Bromley Beacon Academy Orpington Primary PE and Sports Premium 2016 2021

Page created by Jared Coleman
Bromley Beacon Academy Orpington Primary PE and Sports Premium 2016 2021
Bromley Beacon Academy Orpington
  Primary PE and Sports Premium
           2016 - 2021
PE and Sports Premium Funding Report

The Sports Premium, or PE Premium as it is more commonly known, is a Department for Education funding initiative. The DfE committed to over £450 million, initially, on
improving physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools from 2013 to 2016. On 6th February 2014 the Prime Minister, David Cameron committed to continue the
funding for the Primary PE & Sport Premium until 2020. On 6th July 2020 the Government confirmed that the PE and sport premium will continue for the 2020 to 2021
academic year.

Schools are free to choose how they use the funding in order to improve physical education and the way in which the funding is spent may therefore vary from school to
school according to context. Some examples of the ways in which funding might be spent are:
         to hire specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers during PE lessons and to provide resources and training courses in PE
            and sport for teachers
         to support and involve the least active children by running after-school sports clubs and holiday clubs, e.g. the Change4Life clubs
         to run sport competitions or increase pupils’ participation in the School Games
         to run sports activities with other schools

In deciding how to use the Sports Premium funding, the school will:
         ensure that Sports Premium funding allocated to our school is used solely for its intended purpose.
         ensure that teaching and learning opportunities in PE meet the needs of all the pupils.
         use the latest evidence-based research on best practice to ensure that the school’s provision is of the highest quality and that expenditure represents value for
         regularly audit curriculum and staff training to ensure that areas for development are appropriately addressed.

Reporting and Accountability
Since September 2013, Ofsted inspections report on PE and sport provision and on how schools spend their additional funding. The DfE also holds schools accountable by
requiring them to publish on their websites, details of how they spend (or will spend) their PE and sport grant. Schools must also include detail about the impact this
funding has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment. At Bromley Beacon Academy – Orpington Campus the Trust Board, via the Pupils, School and other key
stakeholders, will ensure that there is an annual statement to parents on the impact of Sports Premium expenditure on physical education provision. This statement can be
seen below.
Allocation of funding for the academic year 2020 – 2021 is calculated using the number of pupils in years 1 to 6, as recorded in the January 2020 census. As Bromley Beacon
Academy has 17 or more students we receive a base rate of £16,000 plus £10 per pupil therefore we will receive a total of £16,000 for sports funding. The aim of this
funding is to improve both provision and standards in teaching and learning of the subject.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update 2020
- Reporting swimming and water safety attainment data
The Government recognises that schools’ ability to collect swimming and water safety attainment data may have been interrupted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Any data, or lack of, is entered into this report including any other limitations.
- Flexibility to carry forward any unspent PE and sport premium grant funding
As a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Department for Education has taken steps to relax the ring-fencing arrangements for the PE and sport premium in
the 2019 to 2020 academic year to allow any unspent grant to be carried forward into the next academic year (2020 to 2021) to be spent in full by 31 March 2021. Where
we have carried forward under-spends, this is clearly stated in this report.

Funding Allocation

                        Financial Year                                          Amount of Sports Premium
                         2016 – 2017                                                    £6,500
                         2017 – 2018                                                    £16,230
                         2018 - 2019                                                    £16,240
                         2019 - 2020                                                    £16,280
                         2020 - 2021                                                    £16,000
How we used Sports Premium 2016 - 2017
FUNDING SPENT ON          COST/STAFF TIME    COST               OBJECTIVE                            INTENDED IMPACT          ACTUAL OUTCOME/IMPACT
Physical Education        Uniform                   £350        All students to have a full PE       . To enable and          All Bromley Beacon Academy, Orpington
and sports                                                      uniform. In addition, this year we   encourage students       students were given a physical education
competition kit for all                                         will purchase new competition kit    to take responsibility   kit present in school, increasing
students                                                        for the students at BBA.             for their own            participation and aide the sense of
                                                                                                     appearance and           belonging with the school and the ethos
                                                                                                     raise self-esteem.       of the school.
                                                                                                     We have improved
                                                                                                     the school uniform
                                                                                                     for this year with
                                                                                                     introduction of PE
                                                                                                     uniform for all
                                                                                                     . Through this extra
                                                                                                     funding, our
                                                                                                     students will
                                                                                                     compete with pride
                                                                                                     and represent the
                                                                                                     school in a positive
Competition               Membership cost,          £350        . Access to SGO Organised Borough . To enable students        . This year students have had the
packages:                 travel, staff                         Primary Inter Competition Activities to have the              opportunity to take part in:
Membership of                                                   and South London Special Football opportunity to take                      o Cycling
Bromley Sports                                                  League                               part in a wide range                  o Football
Games Organisers                                                                                     of sports activities.                 o Athletics
scheme and South                                                                                     . To enable students                  o Gymnastics
London Special                                                                                       to be able to                         o Inclusive Sports
League                                                                                               compete in                            o Tag Rugby
                                                                                                     competitions outside     . This year through the subscription, our
                                                                                                     of school. This is       students have been able to go out of
                                                                                                     intended to help         school to compete and represent BBA at
                                                                                                     students to build        football. For an SEMH environment, this
                                                                                                     resilience and team      is a major achievement for the students
                                                                                                     work.                    at BBA.
CPD for subject leader Course cost   £950    . PE teacher to complete               The impact of this        . Students were able to not only learn
                                             trampolining course so that this       will be judged            new skills with both trampolining and
                                             can be offered, regularly, on school   through the quality       gymnastics but also enjoyed these
                                             premises.                              of lesson                 immensely and often requested that
                                             . PE teacher to complete gymnastic     observations, with        they could do these in their reward
                                             course to enhance the quality of       students being able       time.
                                             physical education provision           to perform
                                             available to students at BBAO.         fundamental skills        . Additionally, through the funding, we
                                                                                    and routines and a        have been able to add some sports
                                                                                    few students being        coaching theory books to the teaching
                                                                                    able to produce           resources. This is intended to help the
                                                                                    complex skills and        teacher and associate staff to
                                                                                    routines.                 understand the theories that underpin
                                                                                    . To enhance              sport and how to increase engagement
                                                                                    students access to a      and attainment.
                                                                                    wider range of
                                                                                    sporting activities.
                                                                                    . To provide
                                                                                    opportunities that
                                                                                    students may not get
Additional sports and   Equipment    £1500   . Playground equipment for             Engagement in             . Additional sports equipment purchased
play equipment                               students to enhance social and         physical activity         has enhanced the quality of sports
                                             emotional development. Elements        should help to            offered, encouraging more students to
                                             such as skipping ropes, footballs,     maintain a good           take part in physical education and free
                                             basketballs to be offered during       level of behaviour        play.
                                             lunchtime and playtime to              and reduce conflict
                                             encourage higher levels of             on the playground.        . In addition, student friendly dodgeballs,
                                             participation.                         . Purchased games         badminton posts and class friendly
                                                                                    equipment            is   games such as Jenga, and sticky dart
                                                                                    intended to promote       boards have been purchased to
                                                                                    positive play, in         encourage team work and cooperation in
                                                                                    addition to increasing    the classroom.
                                                                                    the gross and fine
motor skills of the        . Outdoor football goals have also been
                                                                                   children.                  ordered to due to football being a
                                                                                   . The additional           popular sport in the school, through this
                                                                                   gymnastic                  investment, we are hoping to raise the
                                                                                   equipment will             number of children playing football
                                                                                   encourage students         competitively for the school.
                                                                                   to be able to break
                                                                                   down moves on the          . Gymnastic apparatus such as safety
                                                                                   trampoline using the       mats, and floor mats has also been
                                                                                   trampoline                 invested in to support the introduction of
                                                                                   appropriate mats,          the sport to the students.
                                                                                   potentially reducing
                                                                                   the risk of
                                                                                   trampoline related
   Dance teacher     Funding of outside   £750   A dance teacher has been invested . Engagement of KS2        Students, especially girls, who have
                     agency                      in for a term to engage the KS2 students who are             previously not been engaged with PE at
                                                 students                          finding engagement         school took part in the dance lessons,
                                                                                   with physical              weekly. As this has worked so well we
                                                                                   education difficult.       are looking to re-engage this person
                                                                                                              next year.
Swimming equipment   Equipment            £250   To vary the curriculum, we have       The aim is to          This funding has meant that all students
                                                 used a proportion of budget to        encourage maximum      in KS2 were able to access swimming
                                                 purchase     extra      swimming      participation by       lessons and feel safe and secure in doing
                                                 equipment for our students.           investing in trunks,   so.
                                                                                       costumes, floats and
                                                                                       goggles to ensure
                                                                                       our students can
                                                                                       take full advantage
                                                                                       of the curriculum.
 Sporting rewards    Excursions, staff    £500   To encourage and praise our           We have selected       Several sports excursions took place last
                                                 students for their sustained effort   excursions which are   year including paintballing, trampolining
                                                 and attainment in physical            related to the         and quad biking. This has encouraged
                                                 education this year, we have          curriculum we have     mores students to take part in physical
                                                 decided to invest in sporting         promoted this year,    activity as they wish to go on the trips
excursions such as trampoline through rewards, we             and also in activities that they may not
                                                     parks, water park days, foot golf.   will encourage more      normally access.
                                                                                          of our students to
                                                                                          actively take part in
                                                                                          physical education
                                                                                          on a consistent basis.
Archery equipment      Equipment             £650    One of the activities that we Due to being a SEMH             Students regularly took part in archery,
                                                     provide the students with is school with a nurture            led by our outdoor activities
                                                     archery. We have purchased more focus, our activities         coordinator. This activity helped to
                                                     child-friendly bow and arrows are varied and                  develop students risk taking and
                                                     including left handed bows.          holistic. This           understanding of risks as they were
                                                                                          equipment will help      working with sharp objects and they had
                                                                                          to engage students       to learn to operate safely. Students also
                                                                                          with different types     develop their understanding of
                                                                                          of sports that they      following rules and systems which
                                                                                          may not experience       helped with making good behaviour
                                                                                          elsewhere                choices.
Outdoor Education      Equipment, uniform    £1000   . The funding will help to purchase To encourage              Over the year the outdoor coordinator
equipment/Forest                                     boots, raincoats, and other students take part in             has developed the forest school offer to
     School                                          necessary equipment which our outdoor, physical               students. A lot of our students find it
                                                     students require                     activities. This will    difficult to adapt to new situations and
                                                     . Weather-proof coats will also      also To enable and       to take risks. By giving them waterproof
                                                     enable outdoor PE to be accessed     encourage students       items of clothing they felt more able to
                                                     during light showers.                to take responsibility   take part in the outdoor education on
                                                                                          for their own            offer.
                                                                                          appearance and
                                                                                          raise self-esteem.
Sports day trophies,   Trophies and medals   £200    To celebrate the success of physical To provide               These awards had a positive impact on
  medal and KS2                                      education at BBA this year, we have recognition for           the uptake of events in sports day.
     apparatus                                       decided to invest a small amount of consistent and            Students were aware that there would
                                                     our allocation into our sports day improved effort,           be prizes, trophies and medals for not
                                                     and medals etc for the event.        performance and          only winning but also for taking
                                                                                          behaviour in PE. This    part/effort.
                                                                                          links with our reward
                                                                                          system to promote a
positive behaviour
                                                                                                         approach to impact
                                                                                                         on whole school
Tri-Golf                 Funding of outside            £200          This budget will enable half a term To encourage a wider      Along with other sporting offer we
                         agency                                      of quality coaching and resources group of our students       included golf. This wide range of sports
                                                                     for our students.                   into physical activity,   meant that all students were able to
                                                                                                         we have allocated         access at least one sports that they
                                                                                                         part of the budget to     enjoyed meaning that they became
                                                                                                         Tri-Golf.                 more willing to try other activities.

                                                                                                                                                            Total: £6500.00

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety 2016 - 2017
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least   6/10 60%
25 metres?
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke     4/10 40%
and breaststroke]?
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?                0/10 0%
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but       Yes – swimming equipment, costumes etc.
this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?
Five Key Indicators
     1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5
        to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
     2. the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
     3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
     4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
     5. increased participation in competitive sport

2017 – 2018
 PROJECT                   Key       COST*   OBJECTIVE                 INTENDED IMPACT                     SUSTAINABILITY                ACTUAL OUTCOME/IMPACT
 Physical Education          1, 2, 5 £750.00  All students to have a  To enable and encourage              All class teachers/tutors  Higher percentage of
 and sports                                      PE kit                    students to take                    to make sure that            students (62% to 86%)
 competition kit for all                      All students to have        responsibility for their own        uniform is inscribed with    were able to take part
 students                                        winter PE kit -           appearance and raise self-          student’s name.              in PE lessons in correct
                                                 sweatshirts      and      esteem.                           For some students             and appropriate
                                                 jogging-bottoms        Through this extra funding,           uniforms will need to be
                                                                                                                                            clothing for the activity.
                                              Football kits have          our students will compete           washed on site so that
                                                 been donated by           with pride and represent            they are kept in a good    12 students took part
                                                 various charities for     the school in a positive            state of cleanliness         in various competitions
                                                 offsite fixtures          manner.                             meaning that it will last    including athletics,
                                                                        To encourage outdoor PE all           longer                       cricket and football.
                                                                           year round
 Forest School                1, 4   £600.00  Wellington boots         The funding will help to  Area to be set up in  Students have been more
                                              Jackets                     purchase boots, raincoats,         covered/outside area so       eager to take part and
                                              Trousers                    and     other       necessary      that boots and coats can      venture into the woods to
                                                                           equipment       which       our    be kept, giving them a        explore in all types of
                                                                           students require.                  chance to dry. Boots to be    weather. Increase of
                                                                        Weather-proof coats will             cleaned by students after     participation of students
                                                                           also enable outdoor PE to be       using                         from 71% to 95%.
                                                                           accessed      during      light  All class teachers/tutors  This        has    supported
                                                                           showers.                           to make sure that uniform     student development in
                                                                                                              is inscribed with students    risk taking with the SEMH
                                                                                                              name                          strand ‘To be able to take
on new tasks’ increasing
                                                                                                                                              21% over the year.
                                                                                                                                             Covered area has been set
                                                                                                                                              up to keep equipment dry
                                                                                                                                              and in a good state of
Competition            2, 5      £480     This year through the SGO        To enable students to have      Increased number of              12 students were able to
packages:                                 subscription, our students        the opportunity to take part     children                          take part in offsite
Membership of                             will be able to go out of         in a wide range of sports        participating in intra &          competitions which
Bromley Sports                            school to compete and             activities.                      inter                             enabled them to
Games Organisers                          represent     BBAO       at      To enable students to be         school sports                     represent the Academy
scheme and South                          football, netball and other       able to compete in               competitions;                     and feel pride in doing
London Special                            sports. For an SEMH               competitions outside of         Increased range of                so. It has also helped to
League                                    environment, this is a            school. This is intended to      competitions                      develop their awareness
                                          major achievement for             help students to build           involved in.                      of sportsmanship and
                                          the KS2 students at BBAO.         resilience and team work.       Increased number of               teamwork.
                                                                                                             children                         Verbal feedback from
                                                                                                             participating in intra &          students has been
                                                                                                             inter                             positive and the
                                                                                                             school sports                     eagerness and
                                                                                                             competitions.                     commitment of students
                                                                                                                                               to take part has
Bike Equipment        1, 2, 4   £4200.0      X 5 balance bikes for        To enable all students to       Monitoring of equipment         All students have had the
     Balance bikes                0          students to progress          access some type of biking       use and care to ensure           opportunity to take part
     BMX bikes                               onto pedal bikes.             equipment, no matter their       that resources do not fall       in biking/scooters with
     Mountain                                Package includes one          age, individual need or          into a state of disrepair        100% participation. They
       bikes                                  days training for             physical requirement.                                             are all able to ride a bike
     Scooters                                teacher or support           To improve co-ordination                                          and gain in confidence
                                              staff plus session            and balance.                                                      and ability.
                                              plans.                       To support learning of                                           Once new equipment had
                                             BMX      bikes      &         lifelong skills.                                                  been purchased the
                                              mountain bikes to be         To enable all students to                                         group ‘Bikeability’ were
                                              used      on      the         access road safety                                                brought in for two
                                              proposed cycle track.         awareness so that they                                            separate sessions to
PE lessons may                 become more independent                                           teach those students who
                                              incorporate    road            and safe as a road user.                                          could not ride how to
                                              safety awareness in                                                                              ride. The second course
                                              Goddington Park &                                                                                taught students about
                                              the    local   area                                                                              bike maintenance and
                                              dependant on risk                                                                                road safety. 4 students
                                              assessment                                                                                       (67% of those who took
                                                                                                                                               part) received road
                                                                                                                                               proficiency certificates.
Additional sports and   1, 2, 4   £2000      Additional       sports       Engagement in physical           Monitoring of                  This has enabled the
play equipment                                equipment such as              activity should help to           equipment use and care          students to gain a
                                              football/netball/rugb          maintain a good level of          to ensure that resources        knowledge and
                                              y/basketballs to suit          behaviour and reduce              do not fall into a state of     understanding in a
                                              KS2 students                   conflict on the playground.       disrepair                       variety of different sports
                                             Netball          posts.       To encourage physical            Students to be given            and improved their
                                              Netball being an               movement throughout the           responsibility, in rota, of     sporting ability with end
                                              activity    for     KS2        school day not just within        cleaning and packing            of year data showing 86%
                                              students to progress           the students’ PE lessons.         away equipment which            of students are on track
                                              onto basketball and           Engaging reluctant groups         will also encourage             or achieving expected
                                              serves as a good               of students                       responsibility and              progress. This has also
                                              outdoor         activity                                         ownership.                      improved and developed
                                              when all indoor                                                                                  their sportsmanship and
                                              spaces      are     not                                                                          fair play which was seen
                                              available.                                                                                       in lesson observations
                                             Skipping ropes for                                                                               and also through the
                                              lesson and playtime                                                                              SEMH tracker where
                                              usage.           Hoops                                                                           there was a 30% increase
                                              ordered               to                                                                         in the relationships
                                              encourage                                                                                        strand.
                                              teambuilding                                                                                    Students have been able
                                              activities.                                                                                      to develop in basketball
                                             Giant games e.g.                                                                                 and football as they had
                                              chess, connect four.                                                                             additional equipment and
                                             Activities to engage                                                                             do not have to wait to
                                              reluctant       female                                                                           take turns. By the end of
students e.g. ribbon                                                                      the year 86% of students
                                     rhythm    gymnastic                                                                       were making expected or
                                     batons, gymnastic                                                                         more progress with 19%
                                     equipment                                                                                 of these making
                                                                                                                               exceptional progress
                                                                                                                              Outdoor games were
                                                                                                                               bought such as connect
                                                                                                                               four which has
                                                                                                                               encouraged students who
                                                                                                                               were reluctant to come
                                                                                                                               outside at play time, to
                                                                                                                               do so. It has also
                                                                                                                               encouraged movement
                                                                                                                               around the board games
                                                                                                                               and turn taking. At least
                                                                                                                               13 out of 21 students
                                                                                                                               (62%) used these
                                                                                                                              Gymnastics was put in
                                                                                                                               place for all students but
                                                                                                                               with a particular aim at
                                                                                                                               reluctant female
                                                                                                                               students. This
                                                                                                                               encouraged participation
                                                                                                                               in sports and female
                                                                                                                               students engaged more
                                                                                                                               often than before. By the
                                                                                                                               end of the year all of the
                                                                                                                               girls in KS2 made
                                                                                                                               expected progress.
Dance teacher   1, 2, 4   £800      A dance teacher was       To support KS2 students       School teaching staff to       The students were able
                                     booked to start in         who are finding                be involved with lessons        to gain new experience
                                     November                   engagement with physical       so that they are able to        and developed their
                                                                education difficult.           gain/enhance knowledge          ability to move their
                                                                                               and skills that are able to     bodies developing
be used in other PE             balance and
                                                                                                             lessons.                        coordination. Out of 7
                                                                                                                                             students identified with
                                                                                                                                             increased difficulties
                                                                                                                                             around balance and
                                                                                                                                             coordination 6 (86%)
                                                                                                                                             made expected or better
CPD for subject          1, 3, 4   £3240      Due to new PE               The impact of this was          Teaching staff to utilise      One member of staff
leader and other staff                         teacher CPD for a            judged through the quality       knowledge, skills and           trained in trampolining
                                               trampoline course            of lesson observations, with     understanding to deliver        which has had a good
                                               was needed                   students being able to           trampolining and yoga           impact on student
                                              Training on yoga             perform fundamental skills       lessons with increased          engagement as this is one
                                              Training            on       and routines and a few           confidence and ability.         of the most popular
                                               mindfulness (which           students being able to          Training on mindfulness         sports offered. Strong
                                               can be used in               produce complex skills and       to be cascaded to class         engagement was seen in
                                               form/lesson time as          routines.                        teachers so this can be         lesson observations and
                                               well as in PE lessons)      To enhance students access       used in different               learning walks with all
                                                                            to a wider range of sporting     situations and over the         students being on task as
                                                                            activities.                      following year.                 well as supporting with
                                                                           To provide opportunities                                         safety of others.
                                                                            that students may not get                                       Mindfulness training was
                                                                            elsewhere.                                                       offered to all staff which
                                                                                                                                             ran over 8 weeks. This
                                                                                                                                             course gave staff a
                                                                                                                                             deeper understanding of
                                                                                                                                             how to help students be
                                                                                                                                             mindful and reflective
                                                                                                                                             which was evident across
                                                                                                                                             KS2 with each class
                                                                                                                                             daily and at least 76% of
                                                                                                                                             students actively
   Afternoon time started to
                                                                                                                                              be given to students to
                                                                                                                                              work on this area and has
                                                                                                                                              now been formalised
                                                                                                                                              with each class in KS2
                                                                                                                                              having a slot for
Swimming equipment       1        £700       Lessons booked for         The aim is to encourage          Evaluate swimming                Students have developed
                                              2018                        maximum participation by          programme to establish            their swimming ability
                                             Goggles, swimwear           investing in trunks,              marked increase of pupil          and water confidence
                                              to encourage all            costumes, floats and              numbers who are able to           with 83% of year 6
                                              students to enhance         goggles to ensure our             swim 25m independently            meeting national
                                              their          water        students can take full            within the allotted               curriculum requirements.
                                              confidence        &         advantage of the                  number of curricular
                                              encourage them to           curriculum.                       swimming lessons.
                                              get    involved   in                                         All class teachers/tutors
                                              summer OAAs                                                   to make sure that
                                                                                                            uniform is inscribed with
                                                                                                            students name.
Sensory equipment    1, 2, 3, 4   £3500      To be able to have a       To help students to              Continuation of the              The sensory tents have
and circuit                                   set     of   sensory        develop and engage their          programme and use of              given students the
                                              equipment for each          senses                            the equipment in KS2 to           opportunity to have their
                                              classroom                  To support them in                build up this motor skills,       own space when they
                                             To have a sensory           exploring and interacting         balance, movement and             become anxious. The
                                              circuit that can be         without risk.                     behaviour                         lack of sensory impact is
                                              used as a whole class      Improve Balance,                                                    reduced in this space
                                              resource    or    for       Movement and Spatial                                                giving the students the
                                              individual students         Orientation and to help                                             opportunity to calm.
                                              who need this.              develop fine and gross                                              Students, who find this
                                                                          motor skills,                                                       helpful, are often seen
                                                                         It is intended that it will                                         opting to use the tent
                                                                          also help with student’s                                            when they are in an
                                                                          behaviour problems as it                                            anxious state and this has
                                                                          will be absorbing,                                                  had a positive effect on
comforting and calming for                                    their behaviour and
                                                                                students who are                                              reactions to difficult
                                                                                distressed.                                                   situations.
                                                                                                                                             Sensory boxes have
                                                                                                                                              catered to individual
                                                                                                                                              needs using different
                                                                                                                                              equipment aimed at
                                                                                                                                              different sensory needs
                                                                                                                                              such as soft materials,
                                                                                                                                              lights etc.
                                                                                                                                                          Total £16,240

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety 2017 - 2018
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least   5/6 83%
25 metres?
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke     1/6 17%
and breaststroke]?
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?                0/6 0%

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but       Yes – swimming equipment, costumes etc.
this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?
Five Key Indicators
     1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5
        to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
     2. the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
     3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
     4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
     5. increased participation in competitive sport

2018 – 2019
 PROJECT                Key          COST*     OBJECTIVE                       INTENDED IMPACT              SUSTAINABILITY                  ACTUAL OUTCOME/IMPACT
 Physical Education        1, 2, 5   £750.00      All new and existing           To enable and               All class teachers/tutors      Students were able to
 kit for all students                              students     to      have       encourage students           to make sure that               take part in PE lessons in
                                                   new/updated PE kit              to take                      uniform is inscribed with       correct and appropriate
                                                  All students to have            responsibility for           student’s name.                 clothing for the activity
                                                   winter    PE     kit    -       their own                   For some students               we have been able to
                                                   sweatshirts and jogging-        appearance and               uniforms will need to be        replace lost or kit which is
                                                   bottoms                         raise self-esteem.           washed on site so that          too small. The SEMH
                                                                                  Through this extra           they are kept in a good         tracker has shown that
                                                                                   funding,          our        state of cleanliness            self worth has increased
                                                                                   students          will       meaning that it will last       19% since the start of the
                                                                                   compete with pride           longer                          year (25% to 44%)
                                                                                   and represent the                                           Higher percentage of
                                                                                   school in a positive                                         students (86% to 89.5%)
                                                                                   manner.                                                      were able to take part in
                                                                                  To         encourage                                         PE lessons in correct and
                                                                                   outdoor PE all year                                          appropriate clothing for
                                                                                   round                                                        the activity
                                                                                                                                               18 students took part in
                                                                                                                                                various competitions and
                                                                                                                                                off site sports including
                                                                                                                                                athletics, kwik cricket,
                                                                                                                                                football and sports day
Biking               1,2,4,5       £4500          Improve the dirt tack        To enable all            Monitoring of                    All students have had the
improvements -                                    Ensure maintenance            students to access        equipment use and care            opportunity to take part
New equipment                                      of bike so they are           some type of biking       to ensure that resources          in biking/scooters with
and maintenance                                                                  equipment, no             do not fall into a state of       100% participation. They
                                                   safe to use
of bikes and track                                                               matter their age,         disrepair                         are all able to ride a bike
                                                  4x new mountain
                                                                                 individual need or                                          and gain in confidence
                                                   bikes                         physical                                                    and ability.
                                                                                 requirement.                                               Students who have not
                                                                                To improve co-                                              been given the
                                                                                 ordination and                                              opportunity to ride a bike
                                                                                 balance                                                     have been taught at
                                                                                To support learning                                         school
                                                                                 of lifelong skills
Trampolining          1,2,3,4,5,   £490             Staff development to       The impact of this      Teaching staff to utilise         1 member of staff has
                                                     enable PE teachers          will be judged           knowledge, skills and              attended the level 1
                                                     to            deliver       through the quality      understanding to deliver           course training and has
                                                     trampolining                of lesson                trampolining lessons with          been successful. Due to
                                                     throughout        the       observations, with       increased confidence and           this all current PE staff are
                                                     school                      students being able      ability                            able to teach trampolining,
                                                    CPD for a trampoline        to perform                                                  this has enabled all
                                                     course is needed            fundamental skills                                          students to have access to
                                                                                 and routines and a                                          the trampolines which is
                                                                                 few students being                                          popular in the school.
                                                                                 able to produce
                                                                                 complex skills and
                                                                                To enhance
                                                                                 students access to a
                                                                                 wider range of
                                                                                 sporting activities.
                                                                                To provide
                                                                                 opportunities that
                                                                                 students may not
                                                                                 get elsewhere.
Equipping new        1,2,4,5       £9300      Ensure new sports hall is       Engagement in          Monitoring of equipment       
                                                                                                                                      The new sports hall has
sports hall and                                equipped       with    all       physical activity       use and care to ensure        been kitted out with 6 wall
outdoor                                        necessary equipment to           should help to          that resources do not fall    mounted basketball hoops
development                                    ensure           students        maintain a good         into a state of disrepair     which has had an
                                               development           and        level of behaviour     Students to be given          immediate impact in
                                               progress                         and reduce conflict     responsibility, in rota, of   lessons.
                                              New gymnastic mats               on the playground.      cleaning and packing         New mats and gym
                                              Wall            mounted         To encourage            away equipment which          equipment has enabled
                                               basketball hoops                 physical movement       will also encourage           gymnastic lessons to
                                               Netball posts and bibs          throughout the          responsibility and            improve due to equipment
                                              New gym equipment                school day not just     ownership.                    improvements.
                                               (cross trainer and bike)         within the students                                  New storage cabinets have
                                                                                PE lessons.                                           been installed so we are
                                                                               Engaging reluctant                                    able to look after the new
                                                                                groups of students                                    equipment meaning that
                                                                                                                                      equipment is kept in good
                                                                                                                                      condition and secure
                                                                                                                                      increasing sustainability
Young leaders        1,2,4,5       £500       To introduce a young           To develop             The skills learnt and         We are continuing to work
award                                          sports leaders award for           students               developed are life skills    toward leaders awards, we
                                               PE which will aim to               confidence to lead     which the students will      have introduced
                                               develop       leadership,          and organise           continually use              teamwork/building into
                                               teamwork, cooperation              others                 throughout life.             lessons, which is having a
                                               skills and encourage the       Develop their          The skill should also have     positive impact on the
                                               students to become                 communication          an impact in other lessons   students.
                                               young leaders                      skills                 as the life skills will     They are starting to take
                                                                              Develop leadership        transfer across              lead roles in their lessons
                                                                                  and teamwork with      curriculums.                 which is feeding into their
                                                                                  each other                                          social development during
                                                                                                                                      break times.
Competition        Membership      £350    . Access to SGO Organised        . To enable students to  . This year students have had  Students were able to
packages:          cost, travel,           Borough     Primary    Inter     have the opportunity to the opportunity to take part       take part in offsite
Membership of      staff                   Competition Activities and       take part in a wide      in:                               competitions which
Bromley Sports                             South     London     Special     range of sports                        o Football          enabled them to
Games Organisers                           Football League                  activities.                            o Athletics         represent the Academy
scheme and South                                           . To enable students to                 o   Inclusive           and feel pride in doing so.
London Special                                             be able to compete in                       Sports              It has also helped to
League                                                     competitions outside of                                         develop their awareness
                                                           school. This is intended    . Continuing support for            of sportsmanship and
                                                           to help students to build   student’s SEMH needs as             teamwork.
                                                           resilience and team         extra-curricular or sports off    Verbal feedback from
                                                           work.                       site      improves       their      students has been
                                                                                       communication, working in           positive and the
                                                                                       teams and raising aspirations       eagerness and
                                                                                       and behaviour                       commitment of students
                                                                                                                           to take part has increased.
                                                                                                                         Through the subscription,
                                                                                                                           18 of our students have
                                                                                                                           been able to go out of
                                                                                                                           school to compete and
                                                                                                                           represent BBA at football
                                                                                                                           and athletics. In athletics
                                                                                                                           student’s won 3 gold, 2
                                                                                                                           silver and 1 bronze medal.
                                                                                                                           This is a major
                                                                                                                           achievement for the
                                                                                                                           students at BBA.
Forest School      1, 4   £400.00      Wellington boots      The funding will          Area that has been set up      Students have been more
                                       Jackets                help to purchase           in covered/outside area         eager to take part and
                                       Trousers               boots,    raincoats,       so that boots and coats         venture into the woods to
                                                               and other necessary        can be kept, giving them a      explore in all types of
                                                               equipment which            chance to dry. Boots to be      weather. Participation has
                                                               our students require       cleaned by students after       held steady at about 95%
                                                              Weather-proof              using                          This has supported student
                                                               coats    will    also     All class teachers/tutors       development in risk taking
                                                               enable outdoor PE          to make sure that uniform       with the SEMH strand
                                                               to be accessed             is inscribed with students      ‘Problem             Solving’
                                                               during          light      name                            increasing      23%     since
                                                               showers.                                                   September (based on
                                                                                                                          spring data.
   Covered       area      has
                                                                                                                                           continued to be used to
                                                                                                                                           keep equipment dry and in
                                                                                                                                           a good state of repair.
                                                                                                                                                        Total: £16,290

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety 2018 - 2019
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least   3/4 75%
25 metres?
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke     1/4 25%
and breaststroke]?
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?                0/4 0%

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but       Yes – swimming equipment, costumes etc.
this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?
Five Key Indicators
   1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5
      to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
   2. the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
   3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
   4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
   5. increased participation in competitive sport

Actual Spending for 2019 – 2020
 PROJECT             Key        COST*     OBJECTIVE                      INTENDED IMPACT                SUSTAINABILITY             ACTUAL OUTCOME/IMPACT
 Physical             1, 2, 5   £750.00      All new and existing          To enable and                 All class                All students now
 Education kit                                students     to    have        encourage students to          teachers/tutors to        change for PE. Lockers
 for all students                             new/updated PE kit             take responsibility for        make sure that            are in place next to the
                                             All students to have PE        their own appearance           uniform is inscribed      gym, where PE kit is
                                              kit - sweatshirts and          and raise self-esteem.         with student’s            kept. Students take
                                              jogging-bottoms               Through      this    extra     name.                     home weekly to wash,
                                                                             funding, our students         For some students         some kits are washed
                                                                             will compete with pride        uniforms will need        on site.
                                                                             and represent the school       to be washed on          This continues to have
                                                                             in a positive manner.          site so that they are     appositive impact on
                                                                            To encourage outdoor           kept in a good state      participation.
                                                                             PE all year round              of cleanliness
                                                                                                            meaning that it will
                                                                                                            last longer

 Biking               1,2,4,5   £6500        Improve the dirt tack         To enable all students to     Monitoring of                All students have
 improvements                                Ensure maintenance of          access some type of            equipment use and             had the opportunity
 -New                                         bike so they are safe to       biking equipment, no           care to ensure that           to take part in
 equipment and                                use                            matter their age,              resources do not              biking/scooters with
                                                                                                                                          100% participation.
 maintenance of                              New mountain bikes to          individual need or             fall into a state of
                                                                                                                                          They are all able to
 bikes and track                              replace existing old bikes     physical requirement.          disrepair
                                                                                                                                          ride a bike and gain
                                              and also due to increase      To improve co-                                               in confidence and
                                              in numbers of students         ordination and balance                                       ability.
   To support learning of                                    Students who have
                                                                   lifelong skills                                            not been given the
                                                                                                                              opportunity to ride a
                                                                                                                              bike have been
                                                                                                                              taught at school
                                                                                                                             Our bikes a well
                                                                                                                              maintained due to
                                                                                                                              the funding.

Trampolining –   1,2,3,4,5, £490      Staff development to       The impact of this will      Teaching staff to       Unfortunately due to
Level 2 course                         enable PE teachers to       be judged through the         utilise knowledge,       covid 19 we were unable
                                       deliver     trampolining    quality of lesson             skills and               to book onto the
                                       level 2 throughout the      observations, with            understanding to         trampolining course but
                                       school                      students being able to        deliver trampolining     once there is a course
                                                                                                                          available a course will get
                                      CPD for a trampoline        perform fundamental           lessons with
                                       level 2 course is needed    skills and routines and a     increased
                                                                   few students being able       confidence and
                                                                   to produce complex            ability
                                                                   skills and routines.
                                                                  To enhance students
                                                                   access to a wider range
                                                                   of sporting activities.
                                                                  To provide
                                                                   opportunities that
                                                                   students may not get
Enrichment       1, 2, 4   £2000      Develop, replace and       All students to take part    Train members of        Staff are trained to
activities                             update current              in activities that they       staff to lead on         lead on these activities.
                                       enrichment activities       would normally not            enrichment               Due to Covid-19, these
                                       and equipment e.g.          have access to                activities               activities have not
                                       archery and target         To develop different         Monitoring of            taken place this year,
                                       shooting                    types of sports and           equipment. Care of       as they are timetabled
   Ensure that lead staff          students understanding          equipment to be            to take place in the
                                           are compliant and               of these                        part of enrichment         Summer Term.
                                           competent in leading on        To develop student’s            activity
                                           the enrichment                  engagement and
                                           activities                      excitement for sports
                                                                           through non regular
                                                                           school sports
Sensory         1, 2, 3, 4   £3500        Develop, replace and           To help students to            Continuation of the       We have continued to
equipment and                              update current sensory          develop and engage              programme and use          develop the students
circuit                                    equipment in KS2/3 due          their senses                    of the equipment in        sensory skills and team
                                           to age of equipment,           To support them in              KS2 to build up this       work skills during
                                           wear and tear and               exploring and                   motor skills,              lessons and for some
                                           increase in student             interacting without risk.       balance, movement          students who have fine
                                           numbers                        Improve Balance,                and behaviour              and gross motor skills
                                          To develop and update a         Movement and Spatial                                       delay they have
                                           sensory circuit that can        Orientation and to help                                    sensory circuits during
                                           be used as a whole class        develop fine and gross                                     curriculum time, where
                                           resource      or      for       motor skills,                                              there is visible
                                           individual students who        It is intended that it will                                improvement in their
                                           need this.                      also help with student’s                                   confidence and ability.
                                                                           behaviour problems as                                     We also had a whole
                                                                           it will be absorbing,                                      day of sensory and
                                                                           comforting and calming                                     teamwork from an
                                                                           for students who are                                       outside agent in
                                                                           distressed.                                                September,
                                                                                                                                      participation was good
                                                                                                                                      all students problem
                                                                                                                                      solving and working
Competition     1, 2, 5      £400.00      Access to SGO Organised        To enable students to          This year students This year students have had
packages:                                  Borough Primary Inter           have the opportunity to         have    had    the the opportunity to take part
Membership of                              Competition Activities          take part in a wide                                  in:
Bromley Sports                        and     South     London       range of sports               opportunity to take            This year through the
Games                                 Special Football League        activities.                   part in:                        subscription,      our
Organisers                                                          To enable students to       o Football                        students have been
scheme and                                                           be able to compete in       o Athletics                       able to go out of
South London                                                         competitions outside of     o Inclusive Sports                school to compete
Special League                                                       school. This is intended                                      and represent BBA at
                                                                     to help students to build      Continuing support            football. For an SEMH
                                                                     resilience and team             for student’s SEMH            environment, this is a
                                                                     work.                           needs as extra-               major achievement
                                                                                                     curricular or sports          for the students at
                                                                                                     off site improves             BBA.
                                                                                                     their                        Regretfully due to
                                                                                                     communication,                school closure due to
                                                                                                     working in teams              Covid 19 we have not
                                                                                                     and           raising         been able to take full
                                                                                                     aspirations      and          advantage of the
                                                                                                     behaviour                     various competitions
                                                                                                                                   but we look forward
                                                                                                                                   to next year although
                                                                                                                                   this amount of money
                                                                                                                                   was paid
Forest School    1, 4   £400.00      Wellington boots              The funding will help to       Area that has been          Students have been more
                                     Jackets                        purchase          boots,        set       up      in         eager to take part and
                                     Trousers                       raincoats, and other            covered/outside              venture into the woods to
                                                                     necessary     equipment         area so that boots           explore in all types of
                                                                     which our students              and coats can be
                                                                                                                                 This     has    supported
                                                                     require                         kept, giving them a
                                                                                                                                  student development in
                                                                    Weather-proof      coats        chance to dry.               risk taking with the SEMH
                                                                     will also enable outdoor        Boots to be cleaned          strand ‘Problem Solving’
                                                                     PE to be accessed during        by students after            increasing 23% since
                                                                     light showers.                  using                        September (based on
                                                                                                                                  spring data.
   All             class    Covered      area      has
                                                                                                                  teachers/tutors to        continued to be used to
                                                                                                                  make sure that            keep equipment dry and
                                                                                                                  uniform is inscribed      in a good state of repair.
                                                                                                                  with students name
Outdoor Play        1, 4        £2240.00        To develop the current         To     support     those        Regular       safety     Students have used the
area                                             offer    of     climbing        students who feel the            checks            on      climbing equipment in
                                                 equipment/trim       trail      need to ‘climb’ when in          equipment        and      KS2 safely and
                                                 that is currently in KS2        distress to do this in a         surround area             successfully. They are
                                                                                                                                            supervised as they cross
                                                 playground                      safe environment                Regular repair and
                                                                                                                                            the trim trail.
                                                To introduce climbing          To             encourage         maintenance where
                                                                                                                                           The equipment had to be
                                                 equipment/trim trail in         movement outside of              necessary                 closed in line with
                                                 KS3                             set PE lessons                  Supervision when          government guidelines
                                                                                To give students the             students are on the       during Covid-19 and will
                                                                                 chance to engage with            equipment                 reopen in September.
                                                                                 varied           physical                                 KS3 climbing equipment
                                                                                 challenges                                                 had to be put on hold
                                                                                To               support                                   due to Covid-19.
                                                                                 improvement in co-
                                                                                 ordinations, strength,
                                                                                 stamina, core stability
                                                                                 and balance
                                                                                To support development
                                                                                 of safe risk taking and
                                                                                                                       Total: £16,280

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety 2019 - 2020
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least   n/a as cancelled due to lockdown. Year 6 who missed
25 metres?                                                                                                        this will be included in the swimming lessons for
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke   n/a as cancelled due to lockdown. Year 6 who missed
and breaststroke]?                                                                                              this will be included in the swimming lessons for
What percentage of the Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?              n/a as cancelled due to lockdown. Year 6 who missed
                                                                                                                this will be included in the swimming lessons for
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but     n/a as cancelled due to lockdown. Year 6 who missed
this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?    this will be included in the swimming lessons for
Five Key Indicators
      1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5
         to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
      2. the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
      3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
      4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
      5. increased participation in competitive sport

Proposed Spending for 2020 – 2021
 PROJECT            Key         COST*      OBJECTIVE                     INTENDED IMPACT                              SUSTAINABILITY
 Monies from 2019 - 2020
 Outdoor Play       1, 4       £2240.00      To develop the current        To support those students who feel         Regular safety checks on equipment
 area                                         offer    of     climbing       the need to ‘climb’ when in distress        and surround area
                                              equipment/trim       trail     to do this in a safe environment           Regular repair and maintenance
                                              that is currently in KS2      To encourage movement outside of            where necessary
                                              playground                     set PE lessons                             Supervision when students are on the
                                             To introduce climbing         To give students the chance to              equipment
                                              equipment/trim trail in        engage      with     varied   physical
                                              KS3                            challenges
                                                                            To support improvement in co-
                                                                             ordinations, strength, stamina, core
                                                                             stability and balance
                                                                         To support development of safe risk taking
                                                                         and independence
 Enrichment         1, 2, 4    £2000         Develop, replace and          All students to take part in activities    Train members of staff to lead on
 activities                                   update current                 that they would normally not have           enrichment activities
                                              enrichment activities          access to                                  Monitoring of equipment. Care of
                                              and equipment e.g.            To develop different types of sports        equipment to be part of enrichment
                                              archery and target             and students understanding of these         activity
Ensure that lead staff are     To develop student’s engagement and
                                    compliant and competent in     excitement for sports through non regular
                                    leading on the enrichment      school sports
Trampolining –    1,2,3,4,5, £490      Staff development to          The impact of this will be judged           Teaching staff to utilise knowledge,
Level 2 course                          enable PE teachers to          through the quality of lesson                skills and understanding to deliver
                                        deliver     trampolining       observations, with students being            trampolining lessons with increased
                                        level 2 throughout the         able to perform fundamental skills           confidence and ability
                                        school                         and routines and a few students
                                       CPD for a trampoline           being able to produce complex skills
                                        level 2 course is needed       and routines.
                                                                      To enhance students access to a
                                                                       wider range of sporting activities.
                                                                      To provide opportunities that students
                                                                       may not get elsewhere.
Monies for 2020 - 2021
Physical          1, 2, 5   £1000      All new and existing          To enable and encourage students to         All class teachers/tutors to make sure
Education kit                           students     to    have        take responsibility for their own            that uniform is inscribed with
for all students                        new/updated PE kit             appearance and raise self-esteem.            student’s name.
                                       All students to have PE       Through this extra funding, our             For some students uniforms will need
                                        kit - sweatshirts and          students will compete with pride and         to be washed on site so that they are
                                        jogging-bottoms                represent the school in a positive           kept in a good state of cleanliness
                                                                       manner.                                      meaning that it will last longer
                                                                      To encourage outdoor PE all year
Biking            1,2,4,5   £6200      Improve the dirt tack         To enable all students to access            Monitoring of equipment use and
improvements                           Ensure maintenance of          some type of biking equipment, no            care to ensure that resources do not
-New                                    bike so they are safe to       matter their age, individual need or         fall into a state of disrepair
equipment and                           use                            physical requirement.
maintenance of                         New mountain bikes to         To improve co-ordination and
bikes and track                         replace existing old bikes     balance
                                                                      To support learning of lifelong skills
and also due to increase
                                         in numbers of students
Gym Equipment 1, 2, 3, 4   £6,000       Develop, replace and        To help students to develop and            Continuation of the programme and
                                         update current gym           engage their strength                       use of the equipment in KS2 and 3 to
                                         equipment in fitness                                                     build up this motor skills, balance,
                                         gym due to age of           Improve Balance, Movement and               movement and behaviour
                                         equipment, wear and          Spatial Orientation and to help
                                         tear and increase in         develop fine and gross motor skills,
                                         student numbers             It is intended that it will also help
                                        To develop gross motor       with student’s behaviour problems
                                         skill and fitness levels     as it will be absorbing, comforting
                                         due to CV19                  and calming for students who are
Competition      1, 2, 5   £400.00      Access to SGO Organised     To enable students to have the           This year students have had the
packages:                                Borough Primary Inter        opportunity to take part in a wide        opportunity to take part in:
Membership of                            Competition Activities       range of sports activities.             o Football
Bromley Sports                           and     South     London    To enable students to be able to        o Athletics
Games                                    Special Football League      compete in competitions outside of      o Inclusive Sports
Organisers                                                            school. This is intended to help
scheme and                                                            students to build resilience and team      Continuing support for student’s
South London                                                          work.                                       SEMH needs as extra-curricular or
Special League                                                                                                    sports off site improves their
                                                                                                                  communication, working in teams and
                                                                                                                  raising aspirations and behaviour
Forest School    1, 4      £400.00      Wellington boots            The funding will help to purchase          Area that has been set up in
                                        Jackets                      boots, raincoats, and other necessary       covered/outside area so that boots
                                        Trousers                     tools. equipment which our students         and coats can be kept, giving them a
                                        Tools                        require                                     chance to dry. Boots to be cleaned by
                                                                     Weather-proof coats will also enable        students after using
                                                                      outdoor PE to be accessed during           All class teachers/tutors to make sure
                                                                      light showers.                              that uniform is inscribed with students
Swimming        1,3,4,5   £1000      Lessons   booked      for      The aim is to encourage maximum              Evaluate swimming programme to
equipment                             2020/21                         participation by investing in trunks,         establish marked increase of pupil
                                     Goggles, swimwear to            costumes, floats and goggles to ensure        numbers who are able to swim 25m
                                      encourage all students to       our students can take full advantage of       independently within the allotted
                                      enhance their water             the curriculum.                               number of curricular swimming lessons.
                                      confidence & encourage         Due to CV19 year 6 missing out of their      All class teachers/tutors to make sure
                                      them to get involved in         swimming lessons last year, we will           that uniform is inscribed with students
                                      summer OAAs                     make sure they have their allocated           name.
                                                                      time in year 7.
Team building   1,2,3,4   £1000      Purchase more variety of       Better teamwork skills during PE             Equipment to be ordered and PE staff to
equipment                             equipment which will            lessons which should also feedback            introduce in lessons.
                                      increase teamwork.              into the rest of the school and
                                                                      everyday living.
                                                                                                                    Total: £16,000.00 + £4730 from 2019 -20
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