Boys Basketball 2021-22 - Manual for Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association

Page created by Thelma Warner
Boys Basketball 2021-22 - Manual for Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association
Boys Basketball
      Manual for
 Schools and Managers
Boys Basketball 2021-22 - Manual for Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association
School Information
Boys Basketball Terms and Conditions ....................................................................................................................................................................1-6
School Cover Letter.....................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Entry Information ........................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Important Dates ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................9
IHSA Basketball Rules Adopted.................................................................................................................................................................................10
Season Summary Form Instructions & Seeding Information/Process ................................................................................................................11-12
MaxPreps Reporting Procedure ................................................................................................................................................................................13
State Final Program Information ...............................................................................................................................................................................14
Instructions for Submitting Photos...........................................................................................................................................................................15
Up-to Date Statistics Form...................................................................................................................................................................................16-17
Student Media Credentials for Participating Schools ................................................................................................................................................18
Tickets (State Series & State Final)......................................................................................................................................................................19-20
General Time Schedule..............................................................................................................................................................................................21
Request for Duplicate Awards..............................................................................................................................................................................22-23

Three-Point Showdown Information
Three-Point Showdown Terms and Conditions....................................................................................................................................................24-27
Three-Point Showdown Regional School Participant Entry Form .............................................................................................................................28
Three-Point Showdown Participant Instructions .................................................................................................................................................29-30
Three-Point Showdown Participant Information Form ..............................................................................................................................................31
Three-Point Showdown Information for Managers..............................................................................................................................................32-33

General Information
School’s Responsibility to Hosting Officials.........................................................................................................................................................34-35
Do What’s Right! Sportsmanship Criteria ................................................................................................................................................................36
Emergency Action Plan ........................................................................................................................................................................................37-38
IHSA Protocol for Implementation of NFHS Sports Playing Rule for Concussions...................................................................................................39
Concussion Information ............................................................................................................................................................................................40
      Return to Play Policy
      Mandatory Concussion Course for Coaches
Licensed Vendor Information ....................................................................................................................................................................................41
Sample Pass Gate Form ............................................................................................................................................................................................42

Manager Information
Manager Cover Letter................................................................................................................................................................................................43
General Managers Instructions ............................................................................................................................................................................44-49
Managers Checklists .................................................................................................................................................................................................50
Wilson Ball Distribution.............................................................................................................................................................................................51
ScoreZone Reporting Instructions ............................................................................................................................................................................52
Delivery Information for IHSA State Series Trophies ................................................................................................................................................53
Regional/Sectional Duplicate Awards Form...............................................................................................................................................................54
Required PA Announcements ..............................................................................................................................................................................55-56
Announcers Instructions ...........................................................................................................................................................................................57
Scorer’s Instructions .................................................................................................................................................................................................58
Timer’s Instructions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................59
Internet Video Broadcasting Information ..................................................................................................................................................................60
Financial Report Forms .............................................................................................................................................................................................61

                                                                                              Revision History
Boys Basketball 2021-22 - Manual for Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association
2021-22 Boys Basketball Series
                                                                     Terms and Conditions

     In accordance with Section 1.450 of the                 C. Breach of Contract By-Law 6.041                  B. Sites Other Than Member Schools:
IHSA Constitution, the Board of Directors has          (Withdrawal Procedure)                                        1) When Sectional and Super-
approved the Terms and Conditions governing                  To withdraw without penalty, the Principal    Sectional tournaments are held at sites other
the 2021-22 IHSA Class 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A              must notify the IHSA Office, in writing, of the     than IHSA member schools, the IHSA adminis-
Boys Basketball Tournament Series.                     school’s withdrawal from the respective sport       trator in charge will determine the financial
                                                       prior to the seeding meeting date and/or the        arrangements with the host using current
I.         SCHOOL CLASSIFICATION                       date the List of Participants is due for that       financial arrangements as guidelines.
     Classifications in the IHSA Boys                        If a school withdraws after the seeding             C. Admission Prices:
Basketball State Series will be determined             meeting date/List of Participants due date but                1) The following base ticket prices
according to IHSA Policy 17 (Classification            before the first competition, the school will be    have been set by the IHSA Board of Directors.
System).                                               charged a $100 penalty and, if applicable, the      “In Advance” or “At the Door” admission shall
                                                       cost of game officials and the host school guar-    be as follows:
II.        DATES AND SITES                             antee provided for in the Terms & Conditions.             Regional                  $5.00^
                                                             If a school does not officially withdraw            Sectionals                $7.00^
      In each class of the IHSA Boys’ Basketball       prior to the first competition and/or does not            Super-Sectional*          $8.00^
State series, games at 32 Regional sites shall         show up for competition, the school will be               *At venues hosting two super-sectional
be held February 19-25, and the games at 8             charged a $100 penalty, the cost of game offi-      games on the same evening, the ticket price
Sectionals sites shall be held March 1, March          cials and the host school guarantee according       shall be $10.
2, and March 4. The 4 Super-Sectional games            to the Terms & Conditions for the respective                  2) Per IHSA Board Policy 22, GoFan
shall be played on March 7 and the semifinal           sport.                                              Digital Tickets (available on GoFan app or
and final games of the State Final on March 10-                                                   will be the exclusive ticket
12. All regional quarterfinal games will be                 D. Eligibility                                 option available for this sport at the Sectional
played on February 19, with the better seeded               All member schools in good standing may        and Super-Sectional rounds of the State Series.
school hosting the contest.                            enter one team under the provisions of IHSA         Any exceptions must be approved by the IHSA
      State Final Tournament games shall be            By-law 3.054.                                       Office. In Regional contests, host schools may
played at the State Farm Center, University of                                                             choose their preferred ticketing method, but
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. All tournament                E. Affirmative Action                          must use GoFan if offering a digital ticket
sites will be selected by the IHSA Office.                  Only boys shall be permitted to participate    options. If a Regional Tournament host choos-
                                                       in the state series except as provided in the       es to use GoFan for ticketing, a convenience fee
III.       ON-LINE ENTRIES, WITHDRAWAL                 IHSA Affirmative Action Policy.                     will be added to the base price of the ticket.
           MATIVE ACTION                               IV.       HOST FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS                     D. State Final Admission Prices:
                                                                                                                 Base Ticket prices for all tickets for the
      The policy for Original Entry Deadlines,               A. At Member School Sites:                    Class 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A Boys Basketball State
Late Entries, and Late Withdrawals shall be the                  1) The host school must charge            Final Tournaments at the State Farm Center at
policies and procedures regarding entry for all        admission and will be eligible to receive fund-     the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
IHSA-sponsored sport/activities included in the        ing as listed below.                                will be priced at the amounts below for each
2021-22 Entry Policies and Procedures.                           2) For all Regional-level games, the      session:
                                                       host school shall pay for all local expenses. All         Sessions 1, 2, 4, and 5: $15 (100-level
     A. On-line Entries                                quarterfinal round games will be run financially                                   tickets)^
     All member schools must enter their               independent. Host schools shall pay for all                                        $10 (200-level
school into the state series competition               local expenses and secure three officials to                                       tickets)^
through the IHSA School Center on the IHSA             work the contest. IHSA will reimburse hosts of            Sessions 3 and 6:        $12 (100-level
Website at The deadline for              quarterfinal round games for the cost of offi-                                     tickets)^
entry is November 1. The 2021-22 Entry                 cials See Section XI of these Terms and                                            $10 (200-level
Policies and Procedures outlining the online           Conditions for the fee each official assigned to                                   tickets)^
entry procedures for all IHSA-sponsored tour-          a quarterfinal round game shall be paid. Each
naments can be found in the Schools Center             school hosting Regional-level semifinal and              Sessions 7 and 8          $20 (100-level
on the IHSA website.                                   final games shall receive a flat guarantee of                                      tickets)^
                                                       $1,200, and the host shall retain 20% of the net                                   $10 (200-level
      B. Late Entries:                                 income and submit remainder to the IHSA. In                                        tickets)^
      Any attempt to enter a sport or activity on-     case of a negative balance, the host shall be
line after the established deadlines will be           reimbursed for the entire deficit.                       ^Base ticket price; actual cost may be
denied. Schools that wish to enter after the                     3) In Sectional and Super-Sectional       greater if digital ticketing is used.
deadline will be considered late. To be consid-        games, the host school shall pay for all local
ered for late entry, the Principal/Official            expenses. Each host school shall receive a
Representative must contact the IHSA adminis-          guarantee of $800.00 for each night of compe-
trative officer in charge of that sport or activity.   tition. The host shall receive 20% of the net
The penalty for late entry shall be a payment of       income.
$100.00 for that sport/activity by the school.
Boys Basketball 2021-22 - Manual for Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association
Season ticket packages will be made avail-       Wednesday, February 9, 2022 will have from 12       regional hosts, they cannot be assigned to the
able for advance purchase first to IHSA mem-          p.m. on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, until 12       same regional, and an adjustment must be
ber schools and then to the general public.           p.m. on Thursday, February 10, 2022, to go on-      made.)
                                                      line and cast one (1) seeding vote for their                   In grouping and seeding a sub-sec-
     E. Rights Fees for TV and Radio:                 respective first-level tournament assignment.       tional, only the top four seeds shall be separat-
         1) Television Rights Fees to be                                                                  ed. Seeds #1 and #4 shall be assigned to the
charged by Local Managers and/or the IHSA                   E. Season Summary Form: Schools               same regional unless there is a hosting con-
are contained in the IHSA Television Policy.          entered into the Class 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A state     flict, in which case seeds #1 and #3 shall be
         2) Radio Fees which shall be                 series will be required to submit a Season          assigned to the same regional. The remaining
charged are:                                          Summary Sheet on-line in the IHSA Schools           schools shall be assigned to the regionals
             a) Regional Contest = No                 Center. Schools must enter all game schedules       based on geographic proximity and paired
Charge                                                and results into to be counted         according to their seeds.
             b) Sectional Contest = No                toward season summary totals. Schools                          In pairing the sectional semi-final
Charge                                                entered in the Class 1A-4A state series will        round containing sub-sectionals, the regional
             c) Super-Sectional Contest =             have until 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 9,        from sub-sectional A containing the #1 seed
$50 (Regular)                                         2022, to complete this on-line form. Failure to     shall be paired with the regional of sub-section-
             d) State Final = $150 (Regular)          do so by the designated time and date will          al B containing the #2 seed, and vice versa,
         3) Policy regarding media require-           result in a school forfeiting its opportunity to    except for the southernmost sectional in Class
ments for each Local Manager is contained in          participate in the seeding process. The Season      4A, where the two regionals in each sub-sec-
these Terms and Conditions.                           Summary Form can be found in the IHSA               tional shall be paired with each other.
                                                      Schools Center.                                                In pairing the sectional complexes,
V.         TOURNAMENT ASSIGNMENTS AND                                                                     the sectional tournament shall be set up so that
           SEEDING MEETINGS                                 F. Seeding Meeting: Each school who           the semi-finals will pair the winners of the
                                                      completes the Season Summary Form by the            regionals with the numbers 1 & 4 seeds in one
     A. Class 1A and Class 2A: In class 1A            established deadline shall have one (1) vote in     game, and the winners of the regionals with the
and 2A, all state tournament series will begin in     the seeding process. No school shall vote for       numbers 2 & 3 seeds in the other game.
Regionals with initial seeding done by sub-sec-       their own team. Seeding will occur at the sub-                 In all classes of bracketed team
tionals. Each sub-sectional will contain 2            sectional or sectional complex level, depending     sports, the Executive Director is authorized to
regional sites. Seeding for the tournament            on each school’s first level tournament assign-     modify the state series brackets to accommo-
series will be done by sub-sectionals. Each           ment. For Class 3A and 4A sectional complex-        date unique travel situations.
sub-sectional will be seeded with the #1 and #4       es, the high and low seeds will be dropped for
assigned to one regional and #2 and #3                each school in determining their seed.                   H. State Series Pairings: Pairings for
assigned to the other regional. The remaining                                                             each class will be made by the IHSA and posted
teams will be assigned by geography.                         G. Pairings:                                 on the IHSA website no later than Friday,
                                                                 1) In Class 1A and 2A, all state         February 11, 2022.
      B. Class 3A and 4A: All state tourna-           series shall begin with sub-sectionals. A sub-
ment series will begin with a sectional complex       sectional is a grouping of two geographic           VI.       TOURNAMENT STRUCTURE AND
except where excessive travel is a factor. This       regionals.                                                    TIME SCHEDULES
is determined by the IHSA administration.                        In grouping and seeding a sub-sec-
Where this occurs, the tournament series will         tional, only the top four seeds shall be separat-        A. Names:
begin with sub-sectionals. Each sub-sectional         ed. Seeds #1 and #4 shall be assigned to the             The successive series shall be designated
will contain 2 regional sites. Seeding for the        same regional unless there is a hosting con-        respectively, Regional, Sectional, Super-
tournament series will be done by sub-section-        flict, in which case seeds #1 and #3 shall be       Sectional and State Final.
als. Each sub-sectional will be seeded with the       assigned to the same regional. The remaining
#1 and #4 assigned to one regional and #2 and         schools shall be assigned to the regionals               B. Time Schedules:
#3 assigned to the other regional. The remain-        based on geographic proximity and paired                     1) Quarterfinal Game Schedule
ing teams will be assigned by geography. For          according to their seeds.                           (Quarterfinal games may begin between 1:00
those groupings that remain sectional com-                       In pairing the sectional semi-final      p.m. and 7:00 p.m.)
plexes, ‘true Seeds’ will be used to assign           round containing sub-sectionals, the regional            20 minutes prior to tipoff. — Start 15-
schools to regional tournaments.                      from sub-sectional A containing the #1 seed         minute pregame warm-up on scoreboard clock
                                                      shall be paired with the regional of sub-section-        5 minutes prior to tipoff — When 15-
      C. Tournament Series: The successive            al B containing the #2 seed, and vice versa.        minute pregame warm-up clock strikes 0:00,
tournament series shall be designated respec-                    In all classes of bracketed team         National Anthem
tively as regional, sectional, super-sectional        sports, the Executive Director is authorized to          3 minutes prior to tipoff — At conclusion
and state final. The IHSA Office will select all      modify the state series brackets to accommo-        of National Anthem, introduction of players and
regional, sectional and super-sectional host          date unique travel situations.                      coaches
sites. All schools entered in the state series will              2) In Class 3A and 4A, all state              0 minutes prior to tipoff. — Tournament
be assigned to a sub-sectional or sectional           series shall begin with sectional complexes. In     Game Tip-off
complex based upon geography.                         sectional groupings where excessive travel is a              2) Single-Game Session Time
                                                      factor, geographic sub-sectionals may be used       Schedule
      D. Seeding Meetings: All seeding meet-          at the discretion of the IHSA Administrator.        6:40 p.m. — Start 15-minute pre-game warm-
ings shall be conducted on-line through the                      In grouping and seeding a sectional           up on scoreboard clock
IHSA Schools Center. Seeding will only occur          complex, true seeds shall be used to populate       6:55 p.m. — When 15-minute pre-game warm-
at the sub-sectional or sectional-complex level.      the brackets except in cases where a conflict            up clock strikes 0:00, National Anthem
Schools that complete the Season Summary              arises with pre-determined regional hosts. (For
Form by the established deadline of 10 a.m. on        example, if the #1 and #8 seeds are both

Boys Basketball 2021-22 - Manual for Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association
6:57-7:00 p.m. — At conclusion of National                  Class 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A                     top to bottom on the official schedule unless
     Anthem, introduction of players and                  Saturday, March 12, 2022                   otherwise specifically indicated or a change is
     coaches                                                   (Final Games)                         approved by the Executive Director.
7:00 p.m. — Tournament Game Tip-off              Session 7
         3) Two-Game         Session      Time   Game 13—11:00 a.m.—Winner Game 1 vs.                VII.      ADVANCEMENT OF WINNERS
Schedule                                             Winner Game 2 (1A Championship)
5:40 p.m. — Start 15-minute pre-game warm-       Game 14—12:45 p.m. (Approx.)—Winner                      A. Class 1A-4A: The winners of the thir-
     up for 1st game on scoreboard clock             Game 3 vs. Winner Game 4 (Class 2A              ty-two (32) regional tournaments shall advance
5:55 p.m. — When 15-minute pre-game warm-            Championship)                                   to eight (8) sectional tournaments consisting
     up clock strikes 0:00, National Anthem      Session 8                                           of four teams each. The winners of the eight
5:57-6:00 p.m. — At conclusion of National       Game 15—5:30 p.m.—Winner Game 7 vs.                 (8) sectional tournaments shall advance to four
     Anthem, introduction of players and             Winner Game 8 (Class 3A Championship)           (4) super-sectional matches consisting of two
     coaches                                     Game 16—7:15 p.m.—Winner Game 9 vs.                 teams each. The winners of the four (4) super
6:00 p.m. — 1st Game Tip-off                         Winner     Game     10    (Class  4A            -sectional tournaments shall advance to the
7:00 p.m. (Approx.) — 1st Game concludes             Championship)                                   state final tournament.
7:00-7:05 p.m. (Approx.) — 5-minute break
     between games                                     C. Sessions:                                  VIII.     TOURNAMENT RULES
7:10-7:25 p.m. (Approx.) — Start 15-minute                 1) Regional Tournaments
     pre-game warm-up for 2nd game on                      All Regional tournament schedules              A. Tournament Officials
     scoreboard clock                            include one day off between the semifinal                    1. Officials for all tournaments will
7:25 p.m. (Approx.) — When 15-minute pre-        games and the final game.                           be assigned through the IHSA Office.
     game warm-up clock strikes 0:00,                      For Regional tournament quarterfinal               2. In all tournaments, the decisions
     National Anthem                             games, the host school shall determine the          of the officials shall be final. The Board of
7:28-7:31 p.m. (Approx.) – Introduction of       start time for the game to begin between 1:00       Directors will not review decisions of officials,
     players and coaches                         p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The host school shall com-       whether alleged errors are due to faulty judg-
7:32 p.m. (Approx.) – Tournament Game Tip-       municate the start time to the opposing school      ment or misinterpretation of the rules.
     off                                         and the IHSA Office no later 4:00 p.m. on the       (Note: Detailed information regarding assign-
         4) Super-Sectionals:                    Monday following the release of pairings the        ment of officials will be posted on the IHSA
6:40 p.m. — Start 15-minute pre-game warm-       previous Friday.                                    Schools Center to all schools that are hosting a
     up on scoreboard clock                                All Regional championship games           tournament approximately one week in
6:55 p.m. — When 15-minute pre-game warm-        shall be played on Friday night.                    advance of the tournament’s start.)
     up clock strikes 0:00, National Anthem                Each Regional tournament session
6:57-7:00 p.m. — At conclusion of National       shall include the National Anthem                        B. Squad Designation:
     Anthem, introduction of players and                   No local manager is authorized to              It is recommended that team rosters be
     coaches                                     change the order of the games or the playing        forwarded to the host school. Teams are limit-
7:00 p.m. — Tournament Game Tip-off              schedule for the games as determined by the         ed to a total of 22 individuals for their team.
                                                 system adopted and announced by the IHSA            The 22 includes rostered players, coaches,
         5) State Final Tournaments              Office. Games must be played as listed from         high school managers, statisticians, etc. Other
                                                 top to bottom of the official schedule (in brack-   than coaches, no non-high school students can
               Class 1A & 2A                     et order) on the nights announced unless oth-       be included in the team’s allotment of 22 indi-
         Thursday, March 10, 2022                erwise specifically indicated or a change is        viduals.
     (Semifinal and Third Place Games)           approved by the Executive Director.
Session 1 (Class 1A semifinals)                            2) Sectional Tournaments                        C. Players in Team Uniform:
Game 1—10:00 a.m.                                          Each Sectional tournament session               There is no limit to the number of dressed
Game 2—11:45 p.m. (Approx.)                      shall include the National Anthem.                  players a school may have for any state series
Session 2 (Class 2A semifinals)                            No local manager is authorized to         game. Schools are limited only to having 22
Game 3—2:30 p.m.                                 change the order of the games or the playing        total individuals in their team personnel. The
Game 4—4:15 p.m. (Approx.)                       schedule for the games as determined by the         22 includes rostered players, coaches, high
Session 3 (Third Place Games)                    system adopted and announced by the IHSA            school managers, statisticians, etc. Other than
Game 5—7:00 p.m. (Class 1A)                      Office. Games must be played as listed from         coaches, no non-high school students can be
Game 6—8:45 p.m. (Approx.) (Class 2A)            top to bottom of the official schedule (in brack-   included in the team’s allotment of 22 individu-
                                                 et order) on the nights announced unless oth-       als.
               Class 3A & 4A                     erwise specifically indicated or a change is
           Friday, March 11, 2022                approved by the Executive Director.                       D. Uniforms:
      (Semifinal & Third Place Games)                      3) Super-Sectional Tournaments                  In order to avoid possible confusion, each
Session 4 (Class 3A semifinals)                            All Super-Sectional Tournaments           participating school should have two sets of
Game 7—10:00 a.m.                                shall be played on Monday, March 7, 2022.           shirts of different colors for its team. One set
Game 8—11:45 p.m. (Approx.)                                Each Super-Sectional tournament           should be white and the other a dark color. All
Session 5 (Class 4A semifinals)                  session shall include the National Anthem.          uniforms must conform to the requirements
Game 9—2:30 p.m.                                                                                     given in Rule 3-4 of the National Federation
Game 10—4:15 p.m. (Approx.)                           D. Playing Schedules:                          Basketball Rules.
Session 6 (Third Place Games)                         No local manager is authorized to change                 1) The teams listed on the top line of
Game 11—7:00 p.m. (Class 3A)                     the order of games as determined by the sys-        the single-game playing bracket shall wear
Game 12—8:45 p.m. (Approx.) (Class 4A)           tem adopted and announced by the IHSA               white uniforms and will be considered the
                                                 Office. Games must be played as listed from         home team. The team listed on the bottom line

shall wear dark uniforms and will be consid-                   5) In order to maintain the integrity            D. State Final Passes:
ered the visiting team. In the Super-Sectional      of the playing surface and protect competitors,             For the State Final Tournament games,
games, the two teams will be listed according       local managers of all tournament contests             each Super-Sectional winner will receive:
to the Sectional centers from which each has        must create a safe zone along each baseline                     1) a maximum of twenty-two (22)
advanced.                                           that will be devoid of any persons (such as           passes for its players and other team personnel
           2) Responsibility of Official Scorer     cheerleaders or media personnel) or other                       2) three (3) passes for administra-
and Head Coaches—The Official Scorer must           obstructions. This safe area will extend three        tion: Superintendent, Principal and Athletic
secure from the head coach of each team in          (3) feet from the baseline towards the facility’s     Director
each game of the tournament series the head         back wall, stage, or bleachers.                                 3) twelve (12) passes for cheerlead-
coach’s signature in the official scorebook just                                                          ers and one (1) for mascot upon request by
prior to the start of each game, thus confirming         H. State Final Game Time-outs:                   member school in advance of the State Finals
that the official scorebook is correct regarding         For all televised games during the State                   4) one (1) pass for the cheerleader
players’ numbers.                                   Finals, three (3) 60-second time-outs and two         coach
                                                    (2) 30-second time-outs may be charged to                       5) one (1) state final event pass to
      E. Unsportsmanlike Conduct:                   each team during a regulation game. Each              properly licensed medical personnel for each
      Managers and officials have instructions      team is entitled to one additional 60-second          team participating in the state final. The pass
to disqualify any player or coach guilty of pro-    time-out during each extra period. Unused             would be available for either a licensed (i.e.,
fane or indecent language or of gross               time-outs may accumulate and may be used at           certified) athletic trainer or team physician.
unsportsmanlike conduct.                            any time.                                             This individual must be listed on the school’s
      IHSA By-Law 2.040 gives the Board of                                                                State Final Program Information.
Directors complete authority to penalize a          IX. TOURNAMENT POLICIES
school or individual(s) for any unsportsmanlike                                                                 E. Bands:
conduct on the part of the principal, the coach,          A. Presale Tickets:                                   Schools hosting an IHSA State Series
players or any member of the faculty or Board                   1) Host schools must provide pre-         Basketball Tournament may invite their high
of Education, or any other official representa-     sale tickets to schools competing in Regional         school pep band to perform during the tourna-
tive of any participating school. This authority    finals, Sectional semifinals and finals, and          ment. However, it should be noted that the host
will definitely be exercised by the Board of        Super Sectionals (if hosted by a member               school band is performing as the official band
Directors.                                          school), if requested to do so by a competing         of the tournament and must remain neutral at
                                                    team.                                                 all times. Failure to comply with this provision
      F. Balls:                                                 2) Competing teams are responsible        shall cause the band to be excluded from the
      The Wilson Evolution WTB0516 ball shall       for all of the presale tickets they are given. All    remainder of the tournament.
be used in the State Tournament games. Balls        unsold tickets must be returned to the host at              Members of the pep band may be given
for the tournament series are being provided by     least three (3) hours prior to game time.             free admission to the tournament. No band or
the Wilson and only Wilson balls may be used.                   Regional final: Requests for presale      performing groups other than the one from the
                                                    tickets at the Regional finals must be made by        host school shall be allowed to perform at the
      G. Rules of Play:                             Monday, February 24 for Class 1A & 2A and             tournament.
      The Official Basketball Rules as published    Monday, March 2 for Class 3A & 4A.
by the National Federation of State High School                 Sectional semifinals and finals:               F. Artificial Noisemakers:
Associations are adopted as official for the        Requests for presale tickets at the Sectional              All artificial noise-making devices shall be
tournament series.                                  semifinals and finals must be made to the             excluded from the gymnasium. The use of
           1) In all tournament games, the          Sectional Manager by Friday, February 28,             band instruments shall be limited as explained
local tournament manager shall determine the        2020 for Class 1A & 2A and Friday, March 6,           in “E” above. Refer to National Federation
team benches prior to the team warm-up peri-        2020, for Class 3A & 4A.                              Rules Book Rule 1, Section 18.
od. Pre-game practice and the first-half basket                 3) See the ticket distribution plan for        Tournament managers should not permit
for each team shall be the one further from its     Super-Sectional information.                          spectators to bring megaphones into the gym-
assigned bench.                                                 4) GoFan Presale Tickets: For             nasium for cheering purposes. Cheerleaders
           2) At the State Final Tournament,        rounds using GoFan, tickets will be posted for        may use megaphones for cheering purposes.
team benches will be assigned prior to the          general admission sale on GoFan upon
warm up period for each game.                       approval from the host school. Per IHSA                     G. Signs and Banners:
           3) If for any reason gymnasiums or       Policy 22-9-D, tickets may be reserved for                  The display of signs, banners, placards or
other conditions seem to make any rule modi-        competing schools upon request by a compet-           similar items at IHSA state series events is per-
fications desirable, the local manager must         ing school 72 hours before the contest or at          mitted, provided:
communicate with the IHSA Office before             host school discretion.                                          1) they are in good taste and reflect
announcing such modification. Interpretations                                                             good sportsmanship in their message and use;
and modifications of existing rules as outlined           B. All-Star Teams:                                         2) they reflect identification and
in the various state-sponsored meetings shall             No officers of the tournament, game offi-       encouragement to participants and their
be rigidly adhered to.                              cials or anyone serving under the supervision         school/community;
           4) In all tournament games, the ref-     of the Illinois High School Association may                      3) they are not displayed on the field
eree shall sign the official scorebook at the       cooperate in any way in the selection of an all-      of play or in a manner which interferes with
conclusion of the game at either the scorer’s       star tournament team.                                 play;
bench or in the officials’ locker room. If in the                                                                    4) they do not obstruct the view of
officials’ locker room, the signing must be              C. Consolation Games:                            participants or spectators; and
done in the presence of the host manager or              In the Regional and Sectional tourna-                       5) they are not safety hazards.
his/her designee and the official scorer.           ments, consolation games will not be permitted
                                                    to determine third place winners.

H. Cheerleader/Mascot:                         competing schools. Noncompeting schools                   Q.    State Final Team Reimbursements:
      A maximum of twelve (12) cheerleaders          and spectators will be allowed to videotape                     1) In the State Final Tournament,
and one (1) mascot in costume may be on the          games from the stands, provided they do not          the teams participating in the tournament shall
floor at any state series contest.                   obstruct the view of participants and specta-        be allowed transportation expenses at the rate
                                                     tors.                                                of $5.00 per mile per team for the first 50
      I. Damage to Property and Equipment:                                                                miles, and $3.00 per mile per team for each
      If contestants or people from any school              L. Tobacco/Liquid Nicotine Products:          mile beyond 50 miles to and from the site
entered in a state series are found guilty of               The use of tobacco or liquid nicotine         where the tournament will be played. In addi-
carelessness or maliciously breaking, damag-         products in any competition area, either during      tion, each school will receive a reimbursement
ing or destroying property or equipment              a practice or while a contest is in progress, or     to cover some the costs incurred by schools at
belonging to the host school, such school shall      affiliated property of any IHSA state series con-    the State Final. The IHSA will reserve a block of
be held responsible for costs incurred in            test by any coach, player, any other person          rooms for teams competing at the state finals
replacing or repairing such property or equip-       connected with a team, or fan shall be prohib-       for their use if they so choose. Any expenses
ment.                                                ited. State series hosts are required to make all    or costs associated or charged to the rooms
      J. Media Requirements:                         state series contest sites and any affiliated        will be at each school’s expense.
           1) Provide Space:                         property, including parking lots, fan accommo-           Round Trip
           Space shall be set aside to provide for   dation areas, and other school or event venue            Mileage to            Flat Rate
news media representatives covering the state        property, tobacco/liquid nicotine free zones on          State Final Site      Reimbursement
series whether they are from newspapers,             the date or dates of any IHSA event being held           0-150 miles           $2,500.00
radio stations, commercial television stations       at the site.                                             151-300 miles         $3,600.00
and/or cable television stations.                                                                             301-over miles        $4,400.00
           2) Radio and TV Originators:                    M. Use of inhalers:                                      2) Neither the State Association nor
           It is the responsibility of the Local           A student with asthma may possess and          the tournament management will assume
Manager to accept applications, approve              use his/her medication during an IHSA compe-         responsibility for unusual or extraordinary
requests to originate, collect proper rights fees    tition, while under the supervision of school        expenses. Individual schools entering the tour-
payment (where required) and make cancella-          personnel, provided the school meets the out-        naments must be ready themselves to assume
tion refunds for television and/or radio play-by-    lined procedures of self-administration in the       responsibility for unusual expenses due to
play originations, according to the IHSA             Illinois school code.                                accident, inclement weather, fire, theft or any
Television and/or IHSA Radio Broadcast Policy.                                                            other extraordinary cause.
                a) Television Rights Fees for all          N. Alcoholic Beverages and IHSA State                    3) The tournament management
levels of competition below the State Final level    Series Events:                                       does not guarantee any portion of team
shall be paid to the host school and shall                 The possession, distribution, sale and/or      expenses except as specified above. The pay-
become part of the revenue to be shared by the       consumption of alcoholic beverages are pro-          ment of the above schedule of expenses is con-
member school(s) and the Association accord-         hibited at the site and on any affiliated property   tingent upon adequate receipts in any individ-
ing to the financial terms stipulated in these       of any IHSA state series contest. State series       ual tournament. Participating schools should
Terms and Conditions.                                hosts are required to make all state series con-     be sure to take to the tournament adequate
                b) Radio Broadcast Rights Fees       test sites and any affiliated property, including    funds to meet all team expenses. Expense
are not required for any level of competition in     parking lots, fan accommodation areas, and           allowances cannot be paid to the schools until
this series (except State Final). Local Managers     other school or event venue property, alcohol        after the Executive Director has approved them.
shall permit radio play-by-play originations of      free zones on the date or dates of any IHSA
the competition.                                     event being held at the site. Violation of this      X.   AWARDS
                c) Television and/or Radio           policy by an event host will subject the host to
Stations which do not apply in advance, or           a penalty for violation of IHSA By-law 2.020.             A. Regional: A plaque will be awarded
which do not pay required rights fees prior to       Such penalty may include, but not necessarily        to the winner in each Regional
the start of competition in each respective level    be limited to, prohibition against subsequent
in this state series, shall not be given creden-     event hosting assignments. Violation of this              B. Sectional: A plaque will be awarded
tials nor allowed access to the facility to origi-   policy by a non-hosting member school will           to the winner in each Sectional
nate. Sponsors of the originations for television    subject the school to penalty for violation of
and radio shall be only those so stipulated in       IHSA By-law 2.020. Patrons of any IHSA state             C. Super-Sectional: A plaque will be
the respective IHSA Television and Broadcast         series contest determined to be in violation of      awarded to the winner in each Super-Sectional.
policies.                                            this policy will be removed from the premise,
           3) Administrative Detail:                 and law enforcement officials will be called as            D. State Final:
           Reporting information to the news         warranted. No ticket refunds will be granted in                 1. A trophy will be awarded to
media and/or the IHSA Office, as stipulated in       such cases.                                          teams finishing first, second, third and fourth
instructions to Local Managers, shall be the                                                              places in the State Final Tournament.
responsibility of each Local Manager and is               O. Prayer at IHSA State Series                             2. A total of twenty-two (22) medal-
required.                                            Contests: Prayer at an IHSA state series con-        lions will be presented to the schools of the
                                                     test that takes place over the public address        first four placing teams at the State Final
      K. Videotaping      by    Schools      or      system is prohibited.                                Tournament. In addition, the superintendent,
Spectators:                                                                                               principal, the athletic director and a certified
      Videotaping will be allowed provided the            P. AED: Host schools must have an               athletic trainer or team physician, provided one
local manager has a comparable area for both         AED available and on site at all IHSA post sea-      is listed on the school’s State Final Program
competing schools to videotape. When one             son contests.                                        Information, will be presented with a medal-
school requests the video space, then the local                                                           lion. No other trophies or awards of any kind
manager shall provide similar space to both                                                               may be presented in the tournament series.

Only twenty-two (22) team/school representa-                    2. Sectional tournaments: Three          Administrator and thirty cents ($.30) per mile
tives, the superintendent, principal, the athletic   (3) officials will be assigned to each tourna-      for each mile over 70 miles for one round trip.
director and certified athletic trainer or team      ment game. In tournament sessions where             The Head Official will be paid $125.00 per day
physician, may participate in the awards pres-       two (2) games are scheduled, the IHSA Office        and up to three (3) nights lodging at a hotel
entation.                                            may assign an official more than one (1) game       designated by the IHSA Administrator. Officials
      These awards will be furnished by the          per session. Each official shall receive a fee of   will be paid by the IHSA through ArbiterPay.
State Association and are not an expense             $92.50 per game. Officials will be paid by the      Mileage Reimbursement Policy
charge upon the individual tournament.               IHSA through ArbiterPay.                                  In the state series, to assist officials for
                                                                3. Super-Sectional games: Three          out-of-pocket expenses, a voucher system will
XI. OFFICIALS                                        (3) officials will be assigned to each tourna-      be used to compensate officials when they
                                                     ment game. In tournament sessions where             drive in excess of 70 miles round trip per con-
     A.    Appointment and Fees:                     two (2) games are scheduled, the IHSA Office        test. Payment will be made through the IHSA
           1. Regional tournaments: Three            may assign an official more than one (1) game       Office, after completion of the tournament
(3) officials will be assigned to each tourna-       per session. Each official shall be allowed a fee   series, at a rate of thirty cents ($.30) per mile
ment game. In tournament sessions where              of $125.50 per game. Officials will be paid by      for all mileage in excess of 70 miles round trip.
two (2) games are scheduled, the IHSA Office         the IHSA through ArbiterPay.                        No compensation will be permitted for trips of
may assign an official more than one (1) game                   4. State Final Tournament: Each          less than 70 miles round trip.
per session. Each official shall receive a fee of    appointed official should receive a fee of
$74.00 per game. Officials will be paid by the       $165.00 per game plus up to three (3) nights
IHSA through ArbiterPay.                             lodging at a hotel designated by the IHSA

Boys Basketball Information

                                     ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION
                                 2715 McGraw Drive • Bloomington, IL 61704
                         • • Phone: 309-663-6377 • Fax: 309-663-7479 •

To the Principal/IHSA Official Representative of Schools Entered in the
2021-22 IHSA Boys Class 1A, 2A, 3A, & 4A State Basketball Tournament Series:

COACHES MEETING TO SEED TEAMS: Schools entered into the Class 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A state series will be
required to submit a Season Summary Form on-line in the IHSA Schools Center. Failure to do so by the desig-
nated date and time will result in a school forfeiting its opportunity to participate in the seeding process. The
Season Summary Form can be found in the IHSA Schools Center. Each school who completes the Season
Summary Form by the established deadline shall have one (1) vote in the seeding process. No school shall vote
for their own team. Seeding will occur at the sub-sectional or sectional complex level, depending on each
school’s first level tournament assignment. The highest and lowest seed will be dropped when determining
seeds in 3A and 4A sectional complexes. Neither the super-sectional nor the state final shall be seeded. Once
the seeds have been finalized, the IHSA will post those at Managers and coaches are prohibited from
releasing the results of their seeding meetings to media.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: For a full statement of the specific Terms and Conditions under which your school
will be participating, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY the Terms and Conditions printed in this manual.

OFFICIALS ASSIGNMENTS: Assignment of game officials shall be made by the IHSA based on the IHSA officials
ratings system. Schools will not rate officials at the seeding meeting.


Kurt J. Gibson
Associate Executive Director


Entry Information

                                          ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION
                                      2715 McGraw Drive • Bloomington, IL 61704
                              • • Phone: 309-663-6377 • Fax: 309-663-7479 •

                                                   Entry Information
The policy for Original School Entry Deadlines, Late Entries, and Late Withdrawals shall be the policies and procedures regarding
entry for all IHSA-sponsored sport/activities.

    1 Login to the Schools Center using your User ID and Password. (Only administrators can access entries.)
    2 Click on the Sport & Activity Tracker icon.
    3 Click the Entry Form link to add sports for the upcoming year. Sports Entry Deadlines are Sept. 11 (Fall), Nov. 1 (Winter)
         and Feb. 1 (Spring).

Online Rule Presentation Dates
Officials: October 26-November 30
Coaches/Schools: October 26-November 30
Each participating school must have their head coach view and receive credit for the 2021-2022 Basketball rules interpretation video.
Each participating official must view and receive credit for the 2021-2022 Basketball rules interpretation video. To receive credit, the
head coach/official must view the presentation in their respective IHSA School/Officials Center. Once the deadline passes, your
school will be placed on probationary status if the online rules meeting presentation isn’t reviewed by your coach. Schools that do
not view the rules interpretation video for two consecutive years, will be placed on suspension for this sport. For probationary status
to be lifted from your school you must:
     • Submit a $50.00 penalty fee to the IHSA Office (Acceptable forms of payment are school checks payable to the IHSA or
           VISA, MasterCard, or Discover credit cards.)
     • Contact Tammy Craig to process credit card payments.
     • Upon receipt of payment, the Schools Center will be re-opened for your head coach to view the online presentation.
To view the Rules Video:
1) Go to
2) Click on “Schools and Officials Center login”
3) Enter your personal User ID and password
4) Click on “Sport & Activity Tracker” icon. Choose the Winter sports link.
5) Click on “view rules video” next to the respective sport under the Sport & Activity Tracker
6) View the online Rules Video to receive credit
This is a yearly requirement to compete in the IHSA State Series.
NOTICE: If you are a coach and an official, you must contact Kurt Gibson at the IHSA Office in order to receive credit as both a coach
and official without having to view the presentation twice.

Below are options to assist you in viewing the Rules Meeting presentation once you have tried unsuccessfully.

    •    Try again on a different computer, preferably in a different location (home instead of school, etc.) Sometimes these files
         download badly. Going to a different computer/location is the easiest way to get a fresh start.

    •    Go back to where you clicked on the link to start the presentation and choose the link below to view the LITE version, which
         has no video content. Flash video can be an issue for some computers, and the LITE version does not contain flash.


                                         CLASS 1A - 4A SCHEDULE

Feb. 9 (Wed.)            Schools must complete and submit the Season Summary Form on-line by 10:00 a.m.
Feb. 9 (Wed.)            View and/or Print Season Summary Forms

Feb. 10 (Thurs.)         Submit Seeds On-line in IHSA Schools Center by 12:00 noon

Feb. 12 (Fri.)           Class 1A - 4A Pairings Released by 4:00 p.m.

Feb. 19-23 (Sat.-Wed.)   Class 1A - 4A Regional Quarterfinals and Semifinals
Feb. 25 (Fri.)           Class 1A - 4A Regional Finals

Mar. 1-2 (Tues.-Wed.)    Class 1A - 4A Sectional Semifinals
Mar. 4 (Fri.)            Class 1A - 4A Sectional Finals

Mar. 5 (Sat.)            All Classes: Three-Point Shooting qualifiers photo & information form due to IHSA office
Mar. 5 (Sat.)            All Classes: State Final Program Information Form due in IHSA office (Complete and submit on-
Mar. 5 (Sat.)            All Classes: Program Pictures uploaded in Schools Center (See instructions in Manual)

Mar. 7 (Mon.)            All Classes: Deadline to withdraw from the Three-Point Shooting Competition
Mar. 7 (Mon.)            Class 1A – 4A Super-Sectionals

Mar. 9 (Wed.)            All Classes: Up-to-date Statistics completed and faxed to IHSA office – Due at 10:00 a.m.

Mar. 10 (Thurs.)         Class 1A & 2A State Final (Semifinal and Consolation Games)

Mar. 11 (Fri.)           Class 3A & 4A State Final (Semifinal and Consolation Games)

Mar. 12 (Sat.)           All Classes: 3-Point Showdown and King of Hill Finals
Mar. 12 (Sat.)           Class 1A - 4A State Final (Championship Games)

1. The Mercy Rule (Rule 5-5-3) will be used in all regular season contests, regular season tournament games, and
   through the Super-Sectional level in the IHSA State Series contests. A running clock shall be used in the fourth quar-
   ter games that have at least a 30-point score differential. Once a game reaches this differential and the clock starts
   running, it will continue running and stop only for one of the following:

    •   A team timeout
    •   An injury timeout or the removal of a disqualified player.
    •   The administration of a penalty for a technical foul
    •   An officials’ timeout
    •   Correctable error situation

    Note: The Mercy Rule will not be used during the Boys’ or Girls’ State Final contests.

            2    The IHSA has adopted the use of a 28’ coaches box for all regular and post season contests. Schools
                 and officials are reminded that the use of the box is NOT a requirement. However, if the box is going to
                 be used, it must be placed on the floor in accordance with rule 1-13-2. Schools and officials are also
                 reminded that rule 10-5-4 and 10-6-1 clearly articulate the manner in which coaches can be off the
                 bench within the confines of the box and the manner in which officials are to penalize the head coach or
                 other bench personnel who violate the provisions of the coaches box rule.

3. Due to players wearing masks during contests, a media time-out will be taken each quarter at the first dead
   ball under the 4-minute mark to give players an opportunity to catch their breath.

Editor’s Note:           The National Federation of State High School Associations has approved a state adoption rule
                         for implementation of a shot clock in high school basketball. States choosing to adopt this rule
                         can do so beginning with the 2022-23 season, using the model guide created by the NFHS
                         Basketball Rules Committee. Illinois has yet to take a stance on this rule adoption and plans to
                         use the current school year to gather feedback on when and how the rule might be implemented
                         in Illinois. During the 2021-22 season, the IHSA Board of Directors has determined that no
                         games, tournaments, shootouts, etc. conducted in Illinois will be allowed to experiment with the
                         shot clock.

Seeding Meeting Information

                                        ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION
                                    2715 McGraw Drive • Bloomington, IL 61704
                            • • Phone: 309-663-6377 • Fax: 309-663-7479 •

The following is intended to provide an explanation of the process that coaches will follow in seeding the first level tourna-
ment assignment for their school.

Coaches are expected to take part in the seeding process with the highest standard of integrity and to ensure fairness and
equity for all participants. The head coach from each school will be allowed to vote. (Coaches should be entering their
games and scores throughout the season in Coaches can view the season summaries and do their seed-
ing in the Sport & Activity Tracker section of the IHSA Schools Center under the ‘Required Data Forms’ column for boys

Coaches will not be allowed to vote for their own team. Coaches will determine their seeds based on these factors:
    • Head to head victories against teams assigned to the first level tournament
    • Record against common opponents
    • The total win/loss record of schools in the tournament, and
    • Team evaluation based on narrative provided by coaches
These factors have not been prioritized. The IHSA reserves the right to review all submitted seeds and throw out ballots
and adjust the seeds accordingly.

In the event that schools tie for a seed, the IHSA will use the following criteria to break the tie:
     • Head to head competition between the tied schools (games played prior to the final release of seeds)
     • Random draw (if more than 2 schools are tied for a seed)
     • Coin flip (if 2 schools are tied for a seed and head to head competition can’t break the tie)

Schools will be able to access all the seeds made by other schools assigned to their seeding meeting prior to the seeds
being posted on-line through the IHSA website. Tournament assignments will then be posted by the end of the week during
which seeding occurs. The time table that follows shows the dates for the 2021-22 school term.

Schools entered into the Class 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A state series will be required to submit a Season Summary Form on-line in the IHSA
Schools Center. Failure to do so by the designated date and time will result in a school forfeiting its opportunity to participate in the
seeding process. The Season Summary Form can be found in the IHSA Schools Center.

                                          Boys Basketball Seeding Deadlines
    Starting           Ending            Phase                                           Description
                                                   Head coaches should fill out the Season Summary Form online prior to the
                                                   deadline. Schools must enter all game schedules and results into
                                     Submit Season to be counted toward season summary totals. You may also
                    Wed., Feb. 9
                                     Summary Form submit a comment about your team giving information that might not be obvi-
                    10 am sharp
                                                   ous from looking at the scores. Providing complete, accurate information is the
                                                   key to getting a fair seed.

                                      View and/or     Before submitting your seeds, you may review all the Season Summary Forms
                                      print Season    submitted by coaches in your sub-sectional. Take some time to familiarize
                                       Summary        yourself with the other teams and be sure to read the comments posted by
                     DEADLINE:           Forms        other coaches.
  Wed., Feb. 9
                    Thu., Feb. 10
    11 am
                     noon sharp
                                                      After you have reviewed all the available information, you may submit your
                                     Submit seeds
                                                      seeds. Be sure to seed every team in your sub-sectional.

                                                    After the deadline for seeding has passed, you can review the seeds submitted
  Thu., Feb. 10
                          —          View all seeds by every coach in your sub-sectional. These seeds will be compiled by the
      2 pm
                                                    IHSA Office and a single seed number will be determined for each team.

  Thu., Feb. 10                       View official   Once the IHSA Office has reviewed all the seeds, they will be posted on
      4 pm                               seeds

  Fri., Feb. 11                                       Once the IHSA Office has completed the pairings, they will be posted on
                          —          View pairings
       4 pm                                 

                                                      Once the seeding process is complete, you can begin work on the Team Data
                                      Submit Team
  Sat., Feb. 12           —                           Form, which incorporates information already submitted on the Season
                                       Data Form
                                                      Summary Form. The link for this form will be in Sport & Activity Tracker.

You can also read