CCUS Conference 2022 - SPE Aberdeen

Page created by Erin Harmon
CCUS Conference 2022 - SPE Aberdeen
CCUS Conference 2022
                               CCUS Conference 2022
                                          /// 21 - 24 February 2022 ///


Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage         skills that have existed in the oil and gas   CCUS 2022 organised by SPE Aberdeen and
(CCUS) is an essential part of the global      industry for decades. All these subsurface    PESGB will feature current CCUS projects,
Energy Transition and critical for             and development engineering skills are        case histories, technical initiatives, operating
delivering the UK Government’s 2050 Net        already being used for commercial CCUS        practices and panel discussion sessions
Zero promise. The process of capturing         projects in some countries and can be         relevant to everyone; from energy
emissions from both onshore industrial         re-purposed to plan and deliver               professionals, decision makers, thought
and offshore upstream activities, treating,    successful commercial CCUS projects in        leaders, those looking to transition and those
transporting and injecting carbon dioxide      the UK with business models that are          just eager to learn.
(CO2) at depths of several kilometres          currently being developed by regulators
below the water table will require all the     and governments.


                                        ///   BE PART OF THE FUTURE, GET INVOLVED! ///
CCUS Conference 2022 - SPE Aberdeen
CCUS Conference 2022

Join us from 21-24 February                   ///   KEYNOTE PRESENTER
2022 where we will explore the
following themes:                                                                  Michael Matheson was appointed Cabinet
                                                                                   Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport
                                                                                   in May 2021. Duties include cross-government
                                                                                   co-ordination of Net Zero policy; climate crisis
                                                                                   and environmental protection; COP26 delivery;
                                                                                   sustainable development; biodiversity; renewable
///   WELLS - INTEGRITY, INJECTION,                                                energy industries, to name but a few.
                                                                                   Born in Glasgow in 1970, Michael was elected as
                                                                                   the MSP for Falkirk West following the May 2007
                                                                                   elections. Prior to this, he was a Regional MSP for
      PROCEDURES                                                                   Central Scotland from 1999 to 2007. Before being
                                                                                   appointed Minister for Public Health and Sport, Mr
                                                                                   Matheson was Vice Convenor of the European
///   CHOOSING STORAGE LOCATIONS                                                   and External Relations Committee. He also sat
                                                                                   on the Scottish Parliament's Health and Sport
      STAKEHOLDERS, HSE                       Michael Matheson MSP                 Committee, and previously served on the Justice
                                              Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero,      and Enterprise and Culture Committees. Michael
                                              Energy and Transport                 Matheson was appointed Cabinet Secretary for
                                                                                   Justice in November 2014 and reappointed in
                                                                                   May 2016. He was appointed Cabinet Secretary
  > Technical Programme                                                            for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity in
  > Booking Information                                                            June 2018 and is currently Cabinet Secretary for
  > Sponsorship                                                                    Net Zero, Energy and Transport.

            For more information — visit: | email: | call: 01224 646311

                                       ///   BE PART OF THE FUTURE, GET INVOLVED! ///
CCUS Conference 2022 - SPE Aberdeen
Monday 21 February

Conference Co-Chairs - A. Crossland & G. Ward /// Session Chair - B. Stewart /// Session Co-Chair - A. Aleandri

  10:00    Opening statement                                                                                    A.Crossland/G.Ward
  10:05    Keynote #1                                                                                           M.Matheson (MSP)
  10:25    Keynote #2                                                                                           R.Quinn (NECCUS)
  10:45    Q&A
  11:00    Coffee Break
   11:10   CCUS business models in the UK                                                                       Ian Hunter, bp
  11:30    Regulations and business models in Norway for CCS                                                    Eva Halland, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
  11:50    Reservoirs are all well and good but am I allowed to go there?                                       Tina Hunter, Macquarie Law School, Sydney
  12:10    Q&A
  12:30    Lunch and sponsor videos
  13:00    A U.S perspective on carbon capture projects based on recent gulf coast experience                   Chris Chia, Carnrite Group
  13:20    Emission costs, project feasibility and the foundation of value creation                             Babak Jafarizadeh, Heriot Watt University
  13:40    CCS technology, regulation and business models – A service company perspective                       Rebecca Lee, Halliburton
  14:00    Coffee Break
  14:10    Carbon capture and storage                                                                           Frank C Schuller, Centre for Science & Society
  14:30    Q&A/Panel
  15:20    Closing statement                                                                                    A.Crossland/G.Ward

PLATINUM SPONSORS                                               PROGRAMME SPONSOR        COFFEE BREAK SPONSOR           SUPPORTED BY                     REGISTRATION SPONSOR

                                                      ///   BE PART OF THE FUTURE, GET INVOLVED! ///
CCUS Conference 2022 - SPE Aberdeen
Tuesday 22 February

Conference Co-Chairs - A. Crossland & G. Ward /// Session Chair - N. Low /// Session Co-Chairs - Y. Le Guen, K. McAllister & M. Wood

  10:00    Opening statement                                                                                                 A.Crossland/G.Ward
  10:05    Keynote #1                                                                                                        N.Jenvey, BakerHughes
  10:25    OGUK North Sea transition deal and well decommissioning for CO2 storage guideline                                 Kareem Shafi/Will Webster, OGUK
  10:45    The Gorgon capture and storage system                                                                             Ishtar Barranco, Chevron
  11:05    Q&A
  11:20    Coffee Break
  11:30    Application of novel downhole video technology leads to the diagnosis and successfu remediation of injectivity    Tobben Tymons, EV/Petroleum Technology Research
           performance issues in deep saline CO2 storage well                                                                Centre
  11:50    Testing program consisting of numerical analysis and full-scale tests on gas-tight premium connections with a     Massimo Lanna, Tenaris
           dedicated focus on performances in sub-zero environment
  12:10    TECHBYTE - Achieving net-zero carbon emission goals by using a novel CO2 Self-heating cement                      Carl Johnson, Schlumberger
   12:15   Q&A
  12:30    Lunch
  13:00    Risk-based modelling of P&A'd legacy supports decision making for a CO2 storage project in a depleted gas field   Morteza Haghighat Sefa, Heriot Watt University
  13:20    Development and application of REX-CO2 tool for CCS well reuse assessment                                         Kaj van der Valk, Applied Geosiences
  13:40    TECHBYTE - Reservoir monitoring from the shore: long stepout, subsea well VSP acquisition using DAS               Pierre Franciois Roux, Baker Hughes
  13:45    Q&A
  14:00    Coffee Break
  14:10    TECHBYTE - Integrity diagnostics for CCUS wells                                                                   Remke Ellis, TGT Oilfield Services
   14:15   Cold Duty SSSV qualification JIP - status update and forward plan                                                 Rodrigo Oropeza, Storegga
  14:25    TECHBYTE - Temperature challenges and completion solutions for depleted gas CCUS projects                         Adam Vasper, Schlumberger Completions
  14:30    Considerations for emergency response to a CO2 well blowout                                                       Alistair Gill, Wild Well Control
  14:50    Q&A                                                                                                               Q&A
  15:00    Closing statement                                                                                                 A.Crossland/G.Ward

PLATINUM SPONSORS                                              PROGRAMME SPONSOR           COFFEE BREAK SPONSOR                SUPPORTED BY                       REGISTRATION SPONSOR

                                                    ///      BE PART OF THE FUTURE, GET INVOLVED! ///
Wednesday 23rd February

Conference Co-Chairs - A. Crossland & G. Ward /// Session Chair - E. Godding /// Session Co-Chair - TBA

  10:00    Opening statement                                                                                       A.Crossland/G.Ward
  10:05    Keynote #1                                                                                              TBA
  10:25    Linking capture to storage - offshore pipeline considerations in CCUS                                   Phil Cooper, Petrofac
  10:45    Structured methodology for repurposing of existing pipelines for CCUS service                           Ian Matheson, Kent plc
  11:05    Carbon dioxide monitoring and assessment with advanced surface logging technologies: challenges and     Alessandro Pozzi, ENI
           successful outcomes
   11:25   Q&A
  11:40    Coffee Break
  11:50    A novel seabed system for permanent, contiuous monitoring of CCUS assets                                Graham Gillott, Talaria
  12:10    Cost effective monitoring of geological CO2 storage utilising compressive sensing schemes               Hayley Vosper, British Geological Survey
  12:30    Q&A
  12:45    Lunch                                                                                                   Sponsored by RISC Advisory
   13:15   Advances in Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) monitoring for CCS projects: The DigiMon project         Anna Stork, Silixa
  13:35    Building sustainable and robust CCUS infrastructure: A cornerstone of the energy transition             Leila Faramarzi, Vallourec
  13:55    TECHBYTE - An AI enabled early warning decision support system for induced seismicity monitoring of     Jacqueline S Floyd, Baker Hughes
           carbon capture and storage fields
  14:00    TECHBYTE- Seismic technologies for cost effective monitoring of carbon storage sites                    Will Bradbury, TGS
  14:05    Q&A
  14:20    Coffee Break
  14:30    New techniques of measurement and verification for CCUS                                                 Sebastian Kroczka, Halliburton
  14:50    Operational and monitoring challenges over 6 years of injection at Aquistore                            Erik Nickel, Petroleum Technology Research Centre
  15:10    Q&A
  15:20    Closing statement                                                                                       A.Crossland/G.Ward

PLATINUM SPONSORS                                              PROGRAMME SPONSOR            COFFEE BREAK SPONSOR            SUPPORTED BY                      REGISTRATION SPONSOR

                                                     ///   BE PART OF THE FUTURE, GET INVOLVED! ///
Thursday 24rd February

Conference Co-Chairs - A. Crossland & G. Ward /// Session Chair - R. Ellis /// Session Co-Chair - TBA

  10:00    Opening statement                                                                                              A.Crossland/G.Ward
  10:10    Keynote #1                                                                                                     TBA
  10:30    The OGCI CO2 storage resource catalogue                                                                        Sylvain Thibeau, OGCI/TotalEnergies
  10:50    Q&A
  11:05    Coffee Break
   11:15   Integrated subsurface - flow assurance studies for free flow CO2 distribution in multiple storage reservoirs   Tommaso Mantegazza, EniProgetti SpA
   11:35   Integrated modelling to assess multiphase flow behaviour of CO2 in wellbore for CCUS projects                  Varun Pathak, Computer Modelling Group Ltd
   11:55   Q&A
  12:10    Lunch
  12:40    A fill-and-spill CCS mega-fairway in the Southern North Sea: a new concept to optimise CO2 storage             Graham Gillott, Talaria
  13:00    Evaluating faults, fractures, migration pathways, reservoirs and seals for CCS risk assessments in San         Mike Smith, Advanced Hydrocarbon Stratigraphy Inc
           Juan Basin using rock volatiles stratigraphy of cuttings and cores from legacy oil wells and a new CCS
           monitoring well
  13:20    CCS storage sites: geomechanical considerations in assuring site reliability                                   Phil McCurdy, AXIS
  13:40    Q&A
  13:55    Coffee Break
  14:05    Containment Risk Assessment (CRA) for underground CO2 storage using mulitple lines of evidence                 Richard Metcalfe, Quintessa Ltd
  14:25    Liverpool Bay CCS: A pioneering project to unlock UK's low carbon economy                                      B Becker, W Dickson, A Aleandri, ENI
  14:45    Endurance storage site - A giant Triassic-age structure to support the decarbonisation of the UK's East        Nicolas Bouffin, BP
  15:05    Q&A/Panel
  15:35    Closing Statement                                                                                              A.Crossland/G.Ward

PLATINUM SPONSORS                                               PROGRAMME SPONSOR             COFFEE BREAK SPONSOR                SUPPORTED BY                   REGISTRATION SPONSOR

                                                      ///   BE PART OF THE FUTURE, GET INVOLVED! ///
Sponsorship and Booking Information

SPONSORSHIP                                                                                 BOOKING INFORMATION

SPE Aberdeen and PESGB are not-                                                             Rates for all 4 days. Early bird rates end
for-profit organisations and are           ///   PLATINUM SPONSOR           £5,000          21st January
organisers of this event. All surplus
                                                                                            ///   Early Bird Member                 £65
funds raised will be re-invested into      ///   EVENT SPONSOR              £3,000
various initiatives to help support                                                         ///   Early Bird Non-Member             £85
our future generation of young                                                              ///   Standard Member                   £95
                                           ///   REGISTRATION SPONSOR       £1,500
engineers.                                                                                  ///   Standard Non-Member              £105
                                                                                            ///   Student/Unemployed                £25
All sponsorship opportunities will         ///   PROGRAMME DAY SPONSOR      £1,500
ensure your logo is positioned across                                                       Individual Days
all promotional materials, including the   ///   COFFEE BREAK SPONSOR       £1,500
SPE Aberdeen and PESGB websites,                                                            ///   Member (per day)                 £45
onscreen graphics and abstracts                                                             ///   Non-Member (per day)             £50
book. Your company will also be            ///   VIDEO SHOWCASES TO         £500
recognised by the Conference Chair               PLAY DURING BREAKS
                                                                                            (All costs excl. VAT)
and depending on the package, will
receive free delegate passes.              (All costs excl. VAT)
                                                                                            BOOK YOUR PLACE

PLATINUM SPONSORS                                 PROGRAMME SPONSOR
                                                                                            SPE Aberdeen website
                                                                                            01224 646311

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