Page created by Ruby Walters
April 2019

RDaSH leading the way with care
    from the Chief Executive
                                  Welcome to the April edition                      We’ve teamed up with Sheffield Health and
                                                                                    Social Care NHS Foundation Trust to bring a
                                  of Trust Matters which is full of
                                                                                    new and enhanced perinatal mental health
                                  your stories and achievements.                    service to women and families in Rotherham
                                                                                    and Doncaster. We’re also working with
                                  This month we launched our Trust strategy
                                                                                    NAViGO to introduce a new perinatal mental
                                  for the next five years to ensure that we
                                                                                    health service in North Lincolnshire.
                                  continue to lead the way with care. Our new
                                  strategy focuses on six ambitions to help us
                                                                                    Throughout April, which is Stress Awareness
                                  to take the next steps for our patients, staff,
                                                                                    Month, our Improving Access to Psychological
                                  members and our communities. A key part of
                                                                                    Services (talking therapies) teams in North
                                  delivering these ambitions is The RDaSHWay,
    Kathryn Singh                                                                   Lincolnshire, Rotherham and Doncaster
                                  which will see us taking a new approach to
    Chief Executive                                                                 have been encouraging anyone who is
                                  developing a culture of continuous quality
                                                                                    experiencing stress to get in touch and enrol
    If you’ve a story             improvement through everything we do.
                                                                                    on one of their free courses.
    to tell let our
    Communications Team           Also in this issue we celebrated our champion
    know. Email rdash.                                                              I know that there is lots of great work
                                  flu vaccinators and everyone involved in
    rdashcommunications@                                                            being done and I want to thank all of you
    nhs.net                       making this year’s staff flu vaccination
                                                                                    for everything that you do here at the
    or ring them on               campaign the most successful in our history.
    01302 796204.                                                                   Trust.
                                  We achieved an amazing 89% of our
    Don’t forget you can          frontline health workers having their flu jab
    also follow us on social                                                                                     Kind regards.
                                  to protect our patients, colleagues, family
    media:                        and friends. I am very proud that we have
          @Rdash_nhs              such dedicated and committed workforce

          Rdash nhs
                                  and want to take this opportunity to thank                                        Kathryn .
                                  everyone who contributed to this very
                                  important campaign.

    Invitation to...
       Leading the way with care
                                                                                                    E WAY W
                                                                                                  TH       IT
                                                             Date                             G

                                                      14 May


     Dear All,

                                                       9.30am to
     You are invited to attend the above event on:     4.30pm

                 At   Castle Park                    Registration
      Armthorpe Road, Doncaster, DN2 5QB                 >   9am

     This is open to all RDaSH staff, Integrated Care Systems (ICS) partners

     and students. The day will include workshops on the following:

      • Quality • Culture • Improvement • Compassion • Leadership                                   RE TO REG

Staff matters
                                          Well done to our GEM
                                          Award winners!
Well done to everyone who received a Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Award.
All well and truly deserved!
Our GEM Award winners for March are:

Camanda Simmonite and Emma Jones                   Catherine Collins                           David Powell
  Community Team Learning Disabilities,
                                                  Forensics, Doncaster                     Informatics, Corporate

           Emma Gorvett                              Judith Bower                               Holly Fisher
  School Nursing, North Lincolnshire            Amber Lodge, Doncaster              East Community Nursing, Doncaster

               Alice Hill                            Carole Tinsley                             Natalie Cox
 East Community Nursing, Doncaster         East Community Nursing, Doncaster        East Community Nursing, Doncaster

           Stacey Sockett                          Mandy Peckham                              Michelle Kerry
                                           Community Team Learning Disabilities,
 East Community Nursing, Doncaster                                                 Immunisation Team, Children’s Care Group
Staff matters

           Simon Darby-Smith                    Tracy Lawson               East Community Nursing Team,
         Magnolia Lodge, Doncaster           Purchasing, Corporate                  Doncaster

    To download your photograph from the day visit:

    GEMS feedback from the day...what you said:

            I think it's a lovely idea and                           Delivered with genuine
           really enjoyed the event.                                 pride for the people
                                                                     receiving awards.

           Really enjoyed the                                 It was lovely to be recognised
           event. Felt very valued                            both my staff team and RDaSH.
           and pleased I came,                                thank you goes a long way.
           thank you.

News matters
We’ve launched Our Five Year Strategy
This month we launched our ‘Our Five Year Strategy 2019-2024 RDaSH
Leading the way with care’.

This strategy builds on the work we’ve already done through a two-year programme
of transformation, recognising the need for continuous change and improvement
to build a whole-system approach in support of developing place based integrated

We focus on six ambitions which help us to take the next steps for our patients,
staff, members and our communities. Our new approach to quality and cultural
development ‘The RDaSHWay’ will help us to deliver these ambitions.

You can read our strategy and find out how we plan to lead the way with
care via this link:

Our Vision
  RDaSH Leading the way with care
Our Ambitions
        Ambition One                               Ambition Two                        Ambition Three
                                               Develop and deliver services             Take the lead with our
         Be a leading provider                    which have a focus on                  partners to drive the
    of co-ordinated mental and                    prevention and early                development of accessible
    physical healthcare services             intervention, building resilience       patient centred care services
        for people of all ages                   and promoting recovery                closer to peoples homes

                                                                                          Ambition Six
       Ambition Four                              Ambition Five                     Maximise benefits to patients
       Develop a healthcare
                                                 Embrace technology to              through ensuring a strong and
   workforce who are equipped
                                                 innovate and continually            sustained financial position to
    to provide the highest level
                                                improve clinical services            underpin the delivery of high
           of clinical care
                                                                                        quality clinical services

Our Values

                                                                   Empowering          Open,
        Passionate           Reliable             Caring                                             Progressive
                                                                  and supportive    transparent
                                                 and safe
                                                                     of staff       and valued

News matters
    Affected by cancer and want to tell your story in
    pictures and films
    People touched by cancer across
    South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and North
    Derbyshire are being asked to share
    their stories using pictures and films.

    The Cancer Alliance, a partnership of
    NHS, public, voluntary and charitable
    organisations delivering cancer care, has
    launched its appeal called: ‘Cancer: A picture
    tells a thousand words’.

    Sue Yates, (pictured) a former breast cancer
    patient and a trustee of the national charity
    ‘Flat Friends UK’, which supports ladies living
    without reconstruction after mastectomy,
    has agreed to tell her story through images
    of her journey. She said: “A picture tells
    a thousand words! For me this is about
    creating a legacy and helping others by
    talking about and showing real experiences of cancer through images and
    pictures. Many of us take photos to document our cancer journey – whether that
    is having treatment or how we felt after, just living with the illness.

    “I think it’s really positive that people can share their stories to help others by
    inspiring them, showing what it’s like to have treatment. It’s also our opportunity
    to work with organisations connected with cancer care to understand what
    works well as well as how things could improve to make it better for the patients,
    their families and loved ones.”

    Family and friends of those affected by cancer are also welcome to act as models
    to illustrate the cancer journey on behalf of their loved ones or to show their own

    The images will be used online, across the Cancer Alliance’s new website (yet to
    be launched), in promotional materials and across social media. Most importantly,
    the images will be used to understand what is good and where improvements
    can be made. The Cancer Alliance is also looking to produce a piece of artwork
    that will celebrate the experiences and engagement of the people who come

    By taking part, sending in images and videos, you are giving permission for the Cancer Alliance to use these pictures and
    films. The images and photography need to be of the individual concerned, unless permission is given for others in the
    photograph and can be at any stage, or setting, in the cancer journey from people’s homes and gardens to holidays and while
    having treatment.

    For more information or to submit your pictures or film, please email: sybndcancer.alliance@nhs.net. You can also
    tweet us @CA_SYBND, through Instagram on @canceralliance_sybnd or via Facebook, search for ‘SYBND Cancer

Staff matters
Celebrating our Champion flu vaccinators
The year’s staff flu vaccination campaign has been our best ever – vaccinating 89% of our frontline staff
which is a fantastic achievement.

To show our appreciation and recognise the remarkable contribution that our flu vaccinators, supported by their care group
flu admin leads have done this year, we celebrated this achievement at an awards ceremony.

  Here are our Champion Flu Vaccinators and Vaccinator Leaders in each care group:

                                                                                          Barbara Symonds, our top vaccinator
      Tracey Dodsley • Children's Care Group    Debbie Senior • Rotherham Care Group    • Children's Group (vaccinated 192 staff)

    Sara Long • North Lincolnshire Care Group     Matt Ellis • Rotherham Care Group        Karen Foltyn • Corporate division
              (vaccinated 59 staff)                     (vaccinated 59 staff)                   (vaccinated 108 staff)
                                                     collected by Graeme Tosh

   Champion Flu Vaccinators who were not present:

   Jan Hodgett, Corporate division

   Kathryn Seddons and
   Jeanette Green, Doncaster Care Group

   Alison Lopich
   North Lincolnshire Care Group

    Vaccinators Leaders who were not present:

    Cat Magee, Doncaster Care Group
    (vaccinated 68 staff)
                                                                      Well done !
Once again thank you and also to all of you who took up the offer of the flu vaccine this year to help protect our
patients, colleagues, family and friends.

Staff matters

      Welcome to Lisa
      A warm welcome to Lisa Elder, Clinical
      Effectiveness Support Officer, who’s providing
      project support for clinical policies, National
      Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence
      guidance and clinical audit. Lisa can be contacted
      on 01302 796477.

      Cheerio to Lynn
      Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) staff say cheerio to Lynn Eyvbowho

      after 32 in the NHS – the majority of this time in CAMHS. In the latter years, Lynn was the

      Admin Lead for CAMHS and she did a fabulous job and we will all miss her.

    Farewell Jacqueline                                 BESTWISHES
    Jacqueline Riches, one of our Nurse Medical Prescribers who worked at Stapleton Road, Doncaster,
    retired in March after 37 years’ service with the NHS. “All the best in your retirement” from all your colleagues.

    Congratulations to Tracy Dodsley, Children’s Care Group Support Co-ordinator, and Sherree Cousins, Children’s Care

    Group Secretary, who work Park Lodge, Doncaster, who’ve both passed the National Examination Board for Occupational

    Safety and Health (NEBOSH) qualification. This course covers the management of safety, controlling workplace hazards as

    well as a practical assessment of hazards.

     Happy retirement Maggie
     After a nursing career which spanned 43 years in the NHS, Maggie Barber, Community

     Palliative Clinical Nurse, retired from the Trust in March. Maggie had worked in hospital,

     district nursing and then specialist palliative care. Many of her colleagues, both past and

     present, attended a special retirement presentation at St John’s Information and Support

     Centre to wish her well in her retirement.

Staff matters
Burnout Research study
Researchers from the University of Sheffield and our Grounded Research Team have linked up with the Trust's
Health and Wellbeing Team on a research project to look into what causes burnout in NHS staff working in
clinical care.

The study comprises of a questionnaire followed by a few short surveys which will try to identify individual stressors and the role they
play (over time) in burnout.

It’s hoped that the results from the research will be used to create a model that can predict when burnout may occur.
To take part you must carry out clinical work at the Trust. The link below will take you to the initial questionnaire:


Who can I contact for more information?
The lead researcher on the project is Ben Davies. If you have any questions about taking part in the study, please contact Ben on:

Our Health and Wellbeing team is supporting the promotion and delivery of this study, if you would like to find out more information
on how we intend to use the results of the study to support staff, please contact the team on rdash.healthandwellbeing@nhs.net

Research Contacts:
Ben Davies, Clinical Psychology trainee at the University of Sheffield, bdavis1@sheffield.ac.uk

Jaime Delgadillo, Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the University of Sheffield/
Clinical Research Fellow and Psychotherapist at RDaSH NHS FT, jaime.delgadillo@nhs.net

Grounded Research Team heather.rice3@nhs.net

   Aurora Fashion Show
   A member of our staff Joanne Robertson is taking part in this year’s Aurora
   Fashion Show and modelling some of the clothes at the Doncaster Dome on
   May 10.

   Joanne said: “Aurora is a local cancer charity which provides support and
   wellbeing to those who have cancer and also their carers. They provide free
   wellbeing and support classes and beauty treatments such as manicures,
   facials, massages, hair dressing. Aurora has clinics at Doncaster Royal Infirmary,
   Montagu and Bassetlaw Hospitals. To someone who has been through cancer
   they are a god send.”

   Joanne is also selling tickets for the Aurora Fashion show, £10 per ticket, as well
   as raffle tickets at £1 each – she is also collecting loose change for the charity.

   If you like to support Joanne and the Aurora charity email Joanne.robertshaw@nhs.net

Staff matters
     Tim’s on secondment to
     Tim Buckle, Videographer, is currently on
     secondment to the Communications Team to focus
     on the videoing needs of the Trust.

     Video allows healthcare services to reach more people
     with their messages, both internally and among the wider
     public. Video is ideal for highlighting innovative products,
     services and ways of working. Above all video brings to life
     the human stories behind the statistics and reminds people
     that the NHS is first and foremost an organisation driven by
     dedicated and compassionate staff.

     Whether you are looking to explain new procedures,
     demonstrate best practise, introduce new policies or provide     To find out more email Tim on tim.buckle@nhs.net
     valuable updates, video is a cost effective way to ensure
     information is delivered consistently and clearly across your
     healthcare organisation.

        Well done to our Tissue Viability and
        Lymphoedema Team for being finalists in the
        2019 Journal of Wound Care Awards in the
        Venous and Lymphatic Disorders category.

     Lymphoedema Awareness Week 2019
     Lymphoedema Awareness Week took place from 3-9 March and the Tissue Viability and Lymphoedema
     Service team members wore odd socks that week in support of raising awareness of Lymphoedema.

     Their aim was to get out that message that people shouldn’t ignore a little bit of leg
     swelling if present for over three months, as it could be a sign of Lymphoedema.

Staff matters

Staff matters
     Rocking their sock for World Down Syndrome Day
     Our teams across the Trust showed their support for World Down Syndrome Day on March 21. They
     wore their brightly coloured odd socks to raise awareness and understanding of Down Syndrome.

       Community Learning Disability Team Caption                     Community Learning Disability Team in Scunthorpe

     Apprentice of
     the Year Award
     for Cheryl
     Its top marks for Cheryl
     Watkinson our Patient and Public
     Engagement and Experience
     Lead, who scooped the
     Apprentice of the Year Award
     from the RNN College.

     Cheryl received the Highly Commended
     Award as part of the College’s national
     apprenticeship week which celebrated
     the achievements of their apprentices.
     Cheryl was nominated for the award
                                               If you are interested in doing an    Cheryl is pictured third from left with
     by her assessor for going above and
                                               apprenticeship please contact the    staff of the RNN and our Learning and
     beyond in mentoring in a new member                                            Development Team.
                                               Learning and Development Team
     of her team. For introducing new
                                               on telephone 01302 798343 or email
     processes to improve performance
     and quality of the service and for her
     leadership skills and stepping up to
     chair network meetings on behalf of
     her manager. Congratulations Cheryl
     excellent achievement.

Staff matters
Stress busting activities                                       Give PAM Life a go; there are lots of useful resources
                                                                available to help you to cope better with stress. Try the Live
                                                                Your Life modules and articles about stress, relaxation classes
during April                                                    and even Yoga videos.

                                                                We’ve got lots of holistic therapies including hand and arm
April is Stress Awareness Month and our Health                  massage, Reiki and mini shoulder massage. Here are the dates
and Wellbeing Team is busily promoting a range of               and venues near you:
stress busting activities and sharing information to
support your wellbeing.                                            Monday April 15 at Berkeley House
                                                                   Wednesday April 17 at the Opal Centre
Here are some of the things on offer to help you to relax and
chill during April:                                                Wednesday April 17 at the Woodlands (afternoon)
                                                                   Thursday April 18 at Park Lodge
Free Tai Chi sessions are on offer at the Woodlands in
Rotherham every Wednesday evening throughout April                 Wednesday April 24 at Great Oaks
between 4.30 and 5.30pm delivered by local Tai Chi                 Tuesday April 30 at Swallownest Court.
instructor. Spaces are limited please contact the Woodlands
reception on 01709 447001 to book.                              There is always the Employee Assistance Programme
                                                                through which you can access support from trained
Remember there are also free fitness classes at Tickhill Road   professionals through the 24-hour phone line, every day of
Hospital every week too. Tuesday is Body Conditioning,          the year by ringing 03303 800 658 (calls charged at local
Wednesday is Yoga and Thursday is Bootcamp. Friday – relax      rate) or via the website through the web: www.vivup.co.uk
and put your feet up, you’ve earned it.
                                                                For more information email rdash.healthandwellbeing@nhs.net
For those of you who prefer to combat stress through
your phone or computer any time of the day, we have
an online digital platform called Silvercloud. You’ll learn
techniques to overcome symptoms of low mood, anxiety
or stress through a programme of modules which deliver
cognitive behaviour therapy via your Improving Access to
Psychological Therapies (IAPT). You’ll be assigned an IAPT
worker who will support you throughout the programme.
This service is totally confidential. To access Silvercloud
please email rdash.doncaster-iapt-silvercloud@nhs.net

Staff engagement groups – Child and Adolescent
Mental Health Service
A team from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has asked         This engagement group is open everyone who works in
for a series of engagement meetings with staff across the       CAMHS throughout the Trust. However, spaces are limited
Trust to talk to you about your work and to hear your views.    and if you would like to attend, please book you place with
                                                                Laura Powell, Compliance Officer, on 01302 796904
It’s not part of any inspection but just a way for              or email Laura.Powell4@NHS.net.
them to engage with you in a more informal
way. Those of you who work in CAMHS will                                The CQC will also be holding engagement events
have an opportunity to meet the team on                                 later this year for the Children’s and other care
April 30 from 11am to 12noon in the                                       groups.
Seminar Room, Opal
Centre, Doncaster.

Their opinion counts
       It’s morale-boosting to get a pat on the back, or a ‘thank you’ from colleagues,
       managers – and especially, patients and service users.

       Here, in ‘Their opinion counts’, is a selection of comments and compliments from the
       Your Opinion Counts forms.

                                                                     Project 3                                      TriHealth
                            ors -
               Health Visit                                                                             “Staff are
              North Linco                                   “Each appointment is                                   always frie
                                                                                                                               ndly, po-
                                                         personalised to that young                        lite and m
                                      ice                                                                             ake you fe
                        with the serv                  person, the nurses are all very                            at ease.”       el
          “I am happy                y
                            ughout m
             I receive thro                             friendly and approachable.”
                                                              Rehabilitati            y Stroke
                                                                              on Team
                                                                      about the se                           Community Podiatry
                                  a rd          fi rs t c la ss                      rvice was
               w   t h  o rn W                                  . The therap
                                                                              is ts
            Ha                                  professiona
                                                                   l, very patie
                                                                                                         “Everything was as descr
                                          ic e                                   n t and caring.                                   ibed
                   r in g  s t aff, all n ” I could not ask for a be                                    by the nurses and staff de
         “Very c
                 a                     ities. Installation of                   tter care.
                 a n  , g o od facil                                  prescribed e                        with my case. I was a litt
         and cle                               at home wa
                                                                  s very quick
                                                                                     quipment           nervous at first but was so
                                                                                .”                                                    on
                                                                                                           put at ease by everyone.

                    Falls Ser                                                                             Early
                                vice                                                                           Inter
                                                                     at I have
             “The wh                                “All services th                                        North ventions
                                                                    with have                                       Linco       Te
           quarter w
                      ole hour
                                 an                 had dressings                                                         lnshir am
                     as very in d a                     been very goo
                                                                         d.”                           “Atte                     e
         tive and                forma-                                                                      n
                  help                                                                                helpe ding the c
          gentlema ful. I found the                                                                        d buil
                                                                                                                  d my
                   n very po                                                                                           confid has
                 thorough te and                                                                                             ence.

                                                                                s–                                 p  r o v ing Acc
                                                          m  u n  it y Nurse                               ter Im
                                                                                                   Doncas ological Ther
       Com                                            Com                  m                                h
                 nity                                       East Tea                                to Psyc
                                                                                                                                    l and
                       Car                                                                                                  eneficia olite
       “M                 dia                                             h e care and                       d it v e r y b
           y Ca                c Se                           ar t o  f t
                                                                                     has             “I foun attending. Ver
        kind rdiac                  rvic             “Every p           e  received                          rth                   e at my
     reas , prof Nurse                   es                  t I  h a v
                                                    treatmen excellent.”                            well wo ssional, put m
                                                                                                               fe                   ed from
         suri     essi
              ng w ona as be  h                            been                                      and pro I have benefit
                          l an       en                                                                       eel                    u.”
               Tha en I fel d very                                                                   ease. I f ding. Thank yo
                  nk y      t                                                                              atte n
                       ou.” worrie

Children’s Matters
Volunteer Mentors needed to support children across Doncaster
The search is on to find over               Pupils aged 9 to 18 from schools             To apply to be a mentor you must
100 volunteers to be mentors to             across the borough will be part of the       be at least eighteen years old and
                                            ‘Trusted Mentors’ project, which is being    all candidates also need to have a
vulnerable children and young               funded through the Department for            Disclosure and Barring Service check,
people across Doncaster.                    Education’s Doncaster Opportunity Area       which will be arranged by DCST.
                                            programme, following research into the
Colleagues at Doncaster Children’s          positive impact mentors can have on          For more information or to sign-up
Services Trust (DCST) are looking           young people.                                as a mentor please contact Cheryl
for people to spare just two hours a                                                     Blackett at cheryl.blackett@dcstrust.
month to help a child or young person       A dedicated team will match each pupil       co.uk or on 01302 735721 or visit
raise their aspirations and try new         with a mentor and provide volunteers         www.trustmentor.co.uk
experiences.                                with ongoing training, supervision and
                                            practical support.

Teams support STOMP and
STAMP Campaign
Tracy Wileman, Nurse Consultant for Learning Disabilities in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry service (CAMHS), recently attended the launch of
the STOMP and STAMP campaign.

This campaign which is supported by NHS England aims to improve the care for
younger patients with a learning disability and/ or autism by Stopping The Over-
Medication of children and Young People with a learning disability, autism or both and
Supporting Treatment and Appropriate Mediation in Paediatrics.

Tracy is pictured right .

Children’s Matters
     National award for Jayne
     and Carmel
     Celebrations are under way after two members of
     the multi-agency Child Exploitation team walked
     away with a top title at a national awards ceremony
     in recognition of their work in tackling Child Sexual
     Jayne Pezzulo from this Trust and Carmel Bartlett from the
     Doncaster Children’s Services Trust and were presented with
     the trophy in the Helping Hands category of the National
     Working Group charity’s Unsung Heroes Awards.

     The NWG supports organisations around the country in
     spreading the message about Child Sexual Exploitation and it    If you suspect an instance of CSE, contact the team on
     is the fourth time Carmel and Jayne have been shortlisted for   01302 737200. You can find out more about their work
     the Helping Hands award.                                        at: www.doncasterchildrenstrust.co.uk/how-we-can-
     Debbie Smith, Chief Operating Officer, said: “I am delighted
     that Jayne and Carmel have won this national award.             Caption: Left to right: Carmel and Jayne
     It demonstrates their passion and commitment to raise
     awareness of child sexual exploitation and keep children and
     young people safe in our communities.”

     Doncaster School Nursing
     Team leads the way
     Our School Nursing team in Doncaster recently hosted
     colleagues from two NHS trusts, one in the Humber
     and the other in Liverpool who were keen to find out
     more about the work being done in Doncaster.

     Denise Purdon, Clinical Team Leader from Humber Teaching
     NHS Foundation Trust, her colleague Jacki Scott and Julia
     Walsh, Specialist Community Public Health Nursing student on
     placement in Liverpool, approached Jayne Ashby, Team Lead for   Jayne said: “Its credit to our entire team that other School
     Doncaster School Nursing, after following the team on Twitter   Nursing teams want to come and spend time with us to
     and wanted to meet the team and learn about the service model   look at how we are working and what we are doing. We
     and innovative resources designed within the team.              are looking forward to repaying the visit and going over to
                                                                     Humber to meet our colleagues there."

North Lincolnshire Matters
Work continues to
improve mental health
services for new and
expectant mums
Mental health services for new and expectant mums
in the Humber region and parts of Yorkshire are being
developed by the Humber, Coast and Vale Health and
Care Partnership of which we are a member. We are
working with NAViGO to introduce a new service in                      • Severe mental illnesses including schizophrenia, schizoaffective
North Lincolnshire.                                                      disorder and bipolar affective disorder
                                                                       • Postpartum psychosis
Perinatal mental health problems are those which occur during
pregnancy or during the first year following the birth of a child.     • Severe self-harm
Perinatal mental illness affects one in five women, and covers a       • Suicidal thoughts.
wide range of conditions. If left untreated, it can have significant
and long lasting effects on the woman and her family.                  If you are concerned that you or someone you care about might
                                                                       be experiencing perinatal mental health problems you can speak
Examples of perinatal mental health conditions include:                to health professionals involved in your care, such as your GP,
                                                                       midwife or health visitor, who will be able to offer support and
• Moderate to severe postnatal depression                              refer you to an appropriate service.
• Anxiety disorders, including obsessive compulsive disorder and
  panic disorder                                                       For more information please visit:

• Eating disorders                                                     https://www.rdash.nhs.uk/services/our-services/adult-
• Post-traumatic stress disorder                                       mental-health-services/humber-coast-and-vale-health-

Stress Awareness                               Jane Crothers, Lead Psychological
                                               Wellbeing Practitioner, said: “Our free six-
Month in                                       week stress control group, which runs at
                                               community locations across the borough,

Scunthorpe                                     aims to teach people to understand the
                                               triggers of their stress and anxiety and
                                               provides them with the support and self-
Our team from a Scunthorpe town                help techniques to be able to manage it.
centre shop which provides mental              We also provide an information pack and
health talking therapies and advice            activities for people to work through in
                                               their own time.”
are urging North Lincolnshire people
who may be experiencing stress to Jane added: “Stress control is just one of a
enrol on one of their free courses.  whole range of therapies we provide and
                                               I’d urge anyone who is feeling the effects
The Talking Shop, on Market Hill,              of stress to call into the Talking Shop. They to start receiving help and set them on the
Scunthorpe, DN15 6SS is the base for           will be able to have a brief confidential     right track to recovery.”
our Improving Access to Psychological          consultation with one of our therapists to
Therapies (IAPT) Service, which provides       discuss the service and their needs.          For more information telephone the
talking therapy to people experiencing                                                       Talking Shop on 01724 867297.
common mental health conditions                “If one of our talking therapies is
including stress, depression, anxiety,         appropriate for them, we will book them
bereavement and low esteem.                    a more in-depth assessment appointment

North Lincolnshire Matters
     SWATT running club
     There’s a new running club called the Sprinters, Walkers
     And Trash-Talkers (SWATT) on a Thursday evening in
     Set up by Wendy Fisher, Kate Ashley and Sallie-Ann Barnard
     who’ve teamed up to bring this new running group to staff in the
     North Lincolnshire Care Group.

     In their spare time outside of work Wendy and Sallie-Ann
     completed the Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) training.
     They’ve now joined a network of Workplace Run Leaders across
     North Lincolnshire to share ideas with other organisations about
     how to improve the physical health of their workforces.

     Sallie-Ann has also set up power-walking sessions for the group.
     The aim is to increase the stamina of the runners and help
     them to breathe properly when exercising. It’s hoped that these
     sessions will boost the quality of the weekly run sessions too.     SWATT shows what can be achieved through self-motivation and
                                                                         volunteering their time to set up something positive to support
     Our Health and Wellbeing team has recently supported this           the health and wellbeing of their colleagues. Wendy, Kate and
     running group by funding LiRF course and buying some                Sallie-Ann have set the best example of leading from within their
     equipment used during warm up and the runs.                         teams in North Lincolnshire to benefit the staff across the Care
     If you want to set up your own groups get in touch with the
     Health and Wellbeing team and find how they could support you       SWATT runs every Thursday evening at 5.15pm at Central
     too.                                                                Park in Scunthorpe. For more information or to join, please
                                                                         contact Wendy Fisher on wendy.fisher5@nhs.net

                                                                        Graham's Day
                                                                        We have Graham's Day to remember our friend and colleague
                                                                        Graham McClellan who sadly ended his life.

                                                                         We have an annual football match and have various stalls on
                                                                         the day.

                                                                          Our aim is to encourage people to talk around their own
                                                                          mental health , to bring people together, to target stigma
                                                                           and discrimination around mental health.

Doncaster Matters
New service for Doncaster families
A new service has been set up to provide specialist
assessment and treatment to mums and their
families living in Doncaster.

The service offers confidential, non-judgemental care and
treatment to women with a mental health problem who are
planning to have a baby, are already pregnant or have given
birth in the last 12 months.

Called the Sheffield Rotherham Doncaster Perinatal Mental
Health Service, it is run in partnership with between this
Trust, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation
Trust, and Light, a local perinatal peer support charity.

We offer confidential, non-judgemental care and treatment
to women with mental health problems who are planning          Sheffield Rotherham and Doncaster Perinatal Mental Health Service
                                                               team from left to right: Amy Jenkins, Service Lead; Claire Baigent, Light
to have a baby, are already pregnant or have given birth in
                                                               pre & postnatal support charity; Jenny Lastra, Clinical Lead; Natalie
the last 12 months.                                            Harwood, Mental Health Nurse; and Rachel Herbert, Social Worker.

You can find out more about the service and the support we offer by taking a look at our service leaflet via this link:


To access the service you must be referred by a health or social care professional working in Doncaster. This could be your GP,
community mental health team, midwife or health visitor.

If you’d like to find out more about the service you can speak to your local team on Doncaster 01302 566999

Mental Health System                                                  You can help too by making sure your friends and family are
                                                                      aware of and make best use of the different mental health
                                                                      services available.
Perfect!                                                              You can find out more via this link:
Health and care organisations across Doncaster and                    http://www.doncasterccg.nhs.uk/your-care/mental-health/
Bassetlaw held a week-long mental health system                       mental-health-systemperfect/
perfect exercise in March.
                                                                      Please take this short survey which will help to capture your
System Perfect is a project which happens several times a             awareness of the different services and where to go for help,
year; the focus this time was on mental health services, raising      support and advice.
awareness and encouraging conversations locally so people can
access the support they need in their local communities.              https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/KZNLHMD

Over the last 12 months, like most areas across the country, we’ve
seen a rise in the number of people attending the emergency
departments when they need mental health support or when
they are in crisis.
The System Perfect team took action to better understand
the use of the emergency department for people when they
experience mental health crisis, as well as raising awareness of
the wide range of services that operate to support and address
individual mental health needs.

Doncaster Matters
     Budding author
     Watch out J.K. Rowling for we
     have our own budding author!
     Emma Ewen (34) of Wheatley, who
     attends our Learning Disability Services
     in Doncaster, was inspired to write by
     therapist Luisa Barclay. Now Emma has
     written two fabulous stories.

     Emma, whose favourite author is Cathy
     Glass, said: “Luisa inspired me and I’ve
     found writing to be therapeutic. I tried
     it, liked it, enjoyed it and so carried on.”                                        a’s stories…
                                                                      ing from one of Emm
     Now Emma has written two stories                  Here’s the                        y his uncl
                                                                                                    e who he                   Emma is pictured
                                                                               urt really bad b                                with her stories.
     with fictitious characters called Sam and                       and was h
                                                         Sam is 12                                        im in scho
                                                                                     He stopp ed with h
                                                                      e could trust.
                                                          thought h                                     Durham.
     Emma added: “I get ideas and put them
                                                                                 footie. H e lived in
     on my phone, so I could be on the bus                             nd played
                                                          holidays a                                       is uncle th
     and put my ideas into my phone so I’m                                               d matches with h
                                                                       ewca   stle Unite
     ready for when I put pen to paper.”                   went to N                                      h him and
                                                                                              onalds wit
                                                                                  nt to McD
                                                                        hes he we
     Luisa said: “Emma is great at writing                  after matc
     stories. She has done incredibly well.”
     Gripped yet?                                           back hom

     Shortlisted in
     national awards
     Doncaster’s Rapid Response
     Service has been recognised as
     an exemplar service in the 2019
     Health Service Journal’s (HSJ)
     Value Awards.                                  reduce the number of admissions to
                                                                                                                             od luck
                                                    hospital that could have been avoided.
     This new and innovative service has            This service has resulted in fewer people
     been shortlisted in the Improving Value        requiring long-term care, with more
     in the Care of Older Patients Award.           people being able to stay at home due
                                                    to receiving the care they need, closer to
     The Rapid Response service ensures             home.
     that just one integrated health and
     social care assessment is completed in         The HSJ Value Awards ceremony takes
     a patient’s home as a result of a fall,        place in Manchester on Thursday 23
     illness or injury, ultimately helping to       May 2019.
Doncaster Matters

Doncaster Matters
     Celebrating Red Nose
     All staff and service users had a fun comic
     relief day on March 15 with lots of activities
     happening throughout the day. There was a
     red nose day interactive quiz, plate spinning,
     juggling, jokes, specially written poem in
     Makaton (about the colour red), lots of live
     music, songs, dancing, and bouncing on the

     Mark Coley, Staff nurse who organised the event,
     said: “Thank everyone who took part in the event and
     donated to this great cause. There were lots of laughs
     and smiles all round.”

     Flying the flag for                                               Tim Young, Chief Executive of the Alcohol and Drug Service
                                                                       which works with this Trust to run Aspire, said: “I am very proud
                                                                       of what we are achieving by giving those who have an addiction
     recovery at the United                                            the best possible chance to live meaningful and fulfilling lives.”

     Nations in Vienna                                                 If you or someone you know is experiencing drug or
                                                                       alcohol issues and want to talk to someone in confidence
                                                                       please visit www.aspire.community, or ring 01302 730956.
     A leading expert in the drug and alcohol recovery
     service in Doncaster attended the 62nd Commission on
     Narcotics Drugs (CND) event in Vienna on March 20.

     Stuart Green, Service Manager at the Doncaster-based Aspire
     Drug and Alcohol Service, shared the work that is being done in
     the borough to support the recovery of people with a drug and/
     or alcohol addiction, to help them to become valued citizens in
     their communities.

     The event, which was held in Austria at the United Nations,
     focused on creating Recovery Cities, an innovative model which
     aims to nurture sustainable connections and networks by the
     people themselves at a town/ city level.

     Stuart said: “Being part of the Recovery Cities venture puts us
     at the forefront of the recovery movement. Sharing the work
     that we do in Doncaster on an international platform supports
     our ambitions to create a safer and more supportive recovery
     community for the people of Doncaster and beyond.”

Doncaster Matters
Speak up during                              Team Manager Tim Godley said: “One in
                                             six people will experience stress or anxiety
                                             during their lives, but people are still afraid
Stress Awareness                             to admit they need help.

Month                                        “Our free six-week stress control group,
                                             which runs at community locations across
                                             the borough, aims to teach people to
April is Stress Awareness Month              understand the triggers of their stress
and health staff from a town centre          and anxiety and provides them with the
shop which provides mental health            support and self-help techniques to be
                                             able to manage it. We also provide an
talking therapies and advice is              information pack and activities for people
urging Doncaster people who may              to work through in their own time.”
be experiencing stress to enrol on
one of their free courses.          Tim added: “Stress control is just one of a
                                             whole range of therapies we provide and           to start receiving help and set them on the
The Talking Shop, 63 Hallgate, is the base   I’d urge anyone who is feeling the effects        right track to recovery.”
for the Doncaster Improving Access to        of stress to call into the Talking Shop. They
Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Service,      will be able to have a brief confidential         For more information about the help
which provides talking therapy to people     consultation with one of our therapists to        on offer ring 01302 565650, or call
experiencing common mental health            discuss the service and their needs.              into the Talking Shop at 63 Hall Gate
conditions including stress, depression,                                                       in Doncaster’s town centre which is
anxiety, bereavement and low esteem.         “If one of our talking therapies is               open weekdays between 9am and
                                             appropriate for them, we will book them           5pm.
                                             a more in-depth assessment appointment

New clinic room for Doncaster hostel
Vulnerable people who use hostel accommodation in Doncaster are
benefitting from a brand new on-site health room where they can
receive medical care and treatment by a GP and other health
The clinic room, which opened in March, and located inside Wharf
House on Wharf Road in Doncaster, is a joint venture between
Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service, a GP Federation called Primary
Care Doncaster Ltd and Riverside Care and Support, a service for
the homeless in Doncaster.

The new facility gives this group of people improved access to
health care in a setting which better meets their needs and to
reduce the likelihood of health related conditions from becoming
more serious.

Stuart Green, Service Manager for Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service,                             BEATING ADDICTION
said: “By having this dedicated health room inside the hostel is a great opportunity to
meet people in their own accommodation and ensure that they get the medical attention             IN COMMUNITIES
and support that they need. This group of people is more likely to have a drug and/ or alcohol
addiction, that’s why we provide support, advice and wound care treatment to aid their
recovery and wellbeing.”

The team which consists of a GP, wound care nurse, Hepatitis C specialist nurse and drug and alcohol support, previously saw
people on a specially adapted ‘Health Bus’ parked on Wharf Road. The dedicated clinic room provides a better space for the team
to see, assess and treat any health related conditions inside the hostel.

Wharf House is located on Wharf Road in Doncaster and provides accommodation and support for single, homeless people aged
over 16 years in the Doncaster area.

Doncaster Matters
     Save the date for the Recovery Games
     This summer the Recovery Games is coming to Doncaster to celebrate the achievements and success of all those
     in recovery from drug and/ or alcohol addiction.

     The date’s set for Friday August 16 where hundreds of competitors will go head to head in a day of fun packed gladiator style games
     and obstacle courses. Teams are made up of people from within the recovery community who have either ‘lived’ experience or who
     work, volunteer or mentor in the drug and alcohol service.

     The event is organised by Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service, which is run by this Trust together with registered charity The Alcohol and
     Drug Service. It’s totally funded from sponsorship and fundraising activities. If you’d like to support the Recovery Games please go to

     Students urged to visit                                              Carol Bowyer, Voluntary Services Manager, said: “Volunteering is
                                                                          great to gain experience to help you get the job you want or to
                                                                          put on your CV or college and university applications.”
     health trust                                                         Joanne Greaves, High Needs Students Key Worker at Doncaster
                                                                          College and University Centre, said: “It is great to have such
     Our Voluntary Service Team visited a local college to                fantastic volunteer opportunities for our students with additional
     meet students with learning or physical disabilities.                needs. Carol and her team provide safe, engaging and very
                                                                          worthwhile placements, while meeting individual needs. It has
     The team attended Doncaster College and University Centre            been great to work with Carol and the Trust.”
     at The Hub and chatted to students about the benefits of
     volunteering and the opportunities available at this Trust.          To find out more email carol.bowyer@nhs.net

Rotherham Matters
New service
for Rotherham
A new service has been set up
to provide specialist assessment
and treatment to mums and their
families living in Rotherham.

The service offers confidential, non-
judgemental care and treatment to
women with a mental health problem who
are planning to have a baby, are already
pregnant or have given birth in the last 12
                                              (Left to right): Amy Jenkin, Service Manager – Sheffield, Rotherham and Doncaster
Called the Sheffield Rotherham Doncaster      Perinatal Mental Health Team; Denise Holden, Perinatal Administrator, Rotherham;
Perinatal Mental Health Service, it is run    Rachael James, Perinatal Practitioner, Rotherham; Claire Baigent, Peer Support
in partnership with between this Trust,       Coordinator LIGHT, Rotherham and Doncaster; and Rachel Maltby, Perinatal Clinical
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS          Lead/ Team Manager Rotherham.
Foundation Trust, and Light, a local
perinatal peer support charity.               To access the service you must be referred     This could be your GP, community mental
                                              by a health or social care professional        health team, midwife or health visitor.
We offer confidential, non-judgemental        working in Rotherham.
care and treatment to women with mental
health problems who are planning to have         Get in touch
a baby, are already pregnant or have given
birth in the last 12 months.                     If you’d like to find out more about the service you can speak to your local
You can find out more about the service          team on Rotherham: 01709 447070 or email
and the support we offer by taking a look        rdash.rotherhamperinatalservice@nhs.net
at our service leaflet.

Stress Awareness                              James Bell, IAPT Team in Rotherham, said:
                                              “One in six people will experience stress or
                                              anxiety during their lives, but people are
Month in                                      still afraid to admit they need help.

Rotherham                                     “Our free six-week stress control group,
                                              which runs at Unity Centre, St Leonards
                                              Road, S65 1PD, teaches people to
As part of Stress Awareness Month             understand the triggers of their stress and
our health staff in Rotherham is              anxiety while giving them the support and
urging anyone who is experiencing             self-help techniques to be able to manage
                                              it. We also provide an information pack
stress to enrol on one of their free          and activities for people to work through
courses.                                      in their own time.”

Our Improving Access to Psychological         The Rotherham IAPT service is for people
Therapies (IAPT) Team, which runs a series                                                   disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder,
                                              aged 18 and over, who present with no
of stress control courses throughout the                                                     bereavement and mild eating disorders
                                              risk to themselves or others. The service
year, is particularly interested in seeing                                                   (not anorexia nervosa).
                                              sees people experiencing common
Rotherham folk who feel stressed to sign      mental health problems, including:
up this April.                                                                               Anyone wanting to attend will
                                              depression, general anxiety, stress, panic,
                                                                                             need to book a place in advance by
                                              phobias, social anxiety, low self-esteem,
                                                                                             telephoning 01709 447755.
                                              health anxiety, obsessive compulsive

Engagement Matters
     BAME group goes from
     strength to strength
     Our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME)
     networking group has met recently sharing ideas and
     good practice. Here’s a photo from the day.

     Want to know more about the BAME group? Contact
     Noma Makhanda by emailing noma.makhanda@nhs.net

                                                                               Members of our BAME networking group

     Meet your Governors
     Each month we ask a governor to tell us about their role. This month we welcome
     Colin O’Neil, Staff Governor

     Hello my name is Colin O’Neil and I work in the Adult Mental Health Team as part of Occupational Therapy.

     I have worked in this role for over 25 years and enjoy every minute. I’ve recently become a Staff Governor
     and this role is new to me but I see it as ensuring that the Trust’s strategy and direction is shaped by you,
     ur staff, and to act as a voice and a conduit to ensure that your views as staff are represented.

     As a collective, the governors hold the Board of Directors to account and we ensure that information is
     provided in a transparent and timely manner. It is not any governor’s role to look individually at people’s
     concerns but to listen to what you have to say and to work on these alongside the members of the Board of Directors. So please do not
     hesitate to approach me with ideas or anything you would like to know more about! You can contact me on colin.o’neil@nhs.net.

     Eileen’s world-class marmalade
     One of our governors who’s also the founder of local Doncaster
     charity DonMentia is now one of the world’s best marmalade
     makers – and that’s official.

     Eileen Harrington returned triumphant from the World’s Original Marmalade
     Awards festival in Cumbria, where she collected three silver certificates for her
     tasty Seville speciality.

     Eileen said: “The competition is the Olympic Games of marmalade making. I’m
     thrilled that my recipe has gone down so well with the judges this year.”

     Eileen, pictured, has been making her delicious preserve for the past six years
     from a secret recipe, which she sells to raise funds for DonMentia.

     This year she has produced over 300lbs this year, which are selling well at various shops and other outlets in Doncaster and should raise
     around £1,000 for the charity.

     You can still get hold of a jar at the newly opened Café Flourish at St Catherine’s House, Woodfield Park, Balby.

Hospice matters
Kind hearted shoppers give
back to hospice for Easter
For the fourth year running kind hearted ASDA
shoppers in Doncaster have donated Easter eggs for
St John’s Hospice in Balby.

Carolyn Halls started the egg donation in 2015 and has vowed to
keep it a yearly tradition ever since.

Carolyn said: “I started the egg donation years ago. After seeing
how many shoppers were willing to donate I wanted to make
sure we did it every year. The hospice is well known by many
staff and lots of our customers, with some having personal
experiences of it. As always, our customers show real community
                                                                     Hospice fundraiser Lindsey Richards said: “We want to thank
spirit and love to give back.”
                                                                     Carolyn and all the shoppers for such a generous donation that
                                                                     will bring many smiles to people’s faces this Easter.”
Customers and staff at the Lakeside ASDA donated over 100
scrumptious eggs that will be given out to patients in the hospice
over Easter.

Pensioner’s bowling green challenge Hospice Easter
for St John’s                       Raffle Winner
A pensioner has set himself a
running challenge that will benefit a                                                        Congratulations to Linda
Doncaster-based hospice.                                                                     Pritchard from the WellBean
                                                                                             Coffee Lounge at Tickhill Road
Les Crownshaw of Firbeck who is 67                                                           Hospital, who won this years’
and a member of Tickhill Bowling Club
                                                                                             Easter Basket raffle at the
in Doncaster, regularly sets himself
challenges. This time he has decided to                                                      Hospice.
test his running skills to raise money for
St John’s Hospice in Balby. Les will run a   Les will set off from Denaby Welfare at
whopping 50 miles over two days, to every 9am on Saturday 18 May and will finish at
bowling green in Doncaster.                  Tickhill Bowling Club on Sunday 19 May
                                             at around 6pm. He’ll be supported by
Les said: “I like setting myself challenges  fellow Tickhill Bowling Club member, Dave
that benefit my health and a local charity   Higgins also 67.
at the same time. This will be my fifth time
raising money. I chose the hospice because Anyone who wishes to support
a member of our bowling club volunteers      Les can find a list of times and
there and I’ve heard great things about it.” stops on the donation page here

                                          For more information of how to donate visit:

                                          Follow us on:              @stjohnsappeal                  stjohnshospicedoncaster

Flourish Matters

Flourish Matters
More training opportunities                                          “Café Flourish creates an environment for learning that will be
                                                                     as near to working in business as possible to help those taking
                                                                     part to gain the vital skills they need to then look for work,”
at the newly refurbished                                             added Steve. “Our ambition is to create a centre of excellence for
                                                                     vocational pathway training.”

Café Flourish                                                        Come and see Café Flourish for yourself – open Monday – Friday
                                                                     9am to 4.30pm and Saturday – Sunday 11am to 4.30pm.
A popular Doncaster café has been given a total
makeover and a brand new name with more
opportunities for people wanting to learn vocational

The former Victorian Tea Room at St Catherine’s House at
Woodfield Park, off Tickhill Road, Balby, re-opened on April 1,
following a complete transformation as Café Flourish.

Steve Gillman, Flourish’s Operations Manager, said: “We are really
excited about the transformation. We already train people in new
skills but the revamped Café Flourish will enable us to train more
people in more skills.

“We have created the opportunity for Doncaster residents
wanting to gain experience or confidence through training in a
wide range of areas including how to be a barista, customer care
                                                                     (Left to right): Steve Gillman, Flourish Operations Manager,
skills, using tills, food preparation, baking and cooking.
                                                                     Kay Largent and Jane Wright, Catering Assistants and Paul
                                                                     Kendrew-Jones, Managing Director.

Fun on offer includes:                                               • Free children's crafts
• Easter Bunny                                                       • Bouncy castle
• Face painting                                                      • Craft stalls
• Easter bonnet competition                                          • Tombola
• Plants and gifts                                                   • Mr Bumble
• Easter egg hunt                                                    • Treats in Flourish Café

LiA Matters

     The RDaSHWay is our approach to
     improvement and cultural development                                                 Culture of Care Barometer
     across all of our teams and departments. The                                    This year, April will see the launch of the
     RDaSHWay is about working together, aligning                                ‘Culture of Care Barometer’ in place of the
     skills and effort, reducing bureaucracy and supporting            previous LiA Pulse Check. The barometer will help us
                                                                    gain more information to better improve our workplace and
     decision making closest to front line services. It is about
                                                                    care for patients and as well as inform the development of
     providing appropriate support, governance, investing in        The RDaSHWay.
     our workforce, building both capability and the culture
                                                                    The questionnaire is still only one page, is quick to complete
     for continuous improvement in quality.                         and will provide more localised and targeted cultural
                                                                    insights enabling our improvement journey.

       Join our ‘I CAN’ network                                     What is the Culture of care barometer?
                                                                    The barometer, developed at Kings College London
       We have also started to form the ‘I CAN’ network and         and supported for use by NHS England, is created to be
       this is your opportunity to get involved!                    applicable for front line care staff as well as support staff,
                                                                    with questions that all staff groups should find relevant to
       ‘I CAN’ stands for ‘Improvement and Culture Ambassador       them no matter their role.
       Network’. It is a growing group of staff, carers, service
       users and patient representatives who are champions and      Who will take part?
       practitioners supporting organisational change at every      All our staff will be invited to take part. Forms will be made
       level. It will be supported with learning, development and   available on the intranet, in your work areas and also via
       coaching support.                                            your managers and clinical leads. This matters because
                                                                    great workplace culture is affected by all staff who work in
       Please contact the Improvement and Culture Team for          it. It is therefore really important that all voices are heard,
       more information please telephone 01302 796273.              therefore please complete your feedback and encourage
                                                                    other colleagues to do the same.

                                                                    What will happen to the results?
                                                                    After people have completed their questionnaire results
                                                                    will be analysed and provided to all teams in the trust to
                                                                    help them focus upon what is working well as well as areas
                                                                    where improvements are needed in order to provide the
                                                                    best care for patients and support for one another in the
          Improvement and                                           workplace.
          Cultural Ambassador
                                                                    Results of the ‘Culture of Care Barometer’ will better inform
                                                                    our cultural and quality improvement as we progress with
                                                                    The RDaSHWay.

                                                                    Why does this matter:
                                                                    The use of the ‘culture of care barometer’ aims to improve
                                                                    our organisational insights and allow us to internally
                                                                    understand and use this measurement tool to target
                                                                    support and improvements supporting the development of
                                                                    compassionate leadership and culture.

                                                                    To know more about the Culture of Care Barometer please
                                                                    contact the Improvement and Culture team on telephone
                                                                    01302 796275 or email rdash.improvement@nhs.net

                                                                    Look out for the launch in the Daily Email and on the
                                                                    intranet during April.

LiA Matters

LiA Matters
     Implementing Change – Medication round in progress
     Our mission

     Our mission on the ward was to reduce medication errors due
     to interruptions by implementing the tabards again but in a
     different way with patients with Dementia our main focus. A
     patient suffering from dementia became extremely anxious
     and upset when the nursing team wore the original coloured
     medication tabards, which were red.

     How we made the change

     We agreed on the colour green for pharmacy and
     “Medication Round In Progress” to be written on the front
     and back. The tabards were made by our sewing department
     and we issued the tabards on three of our wards. We
     removed the red ones and introduced the tabards to the
     Nursing team.

     Why we needed to change

     In 2006 the red tabards were introduced for nurses to wear
     when completing their drug rounds with “DO NOT DISTURB”
     written on the front of them and it was found there was a
     71% reduction in nurses being interrupted when they were
     first introduced. In 2011 the Nursing standards researched
     some of the pros and cons to the red tabards which
     suggested some patients especially patients within diagnoses
     of dementia, may feel intimidated and a situation arose
     where a patient did not feel they could interrupt the Nurse
     even in an emergency situation due to the alarming colour
     and the bold writing on the front

     The difference we made

     The green tabards drew interest from patients and their
     families as they had not seen this colour before and questions
     were initiated around when is it appropriate for the nurses to
     be interrupted.

     The Tabards were well received from the nursing team and
     put a new perspective on the medication tabards.

You can also read