Kansas Register Vol. 40, No. 8 February 25, 2021 - Kansas ...

Page created by Christian Gordon
Kansas Register
Vol. 40, No. 8   February 25, 2021   Pages 233-268
234                                                                                                                                                          Table of Contents
                                                                                  Kansas Register
In this issue …                                                                                                                    Page           The Kansas Register (USPS 0662-
                                                                                                                                                  190) is an official publication of the
Rates                                                                                                                                             state of Kansas, published by au-
   Pooled Money Investment Board                                                                                                                  thority of K.S.A. 75-430. The Kansas
                                                                                                                                                  Register is published weekly and a
     Notice of Investment Rates.....................................................................................................235           cumulative index is published an-
                                                                                                                                                  nually by the Kansas Secretary of
Notices                                                                                                                                           State. One-year subscriptions are
                                                                                                                                                  $80 (Kansas residents must include
   Kansas Department of Commerce
                                                                                                                                                  applicable state and local sales tax).
     Notice of Hearing on the Community Development Block Grant...................................235                                             Single copies, if available, may be
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment – Division of Health Care Finance                                                                  purchased for $2. Periodicals post-
     Notices of Amendments to the Medicaid State Plan...........................................................236                               age paid at Topeka, Kansas.
   Wichita State University                                                                                                                       POSTMASTER: Send change of ad-
     Notice of Intent to Lease Land and/or Building Space.......................................................236                               dress form to Kansas Register, Sec-
   Board of Regents Universities                                                                                                                  retary of State, 1st Floor, Memorial
                                                                                                                                                  Hall, 120 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS
     Notice to Bidders......................................................................................................................237
   Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Procurement and Contracts
     Notice to Bidders for State Purchases...................................................................................237                  © Kansas Secretary of State 2020.
                                                                                                                                                  Reproduction of the publication in
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment
                                                                                                                                                  its entirety or for commercial pur-
     Notices Concerning Proposed Air Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewals............238                                                     poses is prohibited without prior
     Notice Concerning Water Pollution Control Permits and Applications..........................239                                              permission. Official enactments of
   Kansas Department of Transportation                                                                                                            the Kansas Legislature and pro-
                                                                                                                                                  posed and adopted administrative
     Notice to Contractors for March Letting Information........................................................243
                                                                                                                                                  regulations of state agencies may
     Notices to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection Projects.......................... 244-250                                           be reproduced in any form without
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Kansas Strategic Highway Safety Plan..........................251                                             permission.
   South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad
                                                                                                                                                  Hard copy subscription information
     Request for Proposals for CWR Relay..................................................................................253
                                                                                                                                                  and current and back issues of the
                                                                                                                                                  Kansas Register (PDF Format) can
Legislative Branch                                                                                                                                be found at the following link: http://
   Legislative Administrative Services                                                                                                            www.sos.ks.gov/publications/pubs_
     Legislative Bills and Resolutions Introduced February 11-17...........................................255

Executive Branch
   Office of the Governor
     Executive Order No. 21-01, Temporary Provisions for Employer Payment                                                                                Register Office:
       of Income Tax Withholding for Work Performed in Another State...............................258                                              1st Floor, Memorial Hall
     Executive Order No. 21-02, Extending Certain Executive Order Relating                                                                                785-368-8095
       to the COVID-19 Pandemic.................................................................................................259                  kansasregister@ks.gov
     Executive Order No. 21-03, Conditional and Temporary Relief from
       Certain Motor Carrier Rules and Regulations..................................................................260
     Executive Order No. 21-04, Temporary Relief from Certain Tuberculin
       Testing Requirements During State of Disaster Emergency...........................................261

   Secretary of State
     Permanent Administrative Regulation.................................................................................263
   Kansas Human Rights Commission
     Permanent Administrative Regulations...............................................................................265

Index to administrative regulations..............................................................................266

                                                                                                                                                          Published by
                                                                                                                                                          Scott Schwab
                                                                                                                                                        Secretary of State
                                                                                                                                                    1st Floor, Memorial Hall
                                                                                                                                                        120 SW 10th Ave.
                                                                                                                                                     Topeka, KS 66612-1594
Cover Artwork: Snow Storm, Manhattan, Riley County
Photo by Todd Caywood

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021                                    Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021
Rates/Notices                                                                                                                  235
                                                   Kansas Register
State of Kansas                                                 Commercial Rehabilitation–2021
          Pooled Money Investment Board                           Change to 50% match requirement from 25% match re-
                   Notice of Investment Rates                   Annual Competition – Housing, Community Facilities,
  The following rates are published in accordance with          Water and Sewer–2022
K.S.A. 75-4210. These rates and their uses are defined in         Bonus 10 points if not funded CDBG dollars in last 5
K.S.A. 12-1675(b)(c)(d) and K.S.A. 12-1675a(g).                 years in all categories
              Effective 2-22-21 through 2-28-21                 Community Facilities and Services- 2022
             Term                          Rate                   Four different project subcategories will be awarded
          1-89 days                       0.07%                 under the Community Facilities and Services category.
           3 months                       0.02%                   1. Recreation – Includes but is not limited to parks,
           6 months                       0.02%                      splash pads, ball fields and playground equipment.
          12 months                       0.06%
                                                                      a. regardless of population size, minimum grant
          18 months                       0.09%
                                                                         award $50,000 and maximum grant award is
            2 years                       0.11%
                                                 Scott Miller
                                                                  2. Streets, sidewalks, bridges, trails – regular funding
                                    Director of Investments
Doc. No. 048878
                                                                      a. for population under 5,000, maximum grant
State of Kansas                                                          award is $600,000.
                  Department of Commerce                              b. for population over 5,000, maximum grant
                                                                         award is $750,000.
                       Notice of Hearing
                                                                  3. Buildings – Fire station, library, community center,
   The Department of Commerce, Community Develop-                    storm shelters.
ment Block Grant (CDBG) program, will conduct one
                                                                      a. for population under 5,000, maximum grant
public hearing for the CDBG program. The public hear-
                                                                         award is $600,000.
ing will be held at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, March 25, 2021, by
Zoom. The purpose of this hearing is to gain citizen input            b. for population over 5,000, maximum grant
on the proposed changes to the federally funded CDBG                     award is $750,000.
program as well as take comments on the performance of            4. Services – gas, electrical, fire trucks, broadband,
past administration of this program. No preregistration              demolition, day care, emergency alert systems.
is required. All citizens are invited to attend the public
hearing. Written comment will be accepted by email at                 a. for population under 5,000, maximum grant
kdc_cdbg_inbox@ks.gov until day and time of hearing.                     award is $600,000.
Zoom Information                                                      b. for population over 5,000, maximum grant
 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84911256551?pwd=UTd0R                         award is $750,000.
VZ6NC9QdEthRnZ2dHFSQ2grdz09                                       Leverage – up to 10% of the required 25% match may
 Meeting ID: 849 1125 6551                                      be in-kind or volunteer labor 10 bonus points for includ-
 Passcode: 037185                                               ing other private funding sources such as foundations
  Anyone needing special accommodations should con-             (not bonds or state and federal agencies). At least 10% of
tact the Kansas Department of Commerce at least five            local match needs to come from private source to receive
business days in advance of the hearing at 785-296-3004,        the 10 bonus points.
fax 785-296-3490 or TTY 711.                                      Project need points will stay at 60 points but up to 5 of
  The following are proposed amendments and changes             those will be for letters of support
to the 2020, 2021 and new 2022 program. Listed below            Water – 2022
are the items for discussion. The year of funding is listed       10 bonus points for submitting a project with a regional
behind the change.                                              approach
CARES Act funding – 2020                                        2022 proposed allocations per category
   There is approximately $4.5 million dollars in                 Community Facilities and Services         up to 45%
CDBG-CV money left to be allocated. The program is                Water/Sewer                               up to 26%
interested in hearing what communities need that will             Housing                                   up to 20%
meet the criteria of prevent, prepare for and respond to          Urgent Need                               up to .5%
coronavirus without duplicating other funding sources.            Commercial Rehabilitation                 up to 5.5%
If small business working capital grants are needed, we           State Administration                      up to 3%
will require 50% of awarded funds to be awarded locally                                                     100%
within 90 days, which is down from 180 days.                                                                   David Toland
Economic Development–2021                                                                                          Secretary
  Interest Rate will be reduced to 3.5% minimum instead         Doc. No. 048890
of 4%

                                           Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021                          © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
236                                                                                                                             Notices
                                                            Kansas Register
State of Kansas                                                          OneCare Kansas
     Department of Health and Environment                                c/o Samantha Ferencik
                                                                         Kansas Department of Health and Environment
        Division of Health Care Finance                                  Division of Health Care Finance
                                   Public Notice                         900 SW Jackson, Room 900N
                                                                         Topeka, KS 66612.
  The Kansas Department of Health and Environ-
                                                                         The last day for public comment is March 29, 2021.
ment, Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF)
                                                                         Draft copies of the proposed SPA may also be found at
is amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan. The state
                                                                       a Local Health Department (LHD).
adds the 1905(a)(29) Medication-Assisted Treatment
(MAT) benefit of the SUPPORT Act to the Kansas Med-                                                                       Sarah Fertig
icaid State Plan.                                                                                              State Medicaid Director
  The proposed effective date of the state plan amendment              Doc. No. 048884
(SPA) is October 1, 2020, pending Section 1135 approval.
                                                                       State of Kansas
             Fee-For-                        Estimated Federal
           Service Only                    Financial Participation         Department of Health and Environment
             FFY 2021                              $ 4,308                    Division of Health Care Finance
             FFY 2022                              $ 4,308
                                                                                                Public Notice
  To request a copy of the proposed SPA, to submit a com-                The Kansas Department of Health and Environment,
ment, or to review comments, please contact William C.                 Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) is
Stelzner by email at william.stelzner@ks.gov, or by mail at:           amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan to increase
   William C. Stelzner                                                 therapeutic phlebotomy reimbursement rates to 85%
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment                         of non-rural Medicare rates. These rates will change on
   Division of Health Care Finance                                     January 1 of each following year maintaining the 85% of
   900 SW Jackson, Room 900N                                           non-rural Medicare rates.
   Topeka, KS 66612.                                                     The proposed effective date for the state plan amend-
  The last day for public comment is March 29, 2021.                   ment (SPA) is April 1, 2021.
  Draft copies of the proposed SPA may also be found at                           Fee-For-                    Estimated Federal
a Local Health Department (LHD).                                                Service Only                Financial Participation
                                                        Sarah Fertig              FFY 2021                           $ 642
                                             State Medicaid Director              FFY 2022                          $1,284
Doc. No. 048883
                                                                          To request a copy of the proposed SPA, to submit a
                                                                       comment, or to review comments, please contact Wil-
State of Kansas
                                                                       liam C. Stelzner by email at william.stelzner@ks.gov, or
     Department of Health and Environment                              by mail at:
        Division of Health Care Finance                                  William C. Stelzner
                                                                         Kansas Department of Health and Environment
                                   Public Notice
                                                                         Division of Health Care Finance
   The Kansas Department of Health and Environment,                      900 SW Jackson, Room 900N
Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) is                           Topeka, KS 66612.
amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan. The eligibility                 The last day for public comment is March 29, 2021.
section of the Health Homes program, OneCare Kansas                      Draft copies of the proposed SPA may also be found at
SMI, will be expanded to include broader diagnoses of                  a Local Health Department (LHD).
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depressive disor-
ders. Additional Medicaid members with severe mental                                                                      Sarah Fertig
illness will be added to the program.                                                                          State Medicaid Director
   The proposed effective date for the state plan amend-               Doc. No. 048885

ment (SPA) is April 1, 2021.
                                                                       State of Kansas
             Fee-For-                        Estimated Federal
           Service Only                    Financial Participation                       Wichita State University
             FFY 2021                                $0                 Notice of Intent to Lease Land and/or Building Space
             FFY 2022                                $0                Beginning Publication Date: Vol. 41, No. 5, February 4, 2021
  Copies of the SPA pages may be found at the OneCare                  Ending Publication Date: Vol. 41, No. 17, April 29, 2021
Kansas website at https://www.kancare.ks.gov/providers/                   Public notice is hereby given that Wichita State Univer-
onecare-ks-providers/providers-interested-onecare-                     sity (WSU) intends to lease available land and building
kansas/informational-materials-for-providers. Please sub-              space located on WSU’s main campus, WSU’s Innova-
mit questions and comments to the OneCare Kansas mail-                 tion Campus and on property owned by WSU adjacent
box at OneCareKansas@ks.gov, or by mail to:                            to the main campus along both Hillside and 17th streets.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021                    Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021
Notices                                                                                                                         237
                                                     Kansas Register
The university will consider leasing such property and/           Fort Hays State University – Electronic bid postings:
or space to those whose presence on campus would                  http://www.fhsu.edu/purchasing/bids/. Additional con-
advance the university’s applied learning vision or its           tact info: phone: 785- 628-4251, fax: 785-628-4046, email:
mission as an educational, cultural, and economic driv-           purchasing@fhsu.edu. Mailing address: Fort Hays State
er for Kansas and the greater public good, or otherwise           University Purchasing Office, 601 Park St., Sheridan Hall
provide supporting services and amenities to the cam-             318, Hays, KS 67601.
pus community. Such projects could include, but not be            Kansas State University – Bid postings: https://www.
limited to: (1) development of a partnership building to          k-state.edu/purchasing/rfq. Due to Covid-19, Kansas
provide office and/or laboratory space to support edu-            State University will not be accepting paper bids until
cation and research, advance innovation, foster micro-            further notice. Division of Financial Services/Purchasing,
enterprises, and/or lease to industry partnerships in             2323 Anderson Ave., Kansas State University, Manhat-
any market that aligns with University programs; (2)              tan, KS 66506. Additional contact info: phone: 785-532-
child care facilities; (3) adult living and retirement fa-        6214, fax: 785-532-5577, email: kspurch@k-state.edu.
cilities; (4) restaurants; (5) retail, grocery, or pharmacy
establishments; (6) financial institutions; (7) event and/        Pittsburg State University – Bid postings: https://www.
or performance center; and (8) parking garage. Because            pittstate.edu/office/purchasing/. Additional contact info:
tenant development and/or use must be a good fit with             phone: 620-235-4169, email: bstefanoni@pittstate.edu.
the university’s educational mission and available space,         Mailing address: Pittsburg State University, Purchasing
please be prepared to provide the following information:          Office, 1701 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762.
(1) name; (2) square footage of space needs and desired           University of Kansas – Electronic bid postings: http://
lease term and location; (3) equipment, design, or oth-           www.procurement.ku.edu/. Due to Covid-19, the Uni-
er special needs; (4) description of anticipated use; and         versity of Kansas will not be accepting paper bids until
(5) the anticipated benefits to the university, its students,     further notice. KU Purchasing Services, 1246 W. Cam-
and the WSU community (e.g. applied learning, joint               pus Road, Room 30, Lawrence, KS 66045. Additional
research, faculty start-up, etc.). Additional information         contact info: phone: 785-864-5800, fax: 785-864-3454,
such as renderings, architectural and design plans, proj-         email: purchasing@ku.edu.
ect timeline, and subcontractor list is encouraged. The           University of Kansas Medical Center – Bid post-
university will consider serious proposals and inquiries          ings:   http://www.kumc.edu/finance/purchasing/bid-
from any financially qualified individual, group, organi-         opportunities.html. Additional contact info: phone: 913-
zation, or company. If interested, please contact Wichita         588-1117. Mailing address: University of Kansas Medi-
State University Property Manager Crystal Stegeman at             cal Center, Purchasing Department, Mail Stop 2034,
crystal.stegeman@wichita.edu. This publication is being           3901 Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66160.
published pursuant to K.S.A. 75-430a(d), to the extent
applicable.                                                       Wichita State University – Bid postings: http://www.
                                                                  wichita.edu/purchasing. Additional contact info: phone:
                                          Crystal Stegeman        316-978-3080, fax: 316-978-3528, email: purchasing.office@
                             University Property Manager          wichita.edu. Mailing address: Wichita State University,
                            Office of the Vice President for      Office of Purchasing, 1845 Fairmount Ave., Campus Box
                              Administration and Finance          12, Wichita, KS 67260-0012.
                                   Wichita State University
Doc. No. 048823                                                                                           Debbie Redeker
                                                                                       Chair of Regents Purchasing Group
State of Kansas                                                                                       Purchasing Director
                                                                                                 Emporia State University
            Board of Regents Universities                         Doc. No. 048393

                     Notice to Bidders
                                                                  State of Kansas
   The universities of the Kansas Board of Regents encour-
age interested vendors to visit the various universities’
                                                                           Department of Administration
purchasing offices’ websites for a listing of all transactions,          Office of Procurement and Contracts
including construction projects, for which the universities’
                                                                                     Notice to Bidders
purchasing offices, or one of the consortia commonly uti-
lized by the universities, are seeking information, com-            Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Di-
petitive bids, or proposals. The referenced construction          rector of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the
projects may include project delivery construction pro-           date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376:
curement act projects pursuant to K.S.A. 76-7,125 et seq.         03/05/2021 EVT0007888      Roof Recoating – Norton
Emporia State University – Bid postings: https://www.             		                         Correctional Facility
emporia.edu/about-emporia-state-university/business-              03/05/2021 EVT0007873      Maintenance of Lift Stations –
                                                                  		                         Various Locations
office/purchasing/. Additional contact info: phone: 620-          03/12/2021 EVT0007891      Prescott Highway Reclamation –
341-5134, fax: 620-341-6770, email: purchaseorders@               		                         Linn County
emporia.edu. Mailing address: Emporia State University            03/15/2021 EVT0007892      Dynamic Message Signs –
Purchasing, Campus Box 4021, 1 Kellogg Circle, Empo-              		                         KDOT
ria, KS 66801.                                                                                                     (continued)

                                            Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021                          © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
238                                                                                                                     Notices
                                                            Kansas Register
03/17/2021 EVT0007898                State Fishing Area Maintenance –   mentation, contact Josephine Boac, 785-296-6281, at the
		                                   Shawnee, Douglas, Leavenworth      central office of the KDHE or Allison Herring, 316-337-
03/24/2021 EVT0007897                Inventory and Fleet Management     6020, at the South Central District Office. The standard
		                                   Software                           departmental cost will be assessed for any copies re-
03/25/2021 EVT0007896                Wait Line Management System
                                                                        quested. The proposed permit, accompanied with sup-
03/26/2021 EVT0007899                Reading and Mathematics
                                                                        porting information, is available, free of charge, at the
		                                   Assessment Measurement             KDHE BOA Public Notice website, http://www.kdheks.
		                                   System                             gov/bar/publicnotice.html.
03/31/2021 EVT0007887                WIC Management Information           Please direct written comments or questions regarding
		                                   System Maintenance                 the proposed permit to Josephine Boac, KDHE, BOA,
  The above referenced bid documents can be down-                       1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In
                                                                        order to be considered in formulating a final permit de-
loaded at the following website:
                                                                        cision, written comments must be received no later than
http://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-and-contracts/                  12:00 p.m. Monday, March 29, 2021.
                   bid-solicitations                                      A person may request a public hearing be held on the
   Additional files may be located at the following web-                proposed permit. The request for a public hearing shall
site (please monitor this website on a regular basis for                be in writing and set forth the basis for the request. The
any changes/addenda):                                                   written request must be submitted to Josephine Boac,
                                                                        KDHE BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS
http://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-and-contracts/                  66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, March 29,
          additional-files-for-bid-solicitations                        2021 in order for the Secretary of Health and Environ-
                  There are No Bids Under this                          ment to consider the request.
                Website Closing in this Week’s Ad                         The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a 45-
                                                                        day review period, which will start concurrently with
  Information regarding prequalification, projects, and                 the public comment period, within which to object to the
bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or http://                proposed permit. If the EPA has not objected in writing
admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc.                                          to the issuance of the permit within the 45-day review
                                            Richard Beattie, Director   period, any person may petition the administrator of the
                               Office of Procurement and Contracts      EPA to review the permit. The 60-day public petition pe-
Doc. No. 048893                                                         riod will directly follow the EPA’s 45-day review period.
                                                                        Interested parties may contact KDHE to determine if the
State of Kansas                                                         EPA’s 45-day review period has been waived.
                                                                          Any such petition shall be based only on objections to
     Department of Health and Environment                               the permit that were raised with reasonable specificity
           Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas Air                        during the public comment period provided for in this
          Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal                      notice, unless the petitioner demonstrates that it was im-
                                                                        practicable to raise such objections within such period,
   Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department                    or unless the grounds for such objection arose after such
of Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting com-                     period. Contact Keith Johnson, U.S. EPA, Region 7, Air
ments regarding a proposed air quality operating per-                   Permitting and Compliance Branch, 11201 Renner Blvd.,
mit. AGCO Corporation has applied for a Class I operat-                 Lenexa, KS 66219, 913-551-7960, to determine when the
ing permit renewal in accordance with the provisions of                 45-day EPA review period ends and the 60-day petition
K.A.R. 28-19-510 et al. The purpose of a Class I permit is              period commences.
to identify the sources and types of regulated air pollut-
                                                                                                           Lee A. Norman, M.D.
ants emitted from the facility; the emission limitations,
standards, and requirements applicable to each source;
                                                                        Doc. No. 048887
and the monitoring, record keeping, and reporting re-
quirements applicable to each source as of the effective
                                                                        State of Kansas
date of permit issuance.
   AGCO Corporation, 4205 River Green Pkwy., Duluth,                        Department of Health and Environment
GA 30096, owns and operates a farm equipment manu-
facturing company located at 420 W. Lincoln Blvd., Hes-                          Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas Air
ston, KS 67062-2094.                                                            Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal
   A copy of the proposed permit, permit application,                     Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of
all supporting documentation, and all information re-                   Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments
lied upon during the permit application review process                  regarding a proposed air quality operating permit. Beloit
are available for public review during normal business                  Municipal Power Plant has applied for a Class I operat-
hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the KDHE, Bureau                     ing permit renewal in accordance with the provisions of
of Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS                    K.A.R. 28-19-510 et al. The purpose of a Class I permit is
66612-1366 and at the South Central District Office, 300                to identify the sources and types of regulated air pollut-
W. Douglas, Suite 700, Wichita, KS 67202. To obtain                     ants emitted from the facility; the emission limitations,
or review the proposed permit and supporting docu-                      standards, and requirements applicable to each source;

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021                   Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021
Notices                                                                                                                                239
                                                  Kansas Register
and the monitoring, record keeping, and reporting re-          State of Kansas
quirements applicable to each source as of the effective           Department of Health and Environment
date of permit issuance.
   Beloit Municipal Power Plant, PO Box 567, Beloit,                   Notice Concerning Kansas/Federal Water
KS 67420, owns and operates a municipal power plant                   Pollution Control Permits and Applications
located at 215 S. Chestnut, Beloit, Mitchell County, KS
67420.                                                            In accordance with Kansas Administrative Regula-
   A copy of the proposed permit, permit application,          tions 28-16-57 through 63, 28-18-1 through 17, 28-18a-1
all supporting documentation, and all information re-          through 33, 28-16-150 through 154, 28-46-7, and the au-
lied upon during the permit application review process         thority vested with the state by the administrator of the
are available for public review during normal business         U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, various draft
hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the KDHE, Bureau            water pollution control documents (permits, notices to
of Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS           revoke and reissue, notices to terminate) have been pre-
66612-1366 and at the North Central District Office, 3040      pared and/or permit applications have been received for
Enterprise Dr., Salina, KS 67401. To obtain or review the      discharges to waters of the United States and the state of
proposed permit and supporting documentation, con-             Kansas for the class of discharges described below.
tact Eric Parker, 785-296-6024, at the central office of the      The proposed actions concerning the draft documents
KDHE or Josh Webb, 785-827-9639, at the North Central          are based on staff review, applying the appropriate stan-
District Office. The standard departmental cost will be        dards, regulations, and effluent limitations of the state of
assessed for any copies requested. The proposed permit,        Kansas and the Environmental Protection Agency. The
accompanied with supporting information, is available,         final action will result in a Federal National Pollutant Dis-
free of charge, at the KDHE BOA Public Notice website,         charge Elimination System Authorization and/or a Kansas
http://www.kdheks.gov/bar/publicnotice.html.                   Water Pollution Control permit being issued, subject to
   Please direct written comments or questions regarding       certain conditions, revocation, and reissuance of the des-
the proposed permit to Eric Parker, KDHE, BOA, 1000            ignated permit or termination of the designated permit.
SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In order
to be considered in formulating a final permit decision,                   Public Notice No. KS-AG-21-082/097
written comments must be received no later than 12:00              Pending Permits for Confined Feeding Facilities
p.m. Monday, March 29, 2021.                                   Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
   A person may request a public hearing be held on the        of Applicant
proposed permit. The request for a public hearing shall        LaRosh Farm              NW/4 of Section 27       Solomon River Basin
be in writing and set forth the basis for the request. The     Jhan LaRosh              T07S, R14W
written request must be submitted to Eric Parker, KDHE         2097 W. 100th Dr.        Osborne County
BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-             Osborne, KS 67473
1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, March 29, 2021          Kansas Permit No. A-SOOB-B014
in order for the Secretary of Health and Environment to        This is a reissued permit for an existing facility with a maximum capac-
consider the request.                                            ity of 40 head (40 animal units) of cattle more than 700 pounds and
   The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a 45-            150 head (75 animal units) of cattle 700 pounds or less, for a total of
day review period, which will start concurrently with            190 head (115 animal units) of cattle. There has been no change in the
                                                                 permitted animal units from the previous permit cycle.
the public comment period, within which to object to the
proposed permit. If the EPA has not objected in writing        Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
to the issuance of the permit within the 45-day review         of Applicant
period, any person may petition the administrator of the       Haverkamp Bros.          E/2 of the NE/4          Missouri River Basin
EPA to review the permit. The 60-day public petition pe-         Truck Wash             of Section 19
                                                               Alan Haverkamp           T01S, R13E
riod will directly follow the EPA’s 45-day review period.      2976 L4 Rd.              Nemaha County
Interested parties may contact KDHE to determine if the        Bern, KS 66408
EPA’s 45-day review period has been waived.
                                                               Kansas Permit No. A-MONM-T001
   Any such petition shall be based only on objections to
the permit that were raised with reasonable specificity        This is a reissued permit for an existing private truck wash facility that
                                                                 has the capacity for an average of 10 washes per week. There has
during the public comment period provided for in this            been no change in the permitted average washes.
notice, unless the petitioner demonstrates that it was im-
                                                               Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
practicable to raise such objections within such period,       of Applicant
or unless the grounds for such objection arose after such
period. Contact Keith Johnson, U.S. EPA, Region 7, Air         J-Six Enterprises, LLC – NW/4 of Section 26       Kansas River Basin
                                                                  Cottrell Site         T05S, R12E
Permitting and Compliance Branch, 11201 Renner Blvd.,          Jennifer A. Gerety       Nemaha County
Lenexa, KS 66219, 913-551-7960, to determine when the          PO Box 170
45-day EPA review period ends and the 60-day petition          Seneca, KS 66538
period commences.                                              Kansas Permit No. A-KSNM-S028
                                     Lee A. Norman, M.D.       This is a reissued permit for an existing facility with the maximum
                                                Secretary        capacity of 2,400 head (960 animal units) of swine more than 55
Doc. No. 048888                                                  pounds. There has been no change in the permitted animal units.

                                          Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021                                   © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
240                                                                                                                                       Notices
                                                               Kansas Register
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water          The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
of Applicant                                                                   facility for 245 head (245 animal units) of cattle weighing more than
                                                                               700 pounds and 750 head (375 animal units) of cattle weighing less
J-Six Enterprises, LLC – NW/4 of Section 9          Kansas River Basin         than 700 pounds; for a total of 995 head (620 animal units). There
   Strathman             T05S, R13E                                            will be no change in the operation or permitted number of animal
Jennifer Gerety          Nemaha County                                         units from the previous permit. This facility has an approved Waste
PO Box 170                                                                     Management Plan on file with KDHE.
Seneca, KS 66538
                                                                             Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
Kansas Permit No. A-KSNM-S025                                                of Applicant
This is a reissued permit for an existing facility with the maximum          Albert Goetz             SE/4 of Section 17       Saline River Basin
  capacity of 2,400 head (960 animal units) of swine more than 55            5042 E. Road 130 S       T10S, R27W
  pounds. There has been no change in the permitted animal units.            Park, KS 67751           Sheridan County
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water          Kansas Permit No. A-SASD-S006
of Applicant
                                                                             This is a reissued permit for an existing facility with a maximum ca-
William Nordhus                NE/4 of Section 34   Missouri River Basin       pacity for 550 head (55 animal units) of swine weighing less than 55
1206 144th Rd.                 T02S, R13E                                      pounds, and 1,695 head (678 animal units) of swine weighing more
Seneca, KS 66538               Nemaha County                                   than 55 pounds, for a total of 733 animal units. There has been no
                                                                               change in the permitted animal units.
Kansas Permit No. A-MONM-S045
                                                                             Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
This is a reissued permit for an existing facility for a maximum capac-      of Applicant
  ity of 2,000 head (800 animal units) of swine weighing more than
  55 pounds. There has been no change in the permitted animal units          S & M Pork           NW/4 of Section 3            Little Arkansas
  from the previous permit.                                                  Sam Goering          T21S, R02W                   River Basin
                                                                             190 21st Ave.        McPherson County
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water          Moundridge, KS 67107
of Applicant
                                                                             Kansas Permit No. A-LAMP-S025
Joe Pistora                    NW/4 of Section 20 Kansas River Basin         This is a reissued permit for an existing facility with a maximum capac-
24457 Linwood Rd.              T12S, R21E                                      ity of 2,000 head (800 animal units) of swine more than 55 pounds.
Lawrence, KS 66044             Leavenworth County                              There has been no change in the permitted animal units from the
Kansas Permit No. A-KSLV-S001                                                  previous permit cycle.
This is a reissued permit for an existing facility for a maximum capacity    Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
  of 225 head (90 animal units) of swine more than 55 pounds and             of Applicant
  1,480 head (148 animal units) of swine 55 pounds or less, for a total      Penner Enterprises,      SE/4 of Section 35       Kansas River Basin
  of 1,705 head (238 animal units). There has been no change in the            Inc. – Pioneer Pork    T12S, R07E
  permitted animal units.                                                    PO Box 38                and NE/4 of
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water          Whitewater, KS 67154     Section 2
of Applicant                                                                                          T13S, R07E
                                                                                                      Geary County
Triple Smith Farms,            NW/4 of Section 22   Little Arkansas
                                                                             Kansas Permit No. A-KSGE-S011
  LLC                          T24S, R02W           River Basin
Steven K. Smith                Harvey County                                 This is a reissued permit for an existing facility with a maximum capac-
13011 SW 72nd                                                                  ity of 2,300 head (920 animal units) of swine more than 55 pounds
Halstead, KS 67056                                                             and 25 head (25 animal units) of cattle more than 700 pounds, for
                                                                               a total of 2,325 head (945 animal units) of swine and cattle. There
Kansas Permit No. A-LAHV-S039                                                  has been no change in the permitted animal units from the previous
This is a reissued permit for an existing facility for 40 head (20 animal      permit cycle.
  units) of cattle weighing 700 pounds or less. The permitted animal         Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
  units have decrease from the previous permit.                              of Applicant
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water          Lynn Rock – Location 2 SW/4 of Section 25         Smoky Hill River
of Applicant                                                                 1669 1300 Ave.         T14S, R03E                 Basin
R Family Farms, LLC            SE/4 of Section 14   Solomon River Basin      Hope, KS 67451         Dickinson County
303 Walnut                     T03S, R11W                                    Kansas Permit No. A-SHDK-B029
Lebanon, KS 66952              Smith County
                                                                             This is a reissued permit for an existing facility for the maximum capac-
Kansas Permit No. A-SOSM-S024                                                  ity of 500 head (500 animal units) of beef cattle weighing more than
                                                                               700 pounds. There has been no change in the permitted animal units.
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
  facility for 555 head (222 animal units) of swine weighing more than       Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
  55 pounds and 240 head (24 animal units) of weighing 55 pounds or          of Applicant
  less; for a total maximum animal unit capacity of 246 animal units of      McCarty Family           NW/4 of Section 18       Smoky Hill River
  swine. There will be no change in the operation or permitted number          Farms, LLC             T17S, R32W               Basin
  of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an ap-         6650 N. Hwy US-83        Scott County
  proved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.                            Scott City, KS 67871
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water          Kansas Permit No. A-SHSC-D001
of Applicant                                                                 Federal Permit No. KS0096318
Saline Star Feeders            SW/4 of Section 31   Saline River Basin       This is a permit reissue for an existing facility with a maximum capacity
Dennis Mader                   T10S, R25W                                      of 2,800 head (3,920 animal units) of mature dairy cattle, and 500 head
14974 S. Road 140 E            Graham County                                   (250 animal units) of cattle weighing 700 pounds or less, for a total of
Collyer, KS 67631                                                              3,300 head (4,170 animal units). There has been no increase in the per-
                                                                               mitted number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility
Kansas Permit No. A-SAGH-B005                                                  has an approved Nutrient Management Plan on file with KDHE.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021                     Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021
Notices                                                                                                                                                 241
                                                               Kansas Register
Name and Address          Legal Description        Receiving Water            The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for an
of Applicant                                                                    existing facility. This facility is a three-cell wastewater stabilization
                                                                                lagoon system. The proposed permit contains limits for biochemical
Reeve Cattle Co., Inc.    E/2 of Section 13        Upper Arkansas               oxygen demand, total suspended solids, pH, and ammonia, as well
Lee Reeve                 and NW/4 of              River Basin                  as monitoring for E. coli.
PO Box 1036               Section 12
Garden City, KS 67846     T25S, R33W                                          Name and Address          Receiving Stream          Type of Discharge
                          Finney County                                       of Applicant

Kansas Permit No. A-UAFI-C018                                                 Cornejo & Sons, LLC       Verdigris River via       Process Wastewater
Federal Permit No. KS0091931                                                  PO Box 16204              Pumpkin Creek via
                                                                              Wichita, KS 67216
An update to the Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) was received for
  this existing facility currently permitted for 58,000 head (58,000 ani-     Kansas Permit No. I-VE09-PO12
  mal units) of cattle weighing greater than 700 pounds. The facility’s       Federal Permit No. KS0100943
  NMP was updated to include a change in the application rate limita-         Legal Description: SE¼, S26, T34S, R17E, Labette County, Kansas
  tion for two fields. The fields’ application rate limitations for F36 and
  F48 have become less restrictive than the previous NMP. There are           Facility Name: Madron Quarry
  no changes to the permit or in the permitted number of animal units.        The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for
  Only the updated portion of the Nutrient Management Plan is sub-              an existing facility. This is a limestone quarrying and crushing op-
  ject to comment. This facility has an approved Nutrient Management            eration with no rock washing. Outfalls 001A1 and 002A1 consist of
  Plan on file with KDHE.                                                       pit water and stormwater runoff only. The proposed permit contains
Name and Address          Legal Description        Receiving Water              generic language to protect the waters of the State.
of Applicant                                                                  Name and Address          Receiving Stream          Type of Discharge
Wedel Farms               NW/4 of Section 5        Walnut River Basin         of Applicant
Gary Wedel                and NE/4 of                                         Edna, City of             Deer Creek                Treated Domestic
17830 NW Diamond          Section 6                                           PO Box 190                                          Wastewater
  Rd.                     Butler County                                       Edna, KS 67342
Burns, KS 66840
                                                                              Kansas Permit No. M-VE12-OO01
Kansas Permit No. A-WABU-C011                                                 Federal Permit No. KS0024759
An update to the Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) was received for              Legal Description: SW¼, SW¼, NE¼, S30, T34S, R19E, Labette
  this existing facility currently permitted for 1,800 head (1,800 animal       County, Kansas
  units) of cattle weighing greater than 700 pounds. The facility’s NMP
  was updated as a requirement of the permit. There are no changes            The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for an
  to the permit or in the permitted number of animal units. Only the            existing facility. This facility is a three-cell wastewater stabilization
  updated Nutrient Management Plan is subject to comment.                       lagoon system. The proposed permit contains limits for biochemical
                                                                                oxygen demand, total suspended solids, pH, and ammonia, as well
                                                                                as monitoring for E. coli.
             Public Notice No. KS-Q-21-010/018                                Name and Address          Receiving Stream          Type of Discharge
  The requirements of the draft permit public noticed                         of Applicant
below are pursuant to the Kansas Surface Water Quali-                         Jefferson County          Perry Lake via            Treated Domestic
ty Standards, K.A.R. 28-16-28(b-g), and Federal Surface                          Board of County        Unnamed Tributary         Wastewater
Water Criteria.                                                                  Commissioners
                                                                              1212 Walnut
Name and Address          Receiving Stream         Type of Discharge          Oskaloosa, KS 66066
of Applicant
                                                                              Kansas Permit No. M-KS56-OO06
Cedar Vale, City of       Caney River via          Treated Domestic           Federal Permit No. KS0093173
PO Box 119                Cedar Creek              Wastewater
                                                                              Legal Description: SE¼, SE¼, NE¼, S29, T9S, R18E, Jefferson
Cedar Vale, KS 67024
                                                                                County, Kansas
Kansas Permit No. M-VE05-OO01
                                                                              Facility Name: Jefferson County Sewer District #6 – Lake Shore Estates
Federal Permit No. KS0116947
                                                                              Facility Location: 9383 Delaware Dr., Ozawkie, KS 66070
Legal Description: SW¼, NW¼, NE¼, S14, T34S, R8E, Chautauqua
  County, Kansas                                                              The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for an
                                                                                existing facility. This facility is a three-cell wastewater stabilization
The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for an         lagoon system. The proposed permit contains limits for biochemi-
  existing facility. This facility is a three-cell wastewater stabilization     cal oxygen demand, total suspended solids, pH, and ammonia, as
  lagoon system. The proposed permit contains limits for biochemical            well as monitoring for E. coli, total phosphorus, nitrate + nitrite, total
  oxygen demand, total suspended solids, pH, and ammonia, as well               Kjeldahl nitrogen, and total nitrogen.
  as monitoring for E. coli.
                                                                              Name and Address          Receiving Stream          Type of Discharge
Name and Address          Receiving Stream         Type of Discharge          of Applicant
of Applicant
                                                                              Mound Valley, City of     Verdigris River via       Treated Domestic
Chautauqua, City of       Turkey Creek             Treated Domestic           PO Box 164                Pumpkin Creek via         Wastewater
PO Box 256                                         Wastewater                 Mound Valley, KS          Unnamed Tributary
Chautauqua, KS                                                                  67354
                                                                              Kansas Permit No. M-VE28-OO01
Kansas Permit No. M-VE06-OO01                                                 Federal Permit No. KS0116980
Federal Permit No. KS0083291
                                                                              Legal Description: SE¼, SE¼, NE¼, S3, T33S, R18E, Labette
Legal Description: SE¼, NW¼, NE¼, S11, T35S, R11E, Chautauqua                   County, Kansas
  County, Kansas

                                                     Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021                                         © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
242                                                                                                                                       Notices
                                                                Kansas Register
Facility Location: 14060 Gray Rd., Mound Valley, KS 67354                                    Public Notice No. KS-EG-21-002
The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for             In accordance with K.A.R. 28-46-7 and the authority
  an existing facility. This facility is a two-cell wastewater stabilization   vested with the state by the administrator of the U.S. En-
  lagoon system. The proposed permit contains limits for biochemical
  oxygen demand, total suspended solids, pH, and ammonia, as well              vironmental Protection Agency, draft permits have been
  as monitoring for E. coli. This NPDES discharging lagoon wastewa-            prepared for the use of the well(s) described below with-
  ter treatment facility has been reviewed for eligibility for the MDV         in the State of Kansas.
  for ammonia and has been determined to be eligible. Eligibility was
  determined through analysis of the facility’s highest attainable crite-      Name and Address of Applicant
  ria (HAC) for ammonia and an Economic Eligibility Determination
                                                                               Occidental Chemical Corporation
  (EED) that assessed the impact of the cost of a new mechanical facil-
                                                                               14555 Dallas Pkwy., Suite 400
  ity to the community’s rate payers. The ammonia effluent limit was
                                                                               Dallas, TX 75254
  determined on 5/21/2020 by calculating the 99th percentile ammonia
  value from the facility’s discharge monitoring reports resulting in an       Permit No. KS-03-173-OPS5
  ammonia limit of 9.2 mg/L for this facility. The EED was completed
  on 5/26/2020.                                                                Legal Description:                  Parsons 5-0: S30, T29S, R2W,
                                                                                                                   Sedgwick County, Kansas
Name and Address               Receiving Stream    Type of Discharge
of Applicant                                                                                                       Parsons 5-1: S30, T29S, R2W,
                                                                                                                   Sedgwick County, Kansas
Oskaloosa, City of             Slough Creek via    Treated Domestic
PO Box 446                     Unnamed Tributary   Wastewater                                                      Parsons 5-2: S30, T29S, R2W,
Oskaloosa, KS 66066                                                                                                Sedgwick County, Kansas
Kansas Permit No. M-KS54-OO01                                                                                      Parsons 5-3: S30, T29S, R2W,
Federal Permit No. KS0046442                                                                                       Sedgwick County, Kansas
Legal Description: NE¼, NE¼, SW¼, S33, T9S, R19E, Jefferson                                                        Parsons 5-4: S30, T29S, R2W,
  County, Kansas                                                                                                   Sedgwick County, Kansas
The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for an                                            Parsons 5-5: S30, T29S, R2W,
  existing facility. This facility is a three-cell wastewater stabilization                                        Sedgwick County, Kansas
  lagoon system. The proposed permit contains limits for biochemi-
  cal oxygen demand, total suspended solids, pH, and ammonia, as               Well Number                         Location
  well as monitoring for E. coli, total phosphorus, nitrate + nitrite, total   5-0                                 Latitude: 37.495842”
  Kjeldahl nitrogen, and total nitrogen. This NPDES discharging la-                                                Longitude: -97.576503”
  goon wastewater treatment facility has been reviewed for eligibility
  for the MDV for ammonia and has been determined to be eligible.              5-1                                 Latitude: 37.495842”
  Eligibility was determined through analysis of the facility’s highest                                            Longitude: -97.575469”
  attainable criteria (HAC) for ammonia and an Economic Eligibility            5-2                                 Latitude: 37.495842”
  Determination (EED) that assessed the impact of the cost of a new                                                Longitude: -97.574433”
  mechanical facility to the community’s rate payers. The ammonia
  effluent limit was determined on 5/12/2020 by calculating the 99th           5-3                                 Latitude: 37.495842”
  percentile ammonia value from the facility’s discharge monitoring                                                Longitude: -97.5734”
  reports resulting in an ammonia limit of 12.5 mg/L for this facility.
                                                                               5-4                                 Latitude: 37.495842”
  The EED was completed on 5/21/2020.
                                                                                                                   Longitude: -97.572367”
Name and Address               Receiving Stream    Type of Discharge
of Applicant                                                                   5-5                                 Latitude: 37.495842”
                                                                                                                   Longitude: -97.571331”
Ransom, City of                Walnut Creek via    Treated Domestic
PO Box 207                     Bazine Dry Creek    Wastewater                  Facility Description: The proposed action is to issue six new Class III
Ransom, KS 67572                                                                 Injection Well permits for the wells listed above. Injection of fresh
                                                                                 water and unsaturated brine is to be made into the Hutchinson Salt
Kansas Permit No. M-UA34-OO01                                                    member of the Wellington formation. Mining shall not extend into
Federal Permit No. KS0031453                                                     the upper 50 feet of the salt deposit. The maximum operational
Legal Description: NE¼, SE¼, SE¼, S26, T16S, R24W, Ness                          injection pressure is not to exceed 130 pounds per square inch at
  County, Kansas                                                                 the wellhead. The Wellington formation consists of inter-bedded
                                                                                 salt and shale deposits with minor amounts of gypsum. The up-
The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for an
                                                                                 per portion of the formation is primarily clayey shale with small
  existing facility. This facility is a three-cell wastewater stabilization
                                                                                 amounts of gypsum present. The lower portion, which is known as
  lagoon system. The proposed permit contains limits for biochemical
                                                                                 the Hutchinson Salt member, is mainly salt with inter-bedded shale
  oxygen demand, total suspended solids and pH, as well as monitor-
                                                                                 deposits. The salt deposits are first encountered about 250 feet be-
  ing for ammonia, E. coli, sulfates, selenium, and arsenic.
                                                                                 low ground surface and extend to a depth of about 460 feet. All
Name and Address               Receiving Stream    Type of Discharge             construction, monitoring, and operation of these wells shall meet
of Applicant                                                                     the requirements that apply to Class III Injection wells under the
Severy, City of                Salt Creek          Treated Domestic              Kansas UIC Regulations, K.A.R. 28-46-1 through 28-46-45 and other
PO Box 128                                         Wastewater                    requirements of KDHE.
Severy, KS 67137
Kansas Permit No. M-VE34-OO01                                                    Persons wishing to comment on the draft documents
Federal Permit No. KS0029076
                                                                               and/or permit applications must submit their comments
Legal Description: SE¼, SW¼, NW¼, S17, T28S, R11E, Greenwood                   in writing to the Kansas Department of Health and En-
  County, Kansas
                                                                               vironment if they wish to have the comments considered
The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for an
  existing facility. This facility is a three-cell wastewater stabilization    in the decision-making process. Comments should be
  lagoon system. The proposed permit contains limits for biochemical           submitted to the attention of the Livestock Waste Man-
  oxygen demand, total suspended solids, pH, and ammonia, as well              agement Section for agricultural related draft documents
  as monitoring for E. coli.                                                   or applications, or to the Technical Services Section for all

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021                     Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021
Notices                                                                                                                        243
                                                  Kansas Register
other permits, at the Kansas Department of Health and         conference code 5895748207. KDOT has tested the pro-
Environment, Division of Environment, Bureau of Water,        cess, but in the event of an unforeseen issue, KDOT will
1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612-1367.        provide updates.
   All comments regarding the draft documents or appli-          Each bidder shall certify that such person, firm, associ-
cation notices received on or before March 27, 2021, will     ation, or corporation has not, either directly or indirectly,
be considered in the formulation of the final determina-      entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion,
tions regarding this public notice. Please refer to the ap-   or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free compet-
propriate Kansas document number (KS-AG-21-082/097,           itive bidding in connection with the submitted bid. This
KS-Q-21-010/018, KS-EG-21-002) and name of the appli-         certification shall be in the form of a required contract pro-
cant/permittee when preparing comments.                       vision provided by the state to each prospective bidder.
   After review of any comments received during the           Failure to complete the required contract provision and
public notice period, the Secretary of Health and Envi-       certify the completeness of the preceding statement when
ronment will issue a determination regarding final agen-      electronically signing the proposal will make the bid non-
cy action on each draft document/application. If response     responsive and not eligible for award consideration.
to any draft document/application indicates significant
public interest, a public hearing may be held in confor-                       District One – Northeast
mance with K.A.R. 28-16-61 (28-46-21 for UIC).                   Johnson – 69-46 KA-5684-01 – U.S. 69, bridge #094 over
   All draft documents/applications and the support-          191st Street and bridge #097 over W. 179th Street located
ing information including any comments received are           3.02 miles and 4.52 miles, respectively, north of the Mi-
on file and may be inspected at the offices of the Kan-       ami/Johnson county line, bridge repair. (Federal Funds)
sas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of              Johnson – 10-46 KA-5774-01 – K-10, bridge #177 over
Water, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, Kansas.        Lexington Avenue (eastbound) located 4.44 miles east of
These documents are available upon request at the copy-       the Douglas County line, bridge deck. (Federal Funds)
ing cost assessed by KDHE. Application information and           Johnson – 169-46 KA-5943-01 – U.S. 169, from 175th
components of plans and specifications for all new and        Street north to 151st Street in Olathe, milling and overlay,
expanding swine facilities are available on the Internet      2.7 miles. (Federal Funds)
at http://www.kdheks.gov/feedlots. Division of Environ-          Johnson – 35-46 KA-6051-01 – I-35 at various locations
ment offices are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mon-       in the county, pavement marking, 7.5 miles. (Federal
day through Friday, excluding holidays.                       Funds)
                                    Lee A. Norman, M.D.          Osage – 31-70 KA-2365-01 – K-31, from the east city
                                               Secretary      limits of Osage City, east to the U.S. 75/K-31 junction,
Doc. No. 048889                                               grading, bridge and surfacing, 6.7 miles. (Federal Funds)
                                                                 Pottawatomie – 16-75 KA-5720-01 – K-16, bridge #021
State of Kansas                                               over Mill Creek located 0.72 mile west of K-259, bridge
                                                              overlay. (Federal Funds)
            Department of Transportation                         Riley – 24-81 KA-3926-01 – U.S. 24, bridge #008 over
                                                              Wildcat Creek Drainage located 8.92 miles southeast of
                  Notice to Contractors
                                                              the U.S. 24/K-82 junction, bridge replacement. (Federal
   Electronic copies of the letting proposals and plans are   Funds)
available on the Kansas Department of Transportation             Shawnee – 89 TE-0464-01 – Deer Creek Trail Extension
(KDOT) website at https://kdotapp.ksdot.org/Proposal/         from S.E. 10th Street to 2500 S.E. Highland Avenue at
Proposal.aspx. The website will allow the contractor to       Dornwood Park in Topeka, pedestrian and bicycle paths,
request approval from KDOT to bid as a prime contrac-         1.2 miles. (Federal Funds)
tor and be included on the “Bid Holders List,” or to be in-      Wyandotte – 35-105 KA-6052-01 – I-35, at various loca-
cluded on the “Non-Bid Holders List” as a subcontractor/      tions in the county, pavement marking, 4.0 miles. (Fed-
supplier. KDOT’s approval is required to bid as a prime       eral Funds)
contractor. To bid as a prime contractor, KDOT needs to
be notified of the intent to bid no later than the close of                 District Two – North Central
business on the Monday preceding the scheduled letting           Chase – 50-9 KA-5983-01 – U.S. 50, from approximately
date. Failure to obtain prior approval to bid as a prime      438 feet east of the RS 92/U.S. 50 junction east 4.2 miles
contractor on any projects listed below will be reason to     to the west edge of the wearing surface of the Simmons
reject your bid. The Secretary reserves the right to reject   Creek Bridge (#065), overlay, 4.2 miles. (Federal Funds)
bids that do not comply with all requirements for prepar-        Dickinson – 70-21 KA-6067-01 – I-70, from approxi-
ing a bidding proposal as specified in the 2015 edition of    mately 1,616 feet west of the west Abilene city limits (the
the Kansas Department of Transportation Standard Speci-       west end of project KA-0732-01 at reference point 274.79)
fications for State Road and Bridge Construction.             east 8.5 miles (to the east end of KA-0732-01 at reference
   KDOT will only accept electronic internet proposals        point 283.31), pavement patching, 8.5 miles. (Federal
using the Bid Express website at http://www.bidx.com          Funds)
until 1:00 p.m. (CST) March 17, 2021. The KDOT bid               Ellsworth – 156-27 KA-6101-01 – K-156, from the north
letting will be conducted remotely by audio broadcast         city limits of Ellsworth northeast to K-156/I-70 junction,
ONLY at 3:00 p.m. (CST) Wednesday, March 17, 2021.            sealing, 11.2 miles. (State Funds)
To join the conference call, dial 866-620-7326 and enter                                                              (continued)

                                          Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021                           © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
244                                                                                                                 Notices
                                                      Kansas Register
  Geary – 57-31 KA-5678-01 – K-57, bridge #078 over                  Gray – 35 C-4994-01 – All minor collector roads, sign-
Clark Creek located 3.14 miles southeast of I-70, bridge           ing, 50.0 miles. (Federal Funds)
overlay. (Federal Funds)                                             Kearny – 25-47 KA-5156-01 – K-25, from south of Santa
  Jewell – 45 C-4984-01 – Major collector roads located            Fe Avenue to the south city limits of Lakin, pavement re-
east of K-14 and south of U.S. 36, signing, 55.0 miles.            construction, 0.2 mile. (Federal Funds)
(Federal Funds)                                                                                                   Julie Lorenz
  Saline – 135-85 KA-5680-01 – I-135, bridge #028 over                                                               Secretary
the Union Pacific Railroad and an unnamed stream locat-            Doc. No. 048861
ed 3.23 miles north of Magnolia Street; bridge #033 over
Dry Creek Drainage located 0.40 mile north of K-140;               State of Kansas
bridge #037 over Mulberry Creek located 1.02 miles north
of K-140; and bridge #035 over the Kansas and Oklahoma                         Department of Transportation
Railroad located 0.74 mile north of K-140, bridge repair.
                                                                                     Notice to Consulting Firms
(Federal Funds)
                                                                   Background and Purpose of Project
                       District Three – Northwest                    The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is
  Logan – 25-55 KA-5981-01 – K-25, from the Wichita/               seeking a consultant to provide construction inspection
Logan county line north approximately 14 miles, 4-inch             services for project 70-84 KA 5687-01. The project is on
overlay, 14.0 miles. (Federal Funds)                               I-70 and is for repairs of Bridge #026 located 13.06 miles
  Thomas – 25-97 KA-5982-01 – K-25, from the north city            east of US-281 and Bridge #030 located 14.58 miles east of
limits of Colby north to the Rawlins/Thomas county line,           US-281 in Russell County.
overlay, 11.5 miles. (Federal Funds)                               Schedule/Deadlines
                                                                      Request for Proposals (RFPs) are due on or before 12:00
                        District Four – Southeast                  p.m. (CST) March 5, 2021, to be delivered via email to
  Franklin – 68-30 KA-5694-01 – K-68, bridge #073 lo-              kdot.designcontracts@ks.gov. Evaluation and ranking of
cated 13.15 miles east of the Osage county line, bridge.           submissions will occur on or about March 12, 2021, after
(Federal Funds)                                                    which time all firms that submitted will be notified of the
  Franklin – 30 TE-0482-01 – Ottawa, at locations along            ranking. Negotiations with the most highly ranked firm
K-68 from N. Locust Street to N. Oak Street and along N.           to commence on or about March 19, 2021. The contractor
Main Street from E. Tecumseh Street to K-68, pedestrian            is expected to start the project in early April of 2021.
and bicycle paths, 1.0 mile. (Federal Funds)                       Scope of Services to be Performed
                                                                      The project manager/inspectors must be capable in-
                     District Five – South Central                 specting the whole project, which includes concrete,
   Harper – 179-39 KA-5155-01 – K-179 from Hayes Street            bridge repair, pavement marking, traffic control, CMS or
to Evans Street in Anthony, pavement reconstruction, 0.2           AASHTOWare data entry, all project records, all project
mile. (Federal Funds)                                              paperwork, and final paperwork, etc. Project records and
   Pawnee – 56-73 KA-3265-02 – U.S. 56, beginning at               paperwork including but not limited to: diary, pay quan-
bridge #001 (over Big Coon Creek) northeast to the west            tities, certifications, sample identifications, change or-
city limits of Garfield, milling and overlay, 0.5 mile. (Fed-      ders, pay estimates, monitoring subcontractor payments,
eral Funds)                                                        and monitoring contractor’s payrolls, etc. Records and
   Rice – 80 C-4969-01 – Major collector roads located             paperwork must be submitted accurately and timely.
south of U.S. 56 and east of K-14, signing, 71.0 miles.            Anticipated staffing needs: provide project management
(Federal Funds)                                                    and all inspectors as needed to ensure inspection and
   Sedgwick – 96-87 KA-5690-01 – K-96, bridge #283 over            material testing for this project are done correctly. The
Little Slough Creek located approximately 3,221 feet east          number of required inspectors will fluctuate throughout
of Tyler Road and bridge #285 over Ridge Road located              the project depending on the contractor’s schedule and
at the K-96/Ridge Road junction, bridge repair. (Federal           how they pursue the work. Submit the name and infor-
Funds)                                                             mation of the project manager. Construction is antici-
   Stafford – 93 C-4979-01 – Major collector roads includ-         pated to be completed in 90-working days and cleanup
ing Rural Secondary routes 38, 634, 636, 974, 1483, 1518,          days. Provide all the equipment necessary to inspect and
pavement marking, 53.0 miles. (Federal Funds)                      test materials.
                                                                   Instructions for Proposal
                         District Six – Southwest                    No costs shall be contained in the RFP. The RFP must
  Clark – 13 C-4974-01 – Major collector roads located             not exceed four (4) pages total (including any cover let-
south of U.S. 160, signing, 63.0 miles. (Federal Funds)            ter, index, etc.) and 2MB to address the pertinent topics.
  Clark – 13 TE-0477-01 – South Main Street and Locust             RFPs submitted will consist of the technical proposal
Street in Minneola, pedestrian and bicycle paths, 0.3              and a completed and signed Special Attachment No. 7
mile. (Federal Funds)                                              (“Certificate of Final Indirect Costs”), a completed and
  Grant – 34 C-4981-01 – Major collector roads including           signed Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certif-
Rural Secondary routes 282, 1536, and 1991, signing, 39.0          icate”), and a signed Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy
miles. (Federal Funds)                                             Regarding Sexual Harassment”). Completed Special At-

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021                Vol. 40, No. 8, February 25, 2021
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