Page created by Derek Jackson

DECEMBER 2021 ISSUE                              3
DIRECTOR'S CORNER                                                               CALLAHAN CENTER STAFF
Hello Everyone,                                                                 STAFF
                                                                                Grace O’Donnell, MS, Director of Elder Services
Wishing you all happy celebrations of: Hanukkah that started on 11/28,          Randy Aylsworth, MS, Assistant Director
winter solstice on 12/21, Christmas on 12/25 and Kwanza beginning               Paula Geller, Programs Manager
12/26. Feliz Navidad, Feliz Natale, Joyeux Noel, Sheng Dan Jie Kuai Le.         Tricia Welsby, Administrative Assistant
                                                                                Ralph Dunlea, Computer Room Coordinator
This has been a very difficult period of time during COVID, with the many       Carol Glover, Front Desk Receptionist
losses due to the virus and other health conditions that may have gone          Mary Kenney, Front Desk Receptionist
without treatment. Since many of us missed opportunities to attend wakes        Diane Krueger, Front Desk Receptionist
or funerals or other grief rituals, we will offer a way to join together in     Patty Bird, Front Desk Receptionist
remembering loved ones who have passed on. Staff from Good Shepherd             Paul Gambrazzio, Van Driver
Hospice will guide us in an Afternoon of Remembrance on Tuesday,                David Higgins, Van Driver
December 21 at 2:30. We will read aloud the names of family, friends
and pets that have passed on in the last two years. We invite you to join       SOCIAL SERVICES
with us in reading some of the names, offering your own remembrances            Lisa Ushkurnis, MSW, LICSW, Supervisor
of people who are no longer with us and participating in some rituals that      Cheryl Lavallee, LICSW, Assistant Social Services Supervisor
may offer peace and comfort. We look forward to having you join us in           Jamie Jensen, MSW, LICSW, Coordinator of Continuing Connections
person or on zoom.                                                              Sam Swisher, MBA, Outreach Volunteer Coordinator
                                                                                Alana Dundon, Bilingual Outreach/DME Coordinator
We have the final Cultural Council program for this year taking place on        Deb Bourque, BA, CDP, Continuing Connections Program Assistant
December 14, The Best in Holiday Jazz. It’s bound to get you in the             SHINE
holiday spirit. Show your support for the Framingham Cultural Council           Kathy Worhach, SHINE Director
and Friends of Callahan for making these programs free for all to enjoy by      Michelle Gucciardi, SHINE Assistant Director
signing up!
Learn how to use Chromebooks with Bill Rabkin on Dec 14 or an Intro             COUNCIL ON AGING CHAIRMAN & BOARD MEMBERS
to PCs with Ralph Dunlea on December 21. The movie, The Man Who
Invented Christmas will be showing on December 9. How to Stock                  Chairman: Clyde Dottin                Members:
your Pantry with Healthy Meals is offered by BayPath Elder Services on                                                Brenda Diaz, Audrey Hall,
December 15.                                                                                                          Mike McGibbon, Betty Muto,
                                                                                 COA Board Meeting                    Jennifer Rich, Linda Schwartz,
We wish all of you joyous time with family and friends and a safe and           December 14, 1:30 p.m.
healthy end to 2021. Thank you for helping us to get through this year with                                           Brian Sullivan, Glenda Thomas,
your participation, patience, feedback, and ideas. We thank all the staff                                             Ruthann Tomassini
and volunteers who make it possible for us to keep the doors open, the
zoom sessions running, the card games, discussion groups and exercise
classes continuing.

535 Union Avenue (Handicap Accessible), Framingham, MA 01702
Telephone: 508-532-5980
Web address:
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

It is the mission of the Framingham Council on Aging/Callahan Center
to improve the healthy aging of a broader segment of the 55 and older
population of Framingham by solidifying collaborations in the community
to actively reach out to underserved groups by race, ethnicity, gender,
sexual orientation and those with health conditions that otherwise limit
their connection to the center.

The Callahan Center makes every effort to ensure the information
throughout the Courier is accurate; however, the staff shall not be held
responsible for errors that occur with printing, omission, or changes/
cancellations of a program by staff or instructors.
We thank the advertisers that appear in the Courier, as well as the
presenters of informational programs and products. However, the Callahan
Center does not endorse any service or product listed in the Courier or
presented at the Center. It is the responsibility of our readers/participants
to investigate any service, product or provider they may consider using.
The Callahan Center will be closed on Friday,            AFTERNOON OF REMEMBRANCE                                 in accordance with CDC guidelines for COVID-19.
December 24 and December 31.                             Offered In Person and on Zoom                            Those who are exempt from the face coverings
                                                         Tuesday, December 21, 2:30-3:30 p.m.                     requirement include persons for whom a face mask
AN IMPORTANT REMINDER AT                                 RSVP required by 12/17                                   or covering creates a health risk or is not safe. If you
THE HOLIDAYS                                             Our Afternoon of Remembrance will take place             are not feeling well, we ask that you stay home until
Your participation at the Center is a “gift” every       on the Winter Solstice (the shortest “day” of            you no longer have symptoms. If you think you’ve
day to our staff, instructors and volunteers.            the year). We will come together to recall our           been exposed, get tested and stay isolated until you
While we know that many of you are generous in           loved ones, including our beloved pets. We will          get the results. This guidance is subject to change.
showing your appreciation at the holidays, please        reflect and honor them in the presence of those
note that Massachusetts Conflict of Interest             like ourselves, who seek meaning, healing and            HELP AVAILABLE FROM
Laws set limits regarding gifts to municipal staff,      peace in our hearts and minds. Please contact            CONGRESSWOMAN CLARK’S OFFICE
instructors, vendors, or other volunteers who            Lisa for more information: 508-532-5980, ext.            Jay Higgins from Congresswoman Katherine
work on behalf of the City.                              4108. This program is co-sponsored by Good               Clark’s Office is available to discuss your federal
                                                         Shepherd Community Care.                                 government questions and concerns. To set up a
Under the law it is not permissible for                                                                           remote meeting, please email Jay.Higgins@mail.
municipal employees, instructors, and                                                                    or call 617-354-0291.
volunteers to accept any individual gift or
                                                       ARE YOU PREPARED FOR WEATHER
combination of gifts in a one-year period that         EMERGENCIES? Prepare for weather
                                                       emergencies by creating a free, Safety Profile at          DO YOU MISS SEEING FAMILY
have a combined value of $50 or more.
With this in mind, rather than a gift, please The Framingham Police Department             AND FRIENDS? We have volunteers who can
consider writing a note of thanks or a charitable      introduced Smart911 to Framingham residents to             teach you how to Zoom so you can see and hear family
donation as a way to express your appreciation.        improve 9-1-1 services to citizens and enhance public      and friends on a Chromebook! These devices are larger
Tis the season for gifting but we, and those who       safety. Smart911 allows people to create a Safety          than a cell phone but smaller than a computer. They’re
teach and volunteer here, must adhere to this law.     Profile that will be visible to 9-1-1 call takers in the   free to borrow for up to 12 months AND free data plans
                                                       event of an emergency call. With Smart911, you can         are available for people who are 60 and older and
                                                       create your own Safety Profile to give 9-1-1 valuable      meet income guidelines. To learn more, contact Sam
                                                       information about yourself, family members,                Swisher at 508-532-5980, ext. 4113.
If the Framingham Public Schools close due to
snow or other inclement weather, there will be         your home, pets, and even vehicles that will
no activities/programs at the Callahan Center.         automatically display on the 9-1-1 call taker's screen     EMERGENCY FINANCIAL
On these days, City of Framingham staff will be        when you make an emergency call. It's private and          ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TOWARD
available at the Center, unless the city declares an   secure, and you control what information is in your        INTERNET SERVICE: The Federal
emergency closing. Please note: In the event of a      profile. These details can save valuable seconds or        Communications Commission has launched a
delayed start for the Framingham Public Schools,       even minutes during an emergency. Note: Please             temporary program to help households struggling to
the Callahan Center will also have a delayed           visit the Callahan Center Computer Room if you             afford Internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic.
opening. For example, if the schools have a two-       need help creating your Safety Profile.                    The Emergency Broadband Benefit provides a
hour delay, the Center will open at 10:30 am.                                                                     discount of up to $50/month toward broadband
                                                       MASKS REQUIRED IN MUNICIPAL                                service for eligible households. Eligible households
Please be aware that the Callahan Center does          BUILDINGS: All persons over the age of five                can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to
not issue refunds for fee-based events or              entering City of Framingham municipal buildings            purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from
activities, unless those programs are cancelled        shall wear a clean face covering over their                participating providers. To learn more, visit
by the Center.                                         mouth and nose and exercise social distancing     or call 833-511-0311.
PROGRAMS & ACTIVITIES                                     5
                                            Please call the front desk at 508-532-5980, ext. 0 to register.

CALLAHAN CENTER                                       MOVIE MATINEE                                         Healthcare Corp., a non-profit provider of senior
                                                      THE MAN WHO INVENTED                                  living, healthcare, and home care services
LEARNING & CULTURAL                                                                                         throughout Metro West (
PROGRAMS                                              Thursday, December 9                                  LEARN THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY
                                                      1:30-3:15 p.m.
This program is                                       Register by 12/8                                      THE CASE OF PRIVATE
supported in part by a grant from the                                                                       EDDIE SLOVIK
                                                      This movie is a
Framingham Cultural Council, a local agency                                                                 Wednesday, December 22, 1:30 p.m.
which is supported by the Massachusetts               biography, comedy and
                                                      drama all in one. In 1843                             Presented by: Bernard Edelson
Cultural Council, a state agency, and in part
by the Friends of Callahan.                           London, author Charles                                Perhaps you saw the 1974 movie, The Execution
                                                      Dickens finds himself                                 of Private Slovik, starring Martin Sheen and Ned
                                                      in financial trouble                                  Beatty. Eddie Slovik was one of approximately
THE BEST IN HOLIDAY JAZZ                              after writing three                                   40,000 World War II deserters. However of
Tuesday, December 14, 1:30 p.m.                       unsuccessful novels in                                the 49 servicemen actually tried and sentenced
Presented by: Peter Gerler                            a row. Desperate for a hit, Dickens relies on real-   to death for desertion, Slovik was the only one
Register by 12/13                                     life inspiration and his vivid imagination to bring   executed. He was shot by a firing squad on
In America, Christmas music came into its             Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim and other classic          January 1, 1945 in the Village of St. Marie Aux
own after the Great Depression—which also             characters to life in A Christmas Carol, forever      Mines, France - the only American soldier to die
brought the era of big band jazz. Since the           changing the holiday season into the celebration      for desertion since the Civil War. The execution
1930s, memorable upbeat Christmas tunes have          known today. Stars Dan Stevens (Downton               was ordered by General Eisenhower, who hoped
become more popular (secular) than religious.         Abbey) as Charles Dickens. Rated: PG.                 that news of the execution would discourage the
In this lively and lovely holiday presentation,                                                             widespread desertion during the Battle of the
you will hear the Christmas jazz of Frank Sinatra,                                                          Bulge. For reasons unknown, the execution was
Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Elvis Presley, and          HOW TO STOCK YOUR PANTRY
                                                                                                            not publicized.
others. Peter Gerler has written about jazz           FOR HEALTHY MEALS
since the early 1990s. His work has appeared          Wednesday, December 15, 1 p.m.                        Antoinette Slovik, Eddie’s widow, did not learn
in numerous newspapers, magazines and                 Presented by: Traci Robidoux, RD, LDN                 of her husband’s execution until 1954, when
journals. He is a member of the Jazz Journalists      Register by 12/14                                     author William Bradford Huie began researching
Association and the National Writers Union.           Are you aware of all the                              his book, The Execution of Private Slovik. Join
                                                      healthy items you can                                 us for a first-hand account, as retired Attorney
                                                      stock your pantry with?                               Bernard Edelson (and new Framingham resident)
                                                      What if you need to                                   shares these events and his personal role in
                                                      quarantine due to COVID                               representing Antoinette Slovik as she sought
                                                      or a Nor’easter that                                  compensation from the government.
                                                      shuts everything down
                                                      for several days? Do you                              GREAT TOURS
                                                      have balanced options to                              EPISODES 3-4: HISTORIC ATHENS & ATTICA
                                                      get you through that time? Learn about pantry         Wednesday, December 29
                                                      staples to keep on hand and how to use them           1:30-2:30 p.m.
                                                      to make healthy meals. Traci Robidoux is the          Register by 12/28
                                                      Dietitian/Nutritionist at BayPath Elder Services.     The Great Tours
ACCIDENTAL AMERICAN                                                                                         takes us on a unique
A READING AND BOOK TALK                               HOLIDAY MUSIC                                         cultural journey as
WITH SHIN & JIM FREEDMAN                              FEATURING PE JAMES                                    we explore Athens
Wednesday December 8, 2 p.m.                          Thursday, December 16, 2 p.m.                         and Attica including
Register by 12/7                                      Sponsored by: Mary Ann Morse                          the Theater of
Authors Shin and Jim Freedman                         Healthcare Corp.                                      Dionysus, the Odeon
will read from their collection                       RSVP required by 12/13                                of Herodes Atticus, and the sacred monuments
of essays and reflect on their                        Let’s celebrate the                                   of the Attica region. Professor John Hale of the
experiences as global travelers,                      holidays with PE James                                University of Louisville guides us through the
educators and consultants. The                        as he entertains us                                   fabulous civilizations of the Greeks, Romans,
stories take place in Beijing,                        with a mix of holiday                                 Byzantines, and Ottomans. Additional episodes
Boston, Brattleboro, Holliston,                       favorites. James has                                  in the series will be shown in the coming
Seoul, Shanghai, and many more                        been singing and playing acoustic guitar for          months.
cities around the world. The book is about love,      over four decades. He plays at a variety of
passion, curiosity, and wonder about the people       venues including restaurants, bars and senior
the authors have met and how their lives were         communities. This special program and to-go                     SEE MORE SPECIAL
enriched through these encounters.                    refreshments are sponsored by Mary Ann Morse                  PROGRAMS ON PAGE 6

  COMPUTER CLASSES                                                             FITNESS & WELLNESS
INTRO TO CHROMEBOOKS                                                         PLEASE NOTE: Did you know that many insurance providers offer a
Tuesday, December 14, 1-2:30 p.m.                                            reimbursement for fitness classes? Check with your health plan provider for
Instructor: Bill Rabkin                                                      details and reimbursement instructions. By swiping your card at the kiosks
Register by 12/10 – Space is limited                                         in the lobby, we’re able to generate the report that most insurers require.
This introductory hands-on workshop is designed for new Chromebook
users. We’ll begin with an overview of the Chromebook computer. We’ll        ON ZOOM AND IN PERSON!
show you how to connect to the Internet. You’ll also learn how to create
and use your Google account. Finally, we’ll show you how to participate in
                                                                             MINDFUL LIVING & MEDITATION WITH LISA CAMPBELL
                                                                             ON ZOOM: Mondays, 10:30-11:30, $3/class
a Zoom meeting on your Chromebook. Please bring your Chromebook and
                                                                             IN PERSON:
                                                                                PERSON Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-noon, $3/class
A/C power adapter to class.
                                                                             Instructor Lisa Campbell is a professional meditation and mindfulness
                                                                             coach, helping others transform their lives to be healthier, happier and
INTRO TO PCS                                                                 more peaceful. Each week is a combination of mindful awareness practices,
Tuesday, December 21, 1-2:30 p.m.                                            breathing techniques and meditations that help nurture a positive mindset,
Instructor: Ralph Dunlea                                                     actively work with tension and anxiety, and so much more. To register for
Register by 12/17 – Space is limited                                         the class on Zoom, please email Paula at
This class will provide an introduction to personal computers, including
laptops (PCs and Macs), desktop models and Chromebooks. We’ll help           ON ZOOM AND IN PERSON!
you better understand your computer hardware, operating systems and
common terms used in technology. You’ll also learn about popular internet    CHAIR YOGA WITH REBECCA REBER
tools/applications and how to protect equipment from harmful viruses.        ON ZOOM: Tuesdays, 4:30-5:15 p.m., $3/class
                                                                             IN PERSON: NEW TIME Fridays, 11 a.m.-noon, $3/class
                                                                             Canceled Dec. 24 & 31
DID YOU MISS A CALLAHAN PROGRAM?                                             Rebecca Reber leads this gentle form of yoga, which builds strength and
CHECK OUT ACCESS FRAMINGHAM TV                                               flexibility. As with many forms of exercise, it can be modified for people of
Some Callahan Center programs are now available on                           varying abilities. Rebecca Reber has been leading chair yoga classes for older
Access Framingham TV (AFTV).                                                 adults at senior centers throughout the MetroWest area. To register for the
Visit and click on the “WATCH” tab                         class on Zoom, please email Paula at
at the top for a program schedule or video on demand.
In Framingham, tune into AFTV on: Comcast channel 9, RCN HD channel
1100 or channel 3, or Verizon channel 43.                                    FIRST FRIDAYS STRETCH WITH ANTHONY
                                                                             Friday, December 3, 10:30-11 a.m., Free                           VIRTUAL
Watch Frank and Mary in Framingham, a monthly show with co-hosts             This half-hour stretch class will help keep your muscles
Grace O’Donnell and Arthur Bergeron, featuring topics of interest to         flexible, strong and healthy. Older adults need flexibility in order to
seniors. This show airs on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9am and is     maintain a range of motion in the joints. This class – offered the first Friday
available via video on demand.                                               of every month – will teach you how to keep your whole body loose with
                                                                             simple stretches you can do on your own from the comfort of home. New
Special thanks to Callahan volunteer Bill Rabkin for recording and editing   participants should email Paula at to register.
the programs to air on AFTV.
PROGRAMS & ACTIVITIES                                 7

                                                                                   DISCUSSION GROUPS, GAMES & MORE
STRENGTH TRAINING/CARDIO WITH DELANEY                                                             IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:30 a.m., $3/class                            These activities are also listed on the calendar on pages 12-13.
Canceled Dec. 24 through 31                                                   Please note that the Center will be closed on 12/24 and 12/31.
We will use large muscle groups in rhythmic motions to help you
strengthen your core and burn calories. The class will encompass a           ASK THE COMPUTER EXPERTS: Thursdays, 10 am-noon
warm-up followed by workouts focusing on the upper body, lower body,         BEADING WITH MARILYN: Tuesdays, 10-11:30 am
and core (on a chair or floor/mat). Participants may use hand weights and    BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: Wednesdays, 9-noon
resistance bands if you have them.                                           BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: Thursday, December 2, 1-2 pm
                                                                             BOWLING: Mondays, 10 am (Call Bev at 508-545-1068 for more info.)
TAI CHI WITH JON WOODWARD                                                    CHAIR VOLLEYBALL: Tuesdays, 12:30 pm
Mondays, 12:30-1:30 p.m., $4 per class                                       COMPUTER ROOM: Monday through Friday, 9 am-4 pm (Closed Tues,
Tai Chi is an ancient form of Chinese exercise that enhances the flow of     Wed & Fri through 12/7 for SHINE appts. and during computer classes)
internal energy in the body, utilizing slow, graceful movements, breath      See the calendar listing for all dates.
work and meditation to help promote relaxation, healing and well-being.
Although no prior experience is necessary, this class involves one hour of   CONTRACT BRIDGE: Tuesdays, 8:45 am-noon
movement without the assistance of a cane/walker.                            CRIBBAGE: Thursdays, 9:30 am-11:30 pm
                                                                             DISCUSSION GROUP: Thursdays, 11 am-12:30 pm
ZUMBA WITH SUSAN CRAVER                                                      DUPLICATE BRIDGE: Mondays and Tuesdays, 12-3 pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11 a.m., $3 per class                                  GENEALOGY GROUP: Mondays, 1-4 pm
Canceled Dec. 21 through 30                                                  GRUPO LATINOAMERICANO: Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm
Zumba mixes Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves, so you have fun          KNITTERS: Friday, December 17, 10:30 am-noon (Note change in date)
while exercising. Instructor Susan Craver has been teaching dance for        MAH JONGG: Tuesdays, 11 am-4 pm & Thursdays, 10 am-2 pm
over 25 years.                                                               MARY MAKE DO (sewing/quilting): Mondays, 10 am-4 pm
                                                                             OPEN SEW: Fridays, 9 am-4 pm
AEROBICS WITH ANTHONY                                                        PINOCHLE: Mondays and Tuesdays, 9-10:30 am
Tuesdays, 9:30-10:15 a.m., Free                                              POKER: Fridays, 9-11 am
This weekly, low-impact aerobics class combines the benefits of strength
                                                                             POOL TABLES: *NEW HOURS* Mon, Wed, Thurs, & Fri, 8:30 am-4 pm;
training, cardio and stretching. Movements can be done from a standing
or seated position. Participants may use 2-3 lb. hand weights (or soup       Tues, 12:30-4 pm
cans), if you have them.                                                     RED HAT HONEY BEES: Tuesday, December 28, 1-4 pm, $2 per month
                                                                             SCRABBLE: Mondays, 12-3 pm
CALLAHAN FITNESS CENTER                                                      SPORTS FANATICS: Mondays, 10 am
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                                         TABLE TENNIS: Mon through Fri, 8:30-4:30 pm
The Callahan Fitness Center features eight, new state-of-the-art fitness
machines including a treadmill, recumbent stepper, rower and more, plus      PROGRAMS CONTINUING ON ZOOM:
a full set of hand weights. A $2 admission fee enables users up to 50        CONVERSATION & HUMOR: Fridays, 12:30 pm
minutes of access to the equipment at a time. Open to adults age 55+.        TRAVEL DISCUSSION GROUP: Wednesday, December 8, 3:30 pm
BETTER BREATHERS GROUP                              NEW FROM BAYPATH                                           BEHAVIOR HEALTH RESOURCES
Wednesday, December 8, noon-1 p.m.                  ASSISTED LIVING OMBUDSMAN                                  The COVID-19 pandemic is stressful for
Join Cheryl Burgess when the Better Breathers       PROGRAM                                                    many. It is essential to care for yourself
meets in person at Callahan this month.             The Assisted Living Ombudsman Program, created                and manage your mental health.
                                                    in 2020, seeks to help assisted living residents
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP                           remain empowered about their life choices.                 Behavioral Health Partners of MetroWest
Now meeting at Callahan plus dial-in from           When a resident or their family has a concern, the         is a collaboration of local provider agencies
home! Tuesdays, December 14 & 28, 1 p.m.            Ombudsman offers training, advice, resources, and          with expertise in mental health, substance use
                                                    support. It is the role of the Ombudsman to work           and addiction. Call 1-844-528-6800, Monday-
This group, led by Bereavement Clinician
                                                    with the residents and their families to protect their     Friday for a free consultation with a care coordi-
Jeanie Cooper-Carson, M.A, Ph.D., is offered in
                                                    rights, to be an advocate, and to act as mediator in       nator who can connect you to the appropriate
partnership with Good Shepherd Community
                                                    an attempt to resolve problems that arise between          service based on your needs.
Care. The group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday
of each month. For more information, please         an assisted living facility and one or more of its         Advocates Psychiatric Emergency Services:
contact Lisa at 508-532-5980, ext. 4108.            residents. Anyone can bring a complaint before the         Crisis team provides assessment and
                                                    ombudsman. The complaint can be on behalf of a             intervention via telephone and video for
                                                    specific resident or on behalf of residents as a group.    those experiencing a mental health and/or
CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP                             For more information, please contact Caroline
Thursday, December 16, 2-3 p.m.                                                                                substance use emergency. Available 24 hours
                                                    Drella at BayPath Elder Services at 774-463-9513 or        a day at 800-640-5432. Virtual support
If you are interested in learning more about this
group, please contact Cheryl Lavallee, LICSW, at                                                               groups also available.
508-532-5980, ext. 4134.                            ARE YOU IN NEED OF                                         Call 2 Talk offers mental health, emotional
                                                                                                               support, and suicide prevention. Assistance is
                                                    MEDICAL EQUIPMENT?                                         available 24 hours a day. Call: 2-1-1 or
GRANDPARENT SUPPORT GROUP                           Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
Contact Lisa at 508-532-5980, ext. 4108             loans and donations have resumed                           (508) 532-2255 or Text: C2T to 741741
for more information and to arrange a pre-          at the Callahan Center.                                    LGBTQ Parent & Caregiver Helpline:
screening for the Grandparent Support Group.        It is important to call in advance                         866-427-3524
                                                    to reserve a requested item, as
                                                    our inventory is limited. Contact Social Services at       Veteran's Crisis Line: 800-273-8255
Now meeting at Callahan plus dial-in from           508-532-5980, ext. 2. All messages will be returned        Network of Care Massachusetts:
home! Wednesday, December 15, 11-12:30 p.m.         within 1 business day. (Donations of gently-used           Comprehensive statewide online resource -
For more information please call the front desk:    and cleaned items are accepted during business   
508-532-5980.                                       hours listed on page 3.)                                   index.aspx

                                                    The Framingham area offers a variety of resources         FRAMINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY
Tuesdays, December 7 on Zoom &
December 21 at Callahan                             for meals and groceries. For a complete listing, visit    INFO HUB
1-2 p.m.                                   Select “COVID 19            Visit Info Hub for the latest news and resources
                                                    Information” on the homepage. On the COVID 19             from Framingham Public Library, along with
Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.
                                                    page, select “Access Food” from the menu options.         important information—about COVID-19 and
Please call Lisa at 508-532-5980, ext. 4108 for                                                               more—from the City of Framingham:
                                                    If you’re unable to access the internet, call the
more information.                                   Callahan Center for information.                
SERVICES                   9
                                                         SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT

HOME ENERGY & FUEL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM                                           IS MONEY TIGHT THESE DAYS?
FOR 2021-2022                                                                   WE COULD HAVE A SOLUTION!
Callahan’s Social Services Department is currently processing NEW Fuel          Many people over the age of 60 are eligible for SNAP and
Assistance Applications for Framingham residents who are age 60 and             don’t use it. This could mean as much as $100 per
older and applying for the first time. Please contact Cheryl at 508-532-        month available to buy groceries. The money you save on your grocery
5980, ext. 4134 for information and eligibility requirements.                   bill could be put towards other expenses. Please contact the Callahan
                                                                                Center’s Social Services Department to see if you qualify.
Thanks to generous funding from Older Americans’ Act funding                    THANK YOU BAYPATH ELDER SERVICES!
administered by BayPath Elder Services and the CARES Act, Framingham            Thanks to Title III Older Americans Act funding, administered by BayPath
residents age 60+ may request this free taxi service to get the COVID-19        Elder Services, the Continuing Connections program is available during this
vaccine. Contact Sam Swisher at or call 508-532-           year free of charge to its participants. We are grateful for this generosity
5980, ext. 4113 and leave a message.                                            and the generosity of participants who have provided voluntary donations
                                                                                to the program.
FRAMINGHAM RESIDENTS! Face coverings required.
*FREE CALLAHAN SHARED-RIDE VAN: Thanks to generous funding from                    MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT ENDS DECEMBER 7
MWRTA, the Callahan Center shared-ride van is operating free to residents          If you want to change your Medicare Plan, don’t wait!
55 and older and those with disabilities for destinations within Framingham        Call 1-800-Medicare now.
and to/from Market Basket in Ashland. You must be registered with the
Callahan Center and MWRTA to access this service. Service available Mon.           Time is running out to review your
to Thurs. 9 am to 3:30 pm and Fri. 9 am to 1:30 pm. Call the Callahan Center
at 508-532-5980 to initially register for van service. Once your registration      options and see if there is a better
is confirmed, contact the MWRTA Call Center at 508-820-4650 to schedule            plan for you for next year. Some drug
rides. (*Be aware the return to $2 fares each way may be reinstated at some        plans have changed, including big
point in the future – we will keep you informed.)                                  premium increases. Some plans have low
                                                                                   cost insulin. There are some additional
FREE TAXI SERVICE AGE 60+: Do you need to get to a                                 Medicare Advantage plan options
destination beyond Framingham and need someone else to                             and two plans that have terminated.
drive you or you can’t afford the taxi fare? The Callahan Center                   December 7 is the last day of Open
has received Older Americans’ Act funding administered by BayPath Elder            Enrollment to make a change for 2022.
Services and the CARES Act, providing Framingham residents ages 60+
with FREE round-trip taxi rides from Tommy’s Taxi beyond Framingham’s              Trained SHINE volunteers offer free, confidential counseling on all
borders for medical appointments and other necessities. It is essential            aspects of Medicare and related health insurance programs. To schedule
to call at least one week in advance to request this service. Weekend              a SHINE phone appointment, call the Callahan Center at 508-532-5980.
and evening service may be possible. If you have appointments in Boston’s          For other SHINE related matters, call 1-800-243-4636, then press 4.
medical area or transportation needs to communities beyond Framingham,             Once you get the SHINE answering machine, leave your name, town,
please contact Sam Swisher at 508-532-5980, ext. 4113.                             and number. A volunteer will call you back, as soon as possible.

 Enjoy these
from some of
 the eateries
    in our
10          FRIENDS' CORNER
FRIENDS BOARD MEMBERS                              HELLO FROM THE FRIENDS OF                          Lastly, we have elected a new president, Mary
President………………............Mary Megill             CALLAHAN, There have been many                     Megill. Mary comes from her position as
                                                   changes we have all had to deal with in the past   Sunshine lady so many of you already know her.
Vice President………............Patrick Dunne
                                                   two years, from a world-wide pandemic to the       She is passionate and eager to make the Friends
Rec. Secretary……................Cathy Matero                                                          of Callahan even better. Please feel free to stop
Treasurer………………............Geri Weinstein          double loss of Mark Goldman, president, and
                                                   Cece Binette, long-time board member.              by her office on Tuesdays 10:30 a.m. to noon
Sunshine Lady…………..........Carol Lach                                                                 and say hi!
Members:                                           During this time, thanks to our members and
                                                   our volunteers, we have managed to keep            Check back here each month for more news and
Roger Appell, Karin Beth, Jim DeSimone,                                                               updates from the Friends of Callahan.
                                                   the Friends going. We have a very dedicated,
Chris Lorant, Bea Mooar, JoAnn Morse               eager and friendly group who are working           Stay well, stay engaged.
                                                   hard to ensure our new motto, Reenergize and
FRIENDS BOARD MEETING                              Reorganize, is more than just a motto. But, we
                                                   cannot do it alone!                                 THE SUNSHINE LADY’S CORNER
Wednesday, December 1 at 2 p.m.                                                                        The Friends would like to reach out to
                                                   We hope that some of you might be interested        members in time of need. The Sunshine
To ensure that you receive
                                                   in volunteering in some capacity with the           Lady – Carol Lach – can help brighten
updates from the Friends, please
send your email address to:                        Friends of Callahan. We all have skills and         their day and/or offer condolences.                         abilities that are useful, desirable and even       Please call the front desk at 508-532-5980,
                                                   coveted! Please consider spending some time         ext. 0 and leave a message. Your request
                                                   with us. If you are interested please email         will be forwarded to the Sunshine Lady who
                FRIENDS DINE-AROUND       We look forward
                   OWEN O’LEARY’S                                                                      continues to mail cards on behalf of the
                                                   to hearing from you!                                Friends of Callahan.
                   Wednesday, December 8
                   Pick up a flyer at Callahan
                   to bring with you!
Join us for this month’s Friends Dine Around at      SAVE THE
Owen O’Leary’s. Kitchen open 11 am-10 pm. Bar          DATE!
open until midnight. Open Jam in upstairs bar
area on Wednesdays 8-11 pm; no cover charge.       JANUARY DINE
Outdoor seating is weather dependent. Good           AROUND
for dine in, takeout or catering. (Not good via      Wednesday,
Grubhub.) Be sure to pick up a Dine-Around           January 19                                                        Fill Out Form
Flyer at Callahan to give restaurant staff when
paying your bill. Flyer must be presented to         Location to be
ensure that 15% of the food portion of the bill       announced
will be donated back to the Friends of Callahan.
There will be no giveaway this month. (Donation
amounts as determined per the restaurant.)
Owen O’Leary’s is located at 50 Turnpike Rd.
(Route 9 E), Southborough and can be reached
at: 508-481-1714 .
DECEMBER 2021 ISSUE                                      11
FROM THE CDC – SAFER WAYS TO CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS                                                    SCAM ALERT FROM THE FTC –
Adapted from the CDC website as of October 2021                                                        AMAZON IMPERSONATORS:
There are several ways to enjoy holiday traditions and protect your health. Because many               WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW
generations tend to gather to celebrate holidays, the best way to minimize COVID-19 risk and           Adapted from a blog by Maria Mayo, Division of
keep your family and friends safer is to get vaccinated if you’re eligible.                            Consumer Response and Operations
                                                                                                       Has Amazon contacted you to confirm a recent purchase
HERE ARE SAFER WAYS TO CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS. GENERALLY:                                              you didn’t make or to tell you that your account has been
 • Protect those not yet eligible for vaccination such as young children by getting yourself and       hacked? According to the FTC’s new Data Spotlight, since
   other eligible people around them vaccinated.                                                       July 2020, about one in three people who have reported a
 • Wear well-fitting masks over your nose and mouth if you are in public indoor settings, if you       business impersonator scam say the scammer pretended to
   are not fully vaccinated.                                                                           be Amazon.
 • Even those who are fully vaccinated should wear a mask in public indoor settings in                 These scams can look a few different ways. In one version,
   communities with substantial to high transmission.                                                  scammers offer to “refund” you for an unauthorized purchase
 • Outdoors is safer than indoors.                                                                     but “accidentally transfer” more than promised. They then
 • Avoid crowded, poorly ventilated spaces.                                                            ask you to send back the difference. What really happens?
                                                                                                       The scammer moves your own money from one of your bank
 • If you are sick or have symptoms, don’t host or attend a gathering.                                 accounts to the other (like your savings to checking, or vice
 • Get tested if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have a close contact with someone who                versa) to make it look like you were refunded. Any money you
   has COVID-19.                                                                                       send back to “Amazon” is your money (not an overpayment)
 • If you are considering traveling for a holiday or event, visit CDC’s Travel page to help you        — and as soon as you send it out of your account, it becomes
   decide what is best for you and your family. The CDC still recommends delaying travel until         theirs. In another version of the scam, you’re told that hackers
   you are fully vaccinated.                                                                           have gotten access to your account — and the only way to
                                                                                                       supposedly protect it is to buy gift cards and share the gift
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS:                                                                                card number and PIN on the back. Once that information is
                                                                                                       theirs, the money is, too.
 • People who have a condition or are taking medications that weaken their immune system
   may not be fully protected even if they are fully vaccinated and have received an additional        HERE ARE SOME WAYS TO AVOID AN AMAZON
   dose. They should continue to take all precautions recommended for unvaccinated people,             IMPERSONATOR SCAM:
   including wearing a well-fitted mask, until advised otherwise by their healthcare provider.
                                                                                                        • Never call back an unknown number. Use the
 • You might choose to wear a mask regardless of the level of transmission if a member of                 information on Amazon’s website and not a number
   your household has a weakened immune system, is at increased risk for severe disease, or is            listed in an unexpected email or text.
                                                                                                        • Don’t pay for anything with a gift card. Gift cards are for
 • If you are gathering with a group of people from multiple households and potentially from               gifts. If anyone asks you to pay with a gift card – or buy
   different parts of the country, you could consider additional precautions (e.g., avoiding crowded       gift cards for anything other than a gift – it’s a scam.
   indoor spaces before travel, taking a test) in advance of gathering to further reduce risk.
                                                                                                        • Don’t give remote access to someone who contacts
 • Do NOT put a mask on children younger than 2 years old.                                                 you unexpectedly. This gives scammers easy access to
                                                                                                           your personal and financial information—like access to
By working together, we can enjoy safer holidays, travel, and protect our own health as
                                                                                                           your bank accounts.
well as the health of our family and friends.
12           DECEMBER 2021 CALENDAR
                                   Monday                                                         Tuesday

 Stretch with Anthony: 12/3, 10:30 am (free)                Parkinson’s Support Group: 12/7, 1 pm
 Mindful Living & Meditation: Mondays, 10:30 am ($3)        Bereavement Support Group: 12/14 & 12/28, 1 pm
 Chair Yoga: Tuesdays, 4:30 pm ($3)                         Low Vision Group: 12/15, 11 am
 Conversation & Humor: Fridays, 12:30 pm                    Grandparent Support Group: Call 508-532-5980,
 Travel Discussion Group: 12/8, 3:30 pm                      ext. 4108 for more info

 Afternoon of Remembrance: 12/21, 2:30 pm
 Offered In Person and on Zoom

8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
8:30-4 Table Tennis
9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                        6      8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                               8:45 Contract Bridge
                                                               9-4 Fitness Room $2
9-4 Computer Room                                              9-4 Computer Room Closed, SHINE appts only
9 Pinochle                                                     9 Pinochle
9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3                               9:30 Aerobics, Free
10 Bowling: Ryan Family Amusements, Millis $13                 10-11:30 Beading with Marilyn
10-4 Mary Make Do                                              11 Zumba $3
10-11:30 Sports Fanatics                                       11-4 Mah Jongg
10:30 ZOOM: Mindful Living & Meditation $3                     12 Duplicate Bridge
12 Duplicate Bridge                                            12:30-4 Pool Tables
12-3 Scrabble                                                  12:30 Chair Volleyball
12:30 Tai Chi with Jon Woodward $4                             1-2 ZOOM: Parkinson’s Support Group
1-4 Genealogy Group                                            4:30-5:15 ZOOM: Chair Yoga $3

8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
8:30-4 Table Tennis
9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                       13      8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                               8:45 Contract Bridge
                                                               9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                                                                        1:30 COA Board Meeting
                                                                                                        1:30 The Best in
                                                                                                        Holiday Jazz,
9-4 Computer Room                                              9-4 Computer Room                        Presented by
9 Pinochle                                                     9 Pinochle                               Peter Gerler
9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3                               9:30 Aerobics, Free                      4:30-5:15 ZOOM: Chair Yoga $3
10 Bowling: Ryan Family Amusements, Millis $13                 10-11:30 Beading with Marilyn
10-4 Mary Make Do                                              11 Zumba $3
10-11:30 Sports Fanatics                                       11-4 Mah Jongg
10:30 ZOOM: Mindful Living & Meditation $3                     12 Duplicate Bridge
12 Duplicate Bridge                                            12:30-4 Pool Tables
12-3 Scrabble                                                  12:30 Chair Volleyball
12:30 Tai Chi with Jon Woodward $4                             1 Bereavement Support Group
1-4 Genealogy Group                                            1-2:30 Intro to Chromebooks with
                                                               Instructor Bill Rabkin (Reg. required)

8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
8:30-4 Table Tennis
9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                       20      8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                               8:45 Contract Bridge
                                                               9-4 Fitness Room $2
9-10 Computer Room                                             9-4 Computer Room
9 Pinochle                                                     9 Pinochle
9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3                               9:30 Aerobics, Free
10 Bowling: Ryan Family Amusements, Millis $13                 10-11:30 Beading with Marilyn
10-4 Mary Make Do                                              11-4 Mah Jongg
10-11:30 Sports Fanatics                                       12 Duplicate Bridge
10:30 ZOOM: Mindful Living & Meditation $3                     12:30-4 Pool Tables
12-4 Computer Room                                             12:30 Chair Volleyball
12 Duplicate Bridge                                            1-2:30 Intro to PCs with Instructor Ralph Dunlea (Reg. required)
12-3 Scrabble                                                  1-2:30 Parkinson’s Support Group
12:30 Tai Chi with Jon Woodward $4                             2:30-3:30 ZOOM/IN PERSON Afternoon of Remembrance
1-4 Genealogy Group                                            4:30-5:15 ZOOM: Chair Yoga $3
                                                               Canceled: Zumba

8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
8:30-4 Table Tennis
9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                       27      8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                               8:45 Contract Bridge
                                                               9-4 Fitness Room $2
9-4 Computer Room                                              9-4 Computer Room
9 Pinochle                                                     9 Pinochle
10 Bowling: Ryan Family Amusements, Millis $13                 9:30 Aerobics, Free
10-4 Mary Make Do                                              10-11:30 Beading with Marilyn
10-11:30 Sports Fanatics                                       11 Zumba $3
10:30 ZOOM: Mindful Living & Meditation $3                     11-4 Mah Jongg
12 Duplicate Bridge                                            12 Duplicate Bridge
12-3 Scrabble                                                  12:30-4 Pool Tables
12:30 Tai Chi with Jon Woodward $4                             12:30 Chair Volleyball
1-4 Genealogy Group                                            1 Bereavement Support Group
                                                               1-2 Red Hat Honey Bees, $2
Canceled: Strength Training                                    4:30-5:15 ZOOM: Chair Yoga $3
DECEMBER 2021 CALENDAR                            13
                  Wednesday                                                 Thursday                                      Friday
8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
8:30-4 Table Tennis
9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                      1   8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
                                                          8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                          9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                                                                    2    8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
                                                                                                         8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                                                                         9-4 Fitness Room $2
9-4 Computer Room Closed, SHINE appts only                9-4 Computer Room                              9-4 Computer Room Closed, SHINE appts only
9-12 Blood Pressure Clinic                                9:30 Cribbage                                  9-4 Open Sew
9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3                          10-2 Mah Jongg                                 9 Poker
11 Mindful Living & Meditation $3                         10-12 Ask-the-Experts                          9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3
2 Friends Board Meeting                                   10-11:30 Grandparent Support Group             10:30 ZOOM: Stretch with Anthony, Free
                                                          10:30-12:30 Grupo Latinoamericano              11 Chair Yoga with Rebecca $3
                                                          11 Zumba $3                                    12:30 ZOOM: Conversation & Humor
                                                          11 Discussion Group
                                                          1 Book Discussion Group

8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
8:30-4 Table Tennis
9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                      8   8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
                                                          8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                          9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                                                                    9    8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
                                                                                                         8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                                                                         9-4 Fitness Room $2
9-4 Computer Room                                         9-4 Computer Room                              9-4 Computer Room
9-12 Blood Pressure Clinic                                9:30 Cribbage                                  9-4 Open Sew
9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3                          10-2 Mah Jongg                                 9 Poker
11 Mindful Living & Meditation $3                         10-12 Ask-the-Experts                          9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3
12 Better Breathers Support Group                         10:30-12:30 Grupo Latinoamericano              11 Chair Yoga with Rebecca $3
2 Accidental American, Presented by Shin & Jim Freedman   11 Zumba $3                                    12:30 ZOOM: Conversation & Humor
3:30 ZOOM: Travel Discussion Group                        11 Discussion Group
                                                          1:30-3:15 Movie: The Man Who Invented
              FRIENDS DINE AROUND                         Christmas, PG
              OWEN O’LEARYS
              50 Turnpike Rd. - Rte. 9 E Southborough

8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
8:30-4 Table Tennis
9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                 15       8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
                                                          8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                          9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                                                                  16     8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
                                                                                                         8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                                                                         9-4 Fitness Room $2
9-4 Computer Room                                         9-4 Computer Room                              9-4 Computer Room
9-12 Blood Pressure Clinic                                9:30 Cribbage                                  9-4 Open Sew
9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3                          10-2 Mah Jongg                                 9 Poker
11 Mindful Living & Meditation $3                         10-12 Ask-the-Experts                          9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3
11-12:30 Low Vision Support Group                         10:30-12:30 Grupo Latinoamericano              10:30-12 Callahan Knitters
1 How to Stock Your Pantry for Healthy Meals,             11 Zumba $3                                    11 Chair Yoga with Rebecca $3
Presented by Traci Robidoux, RD, LDN                      11 Discussion Group                            12:30 ZOOM: Conversation & Humor
                                                          12-1:30 Grandparent Support Group
                                                          2-3 Caregiver Support Group
                                                          2 Holiday Celebration Featuring PE James,
                                                          Sponsored by Mary Ann Morse Healthcare Corp.

8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
8:30-4 Table Tennis
9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                 22       8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
                                                          8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                          9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                                                                  23                                          24
9-4 Computer Room                                         9-4 Computer Room
9-12 Blood Pressure Clinic                                9:30 Cribbage
9:30 Strength Training/Cardio $3                          10-2 Mah Jongg
11 Mindful Living & Meditation $3                         10-12 Ask-the-Experts
1:30 The Case of Private Eddie Slovik, Presented by       10:30-12:30 Grupo Latinoamericano
Bernard Edelson                                           11 Discussion Group
                                                          Canceled: Zumba

                                                                                                                    CALLAHAN CENTER

8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
8:30-4 Table Tennis
9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                29        8:30-4 Pool Tables Open
                                                          8:30-4 Table Tennis
                                                          9-4 Fitness Room $2
                                                                                                  30                                         31
9-4 Computer Room                                         9-4 Computer Room
9-12 Blood Pressure Clinic                                9:30 Cribbage
11 Mindful Living & Meditation $3                         10-2 Mah Jongg
1:30 Great Tours – Historic Athens & Attica               10-12 Ask-the-Experts
                                                          10:30-12:30 Grupo Latinoamericano
Canceled: Strength Training                               11 Zumba $3
                                                          11 Discussion Group

                                                                                                                  CALLAHAN CENTER
14        ELDER LAW

                     ELDER LAW WITH
                     FRANK AND MARY
                     by Arthur P. Bergeron
                     and Leah A. Kofos
                     Arthur and Leah are elder law attorneys in the
                     Trusts and Estates Group at Mirick O’Connell.

The holiday season is right around the corner. If you are trying to
think of that perfect gift for the child, close relative, or friend who
says they don’t need anything, here are a few thoughts:
• GIVE SOMETHING YOU OWN. You know that special piece
of jewelry, nostalgic painting, or vase that you inherited from your
grandparents? Instead of waiting to distribute those after your
death, give them away now. Give yourself the pleasure of hearing
your loved ones say thank you and knowing that your precious items
will be appreciated.
• GIVE MONEY, NO MATTER THE AMOUNT. Contrary to popular
belief, there is nothing financially disadvantageous, either to you or
to the recipient, about giving away any amount of money. There is
no Massachusetts gift tax. The federal gift tax only affects you if
your total lifetime giving exceeds the federal estate tax threshold,
which is currently over $11 million. (However, this exemption
amount may be on the political chopping block and could soon be
reduced, possibly to the $6 million range.) The receipt of a gift is not
income, so your children will not pay any income tax on any of the
money either. Unless your situation is very unusual (check with your
accountant or tax attorney), you may give your children whatever
you want this holiday season. The added benefit of doing this before
you die is that it will probably decrease your taxable estate and,
therefore, reduce any Massachusetts estate tax that might be owed.
• IN GENERAL, don’t give away stock, real estate, or other assets that
have appreciated in value since you bought them. By saving these
until you die, you will probably be saving the recipients more in capital
gains tax than your estate will save in estate tax (the tax basis of
these items will increase to the date of death value, thereby reducing
or eliminating the capital gains tax they would otherwise pay upon
sale). Once again, talk to your tax advisor or an attorney about this.
Finally, if you are thinking about making a gift to a church, school,
or other charity, either now or in the future, this is a good time to
either make that gift (and get an income tax deduction) or add
them to your will or estate plan. Bequests to churches and other
qualified non-profit organizations are subtracted from your taxable
estate and, therefore, reduce your estate tax. Furthermore, if you
give the charity tax-deferred funds at your death by naming it as the
beneficiary, the charity will not pay income tax on the funds. So plan
to make a gift that comes with, in effect, a matching donation from
the Mass. Department of Revenue or the IRS.
If you want to learn more about this topic, check out my December
seminar on Frank and Mary’s YouTube channel,
elderlawfrankandmary, and on local cable stations, along with
Frank and Mary in Framingham, the local Access Framingham cable
TV shows, where my co-host, Grace O’Donnell and I address many
common issues facing seniors and the resources available during
the pandemic. As always, if you have any questions or would like
additional information, please contact me at (508) 860-1470 or

                            Game answers for this issue will be published in next months issue.

Answer to Previous Sudoku


Callahan Senior Center
535 Union Avenue
Framingham, MA 01702
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