BrideDoge A Great Marriage That Conquers The World Of Cryptocurrency

BrideDoge A Great Marriage That Conquers The World Of Cryptocurrency
  A Great Marriage That Conquers
   The World Of Cryptocurrency

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BrideDoge A Great Marriage That Conquers The World Of Cryptocurrency
What is a goal? Let's find out!

BrideDoge is the community
driven and decentralized token
which launched on july 2021 and
built on binance smart chain with
mission that support orphans and
give the gift of hope to needy
children and provides health,
education and nutrition programs
to children

BrideDoge A Great Marriage That Conquers The World Of Cryptocurrency
What is our protocol?
                                                    Total Supply
    BrideDoge                                       1,000,000,000,000,000
    Protocol                          Three below functions will take place in each trade.

                                     1.Reflection     2.Automatic LP Acquisition   3.Burn In Each Trade

Transaction fee is 10% , which is split 2 ways.

                   %5                                                     %5

  5% of each transaction redistributed                 5% of each transaction is split 50/50
  to all existing holders                              half of which is sold by the contract
                                                       into BNB ,while the other half of
                                                       BrideDoge are paired with the
                                                       previous mentioned BNB and added
                                                       as a liquidity pair on pancake Swap.

 5% of total supply has been burned as well as additional 5% are burned with every transaction
BrideDoge A Great Marriage That Conquers The World Of Cryptocurrency
01   Transparency& Community
                           BrideDoge     is decentralized and     supported by its community of
What is our Values?        enthusiasts. Our policy is keeping inform at every stages of company's
                           growth by maintaining open communication. We have telegram channel,

BrideDoge                  twitter and Instagram dedicated to our international communities.

Values                02
                           BrideDoge looks forward to a long- term partnership. Significant
                           investment with result from our long-term development , which is not
                           dependent on temporary trends

                      03   Burn & Locked Liquidity
                           Liquidity is burned and locked. Not only we have a periodic schedule for
                           burning but also 5% of all transaction fee are added to liquidity

                      04   Rewards Holding
                           All holders will be distributed 5% of every transaction , so just hold
                           BrideDoge in your wallet and watch how will grow.

                      05   Charity Wallet
                           Except designing a private wallet with 10% of BrideDoge's totall supply ,
                           all receives redistributions are use to support our charity partners.
BrideDoge A Great Marriage That Conquers The World Of Cryptocurrency
What is our Ecosystem?


   Community-Powered                                  Instant Rewards
   The community owns funny BrideDoge                 As part of BrideDoge community all
   We welcome and embraces diverse                    holders will be distributed 5% of every
   perfectives to build BrideDoge as the              transaction ,so just holding BrideDoge in
   most powerful community crypto in                  your wallet and watch its growing
   the world with mission that support
   orphans and we hope that there will
   be no more orphans in the world

   Locked LP
   Liquidity is burned and locked +
   5% of all transaction fee are added to liquidity

   you can have a look to LP holders :
BrideDoge A Great Marriage That Conquers The World Of Cryptocurrency
                                     BrideDoge vision is to advance further into
                                     the cryptocurrency and Defi spaces by
                                     releasing innovative products , which will
Development                          ensure the sustainability of the token.

                                     NFT marketplace is one of our project which
                                     allow users to buy and sell their own NFT's

BDDG Exchange

BrideDoge exchange which named
BDDG EX is another project that
we are working on it and will hear
more about it soon .
BrideDoge A Great Marriage That Conquers The World Of Cryptocurrency
What is our Roadmap?


      Phase1                                Phase2

        Design and deploy initial website    Listing on coin gecko
        Airdrop                              Listing on coinmarketcap
        Focus on accelerating community      Meme development with heavy
        growth and marketing                 marketing
BrideDoge A Great Marriage That Conquers The World Of Cryptocurrency
What is our Roadmap?


     Phase3                                  Phase4

     Setting up own Charity project.         Holding a specialized seminar on sales
     Setting up & complete our crypto        and marketing development and
     app as well as onboarding and           introduction BDDG exchang and NFT
     unveiling for new partners which will   marketplace with its unique
     be surprise as Ace of spades            capabilities.
     Launch our BDDG exchange                Finishing the charity project and
     Release NFT marketplace for             introduction in seminar
     BrideDoge Treats which will be          Celebrating 1th Anniversary in the
     available to BrideDoge Coin holders.    Moon with BrideDoge's well-known
     Renewing the website                    grand father
     Listing on well-known CEX
     1 Milion holders & telegram member
Thank you!

H T T P S : / / B R I D E D O G E . C O M
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