Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021

Page created by Nicholas Frank
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
Education Access and Youth Development
       Subcommittee Meeting #4
             March 2, 2021
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
Interpretation in Spanish at this Meeting

❖ Please speak more slowly for
  Interpretation                     ❖ Hable más despacio para los que
❖ If you are receiving Spanish         están interpretando
  Interpretation, please put a “ *   ❖ Si está recibiendo interpretación en
  ” (star) before your Name by         español, coloque un “ * ” (estrella)
  RENAMING for Breakout                antes de su nombre CAMBIANDO EL
  Groups                               NOMBRE para ayudar a facilitar la
    Sample: * - Aparna Shah            creación de los Grupos de trabajo
    (she/they), LAYUP                ❖ Por ejemplo: * - Aparna Shah (ella /
❖ Spanish Interpretation in Main       elles), LAYUP
  Room only so Spanish               ❖ Interpretación estará disponible en
  language Breakout Group              español solo en la sala principal, por
  will be in Main Room                 lo que el grupo de trabajo en
                                       español sera en la sala principal
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
Measure J Subcommittee
Meeting Process        Meeting #4

                                   WEEK #4 Funding
                        Week #3
            Week #2    Community
 Week #1                Wisdom
             Data &
Grounding   Learning
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
Acknowledgement of Local Native
Tongva/Kizh/Gabrieleño, Tataviam & Chumash
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
Meeting #4 Goals
● Subcommittee Develops

● Subcommittee begins to
  Develop Priorities for
  the 2021-2022 Budget
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
1. Introduction and Grounding
2. Subcommittee Funding
   Recommendation Development
3. Action Item: Funding
   Recommendation Slate #1
4. Action Item: Funding
   Recommendation Slate #2
5. Introduction: Funding
   Recommendation Slate #3
6. Public Comment
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
Group Agreements
1) Be Present - Try to have cameras on, listen actively and turn off other devices and
   apps during the meeting
2) Equity in Participation
    ○ Please mute while others are speaking
    ○ Raise your hand to be in the speaking stack (*9 on the phone)
    ○ Be ready to unmute (*6 to mute and unmute on the phone)
    ○ If you have spoken allow space for others to speak before you. Facilitators will
      call on others in the stack if you have spoken so we can hear everyone’s
      comments and voice
3) Practice Grace and Openness - We are all here with good intentions and want to
   improve people’s lives, let’s give each other a chance
4) Take Care of Your Bodies - Get up to stretch, use restroom, hydrate, etc.
5) Use Human-First Language
6) Respect Everyone’s Pronouns
Education Access and Youth Development Subcommittee Meeting #4 March 2, 2021
Zoom Instructions to Support Participation

     Name you want to be
     called, Gender Pronouns &        USE THE CHAT
     Organization (if affiliated)     ●   To connect
                                      ●   To respond
                                      ●   To ask questions

      RAISE YOUR HAND                  FOR THE
      You can “Raise your hand” by
      looking under the “Reactions”    PHONE
      Icon                             *6 - Mute/Unmute
      OR                               *9 - Raise Hand
      Type “STACK” in the chat to
      get in the speaking order
Overall Decision Making Process for Funding

SUBCOMMITTEES            COMMITTEE              COUNTY CEO               BOARD OF
   Subcommittees       Advisory Committee     County CEO Officer        SUPERVISORS
    develop and        will review ALL FIVE   will review the Set of     County Board of
prioritize Proposed      SUBCOMMITTEE          recommendations           Supervisors will
       Funding        recommendations and       with the available     review and make the
 Recommendations        decide on a SET of    funding and send to         Final Decision
  to the Measure J     recommendations to     the County Board of
Advisory Committee     send to County CEO          Supervisors
Developing Funding Recommendations:
           Context Setting
Funding Recommendations: Slate #1
Ensuring Measure J Funding Can Be Accessed by
       Community-Based Organizations
Funding Recommendations: Slate #2
Community Identified Priorities for Third Party
         Administrator Funding
III. Community Discussion

                              Bio &
Introduction: Slate #3
Community- Inspired Funding Recommendations
Next Steps for this

     Upcoming Meeting Dates for the Education
     Access and Youth Development Subcommittee
    ❏ March 9, 6:00pm - 8:30pm

❏ Meeting Slides, Minutes and Recordings will be posted:

❏ You can send feedback and requests for the HOUSING Subcommitte
Meeting Materials will be posted on the
         Measure J Website
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