Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'

Page created by Clayton Daniels
Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'
Cairnlea Parish Church
                              JULY 2021
Airdrie Cairnlea Parish Church of Scotland is a registered charity, ref no: SCO14555

Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'

                   Dear friends,
                   Well, we have been able to enjoy some warmer weather
                   of late and I hope therefore you have been able to take
                   some air – whether on long strenuous outings or even
                   just in and around your own home. And if you have a
                   chance to get away, I do hope you have a very lovely

Slowly the joy of being able more freely to see one another is being
experienced, for all that caution is still an important note to sound. I have
been delighted to see some of you for the first time for so long at church,
and I have just begun (with prior arrangement) to visit again in homes. I
won’t do that unannounced, not wishing to put anyone in a delicate
position, but please do feel free nevertheless to request a call.

We are also feeling brave enough to do some planning for the autumn and
winter months – tentatively in that in various respects it is still so hard to
forecast what sort of numbers will be allowed to gather, but keen
nevertheless to look forward in hope. We would hope that there will be
ways of celebrating the Lord’s Supper, even if only in small numbers; and
of offering times for fellowship and fun. The work at Cairnlea House as we
now call it is almost finished in building terms, although decoration and
carpeting will take another month or so, but by the autumn time we should
have it at our disposal – and if possible, the work in the Hall will begin (and
that should not take too many weeks).

It’s not a new call but I do ask you in your prayers to hold up our church
and its mission. Brigid and I are managing a time away but when we are
back, the “mission” is what I shall be majoring on as a theme for some
morning services. May we all be faithful and imaginative, engaged and
engaging, opening doors, opening hearts, in Jesus’ name.



Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'
We shall continue to gather in person at 11 am on a Sunday morning! The
service will also be livestreamed on the YouTube channel, “Cairnlea and
Calderbank”, and therefore available for catch up later or watching again.

It may be the government guidelines will change but at the moment, to
avoid disappointment, it is wise to book in advance, either via Eventbrite
(search for Cairnlea Church) or by phoning Margaret Cupples (tel. 767552).
Booking can be done on a Tuesday or a Wednesday each week for the
Sunday coming. We so look forward to the time when numbers are not

The dedicated phone line is also still up, on which you can listen to the
sermon (tel. 809232).

Having broadcast worship services from the Manse since March 2020, it is
now technologically possible to share the service offered in the church
building. Therefore, beginning on June 27th, that is the plan – every Sunday
at 11 am. We shall use the same YouTube platform as before: search for
“Cairnlea and Calderbank” or go in via the church website.

There are guidelines (!!) governing this practice of livestreaming, which
has been happening in many other churches already. An important aspect
of this is to safeguard the identity of people who come to church, and in
particular to be safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. We shall be
following these guidelines in the interests of everyone’s safety, and so the
camera angles will be largely directed on the action at the front.

Please always feel free to ask questions.

An essential part of the church’s identity is that we share in the mission of
Jesus Christ: his life and work are to shape what we are about. For some
years now in Anglican circles, there has been rich reflection of what that
all means, and the Church of Scotland General Assembly recently
reaffirmed that the so-called “Five Marks” of mission are helpful in focusing
this. Services through July and into August will take one “Mark” at a time
as our theme.

Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'
The mission of the Church is the mission of Christ

  1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
  2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
  3. To respond to human need by loving service
  4. To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge
     violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
  5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain
     and renew the life of the earth

On the back of preaching Psalms, I came across this prayer by Walter

On reading Psalm 22

We know about your presence
     that fills the world, that occupies our life,
     that makes our life in the world true and good.
We notice your powerful transformative presence
     in word and in sacrament, in food and in water,
     in gestures of mercy and practices of justice,
     in gentle neighbours and daring gratitude.
We count so on your presence
     and then plunge – without intending – into your absence.
     We find ourselves alone,
     abandoned, without resources,
     remembering your goodness, hoping your future,
     but mired in anxiety and threat and risk beyond our coping.
In your absence we bid your presence.
Come again, come soon, come here.
Come to every garden made a jungle.
Come to every community become joyless, sad and numb.
Come again, come soon, come here.


  A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took
  Jesus with them to Jerusalem. A small child replied: "They couldn't
  get a baby-sitter."

Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'
Cairnlea 2020

You are now reading the last 2020 report before the summer break. We
hope and trust that you have been able to come along and see the new
sanctuary, and if you’ve been unable to visit so far, then we wish you well
and look forward to seeing you soon at church and amongst your friends
in Cairnlea.

We would very much wish to thank you for your generous giving to the
church and the project.

Here are the latest developments.

Phase 1 – Sanctuary
The Sanctuary has been in use for Sunday Worship for several weeks,
attendance is building and members responding well to the new sanctuary
SPEN Electricity Transformer is now operational, however, we are still
awaiting a new Meter expected around end of July so no connection to the
new Transformer as yet.
The AV system is mainly installed a number of small items awaited, as is
training for our operators, a further visit from our AV company is to take
place before end of June.
The new front doors are fitted, and the new electric doors will be completed
W/c 21 June, Sanctuary Chairs are on order delivery 6 -8 weeks, Staircases
have had first clean and are looking much better.
Outstanding work on the new entrance ramp and snagging list to be
finalised in June.

Phase 2 – Cairnlea House
Phase 2 project with a tender cost of £183,615 + VAT (Recoverable)
including Fees. The funding sourced so far is £86,994. Work started 10
February 2021 and the building work is scheduled to complete on 25 June,
thereafter, Decoration 4 weeks and Flooring 3 weeks.
Invoiced and paid to date £168,779.90 + VAT (note: VAT is mainly

Phase 3 – Large Hall
  ▪ Architect has completed the design; maximum budget costs are
    £150,000 including Fees and VAT.
  ▪ NLC has approved the Building Control Warrant.
  ▪ Church permissions are received from the Presbytery of Hamilton.
Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'
▪ Tenders have been received and are being checked for completeness
    and accuracy. Thereafter, the best fit contractor will be appointed in
  ▪ Work schedule still stands – August to December 2021.

The 2020 group continue to seek additional grant funding, and we are
asking our members to extend their giving pledges for one more year.

There are some new pictures in the centrespread of this magazine.

2020 FUND
2020 Bank Balance as at 22.06.2021                  £ 86,334.70
2020 Grants received as at 22.06.2021                £ 238,394.00
Loans Received as at 22.06.2021                      £ 142,000.00

          THANK YOU for your generous donations and loans.


1.1 Tree felling still in abeyance.

2.1 Funding Bids status: -
2.1.1 Live Applications
   • Regeneration Capital Grant Fund – our partnership with NLC is
     progressing, and the Round 1 application has been submitted, results
     eagerly anticipated. This fund is for Community Hub new build.
   • Paterson Land Trust – Application has been submitted, decision
     outstanding. Request - £ 30,000.
   • Viridor – Application in progress for Cairnlea Hall, heating and
     insulation submission July 2021. Request - £ 25,000.
   • Awards for All – Application for £10,000 – Following discussions we
     have to re-submit in July.
   • Screwfix – Application submitted for £ 5,000 - decision due end of
     June 2021.
   • Adapt & Thrive SIS - Application submitted. - £35,000 – decision July
2.1.3 the following applications under review:
                i. Robertson Trust – best fit for this application is Phase 4
                mid 2021. Tenders required before submission.
Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'
ii. Joseph Rank Trust – This funding is more suitable for
                 the New Build Community Hub, application mid-2021.
2.2 Direct Approach
2.2.1 Funding request letters and list ready, personal visits to commence
after lock down lifted. – Unchanged.
2.3 Community Links Scotland
Still seeking a charity for recovery of fees. No progress.

As we see the end of Phase 2 in sight, we think you will like the changed
layout and function of Cairnlea House. We are now pushing on with Phase
3, the Large Hall major refurbishment and we encourage the congregation
to ask questions about the work still to be done, please involve the 2020
group members and let them know of your support and interest.

Humble and grateful thanks is given to our LORD, that his faithful
encouragement and strength sustains us all in the work of reforming our
church to His glory.

                 “But I trust in your unfailing love;
                 My heart rejoices in your salvation.
                    I will sing the Lord’s praise,
                    For he has been good to me.
                              Ps 13: 5-6.

  The 2020 group sincerely thanks you for your prayers, support

Malcolm                                                   23 June 2021
                       Flower Calendar
              4                            N. McLeod
              11                           J. Duncan
              18                           I. Dickson
              25                 Irene Cameron/Christine Duncan
              1                              M. Porteous
              8                         R. Hamilton/E. Stewart
              15                               G. Hood
              22                              G. Henry
              29                             F. MacLeod
Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'
From Finance Committee
                     Income & Expenditure
                  January until end of May 2021

                      INCOME               Expenditure
                     £46,467.00            £45,976.00

                          A BIG THANKS TO ALL

INCOME                    £    46,467.00
EXPENDITURE               £    45,976.00

          SURPLUS         £       491.00

Shanly Watson                                            Treasurer
                                                         31 May 2021

Since the Church reopened for worship it has been gratifying to note that
our offerings have shown an increase. Thanks to everyone! The Committee
hope that as things start to get back to normal this increase will be

At out last meeting I was asked to put in a plea for members of the
Congregation to consider the following:-

If possible could you consider changing over to giving by Standing
Order.     By doing this it ensures a regular flow of income into the Church
Accounts. If you are a wee bit apprehensive of changing over, don’t worry
one of us will help you in the process!

The other thing I was asked to mention was Gift Aid.      This is a really
valuable source of income to the Church. If you are a tax payer and have

Cairnlea Parish Church - JULY 2021 'COMMITTED to CHRIST - CARING for OUR COMMUNITY'
not already signed up for your offerings to be gift aided then please
consider contacting Shanly Watson (Treasurer) or Margaret McCombe (who
looks after Gift Aid for us). Myself or Lynn can put you in touch with

As usual, Lynn or I will be more than happy to arrange to collect Free Will
Offering envelopes from you or assist you with setting up a Standing Order.

Finally, can I take this opportunity, on behalf of the Finance Committee to
thank you for your continued support and wish you a happy, sunny
summer, whether you are staying at home or going on holiday!

George Martin
Finance Convenor
Contact:- George Martin Tel:- 01236 767206 Mob:- 07767463374
          Lynn Turnbull Tel:- 01236 748612 Mob:- 07960344375

                               Smile Lines

Holiday: an all-expense tour

If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the ‘terminal’?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes when he had the chance?

The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right
time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.

If they squeeze olives to get olive oil, how do they get baby oil?

Ever notice that the people who are late are often much jollier than the
people who have had to wait for them?

How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you're

I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.

Calderbank Parish Church                                 Cairnlea Parish Church

Elaine Wood – Tel: 07894728667

As restrictions are beginning to ease, we have 2 planned, adult, Seasons
for Growth courses. More information about Seasons for Growth and what
we cover as part of this course is detailed below, but please feel free to
contact Elaine or one of the companions for more information.

Many people see the word grief and associate it only with immediate
feelings around bereavement. However, grief shows itself in many ways
extending beyond the loss of someone we have loved. It comes also
around the moving on of friendships, family separations and isolation; it
can be affected by illness, work or other outside activity (or it’s lack); there
are issues around ageing, retirements, people moving to a new house etc.
Out mental and emotional wellbeing are affected and even our physical

Seasons for Growth is not a therapy or counselling service, it is a course
which helps adults to realise the impact of these changes on their lives and
focus on processing and coping with this change along with realising you
are not alone, and many people experience the feelings and anxieties you
may be experiencing.

This course is about individuals and your response to change and loss, it
does not focus on circumstances or issues which are private to your family
and confidentiality is strongly emphasised and very much integral to the

So – with all this said, we have 2 planned dates, all being well with
restrictions, there will go ahead as follows:

  • First is starting Monday 9th August for 4 weeks from 10am – 12noon.
  • Second is starting on Tuesday 10th August for 4 weeks from 7 – 9pm.
Both courses will run in Cairnlea Sanctuary.

If this is something you think you would like to be involved in, then please,
either complete the tear off slip below and post it to: Elaine Wood, 95
Glenwood Drive, Armadale, EH48 3RQ or email your interest to the above
email address.

Or if you would like more information, please feel free to call the number

Kind regards,

Elaine Wood
Family & Youth Ministry Co-ordinator
Cairnlea linked with Calderbank Parish Church

Seasons for Growth – Exploring the Seasons of Grief

Name _______________________________________________

Telephone Number _____________________________________

Email address_________________________________________

Postal Address


Yes, I would be interested in attending a 4-week course beginning
on the 9th August

Yes, I would be interested in attending a 4-week course beginning
on the 10th August

I am not ready just now to attend but may be ready the next time
courses are help, please keep in touch.

From our Session Clerks,
Welcome!: What a pleasure it has been to welcome so many of Cairnlea
back to worship over the past weeks since April. In addition, with Summer
upon us and the warmer weather, it is so uplifting to see so many smiling
faces. We hope that many of you have been able to resume regular contact
with family and friends. Please continue to be careful and vigilant.

Cairnlea services are now well-established each Sunday at 11:00am with
a maximum of 48 worshippers in the ground floor of the Sanctuary and
now a further maximum of 46 in the gallery, a total capacity of 94. From
June 1st, the Eventbrite booking system booking has been in
place( where you can search for ‘Cairnlea’. Usage
of the system has been widespread and no complications notified. Again,
thank you Elaine and Margaret Cupples for organising numbers. Regular
cleaning is being carried out and seating is spaced at 2 metre intervals with
hand sanitisers and face masks being worn. Craig Addies and Alan Love
continue to ensure we comply with Church of Scotland and government
guidelines and instructions. A special welcome awaits at Cairnlea with
continued worship and increased numbers. Please follow the rules and
restrictions for a while longer. May you all find peace and hope for a better

Please remember in your prayers those who are ill or alone, those who still
provide emergency services to us, those in schools and care homes and
those who keep our shops, transport and other facilities open. Please also
remember those who feel threatened by several concerns of health, family,
loss of income and other matters, and the most vulnerable in our society
who may be suffering from a variety of ailments.

Worship during June
As from 27th June, the pre-recorded services will be replaced with live
streaming of services on ‘YouTube’ at 11:00am each Sunday morning. For
those who cannot attend, this development provides an opportunity to see
the interior of Cairnlea and feel part of the live service. We hope you
continue to enjoy our services. Thanks are due to Irvine Wright who
arranges the service broadcasts and to Robert and Mary Cunningham for
recording and distributing DVD’s of the services.

During June, our Minister led the services and spoke on Psalms 1, 34 and
13. The Psalms contain uplifting passages of encouragement and comfort.
Psalm 1 focussed on trees, He is like a tree planted by streams of water
…… For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of
the wicked will perish.’ Psalm 34 also contained memorable verses, ‘The
eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their
cry;’. Services are still available on-line. Thank you to those from both
Cairnlea and Calderbank who have shared the readings, prayers and

Kirk Session and Business Committee meetings
The last regular meeting of the Kirk Session was held on Wednesday 12th
May 2021 and was reported in the May magazine. The next meeting will
be held on 11th August. The Business Committee met on Wednesday 26th
May 2021 and 17th June. Matters considered included:

Covid 19 restrictions and some relaxation of rules with limitations, for
example weddings, Sacrament, singing, youth work, pastoral care visiting,
policy on re-opening the Church facilities to groups.

Cairnlea 2020 (see separate report): Sanctuary new chairs are on order
and front door installed with glass door to follow soon. A new entrance
ramp is being designed. The work to Cairnlea House is almost finished and
floor covering and decoration will follow. The work scope to the large hall
has been approved by Presbytery.

Finance: Offerings are encouraging and strict controls of expenditure are
being observed. Revised charges for use of the buildings are being
considered by the Finance Committee.

Spiritual Growth: Further services such as mid-week Sacrament and
Sunday evening services will be considered.

Community: Although there will be no Summer Fayre due to Covid
restrictions, the following events are being planned:

‘Back to School outing’: A family outing on Sunday 8th August to Linlithgow.
Holiday Club at Gartlea, possibly outside on 2nd - 5th August with a
Sanctuary service on 5th August.
Murder Mystery Supper on Saturday 2nd October.
Christmas Fayre on Saturday 27th November.
‘Storytime with Santa’ on Friday 17th December.
Christmas Tree festival on Sunday 19th December.
Burns Night Supper on Saturday 22nd January 2022.

Pastoral Care: More volunteers are needed for pastoral care teams. If
you can assist in this vital activity, please contact Margaret Cupples,
pastoral care convener (01236 767552).
Safeguarding: Forthcoming training events are intimated on the Church
General Assembly 2021
The General Assembly considered some vital issues affecting the health
and well-being of the Church of Scotland. These included:
Presbytery Mission Plan which will see the number of charges cut to 600.
No Church will be allowed to call a Minister until Presbytery Plans have
been approved.
Presbytery mergers.
National Giving Day during harvest season.
Training through the Faith Impact forum on violence against women.
Ecumenical relations.
The Theological Forum report into the place of the Westminster Confession

Reports from the Assembly can be found on
A summary of key decisions is available for free download from 1 June on There is a Life and Work 4-page report on the
proceedings of the 2021 General Assembly. Please contact David Calvert,
should you wish a copy.

A poem in our new environment:

The poem, ‘The Road Not Taken.’ By Robert Frost (1874-1963) was
originally written as a joke to his friend and fellow poet Edward Thomas,
who was rather indecisive. Published in 1916, it took on more philosophical
meaning on decisions both literally and figuratively, choice, dilemmas, the
need for decisive action and perseverance.
‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Caring for us: Please keep in touch with family and friends, especially
those who are alone or vulnerable, and remember them in your prayers.
Should you know of any members who are in hospital or ill at home, please
speak with the Minister or Craig or David. Our Pastoral Care convener,
Margaret Cupples (01236 767552), is also available to any of our
Community. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are indisposed
and with their families at such difficult times.

David (Joint Session Clerk)

                 NEWS OF THE CHURCH FAMILY
Ashleigh Burnett and David Smith, on Saturday 12th June.

Mrs Cathy Faulds, Gareloch Avenue, on 11 June


Elaine has been working with ourselves and Calderbank on a part-time
basis (but giving so often much more than that!), and what a blessing she
has been - both in helping our own work with children and young people
(of church organisations and other bodies which focus on young ones) and
in reaching out to the schools. It has altogether affirmed her desire to offer
herself in Christian service and recently, as you may be aware, she was
accepted for training to become a Deacon.

Sadly for us, it means that she will move on, at some point probably in
early September. We shall miss her greatly as at the same time we pray
on her every blessing in that path to which she has been called. All being
well, I hope that we might be marking her time with us at the end of August
and I ask you to be open for further announcements about that. What all
(or little) we can do will depend to an extent on government guidelines.


Philip served with us during his training to be an “ordained local Minister”,
and this last year he moved on to do a further placement in Hamilton. The
latest news is that if all the assessments come through, he will be ordained
in August, at Polmont Old Church. We shall make announcements about
that. Numbers able to attend in person may be limited, but we shall share
all the news we can. We pray God’s blessings on Philip as he moves forward
to fulfil his calling.


David McKee has been working as a teacher in East Kilbride but is now set
on a path of training for the full-time ministry. It may be slightly premature
to be announcing this, but the plan is certainly for him to come to Cairnlea
and Calderbank for his next placement – starting up in the autumn and
going through to May 2022. It is a big step for him to be stepping back
from full-time employment to go into full-time education, and so we pray
God’s blessings and peace for him and his family as he follows on this way
to which he has been called.


 A small boy stunned his parents when he began to empty his pockets
 of coins. Finally his mother asked him where he had got all that money.
 "At church," the boy replied nonchalantly. "They have bowls of it there."

Holiday Club 2021
           Gartlea Community Centre & Cairnlea Parish Church

We are delighted to be planning a holiday club for this year and we wanted
you to be the first to know about it.

When?           2nd – 6th August 2021, 10.30 – 12.30 daily

Where?          Gartlea Community Centre

What?           Jungle themed holiday club with lots of crafts,
                games, stories, fun and excitement!

Who?            All children P1-P7 welcome to register

How?            Register by Completing online form at:

As you can imagine, there has been a lot of organising and thought gone
into this year’s club to make it as safe as possible.

In the (hopefully unlikely), event that we are unable to meet face to face,
we will have Holiday Club at home packs prepared and online resources to
enable the children to engage virtually with all the jungle stories and fun!

We are excited to welcome everyone along this year and look forward to
receiving your registration form.

If you have any further questions or queries, please contact the number

Best wishes
The Holiday Club Team
Cairnlea Parish Church
Elaine Wood     0789472866s
Can comedy point the way to faith?

Truth can come from a range of places. In Shakespeare, it’s the fool who
often has the insight that the main characters lack. In the Old Testament,
it’s the prophets that proclaim the truth from God’s perspective.

Maybe today, we should be listening more to the comedians – to the people
who stand back from our day-to-day happenings and see the world from
different angles. They can make us laugh, but they can also teach us truths
about ourselves that can be distinctly uncomfortable.

Take the new book by comedian, and Catholic, Frank Skinner. It’s called ‘A
Comedian’s Prayer Book’ (Hodder & Stoughton) and runs to just over a
hundred pages. Yet in that thin volume, Skinner – who is very open about
his devout Christian faith – poses serious questions for both believers and

It’s far from being a comfortable read, though it never ceases to be
amusing and thoughtful.

Setting the scene for the book, Skinner, an award-winning comedian,
television and radio host, explains: “Imagine someone on a pilgrimage,
stopping at churches, martyr-related tourist spots and sacred wells, while
dressed in a medieval jester outfit.

“The intention is serious and completely devout, but the pilgrim just feels
more at home in the motley than in sackcloth and ashes. He feels jest is
an integral part of who he is, and it seems wrong to deny that part.”

Skinner sees his role as a comic as integral to this faith, although some
‘fellow pilgrims’ may be uncomfortable with someone who seems to see
humour all around him – and can easily make others laugh.

Yet Frank Skinner raises deep issues in the chapters of this slim volume,
including questions that will connect with people both within the Christian
faith, and those standing outside.

He describes his prayer life as “a telepathic dip into a long, ongoing
conversation with thousands of tabs left open and no helpful ‘new readers
start here’ summaries or simplifications for the neutral observer.”

Skinner’s ‘prayer book’ is on my bookshelf alongside ’10 Second Sermons,’
(Darton, Longman & Todd) written by fellow comedian Milton Jones in
2011. Again, the comedian’s quirky view on life brings fresh insights and

Jones, a master of one-line jokes, describes gossip as “bullying people who
are not there,” lust as “rehearsing for a play in which you shouldn’t have a
part” and salvation as “like being returned to the factory settings – but you
have to admit there is a factory, and that there could be some settings.”

One of my favourites is Jones’s description of the Holy Spirit as “a real
person you can invite in. But watch out – in time He will go over, pull the
fridge from the wall and say ‘What’s all this mess under here?’ But at least
He helps clear up.”

Both Milton Jones and Frank Skinner are comedians of faith – comedic
commentators with a gift of making us see the world with fresh insight.
And, as importantly, making us laugh.

What happens when you look at your smartphone?

Looking at your smartphone, or touching
it, makes other people want to do the
same to their smartphones.

A recent study at the university of Pisa
calls it ‘human mimicry’ when people
unintentionally change their physical
behaviour to match those of people

The study found it happened to people in
social settings that included work,
restaurants, cinemas, gyms, waiting
rooms, social parties, social meals, public parks and family environments.

Try it yourself and see what happens to people near you a few minutes


Minister                   Rev. Dr Peter Donald   01236   753159
                                                  07453   359531
Session Clerks            Craig Addies            01236   621184
                          David Calvert           01236   752692
Roll Keeper               Margaret Cupples        01236   767552
Presbytery Elder          Aileen Barrie           01236   760655
Church Treasurer          Shanly Watson           01236   755960
Finance Convener          George Martin           01236   767206
Freewill Offering         Lynn Turnbull           01236   748612
Gift Aid                  Margaret McCombe        01236   763977
Property Convener         Angela Wagstaff         01236   753576
Community Convener        Esther Watson           01236   755960
Pastoral Care Convener    Margaret Cupples        01236   767552
Communications Convener   Les Turnbull            07854   164380
Cairnlea 2020 Convener    Malcolm Ross            07734   684667
Spiritual Growth          Rev. Dr Peter Donald    01236   753159
Church Cleaner            Rachel Black            01236   609919
Church Flowers            Elizabeth Reekie        01236   762948
                          Mary Grant              01236   756891
Music Director            Marjory MacDonald       01236   762669
The Guild                 Anne Gray               01236   765047
Funday Club               Pamela Spence           01236   769146
Girls’ Brigade Captain    Lesley Curran           01236   628625
Boys’ Brigade Captain     Andrew Cupples          01236   600129
Life & Work Magazine      Alex Clark              01236   768760
Saturday Nearly New & Shanly Watson               01236   755960
Coffee Morning
Toy Library               Margaret Stobie         01236   768079
Parents & Toddlers        Katey Brolly            07747   122527
Senior Citizen’s Club     Jeanette Henderson      01236   763668
Probus Club               Bill White              01236   769044
Safeguarding              Irvine Wright           01236   595351
DVD Recording of Services Robert Cunningham       01236   761337
Health & Safety           Alan Love               01236   768232
Cairnlea 2020 Treasurer   Gordon Barrie           01236 760655
                          Calum MacInnes          01698 860588
Family & Youth Ministry   Elaine Wood             07894 728667
Coordinator / CYC
Sunday Car Rota           Shanly Watson           01236 755960

Items for the September magazine to be in the hands of the editor
by Sunday 22 August 2021.

Rev. Dr Peter Donald, Cairnlea Manse, Victoria Place, Airdrie.
Tel: 01236 753159 Mob: 07453 359531

Mr Les Turnbull, 21 Macleod Crescent, Airdrie.
Tel: 01236 748612 Mob: 07854 164380

                       Church Family - Big Day Out
If all continues to go well with restrictions, we are planning to have a Church
Family day out at the end of the summer:

When?            Sunday 8th August

Where?           Linlithgow

What?            Team Treasure hunt, games and challenges, Fish and Chips, and
                 a Horrible Histories tour of Linlithgow to finish off the day!

Who?             Everyone is welcome. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a bus
                 this year due to restrictions, so you will need transport.

If you would like to sign up for this event, please do so as soon as possible by
contacting Esther Watson on 01236 755960 or email

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