BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection

Page created by Diana Hartman
BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection
Clark Bonsai Collection                                                     February-April, 2021

                            LOOK WHAT’S BEEN BLOOMING IN THE TOKONOMA

          In February the Ume, the earliest bloomers, put on a show in pink and then crimson versions. In late
          February and March, the blossoms of the purple leaf plum and then the wisteria have attracted the
          admiration of our visitors. The most common question in awed tones, “Is that real?”

                                                BONSAI TOMODACHI
                                        THE CLARK BONSAI COLLECTION NEWSLETTER

                     CURATOR’S MESSAGE                                            UPCOMING EVENTS:
                    Greetings to all,                                    CBCS Three R Exhibition
                         Where should I begin, so much has happened      April 10-July 17
                     and is happening since our last Newsletter. In See Page 4
                     January we were just beginning to formulate
                     plans on how to successfully emerge from the        Todd Schlafer, Professional Bonsai
                     effects of the Covid-19 safety restrictions, take   Consultant, CBCS Work Days May 1-2
                     stock of our position and identify solutions.
                     Some of that held promise for a brighter            Public Gardens Day and Shinzen’s 40th
                     future…some offered us the stark realization of     Anniversary on May 8
                     more difficulties ahead.                            See for more
                         So…let me dish a bit on what we’ve been up      information.
                     to and what’s in store in the next couple of
                     months. At the end of January, we engaged in a      Fresno Bonsai Society
                     three-day intensive work session with Todd          Exhibition & Sale
                     Schlafer during which over a dozen important
bonsai were definitively upgraded. We are looking to Todd to take a      Home and Garden Show May 21-23
greater role in management of the Collection assets (bonsai) so that
I may concentrate on other issues. We’ve posted additional videos
on our Website. We’ve launched our QR Code feature to selected           Gardens for Peace/International Day of
bonsai on display allowing visitors to access enhanced information       Peace September 21, 2021
about the bonsai using their cell phones. The floor covering of our
little “tea house”/Tokonoma that cost us 98 cents a square foot
when we originally installed it, had survived the disassembly of the     Golden State Bonsai Federation
building and then reinstallation, finally gave up the ghost and has      Rendezvous at Santa Nella October 2-3
been replaced, which required that we first demolish and rebuild         See for more information
the rotten subfloor. We have completed a re-build/upgrade of our
greenhouse.     We have accessioned three new bonsai into the            Plein-Air Event Oct. 23-24
Collection: a Pygmy Cypress, a large Chi-chi’ (also known as ‘Tschi-
Tschi') Ginkgo and a crimson flowering apricot (known as Ume and         Details to come on the Shinzen website
plum blossom in Japan) that has the most delightfully spicy              and Facebook page
fragrance when it is blooming.
                                                 Continued on page 2                                        1
BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection
Clark Bonsai Collection                                                       February-April, 2021

Curator’s Message                     Continued from page 1             THE CURATORIAL TEAM AT WORK ON
                                                                             IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS
         Each weekend sets new attendance records and
through the heroic efforts of our few remaining stalwart
Docents doing “double-duty and no canteen” we have
managed to keep the gates open and accommodate the ever-
increasing visitor experience.      Our little “sales” cart is
selling out faster than we can stock it, which provides us
with steady income. Something we have never had before.
By the time you read this we will have relocated over half of
the Collection (about 75 bonsai) to safe storage so that tree
pruning work over the reserve area can proceed. While the
benches for those trees were empty, we redesigned and
improved their layout to be more functional. In April the
Four Seasons Exhibition was rotated out and the Restoration-
Resurrection-Renewal Exhibition opened April 10. (See page
4) On May 1-2 Todd Schlafer will be back to continue his           When our floor replacement plans were delayed by the
transition into a more involved presence with the Curatorial       discovery of severe subfloor and joist water damage,
Team. The focus of this next visit will be foliage                 Darren Thomas pitched in and replaced all of the
management of our many Junipers.                                   damaged joists and subfloor allowing for the new floor to
         In my last message I issued a call to action for the      be installed. Thanks also go to John Wright who took
CBCS to build a new future.         We are in fact, working        charge of acquiring the flooring materials and arranging
diligently toward that end. We have employed an interim            for the floor installation.
Volunteer Coordinator in preparation for anticipated funding
to support a permanent part time position to recruit, train,
and retain volunteers who are essential to all aspects of the
Collection. We have identified new sources of funding and                                          In the last newsletter
are actively pursuing them. We have initiated outreach to
                                                                                                   you saw pictures of
community-based support groups that will help us achieve
our goals, and we are inviting you, our stakeholders to join                                       Darren Thomas, David
the effort. Visit us now that things are becoming safer and                                        Soho, Bob Wright and
less restrictive. Think about joining our volunteer operations                                     John Wright working on
and share the joy of learning about bonsai with visitors.                                          the new and greatly
Become a donor and support our continuing efforts to                                               improved bonsai green
achieve financial stability. Our future is becoming brighter.                                      house. Here you can
We invite you to share in the experience of walking through                                        see Dave and Darren
the gardens of the Shinzen and among the bonsai. Together                                          proudly standing in front
we are sustaining and enhancing a place of beauty and                                              of the completed project.
harmony for all to enjoy.

                                                          John Wright (right) with
                                                          one of the teams of
                                                          Mormon missionaries
                                                          who volunteered two
                                                          mornings to help move
                                                          bonsai and benches out
                                                          of the path of the
                                                          workmen pruning back
                                                          the big pines over-
                                                          shading the bonsai.

  Ying Wang has taken on
                                Pat Smith carefully
  the task of maintaining and                             The Clark Bonsai Collection in Shinzen has hired a part
                                cleaning the re-
  beautifying the bonsai                                  time (20 hours per week) Interim (3-5 months) Volunteer
                                installed shoji
  garden exhibit area,                                    Coordinator to recruit, train and manage host/docents
  including fine aesthetic                                for the bonsai garden. You will meet Lorena Porqueras,
  pruning of the pines and                                in our next newsletter.

BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection
Clark Bonsai Collection                                                        February-April, 2021
              BONSAI OF THE MONTH:

                                                                  The picture above (note the difference in “front” and
                                                                  trunk orientation)   was featured in GSBF’s Golden
CBCS 082       LEGACY COLLECTION                                  Statements Magazine in 1997, the year before the
                                                                  bonsai won the Ben Oki International Design Award in
Original Artist: Sherwin Amimoto (1947-2006) was a                1998. Mr. Oki studied bonsai under renowned bonsai
senior aerospace project engineer and avid bonsai artist          master John Naka and became his right hand man, and
who was a student of John Naka and had a particular               internationally known in his own right for his rugged,
interest in California Junipers. His article on collecting the    freeform style and fine detail work. He was also the
species was reprinted by the South Coast Bonsai                   founding curator of the bonsai collection at the
Association:        Huntington. The International Ben Oki Design Award for
junipers-sherwin-amimoto.html                                     excellence in bonsai design quality was established and
                                                                  sponsored by Bonsai Clubs International and the
Common Name: California Juniper                                   American Bonsai Society.
Botanical Name: Juniperus Californica

Date Acquired by the CBCS: 10/30/08                                                                    This is the most
                                                                                                       recent picture of
Age: Estimated to be 300+ years                                                                        the Amimoto
                                                                                                       bonsai after
Evergreen                                                                                              being
                                                                                                       transplanted into
Style: Sharimiki/Driftwood This style portrays a tree with a                                           its new hand
significant part of its trunk bare of bark. In nature, trees in                                        made pot,
the sharimki style are created by disease, physical                                                    chosen for its
damage to the trunk, weathering, and/or age. At least one                                              unique glaze and
strip of live bark connects the foliage and living branches                                            rustic styling.
to the root system to transport water and nutrients. The
bare trunk areas give a strong impression of age
regardless of the the tree’s conformation, so driftwood
bonsai often fall outside of the conventional styles in shape     You can support the Clark Bonsai Collection
and foliage.     This bonsai is especially notable for its        and its many world class bonsai such as this
elaborate, elegant deadwood contours and tenuous                  one currently on exhibit in the bonsai garden
connection to the earth.                                          by becoming a sponsor. Please visit
Donor: Linda Amimoto                                    
                                                                  tree.html to find out about the benefits of
Sponsor: Linda Jacobsen                                           becoming a bonsai sponsor.

BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection
Clark Bonsai Collection                                                 February-April, 2021
                                   Restoration — Resurrection — Renewal
                                            A Bonsai Exhibition
                                              by Bob Hilvers

        The theme of the next Clark Bonsai Collection    Yet there is more to understand about how bonsai
Exhibition, to run from April 10 to July 17, is          come to be and that starts with a plant. Among the
Restoration – Resurrection – Renewal. Featured in        many sources for plant material used in the creation
this newest exhibition are bonsai that have been         of bonsai: nursery stock from seed or cutting and
restored to their original aesthetic concept after       the ubiquitous Yamadori, native plants harvested
languishing in obscurity; bonsai that have been          from the wild. There is another source that is rarely
resurrected from near oblivion due to neglect by         discussed: many bonsai are created, or perhaps more
previous owners or ravaged by time, insects and          accurately re-created, from other bonsai. They are
mother nature; and bonsai that have been given a         recycled.
new lease on life as renewed examples of the art.
Longtime supporters of the Clark Bonsai Collection
and new visitors alike will find delight and
fascination with this exhibition as many of the bonsai                                           Olive Bonsai
have never been displayed before.                                                                    from
                                                                                                Traditional to

                                                         While the Clark Bonsai Collection functions as a
                                                         museum and original works of art are respected and
                                                         maintained as the artist envisioned, many times, we
       Stages of Renewal in a Monterey Pine              receive donations of bonsai that have been
                                                         neglected so that their original aesthetic value has
                                                         been lost and they must be restored. Some are
Many people are curious about how a bonsai gets to       degraded so badly that their aesthetic value is
be a bonsai, wondering - where do bonsai come            destroyed. In rare cases, like the mythical phoenix,
from? Are they conjured out of thin air by Zen           it is possible to resurrect these bonsai and give them
mystics? Do they grow from “bonsai seeds” into the       new life.       Often, we receive bonsai that are
engaging forms of miniature trees we so enjoy? Or,       mediocre in design and have no special provenance
seemingly even more amazing to many of our               to preserve, yet hold the potential to become fine
visitors, are these beautiful and mesmerizing images     examples of the bonsai art. These are renewed by
of trees intentionally created by the hand of an         restyling them into more exciting and contemporary
artist the same way as other art is? The latter, of      designs.
course, is how bonsai come to be and is no less
intriguing than the other explanations of how bonsai
are created. Each bonsai has a story to tell, and the
storyteller is the artist who created it.
                                                          taken from
                                                           static to

                                                         We invite you to visit the Three R Exhibition.
                                                         Discover for yourself how to interpret the stories of
                                                         bonsai and the artists who created them and their
                                                         journeys of restoration, resurrection and renewal.

Pear Resurrected from near death to bearing fruit

BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection
Clark Bonsai Collection                                                           February-April, 2021
                                     THE IRON MEN AND WOMEN OF THE CBCS:
                                            A Tribute to Our Volunteers

         As we look back over the past year of Covid-19             As Treasurer, Sally comes to the garden every Sunday to
closures, restrictions and adaptations and begin to look           pick up the weekend income and not only maintains the
forward to increasing stages of reopening and an eventual          financial records, but serves as cashier for events. Linda
return to something approaching normalcy, we wish to               Jacobsen is also a Collection Committee member, the
acknowledge all of the volunteers who continued to work            Volunteer and Education Coordinator, Administrative
through the threat of Covid, strict safety protocols,              Assistant, handling correspondence and bonsai record
uncomfortable masks, the cold of winter and the heat, smoke        keeping, and the newsletter editor. Linda is the CBC’s only
and ash of summer to maintain the health and beauty of the         five gold star docent, volunteering nearly every weekend,
bonsai and the garden. Once we reopened in September, our          sometimes both days, over the past five years.
docents who enjoy greeting and informing our visitors about                  Due to Covid, we have been working with a
the fascinating art of bonsai, found themselves welcoming          diminished number of docents because a number of our
hundreds each shift, and for the first time having to also set     volunteers were at high risk for Covid or had family
up displays and act as sales reps for our pop up gift shop.        members who were. Since September, a stalwart few,
Our volunteers have always been the life’s blood of the            along with the others previously mentioned, have greeted
operation, but this has been more true this year than any          record-breaking numbers of visitors and taken in an equally
other. Truly, as Bob Hilvers has referred to them, our             impressive amount of income from bonsai garden sales:
volunteers are “the iron men and women of the CBCS.” In            Dwayne Berrett, David Brown, Tessa Cavalletto, Patricia
our newsletter over the past year, you have seen many              Hoffman, Kelly Long, Pat Smith, Judy Statler, Kathe
pictures of our volunteers at work, but we wish to give praise     Weltchek, and Ron Yamabe.            Post vaccination, some
once more to all of those who kept us going through a              docents have returned to volunteering this April: Jodie
uniquely difficult time.                                           Asher, Alex Jenkins and Charlene Wylie. As a further sign
         First and foremost is the Curatorial team: primarily      of the changing situation, we have welcomed four new
responsible for maintaining the bonsai, they come most every       volunteers you will be meeting in future newsletters:
Wednesday and Friday. often pitching in on other important         Lorena Porqueras, Carolyn Nolan, Judith Swick and Rais
jobs, such as helping to maintain the landscaping, making          Vohra.
structural repairs and even construction. They also do some                  During the summer when we turned our attention to
of the maintenance of the display area when that is needed.        grooming and reviving the bonsai garden landscaping prior
Since the opening of the pop up gift shop which has filled our     to our anticipated reopening, Judy Shehadey, Shinzen
coffers even fuller than the events we used to have pre-           Landscape Committee member, and docents Shannon
Covid, the team has worked every week to create the bonsai         Escobedo and Alex Jenkins came to work in the heat
that will be sold over the weekend. Many also serve on the         pruning, weeding and raking.
Collection Committee responsible for the decision making                     There are volunteers who have applied their artistic
and administration of the operation. Kudos go to: Dwayne           talent to helping the CBCS, J Schirmacher has served as
Berrett, Jack Green, Mike Saul, Pat Smith, David Soho,             our webmaster and photographer/videographer. While we
Darren Thomas, Ying Wang, Bob Wright , and John Wright.            were closed, we tried to develop virtual means of reaching
Bob Hilvers, our fearless leader, was co-founder of the            out to our constituents and other interested parties. J has
Collection and has served as curator for twenty years dating       been working with Bob Hilvers to create videos for the
back to the creation of the Collection at the Clark Center.        CBCS You tube channel and audio and video files for the
With the invaluable help of the curatorial team and our visiting   QR codes we added to the bonsai garden when we
bonsai masters, he has taken the first modest 100 bonsai and       reopened. Karen Tsuruda has become something of an
developed it into a world class collection of 140. Bob is an       artist-in-residence helping our sales bottom line by doing all
excellent bonsai artist in his own right and an engaging           of the line drawings for the CBCS Coloring Book, and
teacher and story teller. He serves on the GSBF and Shinzen        creating hand crafted and hand painted greeting cards.
Boards and works tirelessly to insure the sustainability of all    She also created a number of small bonsai-inspired
three organizations. He has even become the star of our You        creations with tiny origami cranes for leaves. Thanks also
Tube channel videos.                                               go to photographer Rich Berrett who contributed his
         As you can see, almost all of our volunteers turn their   beautiful garden scene cards to our artistic card display.
hands to many different jobs. This is especially true of the                 As you can see, the Clark Bonsai Collection
following multi-taskers: In addition to being a docent for both    Volunteer Family is an impressive team. Even this rather
Shinzen and the CBCS, Sally Ramage is a vital member of            lengthy account does not fully capture the degree and
the Collection Committee who also serves on the Strategic          quality of their many contributions.
Planning Committee dedicated to the long term sustainability
of the CBCS.and its partnership with Shinzen.
BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection BONSAI TOMODACHI - GSBF Clark Bonsai Collection
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