Page created by Barbara Lopez
Marketing solutions for


                          How to connect
                          with donors and
                          volunteers to
                          support your cause
3 A message from our CEO
   Our mission: to help your
   not-for-profit reach donors
                                 6 The power of physical
                                    How direct mail can help move
                                    your not-for-profit forward.
                                                                    12 Getting started
                                                                       with direct mail
                                                                       Targeting services and
   and volunteers to support                                           Canada Post partners that
   your cause.                   8 Success stories                     help you connect with
                                    How not-for-profit                 your best prospects.
4 Challenges facing                 organizations are
  not-for-profits today             using direct mail.              16 Your direct mail
   Attracting and re-engaging                                          design checklist
   donors and volunteers in                                            Tips that can help you make
   the post-disruption era.                                            direct mail work for you.


                                                  “Our goal is to provide you
                                                   with actionable insight you
                                                   need to move your not-for-
                                                    profit forward – and we’re
                                                    excited to help you do so.”
                                                      – Doug Ettinger, President and CEO, Canada Post

Canada Post is committed to supporting      with existing donors and benefactors         our powerful targeting tools, resources
the not-for-profit organizations that are   while attracting new ones? How do you        and partners. We’ll show you how
part of the very fabric of our nation. We   create awareness for your cause and          direct mail can help you build awareness
know that the not-for-profit sector has     build trust that your organization is best   for your cause and your organization.
been profoundly impacted by the recent      positioned to respond to it? How do          And we’ll show you how you can use
and unprecedented setbacks to our lives     you get people’s attention and make an       direct mail to get people to your web-
and economy. We know you’re looking         emotional connection that will result in     site, to take part in fundraising events,
for new donors and volunteers, while        ongoing support?                             and to donate.
also looking to reconnect with those        Direct mail – what we call Canada Post       Our goal is to provide you with
who have supported you in the past.         Smartmail Marketing™ – is and has long       actionable insight you need to move
And we know that you are but one            been a proven marketing choice for           your not-for-profit organization – and
of thousands of not-for-profits vying       not-for-profit organizations. That’s why     the worthy cause it supports – forward.
for donations and volunteers                we created this important resource           We’re excited to help you do so.
across the country.                         about how direct mail can help you
Marketing will be key. But with so many     overcome the challenges and take
options in marketing today, it’s hard to    advantage of the opportunities you’re
know what approach will deliver the         facing right now. We’ll show you how
best results. How do you stay connected     you can reach your best prospects with

5 key challenges
facing not-for-profit
organizations today
The not-for-profit sector was heavily impacted by recent events, with
significant declines in donations, earned income and investment income
combined with challenges in recruiting volunteers. As the world works
through the recovery phase, marketing will be a key to reconnecting
with supporters and volunteers. You need to be savvy in order to move
forward in this new landscape – and it all starts with better
understanding it.
Take note of these 5 challenges
                                                                             Crowded landscape
facing not-for-profits today                                                 There are over 85,000 registered charities in
                                                                             Canada. Some receive the largest share of their
                                                                             income from government, while others receive

                                                                             theirs from Canadian households.2 Standing out in
              Disruption                                                     the crowded landscape has always been a
                                                                             challenge – and will continue to be.
              The recent health crisis has created economic
              uncertainties that have resulted in significant
              declines in donations and earnings for most

              Canadian not-for-profits.1 At the same time, many
              are finding it harder to recruit volunteers and keep           Multiple marketing channels
              them engaged. Reaching donors and supporters                   Connecting with prospects and clients has
              and recruiting and retaining volunteers are the                never been more important. It’s also never
              lifeblood of not-for-profits – and have never been             been more complex. Will investing in digital
              more important.                                                and social channels deliver profitable returns?
                                                                             What’s the best way to reach the kind of

                                                                             prospects that can move your business forward?
              Shifting values and needs                                      And, once you’ve won a new client, what’s the
                                                                             best way to build your relationship with them
              The health crisis has focused people’s attention
                                                                             and retain their business?
              on a single issue that has overshadowed so
              much else in their lives. The challenge for

              not-for-profits will be to turn attention back to
              other worthy causes that may or may not relate                 More to do, less time and
              to immediate matters of health and wellness.                   money to do it with
                                                                             During the recovery, not-for-profits will be
                                                                             operating in a time-crunched, volatile
                                                                             environment, where every dollar spent affects
                                                                             the bottom line. The solutions for acquiring
                                                                             and retaining supporters need to cut through
                                                                             the daily clutter – and work.

The good news
These challenges are also opportunities that informed not-for-profits can seize. Keep reading. In this resource we’ll show
you how direct mail can be used, targeted and integrated with digital to help you better connect with the donors and
supporters you need to attract in order to succeed.

How direct mail can
benefit your not-for-profit
Direct mail is unlike any other marketing channel: it cuts through the
advertising clutter, putting your cause and your organization’s brand in the
hands of potential donors and supporters and lets them spend time
connecting with you.
                           STAY TOP-OF-MIND                            GET NEW DONORS
                           The numbers: When you add                   AND VOLUNTEERS
                           direct mail to your digital campaigns,      The numbers: 79% of Canadians
                           you drive 39% more attention,               save print advertising brought into
                           10% higher brand recall and                 the home, 68% of us are likely to
                           5% greater emotional response.              share that direct mail, and 34%
                           The insight: You’ve got to maximize         of us always or sometimes display
                           every opportunity to stand out, win         advertising mail of interest to us
                           people over and rally them to your          at home.
                           cause. Not-for-profits use direct mail to   The insight: Direct mail physically
                           ensure past and potential supporters        puts your cause and brand into
                           have a physical reminder of their brand,    potential supporters’ hands and into
                           cause and initiatives.                      their homes. Because it lingers in the
                                                                       home, your direct mail can continue to
                           The tip: The Canada Post                    work for you until your prospects are
                           Neighbourhood Mail™ solution can be         ready to donate.
                           used to ensure your cause and brand
                           get into every home and apartment           The tip: Whether it’s to make a
                           that meets your demographic criteria in     donation, attend a fundraising event,
                           your selected areas across the country.     or volunteer some time, make sure
                                                                       your direct mail includes a clear call to

BUILD TRUST                                                  The insight: Online donations offer
                                                             donors convenience and allow you to
The numbers: 57% of people feel                              capture valuable data on them.
more valued when brands contact
them through mail.
                                                             The tip: Use direct mail to encourage
The insight: Building trust is a key
                                                             website visits and donations.
                                                                                                         Integrate your mix
for not-for-profits. Direct mail gives
you more space to make your case                                                                         Did you know that compared with
for support.                                                 EXTEND YOUR REACH                           single-media digital campaigns,
                                                                                                         integrated direct mail and digital
                                                             The numbers: More than 1.9 million          campaigns elicit significantly more
The tip: From the paper to the design,                       Canadians live in apartments or condos      attention?
the quality and feel of your direct mail                     and only Canada Post delivers mail
item reflects your cause and organization.                   to those addresses.                         It’s true. People spend 186 %
It’s all about credibility.                                                                              more time with integrated direct
                                                             The insight: Many of your high-
                                                                                                         mail and display campaigns than
                                                             frequency donors live in apartments and
                                                                                                         display-only campaigns – that’s
DRIVE CUSTOMERS                                              condos. In large urban centres, you’ll
                                                                                                         40 seconds vs. 14 seconds. The
ONLINE                                                       find singles, millennial couples and
                                                                                                         trick to successfully integrating your
                                                             retired boomers in residential towers.
The numbers: 64% of people                                                                               mix is to ensure items online have
surveyed visited a website                                                                               the same look, feel and tone as the
after receiving direct mail1 and                             The tip: Get results by using direct mail   items you send in the mail.
54% engaged with social media                                in a target-rich environment like this.
after receiving direct mail.2

1. Swiss Post. Comprehensive Mail Study, 2014.
2. Royal Mail MarketReach. The Private Life of Mail, 2015.
Success stories

Success stories
Direct mail has long been an integral part of marketing mix for many
not-for-profits. The following three success stories provide examples
of smart uses of direct mail that delivered significant returns for three
worthy causes.

Success stories

SickKids Foundation
SickKids threw out the book on marketing
with record results.
Philanthropy is a critical source of         at the hospital each day,” says Lori
funding for SickKids Foundation, which       Davison, Vice-President of Brand
had achieved donations with typical          Strategy & Communications, SickKids
charitable campaigns based on                Foundation. In its fourth year, SickKids
vulnerability and need. Money came           VS has proven what an idea can do
mostly from women over 35. To finance        when it is operationalized across an
a new hospital and secure its future,        organization effectively. With a
SickKids needed more. In 2016,               distinctive brand and focused strategy,
partnering with Cossette, they took          the move away from traditional
back the fight, creating a fresh platform    charitable tactics and “sadvertising” has
that behaves like a performance brand        expanded relevance and appeal. The
to incite donors to join them.               brand platform changed internal
                                             perceptions, shifted culture and
                                                                                           channels are working together to deliver
Challenge                                    provided the impetus to restructure
                                                                                           a clear, integrated message. Channels
Ted Garrard, CEO of SickKids                 internally to better enable performance.
                                                                                           that create emotional appeal are
Foundation, explains, “People who have
                                                                                           connected responsively to a call to
had a direct experience with the hospital    Inciting action                               action in direct channels. Patients’
have seen the great work that goes on        Instead of asking for help, SickKids VS
                                                                                           personal stories are matched to regions
inside SickKids, and they have also seen     challenged people to join their fight –
                                                                                           and neighbourhoods to enhance the
the unacceptable limitations of our          how could you not? Patients were
                                                                                           personal relevance of communications.
physical space itself…” SickKids had to      transformed from victims to fierce
                                                                                           Their performance mindset means they
find new ways to appeal to the               crusaders and superheroes as the VS
                                                                                           are constantly optimizing and testing
generosity of more donors: younger           platform shifted perceptions and
                                                                                           channel mix and targeting parameters
parents, millennials, men. Year over year,   evolved from campaign to campaign.
                                                                                           using data. For instance, mobile data is
the foundation also needed to create a       The platform launched with SickKids VS
                                                                                           being used to target people right after
sense of fundraising urgency, to             Undeniable. A two-minute video set the
                                                                                           they have seen an OOH billboard
maintain momentum until the last dollar      tone for the campaign and then they
                                                                                           conveying an emotional appeal with a
was raised.                                  took it to the streets. Giant billboards
                                                                                           quick follow-up call to action in social
                                             and larger-than-life murals called citizens
                                                                                           media. Direct mail is being further
Relevance                                    to action: “We’re building a new
                                                                                           segmented and personalized to create
By reframing everything – from               SickKids and we need 5,000 monthly
                                                                                           more relevant and timely appeals within
campaign to platform, from victims to        donors. Join us.” Donors could rep their
                                                                                           the existing and growing donor base.
fighters, from asking to inciting – the      neighbourhoods by planting flags on an
hospital foundation clearly                  online map. Social media and email
communicated that sick is not weak.
                                             geo-targeted specific locations. Using
                                                                                           The foundation generated an
“The VS campaign has been recognized         multiple channels to communicate a
                                                                                           unprecedented $159 million for the
around the world as a bold shift in tone     consistent message, the brand created
                                                                                           2019 fiscal year. Each year, during
for a children’s hospital. With SickKids     online video, TV coverage, in-hospital
                                                                                           their largest campaign period,
VS, we celebrate the resilient spirit of     signage and OOH billboards. Awareness
                                                                                           SickKids exceeds a goal of 5,000 new
our patients, families and staff, and        was reinforced by direct mail, social
                                                                                           monthly donors.
showcase the good ‘fight’ that goes on       media, email and print media. All the

Success stories

Samaritan’s Purse Canada
Charity’s direct mail campaign generates impressive returns on its investment.
Background                                    Mandate poses a challenge                    The direct mail trigger
Samaritan’s Purse is an international         Samaritan’s Purse Canada has a mandate       Direct mail as a product is known to drive
Christian relief organization that assists    to spend no more than 10 cents of every      traffic. On average, one in four printed
people struggling to survive in more          donated dollar on administration and         catalogues trigger a website visit; and
than 100 countries around the world.          fundraising, making the return on            almost half of those who receive direct
The charitable organization derives its       investment, or ROI, of each campaign a       mail react by visiting the store itself.
name from the biblical story of the           critical performance measure.                “Direct mail plays a very important role in
Good Samaritan. In Luke 10, Jesus                                                          triggering an online response for us,”
describes a man from Samaria who              Unlocking the power                          says Fenn. In fact, Samaritan’s Purse
comes across a traveller who has been         of direct mail                               Canada’s direct mail catalogue campaign
robbed and beaten and is in desperate         The charity’s largest income-generator       brought a return on investment of more
need of help. Although a stranger, the        is traditionally its Gift Catalogue, which   than 1,000 per cent. “We must be as
Good Samaritan bandages the man,              features a wide range of items and           cost-effective as possible in our
carries him to a local inn and spends the     price points to provide donors with          fundraising. Direct mail is very cost-
night caring for him. He takes coins          varying means a way to contribute            effective,” Fenn says.
from his purse to pay the innkeeper to        something. “We don’t print and mail
continue to care for the man and              the Gift Catalogue to our entire donor
nurture him to full health. Samaritan’s       database, but we ensure that a
Purse currently uses direct mail to deliver   significant portion – including all of our
a monthly newsletter and several              monthly and larger donors – receive
additional fundraiser mailings across         it,” says Shari Fenn, Assistant director
Canada each year. It uses the money           of Communications and Creative
raised to provide aid to war victims, the     Services for Samaritan’s Purse Canada.
impoverished, diseased, hungry and            Donors can contribute as little as $10
persecuted – irrespective of faith, race,     to purchase a blanket for homeless
gender, or socio-economic standing.           disaster victims or as much as $30,000
The organization also partners with local     to install an emergency filtration
churches, just as the Good Samaritan in       system that can provide safe water to
the Bible worked with the innkeeper.          an entire community after a disaster.
Success stories

Mission Old Brewery
Canada Post’s lists help Quebec charity
increase average donation by 30%.
Background                                  Targeted appeals increase                     Canada Post’s solution less expensive,
                                                                                          but the response rate it generated was
Identifying the most                        charitable donations
                                                                                          five times higher than it had been with
promising leads                             Working with Canada Post, the Mission
                                                                                          publishers’ lists, and the average
The Old Brewery Mission in Montreal         identified its top donors and the six
                                            postal codes where they lived.                donation was almost 30% higher, from
has been on the front lines of the quest
                                            Historically, the Mission’s largest donors    about $54 to $69,” she says.
to end homelessness for more than
125 years. To continue its work through     were university educated, and owned a
this century, the storied organization      detached home near Montreal. For the
needed to find new sources of revenue,       organization’s 2014 spring campaign,
and that required a new approach to its     Nguyen rented from Canada Post a list
donor lists. For years, it targeted new     of 50,000 people who fit that profile.
prospects using lists of magazine           Results were so impressive, Nguyen
subscribers purchased from publishers.      rented 125,000 names for the 2015
“It just wasn’t effective,” says Director   campaign. Each person received a
of Development, Annual Gifts &              personalized solicitation letter similar in
Administration, Kim Nguyen. There           format to previous years; the impact,
was no psychographic information            however, was entirely different. When
other than the fact that the prospect       you reach the right people with the
subscribed to a certain magazine.           right message, your campaign will be
What’s more, there was no way to            more successful – and Canada Post
know if those addresses were up-to-         made that possible for the Old Brewery
date. “That’s why we decided to rent a      Mission. The charity hit the right market
list from Canada Post and to combine it     segment, increasing its return on
with the Canada Post Personalized MailTM    investment considerably. Nguyen was
service,” says Nguyen. “And that gave       delighted with the outcome and excited
us the best results.”                       to share results. “Not only was

Getting started
with direct mail
Determining who to target is critical to the success of your campaign
and Canada Post offers options on how to approach this important
step: you can do it yourself with Canada Post’s online tools, or for more
complex targeting, you can work with a Canada Post Data Advisor. If
you need support with more than targeting, one of our expert partners
can help you from start to finish.

Finding the people that you most want to target is a critical success factor for you. We can help you achieve this goal,
thanks to our free and easy-to-use turnkey solution, Precision Targeter. It helps you home in on prospects with the most
potential to become donors. With its interactive maps and rich demographic data such as age, income, education and
marital status, Precision Targeter can filter searches based on 14 demographic categories so that campaigns are more
likely to resonate with the kind of prospects that make the most sense for your retail business.

MILLENNIALS                                 GENX                                        BOOMERS
While more likely to volunteer              These individuals are nearing the           Often affluent, boomers are the
than give money to not-for-profits,         peak of their careers and are now           demographic most likely1 to make
millennials are starting to become          more able to support worthy                 donations to not-for-profits. To target
more settled and financially able to        causes. To target this cohort with          them with Precision Targeter, you
become donors. To reach this cohort         Precision Targeter, you could select        could select these filters:
using Precision Targeter you could          these filters:                              Age range: 56+
select these filters:                       Age range: 40-55                            Household income: $150,000+
Age range: 23-39                            Household income: $200,000+                 Marital status: Married
Household income: $80,000+                  Marital status: Married
Marital status: Married,
common law

Learn more about Precision Targeter at
1. Blumbergs
CANADA POST                                 CANADA POST’S                              In addition, you can access targeting
DATA ADVISORS                               SMARTMAIL MARKETING                        and campaign integration through a
                                                                                       designated Smartmail Marketing
Running campaigns can be complex            PARTNERTM PROGRAM                          Expert Partner™. To connect with our
and time consuming. Canada Post can         Canada Post is connected with more         expert partners and local partners,
handle that work for you and make           than 250 partners across the country       visit or
sure you maximize results. A Canada Post    who are direct mail marketing experts.     see the list on the following page.
Data Advisor can do the following to        Not-for-profits use partners for a
optimize your campaign while                variety of reasons:
respecting your budget:
                                            • to develop creative that drives donor
• P rovide best practices based on other      attention, emotional engagement
  not-for-profit experience.                   and brand recall;
  ecommend targeting options to            • to better integrate their marketing
 your geographic areas.                        mix across channels;
  eview how to optimize campaigns          • to ensure their mailings meet all
 with demographics, behavioural or             print and processing requirements.
 business attributes.
Take targeting to the next level with
our Data Advisors.
Your direct mail
design checklist
To optimize your direct mail for results, make sure it has these features:

R Astrong call to action: Whether it’s to register for monthly giving, make a one-time donation or
   attend a fundraising event, make sure your call to action is specific, easy to understand and easy to find.

R       Clear and concise text: Don’t overload the page with too much copy, it’s a turn-off.
R       Simple design: Avoid cluttering the page – that makes it harder to digest your message.
R       Action-oriented words: Use clear and concise language to motivate your audience.
R       Eye-catching visuals: Use high-contrast imagery and bright colours – it can make your piece stand out.
R       High quality: Use high-res images, good paper stock and a reputable printer. Proofread your copy.
        This will strengthen your trust factor.

Learn more about how to create direct mail that works
in our new Essential Guide to Direct Mail: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Ask.

Build your
                                                                                                  with Canada Post

To learn more about integrating direct mail into your
marketing mix, visit,
connect with your Sales Representative or call our
Commercial Service Network at 1-866-757-5480.
Unless otherwise indicated, statistics mentioned in this resource come from market and neuromarketing studies ordered by Canada Post.
™ Trademarks of Canada Post Corporation. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.
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