Calling all .Worcestershire schools - WORCESTER TALL - St Richard's Hospice

Page created by Scott Williamson
Calling all .Worcestershire schools - WORCESTER TALL - St Richard's Hospice


 Calling all...
...Worcestershire schools

       A Wild in Art event brought to
      Worcester by St. Richard's Hospice
Calling all .Worcestershire schools - WORCESTER TALL - St Richard's Hospice
Worcester Stands Tall
Worcester Stands Tall is a large-       Worcester Stands Tall
scale, mass appeal, public art event
designed to communicate the best        schools’ programme
of Worcestershire’s art, heritage
                                        Integral to the main event will be an
and culture to the widest possible
                                        education programme, open to all schools
audience. In the summer of 2018, over
25 large, majestic giraffe sculptures   in Worcestershire. It will feature small
will tower over Worcester city          giraffe sculptures - calves* which will
landscape. Decorated by artists, they   be decorated by pupils and teachers.
will create a trail across the city
for 10 weeks. The sculptures will       In summer 2018, all the giraffe calves will
then be auctioned off to help raise     be publicly exhibited in clusters around
funds for St Richard’s Hospice in       Crowngate, Worcester for the duration
support of the BUILD 2020 appeal.       of the event. They will complement
                                        and add value to the main Worcester
                                        Stands Tall art trail, showcasing the
                                        creativity of school pupils across the
                                        county, before being returned to the
There are two learning                  schools as a permanent legacy.
packages available:                     There are two packages available. As
                                        a minimum, each participant school
                                        will receive a sculpture accompanied
The Worcester
                                        by a full curriculum-linked Education
Stands Tall
                                        Resource Pack; putting creativity at
package                                 the heart of a programme of study,
                                        designed to complement key stage
                                        specific teaching of numerous subjects
                                        including English, citizenship & PHSE,
                                        ICT, geography, history and biology.

The Worcester                           *1300mm high, 600mm long, 400mm wide and weighs 10kg

Stands Tall
tower package
Calling all .Worcestershire schools - WORCESTER TALL - St Richard's Hospice
The Worcester Stands Tall - standard package

Our standard package includes:

  A giraffe calf sculpture (1300mm
  high, 600mm long, 400mm
  wide and weighs 10kg).

  A creative, cross-curricular, key stage
  appropriate (KS1-4) programme
  of study with sections linked to
  additional resources including:

  A web of ideas to encourage in-class       Thanks to our education partners
  creative thinking, mind-mapping and a       West Midland Safari Park we
  template of giraffes to explore students’   can provide a unique offer!
  design ideas for the application of their
                                              For the first six schools to sign up a
  design onto the giraffe calf sculpture.
                                              West Midland Safari Park Education
  A high profile location for your giraffe   Officer will visit your school and
  calf sculpture in Worcester City            give a half-day outreach session!
  centre, showcasing the best of your
  pupils’ creativity during the summer-
                                                    The cost for this
  long Worcester Stands Tall trail.
                                                     package is just

  Suggestions as to how to use your
  involvement with the project to
  support St Richard’s Hospice - an
  integral and important part of the                      (VAT not applicable)

  Worcestershire community. Please
  note that the costs for involvement
  with this project do not include any
  donations to St Richard’s Hospice and
  therefore any associated fundraising
  in support of the work of the hospice
  will be enormously appreciated.

Calling all .Worcestershire schools - WORCESTER TALL - St Richard's Hospice
The Worcester Stands
  Tall - tower package

  Our tower package includes:                                   15 FREE PLACES
        Everything in the standard package plus:               Due to an Arts Award grant the first
                                                                15 schools to sign up for the tower
                                                                package will receive a FREE PLACE
        A place for a teacher or support staff to              (1 delegate place per school) value £125
        receive training to become a Discover
                                                                The training will take place at West
        and Explore Arts Award Adviser.                         Midland Safari Park* , in the Academy
        An excellent CPD opportunity!                           on Tuesday 16 January 2018

        Receive bespoke resources to enable
        your participating pupils to gain a
        nationally recognised qualification
        awarded by Trinity College London.
                                                           Ideas for how you could
                      there are moderation costs for
                                                           fund your sculpture
        each pupil and this is £3.50 per Discover
        certificate (correct at press). To find out more       Share the vision for your school’s
        information on the Arts Award visit                    education programme with parents
                                                               in a newsletter - they may have a
                                                               business that can sponsor a calf or
                                                               work for a company that can sponsor

                                                               Ask the PTA to help

                                                               Hold a giraffe /safari theme
                                                               dress down day                               Please note that the costs for involvement
                                                           with this project do not include any
                                                           donations to St Richard’s Hospice and
                                                           therefore any associated fundraising
                        The cost for this                  in support of the work of the hospice
                         package is just

                                                           which raises in excess of the costs of the
                                                           packages on offer will be enormously
                                                           appreciated as a donation.

                                                           *see Schools Order Form for further details
                             (VAT not applicable)

Until Friday 1st December 2017

Giraffe calf sculptures and learning packs
available. Learning programme packages
with Discover and Explore Arts Awards
available on a first come first served basis

January – February 2018

Information, inspiration and briefing sessions for
lead project co-ordinators including Arts Award
training where relevant. Sculptures available
for collection from Crowngate , Worcester*

Feb - May 2018

All giraffe calves to be completed

June 2018

All giraffe calves to be delivered to
Crowngate in preparation for the trail

9 July – to 15 September

Giraffe calves on display in Crowngate,
Worcester City Centre as part of the
Worcester Stands Tall trail

18-29 September

Giraffe calves collected from Crowngate by
schools and kept by schools as a lasting legacy

*Collection/deliver may be available for a nominal cost of £25 per journey
New Safari Academy
at West Midland Safari Park

An outstanding, five classroom,                 Why not start your giraffe topic with
sustainably-built facility is now open at       a visit to see our magnificent herd
West Midland Safari Park. Specifically          of nine Rothschild’s giraffe? Book a
designed for visiting schools, each
                                                guided tour of the safari drive-through
classroom provides interactive
                                                or book a curriculum-based Discovery
learning opportunities for all ages.
                                                Session or Workshop to introduce the
West Midland Safari Park has been               topic to your class. Schools save up
welcoming schools for over 40 years             to 50% when visiting with 10 or more
and our experienced Education Team              paying people, plus no booking forms,
are dedicated to making visits stress           prepayment or deposit required!
free, enjoyable and educational. The
new Safari Academy means we can offer           Call or drop us an email to
even more curriculum-linked, hands-             book a visit: 01299 404888
on activities and encounter sessions.
The first six schools to sign up to the Stand
Tall campaign will get a FREE half-day
outreach, where one of our Education
Officers will come to your school and
answer questions about our giraffes and tell
your pupils about this charismatic species
and the importance of giraffe conservation.


The collective
noun for a group of
giraffes is a tower.
About our partners

Wild in Art is the world’s leading creative   West Midland Safari Park has launched
producer of mass appeal public art events     their brand new Safari Academy.
and creative education projects. Recent
                                              The outstanding, sustainably-built facility
events include: The Big Hoot and the Big
                                              features five classrooms and has been
Read in Birmingham, Herd of Sheffield, Pigs
                                              designed specifically for visiting schools.
Gone Wild (Ipswich), Snowdogs by the Sea
                                              Each classroom is equipped with everything
(Brighton & Hove), Great North Snowdogs
                                              it needs to provide interactive education
(Tyne and Wear) and Oor Wullies Bucket
                                              for groups of all ages, from pre-schools and
Trail in Dundee.
                                              nurseries, to university groups and adult                           learners. Groups can take part in a variety
                                              of activities to enhance their in-school
                                              learning, including curriculum-linked
                                              guided tours, hands-on Discovery Sessions
                                              and workshops. These will include close
                                              encounters with some of the Park’s smaller,
                                              friendly animals and a wide range of
                                              artefacts, all relevant to the chosen topic.
Teachers and students can
find out information such as                  The Safari Academy is also home to
what animal courses the Park                  accredited Level 2 and 3 animal care courses,
provides and how teachers can                 holiday clubs, career days and even open
claim two free preview tickets,               days for teachers.
to familiarise themselves with
the attraction before taking
their school group. Visit:
Schools Order Form
Lead Teacher                            (please use block letters)

FIRST NAME                                                                           LAST NAME

TITLE                Miss            Mrs             Ms              Mr              Other



CITY                                                                                 POST CODE

WORK NUMBER                                                                 MOBILE NUMBER



WORK NUMBER                                                                 MOBILE NUMBER


Following receipt of your order form we will contact you with the collection details of your Giraffe sculpture and education resources.

Please tell us how you heard about Worcester Stands Tall Schools Programme:

Please choose your Worcester Stands Tall package:

STANDARD                                   TOWER

PLEASE NOTE: Inspiration sessions for teaching staff will be held on the 16th and 18th
January 2018 in the morning at the West Midland Safari Park Academy. Arts Award
training takes place on Tuesday 16th January in the afternoon and we will advise
you within 7 days and before invoicing if a free place is no longer available.

Please include your purchase order number below (if applicable):
                                                                                                                                  To confirm your order, please
                                                                                                                                  complete this form and email
                                                                                                                                  it to by
                                                                                                                                  Friday 1st December 2017

As presenting partner in the                                     Crowngate Shopping Centre is
interactive event, and following                                 Worcester’s largest shopping
the huge success of the BookBench                                centre. The two main shopping
Competition and Exhibition, we                                   areas, Friary Walk and Chapel
will be using our experience to                                  Walk, have been at the heart of
work with local schools across                                   Worcester City Centre since its
Worcestershire to deliver a trail                                development in 1992. Boasting 25
of giraffe calves throughout the                                 years of retail heritage, Crowngate
shopping centre. In addition, we                                 offers the perfect environment
hope to display all the artwork                                  for shopping in the city.
generated by the schools in a
                                                                 For more information about
public gallery within Crowngate.
                                                                 Crowngate Shopping Centre visit


  Tel: 01905 763963 please ask for Tricia Cavell, Fundraising Director

             f WorcesterStandsTall l WorcStandsTall
                  A Wild in Art event brought to Worcester by St. Richard's Hospice
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