Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

Page created by Derrick Sanchez
                                                                                                                              October 1, 2007

                                                                                                                              Part II

                                                                                                                              Nuclear Regulatory
                                                                                                                              10 CFR Parts 20, 30, et al.
                                                                                                                              Requirements for Expanded Definition of
                                                                                                                              Byproduct Material; Final Rule
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

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55864             Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 189 / Monday, October 1, 2007 / Rules and Regulations

                                         NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                      DATES:  Effective Date: This final rule is            medical, or research activity (Section
                                         COMMISSION                                              effective on November 30, 2007.                       11e.(3) of the AEA); and (2) adding any
                                                                                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      discrete source of naturally occurring
                                         10 CFR Parts 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 50,                Lydia Chang, Office of Federal and State              radioactive material, other than source
                                         61, 62, 72, 110, 150, 170, and 171                      Materials and Environmental                           material, that the Commission, in
                                                                                                 Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear                     consultation with the Administrator of
                                         RIN 3150–AH84                                           Regulatory Commission, Washington,                    the Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                 DC 20555–0001, telephone (301) 415–                   (EPA), the Secretary of the Department
                                         Requirements for Expanded Definition                    6319, e-mail; or Catherine               of Energy (DOE), the Secretary of the
                                         of Byproduct Material                                   R. Mattsen, Office of Federal and State               Department of Homeland Security
                                         AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory                             Materials and Environmental                           (DHS), and the head of any other
                                         Commission.                                             Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear                     appropriate Federal agency, determines
                                                                                                 Regulatory Commission, Washington,                    would pose a threat similar to the threat
                                         ACTION: Final rule.
                                                                                                 DC 20555–0001, telephone (301) 415–                   posed by a discrete source of radium-
                                         SUMMARY: The Nuclear Regulatory                         6264, e-mail                             226 to the public health and safety or
                                         Commission (NRC) is amending its                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                       the common defense and security; and
                                         regulations to include jurisdiction over                                                                      is extracted or converted after extraction
                                                                                                 I. Background                                         before, on, or after the date of enactment
                                         discrete sources of radium-226,                         II. Discussion
                                         accelerator-produced radioactive                                                                              of the EPAct for use in a commercial,
                                                                                                    A. The New, Expanded Definition of
                                         materials, and discrete sources of                            Byproduct Material                              medical, or research activity (Section
                                         naturally occurring radioactive material,                  B. The NRC’s Regulatory Approach                   11e.(4) of the AEA).
                                                                                                    C. Changes to Existing NRC Regulations to             Although Section 651(e) of the EPAct
                                         as required by the Energy Policy Act of
                                                                                                       Accommodate the New Byproduct                   became effective on August 8, 2005, the
                                         2005 (EPAct), which was signed into
                                                                                                       Material                                        NRC did not have regulations in place
                                         law on August 8, 2005. The EPAct
                                                                                                    D. License Application and Annual Fees             that would specifically apply to this
                                         expanded the Atomic Energy Act of                          E. Implementation Strategy                         newly covered byproduct material
                                         1954 definition of Byproduct material to                III. Summary and Analysis of Public                   (hereafter referred to as NARM). The
                                         include any discrete source of radium-                        Comments on the Proposed Rule                   EPAct also allowed the NRC to issue
                                         226, any material made radioactive by                   IV. Section-by-Section Analysis of Final
                                                                                                                                                       waivers to States and other entities
                                         use of a particle accelerator, and any                        Revisions
                                                                                                 V. Criminal Penalties                                 while developing final regulations for
                                         discrete source of naturally occurring                                                                        NARM. A waiver was issued on August
                                         radioactive material, other than source                 VI. Agreement State Compatibility
                                                                                                 VII. Voluntary Consensus Standards                    31, 2005 (70 FR 51581).
                                         material, that the Commission, in
                                                                                                 VIII. Environmental Assessment and Finding
                                         consultation with other Federal officials                                                                     Previous Regulatory Structures for
                                                                                                       of No Significant Environmental Impact:
                                         named in the EPAct, determines would                          Availability                                    NARM
                                         pose a similar threat to the public health              IX. Paperwork Reduction Act Statement                    The AEA authorizes the States to
                                         and safety or the common defense and                    X. Regulatory Analysis                                assume regulatory control of certain
                                         security as a discrete source of radium-                XI. Regulatory Flexibility Certification              radioactive materials provided the State
                                         226, that are extracted or converted after              XII. Backfit Analysis                                 has an adequate program to protect the
                                         extraction for use for a commercial,                    XIII. Congressional Review Act
                                                                                                                                                       public health and safety and is
                                         medical, or research activity. In so                    I. Background                                         compatible with the NRC’s program for
                                         doing, these materials were placed                                                                            regulation of these materials and enters
                                         under the NRC’s regulatory authority.                   The Energy Policy Act of 2005                         into an agreement with the NRC. As
                                         The EPAct also mandated that the                          On August 8, 2005, the President                    authorized by Section 274b of the AEA,
                                         Commission, after consultation with the                 signed into law the EPAct. Among other                34 States have assumed responsibility
                                         States and other stakeholders, issue                    provisions, Section 651(e) of the EPAct               for regulating certain activities related to
                                         final regulations establishing                          expanded the definition of Byproduct                  radioactive material by entering into
                                         requirements that the Commission                        material as defined in Section 11e. of                agreements with the NRC. The activities
                                         determines necessary under the EPAct.                   the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (AEA),                  regulated by these ‘‘Agreement States’’
                                         This rulemaking effort has been                         placing additional byproduct material                 include the use of byproduct material,
                                         undertaken in response to that mandate                  under the NRC’s jurisdiction, and                     source material, and special nuclear
                                         and includes significant contributions                  required the Commission to provide a                  material. Each Agreement State issues
                                         from many States that have regulated                    regulatory framework for licensing and                licenses to persons who use these
                                         the naturally occurring and accelerator-                regulating this additional byproduct                  materials in that State except for DOE,
                                         produced radioactive material, the                      material.                                             other Government agencies, and
                                         Organization of Agreement States, Inc.,                   Specifically, Section 651(e) of the                 Federally recognized Indian Tribes. The
                                         the Conference of Radiation Control                     EPAct expanded the definition of                      NRC issues licenses to persons using
                                         Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD), and                    Byproduct material by: (1) Adding any                 these materials in non-Agreement
                                         other stakeholders. In addition, this                   discrete source of radium-226 that is                 States.
                                         final rule was informed and guided by                   produced, extracted, or converted after                  Before enactment of the EPAct, the
                                         the CRCPD’s applicable Suggested State                  extraction, before, on, or after the date             NRC did not have authority over NARM
                                         Regulations for the Control of Radiation.               of enactment of the EPAct for use for a               or regulations for this type of material.
                                         Licensees, individuals, and other                       commercial, medical, or research                      Although the NRC has not regulated
                                         entities who are engaged in activities                  activity; or any material that has been               NARM in the past, all 34 Agreement
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

                                         involving the newly defined byproduct                   made radioactive by use of a particle                 States and certain non-Agreement States
                                         material in both Agreement States and                   accelerator and is produced, extracted,               have regulatory programs for NARM.
                                         non-Agreement States and United States                  or converted after extraction, before, on,            The NRC’s regulations did require
                                         Territories will be affected by this                    or after the date of enactment of the                 licensees to account for dose
                                         rulemaking.                                             EPAct for use for a commercial,                       contributed from NARM, as well as dose

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 189 / Monday, October 1, 2007 / Rules and Regulations                                         55865

                                         contributed from other byproduct,                       respect to NARM, including those                      Department of Labor has the oversight
                                         source, or special nuclear material,                    aspects relating to receipt, possession,              for occupational health and safety for
                                         because the definition of Occupational                  use, storage, transfer, transportation,               radiation protection. It has regulations
                                         dose encompasses both licensed                          and disposal of NARM. This regulatory                 governing radiation protection in the
                                         material and nonlicensed material such                  structure also subjects NARM users in                 workplace, including provisions
                                         as NARM sources at a licensed facility.                 the Agreement States to the same                      addressing the exposure of minors to
                                         In addition, the NRC requires in its                    licensing, inspection, and enforcement                radioactive material in the workplace,
                                         radiological criteria for license                       policies as those using other byproduct,              but defers to the NRC on AEA materials.
                                         termination that licensees consider                     source, or special nuclear materials. In              The Department of Commerce (DOC)
                                         other nondiscrete sources, including                    addition, this regulatory structure                   has controlled the export of radioactive
                                         radium, during decommissioning                          allows for both specific and general                  material. Before the enactment of the
                                         activities at sites contaminated with                   licensing of various NARM products,                   EPAct, the DOC regulated the export of
                                         source material, such as rare-earth                     the distribution of certain NARM items                all radium-226. With the enactment of
                                         processing facilities.                                  to persons exempt from regulation and,                the EPAct, the NRC will regulate the
                                            Currently, there are 16 non-                         in most cases, includes provisions to                 export of discrete sources of radium-
                                         Agreement States plus United States                     review and approve proposals for sealed               226; DOC retains jurisdiction to regulate
                                         (U.S.) Territories. Although most non-                  sources and devices containing NARM.                  the export of nondiscrete sources of
                                         Agreement States and U.S. Territories                      The Agreement States have regulated                radium-226. The Consumer Product
                                         have some type of programs for NARM,                    a vast array of NARM produced for                     Safety Commission regulations have
                                         the regulatory structures vary greatly.                 medical, industrial, research and                     addressed hazardous substances other
                                         Certain non-Agreement States have                       development, commercial, and                          than byproduct, source, and special
                                         established a licensing structure for                   consumer purposes. In many Agreement                  nuclear materials currently regulated by
                                         regulating their NARM users. As such,                   States, this regulatory structure also                the NRC. The Food and Drug
                                         the regulatory structure could parallel                 captures some types of nondiscrete                    Administration (FDA) regulates all
                                         the NRC regulations issued in Title 10                  sources found in the oil and gas                      drugs (including drugs containing
                                         of the Code of Federal Regulations (10                  industry or mining industry; moreover,                radioactive materials) by requiring good
                                         CFR) applicable to the current materials                it captures inadvertently produced                    manufacturing practices to assure the
                                         program, or it could parallel the                       activation products from the use of                   purity, potency, and consistency of
                                         Suggested State Regulations for the                     proton beams for medical radiation                    finished drugs with their labeling in
                                         Control of Radiation (SSRs) developed                   therapy. However, the regulation of                   establishing the safety and effectiveness
                                         by the CRCPD. Other non-Agreement                       these nondiscrete sources and activation              of these drugs.
                                         States or U.S. Territories have elected to              products varies from Agreement State to                  Section 651(e)(3) of the EPAct
                                         use registration as their regulatory                    Agreement State.                                      provides that byproduct material, as
                                         structure for managing the NARM users.                                                                        defined by Section 11e.(3) or 11e.(4) of
                                                                                                 Other Federal Agencies’ Regulatory
                                         Some States register facilities; others                                                                       the AEA, may only be transferred to and
                                                                                                 Authority Over NARM
                                         register both facilities and devices.                                                                         disposed of in a disposal facility that is
                                         Some States use registration information                  Although the States had the primary                 adequate to protect public health and
                                         to conduct inspections; others use                      responsibility for regulating the use of              safety, and is licensed by either the NRC
                                         registration to identify facility locations             NARM before the passage of the EPAct,                 or a State that has entered into an
                                         for security purposes. In general, there                certain Federal regulations continue to               agreement with the Commission under
                                         is limited regulatory oversight where                   apply under some circumstances, such                  Section 274b of the AEA or at a disposal
                                         registration is used in non-Agreement                   as environmental protection, workplace                facility in accordance with any Federal
                                         States. It was, in part, due to this lack               safety, drug safety, transportation, and              or State solid or hazardous waste law,
                                         of national consistency, that the EPAct                 disposal. With the passage of the EPAct,              including the Solid Waste Disposal Act,
                                         placed these materials under the NRC’s                  the NRC will have primary                             also known as the Resource
                                         jurisdiction.                                           responsibility for radiation safety and in            Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
                                            Agreement States have regulated                      regulating the use of these materials in
                                         NARM use for many decades in a fairly                   cooperation with the States, with the                 Development of the Suggested State
                                         uniform and consistent manner. The                      exception of those activities that are                Regulations (SSRs)
                                         Agreement States have accomplished                      self-regulated by the DOE.                               Since enactment of the AEA in 1954,
                                         this by using the same standards to                       Other Federal agencies have                         scientists continue to develop new
                                         regulate NARM as those used to regulate                 regulations or have established                       technologies in producing
                                         other byproduct, source, and special                    programs for self-regulating certain                  radionuclides, such as the use of
                                         nuclear material under the NRC’s                        activities involving NARM. The                        particle accelerators. At the beginning of
                                         authority. In many respects, regulations                Department of Transportation (DOT)                    the 20th century, naturally occurring
                                         applicable to NARM adopted by the                       regulates interstate transport of NARM.               radioactive material, including radium-
                                         Agreement States are compatible with                    In cooperation with DOT, the NRC                      226, was routinely used in consumer
                                         the NRC’s regulations for the current                   approves Type B packages through                      products and in cancer treatment.
                                         materials program, or parallel the                      regulations in 10 CFR Part 71. The EPA                Because there was no Federal mandate
                                         CRCPD’s SSRs.                                           has established controls for certain                  to regulate these materials, most States
                                            Although Agreement States do have                    NARM through several authorities,                     have since established regulatory
                                         some provisions specifically for NARM,                  including the Clean Air Act, the Safe                 structures for both accelerator-produced
                                         in general, the regulatory structure used               Drinking Water Act, the Toxic                         radioactive material and naturally
                                         by Agreement States does not                            Substances Control Act, the Resource                  occurring radioactive material,
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

                                         distinguish between NARM and other                      Conservation and Recovery Act, and the                including radium-226.
                                         radioactive material. NARM users in the                 Comprehensive Environmental                              In 1968, CRCPD was chartered as a
                                         Agreement States are expected to                        Response, Compensation, and Liability                 nonprofit organization to provide a
                                         implement all aspects of standards for                  Act. The Occupational Safety and                      forum for enhancing communication
                                         their radiation protection programs with                Health Administration (OSHA) of the                   among States and Federal agencies

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55866             Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 189 / Monday, October 1, 2007 / Rules and Regulations

                                         regarding radiation regulations and to                     The Commission believed that                       committee forming a partnership with
                                         promote a uniform radiation protection                  granting the waiver would allow the                   the NRC in making rulemaking
                                         environment for all radioactive material.               States to continue with their regulatory              decisions. In an effort to keep
                                         Throughout the years, CRCPD                             programs, allow persons engaged in                    stakeholders informed, the NRC held a
                                         developed policies and guidance for its                 activities involving NARM to continue                 public roundtable meeting in early
                                         member States. In addition, CRCPD is                    their operations in a safe manner, and                November. In addition, the NRC has met
                                         responsible for the development of                      allow continued access to medical                     with other Federal agencies to ensure
                                         model regulations, known as the SSRs.                   radiopharmaceuticals. In addition, it                 coordination regarding this rulemaking.
                                         Under the SSRs’ regulatory framework,                   would enable the Commission to work                      The NRC held a public meeting on
                                         NARM has been a regulated radioactive                   with the States in developing                         November 9, 2005, to discuss
                                         material comparable to byproduct                        appropriate regulations for NARM and                  rulemaking activities to incorporate
                                         material. Nearly all of the Agreement                   in formulating a sound Transition Plan                NARM into its regulatory framework.
                                         States have based their regulations on                  for implementation of these regulations.              The public meeting was in a
                                         this model for NARM.                                    It would also provide an opportunity for              ‘‘roundtable’’ format to allow
                                            For NARM regulation only, CRCPD                      non-Agreement States that currently do                stakeholders an opportunity to discuss
                                         also established ‘‘Licensing States’’                   not have Agreement State regulatory                   concerns and to enhance interaction
                                         similar to the Agreement State Program                  programs under Section 274b. of the                   among all interested parties on the
                                         under Section 274 of the AEA.                           AEA to consider entering into an                      subject of the NRC regulating NARM.
                                         Licensing States recognized by CRCPD                    agreement with the NRC. The                           Representatives from other Federal
                                         under criteria found in Publication 94–                 Commission determined that issuance                   agencies, States, and a broad spectrum
                                         8, ‘‘CRCPD Recognition of Licensing                     of the waiver would be in accordance                  of interest groups were invited to
                                         States for the Regulation and Control of                with the protection of public health and              participate in the ‘‘roundtable’’
                                         NARM,’’ are those States that have                      safety and the promotion of the common                discussion. A transcript of this meeting
                                         demonstrated an adequate and                            defense and security.                                 is available via the NRC’s and other
                                         consistent regulatory control program                      The Commission granted a waiver (70                related documents are available from
                                         for NARM. Licensing State designation                   FR 51581; August 31, 2005) from the                   (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT
                                         assures comparable regulatory                           requirements of Section 651(e) of the                 section of this document.)
                                         structures with respect to NARM, and                    EPAct to: (1) All persons engaged in                     Following the public meeting, the
                                         other States may grant reciprocal                       export from or import into the U.S. of                NRC received five written comments
                                         recognition of their licenses or                        byproduct material through August 7,                  from interested parties related to the
                                         acceptance of their licensees’                          2006, unless terminated sooner if the                 discussion at the meeting and the
                                         manufactured products.                                  Commission determined that an earlier                 rulemaking activities. These comment
                                                                                                 termination was warranted; and except                 letters were reviewed and considered by
                                         Issuance of Waiver on August 31, 2005                                                                         the NRC staff in the development of the
                                                                                                 with regard to the requirements of the
                                            Section 651(e) of the EPAct became                   DOC relating to export of byproduct                   proposed rule.
                                         effective immediately upon signature by                 material; (2) all persons acquiring,                     In addition to the public meeting, the
                                         the President on August 8, 2005. Before                 delivering, receiving, possessing,                    NRC interacted and met with FDA staff
                                         enactment of the EPAct, the NRC did                     owning, using, or transferring byproduct              to exchange information regarding the
                                         not have authority over NARM or                         material through August 7, 2009, unless               NRC’s NARM rulemaking efforts and the
                                         regulations in place that would                         terminated sooner if the Commission                   FDA’s regulations for accelerator-
                                         specifically apply to this material.                    determined that an earlier termination                produced drugs. The primary objective
                                         Nonetheless, persons engaged in                         was warranted; and (3) all States that                of the FDA’s regulations is to ensure
                                         activities involving NARM could be,                     had entered into an agreement with the                medical safety, purity, potency, and
                                         and States seeking to continue                          Commission under Section 274b. of the                 effectiveness of the drugs, and that of
                                         regulation of NARM would be, in                         AEA, and States that had not entered                  the NRC’s regulations is to ensure
                                         technical violation of the AEA.                         into such an Agreement, through August                radiation safety. During the meeting,
                                            Section 651(e)(5) of the EPAct                       7, 2009, unless terminated sooner if the              areas of potential dual regulation were
                                         authorized the Commission to issue a                    Commission determined an earlier                      discussed. Because the NRC and the
                                         waiver of the requirements of Section                   termination was warranted, or for an                  FDA have different missions, the
                                         651(e) to any entity with respect to                    Agreement State if the Commission                     associated regulations are more
                                         NARM for specified periods of time if                   made certain determinations required                  complementary than duplicative. FDA
                                         the Commission determined that the                      by Section 651(e)(5)(B)(ii) of the EPAct.             has published a proposed rule (70 FR
                                         waiver was in accordance with the                                                                             55038; September 20, 2005), ‘‘Current
                                         protection of the public health and                     Stakeholder Involvement in the                        Good Manufacturing Practice for
                                         safety and the promotion of the common                  Rulemaking Process                                    Positron Emission Tomography Drugs,’’
                                         defense and security. The Commission                       The NRC took several initiatives in an             and expects to finalize the rule soon.
                                         determined that there was no basis to                   effort to enhance stakeholder                         The FDA’s final rule will establish
                                         conclude that these materials would not                 involvement and to improve efficiency                 criteria for the production and process/
                                         continue to be used in a manner that is                 during the rulemaking process. With                   quality controls for the Positron
                                         protective of public health and safety                  assistance from the Organization of                   Emission Tomography (PET) drugs in
                                         while the waiver is in effect. The                      Agreement States (OAS) and CRCPD,                     PET centers registered with the FDA.
                                         Commission also determined that it                      the NRC was able to obtain participation                 The NRC hosted a meeting of Federal
                                         would be in the best interest of the                    of several State representatives in                   agency representatives on November 22,
                                         public to allow continued use of NARM,                  various working groups in the                         2005, to discuss the development of a
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

                                         especially for medical purposes, and to                 development of the proposed rule.                     definition of Discrete source to be added
                                         allow the States to continue to regulate                Principals from OAS and CRCPD,                        to the NRC’s regulations. Agencies
                                         NARM until the Commission could                         representing interests for both                       represented at this meeting were DOT,
                                         codify new regulations for these                        Agreement States and non-Agreement                    DOE, including the National Nuclear
                                         materials.                                              States, also participated in the steering             Security Administration, Department of

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 189 / Monday, October 1, 2007 / Rules and Regulations                                         55867

                                         Defense, DOC, EPA, and the U.S.                         definition of Byproduct material in that              used for military operations but is no
                                         Customs and Border Protection. A draft                  Part remains unchanged by this rule.                  longer under the control of the military,
                                         definition was formulated. This                            Since the publication of the proposed              has been sold, or is in the possession of
                                         definition formed the basis for the                     rule, and after considering the                       private individuals, is also within the
                                         definition in the proposed rule, with                   comments on the new definition of                     coverage of this rule.
                                         only minor changes and text                             byproduct material, the Commission has                  The NRC intends to interact with the
                                         rearrangement for clarity.                              taken a closer look at the scope of the               Department of Defense to obtain a
                                                                                                 Commission’s jurisdiction over the                    common understanding of the uses of
                                           The NRC published the proposed rule
                                                                                                 newly added byproduct material. The                   radium-226 and accelerator-produced
                                         to establish the regulatory framework for
                                                                                                 EPAct covers discrete sources of                      radioactive material by the military to
                                         the newly defined byproduct material
                                                                                                 radium-226 and accelerator-produced                   resolve any potential issues regarding
                                         on July 28, 2006 (71 FR 42952). Thirty-
                                                                                                 radioactive material that is ‘‘produced,              the application of the Commission’s
                                         nine comment letters were received.
                                                                                                 extracted, or converted after extraction,             interpretation of the EPAct in regard to
                                         The commenters included a number of
                                                                                                 before, on, or after August 8, 2005, for              any specific case of military use.
                                         States, Federal agencies, professional
                                                                                                 use for commercial, medical, or research
                                         organizations, universities, medical                                                                          Radium-226
                                                                                                 activity’’ (emphasis added).
                                         communities, industries, and                            Notwithstanding that a discrete source
                                         individuals.                                                                                                     Radium is a chemically reactive,
                                                                                                 of radium-226 may have originated from                silvery white, radioactive, metallic
                                         II. Discussion                                          a commercial supplier, the Commission                 element with an atomic number of 88
                                                                                                 has determined that discrete sources of               and symbol of Ra. Radium-226, the most
                                         A. The New, Expanded Definition of                      radium-226 still in control of the
                                         Byproduct Material                                                                                            abundant and most stable isotope of
                                                                                                 military do not constitute ‘‘commercial               radium, is formed by the radioactive
                                                                                                 use’’ under the EPAct, and are therefore,             disintegration of thorium-230 in the
                                            Section 651(e) of the EPAct expanded
                                                                                                 outside the Commission’s jurisdiction.                decay series starting with uranium-238.
                                         the definition of Byproduct material to
                                                                                                 Defining ‘‘commercial use’’ to include                Radium-226 can be found in all
                                         include: (1) Any discrete source of
                                                                                                 all material supplied to the military                 uranium ores. The half-life of radium-
                                         radium-226 that is produced, extracted,
                                                                                                 from a commercial supplier would                      226 is 1599 years. Radium-226 emits
                                         or converted after extraction, before, on,
                                                                                                 result in virtually all military use of this          alpha particles and gamma radiation
                                         or after the date of enactment of the                   material to be ‘‘commercial use.’’ This
                                         EPAct for use for a commercial,                                                                               and decays to radon gas.
                                                                                                 would vitiate any distinction that the
                                         medical, or research activity; (2) any                                                                           Although radium was discovered in
                                                                                                 EPAct intended to make for military
                                         material that has been made radioactive                                                                       the ore pitchblende by the chemists
                                                                                                 use, as opposed to commercial use, by
                                         by use of a particle accelerator and is                                                                       Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898, no one
                                                                                                 excluding military use from its
                                         produced, extracted, or converted after                                                                       understood the dangers of radium until
                                         extraction, before, on, or after the date                  However, this exclusion from the                   later in the twentieth century. Based on
                                         of enactment of the EPAct for use for a                 coverage of the EPAct only applies to a               radium’s properties, especially its
                                         commercial, medical, or research                        certain type of military use, i.e., NARM              ability to stimulate luminescence,
                                         activity; and (3) any discrete source of                used for ‘‘military operations.’’ The term            industries started manufacturing
                                         naturally occurring radioactive material,               ‘‘military operations’’ covers what is                hundreds of consumer products
                                         other than source material, that the                    traditionally understood as the                       containing radium. Radium was added
                                         Commission, in consultation with the                    military’s primary mission for national               to products such as hair tonic,
                                         Administrator of the EPA, the Secretary                 defense, including warfare, combat, and               toothpaste, ointments, and elixirs.
                                         of DOE, the Secretary of DHS, and the                   battlefield missions, and, of course,                 Radium paint was used in the mid-
                                         head of any other appropriate Federal                   training for battlefield missions. NARM               1900s to paint the hands and numbers
                                         agency, determines would pose a threat                  used, or available for use, for these                 of some clocks, watches, doorknobs, and
                                         similar to the threat posed by a discrete               purposes would be excluded from the                   other objects to make them glow in the
                                         source of radium-226 to the public                      coverage of the EPAct and from the                    dark. Glow-in-the-dark watch and clock
                                         health and safety or the common                         coverage of this rule. If the material is             faces were particularly popular. Most of
                                         defense and security, and that is                       intended for use in military operations,              these uses were eventually discontinued
                                         extracted or converted after extraction,                it is excluded from the coverage of this              for health and safety reasons, but its
                                         before, on, or after the date of enactment              rule notwithstanding the fact that it was             wide use in luminescent paints
                                         of the EPAct for use in a commercial,                   originally produced by a commercial                   continued through World War II
                                         medical, or research activity. The NRC                  supplier. In addition, ‘‘military                     because radium’s luminescent glow
                                         is revising the definition of Byproduct                 operational’’ material includes material              made aircraft and vehicle dials, gauges,
                                         material in 10 CFR Parts 20, 30, 50, 72,                still under the control of the military,              and other instruments visible at night.
                                         150, 170, and 171 to be consistent with                 i.e., in storage, or material that may be             Many of these early products still
                                         the EPAct. The same revision to the                     subject to decontamination and                        remain in the possession of museums
                                         definition of Byproduct material was                    disposal.                                             and individual collectors. Large
                                         made in a separate rulemaking for 10                       Other use of NARM by the military                  inventories of radium-226 luminescent
                                         CFR Part 110 (April 20, 2006; 71 FR                     would be covered by this rule. Under                  military and aircraft devices remain and
                                         20336). A different definition for the                  the Commission’s interpretation of the                periodically turn up in repair shops,
                                         term Byproduct material is used in 10                   EPAct, NARM, whether discrete sources                 and have resulted in contamination
                                         CFR Part 40, because 10 CFR Part 40                     or accelerator material, that is produced,            incidents.
                                         regulations are limited to source                       extracted, or converted for use or has                   In more recent times, radium sources
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

                                         material and the tailings or wastes                     been used, in medical or research                     were used in industrial radiography and
                                         associated with the extraction or                       activities, or in a manner similar to a               industrial smoke detectors. Currently,
                                         concentration of source material.                       commercial activity, e.g., military                   radium sources are still being used in
                                         Therefore, 10 CFR Part 40 regulations                   museums, is covered by the EPAct and                  some industrial products, such as
                                         are not impacted by the EPAct, and the                  this rule. Furthermore, NARM that was                 industrial gauges, that measure certain

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                                         physical properties such as moisture                    basic physics research facilities reach               has not adopted any rule regarding the
                                         and density.                                            energies in excess of 1000 MeV.                       operation of a particle accelerator or the
                                                                                                    For the purposes of this rulemaking,               qualification of any person maintaining
                                         Accelerator-Produced Radioactive                        the NRC divided particle accelerators                 or operating a particle accelerator.
                                         Material                                                into three groupings: (1) Those that are              However, nothing in the EPAct directs
                                         Particle Accelerators                                   always operated to intentionally                      the NRC to change the policy that
                                                                                                 produce radioactive materials in                      radiation safety standards must consider
                                            A particle accelerator is a device that
                                                                                                 quantities useful for their radioactive               unregulated as well as regulated sources
                                         imparts kinetic energy to subatomic
                                                                                                 properties for a commercial, medical, or              of radiation. The NRC will continue to
                                         particles by increasing their speed
                                                                                                 research activity; (2) those that are                 require any person subject to the dose
                                         through electromagnetic interactions.
                                                                                                 operated to produce only particle beams               limits in 10 CFR Part 20 to continue to
                                         Particle accelerators are used to produce
                                                                                                 and not radioactive materials; and (3)                include the radiation dose from the
                                         radioactive material by directing a beam
                                                                                                 accelerators that are used to produce                 operation of a particle accelerator in
                                         of high speed particles at a target
                                                                                                 both radioactive materials and particle               meeting the dose limitations. The NRC
                                         composed of a specifically selected
                                                                                                 beams for other uses. Examples of                     is aware that the operation of a particle
                                         element, which is usually not                           accelerators that are operated to produce             accelerator may activate materials in the
                                         radioactive. Nuclei in the target are                   only particle beams and not radioactive               structure of the building and facilities
                                         struck by the high speed particles and                  materials include linear accelerators                 housing the accelerator. The NRC
                                         undergo a nuclear transformation. A                     used for medical treatment of cancer                  intends to assure the safe
                                         nuclide that is struck is transformed                   and other health-related conditions.                  decommissioning of particle accelerator
                                         into a different nuclide. By careful                    Other examples include the                            buildings and facilities, including the
                                         selection of the target element, the                    experimental particle physics research                removal and disposal of activated
                                         particles accelerated, and the operating                colliders used to probe the fundamental               building materials, to assure that the
                                         parameters of the accelerator (e.g., beam               properties of nature (as long as that is              dose limits to members of the public are
                                         energy), a resultant proton-heavy                       their only use) and electron                          not exceeded. The decommissioning of
                                         nuclide can be produced. Usually the                    microscopes, i.e., particle accelerators              these facilities will be required to meet
                                         nuclide produced is radioactive and is                  that probe the structure of materials at              the radiation dose limits in 10 CFR Part
                                         created for the use of its radiological                 a very small dimension (high                          20 Subpart E—Radiological Criteria for
                                         properties. The process of transforming                 magnification). Ion implanters are                    License Termination.
                                         nuclei from a stable element into a                     particle accelerators used to modify the                 The majority of accelerator-produced
                                         radionuclide is called activation. In                   electrical properties of materials in                 radioactive material is now created for
                                         some cases, the target is selected so that              semiconductor fabrication. In these                   use in medicine. The NRC is aware of
                                         the accelerator produces a neutron beam                 activities, no radioactive material is                only two operations in the U.S. and a
                                         that is, in turn, used to activate nuclides             intentionally created; all activation is              few importers, mostly from Europe and
                                         that are then used for their radioactive                incidental to the intended use of the                 Canada, that are commercial producers
                                         properties. Some particle accelerators                  accelerator.                                          of accelerator-produced radioactive
                                         are not used to produce radioactive                        The NRC will regulate the radioactive              material for use in industrial activities.
                                         material, but instead the high energy                   material both intentionally and                       The regulatory approach for
                                         beam produced by the particle                           incidentally produced by all                          manufacturing accelerator-produced
                                         accelerator is used directly, for example,              accelerators that are intentionally                   radioactive material for industrial
                                         to treat cancer patients.                               operated to produce a radioactive                     purposes is similar to the regulatory
                                            The two basic designs of particle                    material for its radioactive properties.              approach for manufacturing accelerator-
                                         accelerators are linear and circular, also              The NRC will not regulate the incidental              produced radioactive material for
                                         known as cyclotron. In either case,                     radioactive material produced by                      medical purposes.
                                         charged particles are injected into the                 accelerators that are operated to produce
                                         accelerator to form a beam. The beam is                 only particle beams and not radioactive               Accelerator-Produced Radioactive
                                         accelerated and focused onto the target.                materials for use for a commercial,                   Material Used in Medical Activities
                                         In the circular designs, the beam must                  medical, or research activity. For those                 Medical use of radioactive material
                                         be directed to travel in a circular shaped              accelerators that are used to produce                 began over 50 years ago. The medical
                                         path. For all accelerators, the process of              both radioactive material and particle                use of sealed and unsealed radioactive
                                         accelerating, focusing, and directing the               beams, the NRC will regulate the                      materials continues to be an important
                                         beam is accomplished by a combination                   intentionally produced radioactive                    component of medical specialties for
                                         of electrically charged structures and                  material and all of the incidentally                  both diagnosis and therapy purposes.
                                         magnetic fields in the accelerator.                     produced radioactive material,                        The use of small quantities of unsealed
                                         During operation, these internal                        including incidental radioactive                      radioactive materials
                                         structures will be struck by particles                  material produced when the accelerator                (radiopharmaceuticals) in nuclear
                                         from the beam and activated                             is operated to produce radioactive                    medicine is an integral part of patient
                                         incidentally.                                           material, as well as incidental                       care and is extremely valuable in the
                                            Particle accelerators are often                      radioactive material produced when it is              early diagnosis and treatment of medical
                                         classified by the maximum energy of the                 operated to produce only a particle                   conditions. Radiation oncology uses
                                         accelerated particles, expressed in                     beam. The incidental radioactive                      larger amounts of radioactivity in sealed
                                         megaelectron-volts (MeV). An electron-                  materials produced in these accelerators              sources to deliver therapeutic or
                                         volt is the amount of energy imparted to                are indistinguishable, so both will be                palliative radiation doses.
                                         an electron by an accelerating potential                considered byproduct material. The                       Almost all reactor-produced
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

                                         of one volt. The small cyclotrons that                  NRC believes very few, if any,                        byproduct radionuclides for radioactive
                                         produce radionuclides used in PET                       accelerators are operated in this way.                drugs are imported into the U.S., as well
                                         nuclear medicine usually operate at                        The EPAct does not give the NRC                    as most reactor-produced radionuclides
                                         energies of up to about 30 MeV. By                      authority to regulate the possession or               used in sealed sources, although some
                                         comparison, the accelerators used in                    use of particle accelerators. The NRC                 used in radioactive drugs and sealed

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                                         sources are also produced in an NRC-                    the EPA, the Secretary of Energy, the                 discrete sources of naturally occurring
                                         regulated nonpower reactor.                             Secretary of Homeland Security, and the               radioactive material pose a threat
                                         Commercial manufacturers primarily                      head of any other appropriate Federal                 similar to the radium-226-level or IAEA
                                         use the imported radionuclides to                       agency, determines would pose a threat                Code of Conduct Category 1 or 2
                                         produce specific sealed sources,                        similar to the threat posed by a discrete             sources.
                                         radioactive drugs, and biologics.                       source of radium-226 to the public                       Through interaction with other
                                         Commercial nuclear pharmacies may                       health and safety or the common                       Federal agencies and States during
                                         use radiochemicals to prepare                           defense and security, and is extracted or             development of the rule, the NRC
                                         radioactive drugs, as well as                           converted after extraction, before, on, or            concluded that, at this time, only
                                         commercially produced radioactive                       after the date of enactment of the EPAct              polonium-210 has the potential to pose
                                         drugs and drug sources, such as                         for use in a commercial, medical, or                  a threat similar to the threat posed by a
                                         molybdenum-99/technetium-99m                            research activity.                                    discrete source of radium-226 to the
                                         generators, to prepare unit dosages of                     The inclusion of discrete sources of               public health and safety or the common
                                         other radioactive drugs.                                naturally occurring radioactive material              defense and security. The NRC had
                                            The U.S. has a limited number of                     into the definition of Byproduct                      already been regulating the use and
                                         commercial radionuclide production                      material is contingent on the                         possession of polonium-210 because it
                                         facilities that use accelerators to                     Commission’s determination, in                        is produced in nuclear reactors and is
                                         produce radionuclides, such as                          consultation with other Federal                       rarely extracted as naturally occurring
                                         thallium-201, iodine-123, indium-111,                   agencies, that these discrete sources                 radioactive material. Therefore,
                                         and gallium-67 used in radioactive                                                                            although this rule adds this category of
                                                                                                 would pose a threat similar to the threat
                                         drugs. A larger number of radionuclide                                                                        byproduct material to the definitions in
                                                                                                 posed by a discrete source of radium-
                                         production facilities (often referred to as                                                                   the regulations, at this time, the NRC’s
                                                                                                 226. The NRC has not currently
                                         PET centers) use cyclotrons to produce                                                                        regulations will not apply to any
                                                                                                 identified any discrete sources of
                                         the PET radionuclides fluorine-18,                                                                            discrete sources of naturally occurring
                                                                                                 naturally occurring radioactive material
                                         carbon-11, nitrogen-13, and oxygen-15                                                                         radioactive material, other than radium-
                                                                                                 under this provision, and the rule does
                                         for use in PET radioactive drugs. PET                                                                         226. The EPAct has provided a
                                                                                                 not contain criteria for making such a
                                         radionuclides decay by positron                                                                               mechanism for the Commission to
                                                                                                 determination. For comparison, the
                                         emission and, because of their relatively                                                                     include additional discrete sources of
                                                                                                 International Atomic Energy Agency
                                         short half-life (minutes to hours), are                                                                       naturally occurring radioactive material
                                         produced at locations in close proximity                (IAEA) has identified a list of sources
                                                                                                 that are considered to pose a high risk               in the future following consultation
                                         to the patients (e.g., in hospitals or                                                                        with other Federal agencies, if the need
                                         academic institutions) or at nearby                     to human health and safety if not
                                                                                                 managed safely and securely. The IAEA                 arises to consider other naturally
                                         locations.                                                                                                    occurring radioactive material as
                                            Palladium-103, the most common                       Code of Conduct on the Safety and
                                                                                                 Security of Radioactive Sources (Code of              byproduct material. No further revision
                                         accelerator-produced medical use                                                                              to the regulations will be necessary to
                                         radionuclide contained in a sealed                      Conduct) identified certain quantities of
                                                                                                 26 radionuclides that pose a significant              begin regulating a material identified
                                         source, was originally produced at                                                                            through this mechanism. However, the
                                         reactor facilities. Other radionuclides                 risk to individuals, society, and the
                                                                                                 environment. The activity of these                    NRC will provide an opportunity for
                                         used in medical radiation therapy can                                                                         public input before applying its
                                         also be produced with either reactors or                radionuclides at the IAEA Code of
                                                                                                 Conduct Category 1 or 2 level could be                regulations to other naturally occurring
                                         accelerators. With the new definition of                                                                      radionuclides that the NRC determines
                                         Byproduct material, sealed sources that                 fatal or cause permanent injury to a
                                                                                                 person who handled them or was                        in consultation with other federal
                                         can be produced from either pathway                                                                           agencies, pose a threat similar to the
                                         will be uniformly regulated. At this                    otherwise in contact with them for a
                                                                                                 short time, if not safely managed or                  threat posed by discrete source of
                                         time, there are no teletherapy or remote                                                                      radium-226.
                                         afterloader or gamma stereotactic                       securely protected. Of these 26 sources,
                                         radiosurgery units with accelerator-                    only two naturally occurring                          B. The NRC’s Regulatory Approach
                                         produced sources.                                       radionuclides are listed: Radium-226
                                                                                                 and polonium-210. Because this rule                   Consideration of Suggested State
                                            Because production accelerators for
                                                                                                 addresses discrete sources of radium-                 Regulations for the Control of Radiation
                                         medical radionuclides (e.g., PET
                                                                                                 226, the only other naturally occurring               (SSRs)
                                         production facilities) and industrial
                                         radionuclides are used to intentionally                 radioactive material similar in hazard to                All 34 Agreement States have
                                         produce radioactive material for use of                 radium-226 when using the IAEA                        regulations for NARM. Twelve non-
                                         its radioactive properties for a                        criteria is polonium-210. However,                    Agreement States and certain U.S.
                                         commercial, medical, or research                        naturally occurring polonium is scarce.               Territories have some type of regulatory
                                         activity, the NRC will regulate both the                One ton of uranium ore contains only                  structure for NARM, while four non-
                                         radionuclides produced in these                         about 100 micrograms (0.0001 grams) of                Agreement States have no program for
                                         accelerators as well as the incidentally                polonium. Due to its scarcity in nature,              regulating NARM. The EPAct mandated
                                         activated radioactive material.                         polonium-210 used for commercial                      that the NRC use model State standards
                                                                                                 purposes is usually produced by                       to the maximum extent practicable in
                                         Other Naturally Occurring Radioactive                   bombarding bismuth-209 with neutrons                  issuing regulations for the expanded
                                         Material With Similar Risk as Radium-                   in a nuclear reactor and had been                     definition of Byproduct material. The
                                         226                                                     regulated by the NRC before the EPAct.                NRC considered the SSRs published by
                                           The EPAct amended the definition of                   Additionally, polonium-210 is unlikely                CRCPD (
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

                                         Byproduct material to include any                       to be commercially used in individual                 free_docs.asp) as the model State
                                         discrete source of naturally occurring                  radioactive sources with activity levels              standard in developing this rule. Most
                                         radioactive material, other than source                 that would place them within the IAEA                 Agreement States have regulated
                                         material, that the Commission, in                       Code of Conduct Category 1 or 2. Hence,               discrete sources of radium and
                                         consultation with the Administrator of                  the NRC has determined that no other                  accelerator-produced radioactive

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                                         material in a manner similar to and                     amendments satisfy the requirements of                is separate and distinct from the
                                         under the same requirements as reactor-                 Section 651(d) of the EPAct pertaining                radioactivity present in nature, and in
                                         produced radioactive material. Few                      to the export or import of Category 1 or              which the radionuclide concentration
                                         provisions in the SSRs exist solely to                  Category 2 radiation sources as defined               has been increased by human processes
                                         address these materials. Where specific                 by the IAEA Code of Conduct. By this                  with the intent that the concentrated
                                         provisions do exist in the SSRs for these               final rule, the NRC is again amending is              radioactive material will be used for its
                                         materials, they have been evaluated for                 regulations in 10 CFR Part 110 to                     radiological properties.’’ As a result of
                                         possible inclusion in the NRC’s                         include a definition of Discrete source.              public comments on the proposed rule,
                                         regulations.                                               Section 651(d) of the EPAct also                   the NRC changed the wording of the
                                            For radionuclide-specific values listed              requires the NRC to issue regulations                 definition of Discrete source from that
                                         in 10 CFR part 20, Appendices B and C,                  establishing a mandatory tracking                     in the proposed rule. Discrete source is
                                         the NRC found that there are no other                   system for radiation sources, including               defined in this final rule as ‘‘a
                                         radionuclides identified in the SSRs                    radium-226, in the U.S. The NRC issued                radionuclide that has been processed so
                                         that are not already included in 10 CFR                 a final rule for national source tracking             that its concentration within a material
                                         part 20. As discussed further in this                   of sealed sources (71 FR 65686;                       has been purposely increased for use for
                                         document under Section C., ‘‘Changes to                 November 8, 2006) that included                       commercial, medical, or research
                                         Existing NRC Regulations to                             radium-226 sources.                                   activities.’’ The changes are for
                                         Accommodate the New Byproduct                                                                                 clarification purposes only and do not
                                                                                                 Definition of Discrete Source
                                         Material,’’ most of the specific                                                                              change the original intent of the
                                         provisions related to NARM                                The EPAct extended the definition of                proposed definition of Discrete source
                                         radionuclides in the SSRs have been                     Byproduct material in the AEA to                      or the scope of the NRC’s regulation of
                                         adopted in this rule. These include                     include any discrete source of radium-                radium-226 or other naturally occurring
                                         exempt quantities in 10 CFR 30.18 and                   226 and certain other naturally
                                                                                                                                                       radioactive materials identified in the
                                         10 CFR 30.71, an exemption for                          occurring radioactive material that is
                                                                                                                                                       future. The intent of the revised
                                         timepieces in 10 CFR 30.15, a general                   produced, extracted, or converted after
                                                                                                                                                       definition continues to be consistent
                                         license for calibration and reference                   extraction, before, on, or after the date
                                                                                                                                                       with the proposed rule in that the NRC’s
                                         sources in 10 CFR 31.8, a general license               of the enactment of the EPAct, for use
                                                                                                                                                       authority is not intended to extend to all
                                         for use of radioactive material for                     for a commercial, medical, or research
                                                                                                                                                       naturally occurring radioactive material,
                                         certain in vitro clinical or laboratory                 activity. The term Discrete source is not
                                                                                                                                                       specifically not to naturally occurring
                                         testing in 10 CFR 31.11, contamination                  defined in the EPAct, and the EPAct
                                                                                                                                                       radioactive material that is found in
                                         limits for strontium-82/rubidium-82                     specifically mandates that the final
                                                                                                                                                       nature in its original form and location,
                                         generators, and requirements to measure                 regulations, in establishing
                                                                                                 requirements necessary to carry out the               or that which is moved or concentrated
                                         the contamination limits in 10 CFR                                                                            inadvertently by some man-made
                                         35.204 with corresponding                               amendment, shall include a definition
                                                                                                 of the term Discrete source. The                      process. A discrete source will have the
                                         recordkeeping requirements in 10 CFR                                                                          same radiological characteristics (e.g.,
                                         35.2204.                                                definition of Discrete source is used for
                                                                                                 purposes of the new definition of                     type of radiation, half-life) as the
                                            While SSRs do exist that address
                                                                                                 Byproduct material in the case of                     radionuclide found in nature but will
                                         other types of naturally occurring
                                                                                                 radium-226 and other naturally                        have been purposefully concentrated for
                                         radioactive material that are not covered
                                                                                                 occurring radioactive material other                  use for its specific properties after it has
                                         by the EPAct or these new regulations,
                                                                                                 than source material. The term Discrete               been removed from its original location
                                         discrete sources of radium and
                                                                                                 source is not used in conjunction with                in nature. This definition excludes the
                                         accelerator-produced radioactive
                                         material are covered under the same                     accelerator-produced radioactive                      NRC’s jurisdiction over inadvertent
                                         provisions of the SSRs that apply to                    material in the EPAct language.                       movement or concentration of naturally
                                         reactor-produced radioactive material.                     Thus, the EPAct gave the NRC                       occurring radioactive material such as
                                         There is general agreement among the                    authority over discrete sources of                    scale from pipes used in the fossil fuel
                                         States, reflected in the SSRs, that the                 radium-226 but not over diffuse sources               industry, fly ash from coal power plants,
                                         new categories of byproduct material                    of radium-226. The EPAct did not                      or phosphate fertilizers. It also excludes
                                         should be regulated under the same                      extend the NRC’s authority over radium-               NRC jurisdiction over residuals from
                                         requirements as reactor-produced                        226 as it occurs in nature, or over other             treatment of water. While radium, in
                                         radioactive material. This rule takes the               processes where radium-226 may be                     particular, may be intentionally
                                         same regulatory approach. Most of the                   unintentionally concentrated. The focus               concentrated in this case, it is not for
                                         requirements that will apply to users of                was on those materials that presented a               the purpose of using the radium, but to
                                         the newly regulated material are                        threat to public health and safety or to              improve water quality. Only if, and
                                         preexisting NRC requirements.                           the common defense and security                       when, this radium were further
                                                                                                 similar to the threat posed by discrete               processed for use would it be
                                         Other Related Rulemakings                               radium-226 sources. Scale from pipes                  considered a discrete source, and thus
                                           The NRC amended its regulations in                    used in the fossil fuel industry, fly ash             byproduct material. Neither the changes
                                         10 CFR Part 110 revising the definition                 from coal powerplants, phosphate                      to the AEA as a result of the EPAct, nor
                                         of Byproduct material to include                        fertilizers, or residuals from treatment of           anything in this rulemaking changes the
                                         discrete sources of radium-226,                         water to meet drinking water standards                NRC’s authority, in any manner, over
                                         accelerator-produced radioactive                        are not considered discrete sources.                  source material.
                                         material, and discrete sources of                       However, uranium and thorium within                      The words ‘‘a radionuclide that has
                                         naturally occurring radioactive material                these materials may become licensable                 been processed so that its concentration
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

                                         (71 FR 20336; April 20, 2006). In                       source material depending upon their                  within a material has been purposely
                                         addition, an earlier amendment (70 FR                   concentration.                                        increased’’ are intended to further
                                         37985; July 1, 2005) added discrete                        The definition of Discrete source in               clarify that the extraction or processing
                                         sources of radium to 10 CFR Part 110,                   the proposed rule was ‘‘a radioactive                 relates to the intent to use the
                                         Appendix P. Together, the two                           source with physical boundaries, which                radionuclide itself, and not a material

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                                         that happens to contain the                                The bases of these exemptions and                  largely as collectors’ items and only
                                         radionuclide, such as fertilizer. The                   general licenses are primarily the SSRs               infrequently used by consumers as
                                         addition of the phrase ‘‘for use for                    and also information in NRC’s sealed                  timepieces. When originally
                                         commercial, medical, or research                        source and device (SS&D) registry. The                manufactured, the quantity of radium-
                                         activities’’ repeats a constraint that also             SS&D registry is the NRC’s national                   226 employed in watch and clock dials
                                         appears in the definition of Byproduct                  database of technical information on                  and hands varied by timepiece size,
                                         material. The NRC has repeated this                     sealed sources and devices.                           manufacturer, model, and from item to
                                         constraint in order to ensure that when                 Manufacturers or distributors may                     item. While the quantity of radium-226
                                         the term ‘‘discrete source’’ is used                    submit a request to the NRC for an                    varied in the timepieces, there is a
                                         separately from the term ‘‘byproduct                    evaluation of a product’s radiation                   general agreement for typical average
                                         material,’’ it will not be interpreted                  safety information and for registration of            and upper bound quantities. Based
                                         more broadly, but it will be clear that                 the product. After satisfactory                       upon the spectrum of timepiece sizes,
                                         only material which is intended for use                 completion of the evaluation, the NRC                 wristwatches have the smallest quantity,
                                         for commercial, medical, or research                    issues a certificate of registration to the           with pocket watches and clocks having
                                         activities is being referenced.                         person making the request, and this                   quantities several times higher than
                                            It should also be noted that in                      certificate is added to the SS&D registry.            wristwatches. The radioactivity
                                         accordance with this definition of                      Many Agreement States have similar                    associated with wristwatches is
                                         Discrete source, once a discrete source                 registration procedures, and registration             generally on the order of several
                                         meets the definition of Byproduct                       certificates for the sources and devices              kilobecquerel (kBq) (tenths of a
                                         material, any contamination resulting                   they review are added to the national                 microcurie (µCi)) with an average of 5.6
                                         from the use of such discrete sources of                SS&D registry. The NRC also has                       kBq (0.15 (µCi)). Pocket watches may
                                         this byproduct material will also be                    included SS&D certificates for NARM,                  have radioactivity of about 13 kBq (0.35
                                         considered byproduct material. This                     which have been issued by the States.                 µCi), and clocks are typically 18 kBq
                                         issue is discussed further in this                      While this is not a complete database                 (0.5 µCi). However, collections of pocket
                                         document under ‘‘Summary and                            with respect to NARM, it includes                     watches and clocks are rare when
                                         Analysis of Public Comments on the                      detailed information about many                       compared to wristwatches.
                                         Proposed Rule.’’                                        products containing NARM previously                      Before the discontinuation of the
                                                                                                 evaluated by the States. In addition to               manufacturing of timepieces containing
                                         C. Changes to Existing NRC Regulations                  SSRs and the information in the SS&D                  radium-226 in the 1970s, radium-226-
                                         To Accommodate the New Byproduct                        registry, the specific provisions of the              illuminated timepieces were widely
                                         Material                                                various States also were considered in                distributed throughout the country as a
                                                                                                 developing this rule.                                 common consumer product. To date, a
                                            The Commission has authority to
                                                                                                                                                       large number of radium-226 timepieces
                                         issue both general and specific licenses                Regulating Items Containing Radium-                   are still owned by individuals as valued
                                         for the use of byproduct material and to                226                                                   heirlooms or collectors’ items or are on
                                         exempt byproduct material from                             Currently, items or products                       display in museums. Because museums
                                         regulatory control under Section 81 of                  containing radium-226 are unique in                   and collectors normally collect a wide
                                         the AEA. A general license, as provided                 that there are no new items in consumer               range of timepieces, a portion of their
                                         by regulation, grants authority to a                    commerce using radium-226 byproduct                   collection may contain radium-226
                                         person for certain activities involving                 material. Although certain industrial                 timepieces. Some businesses and a few
                                         byproduct material and is effective                     devices such as moisture density gauges               collectors are also engaged in repairing
                                         without the filing of an application with               containing radium-226 are still in use,               and refurbishing timepieces either as a
                                         the Commission or the issuance of a                     most radium-226 articles have not been                hobby or professionally, and these
                                         licensing document to a particular                      produced for at least 20 years.                       activities may occasionally involve
                                         person. Requirements for general                        Beginning in the early 1900s, radium-                 timepieces containing radium-226.
                                         licensees appear in the regulations and                 226 was used to make self-luminescent                 Because these timepieces were
                                         are designed to be commensurate with                    paint and incorporated in watch and                   manufactured before the NRC assumed
                                         the specific circumstances covered by                   clock dials and hands and later used to               regulatory authority over radium-226,
                                         each general license.                                   illuminate airplane instrumentation                   and because these timepieces are
                                            In considering the expansion of the                  dials and gauges as well as markers and               already in public possession, the NRC
                                         definition of Byproduct material to                     signs. Beginning in the 1950s, other                  intends to minimize regulatory impact
                                         include discrete sources of radium-226                  radionuclides began to replace radium-                to individuals, museums, or other
                                         and accelerator-produced radioactive                    226 as a self-luminescent material due                entities in possession of these
                                         material, the NRC has evaluated                         to the recognition of the radiological                timepieces. In finalizing the rule, the
                                         products and materials previously                       hazard associated with radium-226.                    NRC made its determination based on
                                         approved by the States for use under an                 Currently, the radionuclides of choice                no significant risk to public health and
                                         exemption from licensing and under a                    for self-luminescent applications are                 safety and the environment.
                                         general license. Generally, the NRC’s                   promethium-147 and tritium due to the                    In the proposed rule, the NRC
                                         intent in this rule is to accommodate                   much reduced radiological hazard vis-a-               proposed to exempt intact timepieces
                                         existing products and materials that                    vis radium-226.                                       containing no more than 37 kBq (1 µCi)
                                         were previously regulated by the States                    Based on the National Council on                   of radium-226 per timepiece and repair
                                         under similar provisions, if the potential              Radiation Protection and Measurements                 of no more than 10 timepieces in any
                                         doses are similar to those expected from                in Report 95, ‘‘Radiation Exposure of the             one year. In addition, the NRC proposed
                                         other currently regulated products and                  U.S. Population from Consumer                         to generally license no more than 50
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES2

                                         materials. Many of these products have                  Products and Miscellaneous Sources,’’                 timepiece hands and dials used or
                                         not been made for some time, so some                    radium-226 has not been used in                       stored at the same location at any one
                                         of the provisions in this rule are limited              radioluminescent watches since 1968                   time. Due to lack of sufficient health
                                         to items manufactured in the past,                      and clocks since 1978. In fact, radium-               and safety information to make a final
                                         which may still be in use or in storage.                226 timepieces are currently kept                     regulatory decision, the NRC conducted

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