Building a global portfolio of helium exploration and development projects

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Building a global portfolio of helium exploration and development projects
Building a global portfolio
  of helium exploration
and development projects
Building a global portfolio of helium exploration and development projects
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Building a global portfolio of helium exploration and development projects
“Existing sources of helium,
    typically associated with
    hydrocarbons, are being
    depleted and yet demand is
    rising. Market dynamics
    support a major opportunity
    for pure-play helium

    Neil Ritson, Chairman

    Expert in commercialising helium plays

                                             About 20% of helium is used in MRI scanners
Building a global portfolio of helium exploration and development projects
Our strategy

    Pure helium plays             Set in diverse geological       Supported by existing       Ready access to helium
                                  settings                        technical data              end markets
    To satisfy growing demand     To minimise portfolio risk by   To fast-track projects to   To maximise operational
    by leveraging our technical   investing across a range of     commercial production       returns by prioritising
    and corporate experience      geological and geopolitical     through partnerships and    projects within easy reach
    to develop pure sources of    settings                        leveraging existing         of established markets
    helium (those not primarily                                   technical data
    associated with
    hydrocarbon production)

                    We will assist partners in accelerating extraction programmes

Building a global portfolio of helium exploration and development projects
Helium uses
    Helium is a vital resource with unique
    properties that make it irreplaceable                                                   9%
    Flagged as strategic by US and EU, it                                            Electronics
    plays a critical role in high-tech
    applications in medicine, technology
    and aerospace

                     20%                                                 Other uses
                                                                         Other cryogenics
              Medical imaging
                                                 13%                     Other

                                               Optic fibres              Purging/Space             6
                                                                         Leak detection            5
                                                                         Controlled atmospheres    3
                                                                         Breathing mixtures        3

Building a global portfolio of helium exploration and development projects
Helium in industry

    MRI scanners                                             Space exploration
    Liquid helium is necessary to keep the superconducting   Helium is used to purge fuel tanks in rockets before take-
    magnets cold in MRI machines. This is due to a           off and to pressurise the fuel in order to force it into the
    superconducting magnet’s quantum properties – being      rocket engines
    kept near absolute zero greatly increases the magnetic

    High-tech data centres                                   Airships
    Helium-filled, high-capacity hard drives increase        Airships are set to play a growing role in global supply
    capacity by 50% and energy efficiency by over 20%        and logistics. Lockheed Martin has signed its first
    and are used to power industry’s largest data centres    contract for a hybrid helium airship. Straightline Aviation
    including Netflix and Amazon                             intends to purchase 12 of the airships that measure
                                                             nearly a football field long

Helium production
                                                                             Poland   South Africa   Canada
                                                                    Russia     1%         1%          0.005%
    The bulk of helium produced today is a by-                        2%
    product of natural gas production                        Australia
    • Decarbonisation is resulting in less investment
       in natural gas production
    • Helium will need to be sourced in its own right                Algeria
                                                                      10%                                 Qatar
    Over 90% of the world’s helium supply comes
    from just three countries                                                                              34%
     • Limited supply can destabilise markets
       (especially in volatile regions – geopolitical risk
       in supply chain)
     • For most of its supply history, the US
       government has smoothed the helium market
       within its strategic reserve facility, which is now
       reaching depletion
     • EU/Asia relying on long distance importation
       (high carbon footprint in existing supply chain)                       USA
     • Russia has plans to greatly increase its supply                        49%
       but project delays are likely

Helium market
                                      Estimated annual market size
    Depletion of US strategic
    reserve and increased
    demand from industry have
    driven the price of helium
                                                                                   of 5.7%
     500% in 15 years                              CAGR
                                                   of 9.7%

                                               US$                             US$                           US$
                                               3.65                            5.8                           7.65
                                                bn                              bn                            bn
                                           2020                           2025                           2030

                                • Ability to move quickly and assist partners to
    “With our experience and      fast-track their existing projects
    access to capital, we see   • Excellent understanding of helium plays and
    ourselves as an ideal         markets – team has recognised experts in the
                                  identification and commercialisation of helium
    partner.”                     plays
                                • Track record in assisting early-stage helium
    Neil Ritson, Chairman         projects
                                • Direct access to helium-aware investors
                                • Access to capital and the London market
                                • Wide exposure to existing helium projects
                                  around the world


    Neil Ritson                                         Jonathan Owen                                       Fungai Ndoro
    Non-executive Chairman                              Non-executive Director                              Non-executive Director
    • Geoscientist with over 40 years in energy and     • Mining engineer with over 10 years in             • Corporate financier with over 10 years’ City
      resource sectors                                    developing and managing exploration and             experience
    • 20 years with BP in technical and managerial        mining operations                                 • Advising public companies at Peterhouse
      positions                                         • Senior operational leadership experience in         Capital on transactions (IPOs, M&A and funding)
    • Recognised expert in identification/                gold, diamond, industrial minerals, and gas       • Structured and launched several companies
      commercialisation of helium plays                   projects
                                                                                                            • Executive director of AQSE listed Quetzal Capital
    • Formed helium consultancy with research teams     • Formerly COO of Helium One plc, responsible for     Limited
      from University of Oxford and Durham University     establishing corporate, government and social
                                                          licences to operate in Tanzania, and executing    • Independent strategic consultant to growth
    • Facilitated access to seismic data and              the successful exploration programme                companies on governance and capital market
      supervised reprocessing/re-interpretation for                                                           transactions
      Helium One plc                                    • Associate of Camborne School of Mines
                                                        • VP, Natural Resources of Proudfoot, an
                                                          international operational improvement
                                                          consultancy for future-focused mining
Share capital                                        Shareholders
     Exchange                      Aquis Stock Exchange   Shareholder                % of Issued Shares

     Stock Code/Ticker                             HEV    Charles Wood                            9.5%

     Sector                           Natural Resources   James Sheehan                           9.5%

     Issued Share Capital                    16,840,000   Challenge Holdings Ltd                  8.3%

     Warrants in Issue                        8,100,000   Daniel Maling                           7.1%
     -   £0.05 exp. June 2024                 7,600,000
     -   £0.10 exp. July 2024                             Abdelatif Lachab                        5.9%

                                                          Neil Ritson (Director)                  6.2%

     Fully Diluted Share Capital             24,940,000   Wayne Gibson                            4.5%

     Funds raised on Admission                 £924,000   Jonathan Owen (Director)                3.0%

     • The helium market is evolving rapidly as
       demand recovers after the COVID-19
       pandemic and the global decarbonisation
       agenda accelerates

     • Helium Ventures is well placed to make a
       material investment in the sector within a short
       time frame

     • Management believes supply pressure will
       continue to increase, and prices will continue to
       rise, creating a significant opportunity for new
       sources of helium


                     Helium Ventures Plc
Central Working Victoria, 25 Eccleston Place, London SW1W 9NF
          +44 (0)20 3475 6834 |
                  Follow us on social media
         @HeliumVentures |        @Helium Ventures plc
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