Building Desktop Applications Using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Java - Student Edition

Page created by Freddie Fleming
Building Desktop Applications
Using the ArcGIS® Runtime SDK for Java

                           Student Edition
Copyright © 2012 Esri
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Course version 1.1. Version release date July 2012.

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Course introduction
    Course goals
    Additional resources
    Installing the course data

1   Introduction to the ArcGIS Runtime SDK
    Lesson introduction
    What is the ArcGIS Runtime?
    Context within the ArcGIS system
    Contents of the SDK
    Can the ArcGIS Runtime do that?
    Provisioning GIS data and functionality
    Lesson review

2   Getting started with the SDK
    Lesson introduction
    Preparing your environment
    Introducing the architecture
    Exercise 2: Prepare and test your development environment
         Prepare the development environment
         Create a simple ArcGIS Runtime application
         View the World Street Map's Services Directory page
         Add a local data source
         Challenge: Modify the URL for the ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer
    Client-server architecture
    Investigating the local server
    Understanding client-server communications
    Understanding services
    Lesson review

3   Displaying data effectively
    Lesson introduction
    Layer types
    Layer draw order
    Working with tiled layers
    Cached map services on
    Working with dynamic layers
    Working with graphics layers
    Working with feature layers
    Show me the data!
    Understanding symbology
    Understanding renderers

Symbols and renderers
    Authoring Runtime-enabled packages
    Exercise 3: Display data effectively
        Share a map as a Runtime-enabled map package
        Import the starter project
        Set the initial extent
        Add the Riverside map package
        Add a tile package
        Render the education facilities using different symbols
        Hide a sublayer of a dynamic layer
        Draw points on a graphics layer
        Challenge: Use a TextSymbol
    Lesson review

4   Adding data editing functionality
    Lesson introduction
    SDK support for editing
    Accessing data for editing
    Using feature services to enable editing
    Workflow to enable editing
    Be an enabler... of editing!
    Exercise 4: Add data editing functionality
        Add a local map package for temporary edits
        Add the editing tools
        Prepare a map package with referenced data
        Use one map package for both display and editing
        Make edits in a multiuser scenario
        Challenge: Make the feature layer symbol transparent
        Challenge: Make the FieldNotes layer draw on top
    Lesson review

5   Using GIS functionality
    Lesson introduction
    What is a task?
    Task example: Making a bank deposit
    The Identify task
    Task implementation workflow
    Performing geometry operations
    Exercise 5: Work with the Query task
        Review the starter application
        Prepare the map layers
        Prepare input parameters
        Execute the task
        Capture and handle the results

Perform a buffer operation
        Challenge: Display graphical and tabular results together
    Lesson review

6   Performing geoprocessing
    Lesson introduction
    What is geoprocessing?
    Authoring and sharing GIS functionality
    Exercise 6A: Develop a geoprocessing package
        Prepare to author the model
        Build the viewshed model
        Expose the model parameters
        Run the model to create a result
        Share the result as a geoprocessing package
    The Geoprocessor class
    Working with service parameters
    Choosing a Geoprocessor execution method
    Geoprocessor scenarios
    Exercise 6B: Implement a geoprocessing function
        Review the starter application
        Start the local geoprocessing service
        Discover the service parameters
        Prepare the input parameters
        Submit the geoprocessing job
        Display the results
    Lesson review

7   Deploying ArcGIS Runtime applications
    Lesson introduction
    Deployment workflow
    Licensing your application
    Creating the local server
    Bundling the deployment
    Exercise 7: Deploy a geoprocessing application
        License your application
        Create the local server
        Bundle the deployment
        Test the deployment
    Lesson review

    Appendix A: Esri data license agreement
    Appendix B: Answers to lesson review questions

Lesson 1: Introduction to the ArcGIS Runtime SDK
Lesson 2: Getting started with the SDK
Lesson 3: Displaying data effectively
Lesson 4: Adding data editing functionality
Lesson 5: Using GIS functionality
Lesson 6: Performing geoprocessing
Lesson 7: Deploying ArcGIS Runtime applications

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