Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions

Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions
Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022
         The Building Inclusive Communities WA project, supported by Lotterywest, is now in it's second year and
         we're inviting your local community to get involved!

         A total of twenty local government authorities (LGAs) or peak bodies will take part in this exciting community capacity
         building project to ensure all people feel welcomed, celebrated and accepted in their local community. With eleven
         communities participating in 2021, applications are now open for nine LGAs or organisations to be involved this year
         in 2022.

         By participating in the BICWA 2022 project, your LGA has the opportunity to strengthen your Community Access and
         Inclusion Plan, increase membership and volunteering for your local community clubs and groups, and ensure your
         local events and activities are inclusive and accessible for all people.

        The Opportunity
        Everyday, communities around                             This presents an exciting                          "I would highly
        Australia are becoming more                              opportunity for LGAs and peak                      recommend to any
        culturally, linguistically, and                          bodies to be at the forefront of this
        religiously diverse than ever before.                    movement, and continue their
                                                                                                                    LGA in signing up for
        With these changes comes an ever-                        journey in creating more inclusive                 the BICWA Program
        increasing need to ensure                                and connected communities.                         by Inclusion Solutions"
        communities have the skills and
        capacity to embrace and support all                      BICWA participants receive a range
        people, regardless of their                              of support and activities throughout
        background.                                              the year including:                                 For $26,000 worth of value, each
                                                                                                                     LGA or peak body will only be
        Reduced funding and a shift away                              Community Workshops                            required to contribute $3,200 to
        from direct service delivery by many                          Community Webinars                             be a part of the BICWA project -
        LGAs, coupled with increased                                  Staff PD Sessions                              a saving of 87.7% of the full
        isolation due to the COVID-19 health                          Online courses                                 cost!
        pandemic, have highlighted the                                Mentoring for community clubs
        increased need for social inclusion.                          Resources and more!

                                                                                                                  What 2021 participants had to say...
                                                                                                                  The City of Bayswater have received
                                                                                                                  fantastic feedback from all our clubs,
                                                                                                                  associations and staff members who were
                                                                                                                  involved with the BICWA program during

                                                                                                                  All the seminars, webinars, team meetings
                                                                                                                  and real life examples really made the
                                                                                                                  learning and cross sharing experience
                                                                                                                  natural and organic. I would highly
                                                                                                                  recommend to any LGA in signing up for
                                                                                                                  the BICWA Program by Inclusion Solutions.

                                                                                                                  We all want our sporting clubs and
                                                                                                                  associations to thrive and cater to the
                                                                                                                  diverse community we all live in, it is
                                                                                                                  important that our clubs cater to all people
                                                                                                                  in the community and create ongoing
                                                                                                                  opportunities for all Australians.

Mentoring Meeting with Happy Way Multicultural Assoc. L to R Grace Mills (Inclusion Solutions), Hadeel Aljanabi   Brendan Frawley
(Happy Way Multicultural Assoc.), Brendan Frawley (City of Bayswater) & Erin Taylor (Inclusion Solutions)         Project Officer & Club Development Officer
Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions
What's Involved in the project

A supportive Partnership
                                                          Building Inclusive Communities WA is a partnership project. By working
   Throughout the project duration                        together, supporting one another, and keeping in regular contact, greater
                                                          project outcomes can be achieved.

                                                          INCLUSION SOLUTIONS                          Participating organisation
                                                              Host an initial project information        Attend an initial project information
                                                              session                                    session
                                                              Attend an initial one-on-one               Attend an initial one-on-one
                                                              introductory meeting                       introductory meeting
                                                              Regular partnership meeting                Regularly communicate with Inclusion
                                                                                                         Solutions team throughout the project

Community workshops
   One two-hour workshop             25-35 participants
                                                          Workshops provide an interactive learning experience combining both
                                                          theory and practical examples to help clubs and community groups to
                                                          identify barriers to participation, start conversations, and identify challenges
                                                          and opportunities specific to their group.

                                                          INCLUSION SOLUTIONS                         Participating organisation
                                                              Provide a choice of social inclusion       Select workshop topic
                                                              workshop topics                            Organise venue & catering for
                                                              Support your organisation to select        workshop
                                                              the most appropriate workshop to           Promote community workshop
                                                              suit your communities needs                through your channels
                                                              Deliver one two-hour workshop to           Identify and invite 25-35 staff or
                                                              25-35 staff or community members           community members to attend

Club Renovation Toolkit
                                                          This toolkit is an 8-week online webinar series which gives community
   Eight modules on demand           20 participants
                                                          groups, sporting, and recreational clubs the skills to build and strengthen
                                                          their groups, attract new members and promote social inclusion.

                                                          INCLUSION SOLUTIONS                         Participating organisation
                                                               Provide registration codes for up to     Identify and invite local clubs and
                                                               10 clubs or community groups             community groups to participate in
                                                               (2 members per club) to                  the toolkit (to a maximum of 10 clubs,
                                                               participate*                             with 2 participants each)
                                                               Deliver Club Renovation Toolkit          Work with Inclusion Solutions to
                                                               Provide feedback summary to              confirm toolkit participants‡
                                                               participants following completion of     Regularly communicate with toolkit
                                                               toolkit                                  participants to provide
                                                               Provide assistance and follow up         encouragement and support
                                                               with participants as required
                                                          *If required, LGA or organisation staff
                                                          can replace club or community group
Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions
What's Involved in the project - continued

Community Development Toolkit
                                                               This four-week course provides Club and Community Development staff
   Four-week online course              10 participants
                                                               with practical tools and resources to support clubs and community groups
                                                               to create inclusive experiences for all people.

                                                               INCLUSION SOLUTIONS                          Participating organisation
                                                                  Provide registration codes for up to         Identify up to 10 staff members to
                                                                  10 staff members to participate              participate
                                                                  Deliver Community Development                Participating staff to complete
                                                                  Toolkit                                      feedback survey
                                                                  Provide follow-up support as                 Gather and report on outcomes

Community Webinars
   Four one-hour webinars per year     Up to 99 participants
                                                               Webinars provide clubs and community groups the opportunity to learn
                                                               about social inclusion from the comfort of their own home or office.
                                                               Covering a range of topics, each webinar provides participants with
                                                               practical skills and resources to give them the confidence to strengthen
                                                               their club or community group.

                                                                 INCLUSION SOLUTIONS                          Participating organisation
                                                                     Provide webinar topics options to           All participating organisations to vote
                                                                     participating organisations                 for their four preferred topics
                                                                     Support organisation staff to select        Identify and invite local clubs and
                                                                     the webinar best suited to their            community groups to participate in
                                                                     needs (if required)                         webinars
                                                                     Four webinars to be delivered               Promote community webinars
                                                                     throughout the year                         through your channels
                                                                     Provide webinar dates, registration         Invite clubs and community groups to
                                                                     details and flyer                           register and attend
                                                                     Promote webinars on Inclusion               Gather and report on outcomes
                                                                     Solutions channels

CLub Mentoring
                                                                 Our mentoring process supports clubs and community groups to increase
   Throughout the course of the year    One club or group
                                                                 connection with the wider community, increase membership and
                                                                 volunteerism, and become more socially inclusive. Mentoring is an ongoing
                                                                 process where we build a strong relationship with a club or group, identify
                                                                 their goals, and work together in ways that best work for them.

                                                                 INCLUSION SOLUTIONS                          Participating organisation
                                                                     Mutually agree on one local club or        Mutually select and agree on one
                                                                     community group for mentoring              local club or community group for
                                                                     Deliver an initial mentoring               mentoring
                                                                     workshop                                   If required, support an initial
                                                                     Provide ongoing mentoring and              introduction between mentee club
                                                                     support to one community group or          and Inclusion Solutions
                                                                     club through email, phone or               Provide support and encouragement
                                                                     in-person meetings at a frequency          to club or community group receiving
                                                                     mutually agreed upon with the              mentoring as required
Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions
What's Involved in the project - Continued

Professional Development
   One 1.5 hr session         1 - 4 participants
                                                   Professional development sessions are tailored and interactive
                                                   opportunities for staff within local government to learn about social inclusion
                                                   and how it directly relates to their position and work.

                                                   INCLUSION SOLUTIONS                      Participating organisation
                                                      Deliver one personalised                Choose up to four staff members to
                                                      one-on-one professional                 participate in a professional,
                                                      development session with a single       personalised development session,
                                                      staff member focusing on their          OR
                                                      specific role, OR                       Choose one staff member to
                                                      Deliver professional development        participate in a personalised
                                                      session with up to four staff           one-on-one professional development
                                                      members with a more general             session

About Inclusion Solutions
Launched in 2016, Inclusion Solutions is a not-for-profit organisation. We work to facilitate, educate and
influence individuals, organisations and communities on the benefits of social inclusion. We work to
identify opportunities that connect people at risk of social exclusion and isolation within their community.

We work with local governments, sporting clubs, community groups, state sporting organisations and
businesses of all sizes to develop strategies and initiatives to achieve inclusive outcomes. We achieve
this by providing personalised training, mentoring and consultancy services.

As an organisation, it is our belief that all people should have the opportunity to live a rewarding life and
participate in a welcoming community. We want everyone to feel welcome, have choice and control,
share ordinary places and feel a sense of belonging within their community.

  information session                                                financial contribution
                                                                     DELIVERABLE                                   PRICE EX.GST

   Register for the upcoming Information                             A Supportive Partnership                             In-kind
                                                                     Community Workshops                                  $1,265
   Sessions to find out more:                                        Club Renovation Toolkit                              $5,400
                                                                     Community Development Toolkit                        $6,159
                                                                     Community Webinars                                     $736
                                                                     Club Mentoring                                       $1,725
  Wednesday 19th January 2022                                        Professional Development                               $402
  2.00pm - 3.00pm                                                    Operational Costs                                    $4,893
                                                                     Project Disbursements and Travel                     $5,100
  Online via Zoom                                                    Administration                                         $320
  Registration at;
                                                                                             Usual Price                 $26,000
                                                                                     BICWA Partner Price                  $3,200
                                                                                                                  Save $22,800

   Applications to be part of the BICWA project are due 2pm, Friday 4th February 2022.
Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions Building Inclusive Communities WA 2022 - Inclusion Solutions
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