CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022

CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022
CAliforniA   SUMMER 2022
CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022
CAliforniA Adventure 2022

   Explore the grandeur of northern California for three
   weeks! Discover why the Lost Coast is aptly named while
   backpacking along secluded beaches. Spend a day hiking
   among the world’s most majestic trees in Humboldt
   Redwoods State Park. Experience immense bonding with
   your new friends while whitewater rafting the Middle
   Klamath River. Mountain bike and rock climb in the               2021–2022
   shadows of Mt. Shasta before preparing for a summit
                                                                    8 -9
                                                                      th   th
   attempt of the massive, neighboring Mt. Shastina. Finish
   the best three weeks of your life with sea kayaking along        Length
   Point Reyes National Seashore and whitewater rafting             20 DAYS
   down the American River!
                                                                      Our daughter came home raving about her
                                                                      trip. Not only did she get to see a gorgeous
Activities                                                            part of the country and make good friends,
                                                                      but she learned that she is much stronger
     Backpacking            Inflatable kayaking   Mountain biking     than she thought she was—both physically
                                                                      and mentally. Adventure Treks definitely
     Mountaineering         Rock climbing         Sea kayaking        delivered. We can’t recommend it enough!”
                                                                      Farzanah Gangjee, parent from Houston, TX

     Whitewater rafting
CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022
CAliforniA Adventure 2022


*This is a sample itinerary; each California trip’s
actual order of activities will vary.

              Day 1                                   Day 2                                      DAYS 3–7
              ARRIVAL                                 DAY hike                                   BACKPACK ON THE LOST COAST
              Fly or drive into Sacramento            Students will split up into smaller        Day three entails driving north to the King Range National
              International Airport (SMF) and         groups to explore different trails in      Conservation Area and preparing for our first backpack! We’ll
              meet your group and instructors!        Point Reyes, a scenic inlet known          immerse ourselves in the wildness of the most untouched stretch
              Once all students and their luggage     for its elephant seals and sea lions.      of beach in the country. Journey for four days along volcanic black
              have arrived, we’ll drive west to       We’ll hike through Douglas fir (which      sand beaches, hopping over barnacled boulders and peering into tide
              Point Reyes National Seashore,          reach up to 250 feet in height) and        pools for sea urchins and sea stars. Learn how to read a tide table,
              where we’ll have our delicious          oak forests, past fields of wildflowers,   with the towering King Range peaks soaring up to 4,000 feet on one
              traditional “Yahoo!” dinner and         and next to the ocean. Above, watch        side, and the vast expanse of the Pacific on the other. Some days may
              spend our first night playing games     for golden and bald eagles and many        have bluebird skies, while on others you’ll drift in and out of mystical
              and getting to know each other.         species of hawks, and keep your            fog. You’ll likely see otters playfully scampering around, with harbor

                                                      eyes peeled for dolphins, humpback         seals and sea lions laying lazily among the boulders. This is one
                                                      whales, and porpoises in the water!        magical hike you and your friends will never, ever forget.
CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022
CAliforniA Adventure 2022

               DAY 8                              DAYS 9–11                                        DAY 12
               Laundry day! Students and          Spend three blissfully fun days bonding          LAKE SISKIYOU
               instructors will work together     with your friends while paddling inflatable      No matter your skill level, all students
               to get laundry done, refresh our   kayaks and rafts down the Middle Klamath,        love to ride the trails around Lake
               food supply, and do a thorough     the second-largest river in the state. Hop       Siskiyou. Nestled at the foot of 14,179-foot
               van clean-up. Then we’ll head      out of your raft and hike to some of the         Mt. Shasta, you can choose to bomb the
               north to get ready for our three   coolest waterfalls you’ve ever splashed          downhills or take a mellower approach
               days on the river.                 around in, and gather around beautiful           on more beginner-friendly tracks as you
                                                  campsites at night. Top it all off with splash   alternately wind through thickly forested

                                                  wars while you’re surrounded by dramatic,        areas and wide-open trails.
                                                  lush greenery.
CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022
California Adventure 2022

DAY 13                                         DAYS 14–15                        DAY 16                 DAYS 17–18
ROCK CLIMB AT CANTARA ROCKS                    CLIMB MT. SHASTINA                LOGISTICS AND          SEA KAYAK on Lake Tahoe
This beautiful riverside crag has routes for   (12,335 FEET)                     TRAVEL                 You’d be hard-pressed to find a
all abilities. Progress in challenge as you    A highlight of your trip will     Another relaxing       more scenic paddle than on Lake
feel ready, and when you’re ready to cool      include the climb up Mt.          day of logistics and   Tahoe. We’ll launch from a pristine
off, jump into one of several swimming         Shastina, one of the tallest      traveling south to     lakefront lined with pine, fir, aspen,
holes in the Sacramento River just a few       volcanoes in the Cascade          Point Reyes National   and juniper trees. Encircled by Sierra
yards away!                                    Range. Learn how to use           Seashore.              Nevada peaks reaching 10,000+ feet,
                                               crampons and ice axes on this                            we’ll paddle to a secluded beach for
                                               beautiful massif. Bonus: At the                          lunch and swim in the lake’s striking
                                               top, gaze upon the dazzling                              cobalt-blue waters. Bonus: We’ll get
                                               turquoise alpine lakes that                              a fascinating history lesson of the

                                               only climbers get to see!                                ecology, geology, and human history
                                                                                                        surrounding the area!
CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022
CAliforniA Adventure 2022

DAY 19                                         DAY 20
WHITEWATER RAFT THE                            DEPARTURE                           What an amazing adventure for our son. He was exhausted, happy,
AMERICAN RIVER                                 We promise you this: You won’t      and full of fun stories when we picked him up. He is excited to do
Top off your trip with a ride down the         want to leave! But it’ll be time    another Adventure Treks trip next year and also wants to continue
nationally designated Wild and Scenic          for our adventure to come to an     learning about river rafting. What was most valuable for him was
American River. Fed by the crisp snow          end. Relive every memory the        getting into nature with peers, forging relationships without media,
melt of the Sierra Nevada range and            night before with a celebratory     working with the group toward a common goal, stretching himself
lush with vibrant vegetation, you’ll have      dinner, and exchange contact        to do things he wouldn’t otherwise do, and finding inner strength.
a blast rolling down the continuous            info with all of your new best      We are so happy he was able to do this adventure!”
rapids. Don’t forget to look up for views of   friends so you can stay in touch.
                                                                                   Amy Garrett, parent from Oakwood, OH
massive cliffs and snowy peaks!
CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022
CAliforniA Adventure 2022


 Arrive and depart        My son LOVED his
       from               Adventure Treks
  Sacramento, CA          experience. He met
                          new friends from
                          across the country and
                          had new experiences
                          from rafting to

                          backpacking to flying
                          without his parents
                          to and from the trip.
                          He and his friends
                          are already planning
                          the Adventure Treks      Transportation to and from the adventure is the responsibility
                          trip they want to do
                                                   of the family. Our instructors will be eagerly awaiting each of our students’
                          next year. Also, I
                          am amazed by how         arrivals at the Sacramento International Airport. We try our best to meet every
                          organized Adventure      student as they walk off the plane, but in the rare event we are unable
                          Treks is and the
                          excellence and           to, we will call and text your child to guide them to a meeting place. Students
                          thoroughness of your     call home as soon as they meet with our instructors and gather their baggage.
                          communication. Truly
                          Heather Corcoran,
                          parent from
                          Greenbrae, CA
                                                                Weather info
 *Specific flight                                               Our main concern about California is getting too much sun and not drinking
 information,                                                   enough water. While it will likely be sunny and warm the entire trip, we’ll
 including arrival and                                          probably experience chilly temperatures while on Mt. Shasta, and possibly
 departure windows,                                             fog and drizzle along the Lost Coast.
 are available
 for enrolled families.
CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022
California Adventure 2022

Logistics                                                                                                  DATES
                                                                                                           6/24/22 – 7/13/22
                                                                                                           7/22/22 – 8/10/22


                                                                                                           Included in tuition:
                                                                                                             ll food and lodging

                                                                                                             ll group and technical
                                                                                                            equipment (tent, sleeping bag,
                                                                                                            sleeping pad, backpacking
                                                                                                            pack, mess kit, etc.)

                                                                                                             uided activities

                                                                                                           Not Included in tuition:
                                                                                                             rip insurance

                                                                                                             irfare to and from

                                                                                                             ersonal clothing and items

  Adventure Treks was exactly what we’d hoped for and more. Our daughter had so much fun thanks to
  hard-working instructors and a thoughtful plan and group. The friends and role models with similar
  interests were a valuable part of the program. Thank you so much; what a special summer you gave her!”
  Matt Wilson, parent from Bethesda, MD
CAliforniA Adventure SUMMER 2022
California Adventure 2022

                             Ready to sign up?
                                  There are three ways:
                            » Apply online at
                            » Call us at 888-954-5555
                            » Or email us at

                                            PO Box 1321
                                            Flat Rock, NC 28731
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