Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School

Page created by Adrian Nguyen
Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School
Bulldog Community Beat
Elbert School District #200                                                                                        October 2021

                                 P.E./Health                                         4th Grade                                 Art

                  Mr. McKnight                                    Mrs. Hogan                                    Ms. Petersen
            My name is Wyatt                               Merri Hogan is a Colorado                    My name is Crystal Petersen.
            McKnight and I am teach-                                                                    I am a Colorado native and
            ing K-12 PE, health and                        Native who loves to get                      grew up in the neighboring
            coaching MS football &                         outdoors, hike, play pickle-                 town of Elizabeth. I am excit-
            boys basketball. I have                        ball, play games, and                        ed to be the new art teacher
            lived in Elbert County since                                                                here in Elbert. This is my
            I was born, in fact I went                     spend time with her family
                                                                                                        first year teaching and I have
            to school up the road at                       and two dogs. Next to be-                    been very impressed by the
            Kiowa from Kindergarten all                    ing a parent of two young                    students in this community
            the way through gradua-
            tion. I attended Fort Hays                     men, she thinks teaching                     so far! They are amazing in-
                                                                                                        dividuals with an enthusiasm
            State University in Hays,                      is the most rewarding job!                   to learn! I am excited for this
            Kansas and earned my de-                       With more than 25 years
            gree in Sports and Recrea-                                                                  year to see how it will roll out
            tion Management.                               of being an educator, she                    as I get to know each of you
            As a PE teacher, I am able                     embraces each new year                       and your children.
            to help kids set goals and                                                                  Thank you for supporting the
                                                           as an endless opportunity                    Elbert Arts!
            watch them achieve those
            goals. I'm excited to be a                     of experiences and learn-
            part of this one-of-a-kind                     ing adventures!                             Front Office
            Elbert family.
            Let's Go Bulldogs!
                                                                   CHECK THIS OUT!

                                 K-2 doing recess on the
                                 Christmas Tree!

                                                                                        Ms. Gilmore                  Mrs. Albers
                                                                                        School Nurse                 Admin Asst.

                                                                 NEWS insert starting this month!
                                                                 "Sup Dawg" is a new student led, student run, attempt to
                                                                 report on real news from real students.
                                                                 This will be the genesis of the Elbert High School's
                                                                 student run newspaper written by the Current Events
                                                                 class. Students are instructed to push the boundaries of
                                                                 student engagement in themes that will address student
                                                                 and school issues, local (Elbert County), state (Colorado),
                                                                 national (U.S.) and world headlines from a student’s
                                                                 point of view. READ ON!
Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School
                               CLUBS & MORE
              HS FOOTBALL                                       ELBERT VOLLEYBALL
SATURDAY, 9/25           @ BYERS                         1:00
SATURDAY, 10/2           SOUTH PARK                      1:00
SATURDAY, 10/16          @ JUSTICE (BOULDER)             1:00
FRIDAY, 10/22            @ LYONS                         7:00
                MS FOOTBALL
SATURDAY, 10/2           SOUTH PARK                 10:00
MONDAY, 10/11            CALHAN                      4:00

                                                                         Hey Bulldogs, How about
                                                                         trying a new sport or club
                                                                         this year?
                                                                          Art
                                                                          Book Club
                                                                          FFA
                                                                          Matchwits
                                                                          Kindness Club
                                                                          Creative Writing
                                                                          Winter Sports
            Elbert Gate Prices
               High School Games
                                                                          Cheer!
     $6 Adults       $5 Students & Seniors

             Middle School Games
     $5 Adults        $4 Students & Seniors

                Gate Passes
      $75 parents & fans/ $50 students
            One time purchase

             BOOSTER CLUB
       Choose to invest in our
         join Booster Club!

 “The Elbert Booster Club strives to encourage
 school spirit by supporting the school and community
 through a variety of athletic, academic, artistic and
 social events, and fundraisers.”
Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School
Welcome to our newest
                          baby bulldog:

                      Harlow Rae Thieman
                      Mr. & Mrs. Thieman
                                                 4th grade students working on
                                               character trait posters for the novel
                                                   “The One and Only Ivan.”

                                                                OUR SCHOOL PARKING LOT IS ONLY AS
                                                                     SAFE AS ALL OF US MAKE IT
                                                             As we have several new families and new high
                                                             school drivers this year, the following parking lot
                                                             instructions are provided:
                                                                  Enter the school parent-drop off line from the
                                                                    east entrance.
                                                                 Follow the arrows boldly painted throughout
                                                                    the parking lot and be aware of newly
                                                                    installed speed bumps.
                                                                 As you enter the parking lot, be aware that
                                                                    the first curve is a fire lane (curb marked in
                                                                    red). Do not park, pick up or drop off your
                                                                    student in this area.
                                                                 Do not block or encroach on crosswalks with
                                                                    vehicles or trailers.
                                                                 Teachers and staff in yellow vests are
                                                                    present for the safety of all. Please be
 Preschoolers ROCK!

                                                                    respectful of their direction.
                                                                 If you wish to walk your child up to the
                                                                    school in the morning, or wait on the side
                                                                    walk east of the playground at the end of the
                                                                    day…. park in an unmarked parking place
                                                                    (not in the car line alley or reserved spaces),
                                                                    and walk on sidewalk only.
                                                                 New this year is an overflow parking lot
                                                                    intended for parents and patrons, with
                                                                    clearly marked crosswalks up to the school.
                                                                 When picking up your child at the end of the
                                                                    day, it is essential that as cars exit the car
                                                                    line, each driver move forward. It is for the
                            Overheard at                            safety of all of our students that vehicles
                                                                    enter the car line in an orderly manner.
                                                                 Exit the school parking lot driving SOUTH to
                            Elbert…..                               the dirt road (County Road 98). Please do
                                                                    not circle in the parking lot, for the safety of
                                                                    our students and families.
Teacher to 2nd Grader: Are you going to
share that yummy ice cream sandwich with me?                     If you have any questions, email Mrs. Opfer at
Response: “Nope, I’d give you cooties!!!”                        sopfer@elbertschool.org or call the office.
Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School
24489 Main Street, PO Box 38
             Elbert, CO 80106

            Phone: 303-648-3030
             Fax: 303-648-3652


 Facebook: Elbert School District #200

 Send Newsletter Ideas, Suggestions or                                                                                      DRILL
           Comments to:
Susan Opfer, Public Information Officer
        sopfer@elbertschool.org                                                                                         Elbert School
                 - or -                                                                                             practices up to two
   Kelli Thompson, Superintendent
       kthompson@elbertschool.org                                   Elbert Students                                drills (fire, lockdown,
                                                                Please know that if you                           tornado, etc.) a month.
                                                                  are feeling anxious,                               If there is ever an
Coming Soon……..                                                 stressed, sad, or over-                              actual lockdown,
10/1     World “SMILE” Day!                                    whelmed, Mr. Dorman is                                 tornado, fire or
10/6     School Picture Retakes                                available to talk with you.                         emergency a message
10/6     Fall Sports Pictures
                                                                 You can reach him by                             will be sent to parents.
                                                                        email at
10/8     End of 1st Quarter
10/11    Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/13    Accountability (2nd Wednesday)        5:00PM                                                         Elbert has the latest books and DVDs,
10/20    Booster Club (3rd Wednesday)                                                                         E-Books & Audiobooks!
10/26    School Board Meeting                  6:00PM         ASHES is Back!                                  Visit us on the web for                   Elbert School
         (4th Tuesday of the month)
                                                                                                              more information about                    Branch public
                                                               ASHES = “After
10/29    Trunk or Treat Day at school
                                                                                                              programs, calendar of                         hours:
                                                               School Helping
11/2     Election Day                                                                                         events, to request
                                                              Everyone Succeed “                                                                          Monday
11/7     Daylight Savings Time Ends                                                                           materials, and more!                     12:00-4:00p.m.
                                                             For secondary
                                                             students looking for                                                                         Tuesday-
                                                             additional school work                                                                       Thursday
   DRIVERS EDUCATION                                         assistance, join ASHES                                                                     4:30-7:00p.m.
         CLASS                                               on Tuesdays & Wednes-                                                                       303.648.3533
           WHEN: Christmas Break                             days, from 4:15-5:15.
           WHERE: Elbert School                              Parent pickup promptly                                                                   PPLibraries.org
            PRICE: $395/Student                              at 5:15.

 Pre‐register by texting Mr. Kolm at 303‐243‐0814
         emailing to rkolm@comcast.net
                                                        VISIT THE SCHOOL WEBSITE
                                                        FOR ALL THINGS ELBERT:

***JOIN OUR TEAM***                                      2021-22 School Year Calendar
                                                         Current News and Events
        Drive a School Bus                               Forms for all occasions
 Part-Time, Special Events & Sports                      Links to the community &           Elbert School District #200 does not unlawfully discriminate against otherwise
   Occasional Sub Route Driver                               resources
       Must be CDL Licensed                                                                   qualified students, employees, applicants for employment, or members of the
      Apply at elbertschool.org                          Fee schedule (Athletic &               public on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation,
                                                            Academic)                                   marital status, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special
  Substitute TEACHERS                                    Career Opportunities                          education services. Discrimination against employees and applicants
        https://www.cde.state.co.us/                                                                           for employment based on age, genetic information, conditions
        for CDE application process
                                                         Parent Updates
                                                                                                                        related to pregnancy or childbirth is also prohibited
                                                         Student Handbook                                                             according to state and/or federal law.
Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School
Sup Dawg
      Vol. 1             Real News From Real Students                     October 2021

Custer’s last stand was not enough for the Bulldogs
                                         The Bulldogs first football game of the season was
                                     played on August 27, 2021 against the Custer County
                                     Bobcats. The stands were packed. Parents were roaring
                                     with excitement to see their boys on the field once again.
                                     They made Elbert proud. The final score was 48 to 8. This
                                     victory put Coach Graves' team on the right path.
                                     Some of the football players were nervous. Although, many
                                     were confident about winning.
                                         From the first whistle, to the last play, the Bulldogs
                                     definitely crushed the Bobcats. It wasn't long before the
                                     Bulldogs got their first of six touchdowns. Caden Rocha
                                     was asked how many touchdowns were scored, “I don't
                                     remember,” he replied, “there were too many.”
                                         During the first half, Gavin Rose Bulldogged a Bobcat
                                     landing him on a stretcher and a trip to the hospital. It
                                     was a hit that frightened the crowd. All the players took a
                                     knee as a sign of respect. The Bulldogs first “DUB” of the
 season was refreshing. When asked how he thought the season would turn out, Coach Graves said
“good.” Mr. Grape Jelly

            “All roads Lead to the Colorado State Fair”
         The 149th annual Colorado State Fair
happened August 27th through September 6th in
Pueblo, Colorado. It has been a long lasting
tradition at the state fairgrounds since 1872. The
2021 theme was “All Roads Lead to Colorado State
Fair.'' This was a celebration of the importance of
the agricultural community locally and statewide.
The state fair included livestock showings,
auctions, rodeos, derbies, live concerts, dog shows,
carnival attractions, food trucks, and 4H project
submissions. Last year was a tough year, but
thankfully this year, with no mandatory masks or
limited numbers of people in attendance, the Fair
returned to its past glory.
         Fair attendee, Sydney Von, who was showing
her market swine, was asked what she thought of this
year’s Fair compared to last year’s, she stated, “I am
very grateful we even had a fair last year. This year was way better though, we were able to
have more people attend and it’s a lot more normal.”
         The state fair dog show usually has many attendants watching the two day event. Elbert
County’s 4H Dog Leader, Sarah Lindauer, was asked how she felt about this year's competition
compared to years past. She replied, “This year' s dog show was more laid back than years
passed, and had less people in it, but the competition was still at a very high level.” Elbert
school even had a student who placed 3rd in showmanship and received qualifying scores for
the state show.         Mrs. Sugar & Spice
Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School
Vol 1. Real News From Real Students

Badgers inch by the bulldogs in volleyball opener
                                                  It was the first volleyball game for the Lady
                                           Bulldogs this season. The bleachers were crowded
                                           with parents, students, and Elbert staff. All the
                                           girls were excited to start off their season against
                                           a higher level of competition, but they were nervous
                                           as well.
                                                   As the school day went by, there were multiple
                                           conversations that flourished about the volleyball
                                           game that night. Many girls were excited to play
                                           Limon because coach Cornell fought hard to get a
                                           game against a bigger 2A school.
                                                   Several varsity starters were at the state
                                           fair in Pueblo, Colorado, leaving the battle to
                                           seniors like Liberti Cornell. She spoke about the
                                           game and said, “I think varsity will do good tonight,
                                           we’re gonna win.”
                                           After the middle school teams played, the JV team was
prepared to fight and win for the school. When the game started, the fans saw the bright smiles
and good attitudes of the JV players. JV girls volleyball rocked the Badgers. The Varsity team
gathered together and were more than ready to play. Losing three sets by only a couple points.
The varsity’s loss showed the Bulldogs some holes in their performance. Overall, Coach
Cornell’s teams played hard and are ready for upcoming challenges. Lady D

Experts determine that smoking cigarettes is safer
than breathing colordo Air
       Chances are that you’ve noticed ominous
skies or clouds of fog that make it hard to breathe,
but do you know why? 2021 has been the year of
forest fires in California and the Pacific
Northwest. Over 1.8 million acres have already been
destroyed in Northern California, causing large
plumes of smoke that have contributed to poor air
quality in Colorado. This increase in wildfires in
the western United States crept into Colorado over
this past summer. According to the Denver Post,
“Being outside in the Denver metropolitan area for
one hour and breathing the air, is equivalent to
smoking a pack of cigarettes.” And to make things
worse, some experts believe that this is the best air
quality Colorado is going to get for a while.
       The State of Colorado has been monitoring the smog levels and as of September 1st, most
areas are in good or moderate condition. However, in some places such as Denver County, the
smog levels can be dangerous for sensitive groups of people. Colorado’s poor air quality stems
from increased population, leading to more cars, trucks and busses on the road,
notwithstanding, the increased production levels of pollution created by local oil and gas
industries, Colorado’s air quality is becoming dangerous. The pollution and smog are
contributing to the increase in ozone levels.
       Ozone is a colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and powerful oxidizing
properties. Even small levels of this chemical can cause coughing, chest pain, shortness of
breath, and throat irritation. Long exposure to ozone can lead to permanently scarred lung
tissue. Thanks California, you brought your filthy air with you when you moved here.
       -Samantha A. Dawson
Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School Bulldog Community Beat - Elbert School
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