Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies

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Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies

Boosting talent
towards circular
Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies
Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies
0.0   INTRODUCTION               MATERIAL DESIGNERS               0.0   COLOPHON              MATERIAL DESIGNERS

MaDe (Material Designers) is a project, co-funded by Creative     →     Editors               →     MaDe Book
Europe Programme of The European Union, which aims at                                               Scientific Board
boosting talents towards circular economies across Europe.        Laura Clèries, PhD
MaDe is a platform, a training program, an award and an           Elisava Barcelona School    Marta González, PhD
event series showcasing and demonstrating the positive            of Design and Engineering   Lucio Magri, PhD
impact Material Designers can have across all industry and                                    Javier Peña, PhD
on the generation of an alternative creative industry aiming      Valentina Rognoli, PhD      Aart van Bezooijen
at circular economies.                                            Design Department,
                                                                  Politecnico di Milano
Material Designers are agents of change. They can design,                                     →     Information
redesign, reform, reuse and redefine materials giving them        Seetal Solanki
an entirely new purpose. Increasing the potential of materials,   Ma-tt-er London             MaDe Website
they can go on to research, advise, educate and communicate                         
what materials are and can be in the immediate, near and far      Pere Llorach, PhD
future, implementing positive social, economic, political and     Elisava Barcelona School    Designed by All Purpose
environmental change across all sectors towards a responsibly     of Design and Engineering
designed future.
                                                                                              ISBN 978-84-09-24439-3
                                                                                              Digital edition

                                                                                              ISBN 978-84-09-24438-6
                                                                                              Printed edition
Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies

Circular Material                          Material Designers
Fundamentals                               Toolkit
Planet             1.1 Glossary      2.1

 Circular         1.2 Original       2.2
 Material Design        Resources
Circular Material 1.3 MaDe Finalists 2.3
Designers               Scalable     2.4
 Industry and 1.4 Material Recipes
 Sociocultural         MaDe Database 2.5
 Impact                 Workshops 2.6
Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies

Circular Material                                      Planet           (1.1)                        08
                                                       Circular (1.2) 22
                                                       Material Design
1.0                                                    Circular (1.3) 45
                                                       Material Designers
                                                       Industry (1.4) 67
                                                       and Sociocultural
Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies

                                                     How Materials can          Clara Guasch                     00
                                                     Shape our Future

                                                     Circular Design and        Pere Llorach, PhD                00
                                                     Circular Material Design   Elisava Barcelona School
                                                                                of Design and Engineering

                                                     Expert Interview           Joe Iles                         00
                                                                                Elen MacArthur

Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies
How Materials          01       HOW MATERIALS
                                CAN SHAPE OUR FUTURE
                                                                               12    1.1      CLARA GUASCH SASTRE                               HOW MATERIALS
                                                                                                                                                CAN SHAPE OUR FUTURE

can Shape our Future
                       In our quest for a paradigm shift, from linear to circular,   professor, and scholar, whose work is remarkable for                   Democratic materials of the future will be
                       we are considering materials in their entirety. That          all material designers and other species interested in shared materials. Sharing materials is intrinsic to the
                       implies, among other things, that we are changing the         this move from A to P.                                       decoupling of growth from resource use. Decoupling
                       premises upon which we build our relationship with                                                                         calls for new ways of thinking and doing. Triggering
                       materials and their sources. As designers, as users, as       03         CARBON NEGATIVE MATERIALS                         affordability and accessibility based on the sharing
                       consumers, as producers, as citizens, as policy makers,                                                                    and optimizing of resources.
                       our approach is evolving.                                                 In planet P our future is full of temporary                That can happen in many radically different
                                                                                     carbon negative material possibilities. This approach ways. For example, by sharing goods or via servitiza-
                                                                                     is critical to alleviate pressure on the environment. And tion, i.e. changing ownership for access. Or by making
                                                                                     to achieve the systemic change that we are pursuing. all material streams visible. The embodied value
                                                                                     That is, the transition from linear to circular and from in waste and by-products is captured and ends up
                                                                                     Anthropogenic to Planthropogenic. It is vital that we returning to the community. Producing a collective
                                                                                     prioritize, use and design materials that are carbon sharing of the outcome. The metabolism of our cities
                                                                                     negative. In the same way that it is key to turn all waste generates many waste streams. Microplastics, sludge,
                                                                                     into a new resource. It is vital that we prioritize, use and CO2… organic waste too, which when not directly
                                                                                     design materials that are carbon negative. In the same compostable in an efficient way could be pyrolyzed
                                                                                     way that it is key to turn all waste into a new resource. and turned into biochar, a temporary storage of valu-
                                                                                     Materials for our future are a combination of natural and able CO2.
                                                                                     engineered material solutions that sequester and store                 All material waste streams could become
                                                                                     more carbon than they released in their making.              visible and valuable. They carry on their value at every
                                                                                                 Materials that can act like temporary carbon stage. Cities should learn to use the collective waste
                                                                                     sinks during their life span whilst providing other impor- value (material and monetary) for restorative urban
                                                                                     tant benefits. Materials that contribute to reducing the designs. Democratic material design thrives in open
                                                                                     imbalance of anthropogenic emissions and place us source yet is industrially scalable. It becomes a cultural
                                                                                     fully in the Planthroposcene. Luckily for us our biosphere choice to produce at different scales: domestically
                                                                                     offers a huge pool of such material possibilities. By (home), locally (community) or industrially (territory).
                                                                                     weight, biomass on Earth is estimated at 550Gt. Out
Words by               02       MATERIAL MADE                                        of which 450Gt are plants (Yinon M.Bar-On et al. PNAS 05
                                                                                     2018), by far the most prominent category and one that
                                                                                                                                                            MATERIALS THAT AGE POETICALLY

Clara Guasch Sastre              Materials play a key role in the configuration      is rich in material opportunities. Algae, fungi, and other             The future is also populated with materials
                       of our environment and our life. Indoors, outdoors            populations are also heavy weights in the total picture that age beautifully. Aging implies longevity which is
                       even interstellar they allow us to thrive, providing us       of the biosphere. All offering multiple possibilities for among circular priorities because materials that last
                       with comfort, function, beauty, and the many other            fast carbon cycle management. Unlike humans, which keep resources in circulation for longer. Some materials
                       qualities that nurture and enrich our lives. Materials        classify among the smallest groups by weight (0.06Gt) become more beautiful with time and use. And beautiful
                       can be visible or invisibly interwoven within our real-       but nonetheless generating plenty of emissions.              materials are harder to discard.
                       ities. They can be close to our skin or become part                       At the end of life, bio-based materials can                When applied to materials, longevity is not
                       of what we breath. They can be healthy or make us             be pyrolyzed turning them into bio-chars. Thereby equivalent to durability. Ageing poetically positively
                       unhappy and sick.                                             prolonging the time span of carbon sequestration for fosters longevity whereas durability only withstands
                                 To the observer, scientific or intuitive, mate-     belated release at convenience. In this regard, hemp time. The poetic dimension of materials is cultivated and
                       rials carry the seed of form and function that can            is an outstanding carbon negative material example. grows in cultured environments. The line between art,
                       fulfil our human needs. Materials form our natural            It grows in short cycles (90 to 120 days) in densely science and design dissolves.
                       and cultural landscape, being a powerful source of            populated fields. It works well as a rotating crop, which
                       expression and information. A living archive of genuine       prevents land use changes and improves soil condition
                       human interaction with the planet. Our finite source of       for subsequent crops. Moreover, it can be fully utilized
                       everything. Now we see the Anthropocene as the era            for multiple materials and end use applications. Increas-
                       of excess resource use. A combination of technolog-           ingly in use, hemp development is reaching almost
                       ical abuse and ruthless appropriation. Our unleashed          every field of human activity and is advancing thanks
                       attitude towards nature has pushed the boundaries of          to destigmatization. The key point being its ability to
                       an otherwise robust ecosystem, far beyond the advis-          capture a lot of carbon (estimations range from 8 to 22
                       able. Fairly undistributed access to materials and to         t/h) in a short time span, especially when compared to
                       transformative processes have enabled the world as            forests or to any other crops.
                       we know it, with unfairly distributed consequences.
                                 Moving forward from the Anthropocene into           04       DEMOCRATIC MATERIALS
                       a way that caters for all beings and the planet requires
                       new and bold material approaches. Also, a change of                     Democratic materials are honest and unpre-
                       mindset at the hard core of the system. In this way, our      tentious materials. Some are rescued from waste streams
                       future thrives in the Planthroposcene, a term recently        and sent back to circulation after reprocessing. And
1.0                    coined by Natasha Myers a Canadian anthropologist,            some might grow near us or perhaps in remote places.
Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies
Circular Design and        01       A MANDATORY TRANSITION
                                    TOWARDS A CIRCULAR DESIGN
                                                                                14    1.1        ELISAVA BARCELONA SCHOOL
                                                                                                 OF DESIGN AND ENGINEERING
                                                                                                                                                        CIRCULAR DESIGN AND
                                                                                                                                                        CIRCULAR MATERIAL DESIGN

Circular Material Design
                           During last decades designers have mainly designed         Bakker, C. et al. (2014) Products that Last. Product Design       individuals and communities to make their own deci-
                           products which are thrown away after their use. Prov-      for circular business models. 1st edn. Delft, Netherlands:
                                                                                      TU Delft Library.
                                                                                                                                                        sions regarding something. If we think about design or
                           ably it is not only their fault. Companies pressure to                                                                       production sovereignty, we can define these concepts
                           create rentable products made to be best-sellers           Conway, R., Masters, J. and Thorold, J. (2018) ‘Marrying
                                                                                      design and systems thinking - From Design Thinking to System
                                                                                                                                                        as the right to take our own decisions concerning
                           have had a hard influence on product designs. Conse-       Change - Medium’, Available at: https://medium.       the way everything is designed and produced. To
                           quently, annual municipal solid waste generation per       com/from-design-thinking-to-system-change/marrying-design-
                                                                                      and-systems-thinking-e856c1a3ba1f (Accessed: 18 June 2020).
                                                                                                                                                        achieve these sovereignties different actions could
                           capita in developed countries is between 1 and 2 kg/                                                                         be considered.
                           day and between 0.5 and 1 kg/day in undevelope.            Corbin, L. (2018) Materiom : Home. Available at:
                                                                             (Accessed: 18 June 2020).
                                                                                                                                                                   From a resources point of view, local mate-
                           (Kaza et al., 2018).                                                                                                         rials should be used. If flows are not managed locally,
                                      The current linear economy based on the         Diez, T. and Posada, A. (2013) ‘The fab and the smart city.
                                                                                      The use of machines and technology for the city production
                                                                                                                                                        the possible environmental impacts derived from
                           take-make-dispose model is considered to be the main       by its citizens’, in TEI 2013 - Proceedings of the 7th            resources transportation could keep at the same level
                           contributor to this large amount of waste generation       International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied
                                                                                      Interaction. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, pp. 447–454.
                                                                                                                                                        as today’s production systems. Furthermore, using
                           (Ghisellini et al., 2016). Linear economy increases                                                                          local resources have positive social impacts such
                           resources scarcity, makes resources price more vola-       Dion, C. (2016) Demain, The Film. Available at:
                                                                             (Accessed: 18 June 2020).
                                                                                                                                                        as reducing community’s dependency on importa-
                           tile and degrades products and materials value while                                                                         tions, benefiting local economies and increasing their
                           pollutes our environment. A circular economic model        Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2013) Towards the circular
                                                                                      economy. Economic and business rationale for an
                                                                                                                                                        self-sufficiency. Communities may have the capacity
                           has been proposed to keep products and mate-               accelerated transition. Available at: https://www.                to decide which local resources do they want to use,
                           rials value, minimize waste generation, fight against
                                                                                                                                                        the way they want to extract them and resources price
                           resource scarcity and reduce or footprint on nature        vol.1.pdf.                                                        without being subject to global politics and economy.
                           (Foundation, 2013; Ghisellini et al., 2016). Inspired by   Espejo, R. (1994) ‘What is systemic thinking?’, System
                                                                                                                                                                   At design phase level, we should boost the
                           natural cycles, the circular economy aims to close the     Dynamics Review. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 10(2–3), pp. 199–212.    creativity that can be generated when people work
                           loop of industrial material flows by using waste as        Ghisellini, P., Cialani, C. and Ulgiati, S. (2016) ‘A review
                                                                                                                                                        together to create something for the social and natural
                           source to produce new products and services.               on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced        environment they live (Manzini, 2015; Thackara, 2015).
                                      Within the transition towards a circular        interplay of environmental and economic systems’, Journal
                                                                                      of Cleaner Production. Elsevier, 114, pp. 11–32.
                                                                                                                                                        When that happens, usually people tackle the most
                           economy, designers’ creativity is especially important                                                                       essential issues for living, such as increasing energy,
                           to find disruptive solutions and create new circular       Kaza, S. et al. (2018) What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot
                                                                                      of Solid Waste Management to 2050. Washington, DC.
                                                                                                                                                        water or food self-sufficiency. Solutions obtained
                           business models. This idea of circular design could                                                                          from these kinds of design processes will not be the
Words by                   be defined as a “design approach to create prod-
                           ucts that last long, produced with unused materials
                                                                                      Manzini, E. (2015) Design, When Everybody Designs: An
                                                                                      Introduction to Design for Social Innovation, MIT Press.
                                                                                                                                                        most high-tech solutions ever but will contribute to
                                                                                                                                                        solve real and tangible problems from individuals and
Pere Llorach               from technical or biological flows which can be easily     Purdehnad, J., Wexler, E. R. and Wilson, D. V. (2018)
                                                                                      ‘The Systems Thinker – Integrating Systems Thinking and
                           recovered from products for reusing or recycling in        Design Thinking - The Systems Thinker’, The Systems Thinker,                 Production sovereignty can be achieved if
                                                                                      p. Volume 22. Available at:
                           order to decouple our economic activities from finite      integrating-systems-thinking-and-design-thinking/
                                                                                                                                                        tools are provided to individuals to produce whatever
                           resources and avoid waste and pollution generation”.       (Accessed: 18 June 2020).                                         they could imagine or design. New technologies such
                           Therefore, designing circular products does not only       Rognoli, V. et al. (2015) ‘DIY materials’, Materials
                                                                                                                                                        us digital fabrication which create a closer relationship
                           mean creating products that last (Bakker et al., 2014)     and Design. Elsevier Ltd, 86, pp. 692–702.                        between people and machines could help to stimu-
                           which can be properly disassembly but also means           Thackara, J. (2015) How to Thrive in the Next Economy:
                                                                                                                                                        late self-production (Diez and Posada, 2013). Also, the
                           thinking on the future use of our product materials once   Designing Tomorrow’s World Today, Design and Culture.             self-organization of small and local producers may
                                                                                      Thames and Hudson.
                           are converted into waste. Systemic thinking (Espejo,                                                                         enhance a local and distributed production to produce
                           1994) is mandatory for designers to understand that                                                                          different kinds of elements such houses or buildings
                           products are not something completely isolated but                                                                           and crops or renewable energy systems.
                           are complex systems that must be connected with
                           other systems (Conway et al., 2018; Purdenhnad et                                                                            03       DIY MATERIALS AS SOURCE
                           al., 2018). These connections will enable that waste                                                                                  FOR EMPOWERING DESIGN
                           flows from a system can be used as raw sources by
                           other systems. Is on designers’ hands to apply circular                                                                      Dominating a material means understanding its prop-
                           design on products and services.                                                                                             erties and the way it can be processed or transformed
                                                                                                                                                        into something. By acquiring this knowledge new
                           02       CIRCULAR DESIGN TO DESIGN                                                                                           production processes, shapes and identities can be
                                    AND PRODUCTION SOVEREIGNTY                                                                                          created. DIY materials are of great interest to empower
                                                                                                                                                        communities and increase their self-sufficiency. They
                           Current global social movements do not focus exclu-                                                                          allow experimenting with local resources, elaborate
                           sively on resources and environmental issues as circular                                                                     our own transformation processes and develop crea-
                           economy does. Working together, creating sovereign                                                                           tive solutions according to our needs. DIY materials
                           communities and increasing their self-sufficiency are                                                                        can be considered a source of knowledge which can be
                           some of the goals that more risky people are focusing                                                                        shared among communities under the idea of knowl-
                           on to make a real change and create alternative ways of                                                                      edge sharing and democratization.
                           living partially or totally out of the system.
1.0                                   Sovereignty can be defined as the right of
Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies
                                  CIRCULAR DESIGN AND
                                  CIRCULAR MATERIAL DESIGN
                                                                                          16    Expert Interview                                          ELLEN MACARTHUR

                                                                                                How does circular design contribute to diminish           Many of today’s complex economic, social, and envi-
                                                                                                the pressure for the planet, or generate a                ronmental challenges have a common root cause - an
                                                                                                climate neutral and resilient society?                    economic model that’s based on continual extraction
                                                                                                                                                          and consumption. Our use of materials offers an urgent
                                                                                                                                                          and overlooked example. We extract value without
                                                                                                                                                          thinking about the whole system. This means most of
                                                                                                                                                          the materials we use, we lose, and often after just one
                                                                                                                                                          short use.
                                                                                                                                                                    We can address this linear model through
                                                                                                                                                          design. Whether working alone or as part of a team,
                                                                                                                                                          people make decisions during the design stage of mate-
                                                                                                                                                          rials, products, services, and systems. These decisions
                                                                                                                                                          influence how we make and use things, and whether an
                                                                                                                                                          item stays in the economy providing value, or is lost as
                                                                                                                                                          waste. Adopting the circular design approach means
                                                                                                                                                          aligning your creation with the principles of a circular
                                                                                                                                                          economy, in which waste and pollution are designed
                                                                                                                                                          out, products and materials are kept in use, and natural
                                                                                                                                                          systems are regenerated.

                                                                                                Which role do materials have within                       Circular design is an approach to the design stage
                                                                                                the strategies for circular design?                       that encourages a range of strategies, including mate-
                                                                                                                                                          rials selection, how materials and components are
                                                                                                                                                          combined, business model innovation, and how value is
                                                                                                                                                          recaptured and circulated. The important thing is taking
                                                                                                                                                          a systems view: zooming in to the user’s needs, and
                                                                                                                                                          zooming out to see connections to the wider system.
                                                                                                Joe Iles                                                            This is crucial when considering materials. A
                                                                                                                                                          well-meaning choice of an innovative material can have
                                                                                                                                                          unintended consequences further down the line, if the
                                                                                                                                                          material or product isn’t used or handled in the right
                                                                                                                                                          way, or there isn’t the infrastructure or understanding
                                                                                                                                                          to keep that material in use.
                                                                                                                                                                    Since materials are the literal fabric of our
                                                                                                                                                          natural and created environment, it’s clear that intelli-
                                                                                                                                                          gent materials selection can have a disproportionate
                                                                                                                                                          influence on the circularity of the things we create,
                                                                                                                                                          and hence our economy overall. If a product contains
                                                                                                                                                          materials that have no pathway to effective recapture
                                                                                                                                                          and reprocessing, or cannot return to a natural system
                                                                                                                                                          safely, they’re destined for a linear fate. So smart mate-
                                  04       CIRCULAR MATERIALS                                                                                             rials selection with a systems view is essential for mean-
                                           DESINERS AS A SOLUTION                                                                                         ingful and impactful circular design.

                                  A circular material designer (in contrast to circular
                                  designers or conventional DIY materials designers)
                                  can be defined as a Designer trained to detect unused
                                  materials from technical or natural flows and transform
                                  them into circular materials by using their design apti-
                                  tudes. This profile has the potential, not only to increase
                                  community’s sovereignty but to create circular materials
                                  which can be used to generate circular self-made and          As Circular Design Programme Lead, Joe’s role is
                                  local solutions. Circular material designers will produce     to inspire and empower millions of designers to
                                  new circular materials and develop their transformation       create products, services, and systems for the circular
                                  processes, available for communities, which could be          economy. Part of the team since 2011, Joe has helped
                                  used to create solutions that tackle citizens’ concerns.      shape the circular economy narrative, crafting stories
                                  Circular materials designers could be the seed of small       and messages to reach new audiences and improve
                                  local changes all around the world.                           understanding.
Material Designers - Boosting talent towards circular economies

Circular Material
                                                                       Material Tinkering               Valentina Rognoli, PhD           00
                                                                       and Creativity                   Stefano Parisi
                                                                                                        Design Department

                                                                                                        Politecnico di Milano

                                                                       DIY Recipes:                     Valentina Rognoli, PhD           00
                                                                       Ingredients, processes           Camilo Ayala Garcia, PhD
                                                                       & materials qualities            Barbara Pollini
                                                                                                        Design Department
                                                                                                        Politecnico di Milano

                                                                       Expert Interview                 Carla Langella, PhD              00
                                                                                                        (DADI) University of
                                                                                                        Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

Material Tinkering   01        INTRODUCTION                                 20    1.2       DESIGN DEPARTMENT
                                                                                            POLITECNICO DI MILANO
                                                                                                                                                MATERIAL TINKERING
                                                                                                                                                AND CREATIVITY

and Creativity
                     Acquiring knowledge about materials and processes            02        WHAT IS MATERIAL TINKERING?                         and learning materials in the context of design, in
                     through materials exploration is a fundamental step                    IMPLICATIONS IN MATERIAL                            particular, involving students in learning through
                     in the roadmap of Material Designers’ practice and                     DESIGNERS EDUCATION AND PRACTICE                    making (Pedgley, 2010). Direct exploration, as many
                     education. The most successful way to get tacit                                                                            sources claim (Haug, 2018; Rognoli, 2010; Pedgley,
                     knowledge about materials and to foster creativity                      In the education of material design students       2010; Ayala Garcia, Quijiano & Ruge, 2011), stimulates
                     for further development and innovative solutions is          and the practice of material design professionals, one        the creative process and therefore teaching with
                     to engage an experimental and goal-free exploratory          fundamental way to get knowledge about materials              physical materials and product samples emerges as an
                     practice (Pedgley, 2010; Parisi et al., 2017). We refer      is to acquire tacit knowledge through a learning by           efficient method of acquiring knowledge on materials.
                     to approach to hands-on early stage exploration as           doing approach, considering both technical proper-            Moving from education into practice, designers who
                     Material Tinkering.                                          ties and expressive, sensorial and experiential quali-        are focusing on material-driven innovation likely use
                                Material Tinkering is the art of manipulating     ties (Manzini, 1986; Cornish, 1987; Ashby and Johnson,        an experimental approach to design novel materials or
                     the material creatively for discovery and learning           2002; Rognoli, 2010; Karana et al., 2014). Simulta-           reinterpret the conventional ones.
                     purposes. In this process, a hybrid mindset is required:     neously, innovative solutions and meaningful appli-                       We have called this practice as Material Tink-
                     one targeted to pure blue-sky exploration is combined        cations can be obtained by considering adopting a             ering (Parisi & Rognoli, 2017; Parisi et al., 2017). The
                     with a scientific approach based on a trial-and-error        design approach to materials. Designers can choose            term “Tinkering” is popular in the scientific community
                     approach. In fact, on the one hand, only through             the appropriate materials for their projects if they know     of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and denotes
                     documentation of processes and results it would be           the materials, their technical properties, sensory quali-     the hacking and manipulation of physical interac-
                     possible to proceed to the further steps of materials        ties, production processes and treatments. They could         tion materials in a naive, playful and imaginative way
                     development.                                                 also help characterize them from an expressive-sen-           (Cermak-Sassenrath & Møllenbach, 2014; Sundström &
                                On the other hand, material designers need to     sorial point of view and in their general appearance by       Höök, 2010; Zimmerman et al., 2007; Bevan, et al. 2014;
                     accept uncertainty, approximation and the unexpected         designing their unique features. The designer can even        Wilson & Petrich, 2014). It is an informal way of learning,
                     discoveries they may encounter and to embrace fail-          start from a particular material and develop mean-            but it can also be used in formal contexts. The approach
                     ures and mistakes (Pye, 1968). With this approach,           ingful applications for it.                                   is based on creativity, experimentation, direct interac-
                     material designers can tinker with and for materials.                   In recent years, in the context of material        tion with different materials, components and tools.
                     By establishing direct contact with matter, they learn       education in the field of design, direct experimentation      Apprentices and students are at the core of the learning
                     by doing and educate their sensitivity to the sensory        has been privileged over the selection and the theoret-       process. Both the HCI and the materials communities
                     and aesthetic qualities of the materials.                    ical approach. The importance of the materials’ sensori-      show interest in studying this approach concerning its
Words by                        The application of this experimental approach
                     to matter allows material design practitioners and
                                                                                  ality and the direct involvement that can arise between
                                                                                  the designer and the physical samples of the materials
                                                                                                                                                implications for the designer’s experiential learning and
                                                                                                                                                direct involvement with the material (Falin, 2014; Nied-
Valentina Rognoli    students to discover the opportunities that unconven-        were therefore recognized (Pedgley, 2014). Internation-       derer, 2007; Nimkulrat, 2012; Seitamaa-Hakkarainen et
Stefano Parisi       tional – often hidden – resources, tools and processes
                     – often inspired by other fields – may offer. As a result,
                                                                                  ally, many courses and workshops encourage students
                                                                                  to experiment with materials through a hands-on
                                                                                                                                                al., 2013; Vallgårda & Farneaus, 2015). The professional
                                                                                                                                                designers can learn more about materials for design
                     they produce novel materials of their invention, which       approach (Groth & Mäkelä, 2016; Mäkelä & Löytönen,            by engaging a real conversation with them (Schön &
                     often have innovative features and communicate the           2015; Sonneveld & Schifferstein, 2009). Researchers           Bennet, 1986), a modality that describes and favours
                     designer’s unique vision. Finally, it allows moving from     and educators have developed methodologies and                creative practice and experimentation. In this process,
                     the conventional practices of selection and applica-         tools for the exploration of materials (Karana et al. 2015;   the materials play an active role by suggesting ways
                     tion of existing materials, encouraging a paradigm           Rognoli, 2010), inspired by the Bauhaus didactic notion       of interaction and manipulation. The designer must be
                     shift in the invention of new materials, which takes on      of Learning by doing (Wick, 2000) and Learning through        open to interpreting the feedback that comes from the
                     an increasingly material-driven design nature (Karana        making. Students are thus facilitated in the construc-        manipulated material. Metcalf (1994) also argues that
                     et al., 2015).                                               tion of conceptual knowledge, but they also create new        “the material speaks” and the designer must be ready
                                In this chapter, we introduce the theoret-        artefacts and cultivate new ways of thinking and acting.      and open to listening. By tinkering, we open up to mate-
                     ical background related to the concept of Material           From the very beginning of the process, design and            rial vitality from an aesthetic, affective (Bennett, 2010)
                     Tinkering, including providing its definition, origins,      implementation are focused on the development and             and performative point of view. The material engages
                     and how the tinkering activities can help the learning       concrete transformation of design ideas into various          the tinkerers on a deep level, even establishing a kind of
                     and creative process. In this description, we make a         material forms. Designers understand that making is           intimacy with them.
                     distinction between tinkering with materials and tink-       a very effective way to design focusing on the useful-                    The material becomes an active partici-
                     ering for materials. Then, we provide a description of       ness and appropriateness of ideas and investing effort        pant in the experimentation process, and the agency
                     tools, approaches, strategies and recommendations to         in continually improving ideas. In the context of design      extends to the material. The material participates in
                     tinker with and for materials, inspired by desk research     and craftsmanship, this has meant that design concepts        the process and co-performs (Robbins et al., 2016)
                     and by case studies. We believe that these would help        are evaluated and refined iteratively, gradually trans-       with the tinkerer. As Rosner (2012) states, “Materials
                     materials designers in the early stages of their process     forming into various material artefacts. The interaction      are collaborators in the craft process.” Barati and
                     fostering creativity and sparks of ideas for break-          between thinking and doing is fundamental.                    Karana (2019) argued that designers must be equal
                     through and cutting-edge solutions in terms of mate-                    As Haug (2018) states, different approaches        partners in projects where creativity-driven material
                     rials and processes innovation.                              and methods for teaching materials exist, including           development is considered the primary goal. They also
                                                                                  ‘Material-produced’ information – for example, direct         addressed the required participation of designers in
                                                                                  experimentation with materials. Active Learning               discovering the new potential of a material rather than
                                                                                  (Bonwell & Eison, 1991) and Experiential Learning             merely translating information about provided mate-
1.2                                                                               (Kolb, 1984) are fundamental approaches to teaching           rials into product requirements.
1.2       DESIGN DEPARTMENT                                   MATERIAL TINKERING                                    22    1.2      DESIGN DEPARTMENT                                   MATERIAL TINKERING                                     23
          POLITECNICO DI MILANO                               AND CREATIVITY                                                       POLITECNICO DI MILANO                               AND CREATIVITY

            In the Material-Driven Design (MDD) method        04       TINKERING WITH MATERIALS                           The material demonstrators are therefore designed            For example, the Technical and Sensorial Characteri-
(Karana et al., 2015) Material Tinkering is encouraged;                                                                   and delivered as the outcome of an experimentation           zation of the Material is defined first by the modifica-
indeed, a specific phase of the design process is dedi-                  We argue that this approach may be helpful       process. The most common material demonstrators              tions in the preparation of the materials such as the
cated to it. The MDD method is a new methodology for          to foster material designers’ creativity and to educate     are those aimed to explore and represent quality vari-       addition of ingredients or filling of other compounds
the exploration and design of materials focusing on the       them in understanding, evaluating, and designing            ants such as colour, thickness, texture. There are also      and elements, i.e. reinforcement fibres. Then it can be
notion of material experience (Karana et al., 2015; Giac-     the experiential, expressive, and sensory character-        demonstrators of processes, i.e. shaping and showing         performed by the use of moulds of different shapes,
cardi & Karana, 2015) and combines practical experi-          istics of materials. Tinkering with materials favours       variations around the creation of forms. After the           texturing, colouring, temperature and other conditions’
mentation, user studies and vision. The phase is called       the acquisition of knowledge on the matter and the          inspiration phase, demonstrators emerging from tink-         variations, process. Finally, embodied exploration can
“Tinkering with the material” and aims to understand the      development of procedural understanding through             ering for materials become a valuable resource for the       be used to test their qualities, for instance, strength,
material through its direct manipulation, which is crucial    experiential learning. Tinkering with materials aims        design activity. In fact, by doing tinkering for materials   roughness, and elasticity, or home-made experiment
in the MDD method to further develop the materials.           to obtain information and understand the qualities of       without a design application in mind, the designer uses      to test their technical characteristics, such as tensile
            We can use the lens of experiential learning      materials and their empirical properties, recognizing       exploratory research to create and nurture a vision          strength, flame resistance, impermeability, water-re-
(Smith, 2001, 2010) to observe Tinkering. Experien-           their constraints and identifying their potential. Tink-    that may lead to further development of the material         sistance and traction. Also, it is possible to add and try
tial learning is the type of education undertaken by          ering promotes sensory awareness of material attrib-        and its meaningful application.                              different treatments on finished samples.
students who are able to acquire and apply knowl-             utes and can reveal unpredictable and unique results                  These direct, engaging and creative experi-                   Here, we list emerged pattern and sugges-
edge, skills and feelings by being involved in a “direct      as a bricolage practice (Louridas, 1999). Novel and         ments are often used by material designers to develop        tions from case studies, i.e. more than three years of
encounter with the phenomena being studied rather             meaningful insights can be achieved by producing            low-tech self-produced materials. We are talking             tinkering with and for materials in design courses,
than merely thinking about the encounter” (Borzak,            and manipulating materials to create material drafts.       about DIY-Materials (Rognoli et al., 2015; Ayala-Garcia      thesis projects, and workshops:
1981). The main contribution on the topic is the work of      Tinkering with materials means working with the             & Rognoli, 2019). In fact, the dissemination of work-
David Kolb (1984) and Roger Fry (Kolb & Fry, 1975) who        hands and the direct involvement of all human senses.       shops, fab labs, maker spaces, access to knowledge           →         Be inspired by techniques and “recipes” from
developed the model of “Experiential learning cycle”          It is through this practice that the possibilities of how   and sharing through online platforms facilitate this                   other fields, for example culinary, science
out of four elements: 1) Applying (active experimenta-        materials can look, feel, sound and smell are discov-       type of experimentation. Thanks to this democratiza-                   and biology, agriculture and farming, arts,
tion), i.e. testing a particular action in a specific situ-   ered. Tinkering offers a powerful platform for material     tion of knowledge and technologies, even inexperi-                     and others, activating a trans-disciplinary
ation through active experimentation; 2) Experiencing         designers to improve their lexicon of experiences and       enced people can tinker.                                               cross-pollination.
(concrete experience), i.e. having a concrete experi-         build their own aesthetic preferences. It is through this
ence of it and its effects within a particular situation;     sensitivity, developed in tinkering with materials, that    06       HOW TO TINKER WITH AND                              →         Be inspired by techniques and recipes from
3) Reflecting (reflective observation), i.e. understanding    material designers will be able to design materials and              FOR MATERIALS? METHODS                                        your or other cultures and traditions.
the effects in the specific instance through reflective       artefacts that offer rich and consistent experiences                 AND RECOMMENDATIONS
observation to anticipate it if it happens again with the     (Parisi et al., 2017).                                                                                               →             Enhance authenticity: show the raw ingredients
same conditions; 4) Generalizing (abstract conceptual-                   In summary, the activity of tinkering with                 In this section, we present recommenda-                      in the final samples or some characteristics of
ization), i.e. the formation of abstract concepts to gain     materials is entirely free and guided only by explora-      tions, approaches, and tools inspired by desk research                 it, e.g. fibres, colours.
experience of the action beyond the particular instance       tion. It does not have any previously planned intention,    (literature review) and case studies (Parisi & Rognoli, →
and suggest the general principle. Kolb and Fry (1975)        but the only purpose is to learn and create hypotheses,     2017; Parisi et al., 2017).                                            Reconnect with material provenance: some
state that the experiential learning cycle should be          that are tangible material drafts. In fact, the physical              The tinkering process is extensive. Informa-                 ingredients are characterized by the unique
approached as an iterative process in the form of a           output of tinkering with materials are only experi-         tion can emerge by three types of actions. Those that                  conditions of the environment or location
continuous spiral and that after the Generalizing step        mental and incomplete materials with no integrated          led to the production of the sample and those that                     they are extracted from, or by the season or
the process restarts with a new Applying step in which        purpose or application. These are material proposals,       come from the interventions after the process. It is                   time they were collected. This can interest
the action is tested in new situations within the range of    called materials drafts, that are underdeveloped mate-      possible to define a structure – model, blueprint, plan,               minerals or organic resources such as plants.
generalization. In the same way, tinkering is an iterative    rials ready for further development or to be used as a      or template – for materials tinkering, in three levels                 Emphasize this unique characteristic to show
process covering every step of the experiential learning      source of inspiration.                                      characterized by different operations:                                 the geographical and temporal coordinates
cycle. The Material Tinkering process encourages                                                                                                                                                 of the material.
continuous development and perpetual prototyping.             05       TINKERING FOR MATERIALS                            →         Tinkering applied to the formula: this prac-
                                                                                                                                    tice aims to discover how variations in the →                Be creative: Stress unconventional connec-
03       TYPES OF TINKERING:                                            As previously explained, tinkering activities               recipes can impact on the final results.                     tions with other ingredients and processes
         DIFFERENT AIMS AND APPROACHES                        support materials design and foster materials further                                                                              (unlikely connectable) to develop unex-
                                                              development. While tinkering with materials produces        →         Tinkering applied to the process: this prac-                 pected and original results.
          By observing the tinkering practices and            physical outputs in the shape of material drafts, with                tice seeks to identify possible manufac-
aims, we can distinguish between tinkering with mate-         the activity of tinkering for it is possible to achieve               turing processes and to understand the →                     Ceding control to materials vitality and
rials and tinkering for materials. These two areas have       the development of material demonstrators, instead.                   material behaviours through the relation-                    spontaneity: support the material instead of
two entirely different aims, and therefore two different      Tinkering for material requires that there is a declared              ship between the variables of the process                    concealing and restraining it.
mindsets are needed. However, they are inherently             intention by the material designer to investigate                     and the results.
connected and intertwined: to approach tinkering for          beyond the material drafts that have been considered                                                               →               Establish a dialogue with the materials:
materials, designers need to pass through tinkering           promising in tinkering with materials, and to deliver       →         Tinkering applied to the sample: this prac-                  be inspired by what it does and its perfor-
with materials. Iterations between the two phases             further development of them, as an objective.                         tice aims to identify the possible surface                   mances, i.e. what it says.
are possible. Note that excellent examples of what we                   When there is the possibility to produce                    treatments, the resistance of the materials,
are going to illustrate now can be found in the experi-       demonstrators, this means that material designers                     and other behaviours of the samples through →                Appreciate materials dynamism: respect the
ments carried out by the participants in the 6 interna-       have already in mind an idea or a vision they want to                 direct manipulations.                                        time required by the material – to grow or to
tional workshops of Made project.                             prove in terms of materials and processes innovation.                                                                              stabilize – and observe changes over time.
1.2      DESIGN DEPARTMENT                                MATERIAL TINKERING                                     24    1.2   DESIGN DEPARTMENT       MATERIAL TINKERING                                            25
         POLITECNICO DI MILANO                            AND CREATIVITY                                                     POLITECNICO DI MILANO   AND CREATIVITY

→         Value Imperfection of materials; tinkering material drafts and material demonstrators. Then, we                                            Ashby, M., Johnson, K. (2002) Materials and design. The Art
                                                                                                                                                     and Science of Materials Selection in Product Design. Oxford,
          and DIY practice may generate inhomoge- described tools, approaches, strategies and recom-                                                 Butterworth-Heinemann.
          neous results.                                  mendations to tinker with and for materials, inspired                                      Ayala-Garcia, C., Quijano, A., & Ruge, C.M. (2011). Los
                                                          by desk research and by case studies.                                                      materiales como medio para estimular procesos de creación.
→         Be open: be open to the unexpected, seren-                 We stated that tinkering is a practice situ-                                    Dearq, (8), 44-53.

          dipity and uncertainty.                         ated between instinct and science, emotions and                                            Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V. (2017) The New Aesthetic of DIY-
                                                          perseverance. This is evident in the practice itself, but                                  Materials, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S375-S389.

→         Be disruptive: break the rules and disrespect also in the final results. Improving the materials is the                                    Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V. (2019). The Materials
          conventions; accept failures and mistakes, ultimate goal of tinkering: as designers, we are always                                         Generation. in L. Rampino, I. Mariani (Eds.), Advancements in
                                                                                                                                                     Design Research. 11 PhD Theses as we do in Polimi. (pp. 197-
          and learn from them.                            trying to improve the materials in multiple dimensions.                                    219). Milano: Franco Angeli. ISBN 9788891786197
                                                          Tinkering for materials is closer to science than tink-                                    Barati, B., Karana, E. (2019). Affordances as materials
→         Use embodied and tactual experience to test ering with materials because the material designer                                             potential: What design can do for materials development.
          material properties and qualities; develop starts to set a goal, moving from open exploration and                                          International Journal of Design, 13(3), pp. 105-123

          your own vocabulary and lexicon to describe approaching a more scientific way to do experimen-                                             Bennett, J. (2010). Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of
          and name material qualities.                    tations for materials development, i.e. setting hypoth-                                    Things. Durham & London: Duke University Press.

                                                          eses to test and validate.                                                                 Bevan, B., Gutwill, J.P., Petrich, M. and Wilkinson, K.
→         Iterate: learn from intermediate steps and                 A topic still to be investigated concerns the                                   (2015), Learning Through STEM‐Rich Tinkering: Findings From a
                                                                                                                                                     Jointly Negotiated Research Project Taken Up in Practice. Sci.
          further/improve the material. This will foster aesthetics of the materials resulting from a tinkering                                      Ed., 99: 98-120.
          creativity and continuous development and activity. Tinkering emphasizes imperfect, organic and                                            Bonwell, C.C., & Eison, J.A. (1991). Active learning: Creating
          perpetual prototyping.                          rough surfaces, activating a process of humaniza-                                          excitement in the classroom. Washington, DC: School of
                                                          tion of the materials, making them honest, expres-                                         Education and Human Development, George Washington University.

          The results of the Tinkering materials are sive and vulnerable (Parisi and Rognoli, 2016). This is                                         Borzak, L. (ed.) (1981). Field Study. A source book for
collections of material samples (material drafts mainly due to the use of a low technology approach                                                  experiential learning, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.

and material demonstrators) with different quali- very close to craftsmanship and the use of local waste                                             Cermak-Sassenrath, D., Møllenbach, E. (2014). Teaching to
ties and characteristics, supported by specification and resources, characterized by high disposal and low                                           Tinker: Making as an Educational Strategy. In Proceedings of
                                                                                                                                                     NordiCHI 2014.
about the formula, the process, the tools to use, the prices (Ayala-Garcia & Rognoli, 2017). However, it is a
resulting qualities and characteristics, in a kind of current practice given the confirmed growing trend                                             Cornish, E. (1987). Materials and the designer. Cambridge,
                                                                                                                                                     Cambridge University Press.
“book of recipes”, using the culinary metaphor. Often, in design, or Craft 2.0 (Micelli, 2011; Sennet, 2008),
one result of the tinkering activity is an Abacus, i.e. in which designers draw inspiration from the tech-                                           Falin, P. (2014). Connection to materiality: Engaging with
                                                                                                                                                     ceramic practice. Ruukku Journal, vol. 2.
a visual and textual instrument with the shape of a niques, skills and knowledge of traditional craftsman-
matrix reporting the variations within the same mate- ship and use a self-produced, practical, and experi-                                           Giaccardi, E., Karana, E. (2015). Foundations of Materials
                                                                                                                                                     Experience: An Approach for HCI. CHI’15 Proceedings of the
rial samples production. Videos, diaries, posters, and mental approach. In addition to practice tinkering to                                         33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
other communication tools and multimedia are often gain knowledge about materials, foster creativity and                                             Systems (pp. 2447-2456).

used to enhance the storytelling about the final result increase innovation, the emerging profile of the mate-                                       Groth, C., Mäkelä, M. (2016). The Knowing Body in Material
and the whole experience around material tinkering, rial designer has another crucial role. It is the one to                                         Exploration. Studies in Material Thinking Journal, vol. 14,
                                                                                                                                                     Experience/Materialy/Articulation issue.
i.e. the material designer journey.                       divulge this experimental practice to reach an audi-
          Additionally, the tinkerers use pictures, ence and to increase its aesthetic and cultural value in                                         Haug, A. (2018). Acquiring materials knowledge in design
                                                                                                                                                     education. International Journal of Technology and Design
videos, drawings, notes and intimate diaries to docu- order to make it acceptable, as a result.                                                      Education, (February), 1-16.
ment the development. Documentation records the                      Material Tinkering is a practice that can drive                                 Karana, E., Barati, B., Rognoli, V., Van der Laan, A. Z.
process and makes it visible, communicating it and innovation and design uniqueness. As David Pye (2007)                                             (2015). Material Driven Design (MDD): a method to design for
allowing tinkers to return to any part of the process. put it “the range of qualities that mass production is                                        material experiences. International Journal of Design, 9(2),
Creating a narrative is also useful for building the capable of right now is so woefully limited”. Indeed,
identity of the material and then telling it to an audi- we can observe a relation between tinkering and the                                         Karana, E., Pedgley, O., Rognoli, V. (2014). Materials
                                                                                                                                                     Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design. Butterworth-
ence, defining and delivering effective storytelling that practice of crafting, with the meaning of “making with                                     Heinemann: Elsevier, UK.
informs about the self-produced materials, fosters its own hands”.                                                                                   Karana, E., Pedgley, O., Rognoli, V. (2015). On Materials
acceptance and inspires further research.                            Someone can define this approach as a                                           Experience. Design Issues: Vol 31 (3), 16-27.
                                                          nostalgic return to traditional practices. Actually, it                                    Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning, Englewood Cliffs,
07        CONCLUSIONS: TINKERING                          can be considered precisely the opposite. Indeed,                                          NJ.: Prentice Hall.
          AND CREATIVITY BETWEEN                          this practice characterized by artisanal inspiration,                                      Kolb, D. A., Fry, R. (1975). Toward an applied theory of
          EMOTIONS AND SCIENCE.                           hands-on experimentation and creativity can be                                             experiential learning. in C. Cooper (ed.), Theories of Group
                                                          exploited as a creative engine to look forward – to the                                    Process. London: John Wiley.

          This chapter aimed to introduce the theo- future and innovation – improving and qualifying the                                             Louridas, P. (1999). Design as bricolage: anthropology meets
retical background related to the concept of Material culture of materials for design.                                                               design thinking. Design Studies, 20(6).

Tinkering, including providing its definition, origins,                                                                                              Mäkelä, M., Löytönen, T. (2015). Enhancing material
and how the tinkering activities can help the learning                                                                                               experimentation in design education. In proceedings of
                                                                                                                                                     LearnxDesign, the 3rd International Conference for Design
and creative process. In this description, we made a                                                                                                 Education Researchers.
distinction between tinkering with materials and tink-                                                                                               Manzini, E. (1986). La Materia dell’Invenzione [The Material
ering for materials, and we explained the concept of                                                                                                 of Invention]. Milano, Arcadia.
                                                                MATERIAL TINKERING
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                                                                                                                            26   DIY Recipes:             01       INTRODUCTION                                27

                                                                                                                                 Ingredients, processes
                                                                                                                                 & materials qualities    Today there is widespread awareness that the contin-
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Studio Potter, 22.                                              New hybrid scenarios between design and technology. Cuadernos
                                                                70 Journal, Universidad de Palermo, N 70-2018 pp. 105-115                                 uous growth of modern societies is driving our planet
Micelli, S. (2011). Futuro Artigiano
[The Future Craftsman]. Marsilio.
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                                                                                                                                                          to collapse. Humans are consuming as if the Earth
                                                                Rognoli, V., Bianchini, M., Maffei, S., Karana, E., (2015).                               could have unlimited resources. Since the 1970s, we
Niedderer, K. (2007). Mapping the Meaning of Knowledge
in Design Research. Design Research Quarterly, 2(2).
                                                                DIY Materials. Virtual Special Issue on Emerging Materials
                                                                Experience. Materials and Design n.85.
                                                                                                                                                          have set in motion a mechanism by which every year,
                                                                                                                                                          we consume much more than the Planet can regen-
Nimkulrat, N. (2012). Hands-on Intellect: Integrating
Craft Practice into Design Research. International
                                                                Rosner, D. K. (2012). The Material Practices of
                                                                Collaboration. In Proceedings of CSCW’12 (pp. 1155-1164).
                                                                                                                                                          erate: the overshoot day, that is the day when we run
Journal of Design 6(3).                                                                                                                                   out of the available resources, always comes earlier. In
Parisi, S., Rognoli, V. (2016). Superfici Imperfette
                                                                Schön, D., & Bennet, J. (1996). Reflective conversation
                                                                with materials. In Winograd T. (ed.), Bringing design to
                                                                                                                                                          2050, continuing like this, it is expected that we will
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                                                                                                                                                          of three planets Earth (UN, n.d.). The situation is even
Parisi, S., Rognoli, V, Sonneveld, M.H. (2017).                 Mäkelä, M. (2013). Materiality and Emotions in Making.                                    more difficult if we think that we have not yet devel-
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                                                                                                                                                          oped efficient reuse and recycling systems.
education. In The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S1167-S1184.         Sennet, R. (2008). The craftsman. New Haven:                                                        The current economic model is still mostly
ISSN: 1460-6925 (Print) 1756-3062 (Online).                     Yale University Press.
                                                                                                                                                          linear, following a simple pattern: production ->
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Pedgley, O. (2010). Invigorating industrial design materials    learn to feel: developing tactual aesthetic sensitivity                                   various schools of thought have sought solutions for
                                                                in design education. In proceedings of E&PDE 2009, the
and manufacturing education. METU. Journal of the Faculty
of Architecture, 27(2), 339-360.                                11th Engineering and Product Design Education Conference:
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                                                                Creating a Better World                                                                   to-cradle design (Braungart & McDonough, 2002),
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                                                                                                                                                          up to biomimicry (Benyus, 2002), which can now be
O., Rognoli, V. (eds.). Materials Experience: Fundamentals      material: Designing for suppleness. In Proceedings of the                                 found in the Circular Economy as a holistic framework
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(pp. 337-349).                                                  Vallgårda, A., Fernaeus, Y. (2015). Interaction Design as a
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                                                                                                                                                          develop the concept of CE.
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                                                                Hatje Cantz.
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                                                                                                                                 Camilo Ayala Garcia
an Approach to Design for Focal Things and Practices.           Wilson K., Petrich M. (2014), Art of Tinkering, Weldon Owen
In proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer   editor.
                                                                                                                                                          economy says that it is “... an economy designed to
Interaction, NordiCHI’16.                                                                                                                                 be able to regenerate itself. In it, the flows of mate-
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                                                                through design as a method for interaction design research in
                                                                HCI. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors
                                                                                                                                 Barbara Pollini          rials are of two types: the biological ones, capable of
                                                                                                                                                          being reintegrated into the biosphere, and the tech-
Journal of Faculty of Architecture, 27(2), pp.287-300.          in Computing Systems (pp. 493-502).
                                                                                                                                                          nical ones, destined to be revalued without entering
                                                                                                                                                          the biosphere” (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2012).
                                                                                                                                                          A production system no longer based on the maximi-
                                                                                                                                                          zation of profits and the hyper-exploitation of natural
                                                                                                                                                          resources but which re-elaborates all the production
                                                                                                                                                          phases and follows the five fundamental principles
                                                                                                                                                          identified by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation: ecode-
                                                                                                                                                          sign, modularity and versatility, renewable energies,
                                                                                                                                                          ecosystem approach, materials recovery (Ellen MacAr-
                                                                                                                                                          thur Foundation, 2012; Weetman, 2017).
                                                                                                                                                                    Within this new economic model, where the
                                                                                                                                                          serious and urgent problems of our society must be
                                                                                                                                                          understood and addressed from a different perspec-
                                                                                                                                                          tive (Lukens, 2013), design is becoming a fundamental
                                                                                                                                                          discipline, embracing complexity and facing different
                                                                                                                                                                    It has been studied that up to 80% of the
                                                                                                                                                          environmental impact of human products, services
                                                                                                                                                          and infrastructure are determined in the design phase
                                                                                                                                                          (Thackara, 2005). The responsibility, therefore, lies
                                                                                                                                                          mostly with the designers and the design decisions
                                                                                                                                                          they make, and that shape the processes under-
                                                                                                                                                          lying the products: the use, the materials and the
                                                                                                                                 1.2                      energy needed to make them, how they are managed
1.2      DESIGN DEPARTMENT                                 DIY MATERIALS                                         28    1.2      DESIGN DEPARTMENT                                   DIY MATERIALS                                           29
         POLITECNICO DI MILANO                                                                                                  POLITECNICO DI MILANO

daily and what happens when they are not needed            tion. It is a process of design through making which        03        THE IMPORTANCE OF MATERIAL DRAFTS                            Material drafts are samples that come out
anymore. Several scholars have recently defined CE         demonstrates obvious parallels with crafts practice                   AND MATERIALS DEMONSTRATORS                        directly from the material experimentation phase,
as a holistic, restorative and resilient economic model    (Yair et al., 1999).                                                                                                     focused on understanding the adequacy of the chosen
based on innovative projects for the reuse of products                From the analysis of the many case studies                  Designers have started experimenting with         sources and the correct use and dosage of the compo-
and resources, efficient material recovery strategies      and considering the various experiences made at an          matter from the most disparate sources, by gener-            nents. In this phase, the focus is on the sensory qual-
through closed-loop supply chains and reverse logis-       international level, we can state that it is undoubtedly    ating increasingly sophisticated material development        ities of the future materials and those colours and
tics (Sillanpää & Ncibi, 2019; Ghisellini et al., 2016).   possible to outline general guidelines that describe        processes, oriented to the creation of material drafts and   elements to create textures, transparencies and chro-
           Being “circular” is not just a question of      the main phases for the development of a DIY material.      shaping material demonstrators. These demonstrators          matic effects. Material demonstrators are therefore
reintroducing scrap in the traditional sense of waste                 The purpose of this chapter is precisely to      have the purpose of making the superficial and formal        slightly more advanced prototypes, in which the exper-
into the production cycle, but also to remedy the          identify the primary and fundamental steps neces-           qualities of the hypothetical material perceptible and       imentation phase focuses more on the formal potential
inefficient use of natural resources, products and         sary for a designer to develop a material draft that is     concrete, to further direct the experimentation and give     and feasibility of future processes, experimenting with
materials. It is a question of clearing away the very      configured as a DIY-Material.                               impressions and new ideas. Material demonstrators are        potential forms and techniques (Rognoli and Ayala-
concept of “waste” and recognizing that everything                    Furthermore, we also want to contribute to       obtained quickly and do not require many investments,        Garcia, 2020).
has a value (Lacy and Rutqvist, 2016).                     the definition of the figure of the materials designer,     sophisticated tools or processes. However, they are also
           To this extent, designers need the right        as a new model that is emerging in the professional         beneficial for undertaking actions of speculation and        04        THE MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT PROCESS
training to tackle complex challenges and apply            context.Material designer is a professional able to         critical design, pushing the designer to create scenarios
knowledge within multidisciplinary teams in response       manage the complex role of materials in the design          and visions and foresee their future application.                      We have defined DIY-Materials as materials
to the urgent challenge they have to face. One of the      process, focusing on the right material qualities or                   As argued by scholars (Barati et al., 2016;       that arise from an individual or collective self-produc-
significant concerns in implementing the CE princi-        properties or even design them, incorporating today         Parisi et al. 2017) material demonstrators are useful for    tion activity, often through techniques and processes
ples relates to understanding the flow of materials        also a CE design approach. Facing new materials             frame and communicate material knowledge between             of the designers’ invention, as a result of a tinkering
and the possibilities of reshaping the current state of    developments, the material designer is called to face       materials experts, designers and users. The mate-            process with materials. DIY-Materials can be new mate-
our society in terms of artefacts and infrastructure.      the challenge of tackling the material project as a         rial drafts and the demonstrators offer the designer         rials with creative use of other substances as material
Since the traditional industrial drivers that pushed       whole, starting from the selection of the sources and       the opportunity to tinker and learn interrelationships       ingredients, or they can be modified or further devel-
materials research are no longer valid on all fronts,      developing a comprehensive strategy in which mate-          between processing, control and experiential quali-          oped versions of existing materials (Rognoli et al., 2015).
designers don’t have to rely solely on pure science        rial drafts are created, designed and improved.             ties directly, ensuring a broader understanding of the                 Within the framework of the material expe-
when it comes to material development. In fact, the                   Most of the time, the designer’s motivation to   process leading to certain features than a finished,         rience (Karana et al., 2014), DIY-Materials have been
expansion of the designer’s knowledge of materials         undertake a path of material experimentation is attrib-     ready-to-use sample can do. Furthermore, demon-              described as carriers of unprecedented and promising
and processes is fueled by the democratization of          utable to the sensitivity and desire for alternative and    strators facilitate communication because they carry         material experiences for the future panorama of mate-
technologies, activism and do-it-yourself practices        more sustainable solutions, with the aim of replacing       evident traces of the process. They tell us where they       rials for design. We also investigated their aesthetic
(Anderson, 2014; Bettiol & Micelli, 2014; Tanenbaum        those used today by industry in an inappropriate way        come from and what their history is because they             potential (Ayala & Rognoli, 2017) and their propensity
et al., 2013).                                             for human health and the environment. The exploration       readily convey information about processing which is         to become bearers of social innovation (Rognoli et al.,
           In recent years, many initiatives based on      of alternative solutions leads the designers to evaluate    difficult to find in standard samples.                       2017). Now, we intend to explain in broad terms how
DIY practices (Fox, 2014) have flourished around the       new sources, often considering waste or the abundance                  Scholars also claimed (Parisi & Rognoli, 2017;    the development path of DIY-Materials takes shape.
world. These also concerned professional design and        of natural materials as the starting point of the mate-     Barati et al. 2017), the material drafts and demonstrators   The main phases of the self-production process can be
not just the world of amateurs. In fact, the designer      rial development process. This approach stimulates          are able to support creative thinking and directly orient    summarized in four steps:
took the opportunity to acquire control of the entire      designers to acquire a global and systemic approach         the design choices. Buchenau and Suri (2000) coined
design process by developing material artefacts            to the project, which can also help to reach the tracks     the experiment “Experience prototyping “, which is a         (I)       Taking into consideration the material
autonomously.                                              of the circular economy and achieve its goals.              form of prototyping that allows both designers, but                    context in which the designer wants to move
           Kotler (1986) defines do-it-yourself as an                                                                  also users and customers to gain a first-hand appre-                   and select, choose and study of its source;
activity in which individuals employ raw and semi-raw                                                                  ciation of existing or future conditions through active
materials and parts to produce, transform, or recon-                                                                   involvement with prototypes. This approach is used to        (II)      Exploring through tinkering, as practical,
struct material goods, including those obtained from                                                                   facilitate various activities during the design process,               creative experimentation on materials, funda-
the natural environment. When designers faced this                                                                     including understanding, exploiting and communi-                       mental for experiential learning related to the
growing trend related to self-production and focused                                                                   cating the experiential aspects of design and predicting               material itself.
on the material dimension, a new class of materials                                                                    the use of the future artefact.
was born, known as do-it-yourself materials, DIY-Ma-                                                                              The propensity of designers to create initial     (III)     Experimenting self-production processes and
terials (Rognoli et al. 2015).                                                                                         representations of their ideas and insights can be very                developing material drafts;
           The development of DIY-Materials by the                                                                     useful in developing materials in which multiple stake-
designer arises from a personal propensity of the                                                                      holders are involved, including materials scientists,        (IV)      Evaluating the material drafts that are evalu-
individual towards experimentation, and it grows,                                                                      engineers, biologists and design researchers (Barati                   ated and chosen to be transformed into mate-
changes and improves through experience and the                                                                        et al., 2017). Despite the approximation that is duly                  rial demonstrators. This further step of exper-
reiteration of a process that evolves through trials                                                                   inherent in this approach, creating demonstrators and                  imentation leads to reflection on possible
and errors (Rognoli et al., 2017). In the self-produced                                                                the material draft is also useful for sharing paths and                applications or new rounds of experiment.
material development where the development ends                                                                        design purposes for the entire project team, providing
before the start of the industrial production of the                                                                   them with the opportunity to experiment by making                        The Material Designer often begins to
same, in the self-produced materials the specifica-                                                                    and directly creating new hypotheses, on the appear-         conceive the material draft by thinking about a source
tions are finalized as late as possible, allowing for                                                                  ance and feel of the material and changes in the course      or selecting the appropriate source (Ayala-Garcia et
further refinement and reiteration of experimenta-                                                                     of its development.                                          al., 2017). The choice or the opportunity of the sources
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