2018 INFORMATION GUIDE - Alfred-Plantagenet
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INFORMATION GUIDE 2018 205 OLD HIGHWAY 17 P.O. BOX 350 PLANTAGENET, ONTARIO K0B 1L0 613-673-4797 MUNICIPAL WEB SITE We invite you to visit on our web site at www.alfred-plantagenet.com. There will find information on the many services, public notices, programs and activities in our municipality. We hope that your visit will be pleasant and beneficial!
2014 - 2018 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Mayor Fernand Dicaire 613-673-4797 ext. 241 Wendover (Ontario) K0A 3K0 613-673-8820 fdicaire@alfred-plantagenet.com Councillors - Ward 1 René Beaulne Alfred (Ontario) K0B 1A0 613-679-4456 / 613-794-0013 rbeaulne@alfred-plantagenet.com Jean-Pierre Cadieux Alfred (Ontario) K0B 1A0 613-679-2130 jpcadieux@alfred-plantagenet.com Councillors - Ward 2 Jean-Claude Delorme Wendover (Ontario) K0A 3K0 613-673-5794 jcdelorme@alfred-plantagenet.com Jeanne Doucet Plantagenet (Ontario) K0B 1L0 613-673-5919 jdoucet@alfred-plantagenet.com Councillor - Ward 3 Benoit Lamarche Alfred (Ontario) K0B 1A0 613-679-1055 / 613-443-5110 blamarche@alfred-plantagenet.com Councillor - Ward 4 Chantal Galipeau Plantagenet (Ontario) K0B 1L0 613-673-5970 cgalipeau@alfred-plantagenet.com 2
INDEX 2018-2019 Community Activities .................................................................................................................................................. 31-32-33 Beavers ...................................................................................................................................................................................................38 Commissioner of Oaths.............................................................................................................................................................................9 Community Centres ................................................................................................................................................................................34 Construction ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19 Drains .....................................................................................................................................................................................................38 Emergency Preparedness.......................................................................................................................................................................12 Emergency Services ...............................................................................................................................................................................11 Financial statements .................................................................................................................................................................................7 Fire Department .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13-14 Food banks .............................................................................................................................................................................................33 Household Garbage and Recycling Collection Routes .................................................................................................................... 20-21 Hydro 2000 Inc........................................................................................................................................................................................14 Index ........................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Maintenance of Civic Number Plates ......................................................................................................................................................19 Marriage Licenses .....................................................................................................................................................................................9 Marina .....................................................................................................................................................................................................36 Members of Municipal Council ........................................................................................................................................................... cover Message from the Mayor .........................................................................................................................................................................4 Municipal Council ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8-9 Municipal Landfill Site ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23-25 Municipal Law Enforcement Service ................................................................................................................................................ 15-18 Natural Gas Service ................................................................................................................................................................................14 Planning .................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Police Services .......................................................................................................................................................................................12 Pools .......................................................................................................................................................................................................35 Public Libraries .......................................................................................................................................................................................29 Schedule of Holidays 2018/2019 and Office Hours ................................................................................................................................10 Tax Services ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-6-7 Tempo .....................................................................................................................................................................................................19 Waste and Recycling .............................................................................................................................................................................22 Water Meters ............................................................................................................................................................................................7 IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY READING ANY OF THE ARTICLES, WE WILL GLADLY PROVIDE YOU WITH A COPY IN LARGE PRINT. PLEASE CONTACT CAROLE LORTIE AT (613) 673-4797, EXT. 243 TO SUBMIT YOUR REQUEST. 3
FROM THE MAYOR’S DESK: On behalf of my colleagues on Council, greetings and we hope you enjoy the information guide that you have received. Apologies are in order for our late publication of the subject guide. Early 2018 has been filled with issues (i.e. expansion of our Township offices), which required our full attention. Our new Township offices have been operational since early April, 2018. Regardless of how we define it, it is natural for all of us to ponder over the past year and to plan for expectations in 2018 and success in 2017. It is no different for your municipal leadership and staff, except, perhaps, for the potential ripple effects of our plans and actions. We appreciate the confidence you have placed in us, and we recognize our responsibility to keep you well informed as we work on your behalf to ensure the wellbeing of our Township. One piece of information that affects all of as individual property owners relates to notifications received by mail from The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). In general terms, we all have seen a significant change over previous year’s assessment especially as it relates to farm property values prompted by the hot real estate market in recent years. Regardless of your property type, you can log on to aboutmyproperty.ca to learn more about your property assessment, see information MPAC has on file and compare it to others in your area. Should you disagree with your property assessment, you always have the opportunity to schedule a meeting at our Township offices with an MPAC. In 2018, our Township staff will continue to work towards improving the condition of our roads. Our urban public works budget includes repairs to storm sewers and construction of some new curbs and sidewalks along St Philippe Street (County Road 17) in Alfred, road widening and sidewalk construction on Du Centre Street in Wendover and repairs to storm sewers and resurfacing of Old Highway 17 (County Road 9) in Plantagenet. Similarly, our rural road network will see improvements along a portion of Concession 7 (former North Plantagenet Township), paving of Concession 3 between County road 17 to Boundary Road (former North Plantagenet Township), pulverizing and resurfacing of some 2 kilometers of Concession 1 near Treadwell. Please do not hesitate to contact the Township’s Clerk Department at 613 673-4797 should you have any questions or comments regarding the guide. Township of Alfred and Plantagenet is your hometown, stay informed, and get involved. Votre maire / Mayor Fernand Dicaire 4
Dear taxpayers The due dates for the 2018 final tax bills for residential and farm taxes are June 29 th and September 28th. You should receive your invoice at the beginning of June. The commercial, industrial and multi-residential taxes should be mailed at the beginning of August, with due dates of August 31st and September 28th. Should the municipality not be able to levy the taxes because of legislative requirements, then the due dates will be deferred. Taxes are payable at: -the municipal office in Plantagenet -all financial institutions, members of the Canadian Payment Association. -by mail -after office hours, in the mail slot located at the entrance of the Plantagenet office NOTE : Don’t forget, you may leave us post-dated cheques. Each year, you will receive your interim tax bill at the beginning of March. The amount billed will represent 50% of the taxes paid in the previous year. PRE-AUTHORIZED TAX AND WATER AND SEWER PAYMENT PLAN The tax department will receive your applications to subscribe to the pre-authorized tax payment plan for the year 2019. This plan is also available for water and sewer bills. You have until December 15th, of each year to register. The plan can be cancelled by the taxpayer in writing twenty (20) days before the next payment, or by the municipality if a taxpayer’s installment fails to be honoured by the financial institution. Only taxpayers without tax arrears may enroll. For details on enrollment please contact the tax department. PROPRETY TAX AND UTILITY ELECTRONIC BILLING Please note that the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet will be offering paperless billing as of January 2019. Subscribe now to receive next year’s Property Tax and Utility bills electronically by providing your email address to our Finance Department, at sgelinas@alfred-plantagenet.com or via mail, at the below noted address: Township of Alfred and Plantagenet 205 Old Highway 17 P .O. Box 350 Plantagenet ON K0B 1L0 REASSESSMENT AND PHASE-IN PROGRESSIVE In 2016, all property values were updated by MPAC to reflect market values. To minimize the impact, municipalities are required to implement a phase-in program. If your property has sustained an increase in property evaluation, your full assessment increase will be phased-in at twenty-five per cent (25%) increments. As such, taxpayers will not be taxed on their full market value until 2020. Note that a property assessment will not be subject to a phase-in if MPAC’s assessment was due to a supplementary assessment, a change in classification or a reduction of assessment. 5
PROPERTY ASSESSMENT Your property assessment is determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). If you disagree with your Property Assessment Notice, please contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722. AboutMyProperty MPAC has introduced AboutMyProperty, a secure, online service that provides property owners with their assessment roll information and assessment roll values on comparable properties of their choice. For more information, please consult the following website www.mpac.ca REMINDER TAX PAYMENT ON LINE Please verify that the number of digits used for the payment of taxes on line is correct. We have noticed that the numbers inserted under the beneficiary (Township of Alfred and Plantagenet taxes) reflect insufficient digits; they must contain 15 digits and must match the roll number found on your tax bill as illustrated below. The number shown above is an example only; use your own tax bill for the appropriate number. REMINDER WATER & SEWER PAYMENT ON LINE This is a reminder that you may pay your water and sewer bills online as well under the payee (Township of Alfred and Plantagenet – water and sewer). Note that the number of digits remains unchanged for water/sewer bills; as shown below. The number shown above is an example only. Use your own bill for the appropriate number. 6
IMPORTANT NOTICE To the residents of the Village of Wendover whose properties are mainly located along Principale Street and private roads and who are serviced by the Sewage Tank Effluent Pump System, known as the «STEP System», please note that roof eaves troughs and basement sump pumps should not be connected to the STEP system since this additional volume of water creates backflow problems in the sanitary sewer network. Storm water needs not to be treated at the sewage treatment plant if it is not mixed with the sewer network. We are asking your cooperation in order to eliminate these connections to the «STEP» system. If the volumes of water to be treated at the plant are reduced, it will cost less to operate the plant and taxpayers would benefit from the savings. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Please be advised that, pursuant to subsection 295(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, a copy of the audited 2017 financial statements, the notes to the financial statements, the auditor’s report and the tax rate information will be made available through the municipal website, at no cost to any taxpayer or resident of the Township. The financial statements can also be consulted at the public libraries and at the municipal offices. WATER METERS 1. Centre sweep hand (red) indicates the consumption. 2. Low-flow indicator (white triangle). This indicator will turn at the least amount of water demand. 3. Totalizer wheels with 6 digits (including 2 decimals, in black) indicates how many cubic meters were consumed since installation. Most homes and businesses are equipped with a water meter similar to the meter above. Several factors may influence the consumption of a household: The number of people living in the household and their water consumption habits; Watering outdoor plants and lawn; Maintenance of a pool or spa; Obsolete toilets and appliances; and Leaky toilets, faucets and plumbing. For more information and to obtain suggestions on how to preserve water, visit Environment Canada’s website at www.ec.gc.ca (Section water – Water use – Wise water use). REPORTS: Annual reports on drinking water quality of the water treatment plants are prepared by the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA). These reports are provided free of charge upon request at the municipal office in Plantagenet or by sending written requests by mail to the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet. 7
Meetings of the Municipal Council Regular Meetings Regular Council meetings are held at the Plantagenet Community Hall, located at 220 Main Street in Plantagenet, at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of every odd month (January, March, May, July, September, and November), and on the first Tuesday of every even month (February, April, June August, October, and December), except on holidays. On such occasions, the meeting is held on the following day. Please be advised that no items or deputations will be added to the agenda after 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the regular meeting. Special Meetings Special meetings are called when required, to deal with urgent issues or specific matters. The Head of Council may call a special meeting at any time or, upon receipt of a petition frim a majority of the members of Council. The Clerk shall call a special meeting for the purpose and at the time indicated in the petition. Closed Meetings All Council meetings are open to the public. However, the Council may require a meeting or part of a meeting to be closed to the public, in accordance with subsections 239(2)(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001. Before holding a meeting or part of a meeting that is to be closed to the public, the Council shall state by resolution the fact of the holding of the closed meeting and the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting. Procedure for Public Notices The Township of Alfred and Plantagenet follows its By-law 2012-12, as amended, in terms of public notices. Depending on the notice, it will be posted: In libraries; In municipal offices; or- on the Township’s website. 8
Commissioner of Oaths Services Commissioner of Oaths services are offered for affidavits, sworn or statutory declarations and life certificates. We strongly advise you to contact the Township prior to your visit to ensure that a Commissioner of Oaths is available to sign your document. Fees apply for these services. Marriage Licence The Township of Alfred and Plantagenet does not issue marriage licences. To obtain a marriage licence, you may contact, amongst others, the following municipal offices: The Nation Municipality (613) 764-5444; Town of Hawkesbury (613) 632-0106; or City of Clarence-Rockland (613) 446-6022. 2018 Municipal Elections A telephone/Internet voting system will be used for the 2018 Municipal Elections. As part of these elections, the electors of the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet will elect the following candidates: One (1) Mayor Three (3) councillors for Ward 1 Three (3) councillors for Ward 2 Four (4) School Board Trustees Voting day will be on Monday, October 22, 2018. For further information regarding the 2018 Municipal Elections, please visit our website or contact us at 1-877-878-4797. 9
THE OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED ON THE FOLLOWING HOLIDAYS : 2018 Holiday Schedule Good Friday – March 30th Easter Monday – April 2nd Victoria Day – May 21st Canada Day – July 1st. - Closed on the next working day (July 2nd) Civic Holiday – August 6th Labour Day – September 3rd Thanksgiving Day – October 8th Remembrance Day – November 11th. - Closed on the next working day (November 12th) Christmas Day – December 25th Boxing Day – December 26th 2019 Holiday Schedule New Year’s Day – January 1st. – Next working day after New Year’s Day– January 2nd Family Day – February 18th Good Friday – April 19th Easter Monday – April 21st Victoria Day – May 20th REGULAR OFFICE HOURS FOR THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE ARE FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. 10
9-1-1 EMERGENCY SERVICES The 9-1-1 service enables you to quickly access police, fire and ambulance services. Of course, you are asked to use 9-1-1 in case of emergency only, in order to keep the telephone lines free for real emergencies. For non-emergency calls, you may contact the services at the following numbers: Ambulance and Administration of 613-673-5139 Emergency Services of Prescott and Russell Fire (fire chief) 613-673-4797 ext. 223 Police 613-632-2729 1-888-310-1122 To ensure emergency services find you quickly, it is important that your civic address be visible from the roadway, day and night. The 9-1-1 address posts have been installed on rural properties. The civic address of other properties should be clearly displayed on the house, on the right side of the front door at a height of 5 to 7 feet. The numbers must have a minimum height of 4 inches, be placed horizontally and shown numerically (ex. 123) and not alphabetically (one hundred and twenty-three). When your address sign needs to be replaced, please use reflective white or grey numbers on a contrasting deep colour background (preferably dark blue). Spring is upon us. It is a good time to review your family’s emergency readiness. Have you reviewed your family’s emergency plan? To ensure everyone is familiar with it Reviewed the children’s school’s emergency plan Your employer’s emergency plan Checked your various emergency contact information Changed the clothes in your emergency kit from winter to lighter Refreshed your bottled water supply Refreshed your emergency food supplies Made sure that your prescriptions are up to date Fresh batteries Does your family emergency kit contain the following items? 3 day Emergency Survival Kit Checklist 11
The links below may help you with your personal emergency planning. Emergency Management Ontario - www.emergencymanagementontario.ca/english/home.html Public Safety Canada - www.publicsafety.gc.ca/index-eng.aspx and Self-help pamphlets at: www.getprepared.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/index-eng.aspx Public Health Agency of Canada publications - www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ep-mu/index-eng.php Canadian Red Cross - www.redcross.ca Radio Amateurs of Canada (Ham radio) www.rac.ca Ministry of Natural Resources - www.mnr.gov.on.ca Environnent Canada www.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca Hydro One - www.hydroone.com Storms Ontario - www.ontariostorms.com Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services - www.mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/english/default.html Federal Emergency Management Agency (USA - FEMA) - www.fema.gov Ontario Laws, Statutes and Regulations - www.e-laws.gov.on.ca Ontario Legislative Assembly - www.ontla.on.ca Transport Canada – Safety and Security - www.tc.gc.ca/eng/menu.htm HAWKESBURY DETACHMENT 419, Cartier Blvd Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 1V9 www.opp.ca FACT SHEET If you need police assistance to report a non urgent matter, 1-888-310-1122 ~ 24 hour toll free number 1-888-310-1133 (TTY) For all emergencies, call 9-1-1 Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477 To contact the Administration or the Reception office at the Hawkesbury Detachment for non- urgent administrative matters only, 613-632-2729 Opening hours at the front desk: 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday to Friday 12
ALFRED AND PLANTAGENET FIRE DEPARTMENT 207 Old Highway 17, Plantagenet, ON K0B 1L0 Director Dominic Côté / 613-673-4797 ext. 223 District Chiefs Alfred Lefaivre Plantagenet Wendover Evelain Carrière Martin Campbell Sylvain Fredette Dominic St-Pierre THE FIRE SERVICE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ALFRED AND PLANTAGENET HAS RECEIVED THE ACCREDITATION “SUPERIOR TANKER SHUTTLE”. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY FOR POSSIBLE REBATES. EVERY RESIDENCE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO MUST HAVE A FUNCTIONAL SMOKE DETECTOR ON EACH FLOOR AND CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR EXCEPT IF THE HOME IS ELECTRICALLY HEATED. Whoever does not comply is subject to a fine under the Provincial Offences Act. For safety purposes, please check your smoke detector on a regular basis. We encourage you to establish an evacuation plan in case of a fire and to implement annual fire drills for you and all your family members. PLEASE CONSULT OUR WEBSITE FOR OUR FIRE PREVENTION AND SAFETY BY-LAW. Spill Response Trailer The Township of Alfred and Plantagenet was granted a Spill Response Trailer by the Raisin Region Conservation Authority and South Nation Conservation in order to protect municipal drinking water sources along the Ottawa River. Neighbouring municipalities which have a municipal drinking water source in the Ottawa River will be able to use the Spill Response Trailer. The Township’s Public Works Department and Fire Department as well as the Ontario Clean Water Agency will help in its deployment and its use. 13
PRACTICE YOUR HOME FIRE ESCAPE PLAN We are urging families in the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet to practice their home fire escape plan. Last year, 101 people died in fires across the province, a stark reminder that everyone in your household must know exactly what to do if a fire occurs. Most fatal fires occur at night when everyone is asleep, so that is why it is important for everyone to know what to do when a smoke alarm sounds. Everyone should know what to do and where to go for everyone to get out safely. Simple steps for home fire escape planning include: Install smoke alarms on every storey and outside sleeping areas. It’s the law. For best protection, also install smoke alarms in every bedroom. Develop a home fire escape plan and discuss it with the entire family. Show everyone two ways out of each room, if possible. Check that all exits are unobstructed and easy to use. Determine who will be responsible for helping young children, older adults or anyone else that may need assistance. Choose a meeting place outside, such as a tree or a lamp post, where everyone can be accounted for. If caught in smoke, bend down and go under the smoke to the nearest safe exit. Call the fire department from outside the home, from a cell phone or neighbour’s home. Once out, stay out. Never re-enter a burning building. You may have only seconds to safely escape your home. Practice your home fire escape plan and make sure everyone can get out quickly. UTILITIES HYDRO 2000 INC. 440, St-Philippe Street, P.O. Box 370 Alfred ON K0B 1A0 Manager : Lucie Aubry / lucieaubry@hydro2000.ca (For Wards 3 and 4 / Village of Alfred and Plantagenet only) Tel : 613-679-4093 / Fax : 613-679-0452 Website : www.hydro2000.ca HYDRO ONE (For Wards 1 and 2) / Formerly Townships of Alfred and North Plantagenet Power outage information 1-800-434-1235 Customer billing and service inquiries - 1-888-664-9376 NATURAL GAS SERVICE Enbridge Gas Distribution – In case of leaks or for information Sales enquiries: 1-888-GAS-888 (1-888-427-8888) Emergency service 1-866-736-5427 Call Before You Dig 1-800-400-2255 Site Web : www.enbridge.com/gas 14
MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE OPEN AIR FIRES No permit is required if the dimensions of the open air fire are smaller than one (1) cubic meter (~3’x3’x3’). An open air fire shall be used to burn only dry firewood. An open air fire shall be located at a minimum distance of 5 meters (16 feet) from any part of a main building, any rear or side lot line or property limit, any tree, hedge, fence overhead wiring and any combustible material. If the base of the open air fire cannot be located at a minimum of 5 meters (16 feet), the open air fire shall be contained within an outdoor fireplace, which reduces the minimum distances to 2 meters (6 feet). The outdoor fireplace shall be a manufactured, non- burnable, enclosed container designed to hold a small fire for decorative purposes, which does not exceed 1 cubic meter in size, includes a chimney and a spark arrestor. The outdoor fireplace must be located on a non-burnable surface (stone, brick, concrete etc…) It is mandatory to be in possession of a burning permit if any open air fire is bigger than one (1) cubic meter (3’X3’X3’). TO OBTAIN A FIRE PERMIT MUNICIPAL BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE (TELEPHONE : 613-673-4797 ext. 204) Applications are available at the Township Office located at 205 Old Highway 17, Plantagenet. The permit fee is $50.00 for a period of 90 days. NOTE: Persons setting open air fires or brush fires without a permit (or if the fire burns out of control) will be charged a user fee if the Fire Department responds and/or may be subject to a fine under the Provincial Offences Act. WINTER PARKING Please note that no parking is allowed on Township roads between 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m. from November 1st to April 1st. SNOW REMOVAL According to By-Law 2010-42, no person shall deposit or push snow or ice on or across any roads at any time. Please keep the snow on your property. 15
NEW PARKING BY-LAW Please be aware of these new By-Laws concerning parking your vehicle: No commercial vehicle shall be parked on any street in excess of 2 hours. No person shall park a vehicle on Corporation Property (ex: parks) without the consent of the Township. GARAGE SALES (By-law 2015-73) Garage sales are permitted: On the first complete week end of the month of May, June, July, August, September and October: on the Friday evening (after 5:00pm), Saturday and Sunday; During the month of May: on Friday evening (after 5:00 pm), Saturday, Sunday and Monday of the Victoria Day week end; During the month of August: on Friday evening (after 5:00 pm), Saturday, Sunday and Monday of the Civic Holiday week end; During the month of September: on Friday evening (after 5:00pm), Saturday, Sunday and Monday of the Labor Day week end. MAY: May 4 (after 5:00 pm, May 5 and 6 May 18 (after 5:00 pm), May 19, 20 and 21 JUNE: July 6 (after 5:00 pm), July 7 and 8 AUGUST: August 3 (after 5:00 pm), August 4, 5 and 6 SEPTEMBER: August 31 (after 5:00 pm), September 1, 2 and 3 OCTOBER: October 5 (after 5:00 pm), October 6 and 7 YARD MAINTENANCE The municipality has authority to require the owner or occupant of land to clean debris, domestic waste, industrial waste and derelict motor vehicles from their property. Every owner shall keep his or her land free and clear of all garbage, refuse, domestic or industrial waste of any kind, and shall ensure that his or her land is free and clear of infestation. Every owner shall keep his lawn, weeds or turf grass trimmed or cut less than 18cm in height. Please contact the municipal By-Law Enforcement department for information or complaints concerning the following: Noise Property standards Fire safety Lottery licensing Parking Depositing of waste on highway Truck route Animal control(dog Summer watering registration or dog at large) 16
BY-LAW REGULATING THE CONTROL OF DOGS The dog licenses (tags) are now permanent, meaning they are now good for the entire life of the dog, and are automatically renewed on your property taxes (for property owners). For tenants, a bill will be sent out yearly; the fees are payable at the latest on March 31st of every year. Replacement dog tags are $5.00. If the dog dies or if there is an address change, it is mandatory to let the Township know so that your file is always up to date. Every dog must wear the municipal dog tag at all times. This allows the Municipal Law Enforcement Service to easily identify a dog that has strayed away from its owner’s premises and to promptly return it to the comfort of its home. Furthermore, you can also contact the Municipal Law Enforcement Service to report your dog as being lost. Dogs that are required to be picked up by the Municipal Law Enforcement Service, shall be released from the pound after the impound and daily service fees are paid in full. Dog owners who fail to obtain a municipal dog tag for their dog are subject to a fine. FEES FOR LICENSES (from January 1st to March 31st) $20 (in person) $25 (by mail) for each dog $100 (in person) $105 (by mail) for a Kennel license **(more than three dogs) ** The owner of the kennel must obtain a zoning confirmation from the Planning Department before the issuance of the license. Since April 9, 2001, no one is allowed to have more than 3 dogs unless that person has a kennel license. FEES FOR LICENSES (After March 31st) $40.00 (in person) $45 (*by mail) for each dog. $110 (in person) $115 (by mail) for a kennel license. **(more than three dogs) Dog tags are also available at the following locations: municipal libraries and landfill site (cash or cheque - **interac not available) NOTE: SERVICE DOGS ARE EXEMPT FROM DOG TAG FEE (WITH PROOF) BUT NEED TO GET THEIR TAG. 17
BY-LAW NUMBER 2010-42 PROHIBITS AND REGULATES THE DEPOSITING OF WASTE ON HIGHWAYS No person shall deposit, drop, scatter, spill, push, pile or throw any domestic waste or industrial waste, snow or ice, mud or earth, on or upon a highway or sidewalk or allow any part of a tree, shrub, or sapling to extend over or upon any highway or sidewalk, so as to interfere with, impede or endanger persons using the highway or sidewalk. Visit the Township’s website for the complete by-law (www.alfred-plantagenet.com) The provisions of this by-law shall be administered and enforced by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. Every person who contravenes any section of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out under the Provincial Offences Act. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL REQUESTS YOUR COOPERATION WITH RESPECT TO THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT OF YOUR PROPERTY (for example: old cars, weeds, construction debris, etc.). SUMMER WATERING MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM USERS By-law 2009-39 as amended by By-law 2011-58 stipulates that no person shall use or allow to be used municipal water at any time between June 1st and September 30th in any year for the purpose of watering lawns, gardens, flowers, etc. outside any building except as hereinafter provided: Residents of odd numbered buildings shall be permitted to water lawns and gardens on odd numbered days (1, 3, 5, etc.) between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Residents of even numbered buildings shall be permitted to water lawns and gardens on even numbered days (2, 4, 6, etc.) between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. PLANNING SERVICES Every application for development on the territory of the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet must be processed by the Planning Department. -Land severance and Subdivision -Zoning amendment -Minor variance -Part Lot Control -Site plan for commercial development -Solar panels You can contact Mrs. Guylaine Poirier at 613-673-4797 ext. 209 for any questions regarding planning and the fees related to the processing of applications. 18
A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WOOD STOVES AND FIREPLACES. TEMPORARY « TEMPO » GARAGE` By-law No. 2014-42 of the Corporation of the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet states that the installation of a temporary garage (« tempo ») shall not be permitted before October 15th of the current year and shall be removed by April 30th of the following year. The removal of the temporary garage shall include the entire structure. This structure shall not exceed 4 metres in height, and installed in the front yard, at a minimum of 1.5 metres from any side yard line and/or public right-of-way. It must not be situated in a sight triangle. For more information, please contact the Construction department at 613-673-4797 ext. 202. CONSTRUCTION RENOVATION, DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION Any person wishing to renovate, demolish or construct any building on his/her property must first obtain a building or demolition permit. Please call the Construction Department during regular office hours. The building application form is available on the municipal website. POOLS No person shall construct or install a swimming pool on his property without first obtaining a permit. No person shall fill a pool until an enclosure is installed, in conformity with our by-law no 2005-69, and approved by the building inspector. MAINTENANCE OF CIVIC NUMBER PLATES In order to assist the emergency services and other services, the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet By-Law no. 47-2000 states that it is the owner’s responsibility to keep and maintain in good condition their identification numbers or number plates, as the case may be. Every owner or occupant shall ensure that the property identification sign is kept visible at all times and unobstructed by vegetation, structures, snow accumulation or any other screening. You can repair any minor damage if the numbers are still readable and reflective but do not relocate the post without the municipality’s permission. Also contact the Township for instructions regarding a severely damaged or stolen identification sign. 19
REGULAR SCHEDULE OF HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION Monday: Wendover (North of County Road 17) County Road 17, from Wendover to the Village of Plantagenet Village of Plantagenet Tuesday: Village of Alfred County Road 15 to Concession 4 Alfred Concession 4 Alfred, from County Road 15 to Lajeunesse Road Wednesday: Village of Curran County Road 2 County Road 19 Concessions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 (North) Plantagenet Thursday: County Road 17, from Lajeunesse Road to County Road 15 Village of Lefaivre Concession 1 Alfred and Du Domaine Road County Road 15 between Lefaivre and Concession 4 Alfred Concession 4 Alfred, from County Road 15 to Blue Corner Road Concession 5 Alfred County Road 17 between County Road 15 and Blue Corner County Road 15, South side, which includes Station Road in Alfred Concession 7 Alfred Concessions 10 and 11 Alfred Ritchance Road (portion in the Alfred and Plantagenet Township) North side on Blue Corner Road Friday: County Road 17, from the Village of Plantagenet to Lajeunesse Road Lajeunesse Road to Concession 4 Alfred Concession 5 (Gagné Strawberries) Concession 4 Alfred, from Boundary Road to Lajeunesse Road Route 21 Treadwell Concessions 2 and 3 Alfred (Lefaivre) Boundary Road County Road 9 (North of County Road 17) Concessions 1, 3, 4 and 5 Plantagenet (North of County Road 17) Concession 8 Plantagenet (from County Road 9) GARBAGE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION SCHEDULE FOR BUSINESSES Tuesday: Recycling Collection for businesses throughout the Township. Wednesday: Garbage Collection (metal containers and/or 360-litre carts) for businesses in Alfred and Lefaivre. Thursday: Garbage Collection (metal containers and/or 360-litre carts) for businesses in Curran, Plantagenet and Wendover. 22
COLLECTION OF WASTE AND RECYCLING Please place items for collection within 5 meters (15 feet) of the travelled portion of the street or highway fronting your property before 7:00 A.M. on the morning of the collection. The occupant of a residential swelling unit may put a maximum of five (5) standard bags (containers or bundles) of domestic waste per collection. The garbage and recycling pick-up will be done according to the regular schedule all year long, except on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Pick-up for these holidays will be postponed by one day (ex: the Monday pick-up will be pushed to Tuesday, Tuesday to Wednesday and so on) MUNICIPAL LANDFILL SITE 3420 Concession 4 Alfred (See map on page 21) Open every Tuesday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Landfill tipping fees are applicable at all times (see specific fees on page 26). NO WASTE MAY BE DROPPED OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF THE LANDFILL SITE Anyone witnessing littering is encouraged to report the incident to the municipal office. LIFE SPAN AND COSTS PERTAINING TO THE CLOSURE OF LANDFILL SITES Landfill site Date of closure Closing costs Post-closure costs Ward 1 2032 (Expected) $ 1,019,047. $ 1,062,587 (over a 25-year period) Ward 2 2013 $405,818. $ 702,935 (over a 25 year period) Ward 3 2005 $371,270. $334,973 (over a 17-year period) LEAF AND YARD WASTE – LANDFILL SITE Grass clippings and leaves may be brought directly to the landfill site at no charge TIRES Tires without rims are accepted free of charge at the dump site 23
THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL NOT BE PICKED UP, AT ANY TIME a) explosive or highly combustible material of any nature; b) corrosive or toxic material; c) waste residue resulting from building, construction, alterations or demolition operations (may be brought directly to the landfill site subject to costs as set in the municipal by-law); d) carcasses or parts thereof of animals; e) any liquid wastes; f) pathological wastes; g) any hazardous substances; h) waste of any nature and kind that is prohibited for disposal at the site by reason of the provisional Certificate of Approval; i) faeces of any cat (that are not normally accumulated in a litter box situated in a dwelling), dog or fowl; j) grass clippings and leaves; k) biomedical waste; l) automobiles, vehicles or any part thereof; m) fences, fence posts, fence wire; n) propane, fuel or gas tanks; o) sawdust and/or shavings; p) hay, straw and manure; q) compostable waste. HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD WASTE COLLECTION SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2018, 8:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. The annual hazardous household waste collection will be held at the municipal garage located at 185 Old Highway 17, in Plantagenet. The following products will be accepted: paint, oil, cleaners, chemical products, flammable products, acid, bases, oxidizers, household batteries, pesticides, aerosols, gas and antifreeze. For more details, please consult our website. To dispose or recycle used oils after the waste collection please contact: Drain-All Ltd – Ottawa: (613) 739-1070 Safety-Kleen – Ottawa: (613) 226-1379 GFL Environmental Inc – Moose Creek: (613) 538-4880 SPRING CLEAN-UP 2018 During the WHOLE week of Monday, May 7 to Friday, May 11, 2018 PLEASE DEPOSIT GARBAGE AT GROUND LEVEL OF ROADSIDE BY 7:00 A.M. ON MONDAY (May 7) 24
LANDFILL TIPPING FEES Vehicle Cubic Feet Fee Vehicle Car --- $5.00 Trailer Cubic Feet Fee Mini Van --- $10.00 6 x 12 x 2 144 $45.00 Pick-Up Truck --- $20.00 6 x 12 x 3 216 $65.00 Trailer Cubic Feet Fee 6 x 12 x 4 288 $86.00 ≤4x8x2 64 $20.00 7x8x2 112 $35.00 4x8x3 96 $30.00 7x8x3 168 $50.00 4x8x4 128 $40.00 7x8x4 224 $65.00 5x6x2 60 $20.00 7 x 10 x 2 140 $40.00 5x6x3 90 $30.00 7 x 10 x 3 210 $65.00 5x6x4 120 $35.00 7 x 10 x 4 280 $85.00 5x7x2 70 $20.00 7 x 12 x 2 168 $50.00 5x7x3 105 $30.00 7 x 12 x 3 252 $75.00 5x7x4 140 $40.00 7 x 12 x 4 336 $100.00 5x8x2 80 $25.00 7 x 14 x 2 196 $60.00 5x8x3 120 $35.00 7 x 14 x 3 294 $90.00 5x8x4 160 $50.00 7 x 14 x 4 392 $120.00 5 x 10 x 2 100 $30.00 8 x 16 x 2 256 $75.00 5 x 10 x 3 150 $45.00 8 x 16 x 3 384 $115.00 5 x 10 x 4 200 $60.00 8 x 16 x 4 512 $155.00 6x8x2 96 $30.00 8 x 18 x 2 288 $85.00 6x8x3 144 $45.00 8 x 18 x 3 432 $130.00 6x8x4 192 $60.00 8 x 18 x 4 576 $175.00 6 x 10 x 2 120 $35.00 8 x 20 x 2 320 $95.00 6 x 10 x 3 180 $55.00 8 x 20 x 3 480 $145.00 6 x 10 x 4 240 $70.00 8 x 20 x 4 640 $190.00 Roll-Off Cubic Feet Fee Truck Cubic Feet Fee 14 yard 378 $115.00 Single Axel 320 $95.00 20 yard 540 $160.00 Tandem 640 $190.00 30 yard 810 $245.00 Tri-Axel 800 $240.00 40 yard 1,080 $325.00 25
GARBAGE COLLECTION TRUCKS The trucks used for the collection of waste and recycling which are split in two compartments are designed for the purpose of splitting the garbage from the recyclable materials. If the truck has only one compartment (usually a compactor truck), it is used for either garbage or for recycling. However, the truck can only collect garbage or recycling on a given collection day. WASTE TYPES Residential: Materials that normally accumulate at a dwelling. Commercial / Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&I): Waste and garbage which would normally accumulate in a shop, factory, store, restaurant, hotel, motel, motor hotel, office building, public building and other place of business. Construction and demolition (C & D): Includes plaster, ashes, concrete debris, bricks, shingles and other waste residue resulting from building alterations or demolition operations. SINGLE STREAM RECYCLING SYSTEM This recycling system allows for the collection of recyclable materials in one container (blue box), which is subsequently mechanically sorted. We ask for your assistance in ensuring that there is no garbage placed or mixed in with the recyclable materials. Otherwise, recyclables become contaminated and cannot be recycled. PLEASE DEPOSIT ALL RECYCLABLE MATERIALS IN A BLUE BOX OR 360-LITRE CART. IF YOU ARE USING A DIFFERENT COLOURED CONTAINER FOR RECYCLING, PLEASE MARK THE CONTAINER WITH THE WORD “RECYCLING”. 26
PAINT RECYCLING AT - MATÉRIAUX PONT-MASSON 4920 County Road 17 Alfred, Ontario K0B 1A0 / 613-679-7662 Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. RECYCLING WILL HELP US EXTEND THE LIFE EXPECTANCY OF OUR LANDFILL SITE. METAL GLASS Food and Jars and beverage cans, bottles, no aluminum foil window glass including plates, or ceramics. trays and wraps. Please rinse Please clean all and remove materials. Put lids and caps. lids inside cans and crimp the tops. PLASTIC MILK AND JUICE CARTON Plastic bottles, Including individual containers with drinking boxes. recycling numbers. Please rinse Include all plastic containers. containers with the Do not include straws appropriate numbers. or plastic wrap. Please remove the lids. Please rinse plastic containers. If multiple bags, please place clean bags inside another bag. PAPER CORRUGATED CARDBOARD Newspaper, flyers, Please flatten and tie with strings magazines, catalogues into 30” x 30” x 8” bundles. boxboard, cereal box, Do not include waxed coated envelopes, books, egg cardboard. cartons, coffee trays, Keep clean and dry. phone books, brown paper bags and others. 27
CHRISTMAS TREES In January of each year, you may dispose of your Christmas trees by bringing them at the far end of the backyard of the municipal garage in Plantagenet, at the back of the Lefaivre fire hall, at the water tower in Alfred or at the rear of the Wendover Community Centre. ELECTRONICS RECYCLING AT TOWN HALL ELECTRONICS MAY BE DEPOSITED IN CONTAINERS LOCATED NEXT TO THE FIRE STATION IN PLANTAGENET FOR RECYCLING Electronics : all-in-one-computers / answering machines / audio cassette / players / recorders / camera dock printer / Camera (digital and non-digital) / CD players / CD-ROM drives / Cell phones / Closed circuit monitors / Closed circuit television screens / Computer keyboards / Computer mouse / Computer terminals / Cordless phones / Desktop computers / Copiers / Printers / Digital picture frames / DVD drives / External hard drives / Fax machines / Floppy-disk drives / Handheld personal computers / Handheld printers / HD-DVD drives / Radios / Home theatre equipment / Laptops / Mini notebooks / Modems (wired & wireless) Monitors / Net Books / Notebooks / Notepads / Pagers / Portable audio/video players / Portable DVD players / MP3 / PC-free photo printers / speakers / Displays / Projectors ( video, audio, image ) / Scanners / Smart Phones / Amplifiers / Rotary telephones / Wired telephones / Televisions / Electric typewriters / Vehicle DVD/Blue-ray players / Vehicle radios audio players & speakers / Video Cameras / (analog & digital) / Video players/recorders / Webcams. 28
SCHEDULE FOR OUR PUBLIC LIBRARIES ALFRED 330, St-Philippe Street, Alfred, ON K0B 1A0 613-679-2663 Monday – 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday – 1 to 8 p.m. Wednesday - 10 to 12 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. Friday – 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday - 10 to 3 p.m. e-mail : peladeaug@yahoo.ca CURRAN 791, Mill Street, Curran ON K0B 1C0 613-673-2072 Tuesday and Thursday – 1:30 to 5: 30 /6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. e-mail : bibliothequecurran@yahoo.ca LEFAIVRE 1963, Hôtel de ville Street, Lefaivre ON K0B 1J0 613-679-4928 Tuesday – 1 to 4:30 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday – 11 a.m. to 12 p.m./1 to 4:30pm/6 to 8 p.m. e-mail : bibliolefaivre@yahoo.ca PLANTAGENET 550, Albert Street, Plantagenet ON K0B 1L0 613-673-2051 Monday – 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Wednesday and Friday – 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. e-mail : biblioplant@yahoo.com WENDOVER 5000 du Centre Street, Wendover, ON K0A 3K0 613-673-2923 Tuesday – 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday – 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. e-mail : bibliowend@yahoo.ca Dominique Lacelle Library Chief Executive Officer 613-679-4928 / biblio_dg@yahoo.ca Other services offered at all branches: Photocopy services Internet is available; consult your librarians to confirm the rules; Laminating series (Lefaivre only); Fax services; Municipal agendas and pertinent documents are available for consultation. Free museum pass available on request Loaning of sports equipment in cooperation with the Healthy Kids Community Challenge program 29
Web site : www.alfred-plantagenet.ca Healthy Kids Community Challenge Alfred-Plantagenet & Bourget The Healthy Children Community Challenge is an Ontario Government initiative. This new strategy seeks to promote the health of our children. The Township of Alfred and Plantagenet as well as Bourget and St-Pascal have been chosen, as along with 44 other municipalities to participate in this project to help children be more active and eat healthy. Various multisector partners will work together to implement programs in the community to help children and their families live a healthy and active live. The actual theme is Power Off and Play. For more information, visit: http://apbhealthykids.ca ONTARIO’S VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION PROGRAMS By submitting a nomination, you can help ensure that volunteers receive the recognition they deserve. The Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers Presented to outstanding young volunteers between the ages of 15 and 24 for their contributions and dedication to improve the quality of life in their communities and beyond. The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards Presented in recognition of continuous years of service to a single community organization SCOUT MOVEMENT For more information, please contact Johanne Groulx, Scouts 58e Fournier at 613-673-9244 or johanne_gb@hotmail.com Day Camp Nancy Kelly, from the Centre Éducatif Les petits trésors is responsible for the 2018 Day Camp. Information : Nancy Kelly tél : Alfred 613-679-4373 ext 229, Plantagenet 613-673-4880 ext 229, Wendover 613-673-5276 ext 229, Fax : 613-701-0245 lespetitstresors@bellnet.ca 30
TOWNSHIP OF ALFRED AND PLANTAGENET 2018 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Month DAY(S) EVENT ORGANIZATION / CONTACT PERSON Bean Supper - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 8 FEBRUARY Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Ice Fishing Tournament Wendover Knights of Columbus 17 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Military Whist – Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus / 25 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 MARCH Bean Supper - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 8 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 23 Bean Supper - Plantagenet Plantagenet Knights of Colombus Michel Chatelain 613-806-2990 Easter Brunch - Wendover Wendover Optimist Club 25 Liette Hotte 613-673-4465 APRIL Country Night Joanne Delorme 613-882-3266 7 Wendover Festival Western Bean Supper - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 12 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Volunteer Recognition Brunch Township of Alfred and Plantagenet 15 Ken St-Denis 613-673-4797 # 227 27 Bean Supper - Plantagenet Plantagenet Knights of Colombus Michel Chatelain 613-806-2990 Military Whist – Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 29 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 MAY Mother’s day dinner – Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 5 Raymond Viau 613-673-4840 Bean Supper - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 10 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Golf Tournament Lefaivre Lions Club 20 La Cité Golf Club Jaques Lavoie 613-679-4261 Bean Supper - Plantagenet Plantagenet Knights of Colombus 25 Michel Chatelain 613-679-2298 jj Lobster Dinner Alfred Optimist Club 26 Campus d’Alfred Michel Poirier 613-679-2534 JUNE Annual Ball Tournament - Lefaivre Lefaivre Lions Club 1,2,3, Mathieu Lavoie 613-673-4445 BBQ 8 Parishes Picnic – Curran Murielle Léger 613-673-4453 2 Relais pour la vie École Secondaire de Plantagenet 8 Ken St-Denis 613-673-4797 ext 227 Bean Supper - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 14 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Pools open Plantagenet 613-673-5400 /Alfred 613-679-3610 16 Township of Alfred & Plantagenet 673-4797 x227 Walleye Fishing Tournament – Wendover Knights of Columbus 16 Wendover dock Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 31
Bean Supper - Plantagenet Plantagenet Knights of Colombus 22 Michel Chatelain 613-806-2990 Nation Golf Tournament Wendover Optimist Club 23 Liette Hotte 613-673-4465 Fishing Tournament Lefaivre Lions Club 23 Marc Lavoie 613-679-2350 June Jazz Festival - Lefaivre Didier Chasteau 613-447-2222 29,30 July 1 Ottawa River Festival https://www.festivalprescott-russell.ca/ 30 1-800-361-7439 JULY Canada day - Lefaivre Township of Alfred and Plantagenet 1 Ken St-Denis 613-673-4797 # 227 June Family Fishing Week (no permit Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters 30 required) 1-705-748-6324 July 8 www.familyfishingweekend.com Wendover - Western Festival Wendover Optimist Club 10-15 Joanne Delorme 613-882-3266 http://festivalwesternwendover.ca AUGUST Fishing Tournament - Lefaivre Econ-O-Bass – Valleyfield www.econobass.com 4 Pierre Brouillette 450-601-0951 Golf Tournament Wendover Knights of Columbus 18 Nation Golf Club Pierre Viau 613-673-4728 Rib Fest– Plantagenet Alain Lapensée 613-673-4383 23 Festival de la bine SEPTEMBER Bean Supper - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 7 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Walleye dinner - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 8 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Bean Festival - Plantagenet Alain Lapensée 613-673-4383 14-16 http://www.festivaldelabine.ca/ Bean Supper - Plantagenet Plantagenet Knights of Colombus 21 Michel Chatelain 613-806-2990 OCTOBER Bean Supper - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 12 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 NOVEMBER Bean Supper - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 9 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Military Whist Plantagenet Meals on Wheels 11 Françoise Chrétien 613-673-5170 La Chinoiserie – Plantagenet Plantagenet Knights of Columbus 17 Michel Chatelain 613-806-2990 Bean Supper - Plantagenet Plantagenet Knights of Colombus 23 Michel Chatelain 613-806-2990 DECEMBER Christmas Party -Plantagenet Club de l’Âge d’or de Plantagenet 7 Françoise Chrétien 613-673-5170 Bean Supper - Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus 7 Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 32
TOWNSHIP OF ALFRED AND PLANTAGENET 2019 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES JANUARY Military Whist – Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus / Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Action Fishing & Hunting Movie Wendover Knights of Columbus Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 Hockey Pond Tournament - Alfred Karol Thibodeau 613-252-3591 FEBRUARY White Day – Lefaivre Lefaivre Lions Club Marc Lavoie 613-679-2350 Ice Fishing Tournament Wendover Wendover Knights of Columbus Donat Boulerice 613-673-5919 **date to be determined FOOD BANKS The food banks provide food (mainly non-perishables) to those in need; they may also provide clothing, furniture and other items under special circumstances. ALFRED AND LEFAIVRE FOOD BANK FOR RESIDENTS OF: ALFRED, TREADWELL AND LEFAIVRE 297 St-Philippe Street, Alfred, Ontario Voice mail only 613-679-4269 Call and leave a message, calls are returned 2-3 times a week. Hours: every second Wednesday, 1 pm-3pm (hours may vary *arrangements can be made) RICEVILLE FOOD BANK FOR RESIDENTS OF: WENDOVER, PLANTAGENET, CURRAN, PENDLETON 3839 County Road 16, Riceville, Ontario Rachèle Duval: 613-363-2193 or Prescott-Russell Church of God 613-298-6400 Hours: Saturday 9:00 am – 11:00 a.m. 33
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