DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford

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DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
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T                              DONOR REPORT
                               FY18/19 & FY19/2020

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                         1
DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
A special thanks to our Campaign Board members
for their support.

450th Campaign President
André Hoffmann

450th Campaign Co-Chairs
Ruth Saunders (1974)
Angela Jackson (1980)

Advisor to the 450th Campaign
Stephen Walker (1968)

Professor Armand D’Angour

Board members
Rachel Angell (1998)
Paul Bostock (1978)
Simon Curtis (1974)
Tom Dimitroff (1986)
Julian “Dougie” Douglas (1994)
Douglas Hansen-Luke (1988)
Marieluise Maiwald (MSc 2000)
Fred Means (1971)
Benjamin Schmittzehe (1987)
Claire Strickett (MSt 2010)
Brad Wilson (1967)

2                                                DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
DIRECTOR’S WELCOME                                                        EDITORIAL GROUP

It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to thank our                     Content
donors each year in this special report. This year has been               Brittany Wellner James
extraordinary, and the support from our alumni and friends                     Director of Development and Fellow
during this period has provided a much needed morale                      Stuart Woodward
boost for the College during a time of uncertainty.                            Estates Bursar
                                                                          Georgina Plunkett
None of us could have anticipated the difficult months running up to           Deputy Director of Development
our special anniversary, but we look ahead to 2021 with optimism and      Edmund Levin
renewed gratitude. In 2021 we will enter our 450th year as an Oxford           Annual Fund and Giving
college and, thanks to the support of our alumni and friends, we will          Programmes Manager
complete the development on one of the biggest transformations of         Peter Sutton
College since its early history. Our new Northgate building will be            Alumni Engagement Manager
an incredible asset to the Jesus College community and its projected      Cover Photo
opening at the end of our anniversary year will be an achievement for     Sophia Carlarne
us all to celebrate. Northgate is something we think our alumni and            Social Media and Events Officer
friends must see to believe. Before lockdown, we had started to offer     Design and Production
behind-the-scenes tours of the site, and we look forward to offering      Eve Bodniece
more visits as soon as it is safe to do so.                                    Dev. Operations and Data Manager
        We deeply regret that our in-person events will not resume at
the start our special anniversary year as we had hoped. However, I am
delighted to say that we have a fantastic programme of alumni and
donor events planned this year both online and hopefully in person
from late spring 2021 (please see p.12 for forthcoming events).
        At the time of writing this, we have raised over £39 million of
our £45 million target for the College’s 450th Anniversary Campaign.
This is a collective achievement from our alumni and friends and none
of this would be possible without you. We are in the home stretch of      CONTENTS
this Campaign and the support we now seek towards our remaining
£5.8 million target will be used for academic priorities that will help   Director’s Welcome                         1
position College and its Northgate development at the helm of new         Comments from the Estates Bursar           2
digital learning methodologies at Oxford and nurture the talent to        A Student's Letter to her Tutors           3
produce cutting-edge research. With a milestone anniversary and a         The Student Suppor t
landmark new building near completion it is a very proud moment                  and Book Fund Appeals               4
for Jesus College, and we look forward to the time when we can            BCL Scholarships at Jesus College          5
celebrate these accomplishments with you in person.                       Our Access & Outreach Programmes           6
                                                                          Supporting Inspiring Teachers
Thank you for supporting your College.                                           and World–Leading Researchers      10
                                                                          Why Finance a Doctoral
Best wishes from Oxford,                                                         Student at College?                11
                                                                          For thcoming Events                       12
                                                                          Our Patrons                               13
                                                                          Our Donors                                21
                                                                          Shaping the Future of Learning            32
Dr Brittany Wellner James                                                 Legacy Luncheon                           35
Director of Development and Fellow                                        Keep in Touch                             36

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DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
spire us…
    You in
                                         The College is pleased to report a continuation
                                         of its fundraising success in the period since 2018.
                    Unrestricted Funds   The £2.7m raised reflects a wide range of contributions;
                                         big, small, one-off, and regular, all of which demonstrate
                                         how so many of our alumni have seen fit to support the
                                         College. Their generosity has made a huge difference to
                             £751,250    the College’s ability to fulfill its key academic objectives.
                                                Support for tutors, student numbers, widening
                   Access and Outreach
                                         access, and research have been at the forefront of our
                                         efforts to raise funds, and so it is gratifying to see this
                                         reflected in the results. We have had particular success with
                                         access, reflecting the enormous effort made by our Access
                                         and Outreach team, led by Dr Matt Williams, to reach
                      Student Suppor t
                                         schools and disadvantaged pupils in Wales and London..
                                         The other priorities have also benefited, not just from
                                         designated funding, but also through the Development
                                         Fund which, being unrestricted, allows us to direct resources
                                         to areas of most need. As a result, the Development Fund
                             Teaching    has contributed to undergraduate bursaries, graduate
                                         studentships, and support to the tutorial system, as well as
                                         other aspects of access and outreach.
                                                There is always more to be done, but at a
                             £205,991    time when College, like so many other organisations,
                           JRF Funding   is pressed by the impact of the pandemic, it is with
                                         gratitude that we reflect on how our alumni and other
                                         donors have made such a difference.

                              £95,211                                     Mr Stuart Woodward
       General purposes & Other Funds                  Estates Bursar (1976, BA Modern History)

4                                                              DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
spire them
            …to in
We are delighted to share with you a thank you letter from Emily Godwin, a third year Classics and
English student, to her tutors Professor Paulina Kewes, Fellow and Tutor in English, and Professor
Peter Davidson, Lecturer in English, following her final exams at Jesus.

 Dear Paulina and Peter,

 Thank you so much for both of your support, it meant that I felt so much more confident when sitting down
 yesterday to do the paper.
        Peter, you will laugh because the first question on the paper was about Scotticisms and dialect which you
 know I love, and so wrote about Scott's Minstrelsy and antiquarianism.
        I also wrote about Hogg's Confessions for a question about first hand narrative and history which was just
 a perfect question for the novel, since its narration is so complex. Hopefully I managed to do it justice.
        I was very lucky with the questions and although I'm a little bit worried that I showed no real range of
 knowledge (I think I might have convinced the examiner that I was in fact Scottish more than anything else) but
 I really hope that I have done your wonderful teaching justice.
        I wanted to say thank you in person but of course I am not sure when that will be so I will say it by email
 for the time being! I wanted to thank you both for nurturing my love for English and confidence in my own ability
 – whatever my mark is eventually, I have learnt so much from you both and feel so inspired by your passion for
 what you do. I feel I have grown so much as a student and feel more inspired than ever to do a masters (hopefully
 back at Jesus eventually!!). It is very much down to you both and I feel so lucky to have been taught by two
 such inspirational scholars.

 Now for some more exams and lovely Greek...


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DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
mm itment
        The  co
            toda y…
The Development Fund supports remarkable people and programmes that make a difference in the lives
of Jesus students. Each year we ask members of our community to support the Development Fund, and
we are grateful to the current alumni and friends of College who choose to donate.

Alumni donations to the Development Fund have an                   The impact of Covid-19 has been especially
impor tant and direct impact on College academic life       hard on our First Years, who have not been able to
by providing funding for postgraduate studentships,         experience the traditional processes of settling in to
scholarships, disser tation and research grants, Open       College life. For returning students, Jesus in Michaelmas
Day travel bursaries, and academic awards. This funding     was both a familiar and an alien place, as new routes
also provides impor tant additional support for student     through College and new rules in public spaces were
extra-curricular activities and for the Access and          imposed. Hall dinners could not be held as normal
Outreach team to make schools visits. This year, the        and a giant marquee was erected in Second Quad to
disruption the College community faced in Trinity Term      allow for safe dining and socially distanced meetings.
meant that it was incredibly impor tant for Jesus to        College’s first priority in the pandemic has always
offer stability and reassurance for its students during     been to protect its members, and our Academic
the pandemic. Your suppor t of the Development Fund         Director, Tutors, and College staff have worked hard
enabled us to do so.                                        to ensure that our students receive the same standard
       Owing to the pandemic, the decision to postpone      of excellent teaching, research suppor t, and pastoral
the annual telethon left a funding gap of over £60,000      care this year.
for the Development Fund. Over the month of June                   It is because of your continued suppor t of
we worked closely with the Academic Office on two           priorities like the Development Fund that our College
student appeals to bridge these gaps. Our June appeals      community could feel a sense of normality during term
to ‘Stand by our Students’ and to suppor t the College’s    time. Thank you for the impor tant par t you have played
Book Fund raised £99,000 for the Development Fund,          and continue to play in easing their stress in this time
and £12,000 specifically for books. Without access to       of uncer tainty.
College and the libraries in Trinity, our students needed
to find ways to study and research from home. The
generous suppor t you provided during this time meant
that they could access the materials they needed                                               Mr Edmund Levin
to be successful.                                                     Annual Fund and Giving Programmes Manager

6                                                                                 DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
ange  lives
                     …to ch
                         tomor row
The BCL at Oxford University is a world-renowned taught graduate course in law, designed to serve
outstanding law students from common law backgrounds. It is one of the most prestigious degrees
available at the University and as such the academic standards are high and application process rigorous.

The BCL scholarships at Jesus are a badge of the highest      of the cohor t greatly enhances the quality of tutorials
quality, denoting the pursuit of academic excellence          as the individuals bring a wide variety of different
and our ongoing commitment to promoting the study             perspectives to discussions. Financial constraints can
of law. The College is exceptionally grateful for the         still deter the brightest students from taking up well-
decision you made to suppor t young students of law           deserved offers at Oxford, therefore it is wonderful that
through the provision of the BCL scholarships. Your           we have the oppor tunity, through these scholarships, to
kindness has enriched the academic environment in             suppor t the very best students at Jesus.
College and has enabled us to welcome a number of                    The students who have benefited from your
exceptional students who have contributed significantly       generosity have been able to pursue a whole range
to both their depar tment and College.                        of careers and oppor tunities which otherwise would
       The breadth of the course and the diversity of         have been impossible without the suppor t of a BCL
the cohor t make it a vibrant and fulfilling experience for   degree. It is without doubt that all recipients will be
students and tutors alike. We have been pleased to award      an asset to the legal and wider community, and the
BCL scholarships to students from countries across the        scholarship is regularly described as ‘transformational’
world. It has been noted that the international character     and ‘life-changing’.

   "Without the scholarship I simply would not have been able to fund
  the remainder of the BCL course fees as well as my living costs. The
    scholarship therefore enabled me to take my place on the BCL and
   at Jesus College without worrying about how to fund myself for the
     year; I could dedicate my worrying solely to BCL studies instead!
   After working hard during my undergraduate degree to achieve the
                grades for the BCL, it was a relief to be able to do this.
                     — Sophia Demetriou-Jones (2019, recipient of the BCL scholarship)

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DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
the best…
Jesus College has been pioneering in its access and outreach efforts to reach out to schools and
communities where pupils might not otherwise be encouraged to aim for Oxford.

The young people we work with in our access programmes               At the ver y least, we want to change students’
mostly come from South London, Wales, and Oxfordshire.         perceptions of Oxford and thereby shift their
Some of these young scholars come from the poorest and         motivations. Our aim is to reach students who
most educationally deprived areas of Europe, let alone the     may otherwise never consider studying at a leading
UK. They will have the talent and the aspiration, but they     university in the first place because they believe
do not have access to the range of opportunities some of       Oxford is “not for them”. This is where our outreach
their more privileged peers have. To readdress this balance,   is most critical. By bringing students to College and
we continue to invest in our access programmes in order        working directly with their own schools, we become
to expand our pioneering access and outreach work with         ever more open and accessible, which in turn gives
state schools in our target communities.                       students the confidence to apply.

8                                                                                  DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
      all back
Our outreach programmes focus on Wales and London, where we have historic ties and where the
University has entrusted us to take a lead.

                                                             This summer school model has been so successful
WALES                                                        that it is par t-funded by the Welsh Government. Even
                                                             better, it has recently been secured in perpetuity by
College and University currently deliver outreach work       the fantastic generosity of an endowment from a Jesus
that serves the whole of Wales. This recent par tnership     alumnus. In addition to College’s own investment in the
has allowed us to do more to alleviate the disparities       programme, we are beginning to attract transformative
in access provision in South and Nor th Wales. We            levels of suppor t from other donors. The best par t
are now beginning to reach largely rural and coastal         is that we are making an impact: last year 10% of all
communities of Mid and North Wales, which have               applications from Wales to Oxford came from summer
hither to been under-serviced. The College’s flagship        school par ticipants.
intervention – the Seren Network Summer School – is                 Our ambition for Wales, is to continue our
the largest provision for Welsh comprehensive school         outreach effor ts by visiting schools and bringing pupils
students outside of Wales. Each year we invite over          to College. With your suppor t we can continue to grow
70 students and their teachers to reside at Jesus for        the number of pupils we see and increase our capacity
a week's experience of living as an Oxford student.          to make school visits.

                                                                    We also want to work more closely with our
LONDON & OXFORD                                              London-based alumni, so that they can help provide
                                                             exper t guidance to our target schools. This will follow
Our work in London and Oxford allows us to reach             a similar model to that achieved at Brampton Manor
some of the most diverse communities of possible             (‘The Eton of the East-end’) where networks of exper ts
future Oxford students. We want to expand our                helped a state academy school send more than 40
programme of activities to provide, in par ticular, more     students to Oxbridge in a single year!
access oppor tunities to BME students, and for young                Another ambition is to create a London summer
people from the poorest backgrounds. We are already          school programme, similar to what we already offer
making headway in these areas, but have ambitions to         Welsh students. We believe that giving these students
expand our outreach network with par tners such as           the chance to have an authentic “Oxford experience” is
the Brilliant Club, IntoUniversity, Rare, Target Oxbridge,   an impor tant endorsement from the College towards
and Universify.                                              their futures.

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DONOR REPORT FY18/19 & FY19/2020 - University of Oxford
utr each
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I                                        II                                     III
Currently, nearly 30% of Jesus           We were one of the first colleges      In 2019, our outreach activities at
students receive a financial bursary     to employ a Schools Liaison Officer    College and in schools reached
or scholarship.                          and subsequently an Access Fellow      more than 9,000 young people from
                                         from 2014.                             nearly 500 state-funded schools, an
                                                                                increase in contacts of 25% on the
                                                                                previous year.

IV                                       V
57% of students admitted between         In collaboration with the Welsh        In each year, from 2017-2019, nearly
2015-2017 were from state-funded         Government, our pioneering             2/3rds of summer school attendees
schools; 11% were from less              Access Summer School hosts 75          applied to Oxford, with a higher
advantaged areas.                        students from Welsh state schools      than average success rate. In 2019,
                                         for a week of interdisciplinar y       the programme was extended to
                                         lectures, seminars, and tutorials to   target schools in London.
                                         raise aspirations and attainment.

Expand our programme of bursaries        Increase our access and outreach       Fully endow our Access and
to ensure that the ver y best            programmes in London and Wales.        Outreach Fellow, and the role of an
students have the oppor tunity to        We will also expand our pioneering     Access Co-ordinator to ensure that
receive an exceptional education at      work with state schools, to reach      these programmes have the vital
College, regardless of their financial   young people who may otherwise         administrative suppor t to continue.
circumstances.                           never consider studying at a leading
                                         university, let alone Oxford.

    For more information on our Access and Outreach programmes please visit:

10                                                                               DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
“Ours is a shared community, a fellowship and a collective of scholars.
                Anyone can be a part of that community. It doesn’t matter what
                     background you have, or how rich or poor your parents are.
                          The only thing we care about is whether you’re willing
                                                           to share your ideas.”

                                                        — Dr Matthew Williams, Access and Career Development Fellow

Dr Matt Williams with students of the 2019 Seren Summer School

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                                    11
p res ent…
A recent gift from Professor Thomas Phillips and his wife Dr Jocelyn Keene provided spend-down
funding to support a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Climate Science from 2020-2023.

The Professor Thomas Phillips and Dr Jocelyn Keene       researcher a similar oppor tunity to that which he
Junior Research Fellow in Climate Science will develop   received at Jesus.
and strengthen the research profile of College, while           Our Fellows, from early career researchers to
helping make Oxford a leading centre for research into   established, internationally-renowned scholars, generate
the climate and climate evolution of Ear th and other    new knowledge, and conduct ground-breaking research
planets, including the newly discovered exoplanets.      that impacts on government and society. Above all, they
This is a crucial area of study for understanding        inspire our students to excel. The academic strength of
climate change, and the JRF therefore exemplifies the    our Fellowship has positioned Jesus College as a leading
connection between fundamental scientific research       college for pivotal research in STEM, Social Sciences, and
and contemporary human challenges, which is one          the Humanities. A key aspect of the Nor thgate project
of the central inspirations of the Nor thgate project.   is therefore to fund teaching and early-career research
Professor Phillips himself was College’s first JRF in    fellowships to ensure that we maintain and deepen the
1963. He is now Professor Emeritus at the California     diversity of academic interests and backgrounds which
Institute of Technology and wanted to give a young       makes Jesus such an exciting place to study and to learn.

                               “My hope is to use the freedom and support offered by
                               the JRF to create various international collaborations,
                               in order to bring together and advance the most
                               promising strands of research related to stochastic
                               parameterisations in climate models.”

                               — Dr Kristian Strommen, Professor Thomas Phillips and
                               Dr Jocelyn Keene JRF in Climate Science

12                                                                             DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
             …and pos
A collaboration between four Old Members has resulted in secured funding for a DPhil Student in
Philosophy under the AHRC matched funding opportunity.

  This exciting development will only succeed if College can secure the most promising scholars available. Helping
  the younger generation to fulfil their ambitions is important for College, Oxford and society. By combining our
  financial support, the four donors are able to achieve significantly more than could be attempted individually.
  Moreover, the availability at this time of matching AHRC funds makes it a very efficient use of our funds. In
  addition, we gain the satisfaction of helping the aims of College and the opportunity of identifying the use of our
  contributions with a student who we will meet and get to know.
         None of the donors are philosophers by trade! Philosophy was chosen because it is a difficult field to finance
  in the present economic climate. Many things are possible if we work together and we certainly need to think
  clearly in these trying times.

                                                                                      — Mr Alec Monk (1962, PPE)

  Alec was joined by fellow alumni Mr Rodney Wright (1962, Geography); Dr George Reah (1962, Mathematics)
  and Mr Harry Seekings (1992, History) in making a collective donation to secure an AHRC DPhil Studentship
  in Philosophy. The student will be selected in spring 2021 for Michaelmas 2021 entry.

Graduate students are impor tant assets to the                As a result, the limited pool of scholarship schemes
University, often making ground-breaking contributions        are vastly oversubscribed. At Jesus, in response to
to a wide range of fields. The AHRC matched funding           this pressure, we are committed to ensuring the best
oppor tunity is an excellent way to make efficient and        prospective students are not deterred from applying
impactful use of funds.                                       to College. The AHRC matched funding oppor tunity is
      Increased fees for undergraduate study has              an excellent way to suppor t the future of research and
resulted in declining resources for graduates and             graduate study at Jesus. If you are interesting in finding
a noticeable increase in prospective Humanities               out more, please contact Georgina Plunkett via email:
graduates struggling to cover the cost of their study.

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                                          13
g events
Our alumni events programme for the special 450th anniversary year celebrates our College’s rich
and fascinating heritage, whilst also looking forward to the future – shining a light on our values and
priorities as a dynamic and interdisciplinary 21st century Higher Education institution.

We hope to engage and inspire as many of our alumni            a talk at the Royal Society on College’s Tube Alloys project
body and suppor ters as possible, whilst also developing       from Professor Tim Palmer, followed by a reception.
our relationship with the local community and the Jesus                We will also hold our first London Carol Service
students of the future.                                        with a Donor Reception at the star t of December 2021
      On our exact 450th bir thday – Sunday 27 June –          at St. George’s, Hanover Square, with the final major
we shall celebrate this occasion with a commemorative          event for donors being a black tie winter gala night in
service in the University Church, followed by a reception      College, celebrating our new Nor thgate site, to round
in College with a talk from the College Archivist.             off this special year in style.
      We will also engage alumni with young families                   With Covid-19 regulations in mind, we are
in a more direct way than ever before with a '450th            actively working on digital alternatives to in-person
Anniversary Family Day' (likely to be held on Saturday         activities should they not be prove possible to organise
24 July) in collaboration with the recently opened             in-person. We hope that our 2021 programme will
Oxford Story Museum, in what promises to be an open            provide something for everyone, and that in this most
and accessible event with age appropriate activities           special of years, you will join us and celebrate your par t
across disciplines.                                            in our 450-year story.
      Our annual London Drinks reception, a highlight of                                                Dr Peter Sutton
our annual events calendar (Tuesday 5 October), will include                                Alumni Engagement Manager

 We encourage you to visit our events website: for up-to-date
 information, or contact the events team via email:

14                                                                                    DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
                   QUEEN ELIZABETH FELLOWS
              Recognising those who have given a total of £500,000 and above to College.

Dr H Cheng Ka-shun                     Mrs Maria C Hugh in memory               Mr Oliver G Thomas (2000)
Mr André Hoffmann                          of Mr W Roger Hugh (1964)            Ms Rosaline W Y Wong
                                       Sir David Lewis Kt MA, Hon DCL (City),
                                           Hon DCL (Wales) (1966)

                        THE PRINCIPAL’S CIRCLE
       Recognising those who have given a total of between £100,000 and £499,999 to College.

Dr Paul J Bostock (1978)               The Lord Ferdinand OStJ (1983)           Prof Thomas G Phillips
Mr Bryan A Bowers (1970)               Mr Medwin Hughes (1983)                      (St Edmund, 1958)
Mr Brian J Buchan (1970)               Mr Alejandro G Jack (2011)                   & Ms Jocelyn Keene PhD
Ms Kathryn A Campbell (1981)           Mr Robert W A Kay (1971)                 Mr Stephen M Walker (1968)
Mr Philip J Carey (1979)               Ms Catherine Maryon – legacy of          Mr Andrew J O Wilkinson (1979)
Dr Peter D G Dean (1959)                  Prof Alan S Harrison (1964)           Mr Rober t W Yates (1965)
Mr John W Dickey (1950)                Mr David C Milne QC (1963)

                                 JENKINS PATRONS
         Recognising those who have given a total of between £50,000 and £99,999 to College.

Mrs Clare M Bar ter (1980)             Mr David C Knights (1971)                Mr William A Parker (1966)
Mr Thomas W Brown ACIB (1975)          Mr Lenny Li (2011) and parents –         Mr Angus Phaure
Ms Perdita C Cargill-Thompson (1981)      Mr Chongfeng Li                       Mr Graham F Pimlott CBE (1969)
Sir John Car ter (1958)                   & Mrs Shuying Han                     Dr John M W Rhys (1962)
Prof Thomas M O Charles-Edwards        Mr Frederick A Means (1971)              Mr J Brian Rober ts (1951)
     FBA (Corpus Christi, 1962)           & Mrs Ann P Means                     Mr Stuar t N Woodward (1976)
Mr Simon R Cur tis FCIA (1974)         Mr David C Morris (1964)                     & Mrs Sue C Woodward (1976)
Mr Steve L Jones (1974)                Mr Ian C O'Brien (1982)

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                                 15
16   DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
         Recognising those who have given a total of between £10,000 and £49,999 to College.

Dr David J Acheson                      Mr Robert Jones (1965)                  Mr C John Phillips (1961)
Dr Simon Acomb (1985)                   Ms Janet C Jones (1977)                 Dr David R Pick (1960)
Mr Mahmood H Ahmed (1973)               Ms Sue Jones (1975)                     Dr Edmund P Plummer (1975)
Mr Richard A J Allnutt (1970)           Mr Gordon Jones BBS, FCIS, FCS (1970)   Mr James A J Pulsford (1981)
    & Mrs Claire V Allnutt (1979)       Mr David J F Jones (1977)               Dr George R Reah (1962)
Ms Polly J Amos (1979)                  Ms Theresa Jones                        Mr Christopher K Richey
Mr Gareth N Bendon (1963)               Prof Verdel A Kolve (1955)                  (Templeton, 1984)
Mr Timothy J Birse (1974)               Mr William F Leigh-Pemberton (1982)     The Revd Paul J Roach (1970)
Mr Stephen G Bown (1978)                Dr Jane Lewis (1974)                        & Mrs Wendy Roach
Ms H Ruth Brooks (1974)                 Mr Ruiqing Liu                          Mr Keith L H Robinson (1990)
Mr Richard A Burn (1977)                Miss Shing Yuan Long (1998)             Mr James H Ross (1959)
Mr Nigel J Bur t (1978)                 Mr Alan C Lovell (1972)                 Mr Nicholas P Sands (1977)
    & Ms Jane C Shillaker (1978)        Mr Ian A Mackay (1959)                  Mr William B R Saunders (1972)
Mr Rober t J Carse (1980)               Mr David C Manson (1982)                    & Mrs Ruth G Saunders (1974)
Mr John F Clarke (1987)                     & Mrs Jane Manson (1983)            Dr Christopher F Seward MA
Mr Peter G Condon (1959)                Dr Graham D Marshall (1998)                   BMBCh DRCOG (1967)
Dr Keith Cotterill (1981)               Mr A Towyn Mason (1953)                 Dr David J Skyrme (1961)
Mrs E Fiona Cur tin (1975)              Mr David Massa (1954)                   Mr John A C Slatford (1963)
Mr J Keith Davies (1955)                Ms Rosaleen McHugh (1982)               Mrs Carole Souter CBE (1975)
Dr I Owain G Davies (1980)              Mr Alexander J P McIntyre (1976)        Dr Andrew V Stachulski CChem FRSC
Mr Richard R Davies (2001)              Mr Malcolm McIvor FIA (1961)            Mr Jan J Stanek FRCS (1972)
Mr Peter de Rousset-Hall                Mrs Elizabeth S McKnight (1979)         Mr David Stephen (1980)
Mr John M S Dowty (1977)                Mr Andrew D Meehan (1973)               Dr Howard P Stevens MA
Mr R Leslie Dubow (1951)                    & Mrs Sue Meehan (1974)                 MBBS MRCP (1980)
Mrs Amanda E Eden (1977)                Mr Stephen N Mobbs (1979)               Mr Peter R Stevens (1960)
Mr Ronald Farrants (1959)               Mr D Alec G Monk (1962)                 Mr Crispian Strachan CBE QPM (1968)
    & Mrs Vera Farrants                 Mr Richard D Moon (1965)                    & Mrs Denise Strachan
Miss A Ruth Finch (1981)                Mr Charles L Morgan (1972)              Mr J Nicholas Sykes (1977)
Mr Jeremy P Haile (1969)                Dr Jonathan H Musgrave FSA (1959)       Mr David G Symes (1953)
Mr Murray Hallam (1965)                 Prof Christopher J Napier (1972)        Mr Nikolas D Tarling (1959)
Mr R Douglas Hansen-Luke (1988)         Mr Charles E Nichols (1980)             Commodore Pat Tyrrell OBE (1968)
Mr Mike G Hardy (1956)                  Dr Samu K Niskanen                      Dr John D Walsh
Prof Howell J Harris (1969)             Mr Stephen J O'Flaher ty (1970)         Dr Rhodri Walters CB (1968)
Mr Alastair M Harrison (1996)           Mr Richard E Oberman (1965)             Mr Graham N C Ward CBE MA
Mr David R Hewitt (1963)                    & Mrs Alison H Oberman                  FCA (1970)
Dr William A Hibber t (1975)            Mr Roger Paice (1964)                   Mr Mike W Williams (1980)
    & Mrs S H Margaret Hibbert (1975)   Mr Richard Paice (1961)                 Mr David A Willis (1977)
Mr J Michael Hope (1956)                Dr Roger Patrick (1974)                 Mr Bradley A J Wilson (1967)
Mr Peter A Jackson (1980)               Mr Jan S Pethick (1966)                 Dr Brian W Young (1986)
Mr David H Jenkins (1970)                   & Mrs Belinda Pethick

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                                    17
          Recognising those who have given a total of between £2,000 and £9,999 to College.

Mr Malcolm J Ace (1980)              Dr Robin M Bevan (1984)               Mr Rober t M Craven (1974)
Mr Rex A Acton (1947)                Mr Peter M Bishop (1951)              Dr David M Crawford (1983)
Ms Heather J Acton (1981)            Mr Ian J Blakey OBE (1955)            Mr Richard B Crease (1961)
Mr Laurie P Adams (1975)             Mr Christopher W J Bond (1997)        Dr Richard A Crocombe (1969)
Mr Brian G Aldred (1969)             Mr Alistair J R Bool (1991)           Prof William J Cronon (1976)
Mr Luke W Alexander (2002)           Dr Julie M Bowdler (1975)             Mr Mar tin B Cullen (1989)
Mr Christopher K Allen (1959)        Mr Rufus E G Boyd (1984)              Dr Aubrey J Cunnington (1994)
Mr Selwyn E Alleyne CBE (1950)       Mr Alan F Bridges (1982)              Mr Charles B Currie (1998)
Mr Gerard F Anderson (1974)          Mr Gerald A Brinsdon (1953)           Mr R Andrew Dakin (1967)
Mr Philip J Anderson (1979)          Mr Warren W Brook (1971)              Mr Andrew M W Dalwood (1969)
Mr Richard K Arnold (1971)           Mr Craig J Brown (1990)               Dr Brynmor L Davies (1961)
Mrs Amanda L Ar thur (1975)          Mr Geoffrey C Bryant (1968)           Mr David M Davies (1998)
The Revd Ian H Aveson (1974)         Mr Richard W Bush (1966)              Mr Geraint T Davies OBE (1963)
Dr Ian D W Bailes (2000)             The Revd David E Butler (1976)        Mrs Lucette Davies
    & Mrs Elaina M Bailes (2002)     Mr Christopher R Butterfield (1962)       and Mrs Belinda Hirst in memory
Mr Hugh Bain (1952)                  Mr David J Buttress (1956)                of Prof David Hywel Davies (1942)
Dr Andrew M Baird (1974)             Mr Terence Car ter (1956)             Mr Mar tin Davitt (1988)
Mr O Stuar t Bar tholomew (1975)     Mr R Kenneth Car ty (1966)            Mr Andrew B De Csilléry (1985)
Mr David A Bar tlett (1963)          Mr James W Casper (1976)              Mr Ronald H Deepwell (1955)
Mr Paul C Bar tlett (1988)           Sir Geoffrey Cass (1951)              Dr Chris R Dennis MRSC (1990)
    & Mrs Karen J Bar tlett (1988)   Mr Edward J Catmur (2001)             Mr David N Devoy Williams (1983)
Dr David T Bar tlett (1965)          Mr Michael J Cavers-Davies (1997)     Mr Mark S Dighero (1983)
Mr Andrew V B Bar tlett QC (1970)    Dr Lydia Chan (2005)                  Mr Thomas J Dimitroff (1986)
Mr Keith Bar ton (1973)              Mr Greg S Childs FRSA (1973)          Ms Alison M Donovan (1980)
Mrs Caroline A Bassett (1979)        Mr James A Clark (1969)               Mr Simon H Dorman (1990)
Mr Ron Basu                          Mr Steve P Clarke (1985)              Mr Julian P Douglas (1994)
Mrs Clare J Bates (1994)             Mr Alwyn R Clarke (2011)              Mrs Mary J Drysdale (1986)
Mr Simon J Batten (1982)             Mr Peter D Clarkson (1985)            Mr Christopher J Dubois (1964)
Mr Geoffrey B Battersby (1978)           & Mrs Allyson J Clarkson (1985)   Mr Thomas F C Duff Gordon (1999)
Mr Thomas R Beard (1997)             Mr Richard A Clay (1953)              Mr D Michael F Dufton (1972)
    & Mrs Rachel M Beard (1998)      Mr Dan Clayton-Jones OBE              Mr Nicholas C S Dyte (1979)
Miss Victoria J Belcher (1982)       Mr Richard L Coates (1964)            Mr John H Edmund (1955)
Mr William M L Bell (1955)           Mr Laurence N Coates (1961)           Mr Malcolm A Edwards (1973)
    & Mrs Sheila Bell                Mr Edward A Cole (1974)               Mr David G Elis-Williams CPFA (1974)
Mr Jonathan M Bellamy (1982)             & Dr Deborah J Cole (1974)        Miss Katherine L Elmore-Jones (1995)
Mr Nicholas J Berry (1993)           Sir Richard Collas (1972)             Mrs Ellen M M English (1974)
    & Ms Petra Jurisits (1995)       Dr Simon B Cooper (1992)              Dr Jason Evans (1986)
Dr Terence M G Best (1948)           Mr Richard C Cosier (1968)            Mr R Glyn Evans (1948)
Mr John S Bevan OBE CPhys FInstP     Mrs Helen M Cotterill (1980)          Prof Dr William D Evans MBE (1969)
    LLD (1957)                       Mr Steve Crabb (1982)                 Dr Richard Evans CChem MRSC (1971)

18                                                                           DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
Prof W Desmond Evans (1961)               Mr Patrick Griffiths (1967)          Mrs Hannah L Jennings (1996)
Mr Richard T Evans (1951)                 Mr Simon C Hacking (2003)            Dr Karen E Jones (1979)
The Revd Mr Neil Fairlamb (1971)          Dr Philip E Hales (1983)             Mr David A Jones (1951)
Lord Faulks QC (1969)                     Miss Lynette Halewood (1975)         Mr Michael L N Jones (1960)
Mrs Sarah J Faull (2000)                  Mr Peter R A Hansen (1959)           Dr Sharon L Jones (1976)
Mr Michael R Ferguson (1964)              Ms Emma L Hardwick (2001)            Prof E Yvonne Jones (1979)
Prof Fernando C Fervenza (1987)           Mr Adrian D Harris (1971)            Ms Heather Jones (1979)
Dr Leonard M Findlay (1967)               Mr Christopher R Harris (1967)       Mr Graham O Jones (1965)
Prof Derek Fisher (1960)                  Miss Elizabeth A Harvey (1980)       Mr Alan D Jordan (1967)
Dr Julian Fletcher (1986)                 Dr Colin M Haydon FRHistS (1975)     Ms Emily Y Kasriel (1985)
Mr Anthony B Fletcher (2000)              Dr Felicity M Heal MA, PhD, FBA      Mrs Carol A Kelly (1977)
Mrs Janet Foot (1984)                     Ms Sarah Hendry CBE (1981)           Mrs Margaret L Kemp (1974)
Mr D N Forss (1975)                       Mr David V Hicks (1970)              Prof Dr Terence Kemp FRSChem (1957)
Mr Ian R Fraser (1973)                    Mr Christopher H Hicks (1968)        Ms Bethan M S Kilfoil (1980)
Mr Jeremy N Friend-Smith (1954)           Dr Edward E Hodgkin (1981)           Mr Geoffrey L W Kingscote (1988)
Mr John E P Froggatt (1955)               Mr Graham R Hollins (1983)           Mr Andrey J Kotlarczyk (1990)
Mr Miro Fuchs (1945)                      Mr Eric T Hollis (1968)              Mr Chio M Kou (2006)
                                                                               His Honour Judge Laurie (1957)
                                                                               Mr Andrew J Lazenby (1984)
“It is a privilege to give a little back in return                             Mr Terence A Le Sueur (1960)
for having been given such a wonderful experience                              Mr David N Lermon (1964)
                                                                               Dr Nancy A Levenson (1989)
and opportunity. I hope all alumni will support,                               Mr Mar tin P Levitt (1970)
little or much.”                                                               Mr Brian D Lewis (1952)
                                    ALAN LOVELL                                Mr Stephen S Lewis (1989)
                                                           Classics, 1972      Mr Michael Lieber (1982)
                                                                               Mr Roger F Lineker (1947)
                                                                               Mr Christopher J Linford (1961)
Mr Alex K Galloway CVO (1970)             Mr Michael C Holly (1968)            Miss Naomi Y Ling (1995)
Mr Peter Gamby (1960)                     Miss Rebecca E Hone (1996)           Mrs E Helen Llewellyn (1994)
Dr Frank Gannon (1966)                    Mr John C Honey (1974)               Dr David Lloyd Owen CEnv
Mr Tim Gingell (1985)                     Dr Sally L Hope (1975)                   CGeog (1981)
Mr Philipp D G Girardet (1991)            Mr Edwin C Horne (1974)              Mr J David Lockett (1979)
Dr Peter Glennon (1975)                   Mr David J Hughes (1973)             Mr David W Long (1973)
Mr James A Goldston (1986)                Mr John T Hughes (1967)              Ms Edwina B Lonsdale (1978)
Mr Stephen J Goodenough (1972)            Mr Benjamin M Hughes (1974)          Mr Philip G Lovell (1975)
Dr Andrew J Gor ton (1989)                Mr Daniel F Hullah (1992)            Mrs Jane P Lucas (1979)
Mr Michael C Grant (1975)                 Dr Michael A Humphries (1975)        Mr Geoffry G Lucas (1952)
Mr Finn Green (1987)                      Mr R Neil James (1980)               Dr Matthew J Lunt (1994)
Mr Barry N Green (1962)                       & Ms H C Alexandra Page (1980)   Prof Ian Machin FRHistS (1955)
Dr Adrian Green FSA FRHS (1992)           Mr Christopher D James (1961)        Dr Nancy A Macky (Wolfson, 2001)
Mr Colin Greenhalgh (1949)                Mr Clive G Jenkins (1966)            Mr Fergus I Macleod (1979)
His Honour Judge David Griffiths (1963)   Mr J Michael Jenkins (1952)          Mr Jon S Magnusson (1983)

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                                   19
Ms Gineva M Malliet (1987)                Mr Benjamin P Preston (1995)           Prof Alan Shore (1968)
Dr Alan R Malvern (1968)                  Mr Matthew T Preston (1993)            Mr Peter R Silverman (1962)
Dr Keith A Mann (1959)                    Mr Jonathan Price (1988)               Mr Graham K Simons (1959)
Mrs Emma L Mar tin (1992)                 Mr Sebastian J Prichard-Jones (1991)   Mr Andy K Simpson (1970)
Dr Mark J Mathieson (1991)                Mr A Huw Pryce (1976)                  Mrs Nicola J Simson (2003)
Mr Peter J May (1968)                     Mr Simon T Pryke (1990)                Mr Peter J M Sinclair (1958)
Mrs Elizabeth McDonald (1977)             Mr Stephen J Pulley (2000)             Lord Skidelsky (1958)
Mrs Louise E McGrath (1983)               Mr Seamus W O Rainbird (1952)          Mr O Michael Slaney MBE (1949)
Mr Christopher McKee (1986)               Ms Nicola F E Ramsden (1975)           The Revd Canon Richard I Smith (1965)
Mr C Andrew McKinna (1977)                Mr Philip A Raper (1976)               Prof Richard L Smith (1972)
Mr Steven J Michaud (1971)                Prof Gareth M Rees (1967)              Mr Ian K O Smith (1966)
Mr Alun P Milford (1984)                  Mr Timothy J Rees (1983)               Mr Philip A Smith (1973)
Mr Michael R Mitzman (1951)               Mr Jonathan D Rees QC (1981)           Ms Hilary R Smith (1974)
Dr Caroline Yuet-Ha Mo (1979)             Mr Walter M Reid (1962)                Mrs Gabrielle T Solti-Dupas (1988)
Mr Raj Mody (1990)                        Dr David A E Rendell (1952)            Mr Peter W Spreckley (1961)
Mr Grant P Monk (1992)                    Mr Tim J L Richards (1956)             Mr Peter J Squire (1957)
Ms Ann Moore (1986)                       Mr John P Richardson (1954)            Prof Gopesh Srivastava
Dr Meirion Morgan (1994)                  Dr Michael J Ricks (1963)              Mrs Caroline Stanford (1977)
Mr Gerald R Morgan (1959)                 Mr David A Roach FCA CTA (1974)        Dr David Steel OBE (1966)
Mr Alistair C Morgan (1972)               Mr Peter W Roberts (1965)              Mr William T Stockler (1963)
Dr Harrie P Morgan (1987)                 Mr David G Robinson (1968)             Mr David N Stokes (1961)
Prof Derec L Morgan (1964)                Canon Peter G Robottom MRTPI (1964)    Mr Frank D Story (1965)
Miss Frances J Morris-Jones (1976)        Mr John A Rook (1955)                  Mr A Joseph J Street (1958)
Mr Iain A G Morrison (1971)               Prof Steven J Rose (1972)              Prof David Sugden FRSE (1959)
Mr Benjamin C Murphy (1994)               Mr James W Ross (1994)                 Mrs Glynys L Sykes (1977)
Mr Christopher J Muttukumaru CB           Mrs Susan M Roy (1975)                 Mr Rober t N W Tait (1966)
    LLD (1970)                            Dr Norman Russell (1954)               Dr Nuala Tannahill (1982)
Mr Christopher R T Nankivell (1952)       Mr Ruwan N Salgado (1985)              Dr Geraint A Tarling (1988)
Mr Timothy Neslen (2001)                  Mr Richard C G Sarll (1998)            Mrs Helen J Taylor (1978)
Mr Vivian R Nicholas (1965)               Dr Peter A Savundra (1969)                 & The Revd Andrew D Taylor
Mr Andrew J Nummelin (1965)               Mr John Scannell (1955)                    (Regent‘s Park, 1978)
Mr David J M O'Reilly (1969)              Mr Geoffrey Schofield (1955)           Mr Ian Tempest (1977)
Dr Martin P Owen (1975)                   Dr Paul W Seakins (1986)               Mr Alan Thomas (1966)
Mr Peter J Page (1966)                    Mr Jonathan W Seaton (2017)            Mr Geoffrey D Thomas (1966)
Mr Jim I Palmer (1957)                    Mr Harry E C Seekings (1992)           Mr D Philip G Thomas
Mr Richard L Palmer (1981)                Dr Andrew Seth (1957)                  Mr Bryn R Thomas (1985)
Rear Admiral Christopher J Parry (1972)   Mr Paul A Seward (1968)                Dr Alun G Thomas (1948)
Ms Helen C Passey (1975)                  His Honour Judge A J Seys Llewellyn    Mr S Greison Thomas (1952)
Dr Shahpur Patell                             QC (1967)                          Mr Mark R Thompson (1981)
Mr John K W Pearse (1961)                 Mr David Shackleton (1965)             Mr Delwyn Tibbott (1957)
Mr Maxwell Perkins (1964)                 Mr Nigel B Shardlow (1990)             Mr Jonathan M Tinkler (1971)
Judge Timothy D Petts (1991)              Mr Thomas Sharp CBE (1951)             Mr Philip G P Trueman (1980)
Dr Derek Por tman (1953)                  Mr Peter T Shaw (1965)                 Mr James W Tugendhat (1990)

20                                                                                 DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
Mrs Rosalind Tugwell                 Mr Michael S Warren (1952)         Mr Huw R C Williams (1972)
Mr Alex J Turco (1997)               Mr Stephen Warrington              Mrs Karen A Williams (1993)
Mr Harvey N Twomey (2011)                & Mrs Catherine C Warrington   Dr Huw C W Williams (1965)
Mr Rober t G Upton ACA (1969)        Dr Ian D Watkins (1977)            Prof The Hon Robin J Wilson
Miss T van der Werff (1987)          Mr Terrence A Watson (1970)            (Balliol, 1962)
Mr Karl Vanters (1974)               Mr Robert J F Watson MBE (1961)    Mrs Elizabeth M Wilson (1990)
Mr J Henry Verwey (1953)             Dr Anthony D Weaver (1968)         Mr Alan J Wootton (1964)
Mr Mark W Vinall (1997)              Dr Keith L Webber (1963)           Mr Geoffrey M Worrall (1978)
Mr Colin A Volk (1956)               Mr John M Webster (1979)           Mr J Norman Wright (1969)
Mr Paul Waine (1972)                 Prof John C Western (1965)         Mr Rodney D Wright (1962)
Mrs Sue C Wakefield (1976)           Mr Richard Whar ton (1964)         Dr Nicholas M Wrightson (2000) &
Mr Michael W Walker (1966)           Mrs Louise M Wheal (1985)              Ms Nicoletta
Mr Andrew J Ward (1995)              Mr Richard T Whitty (1962)             Vogg-Wrightson (2005)
Mr Nicholas J Wargent (1993)         Mr Jack Wigglesworth (1960)        Mr Paul D Yerbury (1961)
    & Mrs Belinda A Wargent (1993)   Mr Hugh Williams (1964)            Major Jeremy York MBE (1961)
Dr Caroline J Warman                     & Ms Sue Lawley

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                         21
22   DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
               MAKES A DIFFERENCE
Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all of our donors, including those who prefer to give anonymously and
whose names are therefore omitted from the following pages. We are immensely grateful to our alumni
and friends for their loyal and continued support to College. The donors listed here have made a gift to
Jesus College between 1 August 2018 and 31 July 2020.

1943                               Mr Peter M Bishop                   Mr Brian K Elms
Mr Peter H Sandham                 Mr R Leslie Dubow                   Mr Brian S Hershman
                                   Mr Richard T Evans                  Mr A Towyn Mason
1944                               Mr David A Jones                    Dr Derek Por tman
Mr Gareth L Jones                  Dr Brinley Jones CBE MA FSA         Mr David G Symes
                                   Mr Vivian C Keyte                   Mr J Henry Verwey
1947                               Mr Michael R Mitzman                Mr Peter Weygang
Mr Rex A Acton                     Mr Thomas Sharp CBE
Mr Richard L Willan                                                    1954
                                   1952                                Mr   Peter Clifton
1948                               Mr Hugh Bain                        Mr   Norman R J Ellis
Mr R Glyn Evans                    Mr Brian I Evans                    Mr   Jeremy N Friend-Smith
Mr John S Granger                  Dr Cyril W K Greaves                Mr   J Gordon Purdy
                                   Prof William L G James              Mr   John P Richardson
1949                               Mr J Michael Jenkins                Dr   Norman Russell
Mr Ian A Dewar                     Mr John L Lee
Mr O Michael Slaney   MBE          Mr Geoffry G Lucas                  1955
Dr Mar tin Wright                  Mr Christopher R T Nankivell        Mr William M L Bell
                                   Mr Seamus W O Rainbird              Mr Ian J Blakey OBE
1950                               Dr David A E Rendell                Mr David J Bussell
Mr Selwyn E Alleyne CBE            Mr S Greison Thomas                 Mr Ronald H Deepwell
Mr John W Dickey                   Mr Michael S Warren                 Mr John H Edmund
Mr Richard K R Syed                                                    Mr John E P Froggatt
                                   1953                                Mr Leonard J Griffiths
1951                               Mr Gerald A Brinsdon                Dr Mark N Holmstrom
Mr Laurence E Anderson             Mr Richard A Clay                   Prof Verdel A Kolve
Mr Peter A J Arengo-Jones   OBE    Mr J Roy Colquhoun                  Dr David F Lloyd-Davies

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                         23
Prof Ian Machin FRHistS                Mr Christopher D Perry             Mr Roger Price
The Revd Dr John Morgan-Wynne          Mr P J M Sinclair                  Dr Terry J Ratcliffe
Mr John A Rook                         Dr Arnold J Smith                  Mr David G Rober ts
Mr John Scannell                       Mr A Joseph J Street               Dr David J Skyrme
Mr Geoff Schofield                     Mr Peter G Totty                   Mr Peter W Spreckley
Mr John C Titterington                 Dr Mike J Ware                     Mr David N Stokes
Mr John L Wilkinson                    Mr A Philip H White                Mr Rober t J F Watson MBE
                                                                          Mr Andrew J B White
1956                                   1959                               Major Jeremy York MBE
Mr Peter W Bellarby MInstP             Mr   Christopher K Allen
Mr John G Bristow                      Mr   Peter G Condon                1962
Mr Terence Car ter                     Dr   Peter D G Dean                Prof Paul B L Badham
Mr Michael G Hardy                     Mr   Ronald Farrants               Mr Christopher R Butterfield
Mr Robert K Harris                     Mr   Stephen D Ingham              Dr David T Chivers
Mr John C Harrison LVO                 Mr   Ian A Mackay                  Mr Colin L Clark
Mr J Michael Hope                      Dr   Keith A Mann                  Sir Rober t Coleman KCMG
Mr Bruce Jamson                        Mr   Gerald R Morgan               Mr Malcolm C Davis
Mr Gareth W O Price                    Dr   Jonathan H Musgrave   FSA     Mr Barry N Green
Mr Tim J L Richards                    Mr   Geoffrey T Renshaw            Prof Richard Harris
Prof Albert Schachter                  Mr   Graham K Simons               Mr Geoff Henshall
The Revd Canon David Staples                                              Prof David A Hinton
Mr Robin P Taylor                      1960                               Dr David E Hughes
Mr Colin A Volk                        Mr Peter Gamby                     Mr Philip D MacNeice
                                       Mr Antony E Ives                   Prof Andrew D Morrogh
1957                                   Dr Anthony F Jeans                 Dr George R Reah
Mr John S Bevan OBE CPhys FInstP LLD   Mr Michael L N Jones               Mr Walter M Reid
Mr Hugh M E Forsyth                    Mr Julian C Le Patourel            Dr John M W Rhys
Prof Dr Terence Kemp FRSChem           Mr Terence A Le Sueur              Mr Peter R Silverman
Prof Alan P Kirman                     Dr David R Pick                    Mr Nigel W L Turner
His Honour Judge Laurie                Dr John Prescott Thomas    RD DL   Mr Richard T Whitty
Mr David C Lewis                       Mr Christopher H Stahl             Prof Edward Williams
Mr Jeremy J Rider                      Mr Peter R Stevens                 Mr David E Williams
Prof Rober t E Rowthorn                Mr Jack Wiggleswor th              Mr John F Wilson
Dr Andrew Seth                                                            Mr Rodney D Wright
The Revd Māris R Slokenbergs           1961
Mr Peter J Squire                      Mr John H Charles                  1963
Mr Delwyn Tibbott                      Mr Laurence N Coates               Mr David A Bar tlett
Mr John T Williams                     Mr Richard B Crease                Mr Gareth N Bendon
                                       Mr Richard W H Davies              Dr James Booth
1958                                   Prof W Desmond Evans               Mr Geraint T Davies OBE
Sir John Car ter                       Dr Brian O Handford                Mr A Jim Dean
Prof John V Fleming                    Mr Jack R Hanning                  Mr Mar tin J Gray
Dr Rober t D Gidden                    Mr Christopher D James             His Honour Judge David Griffiths
Mr Christopher W Lane                  Mr Christopher J Linford           Mr David R Hewitt
Prof Howell Lloyd OBE                  Mr Malcolm McIvor FIA              Mr Mar tin H Jones
The Revd Peter C Moore                 Mr D Eric Morgan FCA CPFA          Mr J Glyn Mathias OBE
Mr Maurice S Palmer                    Mr John K W Pearse                 Mr David C Milne QC
Mr Michael J Perry                     Mr C John Phillips                 Mr John N E Pidcock

24                                                                         DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
Mr Paul Reddicliffe OBE          Mr Robert W Yates                     Mr Alan D Jordan
Dr Michael J Ricks                                                     Dr Michael A Joynson
Mr John A C Slatford             1966                                  Prof Gareth M Rees
Mr William T Stockler            Mr Richard W Bush                     Dr Christopher F Seward   MA
Dr Peter R Thomas                Mr R Kenneth Car ty                      BMBCh DRCOG
Dr Keith L Webber                Mr John Cooper                        His Honour Judge A J Seys
Mr Ian M Yeats                   Mr David G Deakin                     Llewellyn QC
                                 Dr Frank Gannon                       Mr Alan Simkin
1964                             Dr Alun German                        Mr Trevitt J Steggles
Dr Karna D Bardhan OBE           Prof Russell B Goodman                Mr Paul J Sudell
The Revd Mr Mike D Clark         Mr I Grahame K Humphreys              Mr Bradley A J Wilson
Mr Hugh Clayton                  Mr Clive G Jenkins                    Mr Leonard H Wright
Mr Richard L Coates              Mr John A C Jones
Mr Stuar t J M Davies            Sir David Lewis Kt MA,                1968
Mr I Alwyn Davies                    Hon DCL (City), Hon DCL (Wales)   Mr Christopher H Allwor th
Mr Christopher J Dubois          Dr Peter P Nash                       Mr Geoffrey C Bryant
Mr Jeremy R Eccles               Mr Peter J Page                       Mr David Car twright
Mr Michael R Ferguson            Mr William A Parker                   Mr Richard C Cosier
Mr Michael A Godwin              Mr David A Pelta                      Dr Geoffrey E Cur tis
Mr Christopher J Harvey          Mr Jan S Pethick                      Dr William H Harris
Mr F Kingsley Jones              Mr Anthony J Raymond                  Commodore Paul Herington
Dr H Tudor Jones                 Mr John P Shemilt                     Mr Christopher H Hicks
Mr David N Lermon                Prof Frank T Smith FRS                Prof Edward A Hinds
Prof Derec L Morgan              Mr Ian K O Smith                      Mr Mike J J Holland
Mr David C Morris                Mr Alan F Smith                       Mr Eric T Hollis
Mr Roger Paice                   Mr Mar tin A Speller                  Mr Michael C Holly
Mr Maxwell Perkins               Dr David Steel OBE                    Prof Tim Jones
Canon Peter G Robottom MRTPI     Dr James E Stredder                   Dr Alan R Malvern
Mr Richard Whar ton              Mr Geoff D Thomas                     Mr Peter J May
Mr Hugh Williams                 Mr Mike M Vaughan Edwards             Mr Ian E McKelvey
Mr Alan J Wootton                Mr Michael W Walker                   Mr Nigel F Phillips
                                 Mr Richard T Wynn-Jones               Mr Michael R Pitwood
1965                                                                   Mr David G Robinson
Dr David T Bar tlett             1967                                  Mr Paul A Seward
Mr M Antony Car ter              Prof Jonathan R S Arch                Prof Alan Shore
Mr Murray Hallam                 Mr David R Bock                       Mr J Crispian Strachan CBE QPM
The Very Revd Kyril Jenner       Mr Andrew A Dakin                     Commodore Pat Tyrrell OBE
Mr Rober t Jones                 Prof Ceri Davies                      Mr Stephen M Walker
Mr Paul E McKeever               Dr Julian B Emery                     Dr Rhodri Walters CB
Mr Vivian R Nicholas             Mr John M Evans                       Mr D Peter Williams
Mr Andrew J Nummelin             Dr Leonard M Findlay
Mr Richard E Oberman             Mr Kenneth E Forrester                1969
Mr Steve G Payne                 Mr Byron Grainger-Jones               Mr Brian G Aldred
The Revd Canon Richard I Smith   Mr Paul A H Green                     Dr Brian A Anderson
Mr Frank D Story                 Mr Nicol A Holladay                   Mr Philip T Atkinson
Prof John C Western              Mr Geraint L Howell                   Mr James A Clark
Dr Huw C W Williams              Mr John T Hughes                      Mr Andrew M W Dalwood
Dr Terence E Wood                Mr Ian G Johnston                     Prof Dr William D Evans MBE

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                            25
Prof Andrew P Goatly                  Mr   Steven J Michaud              Mr Philip A Smith
Mr James Lloyd-Williams ACA           Mr   Philip L Morgan               Mr David R Tate
Mr Christopher M Manvell              Mr   David D V Morgan
Mr Anthony P Marrion                  Mr   Iain A G Morrison             1974
Mr John H Morrison                    Mr   Nicholas G Palmer             Mr Gerard F Anderson
Mr David J M O'Reilly                 Mr   David R Thomas                The Revd Ian H Aveson
Mr Graham F Pimlott CBE               Mr   Jonathan M Tinkler            Dr Andrew M Baird
Dr Peter A Savundra                   Mr   Paul S Wilson                 Dr Rebecca J Bilkau
Mr H John Taylor                                                         Mr Timothy J Birse
Mr Stephen R Williams                 1972                               Ms H Ruth Brooks
Mr J Norman Wright                    Mr Philip J Andrade                Mr David H J Cohen
                                      Mr Nicholas S Beeson               Mr Rober t M Craven
1970                                  Prof Anthony Coleman FRSC          Dr Sylvia L Crawford
Mr Richard A J Allnutt                Sir Richard Collas                 Mr Simon R Cur tis FCIA
Mr Bryan A Bowers                     Mr D Michael F Dufton              Colonel Charles H Darell
Mr Robert W Broxholme                 Mr David J Dupont                  Mrs Saskia A H Darell
Mr Brian J Buchan                     Mr Stephen J Goodenough            Mr James L Dodkins
The Revd Dr Perry A Butler            Mr David C Griffith                Mr David G Elis-Williams CPFA
Dr Rober t R Campbell                 Dr Thomas F Haslam-Jones           Mrs Ellen M English
Dr Martin Fleury                      Mr Victor Holman                   Mr Stephen H Hill
Mr Alex K Galloway CVO                Mr Nicholas A Kramer               Mr John C Honey
Mr Julian B Greenwood                 Mr Alan C Lovell                   Mr Edwin C Horne
Mr Ceri M Hammond                     Mr Charles L Morgan                Mr Steve L Jones
Mr David V Hicks                      Mr Alistair C Morgan               Mrs Margaret L Kemp
Mr David H Jenkins                    Prof Christopher J Napier          Dr Jane Lewis
Mr Gordon W E Jones BBS FCIS FCS      Rear Admiral Christopher J Parry   Mr Matthew W Muller
Mr Garth Minikin                      Mr Peter D Paul                    Dr Roger Patrick
Mr Christopher J Muttukumaru CB LLD   Prof Steven J Rose                 Ms Ruth M Pitchford
Mr Stephen J O'Flaher ty              Mr William B R Saunders            Mr Jonathan N Rees
Mr Robert C Parker                    Mr Richard L Schwar tz             Mr David A Roach FCA CTA
Dr Gerald J Protheroe                 Mr Frederick P M Silver            Mrs Ruth G Saunders
Mr Graham N C Ward CBE MA FCA         Prof R L Smith                     Ms Hilary R Smith
Mr Haydn R Watkins                    The Revd Geoffrey B White          The Revd Dr Kirsty E Thorpe
Mr Terry A Watson                     Mr Huw R C Williams                Mrs Helen M G Timms
The Revd D Neil Weston                                                   Mr Karl Vanters
Mr David A Williams                   1973                               Miss Elizabeth Woodeson CBE
Dr S James Wishar t                   Mr Keith Bar ton                   Dr Alan Yuen MRCP MRCGP FFPM
                                      Dr Ian M Buckley-Golder
1971                                  Mr Greg S Childs FRSA              1975
Mr Richard K Arnold                   Mr Tim P Clement                   Mrs Amanda L Ar thur
His Honour Paul A M Clark             Mr Malcolm A Edwards               Mr O Stuar t Bar tholomew
Dr R Iestyn Daniel                    Mr Ian R Fraser                    Mr Hywel L Bevan
Dr Richard Evans CChem MRSC           Mr J Roger Gair                    Mr Christopher Bond
The Revd Mr Neil Fairlamb             Mr Robin W B Gwyn ACA              Dr Julie M Bowdler
Mr Adrian D Harris                    Mr David J Hughes                  Mr Thomas W Brown ACIB
His Honour Judge S A John             Mr Stephen J Parry-Jones           Mrs E Fiona Cur tin
Mr David C Knights                    Prof Guy M Robinson                Mr John R Elsby
Mr Frederick A Means                  Prof J H David Scourfield          Mr Derek N Forss

26                                                                        DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
Ms Julie D Gillam              Mr Stuar t N Woodward       Mr Graham M Hadley
Dr Peter Glennon               Mrs Sue C Woodward          Mrs Catherine Helm CGeol   FGS
Mr Michael C Grant                                         Dr A Roland Karlman
Miss Lynette Halewood          1977                        Dr Hilary A Livesey
Dr Colin M Haydon FRHistS      Mrs Sally D Copperwaite     Ms Edwina B Lonsdale
Mrs S H Margaret Hibber t      Mr John M S Dowty           Ms Sharon L Maidment
Dr William A Hibber t          Mrs Amanda E Eden           Mrs Jacqueline A Peker
Dr Sally L Hope                Ms Alice R Falk             Mrs Belinda J Perriman
Dr Michael A Humphries         Mr Paul D Feary             Miss Trudi Pilkington
Ms H J Elizabeth James         Mr Robin R Gutch            Ms Jane C Shillaker
Ms Sue Jones                   Mrs Anne-Marie Hinton       Mrs Helen J Taylor
Mr Peter M Jones               Mrs E L Patricia Hogg       Mr Geoffrey M Worrall
Mr Philip G Lovell             Mrs Linda G J Johnston
Dr Mar tin P Owen              Ms Janet C Jones            1979
Ms Helen C Passey              Mr David J F Jones          Mrs Claire V Allnutt
Dr Edmund P Plummer            Mrs Carol A Kelly           Ms Polly J Amos
Mrs Susan M Roy                Mrs Gillian F Mourant       Mr Philip J Anderson
Mr Ian P Simmons OBE           Mr Nicholas P Sands         Mrs Caroline A Bassett
Mrs Carole Souter CBE          Mrs Caroline Stanford       Dr A Sarah Bendall
Mr P Emlyn Stephenson          Mr J Nicholas Sykes         Mr Simon A Brocklehurs
Dr Maggie J Westby             Mr Ian Tempest              Ms Christine M Brown
                                                           Dr Mark D Campbell
                                                           Mr Philip J Carey
                                                           Mrs Caroline M Carr-Whitwor th
“In addition to being a wonderful, enriching experience,   Mr Nicholas C S Dyte
College generated for me a working life I have             Mrs Alison V Fletcher
thoroughly enjoyed. I’m happy to give something back.”     Miss Sally Griffiths
                                                           Prof E Yvonne Jones
                                                           Ms Heather Jones
SIMON CURTIS                                               Dr Karen E Jones
Jurisprudence, 1974                                        Mr J David Lockett
                                                           Mrs Jane P Lucas
                                                           Mrs Elizabeth S McKnight
1976                           Ms Denise Thal              Miss Nicola J Meadows
Ms Ann V Beard                 Ms Jane M Vessey            Mr Stephen N Mobbs
Prof William J Cronon          Dr Ian D Watkins            The Revd Dr Sally Nelson
Miss Alison L C Foster QC      Miss Elizabeth H Watt       Mrs Julie Oldfield
Mr Laurence E Jordan           Mr David A Willis           Mr Jonathan K Semple
Ms Margaret K Lawson                                       Miss Ruth C Thomas
Mrs Julian E May               1978                        Mr John M Webster
Mrs Valerie J Mills            Mr Geoffrey B Battersby     Dr Nefyn H Williams
Miss Trudie D Mitchell         Dr Paul J Bostock           Ms Freda J Wolfenden
Miss Frances J Morris-Jones    Mr Stephen G Bown           Mrs E Jill Wordley
Mrs Elizabeth Paice            Mr Nigel J Bur t
Miss Susan E Pope              Mr Andrew J Clemes          1980
Mr A Huw Pryce                 Ms S Frances Davies         Mr Malcolm J Ace
Miss Francine B Stock          Mr Geraint G Davies         Mrs Clare M Bar ter
Mr Colin P Westlake            Dr T Adrian Davies          Miss Sarah A Bell

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                27
Miss Kathleen M Boyle              Mrs Rhian E Browning                   Mr Steve P Clarke
Miss Phyllida R C Brown            Mr Steve Crabb                         Mrs Allyson J Clarkson
Mr Robert J Carse                  Mrs Julia M Greenbury                  Mr Peter D Clarkson
Dr David N Cockcroft               Mr D Huw Jenkins                       Dr Daniel R R Davis
Dr I Owain G Davies                Mrs Jacqueline M Joesbury              Mrs Gillian L Gill
Ms Alison M Donovan                The Revd Rober t W Lawrance            Mr Tim Gingell
Mr Charles D Hooton                Mr David C Manson                      Miss Janet S Rowse
Miss Angela D Jackson              Ms Rosaleen McHugh                     Mr Ruwan N Salgado
Mr R Neil James                    Mr Ian C O'Brien                       Dr Richard L Stephenson
Ms Bethan M S Kilfoil              Dr Gareth J Shaw                       Mr Bryn R Thomas
Dr Heather A Lawler                Ms Helen E Smith                       The Revd Q David Warbrick
Dr Stephen R Morillo               Dr Paul D Sutton                       Mrs Jennifer A Warbrick
Miss Helen J Mosby                 Dr Nuala Tannahill                     Mrs Louise M Wheal
Mr Charles E Nichols               Mrs Christine G Turnbull               Mr William J Yohana
Ms H C Alexandra Page
Dr Mark S Rogers                   1983                                   1986
Mr David Stephen                   Dr Elizabeth H Bicker ton              Mrs Alison M Appelboam Meadows
Dr Howard P Stevens MA MBBS MRCP   Mr Dom W Collins                       Mr Thomas J Dimitroff
Mr Philip G P Trueman              Dr David M Crawford                    Mrs Mary J Drysdale
Mr Michael W Williams              Mr Christopher D Evans                 Dr Julian Fletcher
                                   Mr Graham R Hollins                    Mr Simon J Foy
1981                               Mr Medwin Hughes                       Mrs Ffion L Hague
Mr Chris A Beckett MBCS            Mr Jon S Magnusson                     Mr Christopher McKee
Dr Rober t C Bissell               Mrs Jane Manson                        Ms Ann Moore
Dr Martha A Bremser                Dr Timothy E Masters                   Mrs Rosamund E Owens
Mr Peter A Cowley                  Dr Sian E May                          Dr Paul W Seakins
Mrs Lucy Crawford                  Mrs Louise E McGrath                   Dr Brian W Young
Miss A Ruth Finch                  Mr Timothy J Rees
Mrs Kathy D Hammad                 Mr Jonathan F Warr                     1987
Ms Sarah Hendry CBE                Miss Frances M Wright                  Mr Owen Brown
Dr Edward E Hodgkin                                                       Mr John F Clarke
Dr David G Lewis                   1984                                   Mrs Elizabeth K Cross
Ms B Claire McNulty                Mr Rufus E G Boyd                      Mrs Catherine Day
Mrs Gillian M Meller               Ms Claire Crocker                      Prof Fernando C Fervenza
Mr Richard L Palmer                Mrs Janet Foot                         Mr Finn Green
Mrs Tracey Mathias Potter          Mr J Rober t V Goldspink               Mrs Sarah J Hillas
Mr Christopher J Powles ACA        Ms Karen Landles                       Dr Steven J Hillion
Mr James A J Pulsford              Mr Andrew J Lazenby                    Mrs Deborah J Hunter
Mrs Sandra J Rowe                  Mr Colin J McIlheney                   Mr Matthew G Lawson
Miss Helen M Shreeve               Mr Alun P Milford                      Dr Harriet P Morgan
Mr Neil R Thomas                   Prof Andrew J Orr-Ewing     FRS FRSC   Mrs Lynda J Murphy
Ms Katherine K Wilson              Mr Robert S Powell                     Mrs Philippa J Newbold
                                   Mr John B Titchener                    Ms Suzanne E Plaskett
1982                                                                      Miss Joanna M Sharland
Miss Jenny E Abbott                1985                                   Mr Jean-Philippe A Snelling
Mr Simon J Batten                  Miss Katharine J Bootle                Miss Tanya van der Werff
Mr Alan F Bridges                  Mrs Moira A Bowen

28                                                                         DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20
1988                           Mr Keith L H Robinson                  Mr Timothy J Morley
Mrs Karen J Bar tlett          Mr Nigel B Shardlow                    Mr Matthew T Preston
Mr Paul C Bar tlett            Dr Steve Smith FRMetS, CPhys, MInstP   Ms Sarah C Sanders Hewett
Mr David A Botha               Mrs Elizabeth M Wilson                 Mrs Alison J Sanderson
Mr Philip J Burness            Mrs Julia M Yates                      Mrs Sarah J Shay
Mr Mar tin Davitt                                                     Mrs Belinda A Wargent
Mr N David K Glazebrook        1991                                   Mrs Karen A Williams
Mr Jonathan M Hopper           Mr Alistair J R Bool                   Miss Kerry A Williamson
Mr Matthew P Houseley          Mr Michael A Conradi
Mrs Kathryn J Jones            Mrs Leonie P Dorkins                   1994
Mr Gerallt P Jones             Mr Geraint L Evans                     Mrs Clare J Bates
Mr Geoffrey L W Kingscote      Mr Philipp D G Girardet                Dr Raj Chandrashekara
Mr Jonathan Price              Mrs Lucy D Hinchliffe                  Miss Rhiannon Crimmins
Mrs Harriet S K Richmond       Mr Emyr G Jones                        Dr Aubrey J Cunnington
Dr Marilynn J Richtarik        Miss Farah A Khan                      Mr Julian P Douglas
Ms Siobhan M Rowley            Mr Cormac R A Naughten                 Mrs E Helen Llewellyn
Mr Richard G Shirley           Judge Timothy D Petts                  Dr Matthew J Lunt
Mrs Gabrielle T Solti-Dupas    Mr Sebastian J Prichard-Jones          Dr Meirion Morgan
Dr Geraint A Tarling                                                  Mr Benjamin C Murphy
                               1992                                   Mr James W Ross
1989                           Dr Geoffrey C Browell                  Dr Chris M P Seward
Dr Manon B Antoniazzi LVO      Dr Simon B Cooper                      Mr S Owen Thomas
Dr Andrew K Biggs              Dr Adrian Green FSA FRHS
Mr A Paul Cooke MBA FCA        Mr Daniel F Hullah                     1995
Mr Mar tin B Cullen            Mrs Emma L Mar tin                     Mr Paul Allanson
Dr Andrew J Gor ton            Mr Grant P Monk                        Mr Rober t A D Crow
Ms Victoria J Holmes           Mr Alex Rahaman                        Dr Gregory E Duke
Mrs Emma R Huepfl              Mr Hari G Rober ts                     Mr Toru Hirose
Dr Nancy A Levenson            Ms Rachel L Solway                     Ms Petra Jurisits
Mr Stephen S Lewis             Mr C Charles B Thomson                 Mr Thomas A Lorenc
Mr Stephen F Milner            Mr Nicholas J Wargent                  Mrs Catherine M Morgan
Dr E Sarah Warren                                                     Mr Owain V Morgan
Dr Daniel D Waterhouse         1993                                   Mr Hardeep S Plahe
                               Mr Nicholas J Berry                    Mr Benjamin P Preston
1990                           Dr Stephen L J Conway                  Mr Jonathan S Rose
Mr Anthony F J Brannigan       Dr Annabel E Cook                      Ms Rachel Y W Shum
Mr Craig J Brown               Dr Angharad C Cooney                   Mr Ian R Smith
Dr Thomas Connolley            Mr Huw P Davies
Mrs Ruth R Copperwaite         Mr William P Ham Bevan                 1996
Dr Chris R Dennis MRSC         Mrs Katie J Hargreaves                 Mr Simon R Alber t
Mr Simon H Dorman              Dr P Beverly Huss                      Dr Mark J Bass
Mr Mike J Gerrard              The Venerable David I Huss             Miss Lucy N E Cousens
Dr Giles S Keen                Mr Adam J King                         Mr Benjamin J Davis
Mr Andrey J Kotlarczyk         Dr Stephen R Langford                  Mr Christopher J Evans
Dr Jenny A Lazarus             Mr Richard J Medcalf                   Mr Alastair M Harrison
Mr Raj Mody                    Ms Victoria C Mee                      Miss Rebecca E Hone
Miss Jill P Noble              Mr Ian R Morgan                        Mrs Claire Jenkin

DONOR REPORT 2018/19–2019/20                                                                      29
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