million people have watched the
                                   Football Club hosted the world’s first         shared snaps on the pitch, received a          livestream post-event. The blend of an iconic
The Drum Experience Awards         ever High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)   branded water bottle and tote bag, and         venue and a popular fitness craze led by
Sports Event of the Year, winner   session inside a football stadium on bank      got the chance to chat with Joe. It was a      such a huge influencer created the perfect
Campaign Event Awards              holiday Monday 28thMay, aptly named            great way for football fans to be active and   platform to engage people over multiple
Debut event, winner                #HIITONTHEPITCH. With DJ Marvin Humes          do something good for their health and         social channels.
                                   providing the tunes, Joe led two pulsating     wellness – rather than just watching from
                                   sessions on the hallowed turf at Stamford      the sidelines. 1,200 fans took part and the

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    12                        Chelsea Football Club
                              HIIT on the Pitch
Connected Experiences Index
8,316                                                             Male

Sentiment Score                                       Audience    Female

99                                                                63%
                                                                  Not Specified

Amplification Score

84                                                                27%

                                                                  United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   13                      The Wayback
                           The Wayback
Brand Activation                   Experiences are a powerful way to create
                                   lasting memories. More than a Game
                                                                               emotive message and the important cause
                                                                               struck a real chord with social media
                                                                                                                             ones by triggering memories and sparking
                                                                                                                             hard-to-come-by conversations. The pilot
                                   campaign cleverly created a VR experience   audiences. A collaboration between            film faithfully recreates a street party from
D&AD Experiential Awards           based around an iconic historical event,    producers, creatives, carers and doctors,     the 1953 Coronation, immersing the viewer
Wood Pencil                        The Queen’s Coronation, to activate the     The Way Back is a VR film series designed     in thousands of emotional memory triggers
                                   long-term memory of the users. The          to help those with dementia and their loved   that until then, were long forgotten.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    13                        The Wayback
                              The Wayback
Connected Experiences Index
7,605                                                   Male

Sentiment Score                             Audience    Female

65                                                      63%
                                                        Not Specified

Amplification Score

117                                                     61%

                                                        United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   14                      XBox
                           Football Decoded
Brand Activation                        Xbox faced a huge challenge when the new
                                        FIFA18 game was launched, as its competitor
                                                                                          moves on the pitch into moves on the Xbox,
                                                                                          in real time. This created an experience which
                                                                                                                                           on social channels. All of football became
                                                                                                                                           translatable, decoded into a combination
                                        (Playstation) had bought up all the FIFA          amplified the peak moment when a player          of XBox buttons – they reached 650 million
Cannes Brand Experience & Activations   advertising rights. So Xbox had to market a       scores a goal – with the moves X/Y/A/B           viewers per match (x 12 matches). FIFA’s
Silver Lion                             product they couldn’t physically show. So,        appearing on the boards around the pitch.        unique player base grew by 10% – quite
Cannes Brand Experience & Activations   they turned to the one thing bigger than          Allowing Xbox to own every pass, shot and        remarkable when they had been banned
Bronze Lion                             virtual football: real football. They partnered   combination. This harnessed the natural buzz     from talking about the product. Just goes
                                        with a world class football club, Real Madrid,    in the stadiums, out in the real world with      to show what you can achieve when you’re
                                        and a world class gamer, and translated           online sharing amplifying the experience         forced to think outside the (X)box.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    14                        XBox
                              Football Decoded
Connected Experiences Index
7,236                                                        Male

Sentiment Score                                  Audience    Female

67                                                           66%
                                                             Not Specified

Amplification Score

108                                                          40%

                                                             United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   15                     Converse
                          Converse: The One Star Hotel
Brand Activation                      Converse wanted to produce its biggest and
                                      most ambitious ever brand activation in the
                                                                                      lifestyle and the 1990s nostalgia trends
                                                                                      influencing today’s youth. Timed to
                                                                                                                                     original and innovative brand extension
                                                                                                                                     concept, through a visually slick connected
                                      UK. The aim was to create an experience         coincide with London Fashion Week, it          experience that was shared online in
The Drum Experience Awards            that would truly represent this global brand.   featured exclusive merchandise housed          huge numbers – over 5300 people visited
B2C Experiential Brand Campaign/      The result was ‘The Converse One Star           within a pop-up store, programming and         in just two days, 1.7 million watched over
Event of the Year, highly commended   Hotel’ an immersive townhouse that landed       music from the Converse Collective and a       livestream and Converse added 400,000
Campaign Event Awards                 with a big bang in the heart of Shoreditch      series of workshops and talks – all of which   new Instagram followers – which is where
The Game Changer, highly commended    for just two days in February 2018. The         sold out quickly online. Converse was able     the millennial money is at.
Campaign Event Awards                 ‘hotel’ was designed to celebrate skate         to leverage its brand fame to create an
Creative Event of the Year, winner
Campaign Event Awards
Collaboration, highly commended

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    15                        Converse
                              Converse: The One Star Hotel
Connected Experiences Index
6,900                                                                    Male

Sentiment Score                                              Audience    Female

75                                                                       62%
                                                                         Not Specified

Amplification Score

92                                                                       42%

                                                                         United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   16                     NOW TV
                          Grease 40th Anniversary Slumber Party Pop-Up
Brand Activation                   Amplifying an iconic movie is always a
                                   great way to generate attention, but
                                                                                party pop-up experience like no other.
                                                                                For two days only in May, it gave hardcore
                                                                                                                             lags and even a giant panda toy. There
                                                                                                                             was a prop box, bursting with rollers, hair
                                   Now TV managed to design an immersive        Grease fans the chance to step into the      nets, the iconic pink jackets and much more,
The Drum Experience Awards         experience perfect for sharing by inviting   movie’s famous sleepover scene, in an        which allowed participants to transform
Small Event of the Year, winner    people to be part of an iconic scene.        exact replica of Frenchy’s room. Think       themselves into Pink Ladies, before bursting
                                   To celebrate the 40th anniversary of         patterned pink wallpaper, plush carpets      into song of course.
                                   Grease, Now TV launched a slumber            and satin-fringed curtains, Rydell High f

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    16                        NOW TV
                              Grease 40th Anniversary Slumber Party Pop-Up
Connected Experiences Index
6,336                                                                           Male

Sentiment Score                                                     Audience    Female

99                                                                              42%
                                                                                Not Specified

Amplification Score

64                                                                              79%

                                                                                United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   17                      Manchester City Football Club
                           The Tunnel Club
Pop Up                             VIP access has long been a staple of live
                                   sports, but this innovative idea provided
                                                                               available in world football today. This is
                                                                               where hardcore football fans can get closer
                                   access to the pre-game tunnel moment,       to the players and gain insight into their
Campaign Event Awards              something rare and special which fans       preparations. Located at pitch level, beside
Venue Experience, winner           instantly shared online. The Tunnel Club    the players’ tunnel, this is 5-star hospitality
                                   Premier is the most immersive experience    without restrictions.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    17                        Manchester City Football Club
                              The Tunnel Club
Connected Experiences Index
6,230                                                                     Male

Sentiment Score                                               Audience    Female

70                                                                        44%
                                                                          Not Specified

Amplification Score

89                                                                        62%

                                                                          United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   18                    Shell Bio Bean
                         The Coffee Line
Brand Activation                    More than an experience moment, the
                                    Shell Bio-Bean is a blend of product and
                                                                               extracted from the city’s recycled coffee
                                                                               grounds. Shell has supported bio-bean from
                                                                                                                             2.3 cups of coffee a day and the capital
                                                                                                                             produces over 200,000 tons of waste a year.
                                    experience design. It’s ingenuity caught   the outset as part of its #makethefuture      This represents a genuine opportunity for
Campaign Event Awards               people’s attention and was shared in       initiative which supports entrepreneurs who   the city’s circular energy economy, as well
Outstanding Creative Idea, winner   high numbers. Bio Bean helps to power      create bright energy innovations to make      as being an imaginative solution to coffee
                                    the iconic red London buses with a B20     a positive impact on communities around       waste in a capital city.
                                    biodiesel using a coffee oil component     the world. The average Londoner drinks

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    18                        Shell, Bio Bean
                              The Coffee Line
Connected Experiences Index
5,568                                                       Male

Sentiment Score                                 Audience    Female

87                                                          53%
                                                            Not Specified

Amplification Score

64                                                          49%

                                                            United States


Connected Experiences Index 2019

   19                      Volvo
                           Recruiting Car
Social Good Campaign                    Volvo created a highly innovative experience
                                        activation for its stand at Brussels Motor
                                                                                        were sent to Volvo HR for further interviews.
                                                                                        Changing the conversation from cars to jobs
                                                                                                                                        requests. All the vacancies at the Ghent
                                                                                                                                        plant were filled. This stunt showed how
                                        Show. It used social media to announce          got national media attention. 70% of all        combining a clever blend of technology and
Cannes Brand Experience & Activations   200 positions for technicians and engineers     coverage on the Brussels Motor Show was         human interest, and leveraging it over social
Bronze Lion                             at its Ghent plant. The AI was applied to       dedicated to Volvo. More than                   media, could create a national news story.
                                        test social and technical skills, and make      1 in 2 Belgians was reached by PR coverage
                                        unbiased evaluations of all applicants, which   alone, leading to a 300% increase in price

Connected Experiences Index 2019

    19                        Volvo
                              Recruiting Car
Connected Experiences Index
5,644                                                      Male

Sentiment Score                                Audience    Female

68                                                         75%
                                                           Not Specified

Amplification Score

83                                                         54%



Connected Experiences Index 2019

    20                  Greggs
                        Valentine’s at Greggs
Brand Activation                   With tongue placed firmly in cheek, Greggs
                                   surprised the nation by announcing that
                                                                                  From your choice of signature Greggs
                                                                                  puff pastry parcel freshly baked to order,
                                                                                                                                the bookings which sold out in record time
                                                                                                                                – whether with genuine Greggs fans or fans
                                   selected shops across the UK will be serving   to a brochette of miniature doughnuts         of ironic British humour it’s not clear. Either
Campaign Event Awards              a candle-lit meal for couples on Valentine’s   paired with a rich butterscotch flavoured     way, this surprising experience achieved
Brand Experience B2C,              Day. Couples would enjoy a 4-course meal       dipping sauce – the menu had been given       serious cut-through and saw Greggs emerge
highly commended                   made up of Greggs classics, washed down        a restaurant-feel with a Valentine’s twist.   as the unlikely winner of the PR war on
                                   with Prosecco, with waiter service to boot.    Greggs partnered with Opentable to take       Valentine’s Day.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     20                       Greggs
                              Valentine’s at Greggs
Connected Experiences Index
3,612                                                             Male

Sentiment Score                                       Audience    Female

86                                                                46%
                                                                  Not Specified

Amplification Score

42                                                                82%



Connected Experiences Index 2019

US Index
Connected Experiences Index 2019

  1                Amazon Web Services
                   Re-Invent 2017
Brand Conference/Launch                 Amazon Web Services’s re:Invent
                                        Conference has expanded at an incredible
                                                                                       expanding to seven properties and creating
                                                                                       a “campus” to cater to its guests, serviced
                                                                                                                                         games (including chicken-wing eating
                                                                                                                                         competitions), to pub crawls to fitness
                                        scale (up 700% since it started in 2012).      by a pop-up transit system and supported          classes – morning, noon and night. This
Cannes Brand Experience & Activations   In order to accommodate the 42,000             by a more expansive safety and security           created a powerful mix of B2B professionals
Silver Lion                             attendees, it successfully expanded the        event plan. Compelling content surrounding        and experts with B2C customers and fans,
Cannes Brand Experience & Activations   experience to add engaging customer-           the latest AWS tools and technologies             all participating live and sharing actively
Bronze Lion                             centric spaces and activations. AWS            anchored the experience along with a slew         online in huge volumes which pushed them
                                        effectively took over the Las Vegas strip by   of activities to experience, from light-hearted   to the top spot in our Index.

Connected Experiences Index 2019

   1                  Amazon Web Services
                      Re-Invent 2017
Connected Experiences Index
916,880                                                 Male

Sentiment Score                             Audience    Female

73                                                      46%
                                                        Not Specified

Amplification Score

12,560                                                  61%
                                                        United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

    2            Google
                 Hey Google @ CES
Exhibition                         Cutting through on social media at CES is
                                   always challenging, but Google achieved
                                                                                  house was complete with giant screens and
                                                                                  various activations showcasing how easy
                                                                                                                                  down to ground level, rather than take
                                                                                                                                  the stairs. With this experience, Google
                                   this by going big. Ads and billboards          it is to remotely control your home using       successfully wrestled the conversation away
Ex Awards                          everywhere around the city were relentlessly   Google Assistant. There was also a rooftop      from Amazon’s ‘Alexa’ assistant, which had
Best Trade Show Experience         focused on Google Assistant, while the         coffee bar where guests could chat over         dominated for the previous two years. Not
                                   centerpiece was a three-story ‘house’          flat whites and chai lattes. In true Google     this time though!
                                   installation in front of the convention        style, guests could utilise a blue corkscrew
                                   centre, that created real online buzz. This    slide on the side of the building to get back

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     2                Google
                      Hey Google @ CES
Connected Experiences Index
405,223                                              Male

Sentiment Score                          Audience    Female

61                                                   59%
                                                     Not Specified

Amplification Score

6,643                                                53%
                                                     United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

    3            Capital One
                 iHeartRadio Jingle Ball
Concert                            Capital One leveraged the biggest music
                                   event series of the holiday season, the
                                                                               Khalid and Dua Lipa. Activating in arenas
                                                                               in 12 cities around the US, Capital One
                                                                                                                                 and national social platforms sharing the
                                                                                                                                 videos to their followers. The efforts of
                                   iHeartRadio Jingle Ball Tour, to reward     delivered on-site hospitality experiences         the campaign resulted in 38,000 ticket sales,
Ex Awards                          its millennial card members and create      including VIP pre-parties, artist partnerships,   1.6 billion social impressions and sizable lift
Best Millennial Campaign           “brand envy” among non-card members.        a large-scale media campaign and an               in Capital One brand affinity among Jingle
                                   This musical extravaganza gained a huge     exclusive card member pre-sale. ‘Ultimate         Ball attendees.
                                   following online, which was exponentially   Fan Experience’ saw one lucky winner in
                                   amplified by the popular musical talent     each city introduce an act live on stage in
                                   featured, such as Cardi B, Calvin Harris,   front of thousands – with iHeartRadio’s local

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     3                Capital One
                      iHeartRadio Jingle Ball
Connected Experiences Index
183,600                                                     Male

Sentiment Score                                 Audience    Female

100                                                         58%
                                                            Not Specified

Amplification Score

1,863                                                       53%
                                                            United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

   4            NBC
                The Good Place at Comic Con
Exhibition                         The Good Place is an NBC comedy TV
                                   series with a gently supernatural core,
                                                                              and participate in exclusive photo and
                                                                              video opportunities. The experience was
                                                                                                                              in store for Season 3. An amusing ‘ethics
                                                                                                                              test’ was given to the audience, with Marc
                                   about ethics, the afterlife and what it    the network’s largest activation yet, and       Evan Jackson, who portrays the show’s
Event tech                         means to be a good person. To celebrate    they also hosted giveaways and a digital        demon Shawn, moderating the panel and
Best Outdoor Environment           the show at ComicCon, NBC hosted an        takeaway for visitors. To top things off, the   maintaining a similarly mock-imperious
                                   immersive fan experience at the Gaslamp    stars and producers of The Good Place were      delivery throughout, much to the delight
                                   Square by creating a replica of The Good   there in person to host a panel discussion      of the audience – who eagerly shared their
                                   Place’s neighborhood. Fans could become    at the Hilton’s Indigo Ballroom. They           exclusive content online.
                                   part of the show’s recognisable scenes     discuss the first two seasons and what’s

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     4                NBC
                      The Good Place at Comic Con
Connected Experiences Index
71,655                                                          Male

Sentiment Score                                     Audience    Female

85                                                              50%
                                                                Not Specified

Amplification Score

843                                                             78%
                                                                United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

    5               Google
                    Google Cloud Next
Branded Conference                 Google Cloud Next is Google’s conference
                                   for G Suite and Google Cloud Platform
                                                                              including all of the products across Google
                                                                              Cloud Platform, G Suite, Maps, Devices,
                                                                                                                            security, as well as exciting keynote
                                                                                                                            speeches. Creating an owned experience
                                   customers, partners, developers and IT     and Education. Attendees unlock new           platform such as this, ensured that Google
EventTech- Best Overall            professionals. They come in their droves   opportunities for business, share ideas and   could plan and curate their content, media
B2B Environment                    to learn, be inspired and experience       solve problems with other guests. There       coverage and social amplification to the
                                   first-handthe tools, technologies and      were hundreds of breakout sessions to         letter – and with maximum impact.
                                   services that Google Cloud is building     deep dive into everything from accessible
                                   for the next-generation enterprise,        machine learning to advancements in

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     5                Google
                      Google Cloud Next
Connected Experiences Index
69,546                                                Male

Sentiment Score                           Audience    Female

67                                                    59%
                                                      Not Specified

Amplification Score

1,038                                                 51%
                                                      United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

    6            Apple
                 Today at Apple
Exhibition                         Apple reinvented its retail event programme,
                                   alongside some new innovation, to create
                                                                                  the Apple Store since it was opened. Stores
                                                                                  were re-imagined as town squares with
                                                                                                                                 designers, and community leaders have used
                                                                                                                                 the platform to share their work and inspire
                                   a scalable new platform ‘Today at Apple’       new public spaces called ‘forums’ featuring    the next generation of creatives. Every day
Cannes Lions Grand Prix            which is essentially a multi-disciplinary      stunning 6K monitors. An entire curriculum     around the world, customers are expanding
Brand Experience and Activation    workshop series open to the public.            was created from scratch for learners of all   their creative skills in Photo Walks, Sketch
                                   Each ‘session’ is highly localised and         levels, with dozens of free sessions offered   Walks, Studio Hours, Coding sessions, with
                                   relevant, to drive footfall and ensure high    every day. To enable sign-ups for more         new programs being added all the time.
                                   social media engagement. Bringing Today        than 65,000 sessions each week, a website
                                   at Apple to life was a huge undertaking that   and reservation system was built from the
                                   required the most significant redesign of      ground up. Renowned musicians, artists,

Connected Experiences Index 2019

     6                Apple
                      Today at Apple
Connected Experiences Index
58,838                                             Male

Sentiment Score                        Audience    Female

73                                                 58%
                                                   Not Specified

Amplification Score

806                                                53%
                                                   United States



Connected Experiences Index 2019

    7             Intel
                  2018 CES Keynote
Exhibition                         The sheer scale of Intel’s jaw-dropping
                                   2018 Opening Keynote at CES engaged
                                                                                mini-drone showpiece section to a self-
                                                                                driving car to a drone helicopter. The center
                                                                                                                                completely immersed in their content, with
                                                                                                                                80,000 lumens of projection and a 195’
                                   thousands online and was shared by           of the 200 ft-wide stage floor was a 72’ x      retractable VR screen that covered the stage
Event tech                         many more. The theme of the show was         46’ LED video screen.This seamlessly joined     from left to right ensured the audience were
Best stage experience              “Experience the Power of Data.” Data drove   an LED wall that functioned as the primary      completely captivated and awe-struck from
                                   not only lights and video, but also many     background. The stage featured 1288             start to finish – eagerly sharing what they
                                   of the moving parts of the show, from a      LED floor tiles meaning presenters were         had just seen over social media.

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