Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...

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Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
Annual Report

                                   with Sustainability Report

Once again, significant organic growth
How Hilti steers sustainability
Red shell – sophisticated core
Supply Chain shapes up for further growth
Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
Page 2


 4 “We create enthusiastic customers”:
    the complete Mission Statement
 6 How Hilti organizes and steers sustainability
 8 “We want to help people believe in themselves”
10 Hilti in 2007
    Once again, significant organic growth
18 People culture, corporate culture
2 1 The strategy
22 Red shell – sophisticated core
30 Research and development
3 1 Supply Chain
                                                           The company
34 Systematically working the market
35 Customers without a care in the world
                                                           in brief
38 The best for building professionals:
    the new products at a glance
44 Social entrepreneurs
                                                           H      ilti provides leading-edge
                                                                  technology to the global
                                                           construction industry. Hilti prod-
                                                                                                  production plants as well as re-
                                                                                                  search and development centers
                                                                                                  in Europe and Asia.
48 Sustainability: an overview                             ucts, systems and services offer
50 The Executive Board                                     the construction professional in-      Founded in 1941, the worldwide
52 The Board of Directors                                  novative solutions with outstand-      Hilti Group evolved from a small
                                                           ing added value. The headquar-         family company. Since 2000, the
                                                           ters of the Hilti Group are in         Martin Hilti Family Trust holds
                                                           Schaan in the Principality of          all shares and, since January
                                                           Liechtenstein.                         2008, all participation certificates
                                                                                                  of Hilti Corporation. This safe-
                                                           Some 20,000 employees, in more         guards the further development
                                                           than 120 countries around the          of the company founder Martin
10 Hilti made significant                                  world, enthuse their customers         Hilti’s life’s work in the long
   gains in 2007 as well:                                  and build a better future. The cor-    term.
   more employees, more                                    porate culture is founded on in-
   sales, higher profit.                                   tegrity, courage, teamwork and         Hilti upholds a clear value orien-
                                                           commitment.                            tation and pursues a policy of
                                                                                                  stakeholder value. Integrating the
                                                           Hilti excels through outstanding       interests of all the company’s
                                                           innovation, top quality, direct cus-   partners – customers, suppliers
                                                           tomer relations and effective mar-     and employees – into its strategy
                               22 Sophisticated tech-      keting. Two-thirds of the employ-      and actively honoring its social
                                  niques – and success –   ees work directly for the customer     and ecological responsibility cre-
                                  are a product of         in sales organizations and in engi-    ates the foundation of trust that
                                  teamwork.                neering, which means a total of        makes possible the long-term suc-
                                                           more than 200,000 customer con-        cess of the company.
                                                           tacts every day. Hilti has its own

44 Social responsibility
   starts at the bottom and
   creates new ideas.
Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
Annual Report 2007

                                                                                                                                                     Page 3

Hilti Group:
sustainable success
      The strong economy put            ronment. For this reason, acting
      wind in our sails in 2007. At     with a sense of social and ecologi-
the same time, we also took full ad-    cal responsibility is a fixture of our
vantage of our ability to make the      Mission Statement. So when we
very best of a business upturn. For     talk about “building a better fu-
the fourth year in a row we ex-         ture,” we mean every word of it.
panded our worldwide sales net-         And this same conviction is behind
work and thus garnered additional       our decision to publish information
market share, as witness our sales      about our economic development
growth of 13 percent. We have           together with an account of our
grown further under our own             sustainability in one single Annual
steam, and our profitable growth        Report.
is continuing: thanks also to a
healthy increase in productivity,       We stand by the principles of the
our operating result in 2007 rose       UN Global Compact, which we
by 26 percent to 533 million Swiss      signed in early 2006. We strive
francs.                                 with resolve to make them a
                                        reality – increasingly and with ever
Behind this accomplishment is a         greater insistence in the case of our
global team capable of conveying        suppliers too, as you will read on
its enthusiasm to customers – as        page 31, training our own auditors
well as attracting new team mem-        for the task as well.
bers: the average number of em-
ployees rose in 2007 by 10 percent      You will find more information on
to reach 18,930, with 1389 new          sustainability in this Annual Report       Bo Risberg (left) and Pius Baschera: The company saw further
team members alone working in           than in last year’s. Part of the report-   organic growth in 2007.
sales. We intend to further build up    ing processes for the measurement
our efforts in that field in the year   of aspects of sustainability relevant      improvement and can continuously        Board of Directors, so carefully
to come, in order to meet future        to us is now in place, and we can put      enhance the interaction among the       prepared in 2006, now success-
economic fluctuations from a posi-      figures to activities and chart per-       economic, social and ecological as-     fully completed.
tion of strength.                       formance over the course of several        pects of our business.
                                        years. We consider our progress to-                                                We would like to express our sin-
For many years now, we have firm-       ward social and ecological sustain-        This same dedication to the twin        cerest thanks to the people around
ly believed that economic success       ability a journey, just as we do the       principles of development and con-      the globe who have made our suc-
can only be sustained by meeting        development of our corporate cul-          tinuity is reflected in our personnel   cess possible: to our customers, our
the needs of all major stakeholders,    ture. As we continue on this road          policy, with the changing of the        employees, our partners and
including our society and the envi-     we are constantly capable of further       guard on our Executive Board and        our suppliers.
                                                                                   Pius Baschera                           Bo Risberg
                                                                                   Chairman of the Board of Directors      Chief Executive Officer
Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
Page 4

“We create
Hilti employees follow the Mission Statement in
their everyday work. It provides them with a
foundation for effective collaboration, personal
development and success.

Mission Statement                     We take self-responsibility for the    quality, direct customer relation-
We create enthusiastic customers      development of the business, our       ships and effective marketing.
and build a better future!            team and ourselves.
                                                                             Concentration: We focus on prod-
Enthusiastic customers                We encourage, coach and support        ucts and markets where we can
We create success for our cus-        each other to achieve outstanding      achieve and sustain leadership
tomers by identifying their needs     results.                               positions.
and providing innovative and
value-adding solutions.               Our culture is a journey – Our Cul-    We accomplish our
                                      ture Journey.                          purpose through global
Build a better future                                                        processes
We foster a company climate in        People                                 All of our activities are derived
which every team member is val-       We have excellent team members.        from our strategic imperatives
ued and able to grow.                                                        “Product Leadership,” “Market
                                      We expect high performance and         Reach” and “Operational Excel-
We develop win-win relationships      we offer high incentives.              lence.”
with our partners and suppliers.
                                      We recruit and develop our people      In order to continuously improve
We embrace our responsibility to-     based on their competencies, ac-       customer satisfaction and produc-
ward society and environment.         complishments and potential.           tivity, our approach is based on
                                                                             the highest level of harmonization
We aim to achieve significant and     We give them the chance to grow        and ongoing optimization of our
sustainable profitable growth, thus   with us as part of a team and to       business processes.
securing our freedom of action.       develop a long-term career within
                                      the Hilti Group.
We live our values
The foundation of our culture is      Our “Champion 3C
integrity, courage, teamwork and      Strategy”
commitment.                           Customer: We want to be our cus-
                                      tomers’ best partner. Their require-
Our culture                           ments drive our actions.
We share a common purpose.
                                      Competency: We are committed
                                      to excellence in innovation, total
Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
Annual Report 2007

                     Page 5
Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
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“This is how we organize
and steer sustainability”
An integral part of the Hilti Mission Statement and business model is the aim
to grow profitably over the long term, by means of its positive influence on
employees, customers, suppliers, society and environment as well as the
way these stakeholders interact positively with each other. A vision of sus-
tainability integrated to this degree demands a systematic approach and
transparency, as outlined below by Executive Board member Christoph Loos.

                                                                         That’s why we made our responsi-        Legal affairs is home to our Chief
                                                                         bility to our crucial stakeholders      Compliance Officer, who has al-
                                                                         part of our Mission Statement,          ready been named and who is
                                                                         summed up in the sentence “We           charged with the issue of corrup-
                                                                         build a better future.” This respon-    tion, as well as the person respon-
                                                                         sibility was part of our company        sible for all our activities as a
                                                                         tradition before anyone was talk-       “great citizen,” our involvement in
                                                                         ing about sustainability. Seen from     the environment in which we work.
                                                                         today’s point of view, however,         Health & Safety and Environment,
                                                                         we weren’t systematic enough, nor       meanwhile, have a new unit all of
                                                                         were we terribly transparent, wheth-    their own, whose head reports di-
                                                                         er internally or externally.            rectly to Executive Board member
                                                                                                                 Stefan Nöken.
                                                                         Well, in the meantime Hilti initi-
                                                                         ated an internal sustainability         The people handling these assign-
                                                                         management project in 2004,             ments make up our sustainability
                                                                         agreed to the UN Global Com-            core team, setting the agenda and
                                                                         pact in 2006, signed the Caring         an annual plan for our activities in
                                                                         for Climate Convention in 2007          that area, reporting regularly, and
                                                                         and speaks out against all forms        coordinating the collaboration of
                                                                         of corruption.                          the Hilti Group and the Hilti Foun-
                                                                         Christoph Loos: That is all true,       dation on “great citizen” projects.
                                                                         and important. We might also note
                                                                         that, beginning as early as 1998, all   That’s a lot of work for our core
                                                                         production plants as well as prod-      team!
                                                                         uct development of the individual       Christoph Loos: Well, the way
                                                                         Business Units, and now some            we see it, sustainability has many
                                                                         of our national organizations too,      facets. And, as you can see from the
                                                                         were certified to the ISO 14001 en-     articles in this year’s Annual Re-
                                                                         vironmental standard.                   port, we’re already doing a pretty
                                                                                                                 good job of covering them. But we
Christoph Loos:                                                          Now, in order to address this mat-      can still do much better. We think
“A core team sets the agenda   Mr. Loos, a company which aims            ter in an orderly and sustainable       of the continuing expansion of our
for our sustainability.”       at comprehensive sustainability           fashion, we have created the nec-       sustainability as a journey, just as
                               must surely lay the groundwork            essary organizational structures,       we do the development of our cor-
                               for it in its strategy.                   which were launched in January          porate culture. And as we continue
                               Christoph Loos: I think sustain-          2008. Human resources, part of my       down that path, we will not cease
                               ability needs to start even earlier, in   mandate on the Executive Board, is      to become more sophisticated, in-
                               the attitude of management and            responsible for all support and ac-     crease our commitment and refine
                               employees. They must believe in           tivities which affect our employees     our system. Just as we are doing
                               the entire approach so they can act       directly – in line with our vision of   with our economic sustainability,
                               on the strategy with a whole heart.       Hilti as a “great place to work.”       we aim to steer the efficiency and
Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
Annual Report 2007

                                                                                                                                                      Page 7

 Only a company which shoulders its responsibility to society and the
 environment can grow profitably over the long term. This belief is well
 entrenched at Hilti; over the last three years it has been lent additional
 support with the phasing in of sustainability management, which is
 now being further expanded and systematized within the organization.

 I  n their Mission Statement, Hilti
    employees vow to “build a bet-
 ter future.” This is their way of ex-
                                         ed its “Sustainability Management
                                         at Hilti” project.
                                                                                  to plants and product development
                                                                                  as well as to sales organizations in
                                                                                  specific countries, a first for Hilti.
                                                                                                                           over the long term ensure the
                                                                                                                           development and implementation
                                                                                                                           of strategic initiatives with an eye
 pressing their traditionally strong     It began with an intensive stake-        Hilti management’s core steering         to sustainable corporate manage-
 sense of responsibility toward so-      holder dialogue, to identify indi-       instrument, its so-called “Value         ment, and which would constitute
 ciety and environment. System-          vidual topics and establish a prior-     Cockpit,” was gradually supple-          the backbone of systematic sus-
 atized sustainability management        ity list. Together with ongoing          mented with indicators designed to       tainability management. The re-
 began in 2004, when the direction       projects and activities, this led to a   track the achievement of sustain-        sult of this work is a sustainabili-
 to be taken by the management           comprehensive project portfolio,         ability, some of which are included      ty core team, headed by Christoph
 system was clearly sustainability,      the “Sustainability Roadmap.” Ele-       in this Annual Report.                   Loos and Stefan Nöken, both
 building on numerous environ-           ments of this portfolio were con-                                                 members of the Executive Board.
 mental protection activities in pro-    cerned with the development and          One crucial milestone was the cre-       It covers the entire range of sus-
 duction and product development,        launch of appropriate processes          ation of a new organizational ap-        tainability issues, from its social
 a strong corporate culture and a        and steering instruments. A newly        proach to sustainability manage-         to its ecological aspects. For more
 variety of social projects. Accord-     defined ecological management            ment, intended to establish an           details, see the interview with
 ingly, the Executive Board initiat-     process, for instance, is applicable     organizational structure that would      Christoph Loos opposite.

the effectiveness of our sustain-        come to the Hilti Foundation. It
ability measures in the areas of         basically concentrates on larger
                                                                                   Our commitments at a glance
society, education, culture, health      projects with global impact, while        Responsibility to employees:
and safety, and the environment.         our national organizations and            Corporate culture: pages 18 –19
This will in turn mean greater           production plants as well as our          Training and career: page 19
transparency in the interaction          headquarters in Liechtenstein get         Health promotion: pages 20–21
among our key stakeholders.              involved locally and give some-
                                         thing back to the society in which        Responsibility to society: pages 8 and 44
You mention society,                     they are enjoying success.
education and culture. How do                                                      Responsibility to the environment: pages 32 and 34
the commitments of the Hilti
Group differ from the activities                                                   Zero tolerance of corruption:
of the Hilti Foundation?                                                           Code of Conduct for employees: page 9
Christoph Loos: The Hilti Group’s                                                  Code of Conduct for suppliers, supplier audits: page 31
proprietor, the Martin Hilti Family
Trust, was solely responsible for                                                  Summary of all sustainability measures: page 48
financing the Hilti Foundation until
the end of 2006. Now, as a stake-
holder, the Hilti Group passes on
at least one percent of its net in-
Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
Page 8

“We want
to help people believe
in themselves”
As of 2007, the Hilti Foundation is pursuing a new strategy: it supports social
and educational projects around the world, and continues to fund the
research work of marine archaeologist Franck Goddio. The Hilti Foundation
is now jointly financed by the Martin Hilti Family Trust and the Hilti Group.
Egbert Appel, a member of the Executive Board until the end of 2006, has since
the beginning of 2007 been charged with the Hilti Foundation’s business.

Mr. Appel, not much has been           Board, of which Michael Hilti, his     between profit and non-profit             words, if a company wants to turn
known about the Hilti Founda-          brother Markus Hilti, Bo Risberg       organizations still apply?                a profit, it has to think about more
tion until now, apart from the         and Christoph Loos from the Exec-      Egbert Appel: The idea that the one       than just its employees, customers,
fact that it supports marine           utive Board, and I are all members.    side earns the money while the oth-       suppliers and shareholders; it must
archaeologist Franck Goddio.           We have decided that the Hilti         er spends it on charitable causes is      also make a contribution to society
Egbert Appel: As part of the Mar-      Foundation should have a global        no longer valid, as far as I’m con-       and to the environment. This is the
tin Hilti Family Trust, the Hilti      presence, and that this requires it    cerned. The non-profit organiza-          integrated approach that the Hilti
Foundation has done a great deal       to consolidate its forces. For this    tions we work with account for the        Group supports, because it be-
of good without making a lot of        reason it is now concentrating on      effectiveness of their use of our         lieves in it, and because it is part of
fuss about it. It has made a host      social and educational projects,       funds. We have figures we can keep        its tradition. The words “We build
of extremely generous commit-          while continuing to co-operate         track of and help them to improve.        a better future” in our Mission
ments, largely focusing on social      with the international organization    For our part, we provide material         Statement are not simply window-
projects in Egypt and the Rhine        Ashoka* in support of so-called        and human resources to ensure that        dressing!
valley, which means in Liechten-       social entrepreneurs. These are        they meet the objectives we have
stein, where Hilti has its headquar-   people who implement initiatives       jointly set. After a few years, a proj-   If we turn what you say around,
ters, as well as the neighboring       in their own region for the good       ect should be able to do without our      can we also assume that the
Austrian and Swiss regions.            of the local population. In the cul-   financial support and stand on its        needy in principle have a right to
                                       tural department, meanwhile, the       own, earning its own keep. That's         expect help?
Since January 1, 2007, the Hilti       Hilti Foundation also continues        the sort of sustainability we have in     Egbert Appel: Put it this way: there
Foundation is no longer financed       to support the research work of        mind.                                     is such a thing as the right to be
solely by the Martin Hilti Family      Franck Goddio.                                                                   helped to help oneself! It is unfor-
Trust, but by the Hilti Group as                                              But let’s change our point of view.       givable to simply abandon an illiter-
well, which has pledged a portion      Becoming general manager of            If a profit-making organization is        ate person to the winds of fortune.
of its net income to the Hilti         the Hilti Foundation in 2007           looking to maximize its profits           Basic education is the prerequisite
Foundation. This new arrangement       meant moving from the profit           over the long term, it needs to take      for self-determination. And self-
dovetails with the new strategy        side of things to the non-profit       the requirements of all interest          determination is the soil from which
elaborated by the Hilti Foundation     side. Do the classic distinctions      groups into account. In other             grows the will to take one’s life
Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
Annual Report 2007

                                                                                                                                              Page 9

                                                                              tolerance of
                                                                              Hilti tolerates no corruption in any form and
                                                                              provides its employees with the appropriate
                                                                              Code of Conduct.

                                                                              I  n line with its well-developed
                                                                                 corporate culture, Hilti sets
                                                                              high ethical standards. At the
                                                                                                                    ness about employees’ duty to
                                                                                                                    combat corruption and to train
                                                                                                                    them in correct behavior.
                                                                              2004 Davos World Economic Fo-
                                                                              rum, Pius Baschera, in his then-      In 2007, the Chief Compliance
                                                                              capacity as Chief Executive Offi-     Officer trained Hilti general man-
                                                                              cer, signed the Partnering Against    agers in European countries and
                                                                              Corruption Initiative (PACI)          in the Near/Middle East and
                                                                              launched there to oblige engineer-    Africa regions, as well as em-
                                                                              ing and construction firms world-     ployees of both Business Areas.
                                                                              wide to introduce anti-corruption     Furthermore, all new employees
                                                                              principles. The UN Global Com-        are taught the basic elements of
                                                                              pact as well, which Hilti agreed      the Code of Conduct. Employees
                                                                              to in 2006, provides measures         who become aware of dubious
                                                                              against corruption in its Principle   goings-on can contact the Chief
                                                                              10 – see page 48 for more details.    Compliance Officer confidential-
                                                                                                                    ly by way of a central helpline or
Egbert Appel: “It is unforgivable to simply abandon an                        The Hilti Group is strictly op-       local helplines in the various
illiterate person to the winds of fortune.”                                   posed to any form of bribery and      countries. The Group uses the ap-
                                                                              corruption, in all areas of busi-     propriate audits to monitor the
in one’s hands. As with illiterate     field – as well as going beyond        ness, and in all geographical re-     implementation of the Code of
people, so it is with the homeless:    it: construction means jobs, as well   gions. The relevant directives are    Conduct, and to investigate all
their will does not simply grow all    as experience that can be passed       available to all employees on the     tips. A proven case of corruption
on its own. This is precisely where    on; it means lasting values, which     Intranet. The centerpiece is the      led to the summary dismissal of
the Hilti Foundation comes in. We      are in turn the bedrock of new         Code of Conduct, drafted in 2002.     one person in 2007.
want to help needy people believe in   ideas.                                 It helps reach a global standard
themselves again. To this end we                                              which not only satisfies legal pro-
are preparing a worldwide project      * www.ashoka.org                       visions, but actually exceeds them
aimed at giving the needy a roof         www.changemakers.net                 in many points. In addition, an
over their head. After all, this is                                           e-learning program is currently
a project with a direct connection     Learn more about the Hilti Foun-       being rolled out to raise aware-
to the Hilti Group’s professional      dation’s involvement on page 46.
Once again, significant organic growth How Hilti steers sustainability Red shell - sophisticated core Supply Chain shapes up for further growth ...
Page 10

The Hilti Group in 2007

Once again,
significant organic
In 2007 the Hilti Group was able to put the favorable global economic situa-
tion to full use by growing vigorously: turnover posted its fourth double-digit
advance in a row and increased 13 percent, from 4.1 to 4.7 billion Swiss
francs. Operating result growth outstripped that of sales turnover, increas-
ing 26 percent from 422 to 533 million Swiss francs. The Hilti Group thus
continued its very profitable growth.

A      gainst a generally rosy eco-
       nomic backdrop, the Hilti
Group enhanced global sales ca-
                                      performed the previous year’s
                                      figure of 4.118 billion by 13 per-
                                      cent, or 11 percent in local curren-
                                                                              high growth in general, and Hilti
                                                                              is riding the trend to make signifi-
                                                                              cant turnover inroads there.
                                                                                                                     result of 422 million. The Hilti
                                                                                                                     Group was thus able to speed up
                                                                                                                     the pace of its ongoing profitable
pacities in 2007 on an even grander   cies.                                                                          growth.
scale than the year before. The re-                                           Result
sult was additional market share      Growth was broad-based in 2007,         The operating result rose signifi-     Earnings before interest and income
and further organic growth for the    with all regions except North           cantly, buoyed up by the strong        tax expenses climbed 20 percent,
company.                              America boasting double-digit in-       sales growth as well as by marked      from 471 million Swiss francs in
                                      creases. Europe continues to ac-        cost discipline.                       2006 to 564 million in 2007.
The Hilti Group’s average number      count for the majority of the Hilti
of employees rose by 9.7 percent,     Group’s turnover (65% of total          The additional improved services       Net income rose 23 percent, from
from 17,250 in 2006 to 18,930.        sales), with Eastern Europe post-       and the product innovations            344 million to 422 million Swiss
Of the total of 1680 new positions    ing the strongest growth. Thanks to     launched by the Hilti Group in         francs.
Hilti created in 2007, 1389 alone     its focus on the commercial and in-     2007 offer customers overall added
(or 82.7 percent) are in sales.       dustrial construction sector, mean-     value and increased efficiency, a      On December 31, 2007, the equity
                                      while, Hilti North America has felt     bonus they are willing to pay for.     ratio stood at 64 percent as against
In addition to benefiting from per-   the economic effects of the finan-      This in turn has allowed Hilti to      57 percent year on year.
sonnel reinforcements in sales,       cial crisis to only a limited degree,   compensate for higher commodity
Hilti also saw turnover increase on   and its single-digit growth can be      prices.                                2008 outlook
the back of services with a decid-    considered a sign of health in view                                            The Hilti Group plans to grow fur-
edly improved reach as well as        of a generally sluggish US building     Taken together, these factors          ther in 2008 and is aiming at a
its launch of a wide range of inno-   market. The Latin America and Asia      helped to generate a 2007 operating    turnover of 5 billion Swiss francs.
vative products. At 4.667 billion     regions as well as the Near / Middle    result of 533 million Swiss francs,    To what extent the economic un-
Swiss francs, 2007 turnover out-      East and Africa region* promise         or 26 percent more than the 2006       certainty arising from the financial
Annual Report 2007

                                                                                                                              Page 11

crisis in the United States will af-      will have several more in the              search and development at its head-
fect matters by dampening growth,         pipeline for the following years. It       quarters in Schaan.
however, cannot be predicted. Fur-        will expand production plants in
thermore, negative currency devel-        Schaan (Liechtenstein), Thüringen
opment could also feed through            (Austria), Kaufering and Strass
into sales and results.                   (Germany) and build up warehouse
                                          capacity worldwide. Another im-
The Hilti Group will make selected        portant project will be the construc-
major investments during 2008 and         tion of an innovation center for re-

2007 sales growth year on year

                                2007                     2006                 Difference               Difference
                             in CHF million           in CHF million              in CHF (%)        in local currencies (%)

Europe                         3,037                     2,617                        16                       11
North America                    939                       906                         4                        7
Latin America                    109                        96                        14                       16
Asia                             414                       364                        14                       13
Near / Middle East
and Africa*                      168                       135                        24                       28
Total                          4,667                     4,118                        13                       11

* Starting in 2007, Hilti now includes sales development figures in its reporting from the Near / Middle East and
  Africa region. The 2006 figures have been adjusted to the new reporting structure.
Page 12

Key statistics
                     Net sales (CHF million)                                             Operating result (CHF million)

                       2003       2004         2005    2006    2007                        2003       2004       2005     2006     2007

                                                91      135
     Near / Middle                  69                          414
   East and Africa      64                              364
             Asia       280                                     939
                                                764      96     109
   North America        649                      81
   Latin America         59

                                                       2,617   3,037
                                   2,178       2,367
          Europe       1,961

                       3,013      3,299        3,638   4,118   4,667                       235        276           322    422      533

                                EBIT (CHF million)                                       Net income (CHF million)

                                  2004         2005    2006    2007                        2003       2004       2005     2006     2007

                                   343         389     471     564                         186        246           284    344      422

                     Research and
                     development expenditure (CHF million)                               Employees (average of year)

                       2003       2004         2005    2006    2007                        2003       2004       2005     2006     2007


                                                                                                                           230      2,560

                                                                         Near / Middle                              170    2,200
                                                                                                       150                          2,980
                                                                       East and Africa      170                  1,930
                                                                                                      1,750                          660
                                                                                  Asia     1,680                           2,730
                                                                                                                 2,500      600
                                                                       North America       2,280      2,350       560
                                                                       Latin America        550        500

                                                                                                                 10,890   11,490
                                                                              Europe       9,960      10,370

                        137        140         151     164     177                        14,640     15,120     16,050    17,250   18,930
Annual Report 2007

                                                                                                                                             Page 13

Important Note

The following pages contain extracts from the 2007 financial report of        The full 2007 consolidated financial statements which are included in
the Hilti Group. Because these pages do not contain the full consolidated     the 2007 financial report have been prepared in accordance with inter-
financial statements, they do not present complete information about          national financial reporting standards (IFRS). The five-year summary
the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of the Hilti     information in the charts on the opposite page is reported in accordance
Group for 2007. Complete information, including the notes to the con-         with IFRS only from the 2004 year. The 2003 information has not been
solidated financial statements referred to below, is contained in the 2007    restated from the prior basis of reporting (Swiss GAAP FER).
financial report which will be available on the Group’s website
(www.hilti.com) from late March 2008.

Consolidated income statement (amounts in CHF million)

                                                                                               Note                           2007           2006

Net sales                                                                                       (29)                       4,666.5        4,118.2
Other operating revenues                                                                                                      53.1           55.6
Total operating revenues                                                                                                   4,719.6        4,173.8

Change in inventory of components of work in progress and finished goods                                                       39.5           48.5
Material costs                                                                                  (30)                      (1,459.0)      (1,304.0)
Personnel expenses                                                                              (31)                      (1,712.8)      (1,565.0)
Depreciation and amortisation                                                                   (32)                        (180.8)        (170.7)
Other operating expenses                                                                        (33)                        (873.6)        (760.8)
Total operating expenses                                                                                                  (4,186.7)      (3,752.0)

Operating result                                                                                                             532.9          421.8

Share of profit / (loss) of equity-accounted associates and joint ventures                      (10)                           0.7            0.8
Other revenues and expenses (net)                                                               (34)                          30.3           48.6

Earnings before finance costs and income tax expense (EBIT)                                                                  563.9          471.2

Finance costs                                                                                   (35)                         (68.0)         (70.4)

Net income before income tax expense                                                                                         495.9          400.8

Income tax expense                                                                              (36)                         (74.3)         (56.9)

Net income                                                                                                                   421.6          343.9

Net income is 100% attributable to equity holders of the parent. The          the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement
group has no minority interest.                                               of recognized income and expense, and the consolidated cash flow
The notes to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of,
and should be read in conjunction with, the consolidated balance sheet,
Page 14

Consolidated balance sheet of the Hilti Group as at December 31 (amounts in CHF million)

                                                                                              Note                         2007           2006

Intangible assets                                                                                (7)                       207.5         184.5
Property, plant and equipment                                                                    (8)                       744.5         704.4
Investment property                                                                              (9)                         5.6           5.9
Investments in associates and joint ventures                                                   (10)                          6.7           6.0
Deferred income tax assets                                                                     (11)                        124.1         101.7
Other financial investments                                                                    (12)                         13.5          14.1
Trade and other receivables                                                                    (14)                        189.5         119.6
Derivative financial instruments                                                               (16)                            –             –
Total non-current assets                                                                                                 1,291.4       1,136.2

Inventories                                                                                    (13)                        681.9         560.2
Trade and other receivables                                                                    (14)                      1,129.1         992.2
Current income taxes receivable                                                                (26)                          8.7           9.6
Accrued income and prepayments                                                                 (15)                         71.2          51.2
Derivative financial instruments                                                               (16)                          2.6           5.9
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                                          (17)                         44.6          45.0
Cash and cash equivalents                                                                      (18)                        627.9         978.0
Assets classified as held for sale                                                             (19)                          3.9           0.5
Total current assets                                                                                                     2,569.9       2,642.6

TOTAL ASSETS                                                                                                             3,861.3       3,778.8

The notes to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of,   of recognized income and expense, and the consolidated cash flow
and should be read in conjunction with, the consolidated balance sheet,       statement.
the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement
Annual Report 2007

                                                                                                                                           Page 15

                                                                                           Note                            2007            2006

Equity                                                                                       (20)                       2,483.2         2,158.9

Provisions                                                                                   (21)                         132.4           138.6
Pension and termination benefit obligations                                                  (22)                          80.8           108.3
Deferred income tax liabilities                                                              (11)                          48.3            35.5
Bonds                                                                                        (23)                         148.0           147.6
Long-term bank borrowings                                                                    (24)                           8.1            11.3
Trade and other payables                                                                     (25)                          18.3            13.1
Derivative financial instruments                                                             (16)                             –             0.9
Total non-current liabilities                                                                                             435.9           455.3

Provisions                                                                                   (21)                          63.1            45.6
Trade and other payables                                                                     (25)                         318.8           272.5
Current income taxes payable                                                                 (26)                         118,2           100.6
Accrued liabilities and deferred income                                                      (27)                         358.7           334.1
Bonds                                                                                        (23)                             –           200.7
Short-term bank borrowings                                                                   (28)                          74.8           204.8
Derivative financial instruments                                                             (16)                           8.6             6.3
Total current liabilities                                                                                                 942.2         1,164.6

Total liabilities                                                                                                       1,378.1         1,619.9

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                                                            3,861.3         3,778.8

Equity comprises share capital (176,000 registered shares with par        The notes to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of,
value of CHF 500 each) and participation capital (774,000 participation   and should be read in conjunction with, the consolidated balance sheet,
certificates with par value of CHF 50 each) as well as reserves.          the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement
The group has no minority interest.                                       of recognized income and expense, and the consolidated cash flow
More strengt
Annual Report 2007

B      ern is looking forward to
       this June, when the Euro-
pean Football Championship (Euro
                                      shops no longer met current safety
                                      standards and could not have been
                                      subjected to new loads from above-
                                                                             tial suggestions for dealing with
                                                                             this potential danger were text-
                                                                             book solutions which turned out to
                                                                                                                    ment. The new method has already
                                                                                                                    been proven in trials, and its
                                                                                                                    world premiere in Bern is sure
08) is held in Switzerland and Aus-   ground traffic – so reinforcement      be unsuited to the particular de-      to attract adherents – so let the
tria. Bern’s gigantic Bahnhofplatz,   was called for, to prevent load-       mands of the site’s structural engi-   games begin!
as well as the shopping arcade un-    bearing columns from punching          neering and architecture. Hilti had
derneath it, will have to be reno-    through the concrete when stress       the right answer: Drill inclined
vated by then. The ceiling over the   exceeds the critical level. The ini-   holes and bond-in shear reinforce-
Page 18

People culture, corporate culture

Courage and loyalty
In 2007, Hilti continued to build up its reputation as a “great place to work.”
Its corporate culture affords Hilti employees a basis for success – for both
themselves and their company. This in turn means long-term career opportu-
nities within the company. Economic success is of a piece with the strong
personal growth enjoyed by individual team members as well as vigorous
growth in employee numbers.

The Hilti team in Dubai:
Taking on challenges together,
celebrating successes
together.                             P      eople with the courage to
                                             look unflinchingly at them-
                                      selves and their work day after day
                                                                             and will find themselves with
                                                                             new and promising ideas. Courage
                                                                             leads to innovation – and it is a
                                                                                                                   culture, which, together with the
                                                                                                                   company’s strategy, provides the
                                                                                                                   foundation for economic success.
                                      will grow, and help others to grow,    solid pillar of the Hilti corporate
                                                                                                                   Practically all Hilti employees
                                                                                                                   around the world have attended at
                                                              2005                2006                   2007      least one Corporate Culture Work-
Number of working days employees have used for                                                                     shop since the workshops were
Corporate Culture Workshops                                 16,000              32,000                  38,000     launched in 2004. They think of the
Expenditure for Corporate Culture                                                                                  evolution of the Hilti corporate
Workshops (in CHF million)                                     6.8                 12.5                  13.2      culture – as well as their own evo-
Internal survey: participation rate                           91%                  92%                   92%       lution, and that of the company it-
Proud to work for Hilti                                       87%                  87%                   87%       self – as a journey. Taking part in a
Fluctuation                                                   13%                  13%                   14%       Culture Workshop means regularly
Successful integration*                                       80%                  82%                   83%       pausing to take stock, before con-
Open management positions filled with internal                82%                  76%                   82%       tinuing to work as part of a team
candidates                                                                                                         with fresh awareness and new
Number of apprentices worldwide                               296                  302                 344         goals. The employees also take
Average number of employees                           +6%; 16,050        +7.5%; 17,250       +9.7%; 18,930         time to think about their own par-
                                                                                                                   ticular development and to deter-
* By “successful integration” Hilti means an employee working for two years or longer at the company.              mine their next individual develop-
Annual Report 2007

                                                                                                                                                     Page 19

 More apprentices
 Since the summer of 2007, 82 apprentices are being trained at Hilti head-
 quarters in Schaan, up from 73. By 2009 the ranks of apprentices will
 have swelled past the hundred mark, and as of 2013, 116 young people
 will be learning their trade at the Liechtenstein location. Traditional pro-
 fessions such as clerk, polymechanic and designer have been joined by
 three new trades, practical mechanic, practical machinist and logistician.
 All training programs are open to both men and women. Hilti is thus not
 only ensuring its own continued supply of skilled employees, it is also
 doing its part to lower youth unemployment and providing many young
 people with a solid education.

 In addition to the apprenticeships at headquarters and production plants
 in Liechtenstein, Hilti also offers training opportunities at four production
 plants in Germany, Austria and Hungary as well as in the Swiss, Austri-           Greetings from Shanghai
 an, German, UK / Irish, French, Portuguese, Brazilian, Venezuelan, Indo-

 nesian, Indian and New Zealand national organizations.                                    Before I had completed my       High-rises as far as the eye can see,
                                                                                           four-year training as a poly-   and every skyscraper trying to out-
 Read the article entitled “Greetings from Shanghai” to learn how a Hilti          mechanic I was already thinking         do the others in design and altitude.
 apprenticeship can open the door to a professional career.                        about what I would do next. I had a     The extreme climate is another
                                                                                   chat with my instructor, and so it      challenge, with icy cold winters
                                                                                   was that, just a few months after       and brutally hot summers. But I
                                                                                   completing my apprenticeship, I         quickly grew accustomed to city
 They’re proud – naturally!
                                                                                   found myself an apprentice once         life and the hectic pace of the
 Every year, Hilti takes its employees’ pulse. After all, when you’re talking      again, doing a two-year follow-on       streets, with their unbelievable
 about work, the atmosphere on the job, and teams, there’s always room             stint to become a designer. Then, in    crowds of people. I live right in the
 for improvement – that’s why it’s called continuing development! And              the spring of 2006, with thoughts       middle of it, in the heart of Shang-
 employees appreciate it. It’s no accident that more than 90 percent take          of the future in my head again, my      hai, on the top floor of a 34-storey
 part in the survey every year, entirely of their own free will. And every year,   instructor drew my attention to the     high-rise.
 more than 87 percent of those who do take part, veterans and new-                 job in Shanghai I have had since
 comers alike, say they are proud to work for Hilti.                               January 2007, with a year-and-a-        It was only when I got to Shanghai
                                                                                   half contract.                          that I realized how tranquil and
                                                                                                                           sleepy my life had been back in
                                                                                   Before leaving Europe, I was able       Liechtenstein. Here in China there
ment steps: every employee meets          increase in the number of working        to take a month-long intensive Chi-     isn’t much else you can do but go
with his or her supervisor at least       days employees used for them.            nese course in Germany, and to at-      with the flow and adapt as fast as
once a year to discuss and evaluate       Despite a depleted labor market on       tend a cultural training program.       possible. You need lots of patience
performance and to make plans for         which engineers are especially in        Once in Shanghai, I spent a semes-      and frequently nerves to get un-
the next individual move.                 demand, the fluctuation rate re-         ter at Jiao Tong University to con-     scathed through the day, because
                                          mained virtually constant in 2007,       tinue learning Chinese. It’s a lan-     the culture is completely different
The economic growth that Hilti is         while the share of employees who         guage one can in fact learn, but it     and occasionally difficult to under-
undergoing in line with its cor-          spend more than two years at Hilti       calls for a certain amount of com-      stand.
porate strategy also calls for more       after signing on has risen slightly.     mitment and motivation. I’m now
personnel, and the average number         Hilti employees’ continuing deve-        working here at the Hilti produc-       I have also discovered a whole new
of employees accordingly contin-          lopment means that, when vacan-          tion plant as a builder in the design   way of traveling. The country and
ued to show considerable growth in        cies open up in management, four-        department. I had not had anything      its people, their language and cul-
2007. Indeed, in the last five years      fifths of the positions can be filled    to do with rotary hammers and           ture widen my horizons, as does
it has increased by 29.3 percent,         with internal candidates.                cordless screwdrivers before, so        my professional life. To my way of
from 14,640 in 2003 to 18,930 this                                                 my time here has been a profes-         thinking, if you can get along in
year.                                                                              sional awakening as well, very in-      China without too much trouble,
                                                                                   teresting and exciting.                 you’re set for the rest of the
Along with the number of employ-
ees, the financial outlay for the
Corporate Culture Workshops has
                                                                                   When I arrived in Shanghai, the
                                                                                   city made an enormous impression

                                                                                                                           Patrick Lampert,
also risen, joined by a concomitant                                                on me, in fact it almost scared me.     Designer
Page 20

Fitness has taken on a                                                                                                  No charge
                                                                                                                        for the swimming

whole new meaning                                                                                                       pool
                                                                                                                        Hilti employees in Germany inter-
                                                                                                                        ested in their own fitness need
                                                                                                                        nothing more than a bit of motiva-
                                                                                                                        tion: the rest is laid on. At head-
                                                                                                                        quarters in Kaufering, for exam-
                                                                                                                        ple, they pay 120 euros for three
                                                                                                                        months at a fitness studio – and
                                                                                                                        get 80 euros back when they’re
                                                                                                                        done. Participation in health-
                                                                                                                        related courses such as autoge-
                                                                                                                        nous training or Pilates at the local
                                                                                                                        community college is subsidized
                                                                                                                        50 percent by Hilti. And in winter,
                                                                                                                        employees can even swim or en-
                                                                                                                        joy a sauna free of charge once a
                                                                                                                        week. “We also promote sports
                                                                                                                        groups outside the company,” ex-
                                                                                                                        plains Peter Göllner, a safety spe-
                                                                                                                        cialist at Hilti in Kaufering, whose
                                                                                                                        job includes being the contact
                                                                                                                        for the “Healthy and Active” pro-
                                                                                                                        gram. Andreas Kutschera, Head
                                                                                                                        of Human Resources at the Hilti
                                                                                                                        production plant in Kaufering,

       I used to do a lot of sports,   You have to be ready to call a spade     My general state has improved in        adds: “We are constantly working
       play badminton and ride mo-     a spade and to make changes when         just a few weeks, my weight is          to develop further health-promot-
tocross. But with the claims of my     you start having trouble. That’s one     slowly dropping, and I am per-          ing activities.”
career, sports took more and more      of the things we learn in our Cor-       forming better too. I’m not just
of a back seat. At the same time I     porate Culture Workshops, after          saying it, it’s actually true! And of   Hilti has launched a new wellness
quit smoking – and suddenly I had      all. When I did the fitness test our     course it sometimes requires a cer-     incentive program in the United
put on an extra ten kilos. My mus-     health management organized and          tain kick in the pants to get me into   States to help team members live
cle tone diminished, my joints had     was asked if I wanted to take part in    the swimming pool. But now I            longer and healthier lives. The
less support, and I developed prob-    a monitored fitness training pro-        know that my company values my          program focuses on measuring
lems with my knees. It was obvious     gram, I said yes.                        fitness, and that gives me an incen-    key risk factors for cardiovascular
to me that I had to do something.                                               tive to stay at it and keep to          disease, stroke and type 2 dia-

Since January 2006 I have been
working as a development engi-
                                       By investing time and money in me,
                                       the company is giving fitness a new
                                       significance. And it rubs off on my
                                                                                my sports goals.

                                                                                Ulrich Birnbaum,
                                                                                                              ”         betes. With the launch of this pro-
                                                                                                                        gram in 2007, 83 percent of team
                                                                                                                        members and their partners par-
neer for installation systems at       attitude and behavior, too: together     Hilti Development Engineer,             ticipated in a health screening. In
Hilti headquarters in Liechten-        with a fitness trainer, I have ana-      Schaan, Liechtenstein                   2008, a coaching program will be
stein. I began my career with an ap-   lyzed my pattern in the past and de-                                             introduced to help team members
prenticeship as a toolmaker at the     signed improvements. My physical                                                 and their partners take action to
Hilti production plant in Kaufer-      condition matters to me again. More                                              improve their long-term health by
ing, in Germany. My new office         movement, more fruit, more fluids –                                              reducing risk factors associated
is just a stone’s throw from the       that’s nothing new. The challenge                                                with diseases that can be influ-
Rhine. The little road along the       has been to change the rhythm of my                                              enced by lifestyle adjustments.
top of the dike built to contain       life, and for example to alter my for-
floods is perfect for in-line skat-    mer eating habits, and stick to it. So
ing. I have also chosen swimming       I have started to plan sports the way
and Nordic walking as two other        I plan work. I’m not going to give up
sports.                                until my new rhythm has simply be-
                                       come a part of my life.
Annual Report 2007

                                                                                                                                               Page 21

Keeping health in mind,
day after day
Physical fitness and sound mental health are the prerequisites for
taking on challenges with gusto. Hilti employees are responsible for their
own health, but since 2004 they have enjoyed the support of
a health manager at headquarters. Other organizations are following suit.

H      ow do working people deal
       with stress? What does a
healthy diet mean? What ergonom-
                                        also offers individual counseling
                                        on workplace design, and encour-
                                        ages employees to be health and
                                                                                ready were naturally happy to take
                                                                                part, and did so with ease,” recalls
                                                                                Christian Frenck. In fact, however,
                                                                                                                       look at habits and patterns of be-
                                                                                                                       havior, and to change them if nec-
ic principles should be followed        safety conscious in their free time     he had actually wanted to appeal
when setting up a workplace?            as well.                                to overweight or sluggish people,      See opposite how
Health Manager Christian Frenck                                                 “and it took some courage for them     Ulrich Birnbaum benefits from his
is constantly raising his colleagues’   In 2007, for instance, he invited his   to come forward.” A small group of     individual fitness program.
awareness at Hilti headquarters in      colleagues to take a fitness test.      just such courageous people was
Liechtenstein, pointing out impor-      They could assess their body-mass       prepared to look squarely at their
tant health and safety issues. He       index and the proportion of fat in      own physical condition and took
publishes information pamphlets         their total weight, test their physi-   up his offer of an individually run
and organizes events to keep the        cal fitness and have their coor-        fitness program. For most mem-
topics of health and safety on          dination and strength measured.         bers of that group, it paid to find
everyone’s mind. Christian Frenck       “Those who felt fit and healthy al-     the courage and the will to take a

On the growth path
in line with strategy
Customers, competency and concentration – these are the three Cs of the
“Champion 3C Strategy.” In 2007, the Hilti strategy, which was introduced
in 1996, entered its third phase, due to conclude in 2015. During this period,
Hilti aims at growth, differentiation and productivity – and most of all,
employee development.

T     he Hilti growth course in
      2007 was unmistakable:
thanks to its worldwide expansion
                                        10. New products skillfully tailored
                                        to customer requirements like the
                                        Hilti GX 120 gas system – see the
                                                                                company-wide target portfolio was
                                                                                created, containing products that
                                                                                are best suited to distinguishing
                                                                                                                       Executive Officer Bo Risberg ap-
                                                                                                                       pealed to employees to improve ba-
                                                                                                                       sic productivity in 2008. For more
of sales employees, the Group was       following pages for more infor-         Hilti and promise the greatest         information on employee develop-
able to take full advantage of the      mation – and innovative service         growth potential.                      ment please see page 18.
positive economic situation, gain       offerings like Hilti Lifetime Ser-
market share, and make further          vice or Hilti Fleet Management          Productivity was up strongly in
significant advances in turnover        afford Hilti further prominence on      2007 as well, albeit in part growth-
and profit – for details see page       the market. Furthermore, in 2007 a      related. For this reason, Chief
Page 22

Annual Report 2007

                                                                          Page 23

    Red shell –
isticated core
    Works like a radio but isn’t one, works like a car but isn’t one.
    A glimpse inside the new Hilti GX 120 gas system: it just functions
    the way a Hilti tool must, simply, efficiently and as user- and
    environment-friendly as possible. It took a team of developers all
    of their knowledge and innovative energy to come up with it –
    and a certain amount of passion as well.
Page 24

T     he more than ten members of
      the team went through thick
and thin together. The development
                                        tem, a supply engineer was already
                                        organizing production in consulta-
                                        tion with the quality manager, and
                                                                                development of the Hilti GX 120.
                                                                                “We brought the tool’s center of
                                                                                gravity right up close to where it
                                                                                                                           double wall there, with a heat
                                                                                                                           shield, because the tool can get
engineers, the research engineers       the product manager was getting         is held in the user’s hand,” he
and the research mechanic – they        ready for the launch. All of this ef-   explains, looking back. So users           All in all, compared with its
didn’t require long explanations to     fort – for the sake of customers –      don’t need to exert a great deal of        predecessor, the Hilti GX100, the
understand each other. Together         paid off. With the Hilti GX 120, in-    force to hold and guide it. Stefan         new tool is lighter – and slimmer.
they celebrated successful devel-       terior specialists now have a tool at   Bönig and his colleagues know              Drywallers who need to fasten
opment milestones, overcame in-         their disposal that lets them work      very well how workers on a con-            U-tracks for their plasterboard
evitable setbacks, picked them-         more efficiently and protect their      struction site use their tools; after      walls to the floor, wall and ceiling
selves up and carried on – six days     health at the same time.                all, they’ve observed them at it.          first, can now set nails, even into
a week when things were really                                                  When setting a nail they use their         the edges of buildings, without
happening. And while they were          Stefan Bönig was the technical          left hand to hold the tool at the rear     any effort. And there’s no problem
creating the Hilti GX 120 gas sys-      project head responsible for the        as well. “So that’s why we put in a        getting the tool’s slimmer nose into
                                                                                                                           any U-profile.

 Environment-friendly                                                                                                      In terms of performance, however,
 The Hilti GX 120 gas system is hardly in circulation,      Only a minimal residual amount of some 4 percent               the Hilti GX 120 is anything but
 and it’s already being broken down into its various        must be disposed of, and thus constitutes actual               a lightweight: “If you want to,
 components, to determine how environment-friendly          waste.                                                         you can set two nails a second
 its eventual disposal will be. When its materials are                                                                     without any trouble,” says Stefan
 subjected to analysis accurate to a tenth of a gram,       In contrast to the earlier model, the Hilti GX 120’s gas       Bönig with conspicuous sangfroid.
 the system does practically as well as its predecessor,    can makes do without a dosage valve, which theoret-            “Which means that, in constant
 the Hilti GX 100. Almost 96 percent of the materials       ically means a saving of 22.4 tons of synthetic materi-        use, it’s no problem to put in up to
 used to construct it can either be reused or recovered,    al per million cans. Further evidence of how big a dif-        1200 fasteners an hour.” The new
 partly as a source of energy, partly for other purposes.   ference ostensibly small improvements can make.                gas system has also plainly passed
                                                                                                                           speed tests at rates of 3000 settings

World premiere: An LED gas indicator tells users the current gas level.                                                  The tool’s nose can be removed and
                                                                                                                         keylessly adjusted.
Annual Report 2007

                                                                                                                                                   Page 25

per hour. And what’s more, workers
need less strength than previously
to press the tool against the materi-
al they’re working on prior to set-
ting the nail. High efficiency with
less effort – exactly what everyone
is looking for. Users only need to
reload the magazine every now and
then, since it now holds four sets of
ten nails each.

The contents of the gas can that de-      “I love it! I want it!”
livers the power to drive in the nails

is sufficient for at least an entire             The GX 120 was a tool that      what’s the reason?’ I think you’re       nails are more important than
package, that is, for 750 nails. No              I heard a lot about and I was   probably going to get several dif-       their price. I also explain to peo-
matter how fast the tool is called        pretty excited about working with      ferent answers. The truth is they        ple the benefits of an account
upon to work, it will calculate           it. I had one particular super at      don’t know. They will have to go         manager like me. ‘Where else can
the gas-air mix for each fastening        one of my larger drywall accounts      through a series of problem-solv-        you go and have a guy come out to
anew. For example, if the air is thin-    who was not using any Hilti prod-      ing steps to find the answer. First,     your jobsite, who will actually
ner, at a higher altitude, it will need   ucts. I arranged a demonstration       they will have to go back to their       hold your hand, and explain
less gas. That’s why Stefan Bönig         with him and many members of           gangbox to get a new gas canister,       everything you need to know
and his team developed the first          his company including the vice-        a new battery or nails. Then they        about this tool. You don’t have to
consumable that can “think”: be-          president of operations. While do-     will have to change the gas canis-       spend another two hours of your
fore the nail is set, radio waves         ing the demo, I explained all the      ter. If that doesn’t work, they will     life reading the instruction ma-
transmit the fill level from a chip at    features and benefits of the tool      have to change the battery and fi-       nual. We do it for you. So we’re
the can to the tool. And after the        and everybody was really im-           nally, it could be that they are out     worth the price.’
nail is set, these same waves tell the    pressed. So the next step was to       of nails. The point is that all of
                                          take the tool out to the jobsite.      these steps take time. Now with          As far as price goes, I’ve never
                                          About two weeks later, I checked       the GX 120, the LED gas indicator        had someone come up to me and
                                          back with him. He said: ‘It was        light combined with the internal         ask: ‘What’s the value of this
                                          working like a champ.’ This was        battery system which doesn’t need        tool?’ They always say: ‘What’s
                                          impressive since the concrete on       charging eliminates all of this          your price?’ The key is to discuss
                                          this job was especially hard and       guesswork. It is the same thing          the features and benefits of the
                                          the competitive tool that he was       with the front end of the tool: show     tool and the value of it to the
                                          using was not working. He said:        your customers how easy the front        customer. 75 percent of the job
                                          ‘Mark, I love the tool!’ Now here’s    end is to remove and how you can         is labor, 25 percent is material, of
                                          a guy that had been using the          adjust the power of it. I really think   which the material for the fasten-
                                          competition for years and over-        this tool is top-notch, and I think      ings is a mere fraction. So what’s
                                          night, he became a believer. ‘I        when you combine the DX351               really important is saving time,
                                          love it! I want it! I want to make     with the GX120 you can cover all         and how productive the
                                          a deal!’ So I thought that was a
                                          pretty good experience.
                                                                                 the needs on the jobsite.

                                                                                 In the northeastern United States
                                                                                                                          tools are.

                                                                                                                          Mark Tett,
                                          The tool has certain features and      you have high wages, so any time         Hilti Account Manager,
                                          benefits that need to be explained.    you have a problem with tools or         New York, USA
                                          You have to go out onto the jobsite    with the quality of fastenings, it
                                          and talk to the users and say: ‘Lis-   costs a lot of money. My customers
                                          ten, when the tool stops working,      are quick to see that the quality of
                                          meaning the competitor’s tool,         the tool and the performance of the
Page 26

  Success grows out of teamwork:
          together they overcame
         setbacks and celebrated
           successful milestones.
   Stefan Bönig (second from left)
      and his colleagues, creators
           of the new gas system.

chip the fill level less the amount
of gas just used. The can’s “little
brain” records this value and pro-
vides the tool’s electronic appara-
tus with the data, so it can prepare
the optimal dose for the next deliv-
ery of gas – no matter whether the
gas can is used in the same tool, or
in another. “This is the same tech-
nology, though slightly simplified,
that has been used in automotive
construction for some time now,”
explains Stefan Bönig. “A car key
with a door-opener function works
according to the same principle.”
An LED gas indicator, a world pre-        manufacturers’ tools are dependent
                                                                                   For electricians, plumbing fitters and
miere, lets users know the current        on a battery-driven fan, which
                                                                                   ventilation technicians
gas level and reminds them to             means that the battery must be
change cans in time, so that they         recharged from time to time. The
don’t have to break off their work        Hilti GX 120 is different: thanks to
unexpectedly.                             its flying plate, it can go its entire
                                          lifetime without a new battery. One
There are other ways in which the         single battery is enough to run all
Hilti GX120 is like a car: if the tool    of the electronic switches inside
ever fails to function, a specialist in   the tool. Think of it as a small con-
the Hilti repair center can hook it       tribution to the environment and to
up to the so-called service interface     user-friendliness.
on his or her computer and imme-
diately discover the cause for the        And by the way, before the tool’s
breakdown. And if the specialist          developers built the prototype,
opens the tool up, its components         they were able to look at it on the
are arranged so cleverly that it is       computer screen and shorten the
easy to replace individual parts. On      time needed for development by
the other hand, the piston isn’t like-    simulating airstreams and thermal
ly to need replacing all that soon: it    conduction. In other words, the
was made to deliver 50,000 fasten-        prototype itself already enjoyed
ings, probably a record. And cer-         optimal cooling. Because exces-
tainly another gain in efficiency         sively high operating temperatures
and economy for users.                    reduce performance, the tool cools       The new Hilti GX 120 gas system is available as a special model for
                                          itself as much as possible during        the electrical industry, as well as for heating, plumbing and air condi-
So does the new gas system actual-        use. And once the nail has been set,     tioning. The magazine holds only 20 fasteners, and the tool’s nose
ly work like an airplane in the end?      the flying plate returns to its origi-   can be exchanged without any appliances, just as on the standard
It certainly is the case – and Stefan     nal position.                            tool. Electricians can use the Hilti GX 120-ME to fasten clamps, brackets,
Bönig and his team are particular-                                                 pegs and cable bends directly to the necessary material. All they need
ly proud of this – that a flying plate                                             to do is attach the right tool nose, and they will be amazed at their own
mixes the air sucked into the                                                      efficiency.
tool with gas until it ignites. Other
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