COURIER A Publication of Blackhawk Area Council

Page created by Regina Ramsey
Page 1                                                                                                      February 2018

   The Blackhawk

                      COURIER    A Publication of Blackhawk Area Council

                   Contents                                   You are coordially invited to the
   Council Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
   What’s New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-11
   Advancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30       Blackhawk Area Council
   Program Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . 31-34
   Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-43       2018 Youth & Adult
   Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25
   Camping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44-50         Recognition Dinner
   Venturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
   Sycamore District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-54                      $35 / person
   Wanchanagi District . . . . . . . . . . . . .55-58                    $50 / Eagle Sponsor
   White Eagle District . . . . . . . . . . . . .59-62
   Wetassa District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63-64
   Arrowhead District . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-66
                                                                   Sunday, March 4, 2018
                                                                     Radisson Convention Center
   ScoutReach District . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-68
                                                                      200 S. Bell School Road
                                                                          Rockford, Illinois

                                                            You may register at
            Special Articles
  Council Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
                                                                       Social Gathering
  Scoutbook Lite Replacing Internet Advancement . .3                       1:45 P.M.
  Spring Popcorn Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4                     Dinner
  U. S. Grant Pilgrimage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
  Philanthrophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
                                                                           2:30 P.M.
  2018 Friends of Scouting (FOS) . . . . . . . . . . 7
  Membership / Charters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8                Recognizing
  Webelos to Scout Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . 9            Scholarship Winners
  Cub Scout Event Day at Midway Village . . . . . 10
  CubCast & ScoutCast for January . . . . . . . . .11
                                                                      Silver Beavers
  2018 Council Pinewood Derby . . . . . . . . . 12-16          and Eagle Scout Class of 2017
  Merit Badge Workshops . . . . .17-18, 52, 60-61, 66
  Venturing Blast 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
  myScouting App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
  Flashing Yellow Lights / Winter Activity Safety . .24
  AirCamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
  Windy City Bulls Scout Night . . . . . . . . . . . 32
  IceHogs Scout Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
  NYLT 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36-37
  Wood Badge 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39
  Leave No Trace Trainers Course . . . . . . . . . . 40
  Wilderness First Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
  Cub Scout Day Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
  Cub Scout / Webelos Scout Overnight Camp . . 48-9
Page 2                                                          Council News                                                               February 2018

                 Council Calendar
                        January 2018
18 Winter Council Operations Meeting
20 Okpik, session 3
                                                                                   Updated Schedule for Printed
                                                                                      and Internet Couriers
3   Merit Badge Midway, Platteville, Wisconsin
3-4 Okpik weekend, session 4                                                         There are four printed editions each year. The deadline for Internet
4-10 Scout Anniversary Week                                                    DQG SULQWHG HGLWLRQV ZLOO EH WKH ¿UVW 7XHVGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK. The
6   Courier deadline – Internet edition for March through May events           latest schedule is shown below. The printed editions will continue to be
17 Merit Badge Day, Byron Nuclear Plant                                        available at www. Note that recipients
23 Windy City Bulls Scout Night                                                of the Eagle Scout Award and religious emblems will only be carried in
23-25 Venturing Blast, Camp Lowden                                             printed editions -- and will not show up on the Internet versions of the
                                                                               printed edition.
                              March                                            Clip and Save
3    IceHogs Scout Night                                                         Deadline + Type               Months                Mail Date or
4    Council Recognition Dinner                                                                                Covered              Web Target Date
6    Courier deadline – Printed edition for April through June events           Feb. 6 – Internet    March through May              February 13
10   Cub Scout Event Day, Midway Village Museum, Rockford                       March 6 – Printed    April through June             March 20
10   The Trainer’s EDGE
                                                                                April 3 – Internet   May through July               April 10
                               April                                            May 1 – Internet     June through August            May 8
2   Courier deadline – Internet edition for May through July events             June 5 – Internet    July through September         June
14-15 Council Pinewood Derby                                                    July 3 – Internet    August through October         July 10
26 Council Annual Meeting                                                       August 7 – Printed September through                August 21
26 Spring Council Operations Meeting                                                               November
27-29 U. S. Grant Pilgrimage, Galena
                                                                                Sept. 4 – Internet   October through December September11

                                   Scout Anniversary Week
                                                                    February 4-10, 2018
     The Boy Scouts of America designates the Sunday that falls before and Scouters, as well as to learn more themselves about the value of
February 8 (Scouting Anniversary Day) as Scout Sunday, which is the Scouting as a youth program chartered to a Jewish organization. It gives
primary date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults a rabbi a framework to address Scouts directly, in addition to speaking
to Scouting. Scout Sabbath is February 9-10. Scout Jumah is February 9.     about Scouting to the congregation.
     However, each chartered organization can use either of two other            6FRXW -XPXDK R൵HUV D FKDQFH WR UHFRJQL]H WKH FRQWULEXWLRQV RI
RSWLRQVWRFHOHEUDWHWKLVVSHFLDOGD\$QRUJDQL]DWLRQFDQDGRSWDVSHFL¿F young people and adults to Scouting within the Muslim community. The
Sunday to celebrate. In the instance of the United Methodist Church, National Association of Muslim Americans on Scouting has designated
Scout Sunday is celebrated on the second Sunday in February. It also is Feb. 9, 2018, to be Scout Jumuah. Units may adjust this date to best meet
permissible for a local church to celebrate on the Sunday most acceptable their needs.
to the pastor and congregation. Learn more about Scout Anniversary               Scout Week celebrations are a great opportunity to share Scouting
Week at the National BSA site.                                              with your community. Check out the BSA bulletin insert available for
     6FRXW6DEEDWKR൵HUVDQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUZRUVKLSHUVWRKRQRU6FRXWV customization and place your order today!

•    Wear your Scout uniform to worship services.                         •  /LJKWDVHULHVRIFDQGOHVZKLOHEULHÀ\H[SODLQLQJWKHSRLQWVRI
•    Present religious emblems to Scouts, leaders, and Venturers who         the Scout Law.
     have earned them in the past year.                                   •  Show a video or photo slideshow of highlights from the pack, troop,
•    Recruit several Scouts or Scouters to read passages from religious      crew, or ship’s past year.
     text.                                                                •  Hold an Eagle Scout court of honor during the worship service.
•    Involve uniformed Scouts as greeters, ushers, gift bearers, or the   •  Host a pancake breakfast before, between, or after services.
     color guard.                                                         •  Collect food for a local food pantry.
•    Invite a Scout or Scouter to serve as a guest speaker or deliver the •  Bake (or buy) doughnuts to share before services.
     sermon.                                                              •  Make a soft recruiting play by setting up a table near the entrance to
•    Collect food for a local food pantry.                                   answer questions about your Scout unit.
Page 3                                                            What’s New                                                                   February 2018

     Blackhawk Area Council
    Adult and Youth Recognition
              Dinner                                                              “Scoutbook Lite” to Replace
      The annual Council Adult and Youth Recognition Dinner will
                                                                                             (From Scouting Wire, December 20, 2017)
held on Sunday, March 4, 2018. Registration/social gathering will
begin at 1:45 p.m. with dinner served at 2:30 p.m. Reservations are                %6$¶V R൶FLDO ZHE DSS 6FRXWERRN LV JHDULQJ XS WR UROO RXW D
due by February 24. The purpose of the Council Recognition Dinner            new solution in mid-2018 that will leverage core components of the
is to recognize and thank all adult volunteer Scouters who have given        Scoutbook platform to make Internet Advancement tracking easier than
their time to provide a quality Scouting program to the youth of our         ever before!
communities, and also to recognize the youth who have distinguished                The current Internet Advancement platform will be retired and
themselves with achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.                           replaced by a new online tool called Scoutbook Lite.
      The highlight of the event will be the awarding of the Silver Beaver         This new application is being developed from the ground up so that
Award, the highest award a council can bestow upon a volunteer, to           unit leaders can quickly key in advancement and other key data through
several deserving Scouters.                                                  a sleek user interface optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
      The Council Recognition Dinner is for all adult leaders within the           &XUUHQWO\ IHZHU WKDQ  RI XQLWV XVH WKH &69 GDWD ¿OH LPSRUW
council, not just council and district level Scouters, and all Scouts who    feature in the current Internet Advancement platform. So, in the interest
achieved the Eagle Scout rank in 2017 and their parents.                     RIIRFXVLQJRQWRROVWKDWVHUYHPRUH6FRXWHUVWKH&69GDWD¿OHLPSRUW
      Silver Beaver recipients and Eagle Scouts will be guests of the        will not be supported once the current Internet Advancement platform
council. Sponsors for the Eagle Scouts are being solicited.                  is discontinued.
                                                                             in the current Internet Advancement platform (aside from the CSV
                                                                             import feature).
                                                                                   7KH 6FRXWERRN GDWDEDVH ZLOO EHFRPH WKH R൶FLDO UHFRUG RI
                                                                             advancement for the Boy Scouts of America, and we will continue to
                                                                             work on and improve Scoutbook as our full feature application.

          Silver Beaver Recipients                                                Are you a programmer? For Scouters with experience developing
                                                                             apps or web platforms, BSA is excited to announce the upcoming roll
                  for 2018                                                   RXWRI$3,V DSSOLFDWLRQSURJUDPPLQJLQWHUIDFH $VHOHFWLRQRIVSHFL¿F
     The following Scouters will be recognized by the Blackhawk Area         half of 2018. There are no current plans to roll out APIs to third parties.
Council at the Annual Recognition Dinner on March 4, 2018.                        To learn more about how Internet Advancement data from
     Please extend your congratulations to these leaders.                    Scoutbook will automatically sync with BSA’s national database, check
-HQQLIHU%URDG¿HOG&RORPHU           5LFKDUG&DVV                          out our previous post, and this helpful article from Bryan on Scouting.
Thomas Lotito                          Daniel Dick
Douglas Tucker                         David Twining
Judith Walneck
                                                                                          Council Annual Meeting
                                                                                   Blackhawk Area Council’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for April
                                                                             26, 2018, at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                   The meeting will commence at 6:30 p.m. There will be a light
                     What Is a Scouter                                       supper beginning at 6:00 and the annual meeting will be followed by the
                                                                             quarterly Council Combined Committees.
         A Scouter is one who knows it’s not about them but about the
                                                                                   The annual meeting of the council shall be for the purpose of (a)
                                                                             UHFHLYLQJ DQQXDO UHSRUWV RI WKH ([HFXWLYH %RDUG R൶FHUV DQG YDULRXV
   the rain and tying square knots but it is about sharing leadership
                                                                             committees, (b) electing members at large, associate and honorary
   skills and opportunity with others, who knows that Scouting is
                                                                             members of the council, National Council members, regular members of
   not perfect but is a safe environment for youth to learn lifelong
   skills, who knows we are blessed by the opportunity of doing our
                                                                             H[HFXWLYHF UHFHLYLQJDQGDSSURYLQJ¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVVKRZLQJWKH
   small part to support the Scouting movement.
                                                                             ¿QDQFLDO SRVLWLRQ RI WKH FRUSRUDWLRQ DV RI WKH FORVH RI LWV PRVW UHFHQW
                                                                             (d) transaction such other business as may come before the meeting.
Page 4                                                               What’s New                                                          February 2018

     The BSA membership fee will increase to $33 for all registered
towards services including primary liability coverage for all volunteer
leaders and chartered organizations, ongoing advances in technology,
fundraising support, new program development and membership
recruiting strategies, and support materials. In 2016 alone, the BSA
served 2.3 million youth members through approximately 270 local
councils across the United States and its territories.

               Youth Protection Training
February 2018
Page 5                                                            What’s New

                                                                    BLACKHAWK AREA COUNCIL

                                                    U.S. GRANT PILGRIMAGE

                                              Honoring Our Veterans
                                   Invite a Veterans Group from your home town to march
                                           in the Parade with your unit on Saturday!

     Celebrating its 64th Anniversary, the U.S. Grant Pilgrimage is a weekend full of Scouting activities. Take part in the fun, activity, and friendship
of Scouting with Scouts from around the region. The number one annual Scouting event for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Ventures. Register early
and reserve your campsite, camping is separate from registration, and on your own, except for camping at Canyon Camp and Chestnut Mountain.
Then come and take part in one of the Midwest’s biggest and best Scouting adventures.

&LYLO:DU%DWWOHDWDP                                    Trail Hike
               Original Craftsmanship Demonstrations                Participants will receive a map with 16-18 questions. The answers to these questions
include pottery, spinning, wood carving, clay molded           miles and takes 2-3 hours to complete. Hikers who complete the trail will receive the
animals, blacksmith, broom making, buck skinner,               Pilgrimage Trail medal. Trail medal is included in registration this year.
neckerchief slide carving.
                                                               Bucket Brigade
             Every registered person will receive a            down the line. Schedule a time at Registration between 9-11 .m.
wristband for the various places of interest. Leaders
must make sure that their Scouts receive and wear this         Parade
wristband. If the Scouts do not wear the wristband,                Invite Veterans from your area to march with you in the Parade. History - Hunt
they will need to pay the full museum price instead of
being admitted for free! No exceptions will be made on         History Hunt
the admission fees. This includes adults! All youth and             There will be changes coming to this activity, it will be like the Trail hike, but
adults MUST register.                                          focused on the Generals. When complete come to the Trading Post to purchase the hat
                                                               pin for $TBD. > Visiting the museums and other historical sites of Galena
Page 6                                                                Council News                                                                February 2018


                                                                               Philanthropy – Stewardship –
                                                                                    Investing in Youth

     Did you know the literal meaning of Philanthropy is “love of                         Friends of Scouting is about investing in youth, investing in character,
PDQNLQG´"6WHZDUGVKLSLVGH¿QHGDV³«WDNLQJFDUHRIVRPHWKLQJVXFK                and investing in leadership. If your pack, troop, crew, or post has never
as an organization or property.” The Blackhawk Area Council is extremely             held a Friends of Scouting presentation, we urge you to consider a
lucky and thankful to have great stewardship from our volunteers and                 presentation to help the Blackhawk Area Council mission, show your love
parents. The volunteers and parents of the Blackhawk Area Council are                IRUPDQNLQG VSHFL¿FDOO\RXU\RXWK DQGWDNHFDUHRIWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQWKDW
extremely passionate about their organization, their properties (especially          works hard to make Scouting the best it can be in our 12 counties and the
Canyon and Lowden), and for the youth who we all serve in Scouting                   over 12,000 youth served annually.
within the Blackhawk Area Council. This Council and any other council                     For those who have made an investment in the past and moving into
across the county cannot be successful in their mission without passionate           the future, we thank you for your investment. Due to your generosity, we
volunteer and parental stewardship.                                                  are not only able to create future leaders, but leaders who also believe
accompanied by philanthropy in terms of dollars. In the world of non-                Scouts of America; wherever they may end up across the country as adults.
parents, and community leaders in order to provide the best programs                   3OHDVHGRQRWKHVLWDWHWRFRQWDFWWKH%ODFNKDZN$UHD&RXQFLOVWD൵LI
for youth in Scouting. We also want you all to know that the Blackhawk                   you have any questions about Blackhawk Area Council funding, to
$UHD &RXQFLO VWD൵ DOO PDNH DQ LQYHVWPHQW LQ )ULHQGV RI 6FRXWLQJ DQG          schedule a Friends of Scouting presentation, or to make an investment
we guarantee that WE will be great stewards of your investment in our                    in Scouting.
programs. Currently, the Council is embarking on our 2018 Friends
of Scouting program starting in January and we encourage EVERY                       **Don’t forget to check out to
pack, troop, crew, and post to consider holding a Friends of Scouting                    donate online and check out all of the 2018 Friends of Scouting and
presentation this year.                                                                  Council funding information.
     As mentioned, Philanthropy at its core is simply “love of mankind.”                                                                       Dane Boudreau
What better way to convey this in terms of dollars by donating and                                                            Director of Field Service / COO
encouraging others to invest in the future of our Nation by providing
the resources so the Council may continue to provide all of the services
needed to develop our youth into the leaders of tomorrow.

                                           See next page for 2018 Unit FOS Incentives
Page 7                                             Council News                                           February 2018

                      2018 Friends of Scouting
                     Invest in Youth. Invest in Character. Invest in Leadership.

                     Inform District of presentation date and presenter by Monday, January 31st
                     Presenter trained by District in December or 1 on 1 with District Executive

                                     BRONZE LEVEL ACHIEVEMENT
                  1 YEAR OF FREE RANK ADVANCEMENTS (June 1, 2018 – May 30, 2019)
                               To qualify: Achieve Unit Friends of Scouting Goal
                                  Goals are running totals throughout the year.
                  Free rank advancements will start the month the goal is achieved after June 1st.
                         ** Units will receive labels designating them a Free Rank Unit.
         Labels should be placed on advancement reports when “purchasing” rank badges at Scout Shops.

                                        SILVER LEVEL ACHIEVEMENT
                                  ($10 gift card for every $150 increment over goal)

               To qualify: Achieve $150 increase over goal. 1 gift card awarded per $150 increment.

                      ** Redeemable at National Scout Stores in Rockford and Crystal Lake
                ** Gift Cards earned determined by total Unit Friends of Scouting on June 2nd, 2018

                                        GOLD LEVEL ACHIEVEMENT
                     Packs: Free Pinewood Derby Cars (based on Charter Renewal # of Scouts)
                     Troops, Crews, and Posts:)UHHR൵VHDVRQFDELQUHQWDODW&DQ\RQ/RZGHQ
                          ** Free rental DOES NOT INCLUDE BOEGER LODGE
         To qualify: 60% of the registered families invest in Friends of Scouting. I.E. 100 families, 60 gifts.

                                              MATCHING GIFTS
   •     Pledges must be PAID for companies to match gifts. Company matches will not be recognized on Unit
                 goals until the corresponding personal pledge is paid and the match can be received.

Page 8                                                              Council News                                                               February 2018

Blackhawk Area Council for the second year in a row we have grown
our Traditional Membership(Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing).
We ended 2017 with 8,997 traditional youth, up 18 over 2016.
     Congratulations to the Wetassa and ScoutReach Districts for
achieving overall growth. Congratulations to Wetassa, Scout Reach,
Sycamore, and White Eagle for showing growth in Cub Scouting, the
foundation of our program. Congratulations to Wetassa and Arrowhead
for showing growth in Exploring.
     Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make Blast into Scouting            Why Every Scout Unit Needs a
successful for the third year. Please join us in welcoming almost 1700
new Scouts and their families to Scouting in 2017. We look forward to                1HZ0HPEHU&RRUGLQDWRU
delivering the Scouting program to more youth than the year before!”
                                                                                      -RLQLQJ D QHZ 6FRXW XQLW FDQ EH D OLWWOH RYHUZKHOPLQJ DW ¿UVW
                                                                                 You’re presented with a calendar full of fun upcoming activities, but all
                                                                                 the new people, places and things can seem like a lot to digest.
                            Charters                                                  Fortunately for anyone joining Scouting in 2017 or beyond, there’s
                                                                                 help. It comes in the form of a volunteer whose job is to make new
     Charter renewal season is now here again. Please make sure to               members feel right at home.
attend your district roundtables to pick up the charter packet and to go              It’s called the New Member Coordinator. If your unit recharters
over the charter process. Charter renewal has some changes for 2018.             VRRQ\RXVKRXOG¿QGRQHRUPRUHYROXQWHHUVWRVHUYHLQWKLVYLWDOUROH
Be sure to head to and click on online chartering               Wearing a blue “Welcome” pin on their hat or shirt, the New
screen shots to get caught up on all the updates.                                0HPEHU &RRUGLQDWRU LV HDVLO\ LGHQWL¿DEOH DW XQLW JDWKHULQJV +H RU
     If you have any questions, please contact you Scout Professional to         she welcomes new members with a smile and points them in the right
help you through the process.                                                    GLUHFWLRQ²OLWHUDOO\DQG¿JXUDWLYHO\

                        Eagle Scouts                                                  The New Member Coordinator forms a connection with new
                                                                                 members and their families. He or she is appointed by and reports to the
                                                                                 Unit Committee Chair.
                                                                                      Each unit should have one — or, ideally, more than one — New
how many Eagle Scouts go on to contribute to society by becoming self-
                                                                                 Member Coordinator
                                                                                      In general, all New Member Coordinators:
is almost all of them. As an Eagle Scout and the proud father of both
                                                                                 •    Serve as welcoming ambassadors for the unit.
an Eagle Scout and a Star Scout, I have enjoyed more than sixty years
                                                                                 •    Work with the unit committee in developing and implementing the
in Scouting and over forty years as a litigation attorney. I have enjoyed
                                                                                      Unit Membership Plan.
meeting and associating with a number of Eagle Scouts in the legal
                                                                                 •    Participate in New Member Coordinator training and collaborate
profession, all of whom are either currently involved in the Scouting
                                                                                      with the district membership team.
program or give generously when I approach them for FOS or popcorn
                                                                                      “New Member Coordinators can be a game-changer for membership
      While we all are aware of the numerous well-known Eagle Scouts,
                                                                                 retention as well as recruitment,” says Linda Baker, chairwoman of the
such as President Gerald Ford, few of you deal on a day-to-day basis
                                                                                 New Member Coordinator Task Force. “Having one or more NMCs in a
with those young men who never had the opportunity to participate
                                                                                 unit can make everything easier and more fun.”
in Scouting. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I have because I spend
considerable time in criminal courtrooms. Almost to a man, I have asked
my clients as part of the intake interview whether they had ever been in
the Boy Scout program. Sometimes I get a curt response or a response
                                                                                      The easiest time to register someone as a New Member Coordinator
an individual who has a Scouting background, either as an Eagle Scout
                                                                                 is when your pack, troop, or crew recharters.
or has simply spent time in Scouting as a Cub Scout or a Boy Scout,
                                                                                      The New Member Coordinator, which uses the registration code
who is now involved in the criminal justice system. I would note that I
                                                                                 “NM,” is a member of the unit committee.
personally have never known an Eagle Scout who was on the wrong side
                                                                                      This role replaces the roles of Unit Membership Chair and Parent
                                                                                 Coordinator, which are no longer available. Anyone registered in one
                                                                                 of those now-retired positions should have received an email from the
                                                             Jef Heckinger
                                                                                 national membership vice president encouraging him or her to register
                                                                                 as a New Member Coordinator in 2018 and beyond.


                                                                                      0DNH VFRXWLQJRUJ10& \RXU ¿UVW VWRS
Page 9                                                                What’s New                                                           February 2018

   Countdown to                                                                       Now is the time troops should be prepared to welcome Webelos
                                                                                 Scouts into the troop. Here are a few reminders for pack and troop
    Transition                                                                   leaders.
                                                                                 ‡ &RQ¿UPWUDQVLWLRQGDWHWLPHORFDWLRQDQGZKRZLOOEHDWWHQGLQJ
                                                                                 •    Some troops present a neckerchief or handbook at the cross-over.
                                                                                 •    Troops should invite parents to a special meeting to learn about the
                                                                                      troop and Boy Scouting. Provide them with written information
                                                                                      and calendar for the year.
     One of the most important events in the life of a Cub Scout is
                                                                                 •    Older Boy Scouts should be assigned as troop guides to work with
transition from Webelos Scouts into a Boy Scout troop. But this event
doesn’t just happen. It has to be planned well in advance.
                                                                                      established patrol.
                                                                                 •    Older Boy Scouts should be assigned as instructors. This troop
must happen by many people. This series of articles will help all of those
                                                                                      leadership role is valuable in recognizing Scouts who can teach
involved in the Webelos-to-Scout transition process learn what needs to
                                                                                      a skill. It keeps them active, and can help troop meetings by
be done—and when to do it.
                                                                                      providing multiple skill teaching which matches a Scout’s interest
     Webelos Scouts need to be given a sample of the troop program,
                                                                                      or advancement need.
troop leadership, advancement opportunities, and the fun and excitement
                                                                                 •    Conduct an induction ceremony within 30 days. Present the Scout
                                                                                      badge. Plan it well and make it meaningful.
will be ready to be part of the Boy Scout program and that he will be
                                                                                 •    Monitor participation and advancement. Make sure new Scouts are
welcomed into a troop. The joint den/troop activities let him see boy
                                                                                      welcome and involved. Talk to them often.
leadership at work and sense his own potential as a leader.
                                                                                 •    Give new parents simple tasks to get them involved. Make them
                                                                                      feel welcome, too.
grade Webelos den leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters and troop
committee members, and unit commissioners.
                                                                                      And enjoy having new Scouts in the troop!
     For more information, go to

                         For February...                                                  A Wonderful Ending
&XEPDVWHUV                                                                             Requires a Great Beginning
    Conduct Webelos transition at pack meeting. Ensure that Webelos
Scouts register and become Boy Scouts.                                                A wonderful ending requires a great beginning. When that 11-year-
                                                                                 old stands at the threshold of our troop meeting, what is that wonderful
Webelos Den Leaders for Fifth-Grade Dens                                         ending we desire? We want the boy to hike the long trail to Eagle. We
     Graduate Webelos Scouts into Boy Scouting. Have boys complete a             help the boy become a man who lives a life devoted to the Scout Law
Scout application and register with a troop. Make Boy Scout Handbooks            and Oath.
available.                                                                            That great beginning needs to start with a warm, friendly welcome.
6FRXWPDVWHUV                                                                     the pre-meeting activities. We had better be sure that after he joins, he
    Attend the February pack meeting and assist in transition ceremony.          earns the Scout rank very quickly. We must be prepared to recognize that
Register new Scouts with the troop.                                              rank achievement with due ceremony.
                                                                                      We must put him in a patrol where he will be supported and
8QLW&RPPLVVLRQHUV                                                               mentored. Some units use a new Scout patrol. If we do this, we need to
     Attend transition. Ensure that new Scouts are registered, and are           make sure resources are available in terms of older boys and assistant
informed of troop program and meeting schedules.                                 Scoutmasters that will support these new boys. We must have a program
     Help troops submit applications and a transition report to the              in place that will lead him to First Class Scout in 12 to 18 months. Other
council service center.                                                          troops assign new Scouts to existing patrols. Again, the resources to
                                                                                 insure a good outcome need to be in place. His patrol must get him ready
                                                                                 has a positive experience.
               Scouts First Hotline:                                                  :HQHHGWRKDYHDWURRSSURJUDPWKDWLV¿OOHGZLWKDGYHQWXUHWKDW
                                                                                 will keep him in Scouting until he ages out. We must have plans in place
                 1-844-SCOUTS1                                                   WRJRWRVXPPHUFDPS,WLVZHOONQRZQWKDWD¿UVW\HDUH[FLWLQJVXPPHU
                                                                                 camp experience will keep him in Scouting longer. We must make sure
            The BSA believes that even one instance of child abuse is            we have a program in place that educates his parents about the Scouting
XQDFFHSWDEOHDQGZHGHHSO\UHJUHWWKHWLPHVZKHQRXUEHVWH൵RUWVWR            program so that they will be supportive of his Scouting adventure.
protect youth were not enough. We are committed to providing ongoing                  If we are prepared in this way, we will achieve the wonderful
support to victims and their families, including counseling. We want to          ending that we desire.
help victims heal, on their own terms. Support is available to anyone
currently or previously involved in the Boy Scouts of America through
our dedicated 24/7 Scouts First Hotline:
            1-844-SCOUTS1 or 1-844-726-8871
Page 10                                Cub Scout Event Day                                    February 2018

                          Cub Scout Event Day
                                  At Midway Village Museum
                             Saturday, March 10, 2018
                Session 1: 9:30am—12pm; Session 2: 1—3:30pm
                                      Midway Village Museum invites ‹‰‡”ǡ‘Žˆǡ
                                       ‡ƒ”ǡƒ†‡„‡Ž‘—„ ‘—–•to join us for
                                             a special event day just for scouts!
                                         Interactive activities led by the museum’s
                                       education staff will be stationed throughout
                                        the museum’s exhibits and historic village.
                                       Cub Scouts will play games, go on scavenger
                                      hunts, create craft projects, explore artifacts,
                                       discover the 1800s village, and much more!
                                       Scouts will be divided into groups based on
                               age levels to complete programs.
          Webelos Building My Own Hero (all requirements completed), Bears
          Forensics (all requirements completed), Wolves Code of the Wolf (all
          requirements completed), Tigers Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical
          Mysteries (all requirements completed)
          Webelos Art Explosion (all requirements completed), Bears Beat of the
          Drum (all req. completed except #6), Wolves Collections and Hobbies
          (all requirements completed), Tigers Tiger Tales (all requirements
          ‡”‡••‹‘ ‡‡ǣ̈́ͳͲ’‡”• ‘—–ǡ̈́Ͷ’‡”ƒ†—Ž–
          Fee includes all activities for one session, plus admission to
          the museum and village to enjoy before or after your ses-
          sion. Scouts can be registered for one or both sessions.
          Scouts may attend as a group or individual, either scout
          leader or parent/guardian is required to be present.
          ‡‰‹•–”ƒ–‹‘†‡ƒ†Ž‹‡‹•ƒ” ŠʹǡʹͲͳͺǤTo register or
          for questions, contact the Museum Educator, at 815-397-
          9112, ext. 106. A room may be reserved for your group to eat lunch if desired.

                                                      6799 Guilford Rd., Rockford, IL 61107
Page 11                                                            What’s New                                                          February 2018

                                         Scout PodCasts for January 2018
     Each months ScoutCasts address important issues faced by Scouters in packs, troops, and posts. You can listen to these PodCasts by going to www.
     The CubCast and ScoutCast for January 2018 are now available. Archived previous PodCasts are also available at the same site.
     Take a few moments of your commute — just 10 to 15 minutes a month — to make yourself a more-informed Scouter.With the BSA’s triple-threat
lineup of monthly podcasts — CubCast and ScoutCast — you’ll be the smartest Scouter in your pack, troop, or post.
     All this for the low, low price of free!

                           CubCast                                                                    ScoutCast

:KDW'RHVWKH&XE6FRXW)DPLO\3URJUDP                                                    Why You Should Go to the
              Look Like?                                                                      :RUOG-DPERUHH
     It’s 2018 and the Boy Scouts of America is introducing the new                We’re starting the ScoutCast year by talking about the World Scout
Family Program!                                                              Jamboree to be held right here in the USA at the Summit! Sign-ups are
     You probably know that means girls will now be allowed into the         already underway, so we’re here to talk about why you should register
Cub Scouting program, but you might be wondering how it’s all going          to attend this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We’ll be discussing things
to work.                                                                     OLNHGHDOLQJZLWKDOOWKHGL൵HUHQWODQJXDJHVDQGFXOWXUDOGL൵HUHQFHV±
     As National Alliances Team Lead, Lee Shaw has had to work               especially food – of all the contingents.
closely with all the various chartered organizations on ensuring a smooth          We’re joined by World Jamboree Team Lead Marty Walsh, who
transition into Scouting’s new Family Program. He joins us to answer         shares with us all the wonders that await Scouts at this historic event.
questions about what this new program looks like.

                     What Is a Scouter
                                                                                       A hundred years from now it not matter what my
         A Scouter is one who knows it’s not about them but about the
                                                                                       bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the
   the rain and tying square knots but it is about sharing leadership
                                                                                       because I was important in the life of, a boy.
   skills and opportunity with others, who knows that Scouting is not
                                                                                                                             Forest Witcraft
   perfect but is a safe environment for youth to learn lifelong skills,
   who knows we are blessed by the opportunity of doing our small
   part to support the Scouting movement.
Page 12                                              2018 Council Pinewood Derby                                                                February 2018

                                                    Blackhawk Area Council
                                                       Pinewood Derby
                                                                 April 14-15, 2018
                        Welcome to the 44th Annual Council Pinewood Derby sponsored by the Blackhawk Area Council, B.S.A.
                                                    in cooperation with Pecatonica High School

                                     We have updated the rules this year. The format has changed to a friendlier style.
                                            There are WARNING boxes and boxes with useful information.

*HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ                                                           (QWU\IRUPVPXVWEHDWWKHFRXQFLOVHUYLFHFHQWHUE\0DUFK
5DFH)RUPDW                                                                      2018.
     The race format for each category will be a single elimination                   1.7.1 All race chairmen or Cubmasters must do the following upon
tournament conducted in heats. No more than 3 cars will race at a                     completion of their Pack Pinewood Derby: Complete the entry
time, each car making one run down each of the 3 designated lanes of                  form and mail along with the $40.00 early discount Pack Entry Fee
a multiple lane track. Heat winners will be determined by a total point               to Blackhawk Area Council — Pinewood Derby, 2820 McFarland
system for the heat, whereby a car will be assigned 1 point for 1st Place,            Road, Rockford IL 61107.
3 points for 2nd Place, or 4 points for 3rd Place after each of the three        1.7.2 After April 1, 2018, a copy will be returned to the pack race
races in a heat.                                                                      chairman or Cubmaster with the racing date and starting time for
     The car with the least total points at the end of all heats will advance         each entrant’s race. It is your duty to contact the Cub Scout’s
to another heat. The other two cars will be eliminated from the Derby.                SDUHQWV ZLWK WKDW LQIRUPDWLRQ Entrants must be on time - any
                                                                                      race entry may be eliminated if the starting time is delayed more
Ties                                                                                  than 5 minutes and any design entry may be eliminated if they
      Races that end in ties on a pack level lmust be run over until a                check in after the scheduled judging time.
winner is determined. Any entries that are received at the council service       1.7.3 Prior to boxing and sealing, each car shall be checked over and
center that show a tie will be returned and the pack will not be registered           reinspected for conformity to the Council Derby Rules. This is the
for the races until they re-submit the entry without any ties.                        time for minor repairs and re-lubrication. (Please restrain from
                                                                                      dumping lots of extra graphite in the storage boxes.) Pack and seal
1.2 Participants                                                                      each car in a box - 1 car per box.
      Each pack may enter one Cub Scout in each of the ten (10) races
DQG ¿YH  GHVLJQ FDWHJRULHV 7KH UDFH HQWUDQWV VKDOO EH WKH ZLQQHUV   1.7.4 Because of the excessive use of graphite in past years, the
(1st Place) and runner-ups (2nd Place) from their own pack derby. A                   &RXQFLO 3LQHZRRG 'HUE\ &RPPLWWHH KDV VSHFL¿HG WKDW QR
Cub Scout may be entered in one category only. For example, a Scout                   graphite or other lubrication will be allowed during the
qualifying for the racing portion of the event may not be included in the             Pinewood Derby at Pecatonica High School. All lubrication
design judging portion.                                                               PXVW EH GRQH EHIRUH ER[LQJ WKH FDUV )DLOXUH WR FRPSO\ ZLOO
                         No Duplicate Entries.                                        UHVXOWLQGLVTXDOL¿FDWLRQ
                                                                                 1.8 Special Note: If you do not receive an acknowledgement of your
                                                                                      pack entry within two weeks after sending in your entry form
 If a Scout is both the winner of his pack AND design judging, he                     and $40.00 fee, please call the Blackhawk Area Council service
 must choose which category he will participate in at the council race.               center at 815-397-0210. A fee of $80 will be charged for all entries
                                                                                      received after the early entry deadline (March 19, 2018).
1.3 7KHFDUPXVWEHEXLOWIRUWKHFXUUHQW3LQHZRRG'HUE\5DFLQJ                      If your pack schedules its derby just before or after the entry
     6HDVRQ %XLOWDIUHU$SULO Car must be the SAME car run                 deadline and you would like to have your Scouts race, we suggest
     by the entrant in his pack race.                                                ¿OLQJDEODQNHQWU\IRUPZLWKDOOLQIRUPDWLRQH[FHSWIRUWKHQDPHV
       The car must be constructed using the materials supplied with                  The winners can be phoned in to the pinewood derby chairman
     regulation Grand Prix Kit #17006 or #17000.                                      later and the pack receives the early entry fee discount.
1.5 The car may not be sent to third party facilities for tuning or other        )LIWK*UDGH:HEHORV6FRXW3ROLF\
     performance enhancements.                                                         7KHIROORZLQJSROLF\DSSOLHVWR¿IWKJUDGH$UURZRI/LJKW6FRXWV
1.6 Preparing the Cars                                                                 ,IWKH¿IWKJUDGH$2/6FRXWUDFHVDWKLVSDFNUDFHDVD&XE6FRXW
     individually.                                                               transitioned to Boy Scouts.
•    Label each box with the following information:                                    However, if the Webelos Scout transitioned to Boy Scouts before
     •    Race Chairman or Cubmaster                                             the pack race, he will not be able to qualify for the council races. If the
     •    Pack number and district                                               pack wishes, the Scout can race at the pack level, but just won’t qualify
     •    Category (For example: 2nd grade runner-up or 3rd grade                for the council races.
     •    Name of Cub Scout
                                                                                                      Section 1 -- General Information
                                                                                                          Continues on Next Page
Page 13                                              2018 Council Pinewood Derby                                                             February 2018
                                                                                        The following guidelines are intended to help you construct a
3DFN9ROXQWHHU V                                                           car with the necessary clearance for most tracks. If any question
     The Council Pinewood Derby Committee is asking each pack                     arises about a car’s clearance during check in, race inspectors should
to submit the name of a person(s) who would be willing to volunteer               place the car on the track to verify that only the wheels can touch
their time to help at the Council Derby. Total time commitment is                 the track.
approximately three hours.                                                        •     &DUERWWRPWRFOHDUD¿OOHGFHQWHUUDLOWKHERWWRPRIWKHFDU
     Please provide the names and phone numbers on your pack’s entry                    should be no less than 3/8 inch from the surface.
form in the space provided. A representative from your district will              •     Fenders: Fenders or other body parts may extend below 3/8
FRQWDFW WKLV SHUVRQ WR H[SODLQ ZKDW¶V LQYROYHG DQG WKH VSHFL¿F WLPH          inch from the track surface. Remember the guide rail width so
schedule. 150 volunteers are needed to run this event.                                  the fenders do not rub.
                                                                                  •     Weights: To aid in a safe stop at the end of the track, we
&XEPDVWHU5DFH&KDLUPDQ&KHFNOLVW                                                recommend that you insert weight inside the body or place it
•    Pick up pinewood car kits from the National Scout Shop as early as                 on the top of the car. Avoid placing thick (over 1/8”) weight
     you can to avoid the rush.                                                         on the bottom of the car as that may destabilize the car on the
•    Conduct your pack races (preferably in January or February to                      stop section.
     avoid late entries).
•    Send in your pack Entry Form before the discount fee deadline
     (March 19, 2018).                                                                 If you lack the tools or resources to cut out a car from a stock
•    Remind all Cub Scouts who qualify and their parents that the races           block of wood, then we encourage you to attend a workshop hosted
     will be at Pecatonica High School.                                           by your den or pack.
•    Notify the Scouts (and parents) as soon as you receive their race                 3rd party pre-shaped cars are NOT allowed.
     times (after April 1, 2018).
•    Indicate where you plan to meet the boys to give them their cars at
                                                                                 2.3 Wheelbase: The distance between the center of the front and rear
     Pecatonica High School.
                                                                                      wheel must be no less than 4 inches. Extended wheelbases are
•    Encourage all Scouts and leaders to wear their uniforms and a
                                                                                      allowed provided the wheels do not extend past the car body.
                                                                                 2.4 Front: The front edge of the car must rest against the starting peg on
•    Pick up your pack’s envelope which contains your patches, ribbons,
                                                                                      the track so that the entire car is behind the peg.
     and mug at the school. Look for sign “Patch Pick-Up.”
•    Plan to have fun!                                                                  This rule ensures the car rests securely against the starting pin
                                                                                   when placed in the starting position and is wide enough to trigger
                                                                                        Another way to say this is no needle nose cars. The needle nose
                                                                                   makes it hard to align for a straight start and often does not trip the
                                                                                   electronic sensor until enough of the car has passed to trip the sensor.

2. Body
                                                                                 2.5 Suspension: The car shall have a solid suspension consisting of
2.1 The main body structure(chassis) must be made of wood. Any                        the wheels and axles rigidly mounted to the car body. No springs,
     DGGLWLRQVPXVWEH¿UPO\DWWDFKHGQRQPRYLQJDQGPHHWFDUVL]H                 linkages, shock absorbing materials, or other constructions which
     VSHFL¿FDWLRQV                                                                   SURYLGHDQRQULJLGRUÀRDWLQJW\SHVXVSHQVLRQDUHSHUPLWWHG
     2.2.1 Width: not to exceed 2 3/4 inches                                     2.6 At least 4 wheels must be attached to the sides of the car body. Each
     2.2.2 Length: not to exceed 7 inches                                             ZKHHOPXVWEHDWWDFKHGWRWKHFDU¶VZRRGFKDVVLVZLWKDOHJDO
     2.2.3 Weight: not to exceed 5.0 ounces on a scale accurate to 1/10               axle.
     2.2.4 Height: not to exceed 3 inches                                               Although at least 4 wheels are required, it is not required that
     2.2.5 Clearance: The wheels are the only part of the car allowed             DOOZKHHOVWRXFKWKHWUDFNVXUIDFH,WFDQDFWXDOO\EHGL൶FXOWWRJHW
     to touch the track.                                                          all 4 of the wheels to touch.
     2.2.6 Center rail width: Wheels must clear center guide rails, no                  The rationale for 4 wheels is that it ensures the car will stay on
     less than 1 ¾ inches minimum.                                                WKHWUDFNDQGQRWVOLGHR൵WKHFHQWHUUDLODQGFROOLGHZLWKDQRWKHUFDU
                                                                                        7KUHH  ZKHHOVWRXFKLQJWKHWUDFNDUHDOORZHGSURYLGHG
                                                                                  the 4thZKHHOLVZLWKLQ´  RIWKHWUDFNVXUIDFH

                                                                                 2.7 The front most and rear most wheels must be positioned across the
                                                                                      body from one another.
                                                                                 2.8 Details
                                                                                      Details such as steering wheel, windshield, driver, exhaust pipes,
                                                                                 trim, etc., are permitted as long as they are rigidly mounted to the car

                                                                                                          Section 2 -- Body --
                                                                                                         Continues on Next Page
Page 14                                              2018 Council Pinewood Derby                                                                                      February 2018
Section 2 -- Body -- Continued                                                                            Kit Wheel                        Acceptable
       Any covering of the interior of the wheel must be
 transparent(clear) and if using interior wheel weights there must be a
 slot that allows for rotating the wheel for interior inspection.

1. Springs
2. Starting devices or propellants
3. Electronic or lighting devices that interfere with the race electronics.
4. Liquids, wet paint, oil, sticky substance, or powders of any kind
     (other than axle lubrication)                                                                              Unacceptable Wheel Profiles
5. Glass or excessively fragile parts                                                             A                         BB                                        C
                                                                                                                                                                      C                  D
6. Bearings, sleeves, and/or bushings
7. Hubcaps covering the nail head
8. Loose/moving objects on or in the car

                                                                                 Shaved thin to   Shaved and a single point of      Shaped for onl points of              Rounded to
                                                                                 reduce mass      contact left to reduce friction   contact left to reduce friction       reduce friction.
                                                                                                   FRPPRQO\FDOOHG9SUR¿OH         FRPPRQO\FDOOHG+SUR¿OH
3. Wheels
3.12QO\R൶FLDO%6$ZKHHOVDUHDOORZHG7KHRQO\ZKHHOVDOORZHGDUH            A. Shaved thin to reduce mass
     WKRVHIURP2൶FLDO3LQHZRRG'HUE\&DU.LWVRURU             B. Shaved and a Single Point of contact left to reduce friction (commonty
     (black and colored wheels). Car kits, including wheels and axels            C. Shaped for Only Two Points of contact left to reduce friction
     from any other souce are not allowed. Tapering or oning of the                   ^FRPPRQO\FXOOHG+SUR¿OH`
     outside surface of the inner wheel hub (the inside surface nearest          D. Rounded to reduce friction
     the car) is allowed.
3.2 All lettering and numbering, both inside and outside of the wheel,
     must remain complete and be visible with the wheel on the car.                     7KH UXOHV SHUPLW PDQ\ ZKHHO PRGL¿FDWLRQV VR ORQJ DV \RX
3.37KH ÀXWLQJ VSRNHV DQG RWKHU PDUNLQJV RQ WKH RXWVLGH ZKHHO DUHD     observe the dimension limits and restrictions listed above. Common
     must remain visible.                                                          PROHIBITEDPRGL¿FDWLRQVLQFOXGHEXWDUHQRWOLPLWHGWR
                                                                                   •    Truing the tread surface with sandpaper, straight edge, or lathe
  “Fluting” refers to the small bumps on the outside edge of the                        to correct “out of round” wheels resulting in a wheel less than
  tread.                                                                                1.180”
                                                                                   •    Truing and shaping the inner edge of the thread surface
3.4 The wheel diameter must be no less than 1.180 inches.                          •    Narrowing the tread surface to .295” (19/64”) to get straight
3.5 The tread surface width must be no less than .360 inches.                           edges
     7KHUHIRUHWKHIROORZLQJPRGL¿FDWLRQVDUHSURKLELWHG                         •    Balancing the wheel by adding material such as glue or
     •     Rounding of the tread surface                                                ¿QJHUQDLOSROLVKWRWKHLQVLGHRIWKHZKHHO
     •     Grooving, H cutting, or V cutting the tread surface
1. Removing material from the inside tread surface or the inside
     sidewall surface
                                                                                         Some online vendors sell aftermarket BSA wheels that have
2. Drilling holes in the sidewalls or tread area
                                                                                   been lightened by removing material from inside the wheel surfaces.
3. Filling wheel tread with any type of material
                                                                                   Per rule 3.7, these wheels are NOT allowed and are easily recognized
4. Filling the wheel bores and re-drilling the bore
                                                                                   at inspection. Cars with these wheels will NOT be permitted to race.
                                                                                         ALL AFTER-MARKET WHEELS ARE PROHIBITED.
Page 15                                            2018 Council Pinewood Derby                                                             February 2018

4 Axles                                                                     6 Race Day
4.1 Metal Axles with a nail head are required with an overall diameter      6.1(DFKFDUPXVWSDVVLQVSHFWLRQE\WKH2൶FLDO,QVSHFWLRQ&RPPLWWHH
     of no less than .084 inches.                                                before it may compete. The inspectors will disqualify any car not
4.2 One-piece axles that extend through the width of the car to support          PHHWLQJWKHVHUXOHV$Q\DGXOWRU6FRXWPD\DSSHDOWKH¿QGLQJVRI
     both wheels are not allowed.                                                the Inspectors to the Race Committee Chairperson, whose decision
      7KH 21/
Page 16                                        2018 Council Pinewood Derby                                                       February 2018

                                                   PINEWOOD DERBY ENTRY FORM

  District ____________                  Town/City __________________________________           Pack _____________________

  RACE ENTRY CATEGORY                    CUB SCOUT'S NAME (PLEASE PRINT)                                             RACE DATE & TIME
                                                                                                               Do not write in these columns

  1st Grade Winner                       _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  1st Grade Runner-Up                    _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  2nd Grade Winner                       _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  2nd Grade Runner-Up                    _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  3rd Grade Winner                       _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  3rd Grade Runner-Up                    _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  4th Grade Winner                       _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  4th Grade Runner-Up                    _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  5th Grade Winner                       _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  5th Grade Runner-Up                    _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

                                                                                                         DESIGN DATE & TIME
  1st Grade Design                       _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  2nd Grade Design                       _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  3rd Grade Design                       _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  4th Grade Design                       _______________________________________________                 __________ __________

  5th Grade Design                    _______________________________________________                    __________ __________
  Total Number of Entries ________________
                                                                                                               OFFICIAL USE ONLY

                                                     NO DUPLICATION OF ENTRIES

  ______________________________________________                 _________________________
        Pack Race Chairman or Cubmaster Signature                                Date

  NAME _________________________________________________________           ___ Race Chairman ___ Cubmaster ((check one)
  ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  CITY, STATE, ZIP _____________________________________________________________________________________
  PHONE ________-_______-_______________                                   DON'T WAIT -- SEND IN RIGHT
         (area code)                                                       AFTER YOUR PACK DERBY......

                     Mail Entry Form to Blackhawk Area Council - Pinewood Derby, 2820 McFarland Road, Rockford IL 61107
  Check One:
   _____ Take from our account: ___ $40.00 (before March 19, 2018) or ___ $80.00 (after/on March 20, 2018)
   _____ Pack Entry Fee Enclosed: ___ $40.00 (before March 19, 2018) or ___ $80.00 (after/on March 20, 2018)

  Pack Volunteer (to help at the council derby) Name _____________________________________ Phone # ____________________________
  See section explaining “Pack volunteer(s)”
Page 17                              What’s New                                                            February 2018


          6DWXUGD\ )HEUXDU\



                                               Scouts Earn Reporter Patch
                                                  The following article appeared in a local newspaper:

                                                “Cub Scouts Are Selling Popcorn”
                                     Members of Savanna Cub Scouts Pack 48 are selling popcorn to raise money to help
                                cover the cost to purchase uniform and patches, give donations, and participate in fun
                                     Lions, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos 1 and Webelos 2 Scouts will be at the following
                                     Saturday, Oct. 14, Shopko, Savanna – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Sunday, Oct. 15, Casey’s,
                                Thompson – 10 a,n, to 2 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 21, Casey’s, Savanna, 10 a.m. to noon.

                                    The following Cub Scouts participated in selling popcorn:
                                    Wrigley Robinson                 Tristan Schoenhaar
                                    Parker Whiting                   Brody Smith
                                    Benjamin Feick                   Denny Barlow
Page 18                                                                                                                              February 2018

                                   Merit Badge Workshop Opportunities
                                                                                            Merit Badge Midway
                                                                                            Hosted by White Eagle District
               3UHUHJLVWUDWLRQDQGSUHSD\PHQWDUH                                      Byron Nuclear Plant, Byron, Illinois
                    required for all workshops                                                    February 17, 2018

                Webelos Adventures                                                           PHULWEDGJHVR൵HUHG
          Into the Wild – $10 per Scout                                                 See page 60-61 for details and to register
          May 12, 2018, 10 a.m. to noon

          Into the Woods – $10 per Scout
          May 12, 2018 – 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.                                                      Merit Badge Day
                                                                                              Hosted by Arrowhead District
          Earth Rocks – $10 per Scout                                                                UW-Platteville
          January 20, 2018 – 10:00a.m. to noon                                                      February 3, 2018
          April 7, 2018 – 10:00 a.m. to noon

               Boy Scout Merit Badges                                                        PHULWEDGJHVR൵HUHG
                                                                                          See page 66 for details and to register
January 6, 2018 – 10:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
$15.00 per Scout, Scout leaders free, other adults $6.00
Bring a sack lunch and blue card.

March 17, 2018, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
$15.00 per Scout, Scout leaders free, other adults $6.00
Bring a sack lunch and blue card.

Friday, February 16-Saturday 17, 2018, 7 p.m. to 9:30 a.m.
$35.00 per person
                                                                                Boone County Conservation
Don’t forget to bring your Blue Card
April 7, 2018 – 1:30 to 4 p.m.
                                                                               2018 Merit Badge Workshops
$12.00 per Scout, Scout leaders free, other adults $6.00
                                                                           March 29 –Fish & Wildlife* 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.     $5/$8
Don’t forget to bring your Blue Card
                                                                           May 19 –Plant Science, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.         $8/$10
                                                                           July 27 – Indian Lore, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. $8/$10
                                                                           Sept. 8 – Nature*, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.          $5/$8
Saturday, April 28, 2018 – 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
$15.00 per Scout, Scout leaders free, other adults $6.00
                                                                                 NOTE–First price is for Boone County Residents only
Bring a sack lunch and blue card.
                                                                           *Prerequisites – the following merit badges have requirements that
Bird Study
                                                                               need to be completed by Scout prior to class if he wishes to have
May 26, 2018– 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
$15.00 per Scout, Scout leaders free, other adults $6.00
                                                                           •   Fish & Wildlife: #5 and #7 will need to be completed by Scout
Bring a sack lunch and blue card.
                                                                               beforehand or as a follow-up project. Evidence of completion is
•    Pre-registration and prepayment are required for all Scout
                                                                           •   Nature: Complete #4h(2) and bring collection
•    Bring your blue card for all sessions.
                                                                           •   Bring your blue merit badge card.
•    Check in starts 15 minutes before the program begins.
                                                                           •   Dress to spend time outside and wear proper outdoor footwear.
•    Cancellation/refund policy: notice of cancellation must be received
                                                                           •   Bring a water bottle and a lunch for workshops that go through
     10 business days before the event to receive a refund. A 20%
     processing fee will be deducted.
                                                                           •   7RUHJLVWHUIRUDFODVVFDOORXUR൶FHDW
•    Call 815.965.3433 Tuesday – Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to
                                                                           •   5HJLVWUDWLRQLVQRWFRQ¿UPHGXQWLOSD\PHQWKDVEHHQUHFHLYHG
                                                                               All workshops take place at our Nature Center located at 603 N.
                                                                           Appleton Rd., Belvidere, IL 61008
Page 19                         Venturing Blast                      February 2018

                                                      Camp Lowden near
                                                       Oregon, Illinois

                                                      Overnight stay in our
                                                       heated/semi heated

                                                     *Okpikers are welcome
                                                       to camp outside*

                                                     Meals provided all day
                                                     Saturday and Sunday
               Blackhawk Area Council                      morning

              Venturing Blast                             Friday night
               February 23-25, 2018
•   Astronomy         • Shooting Sports
                                                       after February 18th
•   Climbing          • Tomahawk Throwing
•   Snowshoeing       • Wilderness Survival Skills
                                                     Open to all BSA Scouts
•   Fat Tire Biking
                                                          14-20 years
                                                        Register on the
                                                        Blackhawk Area
                                                        Council website
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