New & Recent Titles 2018/19 - berghahn NEW YORK . OXFORD - Berghahn Books

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New & Recent Titles 2018/19 - berghahn NEW YORK . OXFORD - Berghahn Books
Anthropology and Sociology
New & Recent
Titles 2018/19

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Post-Ottoman Topographies                                                                NEW IN PAPERBACK

                                                                                                                                                         T E R E S T
Edited by Nicolas Argenti                                                               Anthropology and Public Service
                                                                                        The UK Experience
With contributions from several of the Balkan
                                                                                        Edited by Jeremy MacClancy
countries that once were united under the aegis of the
Ottoman Empire, this [book] proposes new theoretical
                                                                                        “A good contribution to mainstream anthropological
approaches to the experience and transmission of the
                                                                                        literature. Anthropology and Public Service will be
past through time.
                                                                                        a valuable and interesting resource for applied and

Nicolas Argenti is a Senior Lecturer at Brunel University                               practicing anthropology.” · Riall Nolan, Purdue University

                                                                                        Jeremy MacClancy is Professor of Anthropology and
Volume 8, Studies in Social Analysis                                                    Director of the Anthropological Centre for Conservation,

April 2019, 142 pages                                                                   the Environment, and Development, Oxford Brookes
ISBN 978-1-78920-240-3 Pb $27.95/£19.00

ISBN 978-1-78920-239-7 Hb $95.00/£67.00
                                                                                        January 2019, 202 pages, bibliog., index

                                                                                                                                                         E R
eISBN 978-1-78920-241-0
                                                                                        ISBN 978-1-78920-087-4 Pb $29.95/£21.00
                                                                                        eISBN 978-1-78533-403-0
PC Worlds

                                                                                                                                                         G E N
Political Correctness and Rising Elites at the
End of Hegemony                                                                         Rethinking Civil-Military Relations
Jonathan Friedman                                                                       Anthropological Perspectives
                                                                                        Edited by Birgitte Refslund Sørensen and Eyal Ben-Ari
This provocative work offers an anthropological analysis
of the phenomenon of political correctness, both as                                     This volume traces out the ripples, reverberations and
a general phenomenon of communication, in which                                         resonations of civil-military entanglements which allow
associations in space and time take precedence over the                                 for an understanding of the roles war, violence and the
content of what is communicated, and as specific critical                               military play in shaping contemporary societies and the
historical conjunctures in which new elites attempt to                                  everyday life of its citizens.
redefine social reality.
                                                                                        Birgitte Refslund Sørensen is Associate Professor at the
Jonathan Friedman, Distinguished Professor Emeritus                                     Department of Anthropology in Copenhagen.
Department of Anthropology, University of California
San Diego and Directeur d’études, EHESS Paris.                                          Eyal Ben-Ari is Director of the Center for Society,
                                                                                        Security and Peace at Kinneret College on the Sea of
Volume 2, Loose Can(n)ons                                                               Galilee.
December 2018, 348 pages, 14 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78533-672-0 Hb $150.00/£107.00                                               March 2019, 324 pages, bibliog., index
eISBN 978-1-78533-673-7                                                                 ISBN 978-1-78920-195-6 Hb $130.00/£92.00
                                                                                        eISBN 978-1-78920-196-3

Edges, Fringes, Frontiers
Integral Ecology, Indigenous Knowledge and
                                                                                        Law, History, and Justice
                                                                                        Debating German State Crimes in the Long
Sustainability in Guyana
                                                                                        Twentieth Century
Thomas B. Henfrey
                                                                                        Annette Weinke
Based on an ethnographic account of subsistence forest                                  Translated from the German by Nicholas Evangelos Levis
use by Wapishana people in Guyana and developing
an original analytical framework, Edges, Frontiers, Fringes                             Law, History, and Justice investigates the changing
examines the social, cultural and behavioral bases for                                  nature of international humanitarian law and explores
sustainability and resilience in indigenous resource use.                               the entanglements between historical experience,
                                                                                        historiography, and law and (moral) politics by focusing
Thomas Henfrey is Senior Research Fellow at the                                         on the effects of international law violations during the
Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems and a                                      First World War, the National Socialist mass crimes, the
collaborator at the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and                                   Holocaust, as well as the systematic wrongdoings of the
Environmental Change at Lisbon University.                                              GDR.
Volume 23, Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology                                  Annette Weinke is an Assistant Professor of History at
September 2018, 270 pages, 6 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                        the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena.
ISBN 978-1-78533-988-2 Hb $120.00/£85.00
eISBN 978-1-78533-989-9                                                                 December 2018, 418 pages, bibliog., index
                                                                                        ISBN 978-1-78920-105-5 Hb $140.00/£100.00
                                                                                        eISBN 978-1-78920-106-2


                   Orders direct from USA: Tel: 1(800) 343-4499 Fax: 1(800) 351-5073 e-mail:
The Rite of Urban Passage                                                                   NEW IN PAPERBACK

              The Spatial Ritualization of Iranian Urban                                                 Who Knows Tomorrow?
              Transformation                                                                             Uncertainty in North-Eastern Sudan
              Reza Masoudi                                                                               Sandra Calkins

              Focusing on the spatial dynamics of Muharram                                               This ethnography shows how Rashaida in north-eastern
              processions in the Iranian city, this book offers an                                       Sudan deal with unknowns, which at times present
              alternative approach to understanding the process                                          debilitating problems, but also may offer opportunities

              of urban transformation, and puts forward a spatial                                        to create other futures.
              genealogy of Muharram rituals that provides a platform

              for developing a fresh spatial approach to ritual studies.                                 Sandra Calkins is assistant professor for anthropology at
                                                                                                         the Free University of Berlin and a member of the Law,

              Reza Masoudi is a native southwestern Iranian who lives                                    Organization, Science, and Technology group at the
              in London, where he is currently a Research Associate at

                                                                                                         University of Halle.
              SOAS, University of London.
                                                                                                         October 2018, 282 pages, 11 illus., bibliog., index

              Volume 2, Articulating Journeys: Festivals, Memorials, and                                 ISBN 978-1-78920-089-8 Pb $34.95/£24.00
              Homecomings                                                                                eISBN 978-1-78533-016-2
              August 2018, 198 pages, 35 illus., bibliog., index

              ISBN 978-1-78533-976-9 Hb $110.00/£78.00
              eISBN 978-1-78533-977-6                                                                    Pacific Realities
                                                                                                         Changing Perspectives on Resilience
              Searching for a Better Life                                                                and Resistance
              Growing Up in the Slums of Bangkok                                                         Edited by Laurent Dousset and Mélissa Nayral
              Sorcha Mahony
                                                                                                         In the context of dramatic changes and processes of
                                                                                                         “glocalization” across the Pacific region, and avoiding
              This book offers an ethnographic account of young
                                                                                                         conventional “local-global” dichotomies, this volume
              people growing up in the slums of Bangkok, exploring
                                                                                                         explores the new and multifaceted forms of resistance
              their struggles to get by in conditions of severe
                                                                                                         and resilience through which communities attempt to
              structural constraint and the outcomes and side effects
                                                                                                         regain their original social, political, and economic status
              of their endeavours; in doing so, it offers an antidote to
                                                                                                         and structure after disruption or displacement.
              neoliberal assumptions about personal responsibility.
                                                                                                         Laurent Dousset is Professor at the EHESS (School for
              Sorcha Mahony works as Senior Researcher at The
                                                                                                         Advanced Studies in Social Sciences) and member of
              Children’s Society, a charity that supports vulnerable
                                                                                                         the CREDO (Centre for Research and Documentation on
              children and young people in their search for a better life
                                                                                                         Oceania, Marseilles).
              in England and Wales.
                                                                                                         Mélissa Nayral holds a PhD in Anthropology from the
              May 2018, 206 pages, bibliog., index
              ISBN 978-1-78533-858-8 Hb $110.00/£78.00                                                   French University of Aix-Marseille (2013).
              eISBN 978-1-78533-859-5                                                                    Volume 6, Pacific Perspectives: Studies of the European Society for
                                                                                                         November 2018, 180 pages, 21 illus., bibliog., index
              Cash Transfers in Context                                                                  ISBN 978-1-78920-040-9 Hb $110.00/£78.00
              An Anthropological Perspective                                                             eISBN 978-1-78920-041-6

              Edited by Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan and
              Emmanuelle Piccoli
                                                                                                         Management by Seclusion
                                                                                                         A Critique of World Bank Promises
              Cash transfer programs have become the preferred
              channel for delivering emergency aid or tackling poverty                                   to End Global Poverty
              in low-and middle-income countries. This book sheds                                        Glynn Cochrane
              light on their unpredicted consequences worldwide,
              detailing how they are used by actors to pursue their                                      Assessing the World Bank’s attempts to combat global
              own strategies and how local populations relate to the                                     poverty over the past 50 years, anthropologist and
              external norms they impose.                                                                former World Bank Advisor Glynn Cochrane argues that
                                                                                                         instead of the Bank’s prevailing strategy of “management
              Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan is Professor of
                                                                                                         by seclusion,” poverty alleviation requires personal
              Anthropology at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
                                                                                                         engagement with the poorest by helpers with hands-on
              Sciences Sociales and Emeritus Director of Research at
                                                                                                         local and cultural skills.
              the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
                                                                                                         Glynn Cochrane was World Bank Advisor on Public
              Emmanuelle Piccoli is an Assistant Professor of
                                                                                                         Administration in Papua New Guinea.
              Development Studies at the Université Catholique de
              Louvain, Belgium.                                                                          January 2019, 230 pages, bibliog., index
                                                                                                         ISBN 978-1-78920-133-8 Pb $29.95/£21.00
              September 2018, 342 pages, 15 illus., bibliog., index                                      ISBN 978-1-78920-131-4 Hb $150.00/£107.00
              ISBN 978-1-78533-957-8 Hb $140.00/£100.00                                                  eISBN 978-1-78920-132-1
              eISBN 978-1-78533-958-5

              Order direct for Canada, Latin America, Australasia, China, Taiwan, and Japan: Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:
Food and Sustainability in the                                                          Transforming Study Abroad

                                                                                                                                                                T E R E S T
Twenty-First Century                                                                    A Handbook
Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives                                                         Neriko Musha Doerr
Edited by Paul Collinson, Iain Young, Lucy Antal, and Helen
Macbeth                                                                                 Written for study abroad practitioners, this book
                                                                                        approaches key study abroad concepts – such as
Examines food sustainability from a multidisciplinary                                   “culture”, “native speaker”, and “immersion” – from a
perspective. Includes contributions from scholars                                       number of theoretical perspectives, and considers study

working in social, cultural and biological anthropology,                                abroad not as an encounter with cultural others, but as
                                                                                        an occasion to analyze constructions of “differences” in

sociology, ecology, environmental biology, food and
nutrition sciences and development studies.                                             daily life.

Paul Collinson, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, U.K.                                 Neriko Musha Doerr is an Assistant Professor at
                                                                                        Ramapo College.

Iain Young, Institute of Risk and Uncertainty, University
                                                                                        December 2018, 226 pages, 1 illus., bibliog., index

                                                                                                                                                                E R
of Liverpool.
                                                                                        ISBN 978-1-78920-115-4 Hb $120.00/£85.00
Lucy Antal, The Food Domain, Liverpool.                                                 eISBN 978-1-78920-116-1

                                                                                                                                                                G E N
Helen Macbeth, Oxford Brookes University.
Volume 9, Anthropology of Food and Nutrition                                            The Experience of Neoliberal Education
June 2019, 226 pages                                                                    Edited by Bonnie Urciuoli
ISBN 978-1-78920-237-3 Hb $120.00/£85.00
eISBN 978-1-78920-238-0
                                                                                        The college experience is increasingly positioned
                                                                                        to demonstrate its value as a worthwhile return
NEW IN PAPERBACK                                                                        on investment. Specific, definable activities, such
                                                                                        as research experience, first-year experience, and
Re-orienting Cuisine                                                                    experiential learning, are marketed as delivering precise
East Asian Foodways in the Twenty-First                                                 skill sets in the form of an individual educational
Century                                                                                 package.
Edited by Kwang Ok Kim                                                                  Bonnie Urciuoli is Leonard C. Ferguson Professor of
                                                                                        Anthropology Emerita at Hamilton College.
“The chapters provide thought-provoking ethnographic
                                                                                        Volume 4, Higher Education in Critical Perspective: Practices and
material and theoretically rich insights into cuisine, place,                           Policies
identity, authenticity, borders, and taxonomy in Asian                                  May 2018, 252 pages, bibliog., index
foodways in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries…                                   ISBN 978-1-78533-863-2 Hb $120.00/£85.00
[They] are ethnographically rich, analytically sharp, and                               eISBN 978-1-78533-864-9
cover a wide range of topics to ensure that this book will
be read, taught, and cited by scholars interested in food,
identity, globalization, and regionalism.” · Journal of                                 NEW IN PAPERBACK
Anthropological Research                                                                Death of the Public University?
Foods are changed by those who produce and supply                                       Uncertain Futures for Higher Education in the
them, and also by those who consume them. The                                           Knowledge Economy
contributors of this volume have expanded the                                           Edited by Susan Wright and Cris Shore
discussion of food to include its social and cultural
meanings and functions, thereby using it as a way to
                                                                                        Continuous government reforms to make universities
explain a culture and its changes.
                                                                                        ‘world class’, entrepreneurial and drivers of the
Kwang Ok Kim, D.Phil. Oxon. is Professor Emeritus                                       knowledge economy, are transforming the traditional
of Anthropology at Seoul National University, Yongje                                    mission and meaning of the public university and
Distinguished Professor at Yonsei University and also                                   its ability to act as ‘critic and conscience’ of society.
Distinguished Chair Professor of Humanities and Social                                  This collection explores the new landscapes of higher
Sciences at Shandong University, China.                                                 education emerging across Europe and Australasia.
Volume 3, Food, Nutrition, and Culture                                                  Susan Wright is Professor of Educational Anthropology
September 2018, 310 pages, 29 illus., bibliog., index                                   at Aarhus University and Director of the Centre for
ISBN 978-1-78920-067-6 Pb $29.95/£21.00                                                 Higher Education Futures (CHEF).
eISBN 978-1-78238-563-9
                                                                                        Cris Shore is Professor of Social Anthropology at the
                                                                                        University of Auckland.
                                                                                        Volume 3, Higher Education in Critical Perspective: Practices and
                                                                                        October 2018, 350 pages, 7 illus., 2 figures, 6 tables, bibliog.,
                                                                                        ISBN 978-1-78920-091-1 Pb $34.95/£24.00
                                                                                        eISBN 978-1-78533-543-3


       Order direct for the UK and Europe on: Tel: +44(0)1767 604976 Fax: +44(0)1767 601640 e-mail:
Rethinking and Unthinking                                                                   Planning Labour

              Development                                                                                 Time and the Foundations of Industrial
              Perspectives on Inequality and Poverty in South                                             Socialism in Romania
              Africa and Zimbabwe                                                                         Alina-Sandra Cucu
              Edited by Busani Mpofu and Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni                                           Foreword by Dan Kalb

              Through theoretical contributions and case studies                                          “An important addition to the history and understanding of
              focusing on South Africa and Zimbabwe, this volume                                          socialist transformation. Alina-Sandra Cucu covers in much

              attempts to rethink (and unthink) development                                               detail territories that have been largely excluded from the
                                                                                                          literature of the socialist transformation of Romania, if

              discourses and practices in southern Africa. The authors
              explore how Africa can adapt Western development                                            not Eastern Europe itself.” · David A. Kideckel, Central
                                                                                                          Connecticut State University

              models suited to its political, economic, social and
              cultural circumstances, while rejecting development                                         Planning Labour explores the early socialist

              practices and discourses based on exploitative capitalist                                   industrialization and the implementation of central

              and colonial tendencies.                                                                    economic planning in Romania between 1945 and 1955.
              Busani Mpofu is a senior researcher at AMRI, College                                        Alina-Sandra Cucu is a junior researcher at Max Planck
              of Graduate Studies, University of South Africa, and a

                                                                                                          for the History of Science in Berlin.
              Research Associate in the Human Economy program,
                                                                                                          Volume 32, International Studies in Social History
              University of Pretoria.
                                                                                                          April 2019, 300 pages, 6 tables, bibliog., index
              Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni is a Professor and Acting                                         ISBN 978-1-78920-185-7 Hb $120.00/£85.00
              Executive Director of Change Management Unit (CMU),                                         eISBN 978-1-78920-186-4
              University of South Africa.
              March 2019, 276 pages, 11 illus., bibliog., index                                           The Global Life of Austerity
              ISBN 978-1-78920-176-5 Hb $120.00/£85.00
              eISBN 978-1-78920-177-2
                                                                                                          Comparing Beyond Europe
                                                                                                          Edited by Theodoros Rakopoulos

              Barter and Social Regeneration in the                                                       Using historical analysis and ethnographically-grounded
              Argentinean Andes                                                                           research, this volume shows the similarities of the
                                                                                                          European conundrum with realities outside Europe,
              Olivia Angé
                                                                                                          seeing austerity in a non-Eurocentric fashion. In doing
                                                                                                          so, it offers novel insights as to how economic crises are
              “Olivia Angé has crafted an engaging, insightful, and                                       experienced at a global level.
              timely work that constitutes an important contribution to
              Andean/Latin American Studies, economic and religious                                       Theodoros Rakopoulos is Associate Professor of Social
              anthropology, and the study of exchange. The author                                         Anthropology at the University of Oslo.
              artfully weaves an edifying tapestry of the performativity                                  Volume 17, Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis
              of regional fairs among Kolla people of Argentina.”                                         June 2018, 136 pages, Pocket Size 4.25’’ x 7’’
              · David Berliner, Université Libre de Bruxelles                                             ISBN 978-1-78533-870-0 Pb $14.95/£10.95
                                                                                                          eISBN 978-1-78533-871-7
              Drawing on ethnographic data from fairs in the
              Southern Andes involving highland herders and
              lowland cultivators, Barter and Social Regeneration in                                      Democracy’s Paradox
              the Argentinean Andesadvances an anthropology of the                                        Populism and its Contemporary Crisis
              practice of barter, contributing to a fuller understanding                                  Edited by Dimitrios Theodossopoulos and Bruce Kapferer
              of how social groups create themselves through material
              circulation.                                                                                Does populism indicate a radical crisis in Western
              Olivia Angé is Associate Professor in Economic                                              democratic political systems? Is it a revolt by those who
              Anthropology at the Université libre de Bruxelles.                                          feel they have too little voice in the affairs of state or are
                                                                                                          otherwise marginalized or oppressed? Or are populist
              September 2018, 236 pages, 22 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                                          movements part of the democratic process? Bringing
              ISBN 978-1-78533-682-9 Hb $120.00/£85.00
                                                                                                          together different anthropological experiences of current
              eISBN 978-1-78533-683-6
                                                                                                          populist movements, this volume makes a timely
                                                                                                          contribution to these questions.
                                                                                                          Dimitrios Theodossopoulos is Professor of Social
                                                                                                          Anthropology at the University of Kent.
                                                                                                          Bruce Kapferer is Honorary Professor University College
                                                                                                          London and Professor Emeritus, University of Bergen.
                                                                                                          Volume 18, Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis
                                                                                                          February 2019, 130 pages, Pocket Size 4.25” x 7”
                                                                                                          ISBN: 978-1-78920-155-0 Pb $14.95/£10.95
                                                                                                          EISBN: 978-1-78920-156-7


                                              Order direct for the USA · Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:
Competing Power                                                                             NEW IN PAPERBACK

                                                                                                                                                                 T E R E S T
Landscapes of Migration, Violence and the State                                            The Political Economy of Border
Narmala Halstead                                                                           Drawing
                                                                                           Arranging Legality in European Labor
“This book looks at the phenomenon of Guyanese
                                                                                           Migration Policies
migration with elegance and sensibility, bringing to light
the intricate relationship between intimate affects and                                    Regine Paul
broader socio-economic issues. Competing Power is

timely, well-written, and engaging.” · Federica Guglielmo,                                 “The Political Economy of Border Drawing is an
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine                                                      interesting and relevant read for anyone interested in

                                                                                           migration management and policies in Europe. The book
Drawing from ethnographic material based on long-term                                      contains key statistics on legal migration in each country

research in Guyana, Competing Power shows how the                                          and clearly summarizes each chapter’s main analytical
local is occupied and re-occupied by various powerful

                                                                                           points and findings, making it very reader-friendly. It can
and powerless people and entities (“big ones” and                                          be recommended for both academic scholars and policy

                                                                                                                                                                 E R
“small ones”), and how it becomes the site of intense                                      practitioners seeking better understanding of the methods
power negotiations in relation to external ideas of                                        and management of labor migration.” · International
empowerment.                                                                               Migration Review

                                                                                                                                                                 G E N
Narmala Halstead is a Research Associate at the                                            The conditions for non-EU migrant workers to gain legal
University of Sussex.                                                                      entry to Britain, France, and Germany are at the same
October 2018, 268 pages, bibliog., index                                                   time similar and quite different. To explain this variation
ISBN 978-1-78533-992-9 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                   this book compares the fine-grained legal categories
eISBN 978-1-78533-993-6                                                                    for migrant workers in each country, and examines the
                                                                                           interaction of economic, social, and cultural rationales in
                                                                                           determining migrant legality.
An Australian Indigenous Diaspora
                                                                                           Regine Paul is a postdoc scholar with
Warlpiri Matriarchs and the Refashioning
                                                                                           the HowSAFE project on comparative risk regulation at
of Tradition                                                                               the University of Bielefeld.
Paul Burke
                                                                                           February 2019, 244 pages, 23 illus., 10 tables, bibliog., index
                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78920-083-6 Pb $29.95/£21.00
“This is a remarkable empirical study of the Warlpiri                                      eISBN 978-1-78238-542-4
diaspora. It concerns a fascinating and as yet untold story
of those ‘exceptional’ Indigenous people from remote
communities who successfully make lives in towns                                           All or None
and cities… [It] is a delight to read and tremendously                                     Cooperation and Sustainability in Italy’s
engaging.” · Emma Kowal, Deakin University
                                                                                           Red Belt
“This book charts novel territory, and presents path-                                      Alison Sánchez Hall
breaking and significant new research. The insights the
author provides into the lives of Warlpiri matriarchs in the                               At once a social history and anthropological study of the
diaspora are a timely, welcome, and much needed addition                                   world’s oldest voluntary collective farms, All or None
to the study of Australian Indigenous people.” · Yasmine                                   is a story of how landless laborers joined together in
Musharbash, University of Sydney                                                           Ravenna, Italy to acquire land, sometimes by occupying
This book is a multi-sited ethnography of the migration                                    private land in what they called a “strike in reverse,” and
of a minority of the aboriginal Warlpiri away from their                                   how they developed sophisticated land use plans, based
traditional homeland to distant towns and cities. It                                       not only on the goal of profit, but on the human value of
follows a number of Warlpiri matriarchs into their new                                     providing work where none was available. It addresses
locations, exploring how they sustain their independent                                    the question of the viability of cooperative enterprise as
lives and examining their changing relationship with the                                   a potential solution for displaced workers, and as a more
traditional culture they represent.                                                        humane alternative to capitalist agribusiness.

Paul Burke is currently a Visiting Fellow at the School                                    Alison Sánchez Hall retired from the University of
of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National                                       Central Arkansas in 2014, but is still engaged in her
University.                                                                                lifelong pursuit as a political and community activist.

July 2018, 248 pages, 11 illus., bibliog., index                                           Volume 3, Anthropology of Europe
ISBN 978-1-78533-388-0 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                   August 2018, 300 pages, 39 illus., bibliog., index
eISBN 978-1-78533-389-7                                                                    ISBN 978-1-78533-980-6 Hb $130.00/£92.00
                                                                                           eISBN 978-1-78533-981-3


Order direct for Canada, Latin America, Australasia, China, Taiwan, and Japan: Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:

              Series Editor: Aleksandar Bošković, University of Belgrade                                   NEW IN PAPERBACK

              Published in Association with the European Association of                                    World Heritage on the Ground
              Social-Anthropologists (EASA)                                                                Ethnographic Perspectives
                                                                                                           Edited by Christoph Brumann and David Berliner
              Non-Humans in Amerindian
              South America                                                                                “This is a fascinating volume whose contributions analyze,
              Ethnographies of Indigenous Cosmologies,                                                     highly critically for the most part, various aspects of the
                                                                                                           effects of World Heritage nominations. It enables new

              Rituals and Songs
                                                                                                           insights into the problematic nature of World Heritage and
              Edited by Juan Javier Rivera Andía

                                                                                                           shows in what way different interest groups for different
                                                                                                           reasons get involved in World Heritage locations, be it out
              “This exciting collection of essays by a wonderful group of                                  of nostalgia, financial interests, political opportunism or as

              authors, anchored by an extensive theoretical introduction,                                  location for religious activities.” · Sociologus

              engages with some of the most heatedly debated subjects
              of South American ethnography today.” · Anthony Seeger,                                      The UNESCO World Heritage Convention of 1972

              UCLA                                                                                         is a key arena for contemporary cultural and natural
                                                                                                           conservation. In case studies from across the globe,
              Drawing on fieldwork from diverse Amerindian societies,                                      anthropologists with situated expertise in specific

              and presenting ethnographies of non-human entities                                           World Heritage sites explore the consequences of the
              emerging in ritual, oral tradition, cosmology, shamanism                                     World Heritage framework and the global spread of this
              and music, this book offers new insights into the                                            heritage regime.
              indigenous constitutions of humanity, personhood,
              and environment characteristic of the South American                                         Christoph Brumann is Head of Research Group at the
              highlands and lowlands.                                                                      Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle,
              Juan Javier Rivera Andía is an anthropologist. He has
              carried out research at various international research                                       David Berliner is Professor of Anthropology at the
              centres in Europe, and has published widely on                                               Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
              contemporary Andean Quechua indigenous worlds.                                               Volume 28
                                                                                                           July 2018, 336 pages, 16 illus., bibliog., index
              Volume 37
                                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78920-061-4 Pb $29.95/£21.00
              November 2018, 378 pages, 24 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                                           eISBN 978-1-78533-092-6
              ISBN 978-1-78920-097-3 Hb $140.00/£100.00
              eISBN 978-1-78920-098-0
                                                                                                           NEW IN PAPERBACK

              Economy, Crime and Wrong in a                                                                Flexible Capitalism
              Neoliberal Era                                                                               Exchange and Ambiguity at Work
              Edited by James G. Carrier                                                                   Edited by Jens Kjaerulff
                                                                                                           Afterword by Keir Martin
              “Truly outstanding in every respect… [the volume] shows
              that anthropologists can productively complicate our view                                    “This volume comprises a series of insightful essays that
              of contemporary issues whilst simultaneously advancing                                       apply existing debates in anthropology . . . to new empirical
              our understanding of what is going on in our world in a                                      contexts of work under flexible capitalism. While each
              very revealing and ethnographically grounded way.”                                           of the chapters makes a valuable contribution in itself,
              · John Gledhill, University of Manchester                                                    taken together the essays raise a wealth of new issues and
                                                                                                           question some long-standing assumptions within economic
              This volume examines the relationship between
                                                                                                           anthropology about work and its lived experience.”
              corporate and economic wrong-doing and the neoliberal
                                                                                                           · Geert De Neve, University of Sussex
              policies and practices that have been influential in
              Western societies since around 1980, considering                                             Introducing anthropological exchange theory to a
              whether neoliberalism has affected the likelihood that                                       wider readership, this volume explores sociality in work
              people and firms will act in ways that many would                                            environments marked by the kind of structural changes that
              consider wrong – and even fragmented our very ideas of                                       have come to define contemporary “flexible” capitalism.
              economic right and wrong.                                                                    It makes a novel contribution to a trans-disciplinary
                                                                                                           scholarship on contemporary economic practice, and to the
              James G. Carrier is Associate at the Max Planck
                                                                                                           anthropological literature on work and on exchange.
              Institute for Social Anthropology, and Adjunct Professor
              of Anthropology at Indiana University.                                                       Jens Kjaerulff is a social anthropologist who has held
              Volume 36
                                                                                                           positions at Simon Fraser University, University of
              September 2018, 276 pages, bibliog., index                                                   Victoria, and University of Manchester.
              ISBN 978-1-78920-044-7 Hb $130.00/£92.00                                                     Volume 25
              eISBN 978-1-78920-045-4                                                                      July 2018, 296 pages, 1 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78920-073-7 Pb $29.95/£21.00
                                                                                                           eISBN 978-1-78238-616-2


                       Order direct for the UK, Europe, Africa, and the Rest of Asia: Tel: +44 (0) 1767 604 976 e-mail:

General Editors:                                                                           The Revolt of the Provinces

                                                                                                                                                             T E R E S T
August Carbonella, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Don Kalb, University of Bergen & Utrecht University                                        Anti-Gypsyism and Right-Wing Politics in
Linda Green, University of Arizona                                                         Hungary
                                                                                           Kristóf Szombati
                                                                                           Foreword by Ivan Szelenyi
Democracy Struggles
NGOs and the Politics of Aid in Serbia                                                     “[This book] is an excellent study of the shifting economy,
Theodora Vetta                                                                             the rise of a far-right political movement, anti-Gypsy

                                                                                           racism, and the dominance of a right-wing governing party.
                                                                                           It offers a nuanced, innovative and holistic approach to

This book explores the “associational revolution” in
post-socialist, post-conflict Serbia. It traces the boom of                                this topic by engaging space, scale, history, racism/race
local NGOs since the 1990s in the context of the global                                    formation, and class… The author’s command of literature

political economy of Aid, neoliberal state restructuring,                                  and arguments is impressive.” · Sharryn Kasmir, Hofstra

and shifting post-Cold War hegemonies, and unpacks                                         University
the various forms of dispossession and inequality

                                                                                                                                                             E R
                                                                                           The first in-depth ethnographic monograph on the New
entailed in the democracy-promotion project.
                                                                                           Right in Central and Eastern Europe, The Revolt of the
Theodora Vetta is an European Research Council                                             Provinces explores the making of right-wing hegemony

                                                                                                                                                             G E N
researcher at University of Barcelona, and a member of                                     in Hungary over the last decade, focusing on interaction
PrecAnthro Union and FOCAAL’s editorial collective.                                        between social antagonisms emerging on the local level
                                                                                           and struggles waged within the political public sphere.
Volume 25
December 2018, 240 pages, bibliog., index                                                  Kristóf Szombati has a background in both activism and
ISBN 978-1-78920-099-7 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                   academia. He recently completed his PhD at Central
eISBN 978-1-78920-100-0                                                                    European University (Budapest) and received the ‘Best
                                                                                           Dissertation’ award for his work on anti-Gypsyism in
                                                                                           rural Hungary.
Worldwide Mobilizations
                                                                                           Volume 23
Class Struggles and Urban Commoning
                                                                                           June 2018, 288 pages, 30 illus., bibliog., index
Edited by Don Kalb and Massimiliano Mollona                                                ISBN 978-1-78533-896-0 Hb $130.00/£92.00
                                                                                           eISBN 978-1-78533-897-7
“This is a timely contribution to our understanding of
urban protest, and the analytical framework proposed by
the editors is extremely relevant and important. I believe                                 Frontiers of Civil Society
the volume… will spark a much-needed debate about class                                    Government and Hegemony in Serbia
and social transformation in the 21st century.” · Lesley Gill,                             Marek Mikuš
Vanderbilt University
“A very important contribution to understanding popular                                    “A significant contribution to a number of fields—
movements in late capitalism.” · Winnie Lem, Trent                                         postsocialist “transition” studies, the emerging forms of
University                                                                                 social organization in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia,
                                                                                           and debates about civil society. It is welcome on all
Viewing the significant urban insurrections of past
                                                                                           those fronts, and contributes via a strong combination of
decades with an anthropological eye, Worldwide
                                                                                           very rich empirical work in Serbia and a commitment to
Mobilizations argues that transformations of urban class
                                                                                           theorizing the patterns, relations, and formations that the
relationships must be approached in a way that is both
                                                                                           fieldwork reveals.” · John Clarke, The Open University
globally and locally informed, and contends that every
case of urban mobilization should be understood against                                    Frontiers of Civil Society is a historical anthropological
its precise context in the global capitalist transformation.                               analysis of the roles of ‘civil society’ in Serbia’s
                                                                                           postsocialist and postauthoritarian transformation,
Don Kalb is Professor of Social Anthropology at the
                                                                                           focusing mainly on a set of interventions through which
University of Bergen.
                                                                                           various civil society forces supported neoliberalization
Massimiliano Mollona is Senior Lecturer at Goldsmiths                                      and transnational integration as part of a hegemonic
College, University of London.                                                             project of social transformation after the rule of
                                                                                           Slobodan Miloševi?.
Volume 24
June 2018, 256 pages, bibliog., index                                                      Marek Mikuš is Research Fellow at the Max Planck
ISBN 978-1-78533-906-6 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                   Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle/Saale), and at
eISBN 978-1-78533-907-3                                                                    the Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin.
                                                                                           Volume 22
                                                                                           June 2018, 358 pages, 12 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78533-890-8 Hb $130.00/£92.00
                                                                                           eISBN 978-1-78533-891-5


Order direct for Canada, Latin America, Australasia, China, Taiwan, and Japan: Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:

              Series Editor: Günther Schlee, Director at the Max Planck Institute                          NEW IN PAPERBACK

              for Social Anthropology
                                                                                                          On Retaliation
              Published in association with Max Planck Institute for Social                               Towards an Interdisciplinary Understanding of
              Anthropology, Halle/Saale
                                                                                                          a Basic Human Condition
                                                                                                          Edited by Bertram Turner and Günther Schlee
              Playing the Marginality Game
              Identity Politics in West Africa                                                            “On Retaliation is impressive, exciting and full of insight.
                                                                                                          It will be a valuable and widely referred to contribution

              Anita Schroven
                                                                                                          to academic scholarship and to policy formation in an

                                                                                                          extremely critical area of national and global concern.” ·
              “Clearly, (this book) is the result of a long ethnographic                                  Andrew Arno, University of Hawai’i
              work and reflection on the evidence collected, and for sure

              it will enrich our knowledge of Guinea Conakry, one of the                                  Retaliatory logics are associated with all types of

              African countries which are today on the development                                        social and political organization. Deriving a concept
              priority list of the European Union”. · Alice Bellagamba,                                   of retaliation from the overall notion of reciprocity,

              University of Milan-Bicocca                                                                 contributors to this volume touch upon the interaction
                                                                                                          between retaliation and violence, the state’s monopoly
              In Guinea, situated in the background of central                                            on legitimate punishment, socio-political frameworks,

              government struggles, rural elites, through the use of                                      religious interpretations, and economic processes.
              identity politics, employ history and contemporary
              political reforms to maintain their privileges and                                          Bertram Turner is an anthropologist and a senior
              perpetuate a generation-old local social contract that                                      researcher in the department ‘Law and Anthropology’
              bridges ethnic and religious divides.                                                       at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in
                                                                                                          Halle, Germany.
              Anita Schroven is Research Fellow at the Max Planck
              Institute for Social Anthropology.                                                          Günther Schlee is one of the Founding Directors of the
                                                                                                          Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle,
              Volume 19
              March 2019, 256 pages, 23 illus., bibliog., index
              ISBN 978-1-78920-189-5 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                    Volume 15
              eISBN 978-1-78920-190-1                                                                     October 2018, 322 pages, 1 illus., 8 figures, 2 tables, bibliog.,
                                                                                                          ISBN 978-1-78920-077-5 Pb $34.95/£24.00
              The Wheel of Autonomy                                                                       eISBN 978-1-78533-419-1
              Rhetoric and Ethnicity in the Omo Valley
              Felix Girke                                                                                  NEW IN PAPERBACK

                                                                                                          ‘City of the Future’
              “This is a superb book, which regarding theories of culture,                                Built Space, Modernity and Urban Change
              the epistemology of ethnographic research, and the
                                                                                                          in Astana
              evolution of our understanding of South Omo societies is
              path-breaking… The writing is fresh, clear and evocative.” ·                                Mateusz Laszczkowski
              John G. Galaty, McGill University
                                                                                                          “The book can serve as the perfect companion to post-
              Through the theoretical lens of rhetoric, this book offers                                  graduate studies in many fields, because its methodology is
              an interactionalist analysis of how the Kara – a small                                      brilliant, clear, transparent, and utterly reflexive. No doubt
              population in southern Ethiopia – negotiate ethnic and non-                                 it will become a major reference text on many syllabi to
              ethnic differences among themselves, the relations with                                     come.” · Central Asian Affairs
              their various neighbors, and eventually their integration
              in the Ethiopian state. The model of the “Wheel of                                          The long-awaited comprehensive account of the rise of
              Autonomy” captures the interplay of distinction, agency                                     Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, this book argues
              and autonomy that drives these dynamics and offers an                                       for an understanding of space as inextricably material-
              innovative perspective on social relations.                                                 and-imaginary, and unceasingly dynamic – allowing for a
                                                                                                          plurality of incompatible pasts and futures materialized
              Felix Girke is a social/cultural anthropologist and a                                       in spatial form.
              post-doctoral researcher at the University of Konstanz,
              Germany.                                                                                    Mateusz Laszczkowski is Assistant Professor at the
                                                                                                          Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, at the
              Volume 18
                                                                                                          University of Warsaw, Poland.
              August 2018, 308 pages, 22 illus., bibliog., index
              ISBN 978-1-78533-950-9 Hb $140.00/£100.00                                                   Volume 14
              eISBN 978-1-78533-951-6                                                                     October 2018, 220 pages, 2 tables, 2 maps, 22 figures, bibliog.,
                                                                                                          ISBN 978-1-78920-075-1 Pb $29.95/£21.00
                                                                                                          eISBN 978-1-78533-257-9


                                              Order direct for the USA · Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:
THEORY & METHODOLOGY                                                        METHODOLOGY & HISTORY IN ANTHROPOLOGY SERIES

On the Geopragmatics of                                                                     General Editors:

                                                                                                                                                                G Y
                                                                                            David Parkin, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford
Anthropological Identification                                                              David Gellner, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford
Allen Chun

                                                                                                                                                                L O
“Allen Chun’s book is a wide-ranging, intelligent, critical                                 Engaging Evil
and required manifesto for a reconfigured anthropology-                                     A Moral Anthropology

cultural studies-social sciences.” · John Hutnyk, Ton Duc                                   Edited by William C. Olsen and Thomas Csordas

Thang University                                                                            Afterword by David Parkin

Allen Chun has been a Research Fellow in the Institute
of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, since 1982 and                                       “The various contributions offer a rich and highly

                                                                                                                                                                E T H
serves jointly as Professor in the Institute for Social                                     variegated overview of how anthropologists have dealt
Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung                                          with ‘evil’ and thus give a good idea of the baffling variety
University, Taiwan.                                                                         hiding behind this notion.” • Peter Geschiere, University
                                                                                            of Amsterdam
Volume 4, Loose Can(n)ons

April 2019, 196 pages, bibliog., index                                                      William C. Olsen is the Principal Social Sciences
ISBN 978-1-78920-203-8 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                    Bibliographer and is adjunct faculty in Anthropology and
eISBN 978-1-78920-204-5                                                                     African Studies at Georgetown University.

                                                                                            Thomas Csordas is Professor of Anthropology and
NEW IN PAPERBACK                                                                            Department Chair in the Department of Anthropology at

                                                                                                                                                                R Y
                                                                                            the University of California, San Diego.
Reflecting on Reflexivity
The Human Condition as an Ontological                                                       Volume 36

                                                                                                                                                                E O
                                                                                            360 pages, index
Surprise                                                                                    May 2019, ISBN 978-1-78920-213-7 Hb $100.00/£140.00
Edited by Terry Evens, Don Handelman and                                                    eISBN 978-1-78920-214-4
Christopher Roberts

                                                                                            Medicinal Rule

Reflexivity is fundamental to human social life. This
                                                                                            A Historical Anthropology of Kingship in East
volume analyzes reflexivity on two analytical planes.
On one is the role reflexivity plays in human life and the                                  and Central Africa
study of it. The other plane is anthropo-philosophical,                                     Koen Stroeken
which maintains that reflexivity definitively distinguishes
the being and becoming of the human.                                                        “Admirably clearly written… [the volume exhibits] high
                                                                                            scholarship, methodological ingenuity, and sound use of
Terry Evens is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the
                                                                                            history.” · David Parkin, University of Oxford
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
                                                                                            Koen Stroeken is Associate Professor in Africanist
Don Handelman is Sarah Allen Shaine Professor
                                                                                            anthropology at Ghent University (CARAM).
Emeritus of Anthropology at the Hebrew University.
                                                                                            Volume 35
Christopher Roberts is Professor of Humanities and                                          September 2018, 328 pages, 14 illus., bibliog., index
Religion at Lewis and Clark College.                                                        ISBN 978-1-78533-984-4 Hb $130.00/£92.00
September 2018, 324 pages, bibliog., index                                                  eISBN 978-1-78533-985-1
ISBN 978-1-78920-092-8 Pb $34.95/£24.00
eISBN 978-1-78238-753-4                                                                     Who are ‘We’?
                                                                                            Reimagining Alterity and Affinity in
Contemplating Historical Consciousness                                                      Anthropology
Notes from the Field                                                                        Edited by Liana Chua and Nayanika Mathur
                                                                                            Afterword by Mwenda Ntarangwi
Edited by Anna Clark and Carla L. Peck
                                                                                            “[This volume] raises awareness about existing
Contemplating Historical Consciousness draws on three
                                                                                            inequalities in knowledge production, and at the same time
decades of applied research to tease out what has been
                                                                                            contributes to the theoretical discussions on knowledge
learned from the field.
                                                                                            production in anthropology.” · Michal Buchowski, Adam
Anna Clark is an Australian Research Council Future                                         Mickiewicz University
Fellow at the Australian Centre for Public History at the
                                                                                            Liana Chua is Senior Lecturer in Anthropology at Brunel
University of Technology Sydney.
                                                                                            University London.
Carla L. Peck is Professor of Social Studies Education at
                                                                                            Nayanika Mathur is Associate Professor in the
the University of Alberta, Canada.
                                                                                            Anthropology of South Asia and Fellow of Wolfson
Volume 36, Making Sense of History                                                          College at the University of Oxford.
December 2018, 240 pages, 9 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                            Volume 34
ISBN 978-1-78533-929-5 Hb $120.00/£85.00
                                                                                            June 2018, 264 pages, 10 illus., bibliog., index
eISBN 978-1-78533-930-1
                                                                                            ISBN 978-1-78533-888-5 Hb $120.00/£85.00
                                                                                            eISBN 978-1-78533-889-2


        Order direct for the UK, Europe, Africa, and the Rest of Asia: Tel: +44 (0) 1767 604 976 e-mail:

         NEW IN PAPERBACK                                                                          Cyborg Mind

        A Fragmented Landscape                                                                     What Brain-Computer and Mind-Cyberspace
        Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe                                           Interfaces Mean for Cyberneuroethics

        Edited by Silvia De Zordo, Joanna Mishtal, and Lorena Anton                                Calum MacKellar

        This volume provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary                                    This volume is the first extensive study in
        survey of the struggles over abortion rights in Europe                                     cyberneuroethics, a subject matter which is certain to
        from the immediate postwar era to the present era.                                         have a significant impact in the 21st century and beyond.

        Silvia De Zordo is a Senior Researcher at the University                                   Calum MacKellar is Director of Research of the Scottish
        of Barcelona (UB), Department of Anthropology.                                             Council on Human Bioethics, Edinburgh, and Visiting
                                                                                                   Lecturer of Bioethics at St.

        Joanna Mishtal is an Associate Professor of
        Anthropology at the University of Central Florida.                                         April 2019, 310 pages, bibliog., index
                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-78920-014-0 Hb $120.00/£85.00
        Lorena Anton is a Marie Curie Fellow in social                                             eISBN 978-1-78920-111-6

        anthropology at the University of Bucharest (2013-
        2017), where she develops a project on abortion
        governance in post-communist Romania.                                                       NEW IN PAPERBACK

                                                                                                   Healing Roots

        Volume 20, Protest, Culture & Society
        September 2018, 304 pages, 2 illus., bibliog., index                                       Anthropology in Life and Medicine
        ISBN 978-1-78920-071-3 Pb $34.95/£24.00
                                                                                                   Julie Laplante
        eISBN 978-1-78533-428-3

                                                                                                   “Overall, Laplante’s Healing Roots, focusing on the
         NEW IN PAPERBACK                                                                          tensions between the biomedical and traditional healing–

                                                                                                   based ways of making a medicine is an informative and
        Cosmos, Gods and Madmen

                                                                                                   important contribution to the literature [of] intrinsic value
        Frameworks in the Anthropologies of Medicine                                               in the classroom, primarily for graduate-level students

        Edited by Roland Littlewood and Rebecca Lynch                                              with specific interests in South Africa and the crossroads
                                                                                                   of ethnopharmacology and biomedicine.” · Medical
        “[this book] provides an effective and timely response                                     Anthropology Quarterly
        to the current comparative biomedical focus within
                                                                                                   Julie Laplante is Associate Professor of Anthropology in
        medical anthropology, by reconnecting with its social
                                                                                                   the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies
        origins.” · Anthropology & Medicine
                                                                                                   at the University of Ottawa.
        Roland Littlewood is Professor of Anthropology and                                         Volume 15, Epistemologies of Healing
        Psychiatry at UCL.                                                                         July 2018, 302 pages, 25 illus., bibliog., index
                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-78920-059-1 Pb $34.95/£24.00
        Rebecca Lynch is an Assistant Professor in Medical
                                                                                                   eISBN 978-1-78238-555-4
        Anthropology at the London School of Hygiene and
        Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
        September 2018, 220 pages, bibliog., index                                                  NEW IN PAPERBACK
        ISBN 978-1-78920-062-1 Pb $29.95/£21.00
        eISBN 978-1-78533-178-7
                                                                                                   Living Before Dying
                                                                                                   Imagining and Remembering Home
                                                                                                   Janette Davies
        The Global Age-Friendly Community                                                          Foreword by Lord Nigel Crisp
        A Critical Appraisal                                                                       SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2018 BBC THINKING
                                                                                                   ALLOWED ETHNOGRAPHY AWARD
        Philip B. Stafford
                                                                                                   “Living Before Dying is an important and timely
        This book provides an introduction to the global                                           contribution to a rising body of social scientific
        phenomenon of the age-friendly community movement,                                         and bioethical work about dementia, including the
        through an extensive collection of international case                                      anthropology of senility. It should be read by all those who
        studies by researchers and practitioners.                                                  want care to improve for older people, with and without
                                                                                                   dementia.” · Times Higher Education
        Philip B. Stafford is Adjunct Professor of Anthropology
        at Indiana University in Bloomington, and was                                              Janette Davies is a social and medical anthropologist at
        Director of the Indiana University Center on Aging and                                     the International Gender Studies Centre, Lady Margaret
        Community until 2017.                                                                      Hall, University of Oxford.

        Volume 5, Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations                           Volume 41, New Directions in Anthropology
        October 2018, 268 pages, 20 illus., bibliog., index                                        September 2018, 172 pages, bibliog., index
        ISBN 978-1-78533-667-6 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                   ISBN 978-1-78920-130-7 Pb $27.95/£19.00
        eISBN 978-1-78533-668-3                                                                    eISBN 978-1-78533-615-7


        Order direct for Canada, Latin America, Australasia, China, Taiwan, and Japan: Tel: 1-800-343-4499 e-mail:

General Editors:                                                                         Reconceiving Muslim Men

                                                                                                                                                         G Y
Soraya Tremayne, University of Oxford
Marcia C. Inhorn, Yale University                                                        Love and Marriage, Family and Care in
Philip Kreager, University of Oxford                                                     Precarious Times

                                                                                                                                                         L O
                                                                                         Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn and Nefissa Naguib

Elite Malay Polygamy

                                                                                                                                                         P O
                                                                                         Through anthropological accounts of Muslim men’s
Wives, Wealth and Woes in Malaysia                                                       everyday lives in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and
Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen                                                              diasporic settings, Reconceiving Muslim Men explores

                                                                                                                                                         R O
                                                                                         the creative ways in which Muslim men care for and
An ethnography of elite polygamy in urban Malaysia,                                      nurture their families and communities. By focusing on
this volume explores the impact this growing practice                                    reproduction, love, and care, this volume showcases

                                                                                                                                                         T H
has on Malay gender relations, examining the varied                                      Muslim men’s humanity.
and often-conflicted polygamy narratives of elite Malay
                                                                                         Marcia C. Inhorn is the William K. Lanman, Jr. Professor
women, who manage their lives and loves under the
                                                                                         of Anthropology and International Affairs in the

                                                                                                                                                         A N
“threat” of husbands able to marry another woman
                                                                                         Department of Anthropology and Whitney and Betty
without their knowledge or consent.
                                                                                         MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at
Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen is Curator in Modern                                         Yale University.
History and World Cultures at the National Museum of
                                                                                         Nefissa Naguib is Professor of Anthropology at the

                                                                                                                                                         C A L
                                                                                         Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo.
Volume 41
                                                                                         Volume 38
September 2018, 268 pages, bibliog., index
                                                                                         June 2018, 346 pages, 1 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78533-990-5 Hb $130.00/£92.00
                                                                                         ISBN 978-1-78533-882-3 Hb $130.00/£92.00

eISBN 978-1-78533-991-2
                                                                                         eISBN 978-1-78533-883-0

Being a Sperm Donor                                                                       NEW IN PAPERBACK

Masculinity, Sexuality, and Biosociality
                                                                                         The Online World of Surrogacy
in Denmark
                                                                                         Zsuzsa Berend
Sebastian Mohr
                                                                                         “This is a much awaited contribution to the surrogacy
Through ethnographic explorations of the everyday lives
                                                                                         scholarship as it is the first ethnographic study to look at
of Danish sperm donors, Being a Sperm Donor explores
                                                                                         surrogacy in the United States since the early 1990’s…
how masculinity and sexuality are reconfigured in a
                                                                                         Berend’s book is also cutting edge in its methodology, since
time in which the norms and logics of (reproductive)
                                                                                         it is based on “online ethnography.” · Elly Teman, author of
biomedicine have become ordinary, and examines
                                                                                         Birthing a Mother: the Surrogate Body and the Pregnant Self
how the latter’s socio-cultural and political dimensions
become intertwined with men’s intimate sense of self.                                    Zsuzsa Berend presents a methodologically innovative
                                                                                         ethnography of, the largest
Sebastian Mohr is Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies at
                                                                                         surrogacy support website in the United States.
Karlstad University, Sweden.
                                                                                         Surrogates’ views emerge from the stories, debates,
Volume 40                                                                                and discussions that unfold online. The Online World of
August 2018, 198 pages, 6 illus., bibliog., index                                        Surrogacy documents these collective meaning-making
ISBN 978-1-78533-946-2 Hb $120.00/£85.00                                                 practices and explores their practical, emotional, and
eISBN 978-1-78533-947-9                                                                  moral implications. In doing so, the book works through
                                                                                         themes of interest across the social sciences, including
                                                                                         definitions of parenthood, the symbolic role of money,
Global Fluids                                                                            reproductive loss, altruism, and the moral valuation of
The Cultural Politics of Reproductive Waste                                              relationships.
and Value
                                                                                         Zsuzsa Berend teaches sociology at the University
Charlotte Kroløkke                                                                       of California, Los Angeles and is the academic
                                                                                         administrator of the sociology departmental Honors
“This is sophisticated scholarship that offers original                                  program.
insights into notions of waste and value and their insertion
                                                                                         Volume 35
into bio-industries. It is a highly readable, stimulating
                                                                                         September 2018, 270 pages, bibliog., index
synthesis of current feminist cultural analysis.” · Andrea
                                                                                         ISBN 978-1-78920-064-5 Pb $27.95/£19.00
Whittaker, Monash University                                                             eISBN 978-1-78533-275-3
Charlotte Kroløkke is a Professor in the Department
for the Study of Culture at the University of Southern
Volume 39
July 2018, 206 pages, 20 illus., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-78533-892-2 Hb $110.00/£78.00
eISBN 978-1-78533-893-9

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