Campus Connection Issue #18, January 12, 2022 - Waukesha Catholic School System

Page created by Max Sullivan
Campus Connection Issue #18, January 12, 2022 - Waukesha Catholic School System
Campus Connection
Issue #18, January 12, 2022

                          ~ OUR MISSION STATEMENT ~

Waukesha Catholic instills faith and inspires futures by nurturing each child's gifts with an education
           rooted in the Gospel values and a culture of community, compassion, and love.

This Week's Calendar of Events...
   Thursday, January 13: Non-uniform Day!
   Friday, January 14: SWC - Prayer Service at 9:00 a.m. led by Miss
   Schenk's K4B class; SMC - Ski forms for January 28 trip are due by
   noon; Ski trip to Alpine in the evening
   Monday, January 17: Scrip orders due by noon
   Wednesday, January 19: SMC - Mass at 8:35 a.m. for grades 3-8
Campus Connection Issue #18, January 12, 2022 - Waukesha Catholic School System
Dear Waukesha Catholic Families:

TONIGHT, January 12, we, in collaboration with CMH, are hosting a Parent Night/Information
Session from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. in the InPro Athletic Center at Catholic Memorial High School. This
event is open for all parents of CMH and Waukesha Catholic school students, parish families, and
alumni. We will hear from Fr. Matthew about leaning on our faith during challenges and tragedy, along
with experts in Trauma-Informed Care, about how to help yourself and/or your student through stress
or trauma you/they may experience. Please plan on attending for important information and
additional resources.

COVID Update:

Testing: As I shared in a previous email, we have onsite Covid testing at Waukesha Catholic.
Unfortunately, they have had to replace our "Collector." The lab has hired a new collector, and we are
just waiting to hear when she will be able to begin. Therefore, testing is postponed temporarily. As
soon as we receive notice of the start date of the new collector, we will communicate that to you

Quarantine/Isolation: As you are aware, the CDC has updated its guidance for quarantine and
isolation; we are currently operating under those new guidelines. Unfortunately, there are a lot of
nuisances that are making it difficult for us to create a document that summarizes the changes for
families. In the meantime, however, we will work directly with families impacted to explain the new
procedures, return dates, etc. We also have regular communication with the Health Department if we
are faced with a situation for which we are uncertain how to proceed. Please be patient with us as we
work together with the Health Department in implementing these new guidelines. Here is a link to the
updated guidelines from the CDC, and we still do hope to have a summary document for you in the
near future:

Sick Children/Household members: We continue to have new positive COVID cases daily at
Waukesha Catholic. We appreciate how proactive families have been in keeping sick children and
siblings home. IT REALLY HAS HELPED. Please continue to follow the practices outlined in our Back to
School Health and Wellness Plan on page 5.

Dashboard: Please continue to monitor the Covid Dashboard on our website for our "transmission
status" (number of positive cases in the past seven days) and current numbers of staff/students in
quarantine and isolation each day.

Thank you for all you do to continue to support us! We appreciate you!

Lisa Kovaleski
Campus Connection Issue #18, January 12, 2022 - Waukesha Catholic School System

       Saturday, February 5, 2022 at The Ingleside Hotel, Pewaukee

Auction invitations are in the mail and should arrive in your mailboxes soon! Make plans now to join us
as we welcome you back with a Broadway-themed event! You don’t have to wait to RSVP for this
“can’t miss” event! Go to to purchase your tickets today! If you are
purchasing your tickets online and would like to sit with a particular group, you can email that
information to

Not sure who to sit with? No problem! We will seat you with parents of similar-aged children so you
can meet other parents.

Win a pair of free tickets when you donate to the Spirit and Wine Pull!
Donate a bottle of spirits or wine* for the Spirits and Wine Pull and you will be entered into a drawing to
win a free pair of tickets to the auction. Bring your donation to the Waukesha Catholic Administrative
offices at 221 S. Hartwell Ave. by this Friday, January 14, 2022. Use this link to download an
entry/donation form
*Minimum suggested value of $20

Win a Year of Free Tuition!
For just $25, you could win a year of free tuition for the 2022-2023 school year – that is a value of
more than $3,999! Or, if you prefer, take home the $2,000 cash prize. Look for the raffle ticket order
form in today’s packet and return it to the school office as soon as possible. Tickets are $25 each or 3
for $60. Only 500 tickets will be sold, so hurry and get yours today. You need not be present to win.
These tickets do SELL OUT!
Campus Connection Issue #18, January 12, 2022 - Waukesha Catholic School System
Want to help and STILL attend the event?
Help us make this a great event by helping with setup! We will be setting up the silent auction and
decorating the ballroom on Saturday, February 5 from 7 AM-NOON. Please sign up today to help with
this auction task or others by clicking this link.

Auction Donations Still Needed
We are busy planning a spectacular evening, but the auction could never take place without the
generous donations we receive from our school community.

Would you or someone you know be willing to donate a product, service, or experience for the silent or
live auction? Friends, neighbors, family? Businesses you frequent? Securing a donation is one very
important way that you can help make this night a huge success.

To arrange drop off or pick up of your auction donation please email Nick Bailey -

                                  HOME AND SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS
                                  Catholic Schools Week Hospitality Help Needed
                                  When: January 29 and 30
                                  Where: Before and after Masses at all four parishes

                                  Help us spread the word about Catholic education at Waukesha
                                  Catholic! Please see what volunteer opportunities are available by
                                  using the SignUp Genius link below:


Gently Used Toy Donations Needed
The Before and After Care Program is looking for gently used toy
donations. Our program consists of students from grades K3-8. Below
are some ideas of what we are in need of:

    Board Games (all ages)
    Dolls and Doll Clothes
    Dress-up Costumes
    Larger items - such as Kitchens, Grocery Stores, Workshops, etc.
    Educational Games
    Any other items that are for boys and girls (ages 3-10)

Items can be dropped off at either school campus office. Thank you in advance for thinking of our
Before and After Care Program!
Campus Connection Issue #18, January 12, 2022 - Waukesha Catholic School System
Looking for a job that works around your schedule? Waukesha Catholic is seeking Before and After
Care help at both St. William and St. Mary Campuses. For more information check out the links below:
    Job Description
    Employment Application

If you'd like more information, please contact Sherry Marino, Before and After Care Director, at, or by phone at 262.896.2920, ext. 330.

HOT LUNCH - KITCHEN HELPERS/SERVERS NEEDED: We are in need of a part-time kitchen
helper/server at the St. William Campus. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for one
of these part-time positions, please see the information below.
     Hours: Monday – Friday from approximately 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
     Salary Range: $14.00 - $15.50
     Job Responsibilities: Click here for details
     To Apply – Please complete the APPLICATION LINKED HERE and email it to The complete job description will be available to interested

                                  HOT LUNCH

                                       Click HERE for the January 2022 menu.

Do you shop at Kohl's and use a Kohl's charge card? If you answered yes
- great! You can use the Kohl's "Scrip" cards to pay off the balance on
your Kohl's charge card and earn a 4% rebate. The cards are available in
denominations of $25 and $100. Stock up now to pay off your
Christmas balance!

Place your Scrip order by Monday, January 17 at noon for delivery on
Thursday, January 20.

Ordering gift cards through the Scrip Program for gifts or personal use earns money for the school
and your family can earn credit towards your tuition for next school year. If you are new to the Scrip
Program you will need to create an account and use our Waukesha Catholic account #8AL3CL461142
to register.

Do you have questions about the Scrip Program? For more information, contact Charlotte, our Scrip
Coordinator, at or 262-896-2929, ext. 1331.
Campus Connection Issue #18, January 12, 2022 - Waukesha Catholic School System
    Optum is offering a free emotional-support helpline for all people impacted. This helpline will
    provide those affected with access to specially trained mental health specialists. The company's
    public toll-free helpline number, 866-342-6892, will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for
    as long as necessary. This service is free of charge and open to anyone.
    Disaster Distress Helpline: Call or text 800-985-5990
    Children's Hospital: 414-266-6500

Potential Providers:
    Catholic Charities Waukesha office: 262-547-2463
    Family Service of Waukesha: 262-547-5567
    On Purpose Psyche (Oconomowoc):
    Cedar Lake Counseling (Brookfield):
    Hope for a Better Tomorrow (Waukesha):
    Cornerstone Counseling (Waukesha): 262-789-1191

For Children and Family Support Groups:
    Healing Hearts of Waukesha:
    NAMI Southeast WI Peer Support Youth Outreach Specialist: Text or call: 262-993-6903 Email:

Additional Resources/Articles:
    Supporting Children & Teens During the Holidays
    Trauma and Grief in Teens
    How Young Children Heal
    Age-Related Response to Trauma
    Helping Youth After Experiencing a Trauma

*If you need assistance connecting to a resource, please do not hesitate to contact the NAMI
Southeast WI Waukesha Program Office at 262-524-8886 or

The next School Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 26 at 6:00 p.m. This is a virtual
meeting. Here is the link:
    Meeting ID: 810 8838 0987
    Passcode: HE0Ty4

On Wednesday, February 23, 2022, Waukesha Catholic Board of Directors members will make
themselves available from 5:30-6:00 p.m. to meet with parents/guardians of present and prospective

Our board members offer this opportunity to give those presently attending our school and those
considering attending to meet with them, ask questions about our schools, and gain a sense of our
Campus Connection Issue #18, January 12, 2022 - Waukesha Catholic School System
mission. If you so choose, you may visit with these individuals at this time; you do not need to make
any special arrangements or appointments.

Though this meeting is not required, you may choose to take this opportunity to meet some important
members of our Waukesha Catholic community and learn more about Waukesha Catholic.

Following this meeting, the Board will hold its regularly scheduled meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lisa Kovaleski at 262-896-2929, ext. 1318 or

The Seton Volleyball Tournament benefits The Waukesha County Catholic Elementary Schools Tuition
Assistance Fund, which is used to make Catholic school education a real possibility for those students
who may not otherwise be able to afford full tuition. All families whose children attend a Catholic
school in Waukesha County are eligible to apply. A limited number of $1,000 grants will be awarded.
Your child/school did not have to be in the tournament to apply. Go to this link for a copy of the
application: All applications
must be received by Friday, April 1, 2022. Notifications will be made in late April.

                            St. William Campus (Click Here)

                              St. Mary Campus (Click Here)

Campus Connection Issue #18, January 12, 2022 - Waukesha Catholic School System
Don't Miss Out and Register Today
CMH Pom Clinic & Halftime Performance
Friday, January 21, 2022
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Open to all 1st - 8th Graders!

Clinic: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.(clinic location: CMH Cafeteria) (performance location: InPro Athletic

Game: 7:00 p.m.
Halftime: approx. 7:30 p.m.*

1st through 8th Graders are invited to join CMH Varsity Poms for a session of dancing and fun! The
dancers will learn a pom routine and then showcase their hard work at halftime of a Catholic Memorial
Varsity Basketball game.

Cost: $40, includes clinic participation, snack, performance poms, CMH bow and souvenir T-shirt!

Suggested Attire: Participants should wear black bottoms (athletic shorts, pants, or capris), tennis
shoes, and a tank-top that they can keep on under their clinic T-shirt for the performance. Other T-
shirts, sweatshirts, etc. are welcome for the clinic portion of the evening. Please bring your own water

*Parent/Guardian(s) must meet their child(ren) in the CMH Cafeteria immediately following

Register Today!
CMH Pom & Dance
For questions

                                 CMH Sports Shadow Day
                                 If you are interested in CMH's upcoming Basketball Fun Friday on
                                 January 21, 2022, please use this sign-up link: CMH Fun Friday Sign

                                 Use this link for students interested in signing up for a “Sports
                                 Shadow Day” at CMH next Wednesday, January 19: Sports Shadow
                                 Day Sign Up

                                 Both events are filling up fast so you are encouraged to sign up as
                                 soon as possible!

                                 **These links are for any prospective 7th and 8th graders.

St. Joseph Catholic Church Invites You...
St. Joseph Catholic Church is hosting a Rosary Walk on Friday, January 22, at 6:30 p.m. If you are
interested in participating please click here for an informational flyer!
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