BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media

Page created by Francis Maldonado
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media
is Australia’s MOST TRUSTED celebrity news and entertainment
    brand. WHO has unique credibility, access to the A-list and
         an engaged,loyal and highly affluent audience.

  Famous for its beautiful photographic galleries and intriguing
interviews, WHO celebrates celebrity and shares the news stories
       impacting the contemporary woman and her world.

    WHO offers their audience and advertisers the highest
quality and most engaging content across a weekly magazine,
dedicated website ( and daily @WHOMagazine
                on Facebook and Instagram.
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media
  “With exclusive access to the A-list, WHO has a
truly unique position as the celebrity weekly that
    readers trust, reaching more than 205,000
 Australians every week. Sharing breaking news,
the hottest gossip from Hollywood as well as the
   latest beauty, health and travel trends, WHO
   informs, inspires and, most of all, entertains.”
                Shari Nementzik, Editor
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media

RED CARPET, NEWS,           GLOBAL FASHION                     BEAUTY                      WELLNESS                     TRAVEL
 ENTERTAINMENT                 & STYLE                  Guide to daily glamour.        The latest health and     The ultimate guide to all
A mix of celebrity news,   Fashion news, hot trends,         Hair & make up           wellbeing secrets direct      things travel and
A-list red-carpet events   must-haves and celebrity     professionals share their    from the stars — and the     adventure tried, tested
  and human interest             get-the-looks         advice and tips to get that    professionals who make      and reviewed by team
                                                        Hollywood glow plus the         them look amazing
                                                         hottest new products
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media

WHO SEXIEST PEOPLE                                                     WOMEN WHO                                               WHO TRAVEL
Print, digital, social and A-list                                                                                           The ultimate one-shot
                                                                    Celebrating women who
    event showcasing the                                                                                                   guide to all things travel,
                                                                     have challenged the
 hottest celebrities through                                                                                                 as experienced and
                                                                        status quo and
   high-end photography                                                                                                     chosen by the trusted
                                                                     influenced the world
   and candid interviews                                                                                                        team at WHO
                                                                          through their
                                             THE EDIT                                       MOST BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE
                                    A lifestyle category takeover                              A multiplatform gallery
                                     providing inspiration and                              showcasing and profiling the
                                     must haves each season                                    world’s Most Beautiful
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media

READERSHIP                                            PAGE VIEWS                            INSTAGRAM
149,000                                               2,089,326                             127,926
DISTRIBUTION                                          UNIQUE AUDIENCE                       TWITTER
WEEKLY*                                               852,790                               56,547
*Via Coles, Woolworths and newsagents nationally      Source: Roy Morgan August 2021   Updated as at May 2021
Source: Roy Morgan June 2021
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media

JAN print                    FEB print                       MAR print                APR print                          MAY print                  JUN print
• Golden Globes Red Carpet   • Grammys                      • Oscars Red Carpet      • Most Beautiful People            • Met Gala                 • Winter Reading
• Diet and Weightloss        • Paris, New York and London   • Autumn Reading Guide   • Anti Ageing                      • Cannes Film Festival     • Winter Beauty
                                Fashion Week                 • Hair Special           • Beauty Special                   • Celebrating Italy        • Celebrating health &
JAN digital                                                                                                              • Mothers Day Gifting        wellness trends
• Golden Globes Awards       FEB digital                     MAR digital              APR digital
• Sexy for Summer Beauty     • Grammys                       • Oscars Red Carpet      • Most Beautiful People            MAY digital                JUN digital
                             • New York Fashion Week         • Hollywood Hair Inspo   • Positive Ageing Beauty           • Met Gala                 • Ultimate Reading Guide
                             • Ultimate Body Issue                                                                       • Mothers Day Gifting      • Winter Remedies

JUL print                    AUG print                       SEP print                OCT print                          NOV print                  DEC print
• A-List Local Travel        • Celebrity Homes               • Fathers Day            • Spring Racing                    • Swimsuit Issue           • Best & Worst
• Stars without makeup                                       • Celebrity Dads         • Sexiest People Signature Issue                              • Party Looks
• Fitness Special                                            • Spring Beauty                                             NOV digital                • Xmas Gifting
                             AUG digital                                              OCT digital                        • Your Best Skin Special
JUL digital                  • Celebrity Homes               SEP digital              • Spring Racing                    • Swimwear Special         DEC digital
• A-List Local Travel        • Winter Health                 • Spring Beauty          • Sexiest People                                              • Christmas Party Season Hacks
• Career Change Guide                                        • Celebrity Dads
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media
• Average HH income is $128.83k which is 6% above the average Australian
• Over 4 in 5 (82%) of the Who audience are the main grocery buyer
• Almost 1 in 4 Who audience are socio AB (24%)
• Over 1 in 3 Who audience have kids in the home (37%)
• Over 2 in 5 of the Who audience have a diploma or degree (42%)
• Almost 3 in 4 Who readers are in employment (74%)
• Over a third (38%) are Big Spenders
• Over a third (37%) still buy luxuries

• 20% of the Audience have bought a skincare product in the last 4 weeks
• 72% believe that quality is more important than price
• 78% of the Who audience bough from a shopping centre in the past 4 weeks, with
  over 1 in 4 agreeing that they were 'born to shop' and more than half agreeing
  that they enjoy clothes shopping
• Almost 2 in 3 (64%) like to go away on weekends
• Who audience are more likely than average to be trusted advisors across buying
  skin care and beauty products
• The Who audience love international cuisines, with 82% agreeing that they enjoy
  food from all over the world

Source: Roy Morgan Single Source Australia, Jun 21 – Print and digital readership, AP 14+
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media
                                      WHO PRINT                                                                                      WHO DIGITAL*

GENDER SPLIT                                                                                                                         87% female/13% male

EMPLOYMENT                                                                                                                           Employed 68% (FT & PT)

HOUSEHOLDS                                                                                                                           Skewing young parents & singles

MAIN GROCERY BUYER                    81%                                                                                            79%


TRY TO LOOK STYLISH                                                                                                                  59% agree

QUALITY OVER PRICE                                                                                                                   72% agree

                                                                                             CORE TARGET                 MONTHLY DIGITAL REACH (UA’S)²        ENGAGEMENT METRICS DIGITAL²
                                                                                             W30+                        852,790                              2.45 page views
                                                                                             PRINT REACH                 WEEKLY CROSS PLATFORM REACH          per unique audience
                                                                                             149,000                     998,000

                      Source: Roy Morgan Single Source Australia, Jun 21 – Print and digital readership, AP 14+
                      *Crossover based on total magazine and digital audience base, incremental reach based on 1x month print
                      vs 1x month print & online
BRAND 2021 OVERVIEW - Are Media
SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT                                                            WHO ONLINE

                                            MONTHLY DIGITAL REACH (UA’S)²                              TOP 3 CONTENT PILLARS ACROSS WHO.COM.AU:
    SOCIAL REACH                            852,790                                                    ENTERTAINMENT – PAGE VIEWS
    458,530                                 ENGAGEMENT METRICS                                         467,483
    Source: Are Media Facebook, Instagram
    & Twitter as of August 2021
                                            2.45 page views                                            NEWS – PAGE VIEWS
                                            per unique audience                                        161,906
                                            Source: Nielsen DCR, June 2021, Digital UAs (C/M), text,
                                                                                                       BEAUTY – PAGE VIEWS
                                                                                                       Source: Google Analytics, Mar21, digital website events, Australian audience

            THE WHO AUDIENCE AND READING                                              THE WHO AUDIENCE AND SKINCARE

              PRINT                               ONLINE                                PRINT                                                  ONLINE
 More than 1 in 2 WHO readers        50% of the Who online audience         In the last 4 weeks, 1 in 5 Who                    23% of the Who online
have read a novel or non-fiction     have read a novel or non-fiction         readers have purchased a                       audience have bought a
   book in the last 3 months            book in the last 3 months          skincare product, with almost a                 skincare product in the last 4
  – 1,3x higher than average                                              quarter being a trusted adviser on                weeks, which is 1.55x higher
                                                                            skincare and beauty products                          than average

          THE WHO AUDIENCE AND THE INTERNET                                           THE WHO AUDIENCE AND HOLIDAYS

              PRINT                               ONLINE                                PRINT                                                  ONLINE
77% agree that the internet is far   67% agree that the internet is for       Almost a third of the Who                         Over half of the Who
more an information tool than an      ore an information tool than an       audience have travelled for a                      audience have taken a
 entertainment tool, with 55% of       entertainment tool, with most        holiday in the last 12 months,                      holiday in the last 12
readers considering to do some       agreeing that they are interested      with 82% agreeing they like to                   months, with 81% agreeing
of their grocery shopping online        in being able to access the            take holidays in Australia                    they like to take holidays in
      in the next 12 months              internet wherever they are                                                                     Australia

                                                                                                        Source: Roy Morgan Single Source Australia, Jun 21 – Print and digital readership, AP 14+

NAME              POSITION                              PHONE NUMBER         EMAIL

Karen Holmes      Sales Director, NSW                   +61 (02) 9282 8733

                  Head of Direct Sales, VIC             +61 (03) 9823 6368

Judy Taylor       Head of Sales, QLD                    +61 (07) 3101 6636
Jaclyn Clements   Sales Director, Victoria, SA and WA   +61 (03) 98236341
Samantha Lowe     Head of Direct Sales, NSW             +61 (02) 8114 9442
Andrew Cook       Director of Sales                     +61 (02) 9282 8676
                  Commercial Brand Manager              +61 (02) 9282 8142
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