BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...

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BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...

bimonthly publication · year 24 · issue 92, october 2020 ·
      initiative financed by Università Bocconi              traileoni   1
BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...

           n. 92
                                                  EDITORIAL                                                                                           International
                                                                                                                                                      The international focus Bocconi must have in the
                                                                                                                                                      next five-year plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Filippo Menozzi

2        Editorial                                Marco Visentin

3        International Bocconiani

                                                                     e are open”, Bocconi            life achievements. We have chosen to
4-8      So what about the blended format?                           authorities proudly stated at   deal with prejudices they face in academia
                                                                     the grandiose inauguration      just as much as in the industry. Overall, I
                                                  ceremony for the new SDA campus. It was            am proud of the rigour and diversity that

9        A new dawn for globalization
                                                  less than a year ago, yet our community            characterize this edition: the vast range of
                                                  seems to have undergone a radical                  topics we deal with and the diverse origins
10-11    Women in Economics: a tortuous path
                                                  change.                                            and backgrounds of the writers prove
                                                      Our University has striven to provide          that we are going in the right direction,                    hen I decided to attend Bocconi, I got a lot of weird looks       apply. But to get that first person to apply, the programs on offer
12-13    Japan under Suga                         students with the same services and                fulfilling our duty to be the newspaper of all               from my American high school peers. Why was I going to            need to speak to them more than they do now. In the International
                                                  opportunities that normally characterize it.       Bocconiani.                                                  study in some unknown university when I had acceptances           Politics and Government program, a single professor was not Italian,
14-15    Stati Uniti e attualità                  Unfortunately, its efforts have not always             Authoritative commentators have              from above par universities in the United States? Even my teachers            and he taught a 3-credit course that was P/F. The topics should be
                                                  been successful – with regards in particular       highlighted the powerful role information        had to Google and ‘research’ the university before expressing their           revolutionized too. A good dose of European learnings should obviously
                                                  to the past semester’s exam session                plays in shaping people’s understanding          opinions on whether I had made a solid choice or not.                         be maintained but we should not be exclusive to Europe in the way we
16       Lo stile di vita ecosostenibile: serve
                                                  and to the current situation of student            of events and in orienting their choices.            This anecdote says a lot about our university, especially to those        are now where the only extra-Europe learning is based on the US. I
                                                  associations’ activities – but I am sure we        That is even more true in the context of the     that live in it every day. I can imagine frustration comes first: we know     have no difficulty in seeing why an Asian, African or South American
17       Per vivere bisogna morire                all acknowledge the tremendous progress            current global crisis, which is now affecting    that Bocconi offers academic programs hardly matched in any other             student would have second thoughts on coming here. Perhaps even
                                                  that has been made during the summer,              not only health and economics, but also          higher education institution in Europe, if not the world by bringing          more frustratingly, they do not even have first thoughts coming here
18-19    Il mercato della carne all'ombra del     thanks to which classes could eventually           politics. In this framework we then imagine      together the brightest academic minds of Italy.                               since they have never heard of Bocconi in their native countries.
         capitalismo                              resume in blended format.                          our contribution to the Bocconi community:           But the second, more rational response we need to have is an                  This brings me to the third point: increasing our social presence. This
                                                      Tra i Leoni has not been spared by             we will devote ourselves to presenting           introspective one. A question of why our university does not even have        obviously has to go hand in hand with the other two points. However,
20-21 Notification: Let's be alone together       the pandemic either: unable to print our           rigorous and evidence-based analyses, bold       the appeal of a US community college for American students, or an             I find it unacceptable that most students in the United States, Asia,
                                                  bimonthly publications, we have resorted           proposals and sharp, relevant enquiries.         average UK university for most other international students. The answer,      Africa and South America have never heard of Bocconi. This stems
22-23 What we should learn from Baruch            to an online-only strategy, heavily relying on         During the first phase of the Covid-19       in my opinion, is we do not do enough for ourselves on the international      from an unwillingness to invest significantly in recruitment programs.
      Spinoza                                     our website and on social media platforms.         pandemic, when the University was                stage but rather continue to focus on increasing and improving our            To a certain extent, it is understandable when comparing Bocconi,
                                                  It turns out, there might be something true        physically closed and even attending             European standing which is already where we want it to be.                    with its €12k-a-year tuition to universities that charge more than three
                                                  in the saying that we do our best when             lectures became difficult, we set a historical       The truth is that to become an elite university, we need to attract       times that amount. Yet, there are low cost solutions that would allow
                                                  in difficult situations: rather than being         record in online publications, which has         the best students from all over the world, not just from Europe. And          us to increase our international presence, the most evident being to
                                                  limited by this constraint, our activities have    been met by a tremendous increase in             that is where the university leadership’s focus should be for the next        increase students’ involvement in the recruitment process. Not only are
                                                  flourished, inaugurating a new creative            our readership – to the point that our           five years.                                                                   students a cheap alternative, they are also likely to be more successful
                                                  season that is already bringing exceptional        website was visited by more than twice               A few things are imperative in my opinion. A much stronger focus          than adults in selling the university to their peers. And while there are
                                                  results. What used to be unimaginable is           the number of readers of the same period         must be placed on diversity. Searching “Bocconi demographics” will            some initiatives that the university has installed, they do not reach the
                                                  now being accomplished.                            in 2019. What is more, we have continued         return the PhD in Statistics, which has a course in demographics. The         desired audience. Additionally, targeted, geo-specific social media ads
                                                      This edition of Tra i Leoni – I believe        experiencing such levels of interest even        only statistics I have been able to find on diversity are the percentage      are easy ways to reach an even broader audience.
                                                  – will serve as evidence of our ambitious          during the summer, proving that the              numbers of students coming from Italy vs. foreign country. That split             The truth is that in the occasion of the writing of the new five-year
                                                  aspirations. Featuring a detailed reportage        foundations we laid down during such a           is around 50-50 in most English-speaking programs. However, I worry           plan, our university is at a crossroads, facing a critical question: does
                                                  on the impact of blended teaching on the           bizarre and difficult semester are solid and     that those stats may not be truthful since I, an Italian that just happened   it want to intensify its position as an elite European university, known
                                                  whole Bocconi community, this issue aims           our work was met by genuine interest.            to be studying in the US, fall in the international students’ categories.     for its academic rigor but not necessarily its global appeal, or does it
                                                  to share “information that matters”. The               That, dear readers, was just the             Furthermore, a large portion of the non-Italians are Europeans.               want to finally take the leap, in an attempt to become truly recognized
                                                  other nucleus around which this edition is         beginning. We wish everybody a good start            The second focus is making our programs more attractive to foreign        worldwide, attracting not only the best of Europe but the rest of the
                                                  centred concerns the condition of women,           of the academic year and hope you will           students. The first step is obviously diversity, the more people attend       world? To me, the choice is simple, but the ball is in the administrations’
                                                  in particular from the point of view of their      follow us and stay tuned.                        from, say, the Philippines, the more people from the Philippines will         court and with it, Bocconi’s short- and long-term future.

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BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...

So what about the
blended format?
The students'
                                                                                 Barbara Balcon                   Olimpia Vitali

perspective                                                                                                                                       We asked you...

       his semester marked a new phase           frustration and can be so serious that they    students is so low that all of them could
       for our university: after months          end up jeopardizing learning.                  actually fit in the classroom while still re-
       spent online students were given                                                         specting social distancing measures and
the possibility to come back on campus              What are the main advantages of             students are left wondering why they are
and attend lectures in a blended format.         the blended format with respect to             split in two groups if that is the case. I have
   How is the student body liking the ex-        “traditional” in-person lectures, if           witnessed myself classes in which the stu-
perience so far? To find out, we asked you       any?                                           dents on campus were as few as a dozen
to complete an anonymous survey – here              According to the survey, the most pop-      and those online around twenty.
is what you had to say.                          ular advantage is having access to record-         Many advocate for traditional exams
                                                 ings: missing class now belongs to the         in lieu of online exams. While the aversion
    Is the experience of the online for-         past as one can always watch or re-watch       of students for Respondus is no mystery,
mat different, compared to last semes-           later lectures. Some also enjoy having a       the rationale behind the choice of online
ter? If yes, was that for the better?            less busy week when attending online.          exams for everyone was mainly granting
    The consensus is that the experience         Planning your day is easier and working        equal treatment for on-campus and off-
of the online format has improved. Some          students have an easier time staying on        campus students.
of the changes that survey respondents           track with their courses. Commuters can            Despite live lectures being cited as one
appreciate the most are synchronous              pass on coming to Milan just for, say, one     of the main pros of the new blended for-
lectures (some courses were entirely pre-        lecture only or they can watch from home       mat by respondents, some reman nostal-
recorded last semester), syllabi adapted         the ones held early or late.                   gic of pre-recorded lectures.
to online exams, tech support for teach-                                                            A few practical suggestions include
ers on the spot, increased interaction and,                                                     introducing the possibility of hearing stu-
overall, better organization.                                                                   dents in class from home, being able to
    Nevertheless, a portion of respondents       according to                                   split the screen and see both the slides

reported discomfort, mainly due to techni-                                                      and the camera at the same time, break-
cal problems: the camera can only cap-                                                          out rooms for group activities.
ture a part of the whiteboard, sometimes                                                            One of the most radical suggestions
the streaming definition is so low that the                                                     submitted is the following: “Personally, I
latter it is illegible, the system often lags                                                   believe that the blended format should un-
or crashes and, sometimes, mistakes in
setting up recordings caused them to be
                                                 of survey                                      dergo a complete redesign of the courses
                                                                                                and double lectures. For example, the
unrecoverable or unusable e.g. the white-
board is not fully visible or part of the lec-
                                                 respondents,                                   online week could be used for theoretical
                                                                                                classes that, as we know, only require pay-
ture was not recorded.
                                                 Bocconi should                                 ing attention and taking notes, something
                                                                                                that is very convenient to do from our own
   What has been the biggest chal-
lenge in adapting to the blended
                                                 continue offering                              home. The on-campus weeks, instead,
                                                                                                should be used for those classes that re-
   Several students agree that getting
                                                 a blended format                               quire a greater degree of interaction.”

used to such an unusual format has been                                                            What did you miss the most when
a challenge per se. Staying on track has                                                        you were away?
proved rather tricky during off-campus               If there was one thing you could              The vast majority of students missed
weeks and, at times, alienating. However,        change about the blended methodol-             human interaction: meeting friends, class-
coming to class on campus has its down-          ogy, what would it be?                         mates and teachers. They also missed
sides too: being in a half-empty class               One of the main points that have been      having a daily routine, a sense of return
without many opportunities for socialising       made is that interaction with students on-     to normalcy. The vibe of the campus and
does not feel quite the same es pre-Covid        line is sometimes deficient: not all profes-   studying there, be it at the bunker, the li-
lectures.                                        sors make use of the chat or other means       brary or Leoni are very dear to the com-
   Difficulties deriving from the online for-    of communications. They are also penal-        munity. On a lighter note, some appear to
mat persist: respondents often report that       ised by frequent technical problems, as        have missed a great deal Bocconiane and
they struggle concentrating from home            reported above.                                aperitivi and “everything, even running late
and that technical problems generate                 In some courses, the total number of       for lectures”.

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BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...
                                                                                                                                                  What has been the greatest challenge posed by the adoption of the blended format?

So what about the blended                                                                                                                         What I just mentioned: finding solutions that could grant quality
                                                                                                                                                  for both types of students (online and in presence) at the same
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The first thing everyone can notice is that there are several new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          things to do, you do not get to start a lecture as soon as you

format? The teachers' perspective
                                                                                                                                                  time. And I want to specify that I am trying to do so because it        enter a classroom: all professors need to take care of atten-
                                                                                                                                                  is a very innovative experience in teaching. (LS)                       dance, wear a face shield and set up a number of technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          items – this can take as long as fifteen minutes.
Have you ever wondered what professors think about the blended format?                                                                                                                                                    Another and more conceptual challenge is posed by flexibility,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          each teacher has his or her own teaching style and, in this con-
What is the rationale behind their choices? We asked them!                                                                                                                                                                text, those who are more open to change can strive. I person-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ally try to combine precision and adaptability – as teachers, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          cannot afford to be rigid. (GO)
                      Prof. Luca Sintoni                                                      Prof. Guido Osimo
                       We interviewed Prof. Luca Sintoni, who                              Below is an interview with Prof. Guido
                                                                                                                                                  Should Bocconi continue offering a blended format even after the Covid-19 emergency is over?
                       graduated in Economics and Corporate                                Osimo, teaching Mathematics. He was                    In my opinion, after the emergency, Bocconi should offer differ-        Yes, of course. Clearly now we do not have alternatives, but
                      Legislation from our University. Here, he                           one of the pioneers of the blended format:              ent online courses together with traditional ones, because it is        when the emergency will be over, we will have the possibility
                    has been teaching Accounting and Finan-                              many of our readers might remember ta-                   clear that the Covid pandemic has changed the world. We need            to choose. I would expect a wave supporting the re-adoption
                 cial Statement Analysis since 2010. Thanks to                        king their very first classes in the Mathematics            to innovate the teaching system, without losing the added value         of traditional methodologies and another one proposing a per-
his extremely engaging teaching method, he is very admired            Crash Course online before coming on-campus as freshmen in                  consisting in the university community, in particular for Bocconi,      manent implementation of some of the new features we intro-
by his students, so we decided to ask for his opinion about the       the pre-Covid era.                                                          as we have a community with a strong identity. (LS)                     duced. In a way, I am deeply convinced that teaching is inter-
recent changes adopted by Bocconi University.                                                                                                                                                                             acting, which could well imply live or in-presence interaction.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The conceptual framework has irreversibly changed and, in my
What are the main advantages of the blended format with respect to “traditional” in-person lectures, if any?                                                                                                              opinion, some features are here to stay. (GO)
Personally, I am very proud that Bocconi University, and specifi-     Being involved in blended learning for many years here at Boc-
cally the people who work there here, promptly reacted to the         coni, I know that it truly adds something. My personal point                Have you observed discrepancies in the performance of students between online exams and traditional ones?
unique circumstances of the Covid pandemic, setting up very           of view has always been that you can delegate to the online                 Concerning the previous semester, in which, I remember, the             Let me be frank, the main problem of online exams is cheating.
innovative and effective solutions for distance learning. The im-     activities some of the lower level tasks such as review of easy             teaching model was different between the ones adopted in this           In accordance with the honor code, even when the probability
plemented solutions have the indiscussed advantage of allow-          material or reference for standard material, which you do not               academic year, we clearly saw (because we observed results              of being caught cheating is low, students should not attempt to
ing students that have difficulties in coming to Milan to virtually   really want to cover in the course every year. So, for example,             statistically) that there are not any changes in grades for the         do that. Clearly, such low probability is an issue that needs to be
attend the courses of this academic year and this, obviously,         the Bocconi preparatory course has exactly this idea, that you              different types of exams even if, obviously, the exercises and          tackled, for example by introducing time constraints, random-
permits to also hold traditional lessons safely. Furthermore, I       delegate to the online format some of the low-level material,               questions that could be asked in online exams are different from        ization and parametrization of the questions. Another solution
firmly believe that the biggest value of University is the match      while covering higher level parts in class, as they need teacher-           the written exams ones.                                                 that proves effective is adopting oral exams, as they are signifi-
between teachers and students, especially for the personal re-        student interaction.                                                        I believe that this helps students to find different solutions to the   cantly more reliable, despite being time consuming.
lationship that could be built, because in my opinion this en-        Now my attitude towards this format has changed as new facts                same problems and that it facilitates the application of knowl-         The idea of performance is strictly linked to cheating, which im-
riches not only knowledge, but also people, and I say this even       have emerged. Naturally, the online on blended format can be                edge in a different context. This teaches us that we have to find       plies higher grades and, at the same time, less effective learn-
if you probably know that I always try to use innovative teaching     adapted to difficult situations much better than in-person teach-           value also in different and challenging situations. What a great        ing. The opportunity to cheat incentivizes students to study less
solutions. (LS)                                                       ing only, as it is more flexible. Having a blended format in use            opportunity! As I like to repeat: dinosaurs became extinct be-          and leads to a decoupling of performance in terms of grades
                                                                      allows for fine tuning of the combination of in-person and online           cause they did not learn to adapt. (LS)                                 from performance in terms of learning. This is potentially disrup-
                                                                      teaching to meet current needs. Another important idea is that                                                                                      tive and we must find an effective solution. (GO)
                                                                      online learning is more modern and familiar for new generations,
                                                                      who have a much quicker learning process in this sense. (GO)
                                                                                                                                                  Have you made any changes to your course or teaching style?
                                                                                                                                                  Absolutely yes, or better, as I said, I am trying. In any case our      I do not use my tablet or personal computer anymore: due to
Compared to online only, have you noticed an increase in active class participation?                                                              course introduced some innovations some years ago that help             technical reasons, I transfer my files to the class PC. This is a
It is very early to say something about this. At the moment, in       The idea is that there is an increase in the complexity of the              us. For example, videos of lessons recaps, animated slides and          minor change, but it does affect the way I teach. Lectures are
any case, no. I have not seen an increase in participation, in the    participation process. Now I really have two different audiences:           an online exercise platform. Surely innovations can add value to        more complex, and more time is devoted to setting up technol-
Accounting and Balance Sheet course. (LS)                             I have, say, fifty students sitting in front of me, and then I have         traditional teaching methods. (LS)                                      ogy, so I had to cut down a bit on chatting – which is something
                                                                      the online students, that are at least as many. Managing those                                                                                      I used to do frequently in the past. We opted for not cutting the
                                                                      and striving to encourage participation on both sides is, indeed,                                                                                   course syllabus, so now the schedule is quite tight and requires
                                                                      challenging. It is tiresome and a little bit more time consuming                                                                                    constant focus. This contributes to making the teaching experi-
                                                                      than what happens in a traditional context. (GO)                                                                                                    ence more challenging. (GO)

How do you make sure, in practice, that the online part of the class feels included?
I think that this is the hardest part of teaching in this moment.     There are some tricks and in my opinion one of them, is for example,
When you teach, you speak to someone. Obviously if you speak          to make clear right away that I will not be using the chat. It is ex-
to the students that are physically in the classroom, you have        tremely distracting and it interrupts the lecture way too often. Instead,
to use a specific method that includes gestures and timing in         I encourage students to use the ‘raise your hand’ feature whenever
speaking. Whereas, if you speak to online students, the meth-         they wish so that I can leave them the floor for questions or com-
ods change. In this moment, we have to do both things and this        ments. I also introduce some pauses to ask questions and run polls
might reduce the teaching quality for both types of students. In      online, which is very quick and convenient. (GO)
any case, I feel connected to online students also because social
networks taught us that we can feel close even being very far,
and because Blackboard Collaborate works very well, too. (LS)

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BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...
COVER STORY                                                                                                                                       GLOBAL

So what about the blended format?                                                                                                                           A new dawn for
The teaching assistant's perspective                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Katya Mavrelli

                                                                                                                                                            hy all this fuss with this wave? Why have governments,           disputable, the political, social and economic tensions that have
                                                                                                                                                            citizens, large corporations and organizations become            accompanied this wave are under scrutiny. Wondering what went
                                                                                                                                                            so fascinated with understanding the forces that lie be-         wrong leads to questions about the fundamental existence of the
                       Alberto Frison                                                                                                             hind globalization? Where did all this interest spur from? To logi-        world as we know it.
                       To complete this mini-series about the opinion of the Bocconi Community about the blended format, we                       cally answer these pending queries, one must explore in depth the              Many point to capitalism and its inability to keep generating
                       also asked a few questions to Alberto Frison, teaching assistant of Prof. Tito Boeri’s course The Econo-                   process that has been steadily engulfing our societies, changing           prosperity, dismissing it as an outdated political and economic
                      mics of Imperfect Labour Markets.                                                                                           the way our economies operate and redefining decision-making               system. Others view migration as the root of the problem. Massive
                                                                                                                                                  forever.                                                                   waves of both legal and illegal movements of people across bor-
                                                                                                                                                      Even though it has been very much challenged over the course           ders and continents spurred populist cultural backlashes in many
What are the main advantages of the blended format with respect to “traditional” in-person lectures, if any?
                                                                                                                                                  of global history, we are undoubtedly living in an era of globaliza-       countries. With populist leaders still dominating the political scene,
This format still delivers high-quality teaching, despite being adopted as a response to exceptional times. After all, it helps over-             tion – no movement or political development can question this.             many also point to the growing income and political inequality that
coming communicative barriers, but the value remains in the actual content: people – professors, students – are still at the core.                What has come under the microscope, however, is whether we                 followed the exchange of populations.
We are more and more acquainted to expressing ourselves from behind a screen and I have noticed that most of the interactions                     are experiencing a de-globalization or a slow-balization, as many              Could the crisis that globalization is currently undergoing simply
during our lectures are coming from the online side of the class, as students might feel more at ease to speak up from distance. On               experts suggest.                                                           be a trick of the light?
the other hand, I am glad some students can experience the lectures in presence. It returns a sense of normality and authenticity,                    With economies being more interconnected than ever and gov-                In criticisms of the movement, many forget about the conditions
particularly to first year students. (AF)                                                                                                         ernments aligning their policies to their allies’ interests, the cycli-    that allowed Asian nations to lift hundreds of millions of people out
                                                                                                                                                  cal movement that emerged even before the First World War has              of poverty. The dyad of capitalism and globalization allowed econ-
As a teaching assistant, what has been the greatest challenge posed by the adoption of the blended format?                                        altered the course of global social developments forever. Despite          omies to emerge as winners in the complex game of world trade
                                                                                                                                                  the long history of such waves of globalization, they never seize          and to sustain economies that were in severe crises for decades.
This is my first year as a teaching assistant, but I had the chance to see what the role is about in the past years, as a student.                to bring along large-scale changes in the political and economic           Emerging markets, prominently in Asia, led to the development of
This time, some extra work must be done to make sure that the students online are able to follow the lecture and that they get                    sector.                                                                    new ideas in the fields of technology, medicine and culture.
to participate in the class talk. This is what the professor I am assisting and I are focusing on the most: we spent valuable time                    Globalization has experienced accelerations that have led to               Despite the growth in physical goods that marked the recent
fine-tuning methods, materials, and technical tweaks, building on the feedback we collect in class. I reckon the students are ap-                 progressive changes: new technologies, more interconnected                 waves of globalization which is slowing down, other waves are tak-
preciating it (AF)                                                                                                                                financial systems, evenly harmonized policies and more similarly           ing their place. The markets of data analysis, information dissemi-
                                                                                                                                                  oriented political leaders have allowed countries to thrive and pur-       nation and communication filtering continue to expand in direc-
In your opinion, do online students get equal treatment?                                                                                          sue significant developments. Though often perceived as strongly           tions that cannot be guessed. Though old ties are disintegrating,
                                                                                                                                                  propelled by Western culture, globalization has gone hand in hand          new forms of cross-border interactions are taking their place. The
My role can help making sure they do. Typically, I help connecting online students to the class in presence by echoing questions and answers      with Westernization only in some cases, for instance in 19th cen-          world might be experiencing less porous borders and rising nation-
both ways. Some compromises are inevitable, but I do believe that the value they receive is equivalent to what on-campus students get. Think-     tury Japan. For the rest, it has been mostly about multilateral ex-        alism, economic protectionism and threats to democracy, yet the
ing about it, the online format also provides some additional benefits, such as recordings of lectures remaining accessible even when the class   changes of cultural features. However, many now ponder whether             result is far from a closed-off world, one in which national borders
is over. (AF)                                                                                                                                     globalization has entered a long phase of reverse, accelerating the        limit the scope of national activity.
                                                                                                                                                  pace of de-globalization. Scientists and economists already sug-               The world is too much of an interconnected and interlinked
Should Bocconi continue offering a blended format even after the Covid-19 emergency is over?                                                      gest that globalization might indeed be coming undone.                     place to allow this segregation and atomization to take place.
                                                                                                                                                      Yet this argument carries a lot of weight with it. Once thought        No one questions the desire to build more protected economies,
In my opinion, this crisis prompted a shift to new ways of teaching that are here to stay. Most of the technologies we are now
                                                                                                                                                  of as an unstoppable wave, the forces of liberalization that spurred       which will be immune to large-scale effects like wars and pan-
making use of in class were already part of our personal lives, thus many did not struggle much to adopt them. I am convinced
                                                                                                                                                  many decades of cross-border trade and national policy alignment           demics; yet the formation of more self-sufficient economic sys-
the challenge is to smoothen their presence: they must add something to the traditional live class without interfering with it. I am
supportive of the opportunity to access education no matter where and when; personally, I truly enjoyed the possibility of sched-                 are now faltering, and the consequences might be disrupting.               tems does not necessarily require the establishment of indepen-
uling my own ‘class time’ thanks to the recordings during my last months as a student. (AF)                                                           The malaise of interconnectedness appears more profound                dent and isolated political entities. The challenges for the survival
                                                                                                                                                  than ever. With the growing trade war between the United States            of liberalism, democracy and capitalism are here to stay, but the
                                                                                                                                                  and China and the rapid efforts of Middle East nations to domi-            new waves of globalization that have emerged as a result of the
If there was one thing you could change about the blended methodology, what would it be?                                                          nate in the resource sector, the international tensions have become        current crises spark some hope for the future of this phenom-
The quality of the existing work is already high, especially taking into account the emergency context in which all this has been                 more palpable than ever. Political decisions are now aligned with          enon.
designed. On one side, I can imagine of pushing the technology edge: can we have students interact with the materials present-                    trade ones, in order to pursue a path of self-sufficiency and inde-            Though this might seem like some formulaic political response,
ed live? How can we streamline online exams? But also, I wish it would be somehow easier for everyone to interact with others                     pendence from external influences. What was once perceived as              the end of globalization is not here yet. As optimistic as this may
at deeper levels: I have built valuable relationships with colleagues and faculty during my years as a student and I am afraid                    necessary for economies to thrive is now considered an impedi-             sound, it is considerably hard for a movement of such international
some might lose a similar chance in such a peculiar time. (AF)                                                                                    ment to national growth.                                                   scope and liberal perspective to disappear. As it is, globalization
                                                                                                                                                      We are already starting to see the consequences. Flows of              has become linked to well-functioning of financial markets, interna-
                                                                                                                                                  overseas direct investment have fallen to levels not seen since the        tional bodies, governmental organizations and social constructs. It
                                                                                                                                                  2008 global financial crisis, trade restrictions and tariffs are rising,   is too hard to disentangle ourselves from all of this. What is pos-
                                                                                                                                                  multinational companies are less numerous and profitable than be-          sible is the redefining of this wave; the adoption of a new character,
                                                                                                                                                  fore and the internet, once the most free-spirited and border-free         one which is aligned with the current developments.
                                                                                                                                                  zone, is now brought to heel by autocrats poisoning the rivers of              As globalization takes a new turn, hopefully for the better, the
                                                                                                                                                  unbiased information with propaganda.                                      question to ponder is how long this new wave will last and what
                                                                                                                                                      Though the benefits of integration and mutual exchange are in-         will come next.

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BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...

 Women in economics:
 a tortuous path
 Taking cues from prominent scholars on
 the gender disparity in economics

                                                                                                            Francesca Sofia Cocco

         t is not news that women are un-       powerment in the society. This is peculiarly   nomics is often presented just as bank-            In Italy, the situation is less alarming.
         der-represented in the Economics       significant now, with the Pandemic setting     ing and finance and this may discourage        However, the data published by the Italian
         profession worldwide. Even if most     back Gender Equality in the job market.        women to start their studies in the field:     Society of Economists (SIE) show remark-
 Bocconians have not yet experienced the            On the other hand, she added that          “Luckily, awareness on this issue is in-       able differences along the study path. For
 hard world awaiting researchers after the      “from a collective perspective, in contexts    creasing and actions are being taken to        undergraduate students, the parity has
 PhD, they have surely heard the claim that     where diversity is greater, different group    promote a more balanced but also a more        nearly been reached (women are 42%
 “Cleacc/Bemacc is full of women, Clef/         dynamics and different views on the rele-      correct view on what economists do and         over the total, in 2017-2018). But then
 Bief and Cless/Bess lack them,” which          vant topics are generated. These aspects       what economics is about”.                      there is a leaky pipeline (graph 2).
 proves to be true.                             favor an enrichment of the profession, with       The trend nowadays                              Prejudices, implicit bias, and oth-
     To investigate in depth the underlying     the consequent development of more rel-           “Women in Economics: Stalled Prog-          er difficulties faced by a female re-
 reasons of this phenomenon and its con-        evant and solid knowledge and policy”.         ress”, by Shelly Lundberg and Jenna            searcher
 sequences, we relied on the knowledge              Research shows that, even within Eco-      Stearns, included in the Journal of Eco-           So, if women’s talents are distributed
 and experience of academics engaged at         nomics, some sectors appeal to them            nomic Perspectives (Winter 2019), covers       equally in the first years of studies, what
 the forefront to promote Gender Equality       more than others (graph 1). “Female re-        the trend in the United States, on a 25-       are the main obstacles faced by a student
 in their profession. Pushed by the starting    searchers tend to be more interested in        year basis. It highlights that the progress    in the path to become a researcher?
 points extrapolated in the framework of our    Labor and Development Economics, while         in the field has slowed compared to that           Firstly, there are many implicit biases,         ing that a job requiring so many sacrifices      vate life, and they face important difficul-
 participation to the Gender Mentoring Ses-     Financial, Theory and Monetary keep be-        in other disciplines in the STEM. Although     i.e. discriminatory behaviors that people            and involving so much stress may not give        ties in reaching the position they aim to.
 sion at Econometric Society World Con-         ing male-led. Also, women focus specifi-       the general trend is increasing, it keeps on   unconsciously manifest. “Economics tra-              the desired payoffs.                                 Janet Currie, pioneer in the Economic
 gress (ESWC), which was held by Xiao-          cally on gender issues, even if the theme is   a low level: from the mid-2000s to now,        ditionally has a competitive and aggressive              This is connected to the difficulty for      analysis of child development, faced a lot
 hong Chen (Yale University), Janet Currie      becoming more and more relevant among          around 35 percent of PhD students and          dimension. For example, there is evidence            the underrepresented sex to create net-          of negativity about her research agenda:
 (Princeton University), Nezih Guner (CEM-      men too,” Professor Profeta said.              30 percent of assistant professors were        that, during the presentation of papers, fe-         works. Like in any other environment,            “People said to me directly in the face:
 FI), Marina Halac (Yale University) and Nic-       Professor Casarico explained that Eco-     female.                                        male speakers are more subject to press-             interpersonal relationships are extremely        “What you are doing may be of interest
 ola Fuchs Schundeln (Goethe University                                                                                                       ing questions by the audience, with the              important in this job as well; even if it may    to somebody, but it is not Economics”.
 Frankfurt), we decided to deepen the topic,                                                                                                  intent of hindering them”: Paola Profeta             be taken for granted, a woman having dif-        I chose to ignore these comments and
 interviewing two Bocconian excellences in                                                                                                    highlighted. Many institutions are trying to         ferent interests and hobbies compared            now you can find a whole research area
 the field: Professor Alessandra Casarico                                                                                                     solve this issue by introducing new rules,           to men may have less occasions to build          that covers essentially what I do. Indeed,
 and Professor Paola Profeta, who is the                                                                                                      such as not allowing questions for the first         networks.                                        I believe that it is important to evaluate
 coordinator of the Dondena Gender Initia-                                                                                                    ten minutes or giving the speaker the right              How to balance personal and aca-             the advices you receive and decide if you
 tive (DGI). This center promotes research                                                                                                    to choose the moment in which they want              demic ambitions                                  want to follow them or not”. The Princeton
 in all areas of gender economics, policies                                                                                                   to take questions.                                       The job of an Academic is invasive, as       scholar admitted that, when she had chil-
 and diversity management and keeps in                                                                                                            Another interesting point is the higher          it absorbs completely the life of a young        dren, she found it difficult to accept that
 contact with policymakers, informing them                                                                                                    bar faced for publishing their work: only            researcher. Furthermore, it is demanding,        her job would have not allowed her to en-
 about the advantages of implementing new                                                                                                     11 percent of papers published in top-five           infrequently remunerative and full of uncer-     tirely respect the expectations from soci-
 strategies in favor of women’s inclusion.                                                                                                    journals since 1990 are female-authored.             tainty, since it does not contemplate “per-      ety to be a “perfect mother”.
 DGI has already contributed to important                                                                                                     Hengel’s investigation (2019) showed that            manency”, especially at the start of the             Paola Profeta experienced a similar
 achievements in Italy, such as the quota                                                                                                     women are held to higher writing stan-               career. Basically, daily achievements are        difficulty twenty years ago, when she dis-
 system, the paternity leave packet and re-                                                                                                   dards in academic peer review. Card et               extremely important; and each stumble            cussed her PhD thesis in her 7th month
 tirement measures.                                                                                                                           al. (2020) added that men’s citations rise           can influence their future in the field.         of pregnancy: “At that time Economics
     The benefits of more women in eco-                                                                                                       when they collaborate with women, while                  Furthermore, PhD studies exactly over-       was even more full of men than nowa-
 nomics                                                                                                                                       the opposite happens for the latter: when            lap the “10-year clock”, that is the period      days. People just did not understand my
     According to Alessandra Casarico,                                                                                                        they publish their works in collaboration            of life when people start thinking of hav-       choice and told me: “For 5 years from
 the interest to have more women in the                                                                                                       with men, they tend to receive less recog-           ing children. Even if many universities are      now, you will do nothing in this profession
 Economics field can be drawn on two                                                                                                          nition for their work.                               starting to offer more flexibility and sup-      because you will have to dedicate yourself
 perspectives. “From an individual point                                                                                                          In addition, the lack of an established          port to welcome researchers’ personal life       to your family”. These obstacles were the
 of view, the Economic disciplines have a                                                                                                     system of mentoring and of role models is            goals, this often is not a sufficient incen-     prompts for my interest in gender stud-
 higher return on the labor market, both                                                                                                      impactful. Observing that there are so few           tive.                                            ies: I fight to demolish the prejudices that
 in terms of employability and wages”. In                                                                                                     women who reached positions of leader-                   In fact, even if this tends to be forgot-    assimilate all women and hinder the pos-
 other words, a higher participation in this                                                                                                  ship, i.e. currently filling the role of full pro-   ten, Economists are human beings with            sibility of female talents to establish them-
 field immediately boosts women’s em-                                                                                                         fessors, one may feel discouraged, believ-           their goals, both for their job and their pri-   selves”.

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BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...


 Julia Galusiakowska


          ollowing Shinzo Abe’s relinquish-    the revolving door leadership – Japan         fecture – new economic policies, aimed       pandemic might be a catalyst for faster         It is not China, but rather the pandem-   reign does not guarantee the same re-
          ment as a Japan Prime Minister       might be walking a tightrope both at          at strengthening local businesses,           and more drastic economic changes.           ic that appears to be playing bad cop.       solve in the political interactions with
          on the 28th of August, the coun-     home and abroad.                              might be on the cards. In his promises,                                                   Knowing that any aggressive move re-         two main potential Asian aggressors.
 try has been in pursuit of a new leader.                                                    Suga put forth a new program oriented           Beijing talks                             garding the long-lasting concerns, such         As of now, Suga has vowed to re-
 Having been in office for eight years,           Follow-up to Abenomics                     at those with poor profitability and small      One of the earliest tests of Suga’s       as disputes around the South and East        spect the alliance with the United States
 Abe had prided himself in the assertive          As foreseen by the East Asian ex-          enterprises: people would select which       political qualities may however come         China seas, might bring Japan closer to      as the cornerstone of Japan's diplo-
 foreign policies and the proactive de-        perts, Suga might follow the domes-           local governments would receive their        from abroad. Up to the present, Japan        the US, China may concede. A decisive        macy and security. Moreover, he intends
 fense, departing from the long-lasting        tic political line, continuing the one of     residential tax.                             was in a secure position in relation to      role in the Japanese international rela-     to advance a free and open Indo-Pacific
 postwar pacifism. Today, prompted by          Abe’s, especially in conjunction to the          A regulatory reform necessary to car-     China. Simultaneously, Abe advocated         tions is after all played by Covid-19 that   region in the face of China's potential
 illness, Abe has left office with Yoshi-      economic sphere. Mr. Suga’s promise           ry out the program, along with cheaper       for the integration of the island’s econ-    intensified insecurity along China’s pe-     growing aggression. Yet, considering
 hide Suga as his successor.                   to "further enhance Abenomics" is in          communication fees Suga has been             omy with those of its Asian neighbors.       riphery. This includes crises in the Hima-   his unknown diplomatic skills and the
     In light of no better alternatives, the   line with the predicted unaltered inten-      strongly advocating for, are potential          Playing along the expert predictions,     layas and the South China Sea, and the       fact that he has never served as a for-
 faction leaders of the Liberal Democrat-      sity of monetary easing, fiscal stimulus      deviations from the foregoing economic       Suga might seek for a stable political       undermined Trump’s presidency. In ef-        eign or a defense minister, prefiguring a
 ic Party (LDP), which currently domi-         measures, and the consumption tax             policies.                                    balance with China so as not to com-         fect, uncertainty might loom large within    Suga administration is hardly possible.
 nates in the House of Representatives,        rate. Similarly, Suga is unlikely to depart      Although seemingly promising, this        promise Japanese interests. He intends       the US-Japan relationship, especially as     The experts on East Asia emphasize the
 have chosen Suga who, until now, has          from the carefully preserved relation-        new take on the Japanese economy             to focus on the diplomatic ties that         the approaching US presidential election     plausible resemblance of Suga’s reign to
 been administering the Japanese po-           ship with the Bank of Japan.                  might bring uncalled-for results. In a       have been beneficial for Japan in terms      is probable to add fuel to the fire.         the policies of Abe administration, given
 litical stage through backdoor deal-             What is more, following the pandem-        move to lower the prices of the commu-       of foreign security, including those with                                                 his “vital role in helping Abe govern."
 ings. Stepping out of the shadows, Mr.        ic outbreak, Abe promoted digitization        nication fees, Suga may pressure tele-       Australia and India. Multilateral trade         Make Japan Great Again                       The unforeseen abrupt changes in
 Suga will inherit every challenge that        to help those in need on the federal          communications firms to bring down           agreements, including some with the             While Abe succeeded in maintain-          the global political arena combined with
 has been faced by Abe. The corona-            and local levels, to better navigate the      mobile phone rates by as much as 40          European Union and the Comprehen-            ing a stable relationship with President     the consequences of the pandemic,
 virus pandemic and its accompanying           online application systems – which is         percent, which, in turn, might defeat        sive and Progressive Agreement for           Trump, Suga will be the one to newly         visibly inhibit Suga’s political maneu-
 economic woes, the fate of the Tokyo          anticipated to remain a top priority for      the government’s 2% inflation target.        a Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP),         establish and cement that with whoever       vers and hence, impact the diplomatic
 Olympic Games, and Japan’s diplomat-          Suga.                                            In the same manner, another con-          were instrumental in Abe’s diplomatic        wins the U.S. presidential race. This ex-    relations of Japan. The next Japanese
 ic ties with the US and China, are all at        Even with that in mind, the political      sumption tax increase will possibly          undertakings. As predicted, Suga will        tends as far as holding in checks the in-    leader is expected to proceed on three
 stake at the outset of this decade.           experts are continuously hesitant to ex-      decrease the ability to save, further        now build upon that foundation, nego-        creasing Chinese influence, with special     fronts: fostering the relationship with
     Before Abe’s rule, Japanese politi-       clude the possibility of evasive indepen-     lowering the level of investments, and       tiating similar deals with the Southeast     attention to the East China Sea, and         the US and stabilizing the situation with
 cal stage had seen six prime ministers        dent actions of the new leader. Reckon-       effectively slowing down economic            Asia, India, and Australia in order to re-   containing the North Korean nuclear ar-      China without investing too much, while
 in six years. With Suga taking over the       ing with Suga’s past – growing up as a        growth. Although he assured it would         duce Japan’s reliance on Chinese sup-        senal that Abe took a hard line against.     at the same time cultivating versatile al-
 rains, the analysts fret over a return to     son of a strawberry farmer in Akita pre-      not happen within the next ten years, the    ply chains.                                  Although a right-hand of Abe, Suga’s         liances that would serve as a fallback.

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BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...

 Stati Uniti e
 attualità                                                                                             Anna Druda

         a cronaca dello scorso settem-       parsa della giudice Ginsburg, però, non           Alcune famose decisioni della Corte          ritira, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti no-      resse nella nomina dei giudici. Il man-      successore è senza dubbio decisiva
         bre ha visto tra le notizie prota-   è da attribuirsi soltanto alla sua statura    sono state in grado di rivoluzionare per         mina un nuovo giudice; seguirà poi una           dato presidenziale dura quattro anni,        per determinare il consolidamento di
         goniste la morte della giudice       personale, bensì anche alle conseguen-        sempre un sistema consolidato e sono             votazione da parte del Senato.                   otto nel caso di rielezione, mentre la       codesta maggioranza e ancorare così,
 della Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti        ze politiche che porta con sé, nell’im-       diventate veri e propri pilastri giuridici           Non esistono criteri prestabiliti nella      carica di un giudice può durare svariati     nei prossimi anni, la Corte a posizioni
 d’America Ruth Bader Ginsburg.               minenza di un’elezione presidenziale          per l’America: ad esempio, la celeber-           scelta dei membri della Corte: si tratta         decenni, dunque un presidente che è in       conservatrici.
     Nata nel 1933 da una famiglia di         tutt’altro che sicura.                        rima “Brown v. Board of Education of             sempre di persone dalla grande cara-             grado di consolidare una maggioranza             Ora, in astratto, quali conseguenze
 ebrei russi a New York, è stata la se-          Ora, basta avere in mente qualche          Topeka”, del 1954, ha aperto la strada           tura professionale, ma è anche invalsa           affine al proprio orientamento politico si   potrebbe avere la nomina di un mem-
 conda donna nella storia a essere no-        nozione sbiadita di filosofia monte-          all’integrazione degli afroamericani, sta-       la prassi di rispecchiare all’interno della      assicura la tutela della propria eredità     bro della Corte Suprema da parte di un
 minata al vertice del sistema giudiziario    squieiana per ricordare che la separa-        bilendo l’incostituzionalità della separa-       compagine dei Nove la pluralità della            istituzionale nel futuro, anche qualora      presidente uscente sull’elezione presi-
 statunitense; scelta dal presidente Clin-    zione dei poteri è uno dei pilastri delle     zione tra scuole pubbliche per bianchi e         società americana.                               la Casa Bianca finisca saldamente in         denziale?
 ton, fu confermata dalla votazione in        democrazie moderne; è dunque lecito           per persone di colore.                               Questa consuetudine comporta che             mano ad un avversario.                           La posizione di quest’ultimo ne usci-
 Senato con una maggioranza che sfiorò        chiedersi come ciò che accade nel si-             I giudici sancirono che le leggi sta-        le nomine vengano ponderate con mol-                 Veniamo ora all’attualità, attenendoci   rebbe senza dubbio rafforzata, l’eletto-
 l’unanimità.                                 stema giudiziario possa coinvolgere il        tali che prevedevano la distinzione tra          ta attenzione per garantire la presenza di       ai fatti: l’ex presidente Obama, nel cor-    rato della sua parte politica vedrebbe
     Di orientamento liberal, con un per-     potere esecutivo, il governo della na-        le classi non garantivano agli studenti          giudici di entrambi i sessi, di varie etnie,     so del suo mandato, ha nominato due          consolidarsi nel futuro i risultati raggiun-
 corso accademico stellare tra Harvard        zione e il presidente.                        di colore lo stesso livello di educazione        religioni e provenienze geografiche. È evi-      Justices della Corte Suprema, Sonia          ti negli anni della presidenza e la consi-
 e la Columbia University in un periodo          Per capire il delicato equilibrio di       degli altri cittadini e quindi non rispetta-     dente come tutti questi fattori possano          Sotomayor ed Elena Kagan.                    dererebbe una conquista meritevole di
 storico impegnativo per una giovane          “pesi e contrappesi” che caratterizza il      vano il principio delle uguali opportuni-        influenzare quello che – in ultimo – è il cri-       Nel 2016, anno dell’elezione del pre-    essere premiata, tramite il voto.
 donna, ha poi dedicato la propria vita       sistema statunitense, bisogna sapere          tà, previsto dal IV emendamento della            terio più importante nella scelta operata        sidente Trump, morì il giudice Antonin           Un’ultima considerazione: la Corte
 professionale alla promozione dell’u-        cos’è la Corte Suprema, come opera e          Costituzione.                                    dal presidente: l’orientamento politico.         Scalia – ultraconservatore, nominato da      Suprema conta nove giudici ma non si
 guaglianza tra uomini e donne, dappri-       chi la compone.                                   Altre se ne ricordano in materia di di-          All’interno della Corte – e in tutta la      Reagan ben trent’anni prima – il cui so-     può escludere che in futuro vengano
 ma come professoressa di diritto, poi           La Corte Suprema è l’organo di ulti-       ritto all’aborto, diritti dei lavoratori, ma-    società americana – sono chiare le ten-          stituto fu nominato l’anno seguente dal      aumentati.
 come avvocato ed attivista e in ultimo       ma istanza del sistema giudiziario ame-       trimoni tra persone dello stesso sesso           denze politiche di tutti i giudici e questo      neo-presidente.                                  La possibilità va considerata dal mo-
 da giudice della Corte Suprema.              ricano. Tra i suoi compiti più importanti     e diversi temi di grande rilevanza, sui          consente di formulare delle previsioni               Questo accadde poiché il Senato,         mento che la Costituzione americana
     Negli ultimi anni è diventata una vera   vi è la Judicial Review of Legislation, la    quali l’intervento di una compagine di           sull’esito delle decisioni: le votazioni in      ora come allora a maggioranza repub-         non fissa un numero massimo di giudici
 e propria icona pop: l’immagine della        valutazione della conformità alla Costi-      giudici preparati e capaci fu in grado di        seno alla Corte avvengono a maggio-              blicana, sostenne che, essendo il man-       da nominare ed è comprensibile che – se
 giudice Ruth B. Ginsburg è uno dei ta-       tuzione delle leggi statali e federali.       ampliare la tutela dei diritti di tutti i cit-   ranza, dunque nei momenti in cui pre-            dato in scadenza, la nomina dovesse          dovesse essere eletto un presidente ap-
 tuaggi più richiesti dagli studenti di di-      Le sentenze della Corte hanno gran-        tadini.                                          valgono i liberal si attendono sentenze          attendere.                                   partenente ad un partito politico diverso
 ritto di Washington; figura anche sulla      de importanza dal momento che – ri-               La Corte Suprema conta nove giu-             di orientamento progressista; diversa-               Considerata la composizione delle        – egli abbia la volontà di riequilibrare le
 copertina di un libro per bambini e viene    cordiamo – gli Stati Uniti sono un paese      dici, uno dei quali ne è presidente – il         mente sarà quando a prevalere sono i             Corte Suprema all’indomani della mor-        correnti politiche in seno alla Corte, a fa-
 riprodotta su magliette, sacche di tela,     di common law, dunque, in ossequio            Chief Justice –, nominati a vita. Quando         conservatori.                                    te della giudice Ginsburg, caratterizzata    vore del proprio orientamento.
 tazze e bicchieri.                           al principio dello stare decisis, il prece-   uno dei seggi diviene vacante, poiché                Si coglie ora con chiarezza il motivo        da una maggioranza repubblicana per              La questione è in divenire, potrebbe-
     La risonanza che ha avuto la scom-       dente giudiziario ha valore vincolante.       il giudice che lo occupava muore o si            per cui ogni presidente ha un forte inte-        un voto – 5 a 4 – , l’investitura del suo    ro presentarsi dei veri colpi di scena.

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BOCCONI UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER #TIL - bimonthly publication year 24 issue 92, october 2020 initiative financed by Università Bocconi ...
AMBIENTE                                                                                                                                         LETTERATURA

 Lo stile di vita ecosostenibile: serve davvero?                                                                                                  Per vivere bisogna morire
 			                           Il mito del consumatore verde e il ruolo dell’azione politica
                                                                                                                                                                             Bocconi d'Inchiostro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Oriana Fallaci e la sua lotta
                                                                                                                                                                             Letizia Festa
                                                                                                                                                                             Federica Rocchi

 Sara Gobetti                                                                                                                                a morte è da sempre uno dei grandi interrogativi dell’u-      i momenti più terribili, uno su tutti l’uccisione del suo grande
                                                                                                                                                            manità e, in quanto tale, ha dato materiale sconfinato        amore Alekos Panagulis. La stessa brillante razionalità che con-
                                                                                                                                                            a generazioni di artisti e scrittori, che del mistero del-    traddistinge i suoi articoli, reportage e libri si può ritrovare in una
                                                                                                                                                  la vita da sempre fanno la loro principale fonte di ispirazione.        dimensione più intima, come quella delle lettere rivolte ad amici
                                                                                                                                                  Petrarca la definiva non duol, ma refugio, mentre Foscolo e i           e parenti, dalla quale emerge chiaramente il suo coraggioso ap-
                                                                                                                                                  romantici la invocavano come il momento in cui l’uomo si mi-            proccio alla vita durante il periodo della malattia.
                                                                                                                                                  sura con se stesso. Ognuno di noi, prima o dopo, è destinato                Al nipote Edoardo, che le chiede come procede il suo perio-

                                                                                                                                                  a confrontarsi con questo mistero irrisolto, ma esistono grandi         do di clausura per completare il suo romanzo, scrive, "Un fatto
                                                                                                                                                  scrittori che hanno votato se stessi all’arte in maniera così com-      è certo: se morissi il giorno dopo essere arrivata al punto cui
                                                                                                                                                  pleta da sconfiggerla in qualche modo, lasciandoci un’eredità di        dovrei arrivare, morirei felice." Una scelta dettata dalla sua vo-
          n un articolo di Internazionale intitolato “Il mito del consu-   quanto basta. Per esempio, se il governo limitasse gli alleva-         inestimabile valore. È senza dubbio tra questi il caso di Oriana        cazione di scrittore, che considera i propri libri dei veri figli, fatti
          matore verde” viene riportato un estratto del nuovo libro        menti intensivi di carne ridurremo le emissioni di anidride car-       Fallaci (1929-2006), che ha reso la sua vita e la sua morte una         di carta anziché di carne, e ai quali dedicarsi completamente.
          del giornalista olandese Jaap Tielbeke. Non si tratta del        bonica come non potremmo mai fare cercando di consumare                testimonianza della sua arte e del suo acume, grazie ai quali è         Il suo ultimo figlio, “Un cappello pieno di ciliegie”, è una straor-
 classico pezzo “le dieci azioni che puoi fare quotidianamente             meno carne.                                                            riuscita con l’ironia distintiva delle sue opere a scrivere di argo-    dinaria epopea della sua famiglia, una saga che copre gli anni
 per salvare il pianeta”, ma sembra proprio sostenere un argo-                    In realtà, è giusto e doveroso perseguire entrambe le vie.      menti molto complessi, come la natura umana e i conflitti più           dal 1773 al 1889, con incursioni nel passato e in un futuro che
 mento antagonista.                                                        Attuare un comportamento quotidiano di tutela dell’ambiente            importanti dell’ultimo secolo.                                          precipita verso il bombardamento di Firenze del 1944.
     L’autore pone l’attenzione sul fatto che, benché sia giusto e         da un lato, cercare di fare sentire la propria voce attraverso              La Fallaci non definiva se stessa con parole che fossero               A conclusione di questo piccolo omaggio ad Oriana, ripor-
 utile vivere in modo green, non saranno le azioni dei singoli in-         un’azione politica dall’altro. Diversi elettori europei stanno vo-     differenti da scrittore, come recita anche l’epitaffio della sua        tiamo uno stralcio pregno di significato tratto proprio dal suo
 dividui a salvare il pianeta. La raccolta differenziata o lo spegni-      tando partiti verdi, e non è un caso che l’Eurobarometro ab-           lapide al Cimitero degli Allori di Firenze. Fu, però, molto più di      ultimo romanzo, in cui lei stessa narra – senza filtri, come in
 mento delle luci non fermeranno il processo di deterioramento             bia sottolineato un incremento esponenziale di interesse per il        uno scrittore: rivoluzionando la concezione classica di gior-           ogni suo scritto – il suo rapporto con l’Alieno e ciò che esso
 della terra.                                                              cambiamento climatico negli ultimi anni. Anche se questi partiti       nalismo, ha intervistato i grandi della Terra – da Kissinger a          rappresenta:
     Infatti, l'autore sottolinea che venti società energetiche sono       hanno poca speranza di attecchire nel contesto esecutivo di            Khomeini – e come corrispondente di guerra ha seguito i con-                "Io odio la Morte. L'aborro più della sofferenza, più della per-
 responsabili del 35 per cento di tutte le emissioni di gas ser-           certi paesi - come, per esempio, il nostro - concedergli il voto       flitti più importanti del nostro tempo – dal Vietnam al Medio           fidia, della cretineria, di tutto ciò che rovina il miracolo e la gioia
 ra dal 1965. Egli sostiene che queste imprese usufruiscano di             può essere uno strumento per la popolazione di sollevare la            Oriente. Una vita, la sua, sempre in prima linea per raccontare         d'essere nati. Mi ripugna guardarla, toccarla, annusarla, e non
 campagne di disinformazione per scaricare la colpa sul cittadi-           questione ambientale ai “piani alti”. I leader politici, i media e i   con piglio arguto da buona fiorentina la realtà per come appa-          la capisco. Voglio dire: non so rassegnarmi alla sua inevitabili-
 no, facendogli credere che sia esclusivamente sua la responsa-            più importanti stakeholders del business terrebbero in conside-        riva ai suoi occhi, violando la sacra regola dell’obiettività come      tà, la sua legittimità, la sua logica. Non so arrendermi al fatto
 bilità di fare delle scelte sostenibili. Un esempio sono gli articoli     razione questa presa di coscienza da parte degli elettori? Non         vincolo giornalistico.                                                  che per vivere si debba morire, che vivere e morire siano due
 come quello citato sopra, in cui vengono suggerite una serie              possiamo sapere fino a che punto, ma di certo vale la pena ten-             Dopo la scoperta del cancro, la sua decisione di non conti-        aspetti della medesima realtà, l'uno necessario all'altro, l'uno
 di azioni quotidiane – ma non solo: viene spesso consigliato di           tare. La storia ci insegna che un’azione collettiva può generare       nuare le cure per dedicarsi alla scrittura del suo ultimo libro fece    conseguenza dell'altro. Non so piegarmi all'idea che la Vita sia
 fare qualcosa di insolito, come acquistare un'auto elettrica –            cambiamenti radicali, se perseguita con autentico interesse da         molto scalpore in Italia, sebbene non ci si potesse aspettare           un viaggio verso la Morte e nascere una condanna a morte.
 che avrebbero lo scopo di illudere le persone di aver contribuito         parte delle persone.                                                   una scelta diversa da una donna che per tutta la vita aveva pre-        Eppure l'accetto. Mi inchino al suo potere illimitato e accesa da
 attivamente al salvataggio del pianeta. Contemporaneamente,                    Una luce si è già acceso in questo senso, ovvero le proteste      dicato l’importanza di sacrificarsi in nome di un qualcosa di più       un cupo interesse la studio, la analizzo, la stuzzico. Spinta da
 si attiverebbe anche il meccanismo opposto: ci si sente in colpa          Fridays For Future nate nel 2019. Questo è un chiaro esempio           ampio di noi stessi, che potesse giustificare il nostro passaggio       un tetro rispetto la corteggio, la sfido, la canto, e nei momenti
 se non si acquistano oggetti fatti in bambù e se si mangia carne          di una porzione della popolazione – principalmente giovani –           su questa terra. Il suo rapporto con l’Alieno – così chiamava il        di troppo dolore la invoco. Le chiedo di liberarmi dalla fatica
 più di due volte a settimana.                                             che crede che lavare gli indumenti a 30 gradi non sia sufficiente.     suo cancro – fu una battaglia senza riserve, combattuta fino            d'esistere, la chiamo il regalo dei regali, il farmaco che cura ogni
     Questa sensazione indotta di sentirsi responsabili è utile se         È importante, fondamentale se vogliamo, ma non è abbastanza            all’ultimo giorno a colpi di dita sulla macchina da scrivere, unica     male. Tra me e lei c'è un legame fosco e ambiguo, insomma.
 portasse le persone ad avere comportamenti positivi per l’am-             se non è accompagnato da un’azione politica strutturata che            fedele compagna della sua esistenza, che l’aiutò ad esorcizzare         Un'intesa equivoca e buia."
 biente, ma è scorretta se si considera che non sono gli individui         possa destare i governi e le grandi imprese.  
 i veri colpevoli.                                                              Per rispondere alla domanda – evidentemente provocatoria
     Secondo l’autore, le grandi società inquinanti innescano il           – contenuta nel titolo di questo articolo: sì, avere delle abitudini
 senso di colpa nei cittadini attraverso campagne ed inserzio-             ecosostenibili serve ed è importante, e sarebbe tanto irragione-
 ni, per distogliere l’attenzione dal loro operato. Nel frattempo, li      vole quanto nocivo affermare il contrario.
 rendono dipendenti dai loro prodotti non sostenibili, e non fanno              Tuttavia, il mito del consumatore verde esiste, poiché la re-
 nulla per rendere il loro approccio più green.                            sponsabilità risiede principalmente nelle aziende inquinanti e nei
     Il giornalista sottolinea come il potere dei singoli sia limitato,    leader che non agiscono. È scorretto da parte di questi attori
 mentre gli amministratori delegati e i politici possono dare forma        inculcare negli individui un senso di colpa che non gli dovrebbe
 alle infrastrutture ed effettuare dei cambiamenti che hanno una           appartenere. Ciononostante, spetta proprio ai cittadini il potere
 maggiore portata. Tielbeke non sostiene che le scelte indivi-             di cambiare concretamente le cose, da un lato adottando uno
 duali non abbiano alcun potere. Tuttavia, per ottenere un cam-            stile di vita ecosostenibile, e dall’altro compiendo un’azione po-
 biamento concreto dobbiamo appellarci ad un’azione politica.              litica concreta. Questi due aspetti, presi singolarmente, sono
 Senza rigide norme che ci impongono certi comportamenti,                  utili, ma solo abbracciandoli entrambi si può sperare in un cam-
 non siamo in grado di cambiarli autonomamente, o almeno non               biamento positivo.

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