The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College

Page created by Patrick Harrison
The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College
The Rowville Times
         One Great School                                                         Newsletter | Issue 6 | Thursday 14 December 2017
         Four Strengths Based Learning Programs | 03 9755 4555

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE                                                         IMPORTANT DATES
The House System                                                     Friday 15 December: VCE, VCAL & VET results available
As Principal of Rowville Secondary College, I spend a lot of time    Friday 22 December: Last day of term 4
listening to what parents and community members want for their       Friday 26 January: Australia day public holiday
children. There is a strong and clear message that in this rapidly   Wednesday 31 January: First day of term 1, 2018
changing world, families want education to equip our students with   WC Monday 12 February: Year 7 camp
                                                                     Monday 12 March: Labour day public holiday
the critical skills to thrive in the world of work, contribute positively
to the community and be happy and confident.                         Monday 19 March: Eastern campus open night
                                                                     Wednesday 21 March: Western campus open night
That is why we are introducing the House System at Rowville          Thursday 29 March: Last day of term 1
Secondary College in 2018. The house system has been designed Friday 30 March: Good Friday
to further develop an environment in which every child can thrive. Monday 2 April: Easter Monday
The House System aims to develop the whole child through a           April school holidays: RSA tryout camp 1
positive school culture that increases participation, school pride   Monday 16 April: First day of term 2
and student motivation to focus on learning. An important part of Wednesday 25 April: ANZAC day public holiday
our philosophy is having high expectations for all students and stu- Monday 30 April: RIA information open night
dents having high expectations for themselves. The House system is Wednesday 2 May: MSA information open night
one way in which this is developed and conveyed. Through their       Monday 7 May: RSA open night
House Learning Mentor, each child is known as an individual and a *For all other college events & specific year-level events visit
learner and through House activities there are opportunities to      compass.
celebrate student growth. Strengths and interests are pursued
through the House System with formal and informal leadership         SENIOR AWARDS NIGHT — MON 27 NOVEMBER
opportunities for all students. With an environment in which         On Monday 27th November at 7pm we held our annual Senior
authentic relationships are developed with teachers and other        Presentation Awards Night at the PAC. Congratulations to all of our
students across all year levels, opportunities for success are built college year 10 to year 12 students who received an award, this is a
into the daily learning program. The House system enables            fantastic achievement and you should all be very proud. A big
effective communication links between students, teachers and         ‘thank you’ goes out to all of our dignitaries who presented awards
families to create a strong learning community.                      including Chief Petty Officer Mark McLure, Mr David Gilbert & Mr
                                                                     Robert James, Ms Julie Young, Mr Alan Lunghusen, Mr Etienne
That is why parents, students and staff work in partnership so that Clauw and Mr Leon Ross. Thank you to our amazing entertainment
every child is a curious and powerful learner. We have developed a the senior concert band, year 11 dance class and Anna Gao’s
set of learner protocols and resources that support students to be memorizing piano solo. It was a fantastic night!
resilient, creative, collaborative and confident problem-finders and
problem-solvers.                                                            JUNIOR AWARDS NIGHT — MON 4 DECEMBER
                                                                            On Monday 4th December we held our annual Junior Presentation
And so we come to the end of another year filled with discovery,            Awards Night at the PAC. Well done to all of our college year 7 to
change and new learnings and I would like to personally                     year 9 students who received an award, this is a fantastic
congratulate and thank every student for their growth mindset,              achievement and you should all be very proud. Also well done to
resilience and continued efforts this year, and also farewell all the       our Barry Plant Scholarship winners from each of our local primary
students leaving us to begin the next stage of their lives. On behalf       schools and their school representatives for attending. Thank you
of all the teachers and staff at Rowville Secondary College, I wish         to all of our dignitaries who presented awards including Mr
everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy & Prosperous New Year.                 Brenton Wilson, Mr Alan Lunghusen, Ms Tina Leslie and the Hon
Enjoy your holidays and I look forward to seeing everyone back              Kim Wells MP. Thanks to our wonderful entertainment, the
next year for a sensational year                                            intermediate concert band and our amazing year 8 Piano Solo
ahead.                                                                      'Gigue' performed by Isabella Basso. It was a wonderful night of
Julie Kennedy
                                                                            Over the next page are photos from the nights and a full list of all of
                                                                            our Junior Award Recipients & Senior Award Recipients.

                                                                            You can also visit our Facebook page for photo albums:
                                                                            Senior Presentation Night & Junior Presentation Night
The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College
One Great School
     Four Strengths Based Learning Programs | 03 9755 4555

The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College
Award Recipients — Senior
YEAR 10 AWARDS                                                RIA Excellence (Music)

Senior School Scholarship    Curtis Karajic-Powell            Anna Gao

Elysia Foldesi               Sean Png

Courtney Black               Citizenship                      MATHS & SCIENCE ACADEMY
                             Kirra Datseres                   AWARD
Sophie Ambor
                             Caitlin Black                    MSA Participation & Performance
Jessica Formichelli
                             Alyssa Allet                     Shruti De Livera
Academic Excellence
                             Alexander Soh
Eloise Morrow
                             Tim Mason
Brandon Quinn                                                 ARTS & TECHNOLOGY AWARD
Shaelan Quigg                                                 Alicia Currie
                             SPORTS ACADEMY AWARDS
Niamh McLure                                                  PERFORMING ARTS AWARD
                             Sports Excellence (AFL)
Academic Achievement                                          Molly Forster-Little
                             Jamieson Rossiter
Patrick Astudillo                                             MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP
                             Sports Excellence (Basketball)
Cassandra Hill                                                Vasilios Papadopoulos
                             James Spencer
Robin Vancam
                             Leah Santamaggio
Hannah Lawson
                                                              ROWVILLE LYSTERFIELD NEWS
                             Sports Excellence (Cricket)
Samuel Gelb                                                   SCHOLARSHIP
                             Mark Abson
Brooklyn May                                                  Maths & Science Academy
                             Sports Excellence (Golf)
Citizenship                                                   Chiraporn Ropkhop
                             Hannah Mourant
Patrick Astudillo                                             Rowville Sports Academy
                             Sports Excellence (Netball)
Adam Bromage                                                  Leah Santamaggio
                             Alex Moody
Shruti De Livera                                              Rowville Institute of the Arts
                             Sports Excellence (Soccer)
Thomas Myszka                                                 Alyssa Allet
                             Ryan Brown
Jordan Belli
                             Savanna Anastasopoulos
Brihny Unwin                                                  SWIMLAND SPORTS STAR
                             Sports Excellence (Tennis)
                             Joshua Cervanjak
YEAR 11 AWARDS                                                Amy Baum
                             Sports Excellence (Volleyball)
Academic Excellence                                           Jessica Lillie
                             Bailey Gibson
Chiraporn Ropkhop                                             LIONS CLUB AWARD
                             Kayla Bashford
Edward Looi                                                   Patrick Astudillo

Taylah Davies                                                 Breanna Smith
                             ROWVILLE INSTITUTE OF THE
Harrison Sloan                                                ROTARY CLUB CITIZENSHIP
                             ARTS AWARDS
Academic Achievement                                          AWARDS
                             RIA Excellence (Media)
Chloe Gardiner                                                Brent Bredin
                             Bailey O’Brien
Kirra Datseres                                                Victoria Gilbert
                             RIA Excellence (Drama)
Caitlin Black                                                 ROTARY CLUB VOCATIONAL
                             Emily O’Mahony                   AWARDS
Xara Storey
                             RIA Excellence (Dance)           Jackson Nolan
Jesslyn Butkus
                             Joshua Douglas                   Liam Ross
Tiani Bracci
                             RIA Excellence (Visual Art)
                                                              BENDIGO BANK COMMUNITY
Tim Mason
                             Tiani Bracci                     AWARD
Chloe Leow
                                                              Kirra Datseres
The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College
Award Recipients — Senior                         Award Recipients — Junior
TEAMWORK AWARDS                                    Jessica Stephenson - Karoo PS
                            Cooper Oeser
Jason Lingard (Year 10)     Svetlana Ivanic        Ella Ferrier - Lysterfield PS
Cassandra Hill (Year 10)    Silas Fisher           Sanjivan Gunasegaram - Park Ridge PS
Dana Schwass                Jessica Lillie         Olivia Bradford - Heany Park PS

Hannah Teo                  Taylah Davies          Ebony Gardiner - Rowville PS

                            Ebony Lawrence

TYLER FEISTL AWARD          Leah Santamaggio       YEAR 7 AWARDS

Lauryn Marston              Maddison Stroud        Academic Excellence
                            Tiana Bracci           Bradley Bruckner
                            Ruby Bailey            Jonathan Wan
                            Daisie Noonan
Angus Jones                                        Kaitlyn Shirley
                            Hannah Jones
Tiffany Lobb                                       Tahlia Broome
                            Tianni Hangar
Corazon Jacksondart                                Zane Jameson

Caitlin Black                                      Laila Mehr
                            Two Subject Awards
Zoe Dunkley                                        Tamika Don
                            Veranga Ranaweera
Jamie Earp                                         Zachary Shannon
                            Sarah Morris
Hassan Korcari                                     Kyralee Matthewson
                            Feng-Tian Liu
                                                   Brooke Barnard
                            Amelia Roper
YEAR 12 SUBJECT AWARDS                             Neave Hancock-Wolfe
                            Ana Gao
                                                   Academic Achievement
One Subject Award
                            Harrison Sloan
                                                   Emma Lowe
Zoe Dunkley

Cassidy Denny                                      Campbell Gilbert
                            Three Subject Awards   Shiyao Han
Kuan Hor Kwa
                            Brooke Macrae          Sethini Hettiyahandi
Fletcher Stubbs

Tim Mason
                            Jarryd Cursio          Ashley Lucey-Jannert

Harry Craige                Julia Ling             Kaylee Mccubbin

Kaleb Careri Wilson                                Paige Hutchinson

Emily O'mahony              Four Subject Awards    Citizenship
Max Lucas                   Hannah Teo             Ashley Lucey-Jannert
Jack Hills                  Jiani Hu               Ashleigh-Marie Daisley
Jake Cowburn                                       Jasmine Thomas
Alicia Currie               MULGRAVE COUNTRY       Felix Dudley
Tatiana Danyluk             CLUB AWARD             Connor King
Bethany Miller              Chelsea Browning       Rainix McDonald
Ashlee Tonkin               CALTEX ALL ROUNDER     Emma Lowe
Natasha Symons              AWARDS
                                                   Tamika Don
Sam Millar                  Brooke Macrae
                                                   Kaitlyn Shirley
Chris Frenken               Veranga Ranaweera
The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College
Award Recipients — Junior
YEAR 7 ORATORY AWARDS             Academic Achievement             RIA AWARDS
Tamika Don (West)                 Georgia Hilder                   RIA Excellence (Media)
Ashley Lucey-Jannert (East)       Piper Stubbs                     Suhayla Ahmed

                                  Sarah Robinson                   RIA Excellence (Drama)

YEAR 8 AWARDS                     Lucas McConnell                  Hailey Smith

Academic Excellence               Chloe Sammann                    RIA Excellence (Dance)

Keelin McGeehan                   Alexandra Gilbert                Olivia Slavica

Kerem Bekir                       Ashlee Breeden                   RIA Excellence (Visual Art)

Felicia Peh                                                        Sophie Sfikas

Alicia Purdham                    Citizenship                      RIA Excellence (Music)

Emma Keir                         Brianna Collins                  Sonali Wijetunga

Laura Salter                      Sarah Robinson

Sarah Ternes                      Charlize Rundle                  MSA AWARDS
Ella Willis                       Cain Williams                    MSA Participation & Perfor-
                                  Nathan Dearing                   mance
Jack Walker

                                  Alexandra Gilbert                Year 7 - Jonathan Wan
Academic Achievement

                                  Chloe Sammann                    Year 8- Michelle Chhour
Tia Nicholson

                                  Ashley Honeybrook                Year 9 - Joshua Moylan
Kaitlyn Soh

Casey Sfikas

Riley Thai                        RSA AWARDS                       SWIMLAND SPORTS STAR
Jack Doyle                        Sports Excellence (Basketball)
                                                                   Campbell Gilbert (West)
Nicole Gondidis                   Hailey Merrigan
                                                                   Piper Stubbs (East)
Citizenship                       Sam Woodward
George Dimeas                     Sports Excellence (Golf)
Timothy Young                                                      ROTARY CLUB CITIZENSHIP
                                  Matthew Edwards
Jiei Motoki                       Ella Nagayo
                                                                   Phimphakarn Ropkhop (West)
Georgia Bradford                  Sports Excellence (Soccer)
                                                                   Cheyenne Johnson (East)
Sarah Ternes                      Tyrese Tam
Emily Shellard                    Isabella Fernandez
                                                                   BENDIGO BANK
YEAR 9 AWARDS                     Sports Excellence (Netball)
                                                                   COMMUNITY AWARD
Academic Excellence               Annie Deng
                                                                   Brianna Collins
Sasha Oskorep                     Sports Excellence (Volleyball)

Brianna Collins                   Shyla Wood
                                                                   ROWVILLE              ENDEAVOUR
Abbey Hill                        Jack Morrison                    AWARD
Tiana Massin                      Sports Excellence (AFL)          Matthew Lim
Cooper Denny                      Amber Clarke

Naomi Alipan                      James Duffy                      ASTON SHIELD AWARD
Nathan Dearing                    Sports Excellence (Cricket)
                                                                   Sasha Oskorep (East)
Joshua Moylan                     Matthew Mountain
                                                                   Tiana Massin (West)
The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College
One Great School
        Four Strengths Based Learning Programs | 03 9755 4555

UNIFORM SHOP - WESTERN CAMPUS                                   OFFICE RE-OPENING HOURS 2018
Open Wednesdays 8.30am-11-30am:
                                                                Our school office will re-open on Tuesday 23 January, 2018. Our
For purchase of all new uniforms only. RSA uniforms must be
                                                                teaching staff resumes on Monday 29th January, 2018.
bought from OnTrack Sportswear.
Visit our website for details.
                                                                TELL US WHAT YOU THINK?
SECONDHAND UNIFORM SHOP                                         We’re looking for feedback about our school newsletter, what do you
If you have a secondhand uniform you would like to sell &       think is good, could be changed or added? Please share your feedback
earn some extra cash, please complete a form which you can      with us by emailing:
download here. Please drop your clean uniform and form at
the Western Campus Admin office at any time.                    FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM & TWITTER
Are you looking to buy a secondhand uniform?                    Make sure you stay up-to-date with the latest college news & events:
The shop is manned by volunteer parents from 2.30-3.30pm
at the Western Campus, on the following dates:
 Thursday 14th December
 Thursday 21st December
 Thursday 25th January, 2018
Cash & card facilities available.
IMPORTANT: Please note we do not sell secondhand RSA &          For all textbooks & stationary please access the Campion portal and for
RIA uniforms.                                                   textbook packages (year 7-9) please access the Jacaranda portal. Both
                                                                portals can be found on our website.
Please visit our website for our college-wide uniform policy.

We are proud to announce that the School Production for
2018 is Disney's The Little Mermaid. In 2018 we bring the
classic story to the Rowville Secondary College Performing
Arts Centre. We are excited to bring the magic and wonder of
this production to the College and wider school community.
This show is jam-packed full of iconic songs, amazing dance
numbers and the beautiful setting of an underwater paradise.
The Little Mermaid tells the story about what it takes to
follow your dreams and passions.                               KEY INFORMATION FOR STARTING IN
We encourage all students at the College to be involved in the 2018
school production in 2018. The school production is a cross     On our website is a list of key items you need
campus, cross academy, cross year level event. All students     to know about for starting school in 2018 at
are able to be involved if they wish.                           Rowville Secondary College. The list includes
                                                                our new class times, booklist, uniform etc.
                        Auditions will be happening Week 3
                        of Term 1 in 2018.                      Please click here to visit the page >>

                        All information regarding the show,
                                                                CAR PARK AT WEST
                        auditions and sign ups can be found Please note the car park at the Western campus located between the
                        at college and Rowville Primary School is for staff only. No drop offs,
                                                            pick-ups or parking here.

                        You can also contact Miss Hocking or    Please do not do a UTURN on Paratea drive - parking inspectors are
                        Miss Duke (production coordinators)     booking people.
                        for more information.
The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College

                                                                    Articles written by college students about college life.
         One Great School
         Four Strengths Based Learning Programs | 03 9755 4555

Written By Caillie Franklin, Year 9                                MADI GIBSON
Christmas cheer was spread                                        Congratulations Madison Gibson from Year 7 who received the 2017
around Westfield’s Knox City                                      Young Aussie Inspiration Award from the Bernie Banton Foundation
shopping centre as the year 7                                     at Parliament House in Sydney on the 20th November. Madi wanted
to 10 music specialism                                            to help her grandfather who was diagnosed with Mesothelioma
students busked to raise                                          (cancer caused by exposure to Asbestos) and this is where the Bernie
money for a special charity ‘Redkite’.                            Banton Foundation comes in as they help sufferers and their families.
                                                                  Madi fundraised over $2000 to go to the Bernie Banton Foundation
As the students were busking, they learnt the importance of       by placing a donation box in her primary school and by going door
performing to the local community and fund raising for a charity. knocking. Madi and her friend Hayley C volunteered at the Melbourne
The music students raised over $300 for Redkite, an organisation Home Show for the Bernie Banton Foundation. Since then Madi
that supports young people and their families when they have      continues to support the Bernie Banton Foundation. This is a real hon-
                                                                  our and everyone at Rowville Secondary College is extremely proud of
cancer. Redkite has music therapy sessions that encourage the
                                                                  Madison’s achievements and her dedication to this amazing cause.
person with cancer to express themselves and to help them deal
with the stress of being diagnosed with this disease.

The music students sang and played with confidence and joy on
their faces, welcoming the Christmas spirit and the passersby,
who were intrigued by the execution of their performances.
Young children danced to their songs, people walking past
stopped to enjoy the show and all generously donated money.
After the busking, the music students were left in awe as the
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) performed the score to
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The students learnt a
new way in which musicians can engage a wider community
through touring and holding large events and collaborating with
other art forms. Students enjoyed hearing the orchestra perform
as the movie played ahead, flashing back to the early 20th
century and the era of silent films and live music performances.
The students learnt a great deal about making money doing
what they love and donating it to a well deserving charity. The
MSO gave students a taste of what they can do in the future,
opening up more ideas for what they can become.
Watch busking video here >>
                                                                   REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY
                                                                   On the 11th of November we held our Remembrance Day Ceremony
                                                                   on both our East & West campus in memory of all those who had died
                                                                   or suffered in war or armed conflict. Our media students put together
                                                                   a video of the ceremony. You can watch the video here >>
The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College
One Great School
         Four Strengths Based Learning Programs | 03 9755 4555

                                                                         YEAR 7 ORIENTATION DAY
                                                                        On Tuesday 12 December, we held our Year 7 Orientation day at
                                                                        both the East & West campus. Students from grade 6 coming to
                                                                        RSC next year across all 4 programs attended to find out their
                                                                        home groups, learning mentors and to get familiar with
                                                                        secondary school life . The day was filled with mini-lessons in Art,
PLAYGROUND DESIGN COMPETITION WINNERS                                   Music, Drama, English, Humanities and Science, a BBQ lunch and
A huge congratulations to our winners from our Design a Playground
                                                                        sporting activities including a mini-olympics. It was a fun day for
                                                                        all the new starters “I loved
 Overall Winner Best in Show — John, Emma, Hayley of 4RW from
                                                                        seeing what the classes would be
     Heany Park Primary School                                          like and drama was so much fun, I
 Heany Park Primary School—Hayden, Tammy R & Sainaa of 4SB             even made some new friends.”
 Lysterfield Primary School - Charlie Dahlborg of Grade 3              Grade 6 student, Rowville PS.
 St Simons the Apostle Primary School - Dylan, Ryan, Kevin &
     Alannah of 4Y
Each of these winning schools received a Science & Robotics Prize for
their school and the overall winning 3D design will have elements
incorporated into the new playground design in 2018 at the Western
Campus. The Overall Winner Best in Show was chosen because it best
exemplifies the Rowville Secondary College commitment to curiosity
and powerful learning. John, Emma and Hayley have made a visually
effective playground model that provides opportunities for bravery
and risk taking, that helps build confidence through practice, that
encourages team work and helps stay fit and healthy. Thank you to
Alan Tudge MP who came along and presented the winners with              COMMUNITY PROJECT FOR HEAD START
their certificates and prizes. Keep an eye out in the Knox Leader for a
story on this great achievement in the next couple of weeks.             As a part of a community project for Head Start, the year 11 and
                                                                         12 VCAL students have been planting gum trees to replace the
                                                                         13 trees which were removed from the Eastern Campus earlier
                                                                         this year. The students took ownership of the project with both
                                                                         hands - deciding where the new trees will be located, ensuring
                                                                         they were properly planted and secured, and making sure that
                                                                         they were well watered and cared for throughout the
                                                                         remainder of Head Start. The students thoroughly enjoyed the
                                                                         project, and are looking forward to engaging in more
                                                                         community projects in the New Year.
The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College
One Great School
        Four Strengths Based Learning Programs | 03 9755 4555

                                                                      KAROO TAKE ON SPAGHETTI TOWER CHALLENGE
                                                                      This term we had 80 grade 5 students from Karoo Primary School
                                                                      join us in the Maths & Science wing to take on the defying
                                                                      Spaghetti Tower Challenge. Working with our MSA students, the
                                                                      children were divided into small groups and given 25 minutes to
                                                                      build a spaghetti tower using 4 key ingredients including 20 sticks
WINNING SCHOOL ‘IN2SCIENCE AWARD’                                     spaghetti, 1 metre tape, 1 metre string and 1 marshmallow. The
Rowville Secondary College has been awarded ‘Finalist: School         challenge was to build the tallest tower which would support the
Engagement Award’ from In2science Awards 2017. This is awarded        marshmallow. It was great to see everyone working well together
to schools that have shown significant commitment to the              and developing strategies such as designing, testing and modifying
In2science Peer Mentoring Program. Since 2016 MSA has hosted 8        their structures. The grade 5 students all had a blast and got a real
In2science mentors as part of its science and mathematics             taste of what secondary school life is about.
enrichment programs. Our MSA host teachers enthusiastically
welcome mentors into the school and embrace the opportunities
they bring into the school for the students. Mentors come from
Latrobe University, The University of Melbourne, RMIT and Swin-
burne. This is a fantastic program and we are excited to premier
‘mentor experience’ video in 2018.

This term the Lego Robotics Club (and the rest of 9M supporters)
went to KIOSC to compete in the first Lego League competition. This
involved three rounds of Lego robots completing a range of            YOUNG LEADERS PROGRAMME
challenges, research and presenting about a water conservation        The Young Leaders Programme sees Year 9 boys mentoring with
idea. The club have been working during lunchtimes over the past      Year 7 boys. Every Friday this year they have lunch and play
three months to build, test and modify their robots so they can       basketball or engage in other activities. Our group has grown to
complete a range of challenges.                                       over one dozen!
                                                                      Thanks to Cheyenne
                                                                      Johnson and Harrison
                                                                      Rogers for their
                                                                      leadership. They
                                                                      haven't missed a
                                                                      Friday all year. We
                                                                      look forward to
                                                                      continuing this
                                                                      program in 2018.
The Rowville Times - Rowville Secondary College
One Great School
         Four Strengths Based Learning Programs | 03 9755 4555

                                                                     INTENSIVE DANCE WORKSHOP
                                                                     Recently our Year 7-10 Dance Specialism students participated
                                                                     in an all-day rotating intensive Dance Workshop. Based at the
                                                                     East in both dance studios and the PAC, we had 6
                                                                     choreographers come in to run the professional industry work-
                                                                     shops with the dancers in a variety of styles. It was a very
ATC PRODUCTIONS INCURSION                                            exciting day and the students enjoyed themselves thoroughly,
ATC Productions recently visited the school to conduct an            they were challenged every step along the way AND learnt
incursion for our media specialism students around live              some new movement to extend their dance vocabulary.
broadcasting ahead of their live broadcast filming of the RIA
Showcase event. They discussed all the background technology,
specific production roles and communications protocols
involved in a successful live performance broadcast. Students
got real-hands on experience that they will put into practice
during the student-run filming of Showcase.

                                                                     CHRISTMAS CAROLS AT STUD PARK SC
                                                                     Last Tuesday our talented choir from year 9-10 entertained
                                                                     shoppers at Stud Park Shopping Centre with their angelic voices
                                                                     singing a repertoire of Christmas carols around the centre.
                                                                     Thank you to our lovely students and teachers for sharing the
                                                                     Christmas spirit and spreading festive magic to everyone both
RIA SHOWCASE & ARTS & TECH EXHIBITION                                young and old.
On November 30th we held our Arts & Tech Exhibition in the sports
precinct & RIA Showcase at our PAC. The showcase highlights all of
our semester 2 student achievements and hard work across dance,
media, visual arts, music and drama. Here are some photos below &
you can also access the full album on our FB page >>.
Thank you to photographer Paul Danyluk for these amazing photos.
One Great School
         Four Strengths Based Learning Programs | 03 9755 4555

                                                                              SAM HAYES & THOMAS NORTH PICKED UP IN AFL
                                                                              Congratulations to our RSA superstar AFL footballers - Sam
                                                                              Hayes drafted to Port Adelaide Football Club & Thomas North
                                                                              drafted to Fremantle Dockers! Good luck boys, we are so
                                                                              proud of you!
It’s been an outstanding term 4 with lots of fantastic results and success
stories to finish off 2018. I am so proud of all of the student-athletes in
RSA, their strong work ethic and total commitment to their sport. I am
very pleased to share some of the highlights from term 4 below:
   Champions Cup Basketball – senior and intermediate boys runners
    up, senior and junior girls champions.
   Year 7 girls and Year 9/10 boys basketball SSV state champions.
   Andrew McGrath 2017 AFL Rising Star Winner spoke to our RSA
    footballers about his journey.                                            SAM GOTH JOINS RSA
   In the first year of the tennis program the Year 8 boys took out SSV   A huge thank you to Sam Groth for dedicating his time and
    state title.                                                           knowledge to the Rowville Sports Academy High
                                                                           Performance Squads. Sam’s inspirational words and support
   Sam Hayes drafted to Port Adelaide FC and Thomas North to              to our players, his knowledge of pro tour tennis and
    Fremantle FC.                                                          competing against the world’s best in Rafa, Roger and Andy
   Jasper and Pipers Stubbs with Peter Vasiliadis represented Victoria in recently was of great benefit to all. With Sam Groth reaching
    golf.                                                                  53 in the world in Singles and having the world’s fastest serve
                                                                           and AJ Muscillo a national award winning Level 3 High
   2016 graduating student and present RSA netball coach Matilda          Performance Coach, RSA has one of the most elite coaching
    Garrett won a Collingwood Magpies contract.                            teams directing their program for all secondary students.
   Year 8 cricket, Year 8 boys and girls volleyball runners up for state
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New
Year and look forward to seeing everyone in 2018
after the holidays.
Craig Jamieson
Assistant Principal

RSA GOLFER MAKES AUSTRALIAN TEAM                                     NETBALL STARS
                              Peter Vassiliadis made the most of     Congratulations to RSA Netball student-athletes;
                              his graduation by successfully         Brooklyn Prescott, Georgia Moody and Chevvone
                              performing at the National Schools     Thompson who represented Victoria, in the SSA
                              Tournament. He was represented         National Netball Championships at the Pacific
                              the Victorian Team that won the        School games. Brooklyn's U12 team won the silver
                              Silver Medal for the Matchplay         and she was awarded MVP of her team for the
                              Series. Peter excelled throughout      week. Georgia and Chevvone's U15 team won the
                              the series to earn the Bronze Medal    gold and Georgia was selected as a reserve member of the All
                              for the Nett Division, as well as      Australian U15 team! Amazing work ladies, well done!
                              being awarded a position in the
                              Australian School Sport Golf Team.     RSA TRYOUT CAMPS—TERM 1, 2018
                              Congratulations Peter!                 4 & 5 April: Football, Netball, AFL, Tennis
                                                                     10 & 11 April: Basketball, Volleyball, Golf, Cricket
One Great School
    Four Strengths Based Learning Programs                     To advertise in the newsletter, please contact | 03 9755 4555             

                                                               HOMESTAY OPPORTUNITIES
                                                               Rowville Secondary College is looking for local families to
                                                               open their homes to international students for both short
                                                               term and long term accommodation. Having an international
                                                               student reside with your family can be an exciting and en-
                                                               riching experience - learning about customs, languages, cul-
                                                               tures and cuisines is enjoyable and rewarding for both host
                                                               families and international students, and often leads to life-
                                                               long friendships.

                                                               We are seeking homestays for students from European and
                                                               Asian countries, age from 15-18 years old. In return for ac-
                                                               cepting a student into your home and family you will be paid
                                                               a generous weekly amount for your hosting and hospitality.

                                                               To register your interest and find out more, please contact
                                                               our International Student Coordinator: Ms Hongxia Wei at
                                                               the college on 9755 4646 (Mon, Tue & Thu) or email:

                                                               Peak currently have a 30% discount on selected items for RSC
                                                               students & greater Rowville community. The Code will be valid to
Support Rowville SC Instrumental Music Department Friends of   Friday 22nd December. Code: RSA2017. For full details:
Music .Order your NEW 2017 | 2018 Entertainment Book Mem-
bership now! Click here to order.
One Great School
Four Strengths Based Learning Programs   To advertise in the newsletter, please contact | 03 9755 4555
One Great School
Four Strengths Based Learning Programs   To advertise in the newsletter, please contact | 03 9755 4555
One Great School
Four Strengths Based Learning Programs   To advertise in the newsletter, please contact | 03 9755 4555
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