British Columbia Water and Waste Association 2018 Student Design Competition Problem Statement - ELLIS CREEK INTEGRATED WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ...
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British Columbia Water and Waste Association 2018 Student Design Competition Problem Statement ELLIS CREEK INTEGRATED WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FINAL V1 – DECEMBER 14, 2017
Contents 1. Problem Statement ............................................................................................................................... 3 2. Background ........................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 3 2.2. Reservoirs........................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3. Water Demand ................................................................................................................................... 4 2.4. Flow Records ...................................................................................................................................... 5 2.5. Flood and Erosion History .................................................................................................................. 6 2.6. Habitat................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.7. Additional Resources ......................................................................................................................... 6 3. Objectives.............................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1. Scope of Work .................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2. Design Considerations and Constraints ............................................................................................. 9 3.3. Deliverables...................................................................................................................................... 10 Figures Figure 1: Ellis Creek Neighboring Lots Figure 2: Ellis Creek Watershed Attachments – Provided Separately Upon Registration 1. Creek and Irrigation Flow Data (2009-2017) 2. Ellis Creek Reservoir Information a. Dam Safety Reviews b. Annual Management Data c. Assessment Reports 3. Ellis Creek Cross Sections a. Shape files, AutoCAD drawing files, and excel point data of regular creek cross sections b. PDF, AutoCAD drawing files, and excel point data for sediment basin 4. Spatial Data a. City of Penticton parcels and utilities b. Data BC (road atlas, parcels, and municipal boundaries) 5. 2008 Preliminary Water Management Plan for Ellis Creek 6. Ellis and Penticton Watershed Overview Map 7. Background and History of Water Management of Okanagan Lake and River 8. Design Brief on the Floodplain Mapping Study Okanagan River 9. Ellis Creek Inundation Study (2006) 10. City of Penticton Bridge Inspection Report (2016) 11. Fish Passage Requirements 12. Penticton Creek Draft Master Plan 1
Questions For information or questions related to the Student Design Competition or the Problem Statement, please contact: Email: Student Design Competition Chairs: • Chair - Michael Thiessen, EIT • Vice Chair - Stephen Bertulli, EIT • Municipal Sponsor Coordinator - Allison Matfin, EIT Acknowledgements This problem statement is the result of collaboration between the City of Penticton, Mould Engineering, and the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development (MFLNRORD), with assistance from the BCWWA Student Design Competition Committee. Sincere thanks to all who put time and effort into creating this document for the benefit of future leaders in engineering. Specific Thanks to: • Len Robson (City of Penticton) • Ian Chapman (City of Penticton) • Brent Edge (City of Penticton) • Mitch Moroziuk (City of Penticton) • Stu Mould (Mould Engineering) • Tara White (Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development) • Camille Rivard-Sirois (Okanagan Nation Alliance) Disclaimer The project statement is intended only for use during the 2018 BCWWA Student Design Competition. Information provided in this document may not reflect actual conditions or requirements, and is provided for the sole purpose of providing context for the design competition. Supporting information remains the property of the City of Penticton and MFLNRORD. 2
1. Problem Statement Students interested in entering the 2018 BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA) Student Design Competition (SDC) are encouraged to form teams to: Complete analysis and design for upgrades to Ellis Creek in the City of Penticton to, in the context of climate change, improve: • hydraulic capacity, • flood and erosion protection, • irrigation water security, and • fish passage and aquatic habitat. Students are to provide real-world solutions that are practical and creative while thinking critically about the constraints and design goals. 2. Background Communities around British Columbia are looking to the future and planning for climate change impacts to their water resource infrastructure including increased flood frequencies and lower summer flows. The goal is to achieve a balance between the often-competing objectives of development, flood protection, environmental flows, and agriculture. The Ellis Creek project will include assessment and design to balance these objectives for a changing climate. The City of Penticton is currently in the process of implementing a similar project for Penticton Creek focusing on flood protection, fish habitat, and repair of failing infrastructure, and the draft Master Plan for Penticton Creek has been included as reference in Attachment 12. It is each team’s responsibility to review the information and data provided. It is not mandatory to use all of the data provided in analysis, and as much data as possible was provided to allow for teams to decide the level of detail required for the project. It is highly recommended that teams review all of the information provided in the attachments, as some key design data and information is provided only in the attachments. Refer to the competition guidelines for policies regarding questions on project scope, objectives, and information. 2.1. Overview Ellis Creek drains an area of land east of the City of Penticton that includes urban and natural sub-catchments. Above the City of Penticton, Ellis Creek has a relatively steep natural channel. Two reservoirs are located in the upper watershed of Ellis Creek, which are used to store water for irrigation, and a diversion dam is located above the City of Penticton that diverts water to an irrigation system. Within the City of Penticton, Ellis Creek is generally channelized with a shallower slope. There are several crossings of Ellis Creek within the City, which include both bridges and culverts. The creek discharges into the Okanagan River Channel just south of Fairview Road, and a sediment basin for debris removal is located 90 m upstream of the confluence. Residential and commercial developments abut the creek bank in many locations, which makes it critical for the creek to have hydraulic capacity for the design flood event. As a result of the close development, 3
the creek is generally channelized with minimal riparian area setback. Figure 1 shows the creek reach through the City of Penticton, and Figure 2 shows an overview of the watershed. 2.2. Reservoirs The Ellis System contains two reservoirs (Ellis 2 and Ellis 4) and the Ellis Intake/Diversion. Locations are shown on the enclosed Figure 2: Ellis Creek Watershed. The following are some of the key features of the reservoir system. • Ellis 2 Reservoir: Located on the South fork of Ellis Creek with a capacity of 333 ML. Stored water from Ellis 2 is released for use from mid-July to mid-August on average. Water discharges from Ellis 2 via a low-level outlet with a slide-gate or via an unlined spillway. The gate is normally closed in the Spring to collect runoff and opened late July or August to provide irrigation water and base flows. • Ellis 4 Reservoir: Located on the North fork of Ellis Creek with a capacity of 918 ML. Stored water from Ellis 4 is released for use mid-August to the end of October when the irrigation system is shut down. Typically, 310 ML remains in the reservoir at the end of the season. Water discharges from Ellis 4 via a low-level outlet with a screw-gate or via a concrete and riprap lined spillway. • Ellis Intake/Diversion: Located above the City of Penticton on Ellis Creek with a capacity of 6 ML. The North and South forks of Ellis Creek join upstream of the intake/diversion dam. Water discharges from the diversion dam via a low-level sluiceway with a control slide-gate, irrigation intake, or concrete spillway. At the intake, the water is diverted for irrigation to service the Valleyview area. The remainder continues down the creek through Penticton. Each year approximately 300-750 ML is drawn from Ellis Creek for irrigation. The enclosed documents include background reports and documents concerning the Ellis Creek reservoir system (Attachment 2). 2.3. Water Demand Irrigation water is stored in the two reservoirs and released downstream to be extracted from the creek at the diversion dam located at the east end of the City of Penticton. Water for irrigation from Ellis Creek is supplied from April to October each year, with irrigation use ranging from 300-750 ML per year. Information on current and expected irrigation demands can be found in the following table, based on a previous Irrigation Master Study completed for the city using climate change models CGCM2.A2 and CGCM2.B2 (Urban Systems, 2009). 4
Table 1: Ellis Creek Irrigation Demand Current Climate Climate Change b Irrigation Existing Higher Water Existing Crops Higher Water Full System Demand Crops Demand Crops Demand Crops Buildout Annual 400 503 503– 587 639 – 761 1,417 – 1,159 (ML/year) Peak Monthly 113 151 134 – 144 175 – 191 327 – 360 (ML/month) a a) Peak flows occur in July-August. b) Crop change and climate change result in nearly 100% increase in water demand in June, July, and September and increases of 300-500% for the shoulder months of May and October. The City of Penticton holds most of the water licenses on Ellis Creek for the purposes of storage (in the reservoirs), irrigation, and waterworks supply (domestic use). The City does not currently use any water for domestic use. Teams are to assume that the water will only be withdrawn from Ellis Creek by the City of Penticton for irrigation. The total licensed irrigation volume per year is 2,559.4896 ML, well above historical irrigation withdrawals. Two water licenses are held by local residents for domestic use totaling 4.274 m3/day. These licenses, combined, represent a small portion of the overall demand. Information on those licenses can be found online from the Government of BC (see additional resources). Teams are to assume that these demands are extracted at the same location as the irrigation demand and will continue, unchanging, in perpetuity. 2.4. Flow Records The City of Penticton has provided flow data (2007-2017) to support analysis (Attachment 1). The flow data was collected approximately 90 m downstream of the Industrial Avenue crossing of Ellis Creek. It is important to note that this gauge was installed and has been calibrated for relatively low-flows in the creek, and no flow measurements and calibration have been completed for high flows. As a result, this flow record is expected to be accurate for low to moderate flows only. In addition, Environment Canada has had gauges on Ellis Creek in the past, with several years of historic data available through their online historic hydrometric system. Regional creeks in the area have longer and more consistent periods of record for regional analysis through the Water Survey of Canada (including Penticton Creek, see Attachment 12). The minimum environmental flows at the current gauge location are as follows (minimum flows are not regulated outside of the months below): • July – August 31: 84 L/s • September – December 31: 126 L/s In the Winter, the reservoirs gates are static and water is not stored, and as a result the City has no ability to control the flow, while in the Spring creek flows are typically well above minimum flows due to snowmelt. 5
2.5. Flood and Erosion History The 2017 freshet in the southern interior of British Columbia was an above-average event, which resulted in flooding and damage to infrastructure across the province. While Ellis Creek did not experience flooding in 2017, high creek flows resulted in scour that damaged two utility crossings of the creek (at Dartmouth Road and near the upstream end of Okanagan Avenue), which are being repaired. Due to the limited reservoir capacity, storage and reservoir operation cannot eliminate flood risk. Historically, flooding has been a concern near the upper reaches of the creek below the reservoirs and between Dartmouth Road and Main Street. Existing bank erosion protection consists of riprap in isolated locations downstream of Dartmouth Road. There is an existing steep and eroding bank of fine material between the reservoirs and the City that is a known contributor of substantial volumes of sediment. Erosion is also a noted concern from the upper (east) end of Okanagan Avenue to Dartmouth Road (see Figure 1). Erosion in Ellis Creek has resulted in reduced capacity in the downstream reaches of the channel, due to sediment, gravel and cobble deposition in the channel and culverts. Sediment is periodically removed from culverts to ensure adequate capacity is maintained. Large woody debris is periodically removed from the creek when it obstructs culverts; however, large amounts of woody debris are not produced by the watershed and are generally not a hydraulic concern. There is an existing sediment basin 90 m upstream of the creek mouth that is operated and maintained by the provincial government (see Attachment 3 for 2017 survey). 2.6. Habitat Ellis Creek is a fourth-order stream that has records of resident populations of longnose dace and resident and adfluvial populations of rainbow trout, and the lower reaches of Ellis Creek support kokanee spawning habitat. Through the City, Ellis Creek has large cobble and boulder substrate that provides minimal habitat for fish. The lower reaches of Ellis Creek have been restricted due to development and road crossings resulting in a limited potential for aquatic and riparian habitat. Fisheries management objectives for Ellis Creek are to provide permanent fish passage for kokanee, rainbow trout, steelhead, and salmon stocks. A four-foot high concrete structure which houses the City of Penticton’s sewer pipeline (located 300 m upstream of the mouth) was a permanent barrier until 2015, when funding was secured to construct a fish bypass around the concrete sewer pipe structure. This bypass provided access to 28 km of quality habitat for kokanee & sockeye spawning, as well as rainbow trout rearing & spawning. Within 2 hours of opening up the by-pass, kokanee spawners had migrated upstream (Oct. 2015). The rock weir at the outlet of the Ellis Creek sediment basin (80 m upstream of the mouth) is a seasonal barrier to fish passage (low flow and drought years), and the diversion dam is a year-round fish barrier. Moving forwards, improvements are planned in the near future by the Okanagan Nation Alliance to ensure passage at the rock weir to allow for fish passage year-round. 2.7. Additional Resources Below is a list of additional references with further background on Ellis Creek and guidelines which students may consider for the project. 6
Background Resources Students are encouraged to conduct background research to understand previous reports, studies, and analysis done for Ellis Creek and the Okanagan region. Below is a list of useful resources to start this process. This list is not intended to be comprehensive; student teams are encouraged to complete their own literature review. • Pacific Climate Impact Consortium: o • Online GIS database for BC o mapping/imapbc o • Existing Water License Database: o licensing-rights/water-licences-approvals/water-rights-databases • Watershed Risk Assessment for Ellis Creek: o 1606210_c82c0be0fbeb44c65b1501f25d6a9c4eb0636d717ca7017d2e3038ef76833871. pdf • Climate Summary for the Thompson Okanagan Region: o Thompson-Okanagan_0.pdf • Agricultural Water Demand Model – Report for the Okanagan Basin: o and-environment/water/water-management/agriculture-water-demand-model Guidelines & Regulations The below guidelines represent a small sample that may be beneficial for consideration during design and analysis. Students are encouraged to research other relevant guidelines to inform design and analysis. • Floodplain Mapping Guidelines: o Guidelines-for-Flood-Mapping-in-BC.pdf.aspx • World Meteorological Association Manual on Low Flow Estimation and Prediction: o flow_estimation_prediction/WMO%201029%20en.pdf • Riprap Design and Construction Guide: o • Fish Passage Guidelines: o • Riparian Area Regulations: o ecosystems/fish/riparian-areas-regulation 7
3. Objectives The objectives of the project are to complete analysis and design for Ellis Creek to improve hydraulic conveyance, flood protection, irrigation water security, and aquatic habitat, considering an integrated approach and balance between different objectives. Student teams are required to complete and prepare two conceptual design options as described below; however, student teams may consider innovative or alternative approaches to those outlined: 1. Option 1 - Naturalize a. Bioengineering erosion protection b. Hydraulic capacity improvements to convey the design flood by providing greater capacity and attenuation in the creek (channel improvements, dedicated floodways, floodplain benches, ponds for attenuation in or off line of the creek) c. Maximize environmental improvements (include fish passage and consider large woody debris structures, riffles and pools, wetlands, and other improvements) 2. Option 2 - Structurally Protect a. Riprap erosion protection b. Hydraulic capacity improvements by structural measures (dikes or floodwalls) c. Minimal environmental improvements (include fish passage and minor improvements only) Consider and evaluate the options using quantitative and qualitative criteria, sensitivity analyses, and a triple bottom line analysis, and present the recommended approach and design with justification. The deliverables will be judged considering: depth and robustness of analysis, selection of integrated and creative designs, practicality of implementation, operation and maintenance needs, and use of natural systems. 3.1. Scope of Work The required scope of work for the above objectives is described below. • Climate Change Analysis: o Conduct sufficient research, analysis, and calculations to estimate flows in Ellis Creek in 2100 to support further analysis (low-flow and flood frequency). • Flood Protection and Hydraulic Conveyance: o Complete a frequency analysis for extreme flood events considering climate change to determine the design flood discharge; o Complete a hydraulic assessment of the existing creek’s ability to convey the design flood and erosion risk; o Develop design improvements for the two options outlined above to provide sufficient hydraulic capacity and erosion protection, considering risk transfer implications to neighboring properties. • Irrigation Water Security: o Complete a frequency analysis for low-flow events considering climate change; o Based on the 10-year and 50-year return frequency monthly low flows, complete an annual water balance to determine if the existing reservoirs have sufficient storage volume for 8
irrigation under climate change conditions, considering minimum environmental flows for Ellis Creek; o Comment if there will be sufficient water during low-flow years to meet the irrigation demand and minimum environmental flows and potential options that could be considered to mitigate shortfalls (no design). • Aquatic Habitat o Complete a hydraulic assessment of the existing creek’s ability to allow fish passage; o Design improvements to allow for fish passage at the rock weir at the sediment pond outlet and improve fish passage in other locations if deemed pertinent; o Design improvements for enhanced and/or increased aquatic and riparian habitat area and quality in accordance with the two options outlined above, balancing cost with environmental improvements. • Class D Cost Estimate o For the proposed upgrades, develop Class D capital and operation and maintenance costs for the project lifespan (2018-2068) to determine the present value of the project. • Comparative Analysis o Discuss alternatives considered for analysis methodology, design strategy, and selection methodology. o Complete a triple bottom line (environmental, social, financial) analysis of Options 1 and 2 and recommend one design option. 3.2. Design Considerations and Constraints • The design flood event is defined as the 200-year return period peak flow event for the year 2100 climate change scenario, to be determined and justified by student teams. • Reservoir operations on Ellis Creek will not change over the project’s lifetime. Gates will continue to be opened and allowed to flow naturally in the Winter and regulated manually to provide irrigation and creek base flows in the Spring, Summer, and Fall. • Sufficient hydraulic capacity is defined as 0.3 m of vertical freeboard above the HGL resulting from the design flood event 200-year peak instantaneous flow, or 0.6 m of vertical freeboard above the 200-year peak daily flow, to the nearest property line, top of berm, or top of bank, whichever is closest. • Sufficient erosion protection is defined as no erosion occurring during the design flood. • Climate change analysis is to estimate conditions for the year 2100. • For the low flow analysis, a frequency analysis shall be completed to determine the monthly low flows for 10-year and 50-year recurrence intervals as the basis for the irrigation supply assessment. • Minimum environmental flow in Ellis Creek is that which is required for fish passage, which must be maintained at the levels described previously. • Irrigation water demand is assumed to follow the existing and predicted flow rates provided. 9
• Fish passage is defined as only during the period of fish migration for the species described. • Project extent for design shall include Ellis Creek within the City of Penticton municipal boundaries, the dam locations, and works at the sediment basin at the creek mouth (limited to work on the rock weir at the outlet only). • Project footprint for design solutions must consider the available land along the creek without infringement on private property (use of existing municipal land). Design solutions may consider land acquisition or development of rights-of-way for works if required, though limited land impacts are preferable in design solutions. • Project lifespan for analysis shall be 2018-2068 (50 years) with consideration for climate change impacts to 2100 and a discount rate of 5%. 3.3. Deliverables 1) Progress Report (1-2 pages); 2) Design Notebook (Formatted according to the Competition Guidelines). Containing the following: a) Summary of Ellis Creek current condition, challenges faced, and project approach; b) Basis for design: i) Review data used for assessment and design, include assumptions and adjustments to provided information; ii) Requirements of design, including relevant guidelines and regulations; c) Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis i) Describe hydrologic and climate change analysis and results, include assumptions, data sources, sensitivity analysis, and justification of methodology; ii) Describe hydraulic analysis and design methodology, include assumptions, data sources, sensitivity analysis, and justification of methodology; iii) Describe the methodology and results of the irrigation demand assessment and discuss alternatives for future consideration; iv) Provide figures illustrating the key results of the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. d) Conceptual design of two options: i) Design description; ii) Hydraulic profile; iii) Plan figures or drawings illustrating design concepts; iv) Typical design cross sections. e) Recommendation of preferred solution: i) Options evaluation; ii) Lifecycle cost estimate and NPV assessment; iii) Triple bottom line assessment and option recommendation. 3) Oral Presentation. 10
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EEK ± R LL C TUR NB U Legend K EE KE CR Municipal Boundary R NG CR CA RI EE SP MP K N Dams BE SO HN LL JO CR E EK TT CR EE STRU RE EK Watershed K C R RIS HA Ellis Creek RANDOLPH CREEK K EE CR N TO IC NT PE STE WAR EK DC RE E K RE SC LLI HE RT NO CREEK Ellis4 Ellis_Diversion LE SHING OKANA G AN RIV ELLIS CREEK ER EK RE RC BC W at er and Wa ste A ss oc iat io n GAN U NIE RIVER SA OKANA STU D E NT D E S IG N COMPE TITIO N EK E EK SKAHA CR CRE RIS EK RE MOR SC SO LIE GIL U TH K EE EL CR LIS ON CR ES EE TH K Ellis2 MA FELIS CREEK K EE K EE CR CR Y NZ S RE MA D E O TH CRE E R ZO K EK MAURICE TU EE CREEK KILM Sourc e: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community CR Fig ur e 2: E lli s Cr e e k W at e r sh e d Author: AMatfin 1,000 0 1,000 (m) Note: Airphoto provided by City of Penticton Upd a t ed: D ece mb er, 2 0 17
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