Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61

Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
Vol. 49 No. 1 Spring 2008

      Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood ’61
                                          the highest honor of the Cathedral              Abood has been a teacher, coach
                                          Latin Alumni Association, the Merit         and administrator at Chanel since
                                          Award, for 2008. The annual Merit           1967 and was appointed principal in
                                          Award is given to one who by his con-       1987. He taught many science courses,
                                          duct and example has brought renown         including anatomy, biology, chemistry
                                          to Cathedral Latin School.                  and earth science. He also taught at
                                              Abood will be honored at the asso-      Cuyahoga Community College.
                                          ciation’s annual Communion Breakfast            Abood has been recognized for his
                                          to be held on Sunday, April 27 at the       professional contributions by Chanel,
                                          Notre Dame Education Center on              John Carroll and the North Coast
                                          the campus at Notre Dame-Cathedral          League. He also has been honored as
                                          Latin School in Munson Township.            North Coast League Baseball Coach of
                                              After Latin, Roger went on to John      the Year.
                                          Carroll University for undergraduate            Abood followed his older brother,
St. Peter Chanel High School President    and graduate degrees in the sciences,       Jim ‘47, to Latin, but says it was the
and Principal Roger Abood ’61, a well-    with further graduate work at John          reputation of CLS at St. Ann School
known Catholic educator in the Cleve-     Carroll, Ursuline College, and the Uni-     that was the most compelling reason
land area, has been chosen to receive     versity of Dayton.                          for making his choice.
                                                                                      continued on page 5

Sister Jacquelyn Gusdane                                       Center Chapel,              “We are delighted that the Latin
                                                               with breakfast to      Alumni Association has decided to
to speak at April 27                                           follow at noon in      bring this celebration out to NDCL.
Communion Breakfast                                            the auditorium of      We are very pleased to partner with
                                                               the Center.            the association to continue this tradi-
on NDCL campus                                                     “The Alumni        tion - and to share it with the extended
                                                               Association is         NDCL family,” Sister Jacquelyn said.
Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin School
                                                               excited and grateful   “On a personal level, I am honored to
President Sister Jacquelyn Gusdane,
                                                               to be able to con-     address the breakfast guests on this very
SND, will be the featured speaker at
                                                               tinue our signature    special occasion. Holding the Com-
the Cathedral Latin Alumni Associa-
                                          event on the beautiful NDCL campus.         munion Breakfast here will bring many
tion’s 57th annual Communion Break-
                                          In addition to providing a great venue      alumni – from all three of our schools
fast on Sunday, April 27.
                                          for prayer and fellowship, this move        – out to our beautiful campus.”
    This year marks the first time that
                                          expands the opportunity for all alumni,          Sister Jacquelyn is completing her
the association’s longest running event
                                          students, parents, faculty and friends to   first year as president at NDCL, having
will be held on the NDCL campus at
                                          take part in this annual tradition as it    succeeded Sister Margaret Gorman,
13000 Auburn Rd. in Munson Town-
                                          transitions into an event for the entire    SND. Sister Jacquelyn brings family
ship. Mass will be celebrated at 10:30
                                          NDCL community,” Alumni President           lineage from both Cathedral Latin and
a.m. in the Notre Dame Education
                                          Chris Lynch said.                           Notre Dame Academy. Her father, the
                                                                                      continued on page 5
Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
P resident ’ s L etter
                                          Let there be (Friday Night) Lights
                                              We can not keep the organiza-          and those that believe it to be a great
                                          tion alive – 29 years after the school’s enhancement, to contribute to this
                                          closing – without your support. The        project. You can earmark your cam-
                                          legacy of our alma mater continues         paign pledge to the installation of the
                                          at NDCL which is where the major-          lights, the stadium improvements or
                                          ity of our contributions are directed.     as an unrestricted gift. If there is a
                                          We welcome any alumni who may be sizable financial support for the lights
                                          interested in joining the association as we could even see them next fall.
                                          a trustee or becoming more involved        Wouldn’t lights be great for 2008?
                                          with the association or NDCL.                  Contact Leo Hyland at the
                                              As many of you know, NDCL              NDCL Development Office
                                          has launched a capital campaign to         (440.286.6226, ext. 264) to find out
Greetings to all alumni and friends of    raise $4 million.                                       how you can contribute
Cathedral Latin School.                   There are many                                          to the Capital Campaign
    I would like to congratulate Roger    key initiatives
                                                                     Stadium lighting             and direct your contribu-
Abood ’61 on being selected as this       that the campaign          would     allow  the         tion to the stadium lights
year’s Cathedral Latin Merit Award        has targeted for         hosting of football            or any other component
recipient. Roger has spent his career     improvements               games on Friday              of this exciting endeavor.
in Catholic education and has im-         including athletics,                                    Let’s all get on board with
                                                                   or Saturday nights
pacted the lives of thousands of high     endowment fund-                                         this initiative by signing
school students along his way.            ing, performing          along    with   boys  &        up today. This campaign
    I encourage you to make plans         arts, science and        girls soccer games.            will dramatically improve
to attend our annual Communion            technology – to                                         the “NDCL experience”
Breakfast being held on April 27          name just a few.                                        for its students well into
where we will honor Roger for his ac-         One key improvement that many          the future.
complishments since graduating from       alumni have advocated is the addi-             Please don’t forget about the two
Cathedral Latin. Our guest speaker        tion of lights on the football stadium. other annual events we sponsor: the
for the event will be Sister Jacquelyn    Adding stadium lights is part of this      Athletic Hall of Fame induction held
Gusdane, SND, president of NDCL.          current campaign. Stadium light-           at NDCL August 30 and the Latin
    With great pride I thank all of       ing would allow the school to host         Alumni Golf Outing on June 27.
you who contributed to our annual         football games on Friday or Satur-         Those who attend always have a great
dues for 2007, which amounted to          day nights along with boys and girls       time.
over $39,000 from 1,118 contribu-         soccer games. It also is a project that        Thanks for continuing to be car-
tors. This is one of the largest annual   can be completed in a short period of ing, Christian people of our commu-
amounts ever received. The honor          time.                                      nity and showing that Latin Pride!
roll of all 2007 dues contributors is         I would like to challenge those
included in this issue.                   of you that have indicated this need       -Chris Lynch ’75

Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
Alumni group looks      (a2.
to restore oil painting
of charging lion
A committee of the Cathedral Latin
                                                          TRIVIA QUIZ
                                          Think you know a lot about Cathedral Latin School? The Alumni
Alumni Association has obtained           Association’s History Book Committee has pulled together a quick
quotes to restore the charging lion oil   test about Latin’s lore. See how many you can get. Send your
painting that hung in the Latin gymna-    answers to the Alumni Office for grading. A perfect score earns
sium for nearly 40 years. The painting    you a free gift of Latin merchandise. Good luck!
is in need of major repair.
                                          1. What Latin alumnus was honored as the Alumni Association’s first Man of the Year award
    NDCL officials have said a restored   in 1958?
painting would be gladly welcomed in      (a) John Cardinal Dearden ’25 (b) Herb Eisele ’22
the school’s Michael McGarry gym.         (c) John Cardinal Krol ’27     (d) William Ternansky ’26
    Committee members will begin
                                          2. What Ohio governor attended the school’s Golden Jubilee banquet held at the Sheraton
fund-raising efforts this summer to
                                          Cleveland ballroom in April 1966?
pay for the work. Anyone interested in    (a) James Rhodes              (b) Dick Celeste
donating to this project should contact   (c) Michael DiSalle           (d) John Gilligan
the Alumni Office.
                                          3. Latin’s last football team in 1978 finished with a 5-4 record, including wins against what
                                          three archrivals that also were defeated in their first encounters?
Latin class ring                          (a) St. Ignatius      (b) Holy Name
replacement offered                       (c) St. Joseph       (d) Benedictine

The Alumni Association and Jostens        4. What Latin hoopster scored the last points in the school’s basketball history with a 3-
have teamed up to create a new school     point play during the 1979 state championship game against Dayton Jefferson?
ring for Latin alumni who lost, dam-      (a) Colin Irish (b) Mike Carswell
aged or never ordered their class ring.   (c) Karl Morris (d) Geoff Warren
    The original ring manufacturer is     5. In September 1977 Latin was awarded a $20,000 grant from the Cleveland-based Rein-
designing one style of ring with your     berger Foundation that was used for:
choice of gold ($389) or yellow lus-      (a) Demolition of Darby Hall 		      (b) Gymnasium repairs/remodeling
trium ($249). It will have a purple       (c) Chapel repairs/remodeling        (d) Auditorium repairs/remodeling
stone, CL overlay on top, lion on one
                                          6. What teacher taught more Latin students than any other member of the faculty, starting
side and Society of Mary shield on the    in 1933 through the school closing in 1979?
other. You will be able to designate a    (a) William Ternansky        (b) Ab Strosnider
graduation year and have your name or     (c) Ken Fierle               (d) Rev. Joseph Lekan
initials engraved on the inside.
    Anyone interested in ordering a       7. What was the first event held in the new Latin gymnasium in the spring of 1930?
                                          (a) Amateur boxing 		         (b) Squidgulum
ring, or would like to help defray the    (c) Minstrel Show		           (d) Latin Orchestra concert
one-time setup charge, please contact
Sue at the Alumni Office.                 8. How many presidents have served the Cathedral Latin Alumni Association since its initial
                                          formation in 1920?
                                          (a) 28 (b) 33 (c) 36 (d) 41

                                          9. What year did legendary Ohio State University football Coach Woody Hayes serve as the
                                          featured speaker at the post-football season banquet?
                                          (a) 1958 (b) 1961 (c) 1966 (d)1972

                                          10. What Latin class had the most – 20 members – join the priesthood or become brothers
                                          in religious orders?
                                          (a) 1929 (b) 1930 (c) 1936 (d) 1948

                                          11. How many presidents/principals served Cathedral Latin School from 1916-79?
                                          (a) 15 (b) 16 (c) 17 (d) 19

Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
2007 Hall of Fame
inductions a success
The Alumni Association’s 48th annual
Hall of Fame Dinner and induction
ceremony along with the fifth annual
NDCL and NDA inductions was held
Saturday, Sept. 15, 2007 at NDCL’s
campus in Munson Township.
    The event began with a varsity
football game between NDCL and St.
Peter Chanel followed by the induction
ceremony. Nearly 200 guests enjoyed
a delicious barbeque dinner by the
                                               Terry Stricker ’69, Bernie and Rick Cavolo ’74, NDCL Principal Joe Waler and Dominic LoGalbo
Winking Lizard under a tent provided
by Able Rental Company.
    The 2007 Cathedral Latin inductees
were Tom Croft, M.D. ’55, Rich Wer-
vey ’59, John McCarthy ’69 and the
1957 basketball team. NDCL inductees
were Tim Shantz ’95, Jen Kanetsky ’00
and coach Jerry Hippley along with
NDA’s inductees Carrie (Fay) Stewart
’85 and Christine Meeks ’89.
    Congratulations to all inductees!

                                               Hall of Fame inductees with their sketches are (left to right): Tom Croft ’55, Rich Wervey ’59,
                                               John McCarthy ’69, Tim Shantz ’95, Christine Meeks ’89, Coach Jerry Hippley, Nancy (Ka-
                                               netsky) Merritt ’00 (sister of recipient Jen Kanetsky), and Carrie (Fay) Stewart ’85.

Former Latin hoop teammates Norm Baracz ’57, Vidi Morkunas ’57, Ed       Don and Marian Moore with Hall of Fame inductee Tom Croft ’55.
Petkovic ’58, Biagio Oddo ’57, Jim Flaherty ’57, Ken Koprowski ‘’57,
Joe Perella ’58 and Don Gacey ’58 gather for a photo.

Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
Abood continued from pg. 1
    He recalls that he was most im-
                                                                        a l u m n o ta b l e s
pressed with the devotion of the
Marianists to Mary and that priest and
brothers were authentic people – that
                                                                                         ’49 Bob Maruna has been cho-
                                                                                         sen as the 2007 recipient of the Blue
they smiled and were interested in you.
                                                                                         and Gold Award for contributions to
In particular he recalls Brother Frank,
                                                                                         Wooster High School athletics. Bob
Brother Tonry, Brother Conlon, and
                                                                                         was instrumental in the Wooster Hall
Brother Geiger. Also important was
                                                                                         of Fame’s formation in 1986, serving
the dedication of the lay faculty, and
                                                                                         as its first organizer and president.
the ‘addendum’ of Mr. Ternansky.
    Of course, as most alumni remem-        (Left to right) Latin alumni Clifford
ber, he noted the vibration of the gym      Gulley, Bill Mason and Bob Crowley           ’63 Michael Stinziano was
                                            join Mary Pat Beaufait in receipt of their   honored at the St. Vitus Alumni
during the rallies and the spirit of the    award for their long-time commitment
senior class.                               to the mission and values of the Cleve-
                                                                                         Hall of Fame Day Oct. 28. Gov. Ted
    The experience at CLS was respon-       land CYO.                                    Strickland in 2007 appointed Mike
sible for his decision to be an educator.   Three men of Latin were honored at           to the prestigious Association of Ohio
His impression of CLS will never be         the CYO Hall of Fame and Recogni-            Commodores, a small group of high-
lost to him.                                tion Awards ceremony held Oct. 24            level business leaders dedicated to pro-
    Roger and his wife, Kathleen, have      by the Diocese of Cleveland’s Youth          moting economic growth in the State
four children and nine grandchildren.       and Young Adult Ministry and CYO             of Ohio. He also serves as liaison for
                                            Office. Each was recognized for their        the State Government Affairs Council
                                            excellence in carrying out the mis-          of State Governments.
Speaker continued from pg. 1                sion and philosophy in their work as a
                                            youth coach. They are:                       ’65 Charles Centivany, ex-
late Herbert Gusdanovic, graduated                                                       ecutive director of the Office of the
from Latin in 1930, after making the        ’45 Bill Mason has coached at                Chairman and Chief Executive at
academic honor roll, singing in the         St. Aloysius, St. Vincent DePaul, St.        Ford Motor Co., has been elected to
Glee Club, running track and serving        Clement and St. Brendan parishes             the board of directors of the National
as a member of the Service Club. Her        for more than 50 years. He was also          Defense University Foundation at
mother, the late Mary Kinsella, gradu-      a baseball, softball and basketball of-      Fort McNair in Washington, DC.
ated from Notre Dame Academy in             ficial for more than 30 years.
1933.                                                                                    ’74 James Franey has been
    Sister served as principal of NDA       ’74 Bob Crowley has been                     promoted to assistant chief of police
from 1973-79 (as Sister Mary Evarista)      an energetic and enthusiastic boy’s          for the city of South Euclid. A 21-year
and as a member of the NDCL board           basketball coach at St. Brendan Parish       veteran on the department, Franey
of directors since its inception in 2003.   for the last 15 years. Bob is an active      has served in the patrol division and
The former teacher, advisor, and mem-       member of the parish and member of           Detective Bureau, rising to the rank
ber of the NDCL strategic planning          the parish Athletic Advisory Board.          of lieutenant. A graduate of North-
team also has held key leadership posi-     Bob focuses on sportsmanship and the         western University’s School of Police
tions within the Sister of Notre Dame.      Christian values in all his players.         Staff and Command, he previously
    The Class of 1958 will also be the                                                   worked for the Williamsburg Police
honored guests of the Alumni Associa-                                                    Department in Virginia and served
                                            ’75 Clifford Gulley was the                  as a law enforcement specialist in the
tion celebrating its golden anniversary.
                                            basketball coach at St. Vitus Parish
    Tickets are $20 for adults and                                                       U.S. Air Force. Pat Taormina, another
                                            for 13 years and has been involved
$15 for students. Reservations can be                                                    member of the Latin class of 1974, is
                                            at St. Francis Parish in Cleveland for
made on-line at the association website                                                  a sergeant in the South Euclid Police
                                            the last four years. He has coached
( or via checks made                                                      Department, and Latin classmate Joe
                                            the children on his team to play fairly,
payable to CLAA mailed to the Alumni                                                     Filippo is the city’s finance director.
                                            to learn from each other and to carry
                                            yourself with dignity and discipline.
Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
Golf Outing returns to
Grantwood on June 27
The 16th annual Alumni Golf Outing
will be held Friday, June 27 at Grantwood
Golf Course, 38855 Aurora Road in
    The driving range will be open at
8:30 a.m. followed by a shotgun start at
9:30 a.m. Cost is $110 per person that
includes driving range, golf with cart,
lunch, dinner, beverages and door prizes.
Dinner reservations only are $25.
    Make your reservation by mailing
a check made payable to CLAA to the
alumni office or register on-line at www. We encourage you to make
your reservation soon because this event
sells out quickly.
    For more information, please contact
Sue at the Alumni Office.

             2007-08 O fficers , E xecutive C ommittee                                                     and    T rustees
  Officers                         Ernie D’Amato ’48                    Charlie Emrhein ’49                    Don Lesiak ’48
                                   R: (330) 405-1378                    R: (216) 932-6746                      R: (440) 845-4129
  Chris Lynch ’75                                                       E-mail:           B: (440) 845-0021
  President                        Sr. Jacquelyn Gusdane, S.N.D.                                               E-mail:
  R: (216) 381-3375                R: (440) 286-6226, ext. 268          Jim Feldkircher ’52
  B: (216) 383-4926                E-mail:   R: (216) 831-9808                      William Mason ’45
  E-mail:                                             B: (216) 881-2560, ext. 442            R: (440) 777-0660
                                   Leo Hyland ’77                       E-mail:        E-mail:
  Tom Ashdown ’62                  R: (216) 691-1545
  Vice President                   B: (440) 286-6226, ext. 264          Frank Giaimo ’44                       Dave Pasini ’65
  R: (440) 349-3392                E-mail:          R: (216) 228-0881                      R: (440) 232-0408
                                   Dominic LoGalbo ’50                  Bob Grisanti ’36                       Jack Paulin ’43
  Terry Roncagli ’77               R: (330) 467-1700                    R: (330) 425-8509                      R: (216) 731-3041
  Secretary                        E-mail:     E-mail:
  R: (440) 543-6185                                                                                            Andy Putka ‘44
  B: (216) 444-4971                Trustees                             Frank Hlad ’68                         R: (440) 331-5532
  E-mail:                                        R: (440) 449-3336
                                   Fr. Mike Ausperk ’80                 E-mail:               Mike Soinski ’64
  Frank Cardinale ’68              R: (216) 252-2626, ext. 22                                                  R: (440) 526-5528
  Treasurer                        E-mail:   Pat Hyland ’76                         B: (216) 787-3371
  R: (440) 729-0663                                                     R: (216) 381-2551
  B: (216) 373-1602                Mike Bambrick ’77                    B: (216) 706-3724                      Joe Spagunolo ’61
  E-mail:   R: (216) 272-3083                    E-mail:            R: (440) 892-0206
                                   B: (216) 291-9850                                                           E-mail:
                                   E-mail:           Paul Jankowski ’55
  Executive Committee                                                   R: (440) 746-0852                      Paul Sturn ’64
                                   Ben Carlozzo ’71                     E-mail:                  R: (216) 381-6063
  Rick Cavolo ’74                  R: (440) 248-4247
  R: (440) 285-8528                B: (330) 966-0444, ext. 2028         Ken Koprowski ’57                      Chip Tighe ’79
  B: (440) 473-5850                E-Mail:            R: (440) 247-7839                      R: (440) 449-5999
  E-mail:                                                                                B: (216) 381-5000
                                   Dominic Delsander ’46                Pat Lamb ’71                           E-mail:
  Carmen Cesa ’59                  R: (216) 932-6154                    R: (440) 646-9967
  R: (440) 918-1333                                                     B: (440) 944-7494
  B: (440) 942-6266                Jim Denk ’62                         E-mail:
  E-mail:     R: (440) 232-7784
                                   B: (440) 717-5643
Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
The Business of Rebuilding
            Joe Marinucci ’72 is in the thick of Cleveland’s resurgence
                                                 Fairfax, the Cleveland Clinic campus and a       grated to Cleveland with his parents in 1956.
                                                 booming University Circle.                           The cool, aloof Murray Hill kid’s four
                                                       The president and CEO of the Down-         years at Latin were the most tumultuous in
                                                 town Cleveland Alliance enjoys the challenge     the school’s history. Racial tensions mounted.
                                                 of helping businesses, civic organizations       Traditional school operations gave way to
                                                 and government attract private investment        more liberal methods. Marianist staffing
                                                 and make downtown a more vibrant place           dwindled. The crumbling neighborhood
                                                 to live, work, visit and invest. The alliance    fostered increased violence. School finances
                                                 uses 40 uniformed staff to clean and patrol      were squeezed as enrollment plunged.
                                                 downtown day and night, and most recently            “It was a different era back then. We
                                                 launched a safety ambassador escort program. went from a strict dress code and discipline
                                                       His is a job that requires faith, persis-  when I started to none. Then they started the
                                                 tence, patience and thick skin.                  modular class system. I guess you could say
                                                       “I enjoy development. From a profes-       we were the experiment,” Marinucci reflected
                                                 sional perspective, this is what I have done     from his Tower City office.
                                                 in all its variations – sometimes a little more      Despite those challenges, the former
                                                 economic development, sometimes more             football team captain and junior class presi-
                                                 business development, sometimes a combina- dent says his days at Latin enkindled a spirit
                                                 tion of the two. It is hard work, but I do see   of teamwork and accomplishment.
Cathedral Latin School did its best work         the progress,” says Marinucci.                       “I remember walking into the gym for
molding street-tough teens from Cleveland’s            At age 54, Marinucci is too young to       my first football rally. The intensity was
ethnic, working class neighborhoods into re-     remember the city’s glory days. He never         remarkable. The enthusiasm and camaraderie
sponsible young men ready for college, career    saw Millionaire’s Row or                                           was striking to me, because
and responsible citizenship.                     Euclid Avenue when it                                              in my youth that’s not how
     Joe Marinucci ’72 could serve as a poster   teemed with holiday shop-            Since returning to            things operated. To me, it is
child for that legacy.                           pers and office workers.            Cleveland as Mayor             a great memory of awaken-
     The Lions’ bone-crunching, all-Crown        But he shares the vision                                           ing my school spirit,” says
Conference linebacker surrendered his play-      for reversing decades of          Michael White’s direc- Marinucci, his hair still thick
ing days to a knee injury playing for Ohio       decay and blight that             tor of economic devel- and wavy though streaked
Wesleyan University. He pushed on to earn        played a primary role in                                           with silver.
a bachelor’s degree in political science at      his high school’s demise.           opment in 1990, Joe               “I got to meet a real cross-
Cleveland State University and found an un-            The embers from the          has been in the thick section of people at Latin.
planned career in community and economic         city’s Hough and Glenville                                         It was kind of a melting pot
development.                                     neighborhood riots were             of high-profile proj-          – the jocks, geeks, potheads
     His skills in strategic planning, real      still smoldering when                ects that have trig-          or whatever. You learned to
estate development, financing, public policy     Marinucci arrived at Latin                                         be friends with all differ-
development and business retention and           from nearby Holy Rosary            gered unprecedented ent types of people, and I
expansion have been polished working for         Parish in 1968. Droves of             investment in the            enjoyed that.”
Cuyahoga County, the state of Ohio, city of      residents from neighbor-                                              Working to rebuild Cleve-
Cleveland, Playhouse Square Foundation,          hood parishes, which had               long-ailing city.           land 30 years after its collapse
the Downtown Cleveland Partnership and           historically fed Latin’s                                           triggered Latin’s closing is an
the Downtown Cleveland Alliance.                 enrollment, were flock-                                            irony not lost on Marinucci,
     Since returning to Cleveland as Mayor       ing to the suburbs. The city population was      who lives in Westlake with his wife, Dani,
Michael White’s director of economic devel-      falling by more than 125,000 from 1960-70. and their four children.
opment in 1990, Joe has been in the thick        Business investment and support would soon           “Whenever I go by John Hay (high
of high-profile projects that have triggered     follow the exodus.                               school), I feel a profound sadness. It’s still
unprecedented investment in the long-ailing            Latin had always enjoyed a healthy         tough seeing it, knowing that across the
city. Among those that bear his fingerprints:    pipeline of students from the cramped, wind- street a great institution didn’t survive,” he
• Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum          ing streets of Little Italy. The drastic social  said.
• Great Lakes Science and Technology Center      changes of the turbulent 1960s were altering         “Latin was a fully integrated, diverse
• Gateway sports complex for the Indians         the competitive landscape, however.              mixture of people and that is exactly what
and Cavaliers                                           “A lot of the older guys from the         the community needs today. It’s exactly the
• Playhouse Square Theater District              neighborhood went to Latin, but many of          kind of institution you would build if you
• Warehouse District                             the families were migrating up the hill to       were to start from scratch – a tough school
• $1.3 billion in assorted projects between      South Euclid and Lyndhurst. And St. Joe’s        that helps form responsible young adults.”
Public Square and the Innerbelt                  was making in-roads, too. But for me, it was
• $200 million Euclid Corridor bus rapid         between Benedictine and Latin,” recalled
transit line to link Public Square, Midtown,     Marinucci, who was born in Italy and immi-                                                       7
Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
2008 Reunions
Listed below are the chairmen and in-
formation for the 2008 class reunions.
Please direct any questions regarding
your reunion to the chairmen listed
below. We are still looking for chair-
man for 1938, 1943 and 1978. If you
are interested, please contact Sue at the
Alumni Office.

1933 – Joe DiMarco 216-261-1923
1948 – Ernie D’Amato 330-405-1378
1953 – Frank Soltis 440-427-0608
1957 – Don DeSapri 740-587-5247
		 Joe Gregg 216-978-5333
		 Frank Powers 740-881-1180
To be held August 29-31 at NDCL and The Class of 1957 celebrated its golden anniversary on Sept. 15 on the campus at Notre Dame-
Aurora Country Club.                Cathedral Latin School in Munson Township. Following the afternoon varsity football game, class
                                                   members attended Mass in the school chapel and dinner in the library.
1963 – Joel Guthleben 440-354-5050
1968 – Bob Andreano 440-423-0616
		 Frank Hlad 440-796-HLAD
		 Rev. Jim Klein 216-221-0233
		 Don Rapposelli 440-223-7277
Stag event to be held Sept. 6 at the Bar-
rell Room Winery, 28932 Euclid Ave.
in Wickliffe.
                                                   The Class of 1962 held its 45th class reunion    The Class of 1942 held its 65th reunion Sept.
                                                   on Aug. 4 at Sterle’s Slovenian House.
1973 – Tim Donovan 216-409-6259                                                                     21 with a luncheon at Wellington Restaurant
                                                                                                    in Highland Hts.

Above: The Class of 1952 started its 55th re-
union with a golf outing on Aug. 10 at Fowler’s
Mill and dinner at Primo Vino restaurant in
Little Italy. A buffet dinner and gathering was
held Aug. 11 at NDCL in the library. (Back
row, left to right) Norb Malin, Joe Waters, Earl
Armbruster, Don Griffin, John Lloyd, Vern
Downey, Bob Ortmann, Anthony Jezior, Jim
Ramsey and Lou Drasler. (Front row, left to
right) Ron Wysocki, Jerry Fuerst, Tom Kmiec,         The Class of 1967 started its 40th reunion Aug. 24 with a golf outing at Acacia Country Club.
Frank Azzarello, Ron Gliebe, Matt Vitullo, Bill      Mass was held at St. John’s Cathedral the next day followed by the Charity football game at
Kubat, Frank King and Ramon Wallace.                 Cleveland Browns Stadium and dinner at Acacia Country Club. On Aug. 26 they had a tour and
                                                     brunch at NDCL. On the links are (left to right): Jack Petry, Bruce Colosimo, Don Ciolek, Dan
                                                     Moran, Mike Routa, Tom Hallal, Patrick Corrigan, Dennis Badar, Jim Gorman, Ron Gadus, Joe
 8                                                   Miceli, Dave Spotts, Dennis O’Brien, Ed Brice, and Bill Walsh.
Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
2007 Cathedral Latin Alumni Membership Honor Roll
1930 Leroy Fenstermaker                1941 Lawrence L. Evert                 1944 Kenneth A. Perz                1947 Kenneth P. Lehmann
                                       1941 Thomas G. Fry                     1944 James J. Pesek                 1947 Arthur W. Lowe
1931 Louis H. Hruby                    1941 Thomas F. Hagen                   1944 Andrew C. Putka                1947 James R. Mandelik
1931 Anthony A. Pozelnik               1941 Robert F. Hill                    1944 Robert L. Sadler               1947 Peter N. Manfredi
                                       1941 Frank J. Kelley                   1944 Most Rev. Gilbert I. Sheldon   1947 Robert J. Matoney
1932 John W. Corso                     1941 Thomas J. Lange                   1944 Joseph M. Walton               1947 Edward J. Mazzolini
1932 William A. Muth                   1941 William E. Liddy                                                      1947 Thomas P. Meaney Jr.
1932 Norbert G. O’Brien                1941 Joseph B. Nicholas                1945 Phillip J. Bova                1947 John J. Nassif
                                       1941 John A. Petkovic                  1945 John J. Curran                 1947 Arthur J. Neff
1933 John F. Andes                     1941 George H. Ryder                   1945 Vincent F. DeCrane             1947 Joseph L. Orosz
1933 Wencel A. Frank                   1941 John C. Sague                     1945 Eugene C. DeSimone             1947 Casmir J. Osowski
1933 Edward J. Koenig                  1941 Howard J. Schleimer               1945 George R. Englehart            1947 Albert A. Pullar
1933 Ralph J. Pelegrin                 1941 James M. Sennish                  1945 William A. Feldkircher         1947 James W. Roeder
1933 George E. Savage                  1941 Robert J. Zarobell Sr.            1945 Joseph G. Fifolt               1947 Daniel B. Smerritt (Czmyrid)
1933 Robert J. Thompson                                                       1945 Ralph E. Gurney                1947 Edward H. Strnad
                                       1942 Jack T. Baird                     1945 John J. Jancsurak              1947 David J. Stumpf
1934 William E. Gorris                 1942 John Giblin                       1945 Arthur J. Lauer                1947 A. R. Van Cantfort
1934 Joseph A. Van deMotter            1942 Daniel E. Hurley                  1945 John A. Lyden                  1947 Robert J. Verderber
                                       1942 Col. Raymond R. Jorz USMC (ret)   1945 Thomas J. Martin               1947 James F. Wade
1935 John F. Eble                      1942 Edward C. Kipp                    1945 William E. Mason
1935 George A. Gelofcsak               1942 Ralph J. Kovach M.D.              1945 James R. Rankin                1948 Joseph D. Bachraty
1935 Richard J. Nobbe                  1942 Vetal A. Lucka                    1945 James R. Ruffing               1948 Robert J. Bencic
1935 Henry J. Vyhnalek                 1942 Col. Edward S. Maj (ret)          1945 Albert M. Tilow                1948 Robert F. Collins Sr.
                                       1942 Rev. John T. McDonough            1945 Richard F. Timbers             1948 Ernest R. D’Amato
1936 Robert C. Grisanti                1942 John A. McKenna                   1945 Patrick J. Toomey              1948 Joseph J. Doyle
1936 Rev. Simon J. Nekic               1942 Robert J. Panehal                 1945 Norbert M. Zupan               1948 Rev. Arthur B. Egan
1936 Justin R. Noetzel                 1942 Bernard L. Plechaty                                                   1948 Joseph R. Fakult
1936 Paul F. Reminder                  1942 Elmer A. Popelmayer               1946 Rev. Msgr. Victor G. Bonnell   1948 Joseph L. Fiala
1936 James F. Schlecht                 1942 Raymond C. Reinmann               1946 Lawrence Cesar                 1948 Joseph F. Gallo
1936 Joseph E. Sotak                   1942 Edward P. Rogers D.D.S.           1946 John P. Chambers               1948 Kenneth A. Gazdag
1936 Francis E. Wanda                  1942 Peter S. Ruminski                 1946 James H. Cole                  1948 James F. Hinkel
1936 John Wheatley                     1942 Robert E. Schade                  1946 Dominic C. Delsander           1948 Raymond A. Kastelic
1936 John A. Wunderle                  1942 William L. Spring                 1946 Anthony J. DiCicco             1948 Thomas J. Keating
                                       1942 Julius P. Sukys                   1946 Edward P. Donnelly             1948 Edward C. Knuth Jr.
1937 Matthew P. Bosetin                1942 Frank E. Tercek                   1946 Patrick J. Duffy               1948 Ralph D. Konkowski
1937 William M. Gallagher              1942 Stephen J. Vargo                  1946 Thomas J. Emling               1948 Frank C. Krasovec
1937 Vincent J. Hlavin                                                        1946 William A. Enouen              1948 Henry J. Kuska
1937 Joseph C. Kocab                   1943 Norbert S. Badar                  1946 Donald L. Ferfolia             1948 John C. Leonard
1937 Henry E. Nowak                    1943 Paul T. Bohn                      1946 Thomas A. Frontczak            1948 Donald R. Lesiak
1937 Stephen A. Sasfy                  1943 Dr. George A. Brennan             1946 Louis F. Gammel                1948 William F. Liuzzo
1937 Stanley F. Spirakus               1943 Neil J. Conway Sr.                1946 John M. Hannan                 1948 John C. Lorence
                                       1943 Daniel J. Dickens                 1946 Mark B. Ianni                  1948 Edward A. Lostoski
1938 George J. Blatt                   1943 George R. Hickernell              1946 Edward J. Kane                 1948 Alexander S. Makowski
1938 Richard E. Cachat                 1943 Rev. William J. Johnson           1946 Andrew Kaschalk                1948 Gilbert N. McGee
1938 Charles S. Cavolo D.P.M.          1943 Wayne R. Lansdowne                1946 Kenneth S. Kondas              1948 Burton E. Neitzel
1938 George E. Felty                   1943 Thomas J. Lisy                    1946 Michael Kranek                 1948 Bernard H. Niehaus Jr.
1938 Russell E. Grady                  1943 Charles D. Missar                 1946 Arthur O. Kresse               1948 James F. O’Day
1938 Francis J. Hogan                  1943 Daniel J. O’Loughlin              1946 Richard E. Livingston          1948 Rev. James P. O’Donnell
1938 John S. Joyce                     1943 Jack G. Paulin                    1946 Elmer Luke                     1948 Joseph G. Pilla
1938 John W. Krosse                    1943 Howard G. Pekar                   1946 Salvatore J. Maritt            1948 James M. Previt D.D.S.
1938 Elmer G. Malone                   1943 Joseph R. Petras                  1946 Gerald C. McDonough            1948 William T. Rolf
1938 Joseph M. Turk                    1943 George J. Rozak                   1946 Robert J. Naegele              1948 Donald F. Roshetko
1938 Raymond E. Tuwalski               1943 Victor F. Rozance                 1946 Raymond J. Oliver              1948 Anthony L. Sassano
1938 Gordon G. Wilker                  1943 Edmund J. Turk                    1946 William B. Pike                1948 Richard C. Schossler Sr.
                                       1943 Rollin F. Van Cantfort            1946 Stephen J. Pitzer              1948 Carl Sell
1939 Judge Salvatore R. Calandra       1943 Thomas C. Westropp                1946 M. Raymond Prendergast         1948 Jerome N. Shaveyco
1939 Thomas J. Dunnigan                1943 Rev. Msgr. Robert C. Wolff        1946 Paul S. Recko                  1948 Joseph C. Suchan Jr.
1939 Herman G. Gruhn                                                          1946 Arthur W. Schultz              1948 John C. Tillman
1939 Edward J. Hurley                  1944 John F. Conti                     1946 Edward J. Soloski              1948 Edward J. Turza
1939 Robert V. Kocab                   1944 Warren J. Cummings                1946 Richard C. Sweeney             1948 Wenceslaus F. Vozobule
1939 Edward J. Rozak                   1944 John L. Dickard                   1946 Wayne J. Weltin                1948 Joseph S. Wegas
1939 George E. Wurm                    1944 John P. Ellison                   1946 Frank F. Winter                1948 John J. Wilkins
                                       1944 Edward G. Englehart               1946 Raymond D. Wuco                1948 John Zupancic
1940 Frank A. Bauman                   1944 Benedict R. Farroni
1940 Frank A. Buddie                   1944 Frank Giaimo                      1947 Floyd C. Begin                 1949 Joseph J. Albrecht
1940 Anthony B. Columbro               1944 Eugene F. Gibbons                 1947 John J. Boey                   1949 Stanley R. Babicki
1940 Rev. Chester C. Cudnik            1944 John J. Guy                       1947 Richard J. Broadbent           1949 James W. Burkett
1940 James H. Demming M.D.             1944 Ward J. Hill                      1947 Thomas P. Christy              1949 Yaro B. Cerny Jr.
1940 Col. Walter A. Keils USAF (ret)   1944 Richard F. Horansky               1947 Clifford C. Hill Jr.           1949 Edmund M. Cody
1940 Dr. Joseph F. Stolla D.D.S.       1944 Richard M. Iammarino M.D.         1947 Richard J. Hora                1949 Eugene B. Eland
1940 Frank J. Waldeck Jr.              1944 John J. Kipfstuhl                 1947 Robert E. Hutchinson           1949 Charles L. Emrhein
1940 Thomas H. Wolff                   1944 Ernest A. Lewandowski M.D.        1947 Bernard R. Javorek             1949 Richard G. Felgemacher
                                       1944 Robert J. Livingston              1947 Richard S. Kertis              1949 James R. Ferron
1941 Joseph M. Curtis                  1944 George A. Metz                    1947 Charles J. Lauer               1949 Lawrence J. Forbes
Cathedral Latin Man of the Year: Roger Abood '61
2007 Cathedral Latin Alumni Membership Honor Roll
1949 James E. Foy                       1951 Richard Jindra                   1953 Donald E. Cappelletti        1955 Thomas J. Croft M.D.
1949 Neylon R. Griffin                  1951 Richard J. Kenny                 1953 Ronald R. DiLalla            1955 Donald E. De Roia
1949 James I. Gundling                  1951 Bart J. Kilkenny                 1953 Frank A. Fath                1955 Frank J. DeRose
1949 Thomas J. Harmon                   1951 Joseph F. Kmiec                  1953 Salvatore R. Felice          1955 Robert C. Fitzgerald
1949 Frank P. Heredos                   1951 Eugene P. Kogovsek               1953 Ronald G. Forystek           1955 Joseph D. Fortunato
1949 Raymond Hornak                     1951 Frederick R. Kovar               1953 Rev. Mr. Frederick F. Giel   1955 Gerald R. Gilles
1949 Raymond Hornak                     1951 Joseph G. Maire                  1953 James E. Gulick              1955 Tony J. Hrestak
1949 Marshall J. Italiano Sr.           1951 Paul A. Mauerer                  1953 Neil T. Haffey               1955 Donald C. Hutton
1949 John J. Kaminski                   1951 Edward J. McGreal                1953 Richard G. Huberty           1955 Theodore N. Iannetta
1949 Ernest L. Koerner                  1951 Earl Miller                      1953 Norman E. Humphries          1955 Paul J. Jankowski
1949 Earl J. Lauer                      1951 Rev. Francis C. Mulvanity        1953 William A. Immarino          1955 Richard J. Kessler
1949 Robert J. Maruna                   1951 Anthony J. Musca                 1953 James P. Kinsey              1955 Richard J. Krebs
1949 Gerald G. Miller                   1951 Peter J. Neroni                  1953 Robert J. Krejci             1955 Kenneth C. Latine
1949 William A. Mullee                  1951 Frank L. Prijatel                1953 Thomas J. Landwei            1955 Donald J. Lawrence
1949 John D. Robson                     1951 Thomas M. Raia                   1953 Ronald J. Mangan             1955 Edward A. Lozick
1949 Rev. Leonard Stunek O.F.M.         1951 Stephen J. Sebesta Ph.D., P.E.   1953 Frank P. Manning Jr.         1955 Leonard J. Mlejnek
1949 Thomas M. Vickers                  1951 Robert L. Shafer                 1953 Albert A. Musca M.D.         1955 Dominic J. Niccoli D.D.S.
1949 Daniel M. Walsh                    1951 Thomas J. Smith                  1953 Raymond S. Oliger            1955 Francis E. Norton
1949 Joseph F. Wasserbauer              1951 Chester E. Suskowicz Jr.         1953 Thomas J. O’Toole            1955 John J. O’Boyle
                                        1951 George J. Thomey                 1953 Aloysius L. Pace             1955 Michael F. O’Donnell
1950 Paul J. Armbruster                 1951 Gene J. Whitney                  1953 Vincent M. Panichi           1955 Ivan L. Otto
1950 Jack C. Bolster                                                          1953 Clifford T. Pentrack         1955 Peter R. Pucher
1950 Deane J. Brown                     1952 William J. Amato                 1953 Louis F. Perko               1955 Frank L. Regalbuto
1950 Eugene J. Burns                    1952 Earl H. Armbruster               1953 James H. Powers              1955 Michael J. Skehan
1950 Edward F. Cerny                    1952 Robert F. Arnold                 1953 Carl A. Romansky             1955 William J. Skerl
1950 Earl L. Corbin                     1952 Franklin J. Azzarello            1953 Robert A. Rymarczyk          1955 Raymond E. Stebanski
1950 Ronald J. Cory                     1952 Francis J. Blake                 1953 Thomas A. Sadowski           1955 Joseph E. Urbas
1950 Richard T. Dow                     1952 Ronald R. Bogolin                1953 David P. Sanders
1950 Paul L. Farley                     1952 Richard E. Bruyere               1953 Joseph M. Sendry             1956 John F. Argie
1950 Jack E. Feeney                     1952 Allen Caine                      1953 Frank J. Soltis              1956 Andre Caticchio
1950 Col. James A. Gravette USAF        1952 John B. DiCillo                  1953 Richard A. Sundra            1956 Michael W. Coughlin
(ret)                                   1952 James J. Divis                   1953 John P. Szabo                1956 Richard L. Cuva
1950 John R. Hedges                     1952 Michael J. Dulay Jr.             1953 J. Roger Toth                1956 Leo A. Deininger
1950 Capt. John W. Horrigan USN (ret)   1952 Donald J. Engeman                1953 Joseph H. Trask              1956 Joseph D. Firment
1950 L. Daniel Hottois                  1952 Michael F. Farona                1953 Thomas J. Wilson             1956 Paul A. Gielink
1950 James J. Hudak                     1952 Lawrence E. Franey               1953 John A. Winter               1956 Peter T. Kinney
1950 Thomas J. Kinsella                 1952 Gerald E. Fuerst                 1953 Edward A. Yarnovich          1956 Joseph J. Magri
1950 William R. Kloss                   1952 Ronald L. Gliebe                 1953 Alfred W. Zitnik             1956 Francis E. Marinelli
1950 John S. Kopcso                     1952 Victor A. Grdina                                                   1956 James J. McNulty
1950 Gordon L. Laganke                  1952 Donald E. Griffin                1954 David L. Baker               1956 Kenneth F. Mrozinski
1950 Dominic A. LoGalbo                 1952 Regis A. Haas                    1954 Nicola J. Capretta           1956 Ronald J. Prasek
1950 Thomas W. Maloney                  1952 Donald L. Hibler                 1954 Roy F. Carlson               1956 Robert E. Reinmann
1950 James R. McGinty                   1952 Col. Anthony Jezior (ret)        1954 Anthony L. Caticchio         1956 Joseph A. Rini
1950 George L. Michalke                 1952 John F. Keating                  1954 Charles L. Courtad D.D.S.    1956 Frank J. Roddy
1950 Richard J. Mott                    1952 Frank E. King                    1954 Dominic P. DiIorio           1956 Alfonso A. Rossi D.D.S.
1950 Joseph G. Nemanich                 1952 John T. Kocevar                  1954 John A. Franks Jr.           1956 Basil S. Segro
1950 John F. Norton                     1952 Anthony J. Kosak                 1954 William N. Geary             1956 Matthew M. Selvaggio
1950 James P. O’Hair                    1952 William J. Kubat                 1954 E. Jerome Hanratty           1956 Lawrence M. Seman
1950 William J. Pevec                   1952 David J. Lombardo                1954 Leonard A. Iacco             1956 Richard L. Snyder
1950 John L. Pinto                      1952 Robert F. MacIvor                1954 Jerome T. Kelly              1956 John Sodja
1950 James S. Ricketts                  1952 John P. McBride                  1954 Thomas J. Krebs Jr.          1956 Robert A. Soinski
1950 Dr. Daniel F. Sazima               1952 Thomas J. McCullough             1954 Daniel J. Moir               1956 Robert C. Sterbank
1950 Albert H. Schempp                  1952 Anthony F. Mlakar                1954 Rev. John R. Olsavsky        1956 Frank Stergar
1950 William J. Schlaudecker            1952 Robert Ortmann                   1954 Frank W. Prater Jr.          1956 Robert L. Toth
1950 James M. Schuerger                 1952 Rev. Msgr. Francis G. Penko      1954 William G. Preston           1956 Paul Wilkes
1950 John A. Shimko                     1952 James H. Ramsey                  1954 James J. Rascher M.D.
1950 Edwin C. Skufca                    1952 James A. Reinmann                1954 Charles A. Robertson Jr.     1957 Albert Aftoora
1950 Ralph W. Smith                     1952 Robert T. Rose                   1954 Walter J. Ross               1957 James M. Buckley
1950 James F. Sweeney                   1952 John A. Schauer                  1954 G.C. Scavone                 1957 Paul A. Chuppa
1950 Robert A. Thomas                   1952 James W. Schempp                 1954 Walter C. Smith              1957 Joseph A. Coneglio
1950 William P. Tighe                   1952 George J. Thorpe M.D.            1954 Joseph T. Snyder             1957 George J. Dlouhy
1950 Stephen J. Toth                    1952 Frank S. Torok                   1954 Daniel G. Stegmaier          1957 D. Michael Edelmuth
1950 Richard P. Veres                   1952 George D. Vaul                   1954 James T. Stephenson          1957 James R. Flaherty
1950 Robert A. Vourron                  1952 Joseph W. Waters                 1954 Eugene J. Trela              1957 Donald F. Grazko
1950 Robert J. Wurm                     1952 Donald M. Willis                 1954 Rev. Mr. Carl M. Varga       1957 Carl P. Gulla Jr.
                                        1952 Ronald C. Wysocki                1954 Robert L. Weisenseel         1957 Francis J. Hibler
1951 William F. Borgmann                                                      1954 Michael A. Zuccaro           1957 Bernard M. Iacampo
1951 Michael A. DiCillo                 1953 Carmelo J. Amato                                                   1957 Peter A. Kamis
1951 Albert C. Dickard Jr.              1953 Robert P. Bajko                  1955 Rev. Mr. Dennis P. Bryant    1957 Kenneth E. Koprowski
1951 Robert P. Edwards                  1953 George P. Billings               1955 Denis M. Burke               1957 Stanley F. Koss M.D.
1951 John J. Garner                     1953 Col. Stephen G. Bosway           1955 Louis J. Caplick             1957 John T. Moriarty
1951 Jerome C. Helfrich                 1953 J. Kenneth Brown                 1955 Robert J. Conrad             1957 Donald J. Novotny D.D.S.
1951 John P. Hollis                     1953 Niel R. Butch                    1955 Marvin A. Cook M.D.          1957 William T. O’Donnell

2007 Cathedral Latin Alumni Membership Honor Roll
1957 James A. O’Neill         1959 George S. Pavlik               1961 Dennis F. Symon           1964 William E. Koeth
1957 Rev. Louis M. Papes      1959 Carl R. Pikus                  1961 John R. Thorpe            1964 Frederick F. Koss
1957 John F. Pilch            1959 Raymond S. Rini                1961 James E. Tierri           1964 John J. Kozsey
1957 John A. Stanley          1959 Carl F. Smocinski              1961 Gerald A. Toth            1964 Franklin J. Kunz
1957 Anthony J. Staraitis     1959 Richard J. Uher                1961 Julian G. Vanni           1964 Howard J. Mahoney
1957 George E. Sulik          1959 George E. Walsh                1961 John Veasey               1964 Michael P. Malone
1957 Edward J. Walsh Jr.      1959 Richard D. Wervey              1961 Ralph A. Waltman Ph.D.    1964 Edward C. Martin
1957 Andrew J. Zanella                                                                           1964 Patrick A. McDonough
                              1960 Thomas R. Arnold               1962 Thomas Ashdown            1964 Thomas A. McGinness
1958 Raymond J. Amato         1960 George J. Bartelme             1962 Thomas J. Brennan         1964 Donald Mulvanity
1958 Elias N. Bird            1960 Raymond B. Blaha               1962 Kevin J. Bynane           1964 Joseph M. Nista
1958 Edward F. Cermak         1960 Victor E. Cassesa              1962 Robert W. Croft           1964 Herbert Norman Sr.
1958 Sebastian A. Cook M.D.   1960 Norman F. Diederich Ph.D.      1962 James T. Denk             1964 Dennis K. Pechota
1958 Charles W. Cox           1960 Gerald P. Ferrazza             1962 Albert J. Di Iorio        1964 Dennis P. Pinkozie
1958 E. Richard Csoltko       1960 Bro. Thomas F. Giardino S.M.   1962 Michael J. Gale           1964 Donald N. Ramacciato
1958 Francis J. Czykun        1960 Louis F. Hlad                  1962 John P. Iafelice          1964 Leonard W. Ringenbach
1958 Donald A. DeSapri        1960 Joseph A. Huber                1962 Gerald Ketchaver          1964 Cosimo G. Sciotto M.D.
1958 Bernard J. Divis         1960 David J. Kachelein             1962 William A. Kilinskas      1964 Kenneth F. Seminatore
1958 Jerold T. Englehart      1960 George J. Kahoun Jr.           1962 Philip J. Kivach          1964 Dr. William Shula
1958 Richard L. Fink          1960 William E. Karnak              1962 Al Koncius                1964 John A. Skerl Ph.D.
1958 Norbert W. Foxx          1960 Anthony J. Makransky           1962 Robert A. Matteo          1964 Michael A. Soinski
1958 Richard A. Frank         1960 Rev. Theodore Marszal          1962 Anthony A. Matuszewski    1964 Robert Stricker
1958 Joseph J. Galco Jr.      1960 George C. Matejka              1962 Daniel J. McGrath         1964 Paul R. Sturn
1958 Joseph W. Gregg          1960 Walter J. Nowak                1962 Joseph J. Miklich         1964 Patrick Talty
1958 Frank B. Harff           1960 Richard J. Pacyna              1962 Richard J. Myslenski      1964 Robert Taucher
1958 Kenneth S. Hovan         1960 Robert J. Papa                 1962 Richard A. O’Neill        1964 Thomas A. Vavra
1958 Norman T. Ingrassia      1960 Sterling J. Parks              1962 John P. Quinlan           1964 James G. Zaletel D.D.S.
1958 John J. Kastelic         1960 John T. Pekarcik               1962 Charles J. Russell        1964 Edward E. Zejewski
1958 Carl A. LoPresti         1960 Frank P. Ramacciato            1962 Bro. John Sturn O.S.A.
1958 Robert J. Marko          1960 Nicholas A. Rini                                              1965 Francis J. Antonucci
1958 Paul A. Maruna           1960 Nicholas J. Sarconi            1963 Richard M. Arceci         1965 George J. Azusenis
1958 Joseph R. Masar          1960 Gerald P. Schetterer           1963 Lawrence Bailer           1965 John D. Beall
1958 Algirdas V. Matulionis   1960 Louis A. Shainker              1963 William Bauza             1965 Kenneth M. Bender
1958 Frank E. Mulhall         1960 Roger R. Skrocki               1963 Michael Campbell          1965 Rick J. Carbone
1958 Thomas C. O’Rourke       1960 Chester F. Talarczyk           1963 Edward P. Douglas         1965 Charles B. Centivany
1958 Thomas J. Palisin        1960 Ronald E. Tanski Sr.           1963 Joel H. Guthleben         1965 George R. Collins
1958 John D. Pangonis         1960 Bert Richard Tomon Esq.        1963 Rev. Mark L. Hollis       1965 Rev. Dr. Kenneth A. DeLuca Ph.D
1958 Christopher J. Pavone    1960 Robert J. Valerian             1963 Edward F. Hyland          1965 Kenneth E. Denne
1958 Thomas J. Persin         1960 Alan J. Yama                   1963 Clinton Jones             1965 Daniel H. D’Ettorre
1958 Lawrence M. Piecuch                                          1963 Patrick T. Kirk           1965 John A. DiCello Jr.
1958 Kenneth J. Rozak         1961 Norman J. Abraham              1963 Terrance J. Kulka         1965 Andrew Durny
1958 John M. Shaw             1961 Joseph Andryscik               1963 Nick J. LaRich            1965 Warren L. Faber Ph.D.
1958 Eugene J. Smayda III     1961 Fred T. Bittner                1963 Michael J. McGrath        1965 Daniel H. Hespen Jr.
1958 Jack H. Winterich        1961 Richard J. Borczuch            1963 Timothy J. McNeil Sr.     1965 Vincent R. Isabella
                              1961 Vincent T. Brice               1963 Michael H. Moore          1965 John F. Kieran
1959 Joseph E. Bolek Jr.      1961 Robert S. Czajkowski           1963 Ed Parsch                 1965 James P. Martello
1959 Ronald F. Brickman       1961 Anthony D. Dardy               1963 Stephen A. Pekarcik       1965 Ronald V. Mausser
1959 Leo M. Caito             1961 Ralph T. DeFranco              1963 Kenneth W. Radigan        1965 Paul J. Maxse
1959 Albert J. Camma          1961 Lawrence H. Denney             1963 Mark Rocawich             1965 Gary J. Nied
1959 James F. Cermak          1961 Thomas A. Diedrich             1963 Rev. Mr. John P. Sferry   1965 David E. Pasini
1959 Carmen J. Cesa           1961 Bro. Victor M. Forlani S.M.    1963 Thomas M. Shannon         1965 Robert J. Petrovic
1959 Fred L. Cossick          1961 Matthew M. Haley               1963 Timothy M. Sullivan       1965 Ronald H. Reinartz
1959 Lawrence J. Cox          1961 William D. Henderson           1963 Thomas G. Taylor          1965 James B. Rohal
1959 William B. DeFranco      1961 Miran A. Ivkanec               1963 Peter S. Titas            1965 Richard R. Toth
1959 Patrick J. Friel         1961 James J. Kennedy               1963 Donald F. Zwilling        1965 Frank M. Wegling
1959 William J. Gannon        1961 Dennis E. Korosec                                             1965 William B. Weldon
1959 Joseph N. Giovinale      1961 Gerald V. Kosmala              1964 James Bennett             1965 Ernst F. Weninger
1959 James F. Glavic          1961 Edward C. Licht                1964 Kenneth J. Berger         1965 Rev. Mr. John T. Wenzel
1959 Henry A. Harff           1961 William F. McNamara            1964 Richard L. Beyer
1959 Joseph J. Homa           1961 Albert M. Mizenko              1964 John Bruile               1966 Kenneth M. Betz
1959 Dennis A. Iacofano       1961 Thomas J. Mlinac               1964 Edward W. Bushik S.J.     1966 James E. Buckley
1959 Thomas W. Ianiro         1961 David G. Moriarty              1964 Ralph E. DeRose           1966 Alan F. Bunker
1959 Victor A. Ilenda         1961 Thomas A. O’Malley             1964 Frank M. DeRubeis         1966 Richard D. Byrnes
1959 Thomas Karlovec          1961 Stanley J. Piekos              1964 Michael T. Dobrzanski     1966 James R. Cudo Sr.
1959 Ronald J. Koeppen        1961 Donald M. Polomsky             1964 Daniel D. Ducic Jr.       1966 Marc J. Durica
1959 Thomas J. Kohanski       1961 John J. Schilthorn             1964 Thomas M. Dudick          1966 Timothy J. Edwards
1959 Paul Kozak               1961 Joseph M. Seiffert             1964 Donald J. Forlani         1966 Kevin M. Flanagan
1959 Charles J. Kozelka       1961 Philip K. Selden               1964 Donald Gambatesa          1966 Edward Gorbett
1959 Wayne A. Krueger M.D.    1961 Louis E. Shenk                 1964 Dale F. Goodrich          1966 William C. Horvath
1959 James P. Lally           1961 Benjamin E. Smole              1964 Thomas H. Gudowicz        1966 Terence P. Hudec
1959 James J. Larva           1961 Joseph G. Spagnuolo            1964 William S. Hulesch        1966 Dennis A. Kennedy
1959 Frederic W. Misischia    1961 Ronald F. Sterbank             1964 Robert R. Hurdle Jr.      1966 James F. Lanese
1959 Robert E. Mullin         1961 Joseph F. Stracensky           1964 Michael A. Isabella       1966 Michael J. Lavelle
1959 Jack E. Norton           1961 Daniel J. Sullivan             1964 Alex M. Kezdi             1966 David A. Montesanto
2007 Cathedral Latin Alumni Membership Honor Roll
1966 David S. Murphy               1968 Donald E. Rapposelli            1971 William G. Thompson
1966 Douglas F. Myslenski          1968 James M. Schag                  1971 James P. Zappitielli           1976 Joseph A. Allega
1966 Joseph S. Parey               1968 Gary J. Soukup                                                      1976 Timothy Bauman
1966 Kenneth L. Pepera             1968 Joseph Tira                     1972 Neil M. Bambrick               1976 Joseph M. DePalma D.D.S.
1966 Frank R. Piunno               1968 Jeffrey E. Valentovic           1972 John A. Bastulli M.D.          1976 Patrick J. Hyland
1966 John A. Prokop                1968 Robert R. Vance                 1972 Patrick K. Carlin              1976 David S. Payne
1966 Timothy P. Ratajczak                                               1972 James DiCello                  1976 Bernard J. Tamburro
1966 Anthony F. Severino           1969 Leon M. Balys                   1972 Douglas E. Fuldauer            1976 James A. Westropp
1966 James M. Talty                1969 John J. Bambrick                1972 Joseph A. Greve
1966 George J. Tamas               1969 Daniel J. Cavolo D.P.M.         1972 James P. Harrison              1977 Michael E. Bambrick
1966 Frank G. Titas                1969 Robert F. Collins Jr.           1972 Mark F. Horansky               1977 Michael F. Dolphin
1966 Elliott J. Viktoryn           1969 Donald G. Dzurec                1972 Joseph N. Isabella             1977 Steven A. Filippo
1966 Richard E. Warnke             1969 William J. Fischbach            1972 Patrick T. LaVigne             1977 Leo P. Hyland
1966 Arthur C. Wicinski            1969 John E. Gazzuolo                1972 Joseph G. Maichrye             1977 Christopher Lachman
                                   1969 Hugh P. Ginley                  1972 Dudley J. Murphy               1977 Bartholomew L. Lanchman Jr.
1967 Fred A. Antonucci             1969 James S. Kozsey                 1972 Steve R. Palinkas              1977 Lance M. Lippert
1967 Robert D. Baker               1969 Gilbert A. Kroboth              1972 Patrick F. Routa               1977 Michael T. Lynch
1967 Torry A. Buck                 1969 Terrence A. McAdams             1972 Capt. Daniel D. Thompson USN   1977 Jeffrey J. Mangione
1967 James E. Burke                1969 Leslie R. Monroe Jr.                                                1977 Michael J. McKinley
1967 Harold Butler M.D.            1969 Dennis C. Murphy                1973 Paul F. Calhoun                1977 Patrick J. McNamara
1967 Rev. Anthony J. Cassese       1969 Anthony L. Muttillo             1973 Stephen Cuglewski              1977 Ernie F. Petrus
1967 Paul T. Chiappone             1969 Thomas P. O’Connor              1973 Thomas M. English              1977 Terrence J. Roncagli
1967 Robert Fratus                 1969 Lawrence M. O’Toole             1973 William A. Hallal              1977 Lorenzo E. Smith
1967 Ronald G. Gadus               1969 Paul J. Piazza                  1973 Timothy M. Hyland              1977 James Staples
1967 James T. Gorman               1969 Michael P. Rossi                1973 Duane A. Isabella              1977 Terry F. Wise
1967 Charles A. Grebenc            1969 Paul J. Scipione                1973 Joseph J. Kay
1967 Raymond J. Habian             1969 Steven T. Thomas Ph.D.          1973 Ralph E. Mausser               1978 Major Donald C. Bennett Jr.
1967 Timothy J. Harmon             1969 Kenneth A. Zajac                1973 Edward O. McAdams Jr.          USMCR
1967 Mark W. Hayes DPM, JD         1969 Jan B. Zamiska                  1973 Kerry D. McCullough            1978 Benjamin J. Fisco
1967 Bro. Hugh Henderson C.PP.S.                                        1973 Thomas J. Nolfi                1978 Douglas R. Goergen
1967 John L. Herman                1970 Raymond P. Andrews              1973 Paul L. Palumbo                1978 James Iacampo
1967 Paul J. Herman                1970 Edward G. Babits D.D.S., P.C.   1973 David M. Russo                 1978 Robert I. Lang
1967 Robert J. Hibler              1970 Michael G. Beres                1973 Gilbert J. Ryan                1978 Matthew F. Mangione
1967 Thomas L. Hirz                1970 Joseph A. Blaszak               1973 Michael A. Turek               1978 James W. Palermo
1967 John Hlavka                   1970 John B. Blatt                   1973 James E. Weiler                1978 Anthony J. Pulling
1967 Gary S. Holliday              1970 Norman A. Bringman                                                  1978 Thomas J. Stricker
1967 Emmett Jacobson               1970 James R. Columbro               1974 Thomas A. Bambrick             1978 Timothy N. Toma
1967 William Kacvinsky             1970 Daniel E. Dowd                  1974 James P. Carrabine
1967 Robin L. Kaser                1970 William L. Fougerousse Sr.      1974 Richard A. Cavolo D.D.S.       1979 Kevin M. Alexander
1967 Michael A. Mooney             1970 Michael M. Fratus               1974 James A. Costello              1979 William H. Bambrick
1967 Allan J. Paluf                1970 Francis E. Gaul Jr.             1974 Joseph G. Filippo              1979 Michael F. D’Amato
1967 James Pedley                  1970 Dennis E. Harmon                1974 Michael J. Jennings            1979 Robert F. Hopkins
1967 Thomas A. Perlatti            1970 Norman J. Hendrickson           1974 Richard A. Marino              1979 John J. King
1967 Jack R. Petry                 1970 Charles T. Ipavec               1974 Thomas J. Meder                1979 Scott P. Klonowski
1967 Vincent Radzimski             1970 Philip J. Kasunick              1974 Gerald O. Mullin               1979 Nicholas LoPorto
1967 Gerard J. Rooney              1970 James R. Michals                1974 Joseph E. Schneeberger         1979 Phillip W. Oliveri
1967 Salvatore Ruggeri             1970 Patrick J. Murphy               1974 Steve P. Sudyk                 1979 Martin F. Palumbo
1967 John C. Sims                  1970 Christopher W. Payne            1974 James M. Sweeney               1979 Chip Tighe
1967 Charles J. Szabo              1970 Joseph R. Pierce                1974 John S. Tepfenhart             1979 Mark A. Vitale
1967 Peter M. Ware                 1970 Francis T. Sikora               1974 Carter A. Welo
1967 Donald A. Weichsel            1970 Ron J. Tripodo                  1974 Robert A. Yodice               1980 Rev. Michael D. Ausperk
1967 John H. Wilhelm                                                    1974 Jerome J. Zielaskiewicz        1980 Pete Lamb
1967 Francis Zunt                  1971 William L. Annandono
                                   1971 Bruce J. Battista               1975 Philip R. Adamson              1981 Peter R. Lungo Jr.
1968 Patrick V. Auletta            1971 Ben J. Carlozzo                 1975 John R. Allega                 1981 Anthony J. Marotta
1968 John A. Banasiak              1971 Paul A. Ertel                   1975 Kenneth W. Brown               1981 Patrick J. Paulus
1968 Michael R. Bryk               1971 William J. Gaydos Jr.           1975 Timothy P. Byrne
1968 Frank P. Cardinale            1971 Stanley Gromek                  1975 Joseph G. Corsaro              Faculty & Friends
1968 Rev. Mr. Lawrence J. Cermak   1971 Patrick W. Hahn                 1975 Robert D’Alessandro
1968 David Chiappone Ph.D.         1971 Francis L. Hobbins              1975 Michael T. Fitzgerald          Mr. Myron Achbach
1968 Richard L. Dzurec Jr.         1971 David G. Hudak                  1975 Richard J. Godic               Mr. Sandy W. Bompiedi
1968 Thomas A. Halfhill            1971 Edward F. Jindra                1975 Ted J. Horansky                Mrs. Ann H. Kelley
1968 Frank J. Hlad                 1971 John R. Kozak                   1975 William N. Ibold               Mrs. Charlotte Lynch
1968 Henry A. Hoffman              1971 Patrick J. Lamb                 1975 Richard A. Kelley              Mr. Robert J. McAuliffe
1968 Rev. Ralph G. Hudak           1971 Ronald J. Litra                 1975 Thomas A. Loren                Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Rachek
1968 Dale G. Hutter                1971 Anthony J. Marino D.D.S.        1975 Christopher M. Lynch           Rev. Paul Reich S.M.
1968 Louis F. Jacquet              1971 Thomas P. McNally               1975 Vincent J. Malatesta           Mr. Sam Ruvolo
1968 William S. Jirousek Jr.       1971 Timothy A. Moran                1975 John A. Marinucci
1968 Joseph M. Kaminski            1971 James P. Murphy                 1975 Michael A. McNamara
1968 Christopher J. Klein          1971 John Nowel                      1975 Gregory J. Palumbo
1968 Kenneth E. Krejci             1971 Raymond P. Polomsky             1975 Daniel A. Rodeno
1968 John J. McGee                 1971 Thomas A. Rini                  1975 Mark E. Seibert
1968 Lester D. Mitchell            1971 Blaise Roncagli                 1975 Timothy L. Szabo Sr.
1968 Timothy Nowacki               1971 Richard D. Schwope              1975 James R. Wood
Bob Lally ’46                                                           I n M emorium
“When the going gets tough, let the tough      Name                      Year          Joseph Doyle              ’48
get going.”                                    Jack Harlan               ’29           Robert Parker             ’48
– Frank Leahy, Notre Dame Univer-              Rev. Donald Bracht        ’30           William Petersen          ’48
sity football coach, 1941-53                   Louis Hruby               ’31           John Ruffing              ’48
                                               Sylvester Lyzen           ’31           Ernest Simak              ’48
The going got tough for dynamic                John Corso                ’32           Walter Janka              ’49
                                               Kenneth McCarthy          ’32           Joseph Kriz               ’49
Bob Lally ’46 in the last few years as         Joseph Landers            ’33           Edward Gallagher          ’50
Parkinson’s Disease ravaged his body           William Crouse            ’34           Patrick McGarry           ’50
and robbed him of his independence.            Rev Mr. Paul Schneider    ’34           Russell Raus              ’50
But the resiliency and durability that         Donald Berry              ’35           Norman Bral               ’51
once characterized the famous Latin            Robert Brennan            ’35           Vernon Downey             ’52
and Notre Dame championship teams              Herman Jansen             ’35           Thomas Ginley             ’52
                                               Robert Debevec            ’36           John Keating              ’52
he played on enabled him to “tough it          Daniel Pasek              ’36           Thomas Landwei            ’53
out” until the disease finally sidelined       George Jusko              ’37           Richard Scott             ’53
him Jan. 12, 2008 at age 79.                   Francis Kerr              ’37           Laynard Woods             ’53
    Whatever the popular Lally did, it         Daniel Mertzlufft         ’38           Walter Smith              ’54
usually was significant. “I always liked       Carl Pavlin               ’38           Anthony DiScenzo          ’55
to do things in a big way,” he once said.      Joseph Turk               ’38           Nick Orlando              ’56
                                               Robert Wintersteller      ’38           Michael Vensas            ’59
    The Cleveland native attended St.          Alfred Kampman            ’39           Victor Cassesa            ’60
Gregory the Great School in South              Frank Smyth               ’39           George Matejka            ’60
Euclid before entering Cathedral               Earl Bailey               ’40           Frank Pokorny             ’64
Latin in 1942. A natural leader with           Robert Nagle              ’41           Dennis Straub             ’65
the traits of a great athlete and fellow       George Ryder              ’41           Ben Tomaro                ’65
student, “Prunes” distinguished himself        John Clark                ’42           Gregory Gyuire            ’66
                                               Arthur Corey              ’42           Richard Perko             ’68
both scholastically and athletically by        Frank Stanley             ’42           James Rosson              ’70
his positions as senior class president,       Andrew Borzi              ’43           John Caretti              ’71
Sodality prefect and all-Ohio guard on         Robert Mullally           ’44           Michael McGinty           ’74
two state championship football teams.         John Jancsurak            ’45           Michael Todd              ’76
The captain of the gridiron and track          Arthur Straub             ’45           William Crotty            ’77
squads also served on the yearbook             Robert Lally              ’46
                                               Joseph Lawrence           ’46           Faculty
business staff and was salutatorian for
                                               Arthur Brenza             ’47           Augie Bossu
his graduating class commencement.             John McNulty              ’47           Edmund Rhodes
    Bob went on to play guard for              Edmund Byrne              ’48
Notre Dame under famed coach Frank
Leahy. During his four years there, the     restless and bored with its slow pace.     to eight boys and eight girls.
Irish were undefeated and won three             “Being involved in the law was frus-       Tom Lally ’49 and Jim Lally ’59
national titles. Described as a “scrap-     trating because it took too long to get    followed their brother to Latin, as did
per” and a “tough boy,” he never let the    things done,” he said.                     Bob’s sons Chuck ’68, Kevin ’72, Jim
fact that he only weighed 185 pounds            He worked at his father’s roofing      ’74 and Mike. Bob was inducted into
deter him from his starting position.       company, Norton Brothers, and was          the Latin Hall of Fame in 1961.
Remarkably, he played in 63 high            co-owner and president for 40 years.           As children grew and grandchildren
school and college football games with-         In the meantime, he raised a family,   arrived, one thing stayed constant:
out a single defeat – 24 victories and a    or a football team, as he often joked.     Bob’s red plaid dinner jacket worn
tie at Latin and 38 college wins.           He and his first wife, Betty (Koch), had   every Christmas. It, like the famed
    He graduated in 1950 with a busi-       11 children. After Betty’s death, Bob      football team he once played for, was
ness degree but stayed at Notre Dame        met his current wife, Nancy, a widow       legendary.
to earn his law degree. After two years     with four children. In 1966 their fami-        Lally was a past president of the
in the profession, however, he grew         lies merged, and in 1968 they had one      Notre Dame Club (alumni) of Cleve-
                                            child together, bringing the grand total   land, and was its Man of the Year in
                                                                                       continued on page 14                 13
NDCL to launch                              Legacy Luncheon from 11:30 - 1:30
                                            in the NDCL library and to check out
                                                                                       Students march for
“Legacy Day” to                             some of our student’s creative ideas to    life in Washington
honor heritage                              honor the school’s unique heritage.        Nineteen NDCL students, campus
                                                                                       minister Molly Linehan, and Eng-
A school-wide celebration of NDCL               The NDCL Alumni Association has
parent schools – Notre Dame Academy         been working with the student leader-      lish teacher Vicky Frabotta-Cowman
and Cathedral Latin School – will take      ship in planning this special day, which   traveled to Washington, DC, on Jan.
place April 11.                             will include the display of assorted       21-22 to participate in the 35th annual
   NDCL’s halls will be adorned in the      memorabilia that has been donated          March for Life.
blue and white of Notre Dame                to the NDCL archives. Tours of the             The NDCL group was part of a
Academy and purple and gold of Ca-          school will be provided for anyone         contingent of students and staff from
thedral Latin in celebration of the inau-   interested.                                nine Cleveland-area Catholic high
gural “Legacy Day” at NDCL. Students            For more information and to make       schools, all of which are affiliated with
and faculty will wear special t-shirts to   a reservation, call NDCL Director of       Catholic Schools for Peace and Justice.
honor the traditions of both schools.       Alumni Relations Keven Krajnak at              While in Washington, the group
   All alumni are invited to the to the     440-286-6226, ext. 239.                    visited the Holocaust Museum, partici-
                                                                                       pated in a teach-in on the consistent
                                                                                       ethic of life, celebrated the Eucharist at
                                                                                       St. Matthew Cathedral, and marched
                                                                                       down Constitution Avenue for a rally
Lion baseball team                          Lally continued from pg. 13                in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.
to play on Tribe field                      1974. He also was active as a build-           “I really felt like I was part of some-
                                                                                       thing bigger, something greater, when I
again April 19                              ing trades labor negotiator, financial
                                            director for the Knights of Columbus,      looked around and saw so many people
The NDCL baseball team will play                                                       from all around the country who
Archbishop Hoban at Progressive             president of the Cleveland Touchdown
                                            Club, chairman of the St. Ann Cub          came together in support of life,” said
Field – the former Jacobs Field, home                                                  NDCL junior Megan Orosz.
of the Cleveland Indians – on Satur-        Scout Pack, and member of St. Vincent
day, April 19 as part of a quadruple-       DePaul Society and the First Friday,
header of baseball games. Game time         Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary Clubs.
has not been announced.                         The longtime Cleveland Heights
    In 2007, Lion sports teams played       resident is survived by his wife of 42
at Jacobs Field, Cleveland Browns Sta-      years, Nancy (Epple), 15 of his 16 chil-
dium, and the Q Arena (home of the          dren, his 38 grandchildren, and three
Cleveland Cavs).                            siblings.

           Brother Frank Nurthen Scholarship Recipients
Here are the recipients of the Cathe-
dral Latin Alumni Association-funded
Brother Frank Nurthen Scholarship for
the 2007-08 school year at NDCL.
Each student receives $1,000 per
school year, which is renewable. To
qualify, students must be a direct
descendant of a Latin alumnus with
demonstrated financial need.                        Juliet DiCillo,            Daniel Wood,                 Adam Carswell,
                                                    Grade 9                    Grade 9                      Grade 11
                                                    St Francis of Assisi       St Gabriel                   Our Shepard Lutheran grade
                                                    Granddaughter of John      Son of Jim Wood ’75          school and Kirtland Christian
                                                    DiCillo’48                                              Fellowship Church
                                                                                                            Son of Mike Carswell ‘80

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