Features and nature of changes in students' value orientations playing computer role-playing games
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EurAsian Journal of BioSciences Eurasia J Biosci 14, 1241-1246 (2020) Features and nature of changes in students’ value orientations playing computer role-playing games Olga G. Kolomyts 1*, Bulat V. Shagiev 2, Alexey V. Kidinov 3, Larisa P. Lazareva 4, Galina I. Hristenko 5, Eleonora V. Egorova 6, Yury N. Kutlin 7 1 Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, RUSSIA 2 Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Moscow, RUSSIA 3 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University), Moscow, RUSSIA 4 Pacific State University, Khabarovsk, RUSSIA 5 Gzhel State University, Elektroizolyator, RUSSIA 6 Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, RUSSIA 7 Birsk Branch of Bashkir State University, Birsk, RUSSIA *Corresponding author: olgakolomyc793@gmail.com Abstract The relevance of this article is to study the formation of values’ hierarchy among students in the age of computerization, and in connection with the active introduction of high technologies in the life of society, and each society has a unique value-oriented structure, which reflects the identity of this culture. Since the set of values that an individual learns in the process of socialization is transmitted to him/her by society, the study of the system of value orientations of the individual is a particularly relevant problem in a situation of serious social changes, when there is a certain blurring of the social value structure. The purpose of the research is to study the value orientations of students participating in role-playing computer games. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used to identify groups of students who are and are not participants in Online role-playing games, for further identification of value orientations in both groups. Research results: the article examines and analyzes the features of value orientations of participants in role-playing computer games. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time it is revealed that among students who are interested in Online role-playing games at the level of normative values, the first places are given to such values as hedonism, stimulation and power. It is shown that students who are fond of role-playing computer games are characterized by a desire for pleasure, they develop a tendency to novelty and search for new sensations, and the social status is revealed, which is expressed in dominating over people. It is determined that the least significant, in their opinion, are universalism, which is expressed in understanding, tolerance and protection of the well-being of all people and nature; striving for traditions and kindness. It is found that among students who do not play Online role-playing games, the first places are also given to power, hedonism and stimulation, but in a different order of preferences. It is shown that the lowest priority students who do not play computer games give to such values as safety, traditions, achievements, and independence. It is determined that the group of students who are not interested in Online role-playing games is less dependent on the reference group and they are more free to make judgments and choose their personal values. Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in social psychology, age psychology, pedagogy, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue. Keywords: student youth, online role-playing games, values, value orientations Kolomyts OG, Shagiev BV, Kidinov AV, Lazareva LP, Hristenko GI, Egorova EV, Kutlin YN (2020) Article title Article title Article title Article title Article title Article title Article title Article title. Eurasia J Biosci 14: 1241-1246. © 2020 Kolomyts et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. INTRODUCTION Zyubina et al., 2019; Olkhovaya et al., 2019a, 2019b; Cornilov et al., 2019; Zaitseva et al., 2020). During In the modern age of computerization, Internet adolescence, it is very important to lay a conscious leisure in its various forms is part of the daily life of attitude to free time. It is not enough to simply take over millions of Russians: on the Internet, people exchange the baton from the adolescent period in terms of leisure opinions on a variety of topics in forums and chats, interact in games and via email, join new groups and Received: February 2020 communities, and search for new identities (Samelyuk, Accepted: April 2020 2006; Minakhmetova e al., 2017; Shapkin, 1999; Putilina Printed: June 2020 et al., 2019; Fomicheva, Shmelev & Burmistrov, 1991; 1241
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 1241-1246 (2020) Kolomyts et al. activities, it is necessary to develop certain habits, to computer games, drop off from real life and knowledge and skills that contribute to a competent and completely immerse themselves in the game. This creative leisure organization (Avdeev et al., 2019). In the cannot but affect their communication, academic youth period, the experience of an individual style of performance, as well as the identification of landmarks recreation and leisure is formed and accumulated. In the and values in life (Volkov, 2006; Antonenko, 1999; younger years, the very principle of organizing and Yakobson, 1969; Lapin, 1996; Nepomnyashchaya, spending free time - creative or uncreative-is also 2000; Razumovskaya et al., 2018; Mukhametzyanova et determined (Podymov et al., 2019). Many young people al., 2018). currently prefer a form of leisure, such as communication in social networks. There are many RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND STRUCTURE different social networks around the world that people The empirical study was conducted based on the can use to communicate virtually. The Internet captures University and was conducted in four stages. more and more territories and aspects of human life. The At the first stage, the initial positions were developed sphere of recreation and leisure has also come under based on a theoretical analysis of the problem. At the the influence of Internet technologies and young people second stage, a research tool was developed to identify are finding more and more Hobbies in the Internet groups of young people who participate in online role- environment (Shapovalov, 1998; Yablokov, 2007; playing games and do not play them. Medvedev, 1998; Butakova et al., 2020; Ovsyanik et al., The purpose of the questionnaire in this study is to 2020). identify groups of students who are interested in Online Leisure strategies are related to what needs they are role-playing games and do not play them. The aimed at and what motivations the person was guided questionnaire was compiled based on the theoretical by. Leisure in the informative and communicative space material studied, where the number of hours spent by a is diverse, with time increasing the number of leisure person by a computer is equal to six hours or more, is opportunities in the Internet network. A new space is regarded as a dependency. being born, and accordingly, in this space there are new Suggested questionnaire questions are: opportunities for the realization of human abilities and Do you have a personal computer at home? ways to meet human needs. In this space, the Do you have access to the Internet? personality and value orientations are formed as a Do you play computer games? (If you answered this structural element of the personality (Kirilova, 2000; question in the negative, the survey is over) Artyukhova, 2001; Baranov et al., 2019; Kipriyanova, Do you play games in the Internet? 1999). It is especially important to pay attention to the Whether you play in a massively multiplayer online formation of value orientations in young years, as a role-playing game? personal worldview and moral position is formed What games do you prefer? (Gavrilyuk & Trikoz, 2002; Bitueva, 2000; Sokolov & What do you like about them? Shcherbakova, 2003; Gavrilyuk & Trikoz, 2002; How many days a week do you devote to online role- Barabanshchikov, 2003; Larionova et al., 2018; Oborsky playing games? et al., 2018). At present, in times of crisis of society, How many hours a day do you spend playing games young people can be quite socially unstable, morally on average? unprepared and unprotected (Usak et al., 2020). Do you play with people you know or with strangers? Modern young people are experiencing an acute In the study of value orientations, the method of crisis in the process of forming their value orientations. Schwartz was used, adapted and standardized by V. N. First, it manifests itself in the lack of basic values for Karandashev. At the third stage, an empirical study of most of them. Almost all psychologists and educators the value orientations of participants in Online role- agree that adolescence is a very special stage of playing games was conducted. A sample was formed personal development (Kon, 1979; Zalessky, 1994; and empirical data was collected. Preliminary results Dyrin, 1996; Kartashkin, 1996; Gorbunov et al., 2019; were obtained. At the next stage, the results were Khairullina et al., 2019; Zhgenti et al., 2018). At this age, analyzed and interpreted. there is a shift of interests from the private and concrete to the abstract and general, there is a growth of interest RESEARCH OF STUDENT VALUE in issues of worldview, religion, morality, and aesthetics. ORIENTATIONS WHO ARE FOND OF ONLINE An interest is developed in the psychological experiences of other people and their own (Kuznetsov, ROLE-PLAYING GAMES 1994). Especially relevant is the issue of forming a Based on the survey, we identified groups of young hierarchy of values among young people in the age of people who are and are not participants in Online role- computerization and in connection with the active playing games. Methods of Schwartz for studying the introduction of high technologies in the life of society, values of the individual allowed us to identify value today an increasing number of people become addicted orientations, where the average score for each of the 10 1242
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 1241-1246 (2020) Kolomyts et al. types of values was calculated for each group of values’ survey, only in relation to hedonism, which subjects at the level of normative ideals and at the level makes it possible to conclude that in this group of of individual priorities. Average indicators allow us to subjects, personal individual values do not coincide to a judge the ratio of values’ significance in different groups greater extent with the ideas of normative values, just as of subjects. they do not coincide with the values at the level of At the level of individual priorities among young individual priorities identified in a group of young people people who play Online role-playing games, the first playing Online role-playing games. The last places are positions were given to power (2.1), hedonism (1.8) and given to traditions (0.8), security (0.9) and power (1.5). achievement (1.8). Based on the fact that the data from At the level of normative ideals, young people have the questionnaire: personal Profile, in two parameters equal indicators, especially in terms of stimulation and coincided with the data obtained in the questionnaire: A hedonism. This indicates the similarity of ideas in review of values, namely in relation to power and relation to the concept of social norm, ideal. Indicators of hedonism, one can suggest that there is a certain the significance of values differ most only in terms of harmony in the group of game-playing students in security, but a single case does not allow generalizing. relation to values that are considered the norm in relation At the level of individual priorities, we can observe a to society as a whole and values that the individual significant difference in indicators of significance for considers to be his/her own. From this, we can draw two almost all indicators, especially in terms of kindness, conclusions: either this group of subjects is quite universalism, independence and stimulation. The conformal and attributes the normative expectations of difference in indicators by types of values in the two society to their own, or Vice versa, based on their parts of the questionnaire, which characterize the two personal values, they consider them normative for the levels of functioning of values, reflects the value whole society as a whole. At the level of normative pressure, which is carried out, on the one hand, through ideals, the first places were given by students socialization and, on the other hand, through the participating in online role - playing games to such reference group and traditions. Thus, we can conclude values as hedonism (3, 6), stimulation (3, 3) and power that to some extent, young people who do not play (3, 2). This suggests that at the level of beliefs about Online role-playing games are less dependent on the what values should dominate in society, young people opinion of the reference group, and form values identified the desire for pleasure, the tendency to novelty regardless of it. We can assume that this is due to the and the search for new sensations, as well as social fact that among the so-called gamers there is a certain status, which is expressed in dominating people. The community of interests and cohesion of its participants least significant, in their opinion, are universalism (1, 4), in fact belonging to this category, probably this can be tradition (1, 7) and kindness (1, 7). As for students who applied not only to the choice of Hobbies, but also to do not play Online role-playing games, the first places values. Then each value type was assigned a rank from were also given to power (4, 0), hedonism (3, 4) and one to 10 according to the value of the average indicator. stimulation (3, 3). This can be understood as the fact that Ranks from one to three assigned to the corresponding at the level of normative ideals, the respondents’ values are considered as an indicator of their high belonging to the group of participants in Online role- significance in this group of subjects. Ranks from eight playing games does not matter, and also as the fact that to 10 indicate, on the contrary, their low significance for these values are probably the priority in the society and the subjects of the study group. The difference in young environment in which young people grow up and are people’s preferences for values: power, hedonism, and brought up, and do not always reflect the individual’s achievement were most significant in the group of personal preferences. The lowest priority for students students who play online role - playing games, while who do not play online games are the values of safety independence, hedonism, and universalism were most (0.8), tradition (1.2) and achievement (1.8) with significant in the group who do not play Online games. independence (1.8). It can be concluded that the The students’ views coincided only with regard to opinions of these two groups converged only with hedonism as the second most important value, and respect to traditions. tradition as the least important value. At the level of At the level of individual priorities, traditions (0.8), normative ideals, among girls participating in online role- universalism (1.0) and kindness (1.1) are the least playing games, the most significant values are valuable among young people who play role-playing achievement (4.6), power (4.4) and hedonism (4.2), the games. In addition, this coincides with the data obtained least ones are tradition (1.4), universalism (1.6) and in the first part of the survey of values, which confirms conformity (2.2). As for girls who do not play Online role- the assumption made above. playing games, the most significant for them are power For young people who do not play Online games, (4, 7), conformity (3, 4), hedonism (3, 3). The least self-reliance (2.3), hedonism (2.6), and universalism significant for them are achievements (1, 6), security (0, (2.2) rank first on the level of individual priorities. This 7), and traditions (0, 8). At the level of normative ideals data is consistent with the data obtained from the survey: for girls participating in Online role-playing games, 1243
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 1241-1246 (2020) Kolomyts et al. power (2.6), achievement (2.2) and independence (1.7) search for new sensations, as well as social status, are significant. The least ones are tradition (0.5), which is expressed in dominating people. The least kindness (0.6), and security (0.7). Among girls who are significant, in their opinion, are universalism, which is not interested in Online role-playing games, the expressed in understanding, tolerance and protection of following results were obtained: the most significant the well-being of all people and nature; tradition and values were independence (2, 2), hedonism (1, 8) and kindness. At the level of individual priorities for this group universalism (1, 6), the least: tradition (0, 5), security (0, of students, the first positions were given to power, 6), power (0, 6). hedonism and achievement. Based on the fact that the In relation to boys playing Online role-playing game, data from the questionnaire Personal Profile, in two at the level of normative ideals values of hedonism (3,7), parameters coincided with the data obtained in the stimulation (3,3) and power (3,0) are the most important, questionnaire An overview of values, namely in relation and the least ones are universalism (1,4), kindness (1.5) to power and hedonism, we can conclude that in a group and security (1,6). Among non - playing young men, the of students who are fond of games, there is a certain values of stimulation (3.6), hedonism (3.4) and harmony in relation to values that are considered the conformity (3.0) are the most significant, while the norm in relation to society as a whole and values that the values of safety (0.9), tradition (1.0) and universalism individual considers his/her own. From this, we can draw (1.4) are the least significant. Here we see a two conclusions: either this group of subjects is quite convergence in both groups regarding hedonism and conformal and attributes the normative expectations of stimulation as the most important values, and security society to their own, or Vice versa, based on their and universalism as the least important. For young men personal values, they consider them normative for the who participate in Online role-playing games, the first whole society as a whole. The least valuable for them positions are given to such values as hedonism (1, 9), are tradition, universalism and kindness. Among young power (1, 8) and stimulation (1, 7). The least significant people who do not play Online role-playing games, the for them are traditions (0.9), universalism (1.0) and first places were also given to power, hedonism and independence (1.2). stimulation, similar to participants in Online role-playing The values of hedonism (1,7), stimulation (1,5), and games. Based on this, we can conclude that at the level power (1,3) are most significant for young men who do of normative ideals, the respondents’ belonging to the not play Online role-playing games, which coincides with group of participants in online role-playing games does the values significant for young men who play Online not matter. The lowest priority for students who do not games. The least significant for them are tradition (0.5), play online games are values such as safety, tradition, kindness (0.6) and security (0.6). Thus, because and achievement made independently. At the level of significant values coincide in both groups, we can individual priorities in this group, independence, conclude that the group of young men is more cohesive, hedonism and universalism occupy the first places. This and regardless of belonging to the number of data is consistent with the data obtained from the participants in Online role-playing games, there is a survey- An overview of values, only in relation to commonality of values at the levels of normative ideals hedonism, which makes it possible to conclude that in and individual priorities. this group of subjects, personal individual values do not Thus, among girls there is no such group cohesion in coincide to a greater extent with the ideas of normative respect of values as in the group of boys: there is a values, just as they do not coincide with the values at the coincidence of significant values among girls only in level of individual priorities identified in a group of young respect of power and hedonism, while the rest of the people playing Online role-playing games. From this, we significant values are represented by different names. can conclude that the group of young people who are The group of boys has less significant differences not interested in Online role-playing games is less between the identified types of values, while the girls dependent on the reference group and these students have quite sharp differences between the types of are freer to make judgments and choose their personal values. values. In relation to young men, the following results were obtained: at the level of normative ideals, the CONCLUSIONS values of hedonism, stimulation and power are the most Based on the conducted research we can draw the significant for young men participating in Online role- following conclusions. Among students who are playing games; at the level of individual priorities, they interested in online role-playing games at the level of gave the first positions to such values as: hedonism, normative values, the first places were given to such power and stimulation. Among non-playing young men, values as hedonism, stimulation and power. This the values of stimulation, hedonism, and conformity are suggests that at the level of beliefs about what values the most significant at the level of normative values, but should dominate in society, young people identified the at the level of individual priorities: hedonism, stimulation, desire for pleasure, the tendency to novelty and the and power, which coincides with the values that are significant for young men who play Online games. Thus, 1244
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 1241-1246 (2020) Kolomyts et al. we can conclude that the group of young men is more who do not play Online role-playing games, the following cohesive, and regardless of belonging to the number of data was obtained: the most significant are power, participants in Online role-playing games, there is a conformity, hedonism, and at the level of individual commonality of values at the levels of normative ideals priorities: independence, hedonism and universalism. and individual priorities. For girls, the following results Based on this, we can conclude that among girls there were obtained: at the level of normative ideals, among is no such group cohesion in respect of values as in the girls participating in Online role-playing games, the group of boys: there is a coincidence of significant values of achievement, power and hedonism are the values among girls only in respect of power and most significant, and at the level of individual priorities: hedonism, while the rest of the significant values are power, achievement and independence. Among girls represented by different names. REFERENCES Antonenko S (1999) A generation caught in the twilight. Novy Mir, 4: 176-185. Artyukhova I (2001) Values - goals of the younger generation: health is in the first place, and creativity is in the last. Director of the school, 10: 84-87. Avdeev VA, Avdeeva OA, Shagieva RV, Smirnova VV, Mashkin NA, Taradonov SV (2019) The mechanism of legal regulation in the conditions of globalization and formation of information environment. Regional aspect. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 10(7): 1517–152. Barabanshchikov BA (2003) System-based organization and development of the psyche. Psychological journal, 1: 28-38. Baranov VV, Cherdymova EI, Novikov SB, Lukina EV, Kazurov OA, Korzhanova AA, Gurbanov RA (2019) Student attitude to ethical consumption as new ecological practice. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(4): 1173- 1179 Bitueva AV (2000) Features of the structural construction of value orientations. Credo, 3: 70-76. Butakova MM, Sokolova ON, Zaitseva NA, Larionova AA, Ignatova MN, Trufanova SN & Yakovlev AY (2020) Evolution and current development trends of the Russian federation’s higher education system. Opción, Año, 36: Especial No.271718-1733. Cornilov GA, Ilkevich KB, Shalomova EV, Kartushina IG, Musharatsky ML, Mashkin NA, Altukhov SA (2019) Features of alcohol consumption motives and practices by full-time and part-time training students. Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 7(3): 438-444. Dyrin VP (1996) Value orientations of student youth in Naberezhnye Chelny. Student magazine. Naberezhnye Chelny, 1: 15-20. Fomicheva YuV, Shmelev AG, Burmistrov IV (1991) Psychological correlates of interest in computer games. MSU Bulletin. Ser 14. Psychology, 3: 27-39. Gavrilyuk VV, Trikoz NA (2002) Dynamics of value orientations in the period of social transformation (generational approach). Sociological research, 1: 96-105. Gorbunov MA, Fadeeva AV, Shirshikov VB, Matveev PA, Popova OV, Mitrofanova MYu, Bakaeva JYu, Mashkin NA (2019). Nature protection potential of wildlife sanctuary: Protection and Preservation of its Ecological Biodiversity. Ekoloji, 107: 5033-5037, Article No: e107576. Kartashkin A (1996) Virtual reality. The game by the rules imposed. Technika-molodezhi, 1: 28-43. Khairullina ER, Bogdanova VI, Slepneva EV, Nizamutdinova GF, Fatkhullina LR, Kovalenko YA, Skutelnik OA (2019) Global climate change: Cyclical nature of natural and permanent nature of man-made processes. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 13(2): 2311-2316. Kipriyanova EV (1999) Research of high school students’ value orientations and management of personality socialization. Social studies at school, 2: 50-52. Kirilova NA (2000) Value orientations in the structure of integral individuality of senior schoolchildren. Voprosy psychology, 4: 29-37. Kon IS (1979) Psychology of youth: (Problems of personality formation), textbook for students of pedagogical Institute. Moscow: Prosvescheniye. Kuznetsov VM (1994) Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ personality. Moscow: Narodnoye obrazovaniye. Lapin NI (1996) Modernization of basic values of Russians. Sociological research, 5(3): 19-23. 1245
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