BSME SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2020 - Saturday, March 28th VENUE: Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Sports Complex

Page created by Rhonda Page
         Saturday, March 28th

 Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Sports Complex
           Dubai, United Arab Emirates

                    Hosted by:

                   Powered by:
2020 BSME Swimming Championships
Host:                     Al Yasmina Academy, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sanctioned by:             Dubai Sports Council, UAE Swimming Federation and the BSME Events Committee

Events & Age Groups:       EVENTS – please see ‘events list’ below
                           AGE GROUPS FOR AWARDS – 8 & Under, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 15 & Over
                           QUALIFYING TIMES (see separate PDF) will be used as criteria for entry.
                           Proof of Time must accompany ALL entries.

Meet Format:               Meet will be pre-seeded. All individual events will be timed finals. Males and Females will
                           swim separately but all age groups will be combined and seeded in each race according to entry
                           times – for award purposes final times will be separated by age group.

Meet Rules:                FINA Swimming Rules: with the exception that the age cut-off is August 31st 2019 (BSME age
                           cut-off date!!). It is hoped that all officials will be supplied by the UAE Swimming Federation.

Venue:                     The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Sports Complex, Dubai, UAE
                           10 lane 50m indoor pool with spectator and competitor seating

Date & Time:               Saturday, March 28th 2020. There will be a morning session and afternoon session - times to be
                           decided once entries are received.

Entry Deadline:            THURSDAY, MARCH 5th 2020 – 12:00 noon please. Entries can be sent earlier than this
                           date if you have them ready!!

                           All entries should be sent electronically to:
                           David Rogers via Rachel @BSME
                           E-mail address:

Entry Fees:                AED 42.00 per individual event and AED 105.00 per relay entry
                           Maximum 4 individual and 2 relay events per swimmer
                           In order to cover costs of hiring the facility for the championships each school will need to pay
                           AED 525.00 to participate
******                    Please note, that 5% VAT is included in the above fees and will be reflected on the INVOICE.

Awards:                    Medals for 1st 2nd & 3rd; ribbons 4th through 6th place. Hi-point
                           trophy per gender per age group

Meet Director:             David Rogers

Meet Schedule:            EXAMPLE ONLY
                          Warm-ups ....................... 07:00
                          Scratch Meeting ............. 07:30       (all of these times are for example only and will
                          Officials Report .............. 08:15      change once entries have been received and the
                          Call First Events ............. 08:20         meet has been seeded)
                          Meet Start .......................08:30

Other:                 Passes for coaches will be available at AED 105 (VAT included). Only coaches with passes will
                       have access to the pool-deck during the warm-up and competition.
2020 BSME Swimming Championships Conditions of Entry
1. The competition will be held under FINA Law and Technical Rules.

2. One start rule will apply. Over the top starts may be used at the promoter’s discretion.

3. The Hamdan complex has an indoor pool which is 50m long and has 10 lanes with anti-wave lane ropes. The 25m x 25m
   Diving pool will be available throughout the meet as a Warm-up/Swim-Down facility.

4. A SWISS TIMING (OMEGA) SYSTEM will be used with a fully automatic electronic control and will include buttons
   and stopwatch back-up system. The Hy-Tek Meet Manager programme will be used throughout the meet.

5. All events will be timed finals / heat declared winner (HDW)

6. All entries must be submitted via email to the Meet Director DAVID ROGERS at:

7. Team entries (more than 5 swimmers) must be made using Hy-Tek. If required the Hy-Tek lite application is available to
   download free from Hy-Tek here: . Only one file per school is permitted.
   Please also enter your relay teams in the correct events – names can be added later.

8. The following report should be sent with the Hy-Tek meet entry file:

   i. Hy-Tek Meet Entry report (sorted by name)

9. Teams not using Hy-Tek will be charged an additional entry processing fee of AED 52.50 for entries of 6-10 competitors
   and a further AED 10.50 for every additional competitor (the charges are inclusive of VAT)

10. The Hy-Tek Event file is attached with this information package, further details are available upon request from the Meet

   Director - DAVID ROGERS, at
11. If not using Hy-Tek (processing fee added), both individual and relay entries must be made via email on the entry form
    supplied. The promoter reserves the right to reject entry forms that are not filled out correctly or in English. Please make
   sure the name, date of birth, gender and age as of AUGUST 31st 2019 are correct when sending the form.

If you are entering the RELAY EVENTS and you know the names of your relay team swimmers please enter them
on the separate Relay Entry Form (attached) – the names can be changed at a later date, if necessary.

If you do not know the names of your relay swimmers at this stage please ✓ the ENTRY column if you know you
have a team to enter.

12. The MM Entry Report for entries will be sent to coaches shortly after they have been uploaded into the meet programme.
    Coaches must confirm these entries as correct within 3 days of the report being sent and, following confirmation from
    the coach, competitors will not be permitted to change their entered events and NO REFUNDS will be given for future

13. Entry times must be achieved in licensed/sanctioned meets or ratified by the country within which the meet was held.
                                      PLEASE DO NOT ‘FABRICATE’ TIMES!!

14. Competitors must have achieved the stated entry time for every event they wish to enter.
15. Entry qualification times must have been achieved since April 28th 2019

16. A ‘Proof of Time’ report MUST accompany entries or be included in the Hy-Tek Entry file. Coaches, please            ✓the
    appropriate box in the Hy-Tek TM Entry section.

17.   ** Entry Times may have been accomplished in 25m or 50m pools. When submitting MANUAL entries on the forms
      provided, please specify whether entry times were achieved in a LC (50m) or SC (25m) pool. If entering via Hy-
      Tek please convert ALL times to 50m times and, in the entry report section, please tick the box ‘Indicated
      Converted Times’. Please send the ‘Entry Report’ AND ‘Entry Fee Report’ with the entry zip file, as mentioned in
      condition #8 above.

18. Entry times must be submitted for all events entered where there are minimum entry standards. If no entry time is
    submitted then the entry will be rejected.

19. The promoter reserves the right to limit entries and to allow AYAA swimmers to enter, even if their entry times do not
    meet the Qualifying Times listed.

20. It is the promoter’s intention to complete all sessions within a maximum of 4 hours per session.

21. Entries received after the published closing date may be rejected at the discretion of the promoter. Any late entries that
    are accepted will be subject to a charge of AED 52.50 (VAT included) per entered event/per competitor.

22. At the discretion of the promoter no reserve swimmers will be allowed.

23. Poolside entries will not be accepted.

24. This meet will operate as a cardless meet.

25. If meet programmes are to be produced, coaches will be informed ahead of time.

26. Competitors whose entries have been accepted will be expected to swim unless they have formally withdrawn in advance.
    If a swimmer fails to report for, and/or withdraws from, a race, he/she may be excluded from all further events in that

27. Withdrawals must be made at least 1 hour before the start of each session or, if earlier, by email to DAVID ROGERS at , or by informing the recorders’ table during the warmup sessions.

28. The school of any competitor failing to comply with the above will be fined AED 52.50 (VAT included) for each
    inappropriate withdrawal or non-notification of withdrawal.

29. Under exceptional circumstances late withdrawals may be accepted at the discretion of the promoter.

30. The entry fee is AED 42.00 per individual event and AED 105.00 per relay team. All entries must be paid for in
    advance of the start of the meet. (the charges are inclusive of VAT)

31. Once entries have been accepted (ref: # 12 above) no refunds will be given.

32. Teams will be invoiced, once the MM Entry Report has been published and confirmed by the coach, for all accepted
    entries and, following the implementation of VAT in the UAE, the 5% tax will be added to the entry fees accordingly.
    The invoice must be paid in full on Saturday, April 27th, 2019. Any team or swimmer who has not submitted payment by
    08.00am will be withdrawn.
34. Under exceptional circumstances, a refund may be given for withdrawals made before the closing date of the competition
    (March 5th) at the discretion of the promoter.

35. All schools are required to supply the names of coaches when entries are submitted.

36. Deck passes for coaches are available priced at AED 105.00 (VAT included) for the weekend. Please order the number of
    passes when you submit your entries. The fee will be noted on the invoice sent with the entries.

37. All coaches must wear the badges provided and will receive a full set of start sheets or a meet programme if one is
    produced. Final team reports will be available upon request at the end of the meet.

38. The Hy-Tek results file will be available for uploading following the presentation of the awards and will also be sent to all
    teams who made their entries via Hy-Tek system, after the meet. All teams who entered without using Hy-Tek will
    receive a Full Meet Results report in PDF format. This will usually be within 5 days but may take longer..

39. Age Groups will swim together in the heats. All events will be seeded according to entry times.

40. The minimum age for entry is 7 years old on the day of competition.

41. Events will be swum as advertised. Time trials will not be permitted.

42. All competitors will be expected to report to marshalling/staging/call room prior to their swim. It is the responsibility of
    the competitor to report to marshalling in plenty of time before the event. NO PARENTS WILL BE ALLOWED IN

43. The meet director may decide to carry out presentations during the meet. Competitors called for a presentation should
    report to the presentation area in appropriate clothing i.e. t-shirt and shorts or full tracksuit. Awards may not be
    presented if a competitor is inappropriately dressed.

44. The Referee’s decision is final.

45. There is NO admission fee for spectators; however, Meet Programmes may be available to purchase, if produced.

46. Any point not covered by these conditions will be at the discretion of the meet organisers.

47. The Hamdan Complex have many outlets available for food and snacks throughout the competition and they
   will be offering a lunch menu during the lunch-break on the day of the championships. All visiting teams will
   be sent details of the menu for each school to arrange their orders directly with the food supplier.

Please contact DAVID ROGERS by email, as soon as possible, to
           indicate if your team will be participating.
2020 BSME Swimming Championships

                               LIST OF EVENTS
                                 Saturday, March 28th 2020

       Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Sports Complex, Dubai, UAE


   Please note that all events will have mixed age groups and seeded according to entry times;
However, medals and ribbons will be awarded according to the age groups listed in the information

            Girls Event #          Distance                Stroke        Boys Event #
                  1                  200m                 Freestyle           2
                  3                   50m                Breaststroke         4
                  5                  100m                Backstroke           6
                  7                   50m                 Freestyle           8
                  9                  100m                 Butterfly          10

                 11             8 & Under 200m          Medley Relay         12
                 13               9 & 10 200m           Medley Relay         14
                 15              11 & 12 200m           Medley Relay         16
                 17              13 & 14 200m           Medley Relay         18
                 19             15 & Over 200m          Medley Relay         20

         ******************LUNCH BREAK*******************
            Girls Event #         Distance               Stroke          Boys Event #
                 21                 200m           Individual Medley         22
                 23                  50m              Backstroke             24
                 25                 100m              Breaststroke           26
                 27                  50m                Butterfly            28
                 29                 100m                Freestyle            30

                 31            8 & Under 200m          Freestyle Relay       32
                 33              9 & 10 200m           Freestyle Relay       34
                 35             11 & 12 200m           Freestyle Relay       36
                 37             13 & 14 200m           Freestyle Relay       38
                 39            15 & Over 200m          Freestyle Relay       40
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