Day by Day - Christ House

Page created by Allen Hanson
Day by Day - Christ House

                                               Day by Day
Following Heartstrings                                                          Julia describes Christ House as
                                                                                 “what I needed when I needed
                                                                                it.” She recalls struggling
A donor spotlight on Mark and Julia Roberts                                     emotionally her senior year of
                                                                                college after losing someone
                                                                                close to her. When she told a
                                                                                friend about the opportunity
                                                                                available at Christ House, her
                                                                                friend remarked, “Sounds like
                                                                                there are some heartstrings
                                                                                there.” At school, Julia had
                                                                                focused on law enforcement and
                                                                                criminal justice. The more she
                                                                                was exposed to social work, the
                                                                                more she felt called to work with
                                                                                people at risk. She now works
                                                                                as a federal probation officer
  Julia (far left) and Mark ( 2nd from right) helping in the kitchen in 2001    helping individuals coming out
Mark first came to Christ               the case managers and found it          of incarceration. Occasionally
House as the Patient Activities         very educational. He remembers,         she’ll come across a case where
Coordinator in 1996. After              “learning so much about the             an individual has experienced real
completing a year of volunteer          spectrum of care Christ House           brokenness, reminding her of her
service, he joined our staff as the     was providing” and feeling deeply       time at Christ House and wishing
Coordinator of Volunteers. Julia        involved in the efforts of holistic     there were a similar organization
first heard of Christ House’s Year      healing. He reflects on what he         that she could connect individuals
Long Volunteer program from             learned from working with our           to where she now works.
a mentor. Once she graduated            patients by saying, “We’re all          Being at Christ House when the
from American University, she           broken in our own ways. It’s easy       program was only in its 15th
became Christ House’s Food              to look at patients and see how         year of operation had a lasting
Service Assistant where Mark and        they’ve been broken – racism,           impression on Julia. “It was
Julie’s paths crossed for the first     addiction, medical problems,            all still new – the founders all
time. Three years later, they were      poverty…We are all broken,              worked there and seeing that
married.                                though. Christ House is a place         what they started is still going…
Mark and Julia recall their time at     where we all come to grips with         we want to keep it going. We
Christ House fondly, sharing that       things. Patients heal bones, heal       feel a direct connection to the
they met many of their lifelong         emotions, and learn that they           founders and their story.” Mark
friends through Christ House.           are a valued member of this             and Julia recounted their feelings
Mark worked closely with                community.”                             of being cared for by

                          The mission of Christ House is to provide comprehensive and compassionate health
                          care to sick and homeless men from the District of Columbia, and to assist them in
                          addressing the critical issues to help them break the cycle of homelessness.
Day by Day - Christ House
DAY BY DAY | WINTER 2021                                                                           PAGE 2

Continued                             Mark and Julia now live in           both of us are” Mark shares,
the community and shared a            Pennsylvania with their daughter.    “We can’t give back what it has
                                      They have been financial             given to us. But we’re giving back
memory of current Executive
                                      contributors to Christ House         what we can.”
Director Mary Jordan comforting
                                      for over 20 years and continue
other YLVs during a difficult time,   to feel deeply connected to the
“Mary Jordan came over after –                                              Support healing and hope when you
                                      mission. During their time at               give to Christ House.
she was there at 11pm to sit with     Christ House, Mark and Julia not
them. She had two young kids at       only played a role in the healing
home and had worked a full day        process of our patients, but they          Make a gift now by visiting:
but she took the time to make         were also able to find each other.
sure we were all alright.”            “Christ House helped shape who

COVID-19 Vaccines                                                          vaccine. “I didn’t feel a thing. No
                                                                           bad reaction, I’m glad I took it.
                                                                           I recommend everybody take
Christ House leadership works to grant access to the vaccine               it,” one patient shared. For Mary
for eligible patients and staff                                            Jordan, the most important
As of February, many staff            Christ House is following the        impact of receiving the vaccine
have received both doses of           district’s protocol for vaccine      is the ability to continue to treat
the Moderna vaccine, or are           distribution. Connecting patients    patients: “We are fortunate – it
scheduled to receive their second     with vaccines has required a         gives us a degree of protection
dose shortly. Over the past few       high degree of patience and          to keep working with patients
weeks, Christ House clinical          coordination amongst shelters,       coming through our doors.” In
staff has been meeting with           Unity Health Care workers,           looking ahead into 2021, she
patients individually to review       and the DC Government. The           shares, “I’m hopeful because
how the vaccine works and             perseverance of the staff            we’ve contained any outbreak,
most importantly, to answer any       has already opened the door          we’re effectively working to get
questions a patient might have        for many patients and Kairos         staff and patients immunized,
about the vaccine. “This way,”        members to receive their             we’re doing daily surveillance
says Mary Jordan, Executive           vaccines. Christ House has also      and weekly testing of patients
Director and Nurse Practitioner,      extended patients’ stays when        and Kairos members. We, as
“patients are prepared once the       needed so that they are able to      healthcare workers, all feel
vaccine is available to them.”        receive the second dose of the       more hopeful now that there’s a
                                                                           vaccine available.”

       People experiencing
        homelessness are
    particularly vulnerable to
     COVID-19 when living in
    congregate settings such
      as shelters. Practicing
   hygiene and accessing PPE
   also present challenges to
   this population, increasing
    the risk of transmission.
     Ensuring the homeless
    population has access to
    vaccines quickly can help          A group of Christ House patients who have received their
    reduce the spread of the
                                       COVID-19 vaccines
Day by Day - Christ House
DAY BY DAY | WINTER 2021                                                                        PAGE 3

A Note from Executive Chef Miri Jung
Supporting Christ House through Resource Stewardship
                                                                         day of the year. Our four-member
During my time at Christ House, I   carbohydrates -- Food that is just   kitchen staff cooks most meals
have learned many things serving    plain and simple, nutritious.        from scratch for patients and
our patients and working with                                            staff totaling to about fifty people
volunteers and donors. From the     Another challenge I have come        per meal. I want to acknowledge
start, I faced the challenge of     across is a misunderstanding         the incredible support of all
figuring out what our department    of how Christ House                  our volunteers and donors, and
could do to better exemplify our    operates, which I try to clearly     share a tip of how you can best
mission of providing dignified      communicate when I am able. We       help our kitchen needs by using
care through holistic healing       are first and foremost a medical     Resource Stewardship. If you
from the inside out. My first       facility which operates similarly    want to donate an item that is
priority was to implement more      to a hospital in regards to our      not listed on our website, you
nutritious meals because this       adherence to dietary guidelines.     can call, email, or ask our front
helps heal our patients’ bodies.    Due to these guidelines, we do       desk if we have a need for that
This required changing our focus    not function like a food pantry      item. One of our volunteers
from microwavable and canned        or a soup kitchen. We do not         uses her pick-up truck to pick
foods to wholesome, fresh or        distribute individual food items,    up leftover food from local
frozen ingredients like fruits,     but rather we feed our patients      restaurants and grocery stores
vegetables, nuts, and whole grain   three meals a day every single       around DC. She contacts me via
                                                                         text anytime she has food and
                                                                         asks if we have a need for it. This
                                                                         coordination helps us receive
                                                                         exactly what ingredients we
                                                                         need, in the right quantity, when
                                                                         we need it. The coordination
                                                                         between this volunteer and me
                                                                         is a perfect example of Resource
                                                                         Stewardship: the appropriate
                                                                         allocation of resources.
                                                                         One of the greatest joys of my
                                                                         role as the Executive Chef is
                                                                         being able to watch the change
                                                                         that takes place when an
                                                                         individual is provided with the
                                                                         proper food their body needs to
                                                                         heal. Witnessing a patient regain
                                                                         their strength and personality
                                                                         through consistent and nutritious
                                                                         meals is one of the many
                                                                         transformations your support
                                                                         makes possible. If you would like
                                                                         to consider donating food or
                                                                         learning more about our current
                                                                         needs, please feel free to reach
                                                                         me at
                                                                         Thank you!
Day by Day - Christ House
it's a neW day
 DAY BY DAY | WINTER 2021                                                                                    PAGE 4
                                                    These four men graduated from our New Day Addic-
                                                    tions Recovery Program, a 12-week class which identi-
        To leave Christ House in your will is to leave     behind
                                                    fies difficult  a legacyexplains
                                                                   emotions, of healing and hope. behav-
Your contribution will help us to continue providingiors, and teaches healthy
                                                     compassionate            habits.
                                                                       and comprehensive   care for the many
                             homeless men in DC in need of a place to recover.
                                                    Each graduate gets the chance to share a little bit about
                                                    his story during the ceremony. One exclaimed:
Although not a requirement by law, we appreciate being notified when Christ House is included in your will. If you
 have any questions or comments, please contact: Lydia Olsen, Director of Development & Communications, at
                                                                  I'm feeling better than I've
                      or (202) 328-1100.
                                                                       ever felt in my life.

Introducing: Christ House’s
Ambassador ProgramJOin the ciRcle
Christ House is seeking individuals who are passionate about our
  Monthly  ofgiving
                    is onehealth
                            of thecarebest for men
                                            ways     experiencing
                                                 to support          homelessness
                                                              our work.  By
    DC who ourwant  to take
                monthly       theirprogram
                          giving       support- the
                                                      step further.   Christ
                                                             of Healers - you:House
Ambassadors spread healing and hope by offering their time and gifts
    • Join a community
as fundraisers,    volunteers,of donors     who careof
                                    and advocates     deeply
                                                          Christabout sustaining
                                                                  House  patients.
        the Christ
    To learn        House
             more and        mission
                      apply, visit:
   • Provide Christ House a steady, predictable source of income
           For questions about the Ambassador Program, reach out to:
     which makes long-term      planning and budgeting easier
   • Save postage, save time, and rest assured that your support
     continues even when life gets busy
       Set up your monthly gift at:

                                                                                       UW #8385      l   CFC #34256

                                                                                                 CFC #34256 | UW #8385
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                                                                                               1717 Columbia  Road, NW
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Day by Day - Christ House Day by Day - Christ House Day by Day - Christ House
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