C This Week - USIU-Africa

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C This Week - USIU-Africa
C ampus                                                   This Week
                  UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY - AFRICA NEWSLETTER                                                            APRIL 6-13, 2018

 Chancellor Dr. Manu Chandaria (second left), Vice Chancellor Prof. Paul Zeleza (center) and U.S. Ambassador to Kenya H.E. Robert Godec cut the ribbon marking
 the launch of the Secure Information Management Environment (SIME) social media lab at the Incubation and Innovation Center on Thursday, April 5. Looking on
 is Dr. Maria Canudo (Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication (left), Prof. Amos Njuguna (Dean, School of Graduate Studies, Research and
 Extension) and Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Technology Dr. Patrick Wamuyu (Center).

Lab to herald new age in social
media research
By Lochemem Bruno Michael and Dan Muchai
The Secure Information Management                      and overseen by Lab Coordinator Dr.                     to the proliferation of misinformation - a
Environment (SIME) social media lab was                Patrick Wamuyu (Assistant Professor of                  challenge that has been the focus of
launched on Thursday, April 5, during                  Information Systems and Technology).                    the U.S. Embassy’s #StopReflectVerify
a ceremony attended by the American                    The lab, an unprecedented undertaking,                  campaign to combat ‘fake news’ - a
Ambassador H.E. Bob Godec, Chancellor                  is predicated on providing big data and                 term that has come to refer to deliberate
Dr. Manu Chandaria, Vice Chancellor Prof.              social media analytics insights, powered                misinformation or hoaxes created to
Paul Zeleza and other senior University                by the IBM Watson Analytics for Social                  deceive and thus influence views, push
and embassy officials.                                 Media software.                                         agendas or cause confusion.
The lab, which is a joint effort funded                Massive collections of user-created                     In “The Reality of Fake News in Kenya”
by the United States government to the                 information often termed big data, are                  - a study by Portland and Geopoll based
tune of KES 20 million, will be based in               frequently generated through social                     on the 2017 Kenyan General Elections,
the Incubation and Innovation Center,                  media sources. This has inevitably led                  it was revealed that 90% of Kenyans
C This Week - USIU-Africa
were exposed to fake news concerning the
elections, while 87% reported instances of
deliberate fake news.
The Vice Chancellor Prof. Paul Zeleza
underlined the role the lab will play in
promoting the use of research to provide
accurate well-informed engagements
within and between the different facets of
In his remarks, Ambassador Godec singled
out the privacy and security threats
arising from the ‘boundless opportunities’
presented by digital technology.
He expressed his hope that the lab’s
“upcoming research on Kenyan social
media use will bring us all to a better          The Vice Chancellor Prof. Paul Zeleza (left - seated), H.E. Robert Godec ( second left - seated) and the Chancellor
understanding of Kenya in the digital age –      Dr. Manu Chandaria (right - seated), listen to Dr. Maria Canudo (Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass
                                                 Communication) as she describes how the SIME Lab will operate, following the official opening of the lab on
and especially Kenyan youth.”
                                                 Thursday, April 6. PHOTO:DAN MUCHAI
The SIMELab at USIU-Africa is the first          Competitive Intelligence. These tools, use                 Following the launch, some students such
multidisciplinary research laboratory to be      Natural Language Processing (NLP) to                       as Applied Computer Technology major
set up in Africa, to study social media.         parse and synthesize data.                                 Mr. Jacktone Momanyi, were offered a
The laboratory will provide a platform for                                                                  chance to voice their current and planned
                                                 While demonstrating capabilities of the IBM
research and training in analyzing the                                                                      undertakings regarding social media
                                                 Watson Analytics for Social Media software,
social media and internet consumption                                                                       analytics. His application involves integrating
                                                 Dr. Maria Canudo (Assistant Professor of
in Kenya. This will thereafter culminate                                                                    a local Twitter analytics application with
                                                 Journalism and Mass Communications),
in an annual publication on the situation                                                                   Tableau - a data visualization service.
                                                 initiated a sentiment-driven search of
analysis, regarding the consumption of new       social media mentions, using the keywords                  Other laboratory services include
media and social media in Kenya, and the         “Winnie Mandela”. Sentiment analysis, a                    consultancy services that will entail
launch of the first-ever International Digital   concept premised on extracting subjective                  research for companies interested in social
Communication Congress.                          data, will be useful for deducing trends in                media and other aspects of new media,
Increasingly, the need to sort through and       public opinion and extracting relationships                that cover a wide range of matters such
classify big data, requires analytical tools     between customer perceptions and brand                     as impact evaluation for partner projects,
that will enable businesses and media            messaging.                                                 advocacy on different topics, training,
outfits to make decisions and communicate                                                                   education and management.
                                                 The large volume of data, in this case fifty
information that is accurate and useful.         thousand results, displayed during the                     The laboratory will further train investigative
IBM Watson Analytics for Social Media            demonstration, points to the potency of the                journalists on how to use big data and
software provides tools for Product Research     analytical capabilities and storage capacity               inform the public through social media
and Development, Marketing Strategy and          of IBM’s cloud-based infrastructure.                       research.

Librarians meet to strategize on development of
funding proposals
The Library and Information Center on            university librarians to provide justifications            Librarians were encouraged to come up with
Tuesday, March 27 hosted the United              for funding that will strengthen library                   a common survey tool that can be used to
Nations/World Bank University Librarians         services.                                                  solicit users’ views on library services, that
Workshop at the Library Bookshop. The                                                                       will produce evidence in the form of data
                                                 While making his remarks Associate DVC-
meeting whose objective was to ‘Learn                                                                       to administrators in order to build cases to
                                                 Student Affairs Prof. Munyae Mulinge,
Strategies on how to document and build                                                                     solicit funding.
                                                 underscored the role librarians play in
business cases supporting the library and
                                                 disseminating information. He urged them
develop brief and meaningful surveys to
                                                 to inculcate a reading culture in academic
back funding decisions’ was held against
                                                 institutions through working together with
a backdrop of increasing pressure on
C This Week - USIU-Africa
Vice Chancellor Prof. Paul Zeleza observes the new bus’ hydraulic platform in action before flagging it off on Thursday, March 29. The bus, which has been been acquired
by the university as part of its fleet modernization plan, includes such new features as a charging system for electronic devices, assorted lighting and entertainment
sstems, and reclining seats. Looking on are DVC- Academic & Student Affairs Amb. Prof. Ruthie Rono (left), Operations Director Eng. Paul Warui, Administration Director
Mr. Jared Raburu (third left), and Transport Supervisor Mr. George Onyango (right). PHOTO: DAN MUCHAI

Bus heralds                                              13 million bus will lead to greater efficiency
                                                         and address the growing needs of the
                                                                                                                  Division for their efforts in facilitating the
                                                                                                                  university’s objective of universal access to

new era
                                                         expanding university population, both of                 all campus services.
                                                         which are part of the transport department’s             According to the World Report on Disability
                                                         strategic plan imperatives.
for persons                                              The new bus is accompanied by a host
                                                                                                                  (World Health Organization and World Bank
                                                                                                                  2011) more than one billion people in the

                                                         of new features such as USB charging, a                  world live with some form of disability
                                                         modern entertainment system, reclining                   caused by mental, physical or sensory
                                                         seats and a more powerful turbo-charged                  impairment.
enabled                                                  engine. These features, Engineer Warui
                                                         said, are designed to make lengthy bus
                                                                                                                  The new Policy for Access of Persons
By Dan Muchai                                                                                                     with Disabilities, and Other Special
                                                         journeys comfortable and exciting.                       Needs establishes minimum standards
On Friday, March 29, the Vice Chancellor
Prof. Paul Zeleza flagged off the most                   But the bus’ most striking feature remains               and expectations at institutional, school,
recent addition to the University’s six-bus              a new hydraulic platform at the back.                    program, course and individual levels at
fleet. The new 40-seater modern coach bus                The platform - arguably the first of its                 the university, in relation to the provision of
was flagged off by the Vice Chancellor Prof.             kind on college buses in Kenya - enables                 quality and inclusive education for persons
Paul Zeleza accompanied by officials from                wheelchair-bound passengers to be lifted                 who are differently abled.
the Administration Division as well as other             to the floor of the bus without leaving their            Prof. Zeleza pointed out that the new bus is
senior university officials.                             wheelchair. Additionally, the bus has the                a reflection of the University’s determination
                                                         capacity to secure and transport up to                   to give effect to this new policy, “We are
Operations Director Eng. Paul Warui
                                                         seven such passengers on a given journey.                going to implement this policy in all aspects
described the new addtion as part of
the transport fleet upgrade plan, which                  Speaking before he flagged off the bus’ first            of our programs and services to make sure
anticipates an overhaul of the entire fleet by           trip, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Paul Zeleza,             that all of us feel that sense of belonging.”
the year 2020. According to him, the KES                 applauded officials from the Administration
C This Week - USIU-Africa
Dr. Ireri’s articles published in renowned
communications journal
Two book review articles by Dr. Kioko Ireri,    management strategies and assesses how
an Associate Professor of Journalism and        a politician’s race affects self-presentation
Mass Communication have been published          and media portrayals. Second, the book
in the current issue of Journalism & Mass       positions the media as a vital link in the
Communication Quarterly, the flagship           citizen–politics relationship. Tolley is an
journal of the Association for Education        assistant professor in the Department of
in Journalism and Mass Communication            Political Science at the University of Toronto,
Education (AEJC).                               where she teaches Canadian politics.
Authored by Erin Tolley, Framed: Media and      The other book, Image and Emotion in Voter
the Coverage of Race in Canadian Politics,      Decisions: The Affect Agenda examines
looks at the reportage of White and visible     the media coverage of politicians’ images
minority candidates so that patterns of media   and their influence on voters in election
framing can be compared. Specifically, the      campaigns. Politicians’ images are
volume explores the contextual nature of        comprehensively interrogated in terms of
racialized media coverage by looking at a       attributes, appearance, characteristics,
number of factors that include candidate        and personal style—and how these factors
gender, political party affiliation, and the    shape voters’ attitudes in evaluating political   Dr. Kioko Ireri, an Associate Professor of Journalism
                                                                                                  and Mass Communication PHOTO:SELF
diversity of the ridings in which politicians   candidates. The volume is the incredible
run.                                            work of Renita Coleman, associate
Similarly, it investigates candidates’ own      professor at the University of Texas at           emotional displays, and personal attributes.
views on media coverage and race in             Austin School of Journalism, and Denis            Second, in spite of numerous studies on
politics. It sheds light on the work that       Wu, associate professor of communication          the influence of mediated agendas on
journalists do, the constraints that they       at Boston University. Coleman and Wu              politics, Coleman and Wu point out that
face, and how they think about covering         provide two key arguments why politicians’        most research examine texts only—yet the
stories touching on diversity.                  images matter in political communications         news media does not deliver words only.
                                                scholarship, especially when studied from         Thus, they argue that the potential impact
Tolley outlines two strong justifications why   affect, information processing, and agenda-       of visuals on people’s perceptions is too
Framed is useful. It is the first Canadian      setting theoretical standpoints. First, many      important to ignore in research. This is so
study that documents visible minority           public office seekers are assessed not            because visuals make stories on television
and White candidates’ accounts of their         on the issue stances they embrace, but            credible and interesting, resulting in what
electoral, communication, and image             on their images — self-presentation,              the authors refer to as “picture superiority.”

Media Mentions
By Diana Meso.
April 6: USIU-Africa was mentioned by
                                                April 4: Techweez mentioned USIU-Africa           March 30:The Star mentioned USIU-Africa in
Scrummage in an article title “USIU Martials
                                                in an article titled “Kenya Blog Awards           an article titled “Homeboyz confront Kabras,
release match day 23 for Bulls test.”
                                                (BAKE Awards 2018) Nominees List is Out.”         Western Bulls and Makueni in tricky pool.”
April 5: USIU-Africa was mentioned by
                                                April 4: USIU-Africa was mentioned online in      March 29: Citizen Digital mentioned
BizNis Africa in an article titled “‎Habil
                                                an article titled “Nominees Announced and         USIU-Africa in an article titled “It’s
Olaka, Kenya Bankers Association CEO.”
                                                Voting Opens for the 2018 BAKE Awards.”           Easter hunt at Top Fry Great Rift 10s.”
April 5: The Scrummage mentioned
                                                April 4: The Star mentioned USIU-Africa           March 28: USIU-Africa was mentioned by
USIU-Africa in an article titled “Western
                                                in an article titled “Butali sign three           Citizen Digital in an article titled “Homeboyz
Bulls announce squad for USIU tie.”
                                                players ahead of upcoming season.”                highlights draw for the Great Rift 10-A side.”
April 4: The Star mentioned USIU-
                                                April 3: The Star mentioned USIU-                 March 26: USIU-Africa was mentioned
Africa in an article titled “USIU denies
                                                Africa in an article titled “Strathmore           by Scrummage in an article titled “Week
wrongdoing in lawsuit over broken lift.”
                                                sides beef up ahead of new season.”               14 review: Kisumu RFC, Egerton win
April 4: USIU-Africa was mentioned                                                                on the road as USIU’s woes continue.”
                                                April 3: USIU-Africa was mentioned by the
by Potentash in an article titled “BAKE
                                                Daily Monitor in an article titled “Wazalendo,
Awards 2018 Nominees Unveiled. Vote
                                                Wananchi inflict Easter pain on KHC.”
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