Camp Y-Ville 2021 - Camp Handbook - Town of Yountville

Camp Y-Ville 2021 - Camp Handbook - Town of Yountville
Camp Y-Ville

Camp Y-Ville 2021 - Camp Handbook - Town of Yountville
A Message from Garrett Kuehle...

Hello, my name is Garrett Kuehle and I am the Recreation Coordinator
for the Town of Yountville. I am thrilled to be a part of the 2021 Sum-
mer Day Camp Program. I’ve worked for the Town for over 11 years and
as a Recreation Coordinator for 5 of those years. During this time I’ve
had the opportunity to work with great teams that provide a safe and fun
environment for all.

This year’s Camp Y-ville theme will be Camp Y-Ville Hits the Big Screen.
Each week, we will be exploring different movie genre’s through arts &
crafts, activities and playing games with friends.

Safety this summer will be one of our top priorities! This year we have
adapted our policies and procedures to ensure the safety of our camp-
ers. It is our goal to make camp as safe as possible, while still providing
a great experience for all. We have created a new check in and out pro-
cedure, Sick child/staff isolation procedure, daily sanitation/cleaning
procedure, and will follow new social distancing measures. Communica-
tion is key, so if at any time you have any questions or ideas, please feel
free to reach out to me. I look forward to getting to know you and your
camper better this summer.


Garrett Kuehle,
Recreation Coordinator
Camp Y-Ville 2021 - Camp Handbook - Town of Yountville
The purpose of the Yountville Summer Day Camp is to provide a safe,
educational and fun environment for children during the summer months.
Our program will provide children with a variety of activities, ranging from
sports to a summer reading club. Our goal is that each camper be given
opportunities to learn and grow, whether it be through sports, crafts or
group activities. We believe that we can make the summer a memorable
one for your children. Our staff is dedicated to making sure that each
camper leaves feeling confident about their own special abilities.

         What do Campers need to bring to Day Camp?
     Please make sure ALL items are LABELED clearly with your
                         campers name!
•     Water Bottle: It is important that campers come to camp each day with a
      plastic water bottle. Because of the heat and sun exposure, it is
      important that campers keep well hydrated.
•     Sunscreen, towel & swimming suits in a backpack: Please send these
      items with your child each day to camp. We often play water games, or
      run in the sprinklers.
•     Sack lunch & Snacks: While we do provide a morning and afternoon
      snack, some campers still need extra food during the day. If you know
      that your child will be hungry, please send adequate food. Also, please
      make sure that the foods you send with your child are healthy; please do
      not send soda or sweets with your campers. Please label all food
      containers and send only plastic containers, NO GLASS please.
•     Walking shoes only: Because of the summer heat we understand that
      campers may want to wear sandals during the day. However, many of
      our planned activities require that the campers wear good comfortable
      closed toed athletic shoes. If your child chooses to wear sandals to camp,
      please send them with walking shoes and socks as well. Please NO
•     What to wear: Please send campers to camp in cool, washable “play
      clothes”. Fun can be messy!

    Campers may not bring personal toys or electronics (I Pods,
             Games, cell phones etc.) to program.
               THIS IS A TECH FREE ZONE!
Registration Policy

All campers must be PRE-REGISTERED.

• We will be welcoming 3 Cohorts of 14 campers. Cohorts will
be kept as consistent as possible each week with both campers
and staff.

• We will only be accepting 5 day a week campers this sum-
mer for consistency. We look forward to returning to the more
flexible scheduling model next summer.

• Registration Priority will be given to families signing up for 6
- 8 weeks of camp. The priority registration period will open
April 1 and close April 30. After April 30, all other registrations
will be entered in order of most weeks to least then based on
when the registration was received.

• When signing up, you can choose to pay all at once or opt
for weekly charges. We will charge your card each Thursday for
the next camp week.

• You can make schedule changes as space is available during
the summer. If cancelling a week you will receive a credit on file
to use in the future for camp. Refunds will be offered for a medi-
cal issue or COVID 19 exposure.

• Registration will only be accepted by completing the online
forms and submitting them. Online self registration is not availa-
ble at this time.
Camper Daily Schedule (some days will vary and are subject to change)

7:30-9:00                  Welcome/Check in/socialize/optional activities

9:00– 9:15                 Opening circle

9: 15-10:15                Activity # 1

10:15-10:30                SNACK

10:30-11:30                Activity # 2

12:00-12:30                Lunch

1:00 - 3:00                Activity # 3

3:00-3:15                  SNACK

3:13-5:00                  Organized Crafts or Activities
Health Policies

Camp Y-Ville has changed its policies and procedures this summer to make camp a safer
place for all.

We now will doing check in and check out outside of the camp room to limit contact
with multiple participants. Campers will undergo a health screening before being al-
lowed to enter the facilities. If a camper exhibits a temperature of 100.4 degrees0
(38.00C) they will be instructed to stay home. Campers will not be allowed to return until they
have been fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.

If a camper is to become ill while at camp they will be isolated from the rest of the group and
sent home Asap. The areas that have been used by that camper will be disinfected immedi-
ately to ensure the safety of others.

Camp Y-Ville will also be following social distancing measures to help limit direct contact with
others. We have also set up daily cleaning and sanitation procedures to make sure each area
used by campers remains clean and safe to use.

For minor injuries, such as bruises and scrapes, the recreation staff are only authorized
to provide bandages and ice packs to the participants. If you child happens to get a
minor injury while at camp, you will be notified when you pick up your child at the end
of the day.

In case of a serious injury, we will make an immediate attempt to contact the parent/
guardian. If we cannot reach you we will also attempt to reach your child’s emergency
contacts. If necessary, we will make appropriate medical actions as authorized by the
parent/guardian. All of our recreation staff at Camp Y-Ville are Red Cross Certified in
both First Aid and CPR.

Arriving Late/Picking up Early
At Camp Y-Ville we are frequently off-site having fun and exploring our local parks.
If you know that your camper will be missing camp, coming late, or needs to leave
early on a given day please inform us by calling Garrett at (707) 812-8486.

Late Fee
A fee of $10.00 per 10 minutes (or fraction thereof) per child will be charged for
children picked up after 5:30 pm. If a child is picked up late repeatedly they may
forfeit enrollment.

If your child is celebrating a birthday during the summer please let us know. We
realize that this is a special day and we would like to do our best to make your
child's birthday fun.

Receipts will be issued at the time of registration. For tax purposes, our tax ID
number is 94–1622942. It is the parents responsibility to retain payment records
for tax purposes. Yearly payment records are not provided.

Discipline Policy
We try to monitor our campers behavior very closely as to avoid problems that
may arise. We avoid situations by communicating, being consistent, setting rules,
and treating campers with respect. If a problem does arise the following steps will
be made:

1. Camper will have a “Time-IN”, which is a verbal warning, along with an
   explanation of the problem with a senior camp counselor.
2. Conference with Recreation Coordinator
3. Call home, possible parent conference.
4. Possible suspension from the program.

Continual problems with the child could result in a permanent suspension from the
program. Some severe behavior issues may warrant immediate suspension at the
discretion of the Recreation Coordinator.
• Non-cooperation
• Physical or Verbal abuse of another child or leader
• Lack of cooperation by parent/guardian
• Continual late pick-ups
Camp Y-Ville Check In/Out Procedures
    Camper Drop off from 7:30—9 AM

1. Upon arrival at camp, Y-Ville Camper and parent will be greeted at parking lot
  by staff at designated drop off and pick-up spot.
2. Campers will then undergo a health screening.
3. Staff will complete a visual inspection of the camper.
                - Staff will check for signs of illness which could include flushed
                  cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing, and fatigue.
4. After visual inspection campers will have their temperature checked by staff
  using a no contact thermometer.
                - Staff will conduct two readings of the campers temperature to
                  make sure temperature is consistent.
                - If temperature is 100.40 (38.00C) or above the camper will be
                  instructed to stay home until fever resides.
                - Campers sent home will not be allowed to return to camp until
                  they have been fever free for at least 24 hours WITHOUT
5. Once camper passes health screening they will be signed in by staff member
  and sent or walked to their camp group.
6. Before entering the facility campers will be instructed to clean their hands at a
  hand hygiene station located at the entrance of the building.
7. Parents will not be allowed inside the camp rooms.

Camper Pick up from 4—5:30 PM

1. During scheduled pick up time a staff member will be present at designated
  pick up spot.
2. Parent will let staff member know who they are picking up and staff will radio
  in to get child ready to go.
3. Once camper has collected their belongings they will be walked out by staff to
  the pick up spot.
4. The camper will be signed out by staff member and sent home for the day.
Camp Y-Ville Social Distancing Measures/Strategies
The following adaptations will be implemented at camp Y-Ville this summer to help
maintain social distance and limit direct contact with multiple participants.

  1. Curbside drop off and pick-up to limit direct contact with parents and
  2. Cancelation of all fieldtrips and Pool days.
  3. Campers will be assigned to specific groups and staff that they will remain
     with for as many weeks as possible for the summer.
  4. Bags containing craft supplies will be assigned to each child.
  5. Each camper will be assigned a cubby for the week they are attending.
  6. Staggering of outdoor play time and craft time between the groups.
  7. Lunch to be held in different location for each group to be properly spaced
  8. Campers will be spaced 6ft apart from one another while doing crafts, eating,
     and outdoor activities.
  9. Each group while be given a separate classroom to limit exposure to other
  10. Enter and exit only doors for main facilities.
  12. Groups will consist 14 campers to safely monitor social distancing.
  13. Bathrooms to be assigned to specific groups.
Camp Y-Ville Daily Sanitation/Cleaning Procedures

Sanitation and cleaning procedures for Camp Y-Ville will follow the
guidelines set by the CDC.

1. Staff will sanitize and disinfect objects and surfaces that are frequently touched
   per the CDC recommendation. -These frequently touched surfaces include door-
   knobs, light switches, sink handles, cubbies, tabletops, chairs, toys, and play-
   ground equipment.
2. After each activity/craft, surfaces used will be disinfected for the next group.
3. Campers will be instructed to wash hands or use hand sanitizer when entering
   the facility for the day, before and after each activity/craft and throughout the
   day to ensure safe hand hygiene
4. Before morning and afternoon snack is served tabletops will be disinfected.
5. Before and after lunch tabletops with be disinfected.
6. Food preparation surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized before and after each
7. Snack will be served from reusable containers that will be washed and sanitized
   in a machine at the end of each use.
8. Bathroom surfaces will be sanitized every hour.
9. Bathrooms will undergo a deep clean at the end of each day.
10. At the end of each day play activity centers will be disinfected for the following
    days use.
         -Toys will be disinfected.
         -Furniture will be wiped down and sanitized.
         -Floors will be mopped and carpets vacuumed.
         -Cubbies will be cleaned out and disinfected.
11. At the beginning of each day outdoor surfaces used throughout the day will be
         -This includes outdoor tables, chairs, playground, and playground
12. Any toy or item viewed to be contaminated during the day (Placed in a child’s
    mouth etc..) will be placed in a bin to be disinfected at the end of the day.
Sick Child/Staff Isolation Procedure
The following procedures will be followed if a Camper/Staff exhibits signs of being
sick or records a fever of a temperature of 100.40 (38.00C).

    1. If A Camper/Staff is to become sick while at camp, they will be removed
        from the group immediately.
    2. A staff member will move the camper to the self-isolation area located on
        the side of the main facility.
    3. Areas that have been used by the sick camper/staff will be disinfected as
        soon as they are removed from the area.
    4. In the self-isolation area there will be a canopy and a cot for the camper to
        use while awaiting pick-up.
    5. A staff member will monitor the camper until a parent has been contacted
        and has arrived to pick-up.
    6. As soon as the camper has been isolated from the rest of the group their
        parents/guardians will be contacted to pick up Asap.
    7. Parents will be instructed to call the camp phone or camp coordinator to
        notify them of their arrival.
    8. Once the parent has arrived in the parking lot to pick up their child, a staff
        member will walk the camper out to the parking lot.
    9. Campers sent home will not be allowed to return to camp until they have
        been fever free for at least 24 hours WITHOUT medication. If tested
        positive for COVID 19, camper must remain home for at least 14 days.
    10. Staff will then clean and sanitize the self-isolation area for future use.
    11. Staff that become sick while at work will be sent home immediately after
         being self-isolated from the rest of the group. The same cleaning
         protocols will apply for staff illness.
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