CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School

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CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School

           C AT H E D R A L H I G H S C H O O L M A G A Z I N E | FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 2 1


       ANNUAL REPORT 2020-2021

We are back!
CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School


    Ms. Maria Spagnuolo
    Principal                                     Dear Cathedral Family,
    Cathedral High School                           always look forward to sharing with you the amazing
    Board of Trustees                               accomplishments of our community and I continue to be
    Mary B. Mulvihill, Ed. D., Chair             heartened by the way everyone at Cathedral – our faculty, staff,
    Stephen M. Schiller, P
                          resident               trustees, students, parents,
    Yasmine R. Legendre, Secretary               alumnae, and friends – has come
    Arthur P. (Jim) Davis III                     together during these trying times.
    Sally Pope Davis                              I am happy to report, Cathedral is
    Hon. Sue Ann Hoahng ‘74                       thriving! Enrollment for the 2021-
    Denise B. Knight                              2022 school year remains constant.
    Samantha Lehn                                 On September 13th, for the first
    David F. McCarthy
                                                  time in more than 18 months, all
    Ederlinda Paraiso
                                                  our students began the school
    Aaron N. Primm, MD
                                                  year in person, and together on
    Ashlyn Primm
                                                  September 17th, we celebrated
    Suzanne Schechter
                                                  the Mass of the Holy Spirit at St.
    Elinor C. Sutton, Esq.
                                                  Patrick’s Cathedral.
    Bishop Gerald T. Walsh
    Kristen P. White                              We are enjoying getting back
                                                  to our daily school routine and
    Principal’s Council
                                                  celebrating our shared milestones and fall events - Class Pictures,
    Lynda Baquero ‘82                             Open House, the White Coat Ceremony, and Costume Day just
    Ursula M. Burns ‘76                           to name a few. Our young women continue to thrive in a robust
    Thomas W. Crawford                            educational and spiritual environment, and we greatly appreciate
    Sr. Margaret T. Egan ’56                      the part you play in making an outstanding Cathedral High School
    Maria-Cecilia Salazar ‘87                     education possible. As you know, a great many of our students would
    Glenn Shannon                                 be unable to attend our beloved school without your philanthropy.
    Debra De Jesus-Vizzi ‘81
    Philip Jay Wilker, Esq.                       When I look back at the last school year, I am overwhelmed by the
                                                  generosity of the Cathedral High School community. Your support
                                                  continues to be a source of great comfort and is more important
                                                  now than ever. Please consider making a gift to Cathedral today,
    Ms. Rosemary Eivers                           and when planning your future, I’d be honored to have you join
    Assistant Principal for Academics
                                                  the Sr. Mary Raymond Legacy Society. Our long history, tradition,
    Mrs. Elizabeth Lawlor                         and culture of Cathedral alumnae giving back to their beloved alma
    Assistant Principal for Student Life          mater continues to be a source of great pride.
    Ms. Christine Civitano                        Blessings and Peace to you and your families during this holiday
    Dean of Students                              season and know that you are in my heart and prayers.
    Follow us on

    FACEBOOK-SQUARE instagram @cathedralhsnyc     Maria Spagnuolo

    ©2021 Cathedral High School                   Principal

CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School

                                                        SCHOOL N

                                          We are back!
We         opened our doors for the
           2021-2022 school year
on September 8th. It was so exciting
to see our halls full of our students
in person, eager to enjoy all that
Cathedral High School has to offer!
Our Club Fair on September 20th
was buzzing with students signing
up for one of the more than 35 clubs
including Art, Book Club, Knitting,
Billiards, Campus Ministry, Futures
Business Leader of America and so
much more!
Our gym is full once again with
students participating in our seven
varsity sports or eight teams of
various levels. Fall Sports, which
include volleyball, cross-country and
soccer, are in full swing. Students
eager to connect and be a part of our
community are taking full advantage
of all the available opportunities.
CHS truly has something for everyone!

                    CHS Reunion 2022
   Attention Class of ’42, ’47, ’52, ’57, ’62, ’67,
   ’72, ’77, ’82, ’87, ’92, ’97, ’02, ’07, ’12, ’17!
   SAVE THE DATE to join with us as we
   reconnect with friends for the 2022
   Reunion at Cathedral High School on
   Saturday, April 9, 2022. All are welcome!

CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School

                                                   ACADEMI ES

                  CHS ACADEMIES
Y    our support of Cathedral High School helps us continue our goal of
     a truly transformative education. Our Academies are instrumental in
preparing our students for the challenging and ever-changing world we live
in. Below are some highlights of our programs:

              Business and Law Academy                                           Medical Gateways
Our Business and Law Academy           they research and report on cases
                                                                              Our Medical Gateways Program
is starting the year strong with a     of wrongly accused and currently
                                                                              attracts many of our students
50% increase in student enrollment     incarcerated people, is always
                                                                              interested in the healthcare
from the 2020-2021 school year.        a popular part of the Academy.
                                                                              profession. Classes include Health,
This two-year program for Juniors      We are also so thankful to our
                                                                              Health Careers, Anatomy and
and Seniors has an expansive and       volunteers and alumnae who
                                                                              Physiology and Global Issues in
rich curriculum which includes         inspire our students and open them
                                                                              Healthcare. The capstone of this
Organization and Management,           up to opportunities by participating
                                                                              four-year program is the Science
Introduction to Entrepreneurship,      in career days and seminars.
                                                                              Enrichment Program (SEP). This
Business Law, Criminal and Civil
                                       We are particularly proud of           ten-month program for Juniors
Law. Our long standing partnership
                                       our students who completed             provides behind-the-scenes access
with St. Francis College with
                                       BlackRock’s competitive Summer         to approximately 15 healthcare
the Bridge Plus program allows
                                       Excellence Program and students        professionals including a nurse,
students to earn three college
                                       Lyla Velez, Anais Molina, Florangel    physician, surgeon, radiologist,
credits transferable to most
                                       Munoz and Nicole Arcentales            oncologist, anesthesiologist, dentist,
colleges. Our partnership with
                                       who entered the Business Plan          physical therapist, occupational
Girls Rule the Law provides our
                                       Competition of Junior Achievement      therapist, speech therapist, social
students with access to lectures on
                                       and made it to the semifinals. Lyla    worker, dietitian, respiratory
employment law, entertainment
                                       and Anais were also chosen to be       therapist, surgical technician,
law and high profile cases by top
                                       Junior Achievement Ambassadors,        physician assistant and pharmacist.
lawyers. Our students’ involvement
                                       as well as being involved with         Students are assigned case studies
with the Innocence Project, where
                                       Future Business Leaders of America!    followed by research and a course

CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School


             White Coat Ceremony
  Following a year of remote learning and internships,
  the Medical Gateways Academy returned this year
  as an in-school program with increased enrollment.
  Junior participation increased from 29 students in
  2020-21 to 42 this year. 51 seniors are currently
  registered, up from 44 seniors who followed the
  program last year. On October 22, Cathedral High
  School recognized these 51 seniors who have
  successfully completed three years of this competitive
  program. We were thrilled to have been able to
  celebrate this tradition in person this year and we
  wish them future success as they pursue their goals.

of treatment determination. Students gain a thorough       Memorial Sloan Kettering, the Mount Sinai Cancer
knowledge of these healthcare career paths as well as      Research Lab, The Body Project, Rockefeller University
the daily responsibilities.                                and the National Alliance on Mental Illness, for
                                                           enhancing our students’ educational experience.
We are so grateful to our many partners, which include

             STEM Academy (Design and Engineering Technology)
Very popular with our students with
almost 40% participation, our STEM
Program has a four-year hands-on
curriculum that begins with exposing
students to the history, practices and
impact of technology, design and
engineering, continues with learning
to use industry standard software and
other basics of design techniques and
concludes with applying knowledge in
an autonomous way with real world
applications and creative problem
The Ursula M. Burns MakerSpace and
our computer lab with state of the art
equipment ensures that our students
will leave this program with practical
skills such as modeling, 3D printing,
coding, fabrication, modeling and
design. The STEM program encourages
students to become true critical

CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School

                                                  AN N UAL REPORT

                                            C 52 4 3 9 1 27 +
    STUDENT PROFILE                                                                        RESIDENTS OF ALL
                                                                                           5 BOROUGHS
                                                                                           NJ, PA, WESTCHESTER,

                                                                                           LONG ISLAND
                               DIVERSE BACKGROUNDS

          YOUNG WOMEN          HISPANIC                  28%

                                                                             61%      ELGIBLE FOR FREE OR
          ATTENDING                                      CARIBBEAN
                                                                                      DISCOUNTED MEALS

            72                                                 3%
                                                                             63%      FROM SINGLE
                                                                                      PARENT FAMILIES

                                                                             34%      ARE ON PUBLIC


    100%                                             100%                     CLASS OF 2021 RECEIVED

                                                    OF CHS SENIORS
                                                                              SCHOLARSHIPS TOTALING

                                      COLLEGES INCLUDE:
                                      American University • Barnard College • Cornell University • CUNY Baruch
    RECEIVE AID OR                    College • Fordham University • Howard University • New Jersey Institute of
    SCHOLARSHIPS                      Technology • Rutgers University • SUNY Binghamton • Syracuse University •
                                      University of California Berkeley • Villanova University ...among others

           TUITION IS JUST

     $10,000


CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School

                                                        GI VI N G
                                2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 CONTRIBUTIONS

Cathedral High School recognizes with gratitude the
following donors who have generously supported
our mission this past year.
                                                       Symbol Key          + In memory of * In honor of ^ Trustee

Archbishop Hughes Circle                   Naumann ’47                               Principal’s Circle
Gifts of $50,000 and above               Norma Pace Foundation                       Gifts of $1,000 - $4,999
Ms. Ursula Burns ’76                     Mrs. Ann M. Zorn O’Hara ’55                 Anonymous
Mr. Arthur P. Davis III^                 Dr. Aaron N. Primm^ and Mrs. Ashlyn         Ms. Marta I Baez ’65
  and Mrs. Sally Pope Davis^               Primm^                                    Ms. Sandra B. Bouchet Bolden ’63
Mrs. Melissa Wochner McGlinn               *Jill Schniederjans                         +Patricia Robertson Amusa-Shonubi ’63
Estate of Mrs. Mary C. Fahey O’Brien     Quinn Emanuel Foundation                    Ms. Kathleen M. Burke ’68
                                         Mr. Stephen M. Schiller^ and Ms.              +Kathleen Mary Hession Murtha ’68
Sr. Elizabeth Ann Seton Circle             Elizabeth O’Brien                           and Sr. Miriam Roberta S.C.
Gifts of $10,000 - $49,000                 *Maria Spagnuolo                          Mr. John Campbell
Ms. Lucille Amicone ’49                  Mr. Glenn Shannon and Mrs. Lori               *David McCarthy
Catholic Negro American Mission            Shannon                                   Mr. Albert A. Cevasco and Mrs. Jean A.
  Board                                    +Edna Rasmussen Shannon ’44                 Squeri Cevasco ’59
Church of St. Augustine                  State of New York Department of             Mrs. Joan Taylor Connor ’50
Mrs. Teresa M. Walsh Comas ’48             Education                                 Cortland Associates, Inc
Mrs. Joan Henderson Cook ’47             Mr. Edward J. Walsh                           *Stephen Schiller
Mr. Thomas W. Crawford and Mrs.            +Charlotte Nugent Walsh ’23               Ms. Marie J. DeTitta ’53
  Diana Crawford                         Mr. Philip J. Wilker                          +Anna DeTitta DiMeo ’57
Mrs. Catherine Lechner Crimmins ’55                                                  Ms. Mary Duggan
                                         Sr. Miriam Aloysia Circle
  +All my sister 1955 graduates who                                                    +Alice McCarthy ’47
                                         Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
  are no longer with us                                                              Mrs. Susan Rinklin Dunne
                                         Ms. Ann Amicone ’57
Dr. Richard A. Rendich Education Fund                                                  *John Rinklin
                                         Mr. William Bautz and Mrs. Judith
Mr. Lee Friedlander and Mrs. Maria De                                                Mrs. Maria Felten
  Paoli Friedlander ’50                                                                +Elvira Pitonzo ’44
                                         Mr. Olivier Bernier
Mr. Joseph Gersitz and Mrs. Marion                                                   Mrs. Aramina Vega Ferrer ’68
                                         BlackRock Global Fixed Income
  Hughes Gersitz ’55                                                                 Mr. Mark Finkelstein
                                         Mrs. Geneva B. Sydney Campbell ’57
Mrs. Anne Lynch Hart ’45                 Mr. John H. de Boisblanc and Mrs.           Ms. Grace Giesecke
Mr. George Hein and Mrs. Janet Hein        Laura de Boisblanc                        Mr. Robert W. Gulick
  *Elizabeth Hein ’45                    Mrs. Helen Doody                            Mrs. Virginia Polise Hamilton ’65
Hyde and Watson Foundation               Ms. Joan Fabio ’60                          Mr. Paul Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas Lamont        Henry E. Niles Foundation                   Mrs. Madelyn M. Hay
  *Sr. Pat Deasy                         Mr. Jack Houlihan and Mrs. Judy               *Frank and Madeline J. Barnett
Ms. Marthe Larosiliere ’79                 Houlihan                                  The Honorable Sue Ann Hoahng ’74^
Mr. Corey Worcester and Ms. Yasmine      Mr. John R. Knight and Mrs. Denise B.       Mrs. Alice M. Hogan Locke ’57
  Legendre^                                Knight^                                   Mr. Gerard King
  +Myrthee Legendre                      Ms. Patricia Gallagher McElhone ’61           +Barbara King ’60
Mr. David F. McCarthy^ and Mrs. Julie    Ms. Philomena O’Connor ’49                  Mr. Bruce Larson and Ms. Alice Carter
  McCarthy                               Ms. Suzanne Schechter^                      Ms. Ellen Lauturner ’68
Ms. Catherine Meehan ’55                 Ms. Elinor Sutton^                          Ms. Samantha Lehn^
  +Helen and John T. Meehan              Mr. Donald J. Toumey                        Mr. David Lehn & Mrs. Jane Lehn
Mrs. Phyllis Milton                        +Ethel Henry White ’31 and Dorothy        Mr. Lincoln Maguire
Ms. Carlotta Marie Morris                  Henry Toumey ’32                            +Patricia Smythe Maguire ’45
  *Sr. Pat Deasy                         Mr. Sekou White and Ms. Kristen P.          Mrs. Margaret Pezaza Manganelli ’60
Estate of Mrs. Margaret T. Bruns           White^                                      +Ruben and Margaret Pezaza

CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School

                                                           EVEN TS
                                 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 CONTRIBUTIONS

Ms. Kathleen Mayer                         Mrs. Jacqueline N. Niego Turner ’55      Mrs. Mary T. Sheehy Fogarty ’58
Mr. Eugene V. McAuliffe                      +Victoria Niego Callahan;               +Helen Smith McGowan, PhD ’58
  +Mrs. Helen Garrahy McAuliffe ’54          *Margaret Mac Donald Arthur ’55;       Mrs. Marie A. McLaughlin Gillespie ’61
Mrs. Mary T. O’Brien McGillicuddy ’61        +Msgr. Dermot R. Brennan                +Edward and Nora McLaughlin
  *In thanksgiving to God for blessings    Mrs. Mary Twomey-Spollen ’64             Mr. Xavier Goss
Mrs. Martha L Medzwiecke                     *Class of 1964                         Ms. Maureen M. Brennan Hymson ’47
  McGreevy ’56                             Mrs. Kaye Coke Walker ’55                Ms. Patricia M. Hynes
  +Paul McGreevy                           Mr. Brian Walls                          Ms. Mary Kenny ’47
Mrs. Judith McGuire                        Bishop Gerald T. Walsh^                   +Catherine, Michael and Daniel
Mr. William Lynch McNamara ’60             Ms. Yamile Zarzuela ’99                   Kenny
  +Mary Lynch McNamara ’60                                                          Mrs. Mary F. Feenaghty Kosick ’52
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Galvin Moloney ’61
                                           Spires Club                              Ms. Pearl Lau ’94
                                           Gifts of $500 - $999
  +Sr. Elizabeth Ann Galvin ’49                                                     Mrs. Bernadette Benison Loughlin ’53
Mr. Roger Mulvihill and Mrs. Mary B.                                                 *Benison and Loughlin families
                                           Ms. Angela Aguiar ’56
  Mulvihill^                                                                        Mr. Thomas Maginnis
                                           Mr. Christian Anthony
Estate of Ms. Grace Kepler Murray ’56                                               Mrs. Lillian F. Whiteley Mahaney ’56
                                           Ms. Eleanor S. Applewhaite ’55
Brigid O’Connor, MBA                                                                 +Parents Nora and William Whiteley
                                           Mrs. Mary Ann Ferraro Architetto ’65
Ms. Helen O’Dea ’47                                                                 Mr. Ron Mannanice
                                           Mrs. Gail Barnes-Goodwin ’69
  +Margaret O’Dea ’47                                                               Mrs. Barbara Castex McCaffrey ’54
                                             +Madeline Major
Mrs. Elizabeth Oliver-Farrow ’65                                                    Ms. Mary McManus
                                           Mrs. Alice P. McMorrow Barry ’53
Ms. Milagros M. O’Neill ’58                                                          +Mary and Ann O’Brien ’54 and ’56
                                             +Joseph Barry
  +Delfina O’Neill                                                                  Ms. Ellen Mittenthal
                                           Mrs. Virginia A. Matthews Beck ’55
Mrs. Ederlinda Paraiso-Miranda^                                                      *Maria Spagnuolo
                                           Mrs. Teresa F. Stropole Breininger ’62
Mrs. Catherine Farrelly Perna ’71                                                   Ms. Veronica Fleming Montero ’56
                                           Mrs. Mary Roberts Bhuta ’47
Ms. Victoria M. Piren-Tesori ’68                                                     +Grace Katherine Galeazzi-Salvia ’41
                                             *Nicole Spina ’20
  +Mary Ann Piren-Martin ’67               The Most Rev. Peter J. Byrne, D.D.       Mrs. Mary A. Barrett Moran ’58
Ms. Geraldine Pograniczny ’57              Mrs. Rosa Maria Carrillo Calvo ’55       Ms. Randi Gutbrod Nieves
  +Barbara Pograniczny La Salle ’52          +Salvador Calvo                         *Cynthia Garcia ’84
Ms. Jo-Ann M. Polise ’68                   Ms. June M. Chapman                      Ms. Janet O’Connell ’69
Ms. Kathleen Quinn                         Ms. Evelyn Collazo ’64                   Mr. Frank O’Connor
Ms. Deirdre M. Richards                      + Evelyn Collazo                        +Anna “Patsy” Boyle O’Connor ’50
  *Dorothy Richards ’46                    Mrs. Grace Conway                        Ms. Julia A. O’Toole ’60
Mr. Dave Rogers                            Mrs. Diana M. Rodriguez Cruz ’60         Mrs. Margaret B. Babino Palaigos ’51
Mrs. Elaine B. Brauner Rosengart ’53       Mrs. Suzanne D’Agnes                     Ms. Barbara Papa ’59
  +Marilyn Brauner Glicini ’49               *Mary Mulvihill                        Mrs. Jeanne M. Espinal Payne ’62
Mr. James Saal and Dr. Felicia Snead ’86   Dr. Denise De Las Nueces ’99             Dr. Sofia Bautista Pertuz ’91
  +Lottie Snead                              +Sister Regina                          +Isabel Bautista
Ms. Maria Cecilia Salazar ’87              Mrs. Selma Wilthew De Leon ’64           Mrs. Renee A. LaCorbiniere Pollard ’66
Ms. Jill Schniederjans                     Mr. Michael J. Deegan                    Mrs. Marion Czajkowski Salvatore ’51
  *Ashlyn Primm;                           Mrs. Meagan Del Priore                   Ms. Margaret M Sharkey
  *Ashlyn Primm from Zozzie and Xan;       Mrs. Susan M. Nelson Edwards ’52         Ms. Jennie M. Sorese ’41
  *Dr. Aaron Primm from Jill & Xan         Sr. Margaret T. Egan, ’56 SC, EdD        Ms. Eileen M. Boylan Taylor
Mrs. Stephanie Gontcharuk Sekula ’59         +Patricia McGowan ’56                  Mr. Eugene Tighe and
Ms. Helen Siembab ’53                      Dr. Joan Therese England ’51              Mrs. Candida Tighe
  +Genevieve (Jean) Siembab                  +Frank and Eleanor England              +Elizabeth “Betty” Quinn Tighe ’32
  Lewandowski ’51                          Mrs. Josephine P. Keegan Fallon ’54      Ms. Diana Torres ’69
Ms. Anne Smith and Mr. John Goodhue        Mrs. Mary C. Connolly Fix ’52             +Carmen Calderon ’69

CATHEDRAL - We are back! - Cathedral High School

                                                    FEATURE STORY
                                2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 CONTRIBUTIONS

Ms. Margaret M. McNamara Trace ’67       Mrs. Catherine W. Kane Hartdegen ’55      Mrs. Mary J. Garvey Rogan ’43
 +Cecilia Hession McNamara ’30            +Sr. Anne Kane, RSM ’51 and Mary          +Veronica Garvey ’39 and Kathleen
Ms. Lorraine Deirdre Williams ’68         Kane Gillen ’48                           Garvey Dean ’44
                                         Ms. Kathleen McKeon Hauser ’60            Mr. Evan Roth
Cathedralite Club                         +Mary Sheehy McKeon                       *Julie and David McCarthy
Gifts $250 - $499                        Mr. James R. Hays                         Ms. Mary Ann Routledge
17th Precinct Community Council,         Mrs. Nancy E. Spitzfaden Herold ’59        *Sr. Patricia Deasy
  Incorporated                            +Anne and Harold Spitzfaden              Mrs. Mary J. Sawers ’43
Ms. Ellen Anderle ’58                    Ms. Angela McCord Keiser ’62              Dr. Brian P. Shannon
  +William and Grace Anderle             Ms. Marguerite M. Kiely                   Mr. Michael E. Shea
Mrs. Mary Ann T. Paladino Apoldo ’60     Dr. Helen P. Knight                        +Anne Lenihan Shea ’51
Ms. Maxine A. Fletcher Barnes ’80        Ms. Julia A. Knight                       Mrs. Grace Towler Smallwood ’51
Ms. Emily Baynes                         Mrs. Maura Healy Kottl ’67                Mr. Charles Strochansky
Ms. Ann M. Behling ’55                   Ms. Marie Laietta-Rega ’91                 +Patricia Hector Strochansky ’77
  +Eileen F. Dunn ’47                    Mr. Daniel Lembo                          Mrs. Mary Quinn Thieleke ’57
Mrs. Leonora M. Ross Calamari ’48         *Karen Kleppe-Lembo                      Ms. Maria Laurenzi Volpe
Fr. Michael Callaghan                    Ms. Jean M. Lombardo                      Mrs. Rita P. Mc Ternan Walsh ’54
Ms. Winnie Chau ’95                      Mrs. Rose M. Keenan Mackin ’42            Ms. Marsha Beckett Westerman ’69
Ms. Melissa Chau ’93                     Ms. Joan Magruder ’64                      +Yvette Bradley and Thomasine
Mrs. Marie Fusco Chelli ’60              Ms. Andrea McDermott                       Grant-Dimery ’70
Ms. Diana A. Chin ’72                    Ms. Marie F. Cunniffe McDonald, CSW ’48   Mrs. Avia G. Kinard Wise ’64
  +Millicent Miskic ’72                   *Cash Conor Quinlan                      Mrs. Aimee New Wu Won ’64
Mrs. Jane Duffy Coleman ’65              Ms. Anne Fitzgerald McGoldrick ’67        Ms. Nancy Yanofsky
Mrs. Mary Munzing Connelly ’63           Mr. Brian McKinney                         *Mary Mulvihill
Mr. John Connolly                        Ms. Therese McMenemy ’61
Ms. Zuleika Coombs ’96                   Ms. Carol A. McShane                      Cathedral is very grateful for the generosity
  *Ronard and Ladi Coombs                Ms. Mercedes Casco Mejia ’69              of the many donors who have made gifts
Ms. Paola Tulipano D’Angelo ’89          Ms. Suzanne Mulvihill                     under $250. We are sorry that we are
Mr. Jose Dios                            Ms. Kerry Mulvihill                       unable to list you all here. Please visit
Ms. Sharyn Evers Doyle ’70               Mr. Christopher Mulvihill                 our website at
  *Marie and John Evers                  Mr. Roy Niederhoffer                      fy21donors to see our full list of supporters.
Mr. Vincent Doyle                         *David McCarthy                          Thank you!
  *Sr. Elizabeth Graham, OP, former      Mr. Gregory Pulley
  CHS Principal and Marguerite Kiely     Ms. Stephanie Pulley                      Thank you to the Class of 2018
Mr. Scott Einhorn                        Mrs. Mary Mc Bride Reddy ’58              for your leadership in the
Ms. Kathleen I. Fitzsimmons ’64           +Thomas and Jim Reddy                    10 Years/$10,000 Challenge!
Mrs. Claire A. Sullivan Galicia ’54
  +Ellen Galicia and Steven Galicia                            Is Your Name Missing?
Ms. Cynthia Garcia ’84
Mrs. Concetta Gargiulo
                                                                     It could be because…
  +Rosemarie M. Lasco ’62                  1. Gifts received after August 31, 2021 will be included in the Fall
Mrs. Rosemary DeMoody Glanzman ’55            2022-2023 CATHEDRAL CONNECTION
Mrs. Silvestre A. Sanchez Gonzalez ’66
Ms. Gail M. Gormley ’68                    2. You asked that your gift be kept anonymous.
Mr. Alan Grantham                          3. We made a mistake. If so, please know that it is an omission of the
Ms. Barbara Groves                            pen and not of the heart.
Mrs. Patricia Whelan Haggerty ’58
                                           Please contact if you have any questions.
Mrs. Diane O’Donnell Handley ’59


                                                    FEATURE STORY
                                     2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 CONTRIBUTIONS

Tuition Assistance Grants
Achieving Heights Organization
Breakthrough New York
Harlem Children’s Zone, Inc.
Holy Union Sisters / Dorothy Vaill
  Memorial Fund
Hunts Point Alliance
Inner City Scholarship Fund
Riverside Hawks High School
St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy
  +Ms. Kathy Farragher
St. Ignatius School
St. Luke’s Education Foundation, Inc.
                                          Corporate Matching Gifts
St. Thomas Aquinas School and the                                               Altria
                                          Many thanks to the corporations
  Religious of the Sacred Heart of                                              BlackRock
                                          that doubled and, in some cases,
  Mary                                                                          Goldman Sachs & Co.
                                          tripled our donors’ gifts. Please
Sisters of Charity                        check with your employer to see if    Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation
Student Sponsor Programs                  they have a matching gift program.    Prudential

                          Sr. Mary Raymond Legacy Society
 G     enerous alumnae and friends
       who have included Cathedral
  High School in their estate plans
                                          Gertrude Balicki†’45
                                          Mary Brady†’40
                                          Ursula Burns ’76
                                                                               Leona Leo
                                                                               Maureen Lynch McGee†’49
                                                                               Catherine Martin†’42
  are recognized with membership          Margaret Cassidy†’47                 Catherine Meehan ’55
  in the Legacy Society. We thank         Rita Clymer†’31                      Phyllis Milton
  the following donors, whose             Mary E. Cahill Cummings†’48          Elizabeth Mollihan†’45
  foresight and belief in the future of   Nancy Cunnane†’50                    Hannah Murphy†’47
  Cathedral High School has helped        Mary Darcy†                          Helen Von Wyl Murphy†’44
  to ensure that CHS will remain a        Joanne Manus DePaola ’57             Margaret Bruns Naumann†’47
                                          Mary Pat Dwyer†’42                   Mary C. Fahey O’Brien†
  unique place of opportunity for
                                          Marion Hughes Gersitz ’55            Norma Lepore Pace†’37
  young women for generations to
                                          Ann Hand Hatfield†’51                Mary McEnroy Phelan†’37
                                          Anne Beackom Healy†’59               Helen Tausch†’53
  Frances Amicone†                        Mary Ann Micillo Kikel ’57           Mary J. Nugent Weinbaum†’52
  Wilma Aponte ’80                        Marian Pasini Kryshak ’63            Patricia Solms Westwater†’46
  Marta I. Baez ’65                       Alice Hogan Locke ’57                Philip J. Wilker


                                                   I N M E M OR I A M

  The Cathedral High School Community extends its deepest sympathy to the loved ones of recently deceased
  alumnae and friends. Please remember them in your prayers.

  Marie O’Neill ’39                      Sr. Mary Rose Murray, SU ’48             Louise A. Campofiori ’58
  June Walsh Racine ’39                  Sr. Maria Goretti Mannix ’49             Rita Maria Stengel Berge ’58
  Mary McAuliffe Breidenbach ’42         Evelyn Cuneo Weinberg ’49                Jane Troy Herzner ’60
  Mary Veronica Healy Hourihan           Ann Ahern ’50                            Joann Petrizzo Mainelli ’60
  ’43                                    Alice L. DeVita Agha ’51                 Gail McGuire Dunne ’62
  Eileen Quick Vetter ’43                Joan Maushardt Coutu ’52                 Darlene West Kornegay ’64
  Agnes Dorsa Dunphy ’44                 Charlotte Neff Vaughn ’52                Theresa Miskic ’64
  Elvira Ann Pitonzo ’44                 Josephine Sullivan Burris ’52            Nancy Miranda ’68
  Clara Olivieri Greene ’45              Florence Gore Guippone ’53               Elizabeth Kane Perle ’68
  Anna May Breen ’45                     Mary Cumiskey Fallon ’55                 Wilhelmina Benjamin Littles ’70
  Marueen H. Lundahl ’46                 Kathleen Cunning Price ’55               Claudette Bryant ’81
  Mary Ward Murray ’47                   Patricia Moore Ellis ’56                 Diana Soenarie ’81
  Margaret O’Dea ’47                     Ann Marie Flynn ’56                      Diane Gusz
  Dorothy Quick Buccheri ’48             Eileen Magnasco Heller ’56               Information reported as of October 7, 2021
  Mary Bliss Devine ’48                  Anna DeTitta DiMeo ’57

                                 “I came to know Cathedral High School as a volunteer with the Ignatian Volunteer
                                 Corps in 2014 and was immediately impressed by the dedication of the faculty and
                                 staff, the enthusiasm of the students, and the inspiring sense of community. I feel
                                 so honored to be a part of the rich traditions and mission of the school. I am always
                                 happy to pitch in where needed—using my skills as an attorney to co-moderate
                                 the Mock Trial Club and my love of music and the theater as one of the directors/
                                 producers of the annual dramatic and musical productions of the Drama Club.
                                 These connections made me realize that I wanted to make a lasting investment
                                 in the future of these students by naming Cathedral High School as a beneficiary
                                 in my estate plan. Won’t you, too, join the Sr. Mary Raymond Legacy
                                 Society and secure the future of these remarkable young women?”
                                                                  - Leona Leo, Sr. Mary Raymond Legacy Society Member

The Sr. Mary Raymond Legacy Society celebrates the most      integrity in the pursuit of Social Justice.
dedicated and generous supporters who invest in the          If you have already named Cathedral High School as a
future of Cathedral High School. By making a planned gift,   beneficiary, please let us know. If you have not yet done
you are helping us in our mission to continually challenge   so, we invite you to become a member today!
our students to become productive members of society         For more information, contact Gina Lombardo, Director
who will conduct themselves with religious and moral         of Development at

Cathedral High School
                            350 East 56th Street
                            New York, NY 10022

          Mail to:

  We want to make sure we stay in touch with you. Please help us keep our records up-to-date by emailing with any changes to your address, email or phone. Thank you!

                                    The Cathedral Connection is published by the Development Office
                                    350 East 56th Street
Follow us on                        New York, NY 10022
                                    Phone: 212-688-1545 ext. 233
FACEBOOK-SQUARE instagram           Fax: 212-754-2024
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