Evening and Short Courses 2017-2018 - Trinity College Dublin

Evening and Short Courses 2017-2018 - Trinity College Dublin
Evening and
Short Courses
Evening and Short Courses 2017-2018 - Trinity College Dublin
Contents                                                  Introduction to Irish Family History                 24

                                                          History                                              25
                                                          Kingship and Warfare: Ireland, c.1000-1318           25
Introduction                                         04
                                                          History of Continental Europe 1860 to 1918           26
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule                    History of modern Ireland                            27
(ADOS-2) for the Clinical Setting                    06
                                                          Europe 1500-1800: Power and Culture                  28
Botany                                               06   Ireland 1534-1815                                    29
An introduction to Woodcarving                       06   American History                                     30
Beginners Gardening                                  07   Imperialism to Globalism: Europe and the World
                                                          1860-1970                                      31
Practical Course in Botanical Art                    08
Visual Language Course at Botanical Gardens          09   History of Art                                       32
                                                          Architecture in the 19th and 20th centuries          32
Classics                                             10
                                                          Making and meaning in Irish art                      33
Greek and Roman art and architecture                 10
                                                          Art in France                                        34
Greek and Roman history                              11
                                                          Antiquity and innovation in early medieval art       35
Greek and Roman mythology and religion               12
                                                          Introduction to European painting and sculpture I    36
From Rome to Byzantium: the transition from
classical to early Byzantine world in the history,        Introduction to European architecture I              37
culture, literature and art of the 3rd to the 6th
centuries AD                                         13   Introduction to European painting and sculpture II   38

Latin language and culture for beginners             14   Introduction to European architecture II             39

Latin language and culture: intermediate             16   Painting and sculpture in the Italian Renaissance 39

Ancient Greek language and culture - beginners 17         Post modern and contemporary art                     40

Ancient Greek language and culture -intermediate 18       Arts of Japan                                        41

English                                              18   Irish                                                42

English Literature                                   18   A history of Irish personal names and surnames 42

Cities in Literature                                 19   Languages                                            43

Gender and Women’s Studies                           20   Chinese, Introduction to Language and Culture        43

Gender: history, culture and representation          20   Chinese, Post-Beginners                              44
                                                          Dutch                                                44
Health Policy Management                             21
                                                          Irish Sign Language (ISL) for Beginners              45
Health Economics                                     21
                                                          Introduction to Irish Sign Language (ISL)
Managing People in Healthcare Organisations          22   (Ten-week course)                                    46
                                                          Japanese, Introduction to Language and Culture 46
Histories and Humanities                             23
                                                          Japanese, Post-Beginners                             47
Reputations V: emperors, presidents and premiers 23
                                                          Japanese, Intermediate                               47

                                                                           Evening and Short Courses 2017       1
Evening and Short Courses 2017-2018 - Trinity College Dublin
Korean, Introduction to Language and Culture 48                Religions and Theology                           73    Social Sciences and Philosophy                    95     The Making of Catholic Theology: The Medieval
                                                                                                                                                                               Period                                        111
Korean, Post-beginners Language and Culture 48                 Introduction to World Religions                  73    Great Philosophers                                 95
                                                                                                                                                                               The Making of Catholic Theology: The Modern
Portuguese                                           49        Eras and classical authors in the history of           Big Questions in Philosophy                        95    Period (c. 1900-2000)                       111
                                                               Christianity                                     74
Turkish, Introduction to Language and Culture 49                                                                      The Logic and Credibility of After-Death Existences 96   The Making of Catholic Theology: The Patristic
                                                               Religion in Public: Great Speeches               75                                                             Period                                         112
Turkisk, Post-Beginners                              50
                                                               Ethics in Sport and Media Ethics                 76    Social Work and Social Policy                      97
Turkish Intermediate                                 50                                                                                                                        Theological Anthropology                      113
                                                               Institutions of Education and Science in Classical     Contemporary Perspectives in Social Work           97
                                                                                                                                                                               Theology in the Reformation and the Counter-
Languages (Slavonic)                                 51        Islam                                           77                                                              Reformation                                  114
                                                                                                                      The Lir Academy                                    98
    Bulgarian, Beginners                             51        The Historical Jesus and the Gospels             78                                                             Ethical Issues Today – Theology and Food      114
                                                                                                                      Acting and Irish Theatre                           98
    Bulgarian, Lower Intermediate                    52        Contemporary Theories of Religion                79                                                             The Ethics of Embodiment                      115
                                                                                                                      Character and Scene Study                          99
    Bulgarian, Upper Intermediate                    53        Christology: Jesus in the first century, at turning                                                             Ecclesiology: Unity& Diversity in Catholic
                                                               points of Christian thinking, in music and film 80     Ensemble Study                                     99
    Bulgarian, Advanced                              54                                                                                                                        Christianity                                  116
                                                               Great Controversies in the Histories of                I A Clown                                         100
    Croatian, Beginners                              55                                                                                                                        Eucharistic Theology                          117
                                                               Monotheism                                       81    Introduction to Acting                            100
    Croatian, Lower Intermediate                     56        Approaches to Theological Ethics                 82                                                             Campus Map                                    120
                                                                                                                      Introduction to Stage Management and Technical
    Croatian, Upper Intermediate                     57        Introduction to the New Testament and Early            Theatre                                    101
    Croatian, Advanced                               58        Christianity: texts and contexts                 82    Musical Theatre Intensive                         101
    Czech, Beginners                                 59        The Qur’an and its history of reception          83    Riverdance - Trinity College Dublin International
                                                               Approaches to the Study of Religion              84    Summer School                                  102
    Czech, Upper Intermediate                        60
                                                               Religion in Public: Great Images                 85    Sensing Laban: Movement Expression with Sue
    Polish, Beginners                                61                                                               Mythen                                     103
    Polish, Lower Intermediate                       62        Key Themes in Theology                           86
                                                                                                                      The Clear and Confident Voice, Presenting with
    Polish, Upper Intermediate                       63        The End of the World: The Johannine Writings     86    Confidence                                    103

    Polish, Advanced                                 64        Hermeneutics: the Bible, classical texts, modern       Young Actors’ Programme (2 weeks)                 104
                                                               disputes, the environment                       87
    Russian, Beginners                               66                                                               Young Actors’ Programme (4 weeks)                 104
                                                               Comparative Religious Ethics in Christianity, Islam
    Russian, Lower Intermediate                      67        and Buddhism                                      88   The Loyola Institute                             105
    Russian, Intermediate                            68        Contemporary Ethical Issues                      89    Catholic Theology in a Secular Age: A Critical
    Russian Advanced/Advanced Plus                   69        Current Expressions & Movements in Christianity,       Introduction                                     105
                                                               Hinduism & Islam                              90       Ethics and Society in Catholic Traditions        106
Near and Middle Eastern Studies                      70
                                                               Religion, Media & the Public Sphere              91    Foundations for Theological Ethics               106
Persian for Beginners                                70
                                                               Russian, Central and Eastern European Studies 91       God: One and Three                                107
Beginners’ Arabic for Business and Tourism           70
                                                               Contemporary Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish and           Jewish Origins and the Hebrew Bible: Texts and
Certificate in Holocaust Education                   71                                                               Contexts                                       108
                                                               Russian Cultures                             91

Physics                                              71        Prohibited Czech Literature and Charter 77       92    Mission, Culture and Diversity in a Global World 108

Foundation Physics for Earth and Life Sciences 71              Contemporary Literature and Cinema in the              The Book of Kells: A Theological Reading          109
                                                               European Southeast and the Question of Balkan          The Development of Wisdom Literature              110
Psychology                                           72        Identity                                     94

Psychology: The Science of Behaviour and Mind 72

2           Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Evening and Short Courses 2017-2018 - Trinity College Dublin
Introduction                                                 Réamhrá

Lifelong learning is a continual process for                 Próiseas leanúnach dúinn uile is ea an
every one of us, whether it is for personal                  fhoghlaim ar feadh an tsaoil, bímis ina bun
interest or professional development. Trinity                as suim phearsanta nó ar mhaithe le forbairt
College Dublin, the University of Dublin                     phroifisiúnta. Cuireann Coláiste na Tríonóide
offers a wide range of evening and short                     réimse leathan cúrsaí tráthnóna agus cúrsaí
courses in many different fields which result                gearra ar fáil in ábhair éagsúla – cúrsaí a
in the gaining of new ideas, new knowledge,                  thabharfaidh smaointe úra agus eolas úr duit
and in some instances, new qualifications.                   agus, i gcás cuid acu, cáilíocht úr freisin.

Today, the continuing nature of education is                 Sa lá atá inniu ann, tá an t-oideachas
more important than ever. Old skills become                  leanúnach níos tábhachtaí ná riamh. Tá
obsolete, new skills come to be in high                      seanscileanna ag dul as feidhm agus tá
demand. The people who can participate                       éileamh ar scileanna úra. Na daoine a
most effectively in our fast-moving modern                   ghlacfaidh an pháirt is éifeachtaí i saol tapa
society are those who are most open to                       an lae inniu ná na daoine atá sásta glacadh
new ideas, most adaptable and willing to                     le smaointe nua, atá sásta iad féin a chur in
continually re-educate themselves and                        oiriúint do shaol úr, filleadh ar an oideachas
broaden their perspectives.                                  go tráthúil agus a ndearcadh ar an saol a
In addition to degree and diploma courses,
there is a wide range of short courses to                    Chomh maith le cúrsaí céime agus
choose from in Trinity, from history of art                  dioplóma, tá réimse leathan cúrsaí gearra
to social work, philosophy to psychology,                    ar fail i gColáiste na Tríonóide – ó stair na
Greek and Roman mythology and religion                       healaíne go hobair shóisialta, ó fhealsúnacht
to physics and a wide variety of languages                   go síceolaíocht, ó mhiotaseolaíocht agus
among others. We hope that you will find a                   creidimh na Gréige agus na Róimhe go
course that appeals to you in this booklet.                  heolaíocht an néarchórais agus rogha
Further information is available at www.tcd.                 leathan teangacha (i measc ábhar eile).
ie/courses/esc                                               Tá súil againn go dtiocfaidh tú ar chúrsa a
                                                             thaitneoidh leat sa leabhrán seo. Tá tuilleadh
                                                             eolais ar fáil ag www.tcd.ie/courses/esc

4         Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Evening and Short Courses 2017-2018 - Trinity College Dublin
Autism Diagnostic                                           Lecturer                                          Ireland and has been a multi-award winner
                                                                                                              at Sculpture in Context in the National

Observation Schedule
                                                            Prof. Louise Gallagher
                                                                                                              Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin. His work has             Beginners Gardening
                                                            How to apply                                      been presented to President Mary Robinson
(ADOS-2) for the                                            For those interested in attending the training,   and other dignitaries. He has worked on
                                                                                                                                                                   Hazel Proctor is an accomplished
Clinical Setting                                            please contact                                    large scale sculptures for Dun Laoghaire and
                                                                                                                                                                   horticulturalist and garden designer with over
                                                                                                              Galway County Councils.
                                                            Nadia Bolshakova E: ADOS.training@tcd.ie                                                               a decade experience working in parks and
                                                                                                              The course is primarily aimed as an                  gardens across Ireland. She is currently the
ADOS-2 is a semi-structured, standardised                   Fee                                               introduction to woodcarving with all tools           Head Gardener at The Steam Museum and
assessment of communication, social
                                                            €450 for two full days training                   and materials provided. The main focus is            Lodge Park Walled Garden, in Kildare and
interaction, play/imaginative use of materials
                                                                                                              on creativity and individuality and nurturing        continues to deliver the Beginners Gardening
and restricted and repetitive behaviours for                Date, time and place                              it through the medium of woodcarving. All            Course in conjunction with the Botany
individuals who have been referred because
                                                            Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St James’s    abilities will be catered for, as each participant   Department.
of possible autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
                                                            Hospital, Dublin 8. The course is running every   will receive individual tuition. Participants
Fundamentally new to the ADOS-2 than                                                                                                                               During the course, you will gain a wide range
                                                            three or four months.                             will be introduced to the tools and how to
ADOS-G are the procedures involved in the                                                                                                                          of gardening skills such as how to propagate
                                                                                                              sharpen and maintain them and the materials
algorithm computation and the comparison                    Further information                                                                                    your own plants, the principles of pruning
                                                                                                              and characteristics of the different woods.
score for module 1 through 3 which were                     Visit www.medicine.tcd.ie/neuropsychiatric-                                                            and how to choose the right plants for your
revised on the basis of the findings of recent              genetics/autism/ados or contact: The              How to apply                                         garden. The course also includes lectures on
validation research. The new comparison                     Extramural Course Co-ordinator, Dr. Nadia         Please email Conleth - conlethgent@eircom.           the history of garden design and regular plant
score provides a way of indicating a                        Bolshakova, T: 01 896 2144, E: ADOS.training@     net - to confirm your participation. Places are      identification walks. Throughout the year,
participant’s level of autism spectrum related              tcd.ie                                            very few in number and strictly limited.             we enjoy visits to horticultural gems such as
symptomatology and it can also be used to                                                                                                                          the War Memorial Garden and The National
interpret an individual’s own change in autism                                                                Fee                                                  Botanic Gardens. The course starts in October
spectrum related symptoms over time. ADOS-                                                                    The course will cost €160 for five classes. Tea      and runs one day a week, each Wednesday,
2 also includes a toddler module, which is                  Botany                                            and coffee will be provided and all materials        from 10am to 3pm, until May 2017.
designed for very young children who do not
use phrase speech but who are between the                   An Introduction to                                will be supplied. Full payment in advance by
                                                                                                              July 1st is essential and required to secure
                                                                                                                                                                   How to apply
ages of twelve and thirty months. The toddler
module has its own algorithms that provide
                                                            Woodcarving                                       your place. Please note all monies are non-          Please email Hazel at proctoh@tcd.ie to
                                                                                                                                                                   confirm your booking. Places are limited so
                                                                                                              refundable except in the event of course
‘ranges of concern’ instead of cut-off scores.                                                                cancellation.                                        early booking is advised.
A variety of specialists will use the ADOS-2,               Well known Sculptor Conleth Gent (www.
                                                                                                              Date, Time and Place                                 Fee
their use of results in writing reports and                 conlethgent.ie) will be running a woodcarving
making recommendations to inform medical                                                                      Every Monday 11am-1pm for five weeks                 The course costs €900 and a deposit of €200
                                                            course two and a half hours per day one day
diagnoses, special education classification                                                                   commencing on July 30th 2018 in the Trinity          must be paid by September 7th to secure
                                                            a week over a five week period based in the
and occupational therapists and speech and                                                                    College Botanic Gardens opposite Palmerston          your place. The remainder can be paid in two
                                                            Trinity College Botanic Gardens at Dartry,
hearing professionals might use for treatment                                                                 Park, Dartry, Dublin 6 (nearest Luas Station,        further instalments throughout the course of
                                                            Dublin 6 (nearest Luas Station, Milltown).
planning.                                                                                                     Milltown).                                           the year.
                                                            Conleth Gent has exhibited widely throughout

6        Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                       Evening and Short Courses 2017    7
Evening and Short Courses 2017-2018 - Trinity College Dublin
Date and time                                                How to apply                                       Botany                                              morning) participants will produce
                                                                                                                                                                    observational drawings, notes, photos
The course will start in October and will run
until May. Class will be held at the Trinity
                                                             Please email Yanny - yannypetters@gmail.com
                                                             - to confirm your participation. Places are very
                                                                                                                Visual Language                                     and generally discuss and gather ideas.
Botanic Garden in Dartry, Dublin 6, from 10am                few in number and strictly limited.                Course at Trinity                                   The remainder of the course (Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                                    afternoon and Thursday) participants will
to 3pm each week. We follow the academic
year so there will be mid-term breaks and                    Fee                                                College Botanic                                     use their observational work from the
                                                                                                                                                                    greenhouses to explore unique ways to
holidays during Christmas and Easter.                        The course will cost €140 for two days. Tea
                                                             and coffee will be provided and materials will
                                                                                                                Gardens                                             visually compose and learn techniques in
                                                             be supplied. Full payment in advance by 1st                                                            imaginatively using the information.
                                                             July for the Autumn course is essential and        David Eager Maher (www.davideagermaher.             How to apply
Botany                                                       required to secure your place. Please note         com) is well known for his works on paper           Please email David - eager.maher@
                                                             all monies are non-refundable except in the
Practical Course in                                          event of course cancellation.
                                                                                                                and is associated with contemporary drawing
                                                                                                                internationally. Recent projects include a
                                                                                                                                                                    googlemail.com - to confirm your
                                                                                                                                                                    participation. Places are very few in number
Botanical Art                                                Date and time
                                                                                                                residency at Temple Bar Gallery + Studios           and strictly limited.
                                                                                                                (2011 – 2015). ‘Inheritance’ a solo exhibition at
                                                             Autumn 2017: 19th and 20th September in                                                                Fee
                                                                                                                Drei Ringe Gallery, Leipzig. Fukt Contemporary
Well known Botanical artist Yanny Petters                    the Trinity College Botanic Gardens opposite                                                           The course will cost €190 for three days. Tea
                                                                                                                Drawing #13. His work has been included in
(www.yannypetters.net) will be running a 2                   Palmerston Park at Dartry, Dublin 6 (nearest                                                           and coffee will be provided. Materials will be
                                                                                                                commercial gallery and museum exhibitions
day practical course in botanical drawing and                Luas Station, Milltown). All sessions start at                                                         supplied, but participants are free to bring any
                                                                                                                in Ireland and Internationally, Including
watercolour illustration based in the Trinity                10.30 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m.                                                                        preferable drawing and painting materials.
                                                                                                                the Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane and
College Botanic Gardens at Dartry, Dublin 6                  Spring 2018: 9th and 10th May in the Trinity       Scope Art Fair Basel, 2011 and 2012, Scope          Painting materials should be water based
(nearest Luas Station, Milltown).                            College Botanic Gardens opposite Palmerston        Art Fair Miami 2013. He is the recipient            only.
Yanny is a member of the Irish Society of                    Park at Dartry, Dublin 6 (nearest Luas Station,    of several awards and his work is held in
                                                                                                                                                                    Full payment in advance by 1st March (for the
Botanical Artists and exhibits regularly in                  Milltown). All sessions start at 10.30 a.m. and    many international private and permanent
                                                                                                                                                                    Spring course) or 1st July (for the Autumn
Ireland. Some of her works are in the Shirley                end at 4.00 p.m.                                   collections.
                                                                                                                                                                    course) is essential and required to secure
Sherwood Collection in Kew Gardens, as well                  Autumn 2018: 18th and 19th September in            David Eager Maher will be running a 3 day           your place. Please note all monies are non-
as in the OPW collection in Glasnevin and                    the Trinity College Botanic Gardens opposite       visual art course. The primary focus of the         refundable except in the event of course
Wicklow Mountains National Park.                             Palmerston Park at Dartry, Dublin 6 (nearest       course will be upon developing an individual        cancellation.
In this Autumn course, and following previous                Luas Station, Milltown). All sessions start at     visual language through observational
                                                                                                                drawing and painting. The Trinity College           Date, Time and Place
years’ very successful model, all abilities will             10.30 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m.
be catered for, as each participant will receive                                                                Botanic Gardens will provide a subject for          Spring 2018: 22nd May to 24th May in the
individual tuition. A botanical drawing session                                                                 research, through drawing, observational            Trinity College Botanic Gardens opposite
occupies the first part of the Wednesday and                                                                    study, collage and collecting information,          Palmerston Park at Dartry, Dublin 6 (nearest
participants produce preparatory drawings                                                                       students will learn techniques in bringing          Luas Station, Milltown). All sessions start at
to work from in the watercolour course on                                                                       the factual into the imagination. In both           10.30 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m.
Wednesday afternoon and Thursday. Plants                                                                        the Spring and Autumn courses all abilities         Autumn 2018: 11th to 13th September in the
are scoursed in the extensive gardens and                                                                       will be catered for, each participant will          Trinity College Botanic Gardens opposite
glass houses on site and all drawings are done                                                                  receive individual tuition. In both courses         Palmerston Park at Dartry, Dublin 6 (nearest
from life.                                                                                                      the botanical drawing session occupies the          Luas Station, Milltown). All sessions start at
                                                                                                                first half (Tuesday all day and Wednesday           10.30 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m.
8         Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                       Evening and Short Courses 2017      9
Classics                                                      send it with a cheque/money order made           Classics                                          Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity
                                                              payable to Trinity College number 1 account                                                        College, Dublin 2.
Greek and Roman art                                           to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short     Greek and Roman                                   Applications may be made in person in room
and architecture                                              Courses administrator, School of Histories and
                                                              Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity
                                                                                                               history                                           3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER
                                                                                                                                                                 21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by
                                                              College, Dublin 2.
There are a limited number of places available                Applications may be made in person in room       There are a limited number of places available
on this course.                                               3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER       on this course.                                   Fee

This lecture-only module is an introductory                   21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by         This lecture-only module provides an              €300 for the full year or €165 per term.
survey of the development and major artistic                  appointment.                                     introductory survey of the history of the Greek   *Concession €150 or €75 per term
and technical achievements of Greek and                                                                        and Roman world, from the Greek Archaic
                                                              Fee                                                                                                *The concession rate is available to second
Roman architecture, sculpture and painting.                                                                    age (c.700 BC) to the death of Augustus in
                                                              €300 for the full year or €165 per term.                                                           and third level students and people whose
The course places art and architecture in                                                                      AD 14. The main trends and issues of this
                                                              *Concession €150 for the course or €75 per                                                         primary source of income is social welfare,
its social, political and cultural context. It                                                                 period will be explored including colonisation,
                                                              term                                                                                               health board or a government-sponsored
explores themes such as the representation                                                                     imperialism, war, the Athenian invention of
                                                                                                                                                                 employment scheme.
of the human form, the use of narrative and                                                                    democracy, the rise of Alexander, and the
                                                              *The concession rate is available to second
mythology in art, and urbanization, and it                                                                     emergence of Rome as a major power in the         Time and Place
                                                              and third level students and people whose
looks at the works of individual artists. It                                                                   Mediterranean. There will also be discussion
                                                              primary source of income is social welfare,                                                        DAY-TIME COURSE: TIME AND VENUE TO BE
traces the development of architectural forms,                                                                 of the main historical sources.
                                                              health board or a government-sponsored                                                             CONFIRMED, please check our website http://
such as temples, theatres and Roman baths
                                                              employment scheme.                               Lecturer                                          www.histories-humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses
with attention to many of the iconic buildings
                                                                                                                                                                 After 21st August for update or text ‘INFO’
and sites of the ancient world, including                                                                      Dr Shane Wallace
                                                              Time and Place                                                                                     FOLLOWED BY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO
the Parthenon, Delphi and Olympia, the
                                                              DAY-TIME COURSE: TIME AND VENUE TO BE            How to Apply                                      087 2572017.
Colosseum, the Pantheon and Pompeii.
                                                              CONFIRMED, please check our website http://      Closing date for online and postal
                                                              www.histories-humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses                                                       Duration
Lecturer                                                                                                       applications:
                                                              After 21st August for update or text ‘INFO’                                                        This lecture-only module comprises two
Dr Christine Morris
                                                              FOLLOWED BY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO             Friday 23 September 2017 for Michaelmas           lectures per week over two twelve-week terms
How to Apply                                                  087 257 2017.                                    Term (September)                                  commencing week beginning Monday 25
                                                                                                               Friday 12 January 2018 for Hilary Term            September 2017, and recommencing week
Closing date for online and postal
                                                              Duration                                                                                           beginning Monday 15 January2017. There
applications:                                                                                                  (January)
                                                              This lecture-only module comprises two                                                             is a one week break in each term, (6 - 10
Friday 23 September 2017 for Michaelmas                                                                        You may register and pay by credit/laser card
                                                              lectures per week over two twelve-week terms                                                       November 2017and 26 February - 2 March
Term (September)                                                                                               online at http://www.histories-humanities.
                                                              commencing the week beginning Monday 25                                                            2018) when no lectures will take place.
                                                                                                               tcd.ie/shortcourses After 21st August or
Friday 12 January 2018 for Hilary Term                        September 2017, and recommencing week
                                                                                                               you can download an application form and
(January)                                                     beginning Monday 15 January2017. There
                                                                                                               send it with a cheque/money order made
                                                              is a one week break in each term, (6 - 10
You may register and pay by credit/laser card                                                                  payable to Trinity College number 1 account
                                                              November 2017and 26 February - 2 March
online at http://www.histories-humanities.                                                                     to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short
                                                              2018) when no lectures will take place.
tcd.ie/shortcourses After 21st August or                                                                       Courses administrator, School of Histories and
you can download an application form and

10         Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                   Evening and Short Courses 2017   11
Classics                                                      the diverse ancient beliefs on death and the        Fee                                               Classics
                                                              afterlife and the role of mystery religions. This
Greek and Roman                                               lecture-only course will be illustrated.
                                                                                                                  Lecture only: €150 for the full year or €85 per
                                                                                                                  term. *Concession €75 for the course or €45
                                                                                                                                                                    From Rome to
mythology and                                                 Lecturers
                                                                                                                  per term                                          Byzantium: the
religion                                                      Dr Christine Morris and Dr Suzanne O’Neill          ADDITIONAL SEMINAR OPTION: (€90 (€45
                                                                                                                  concession) for two terms, or €60 (€30
                                                                                                                                                                    transition from
                                                              OPTIONAL SEMINARS: The optional seminars,           concession) per term)                             classical to early
                                                              which are a new addition to the course, will
                                                              comprise two meetings per term. Taking
                                                                                                                  TOTAL FEE FOR BOTH LECTURE AND                    Byzantine world in
                                                                                                                  OPTIONAL SEMINAR: €240 for the full year or
There are a limited number of places available                place on Saturday mornings, the seminars will       €130 per term. * Concession €135 for the full     the history, culture,
                                                              last 2.5 hours and will offer an opportunity
on the lecture only course
                                                              for small group discussion of key themes in
                                                                                                                  year or €75 per term
                                                                                                                                                                    literature and art of
This seminars will run subject to sufficient                  ancient mythology and religion. Materials
                                                              for discussion will be provided ahead of the
                                                                                                                  *The concession rate is available to second
                                                                                                                  and third level students and people whose
                                                                                                                                                                    the 3rd to the 6th
numbers enrolling – there will be a limited
number of places available.                                   meetings. Light refreshments are included in        primary source of income is social welfare,       centuries AD
                                                              the fee for this option.                            health board or a government-sponsored
Lecture only module: What is myth? How                                                                            employment scheme.
do myths deal with fundamental human                          How to Apply                                                                                          This course will run subject to sufficient
concerns about who we are and the world                                                                           Time and Place                                    numbers enrolling – there will be a limited
                                                              Closing date for online and postal
we live in? What is the relationship between                                                                      DAY-TIME COURSE: TIME AND VENUE TO BE             number of places available
myth and religion? Why did the Greeks and                                                                         CONFIRMED, please check our website http://
                                                              Friday 23 September 2017 for Michaelmas                                                               Did the Roman Empire really collapse? Was
Romans worship many gods, believe in                                                                              www.histories-humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses
                                                              Term (September)                                                                                      the transition from Classical civilization to
oracles, or perform animal sacrifice? This                                                                        After 21st August for update or text ‘INFO’
                                                                                                                                                                    late antiquity the end of an era? Was this
lecture-only module is an introduction to the                 Friday 12 January 2018 for Hilary Term              FOLLOWED BY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO
                                                                                                                                                                    decline caused by migrations and the advent
major myths and religions of the classical                    (January)                                           087 2572017.
                                                                                                                                                                    of Christianity? In this course we will address
world using the full range of primary source
                                                              You may register and pay by credit/laser card       Duration                                          these questions and more to explore the
material: literary, artistic and archaeological. It
                                                              online at http://www.histories-humanities.                                                            period between the third to the seventh
explores the functions of myth within society                                                                     This lecture-only module comprises one
                                                              tcd.ie/shortcourses After 21st August or                                                              century AD, which marked one of history’s
and the various theories of myth. The first half                                                                  lecture per week over two twelve-week terms
                                                              you can download an application form and                                                              great turning points and the transition from
of the course will focus on themes such as                                                                        commencing week beginning Monday 25
                                                              send it with a cheque/money order made                                                                the ancient to the modern world, from pagan
the creation of myths in the wider context of                                                                     September 2017, and recommencing week
                                                              payable to Trinity College number 1 account                                                           polytheism to Christianity, from Roman
Near Eastern mythology, the character of the                                                                      beginning Monday 15 January2017. There
                                                              to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short                                                          Empire to Medieval States. This dynamic
Olympian gods, heroes and their monstrous                                                                         is a one week break in each term, (6 - 10
                                                              Courses administrator, School of Histories and                                                        world was populated by diverse people
opponents, divine-human relations, and the                                                                        November 2017and 26 February - 2 March
                                                              Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity                                                         (the “barbarians”) who deeply influenced
major mythic cycles of the Trojan war, and                                                                        2018) when no lectures will take place.
                                                              College, Dublin 2.                                                                                    the culture, literature and art of the time. In
the Atreus and Theban sagas. The second
                                                                                                                  OPTIONAL SEMINARS: The optional seminars          our studies, we will travel to Constantinople
half of the course will explore the nature of                 Applications may be made in person in room          will comprise two 2.5 hour seminars per term,     and Ravenna to appreciate the artistic
Greek and Roman religion in its social context.               3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER          which will take place on Saturday mornings.       continuity with classical tradition and the
It considers key elements of ritual action:                   21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by            Light refreshments are included in the fee for    new inspirations coming from the East, and
sacrifice, rites of passage, festivals, as well as            appointment.                                        this option.                                      we will meet fascinating personalities such as
12         Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                      Evening and Short Courses 2017   13
Empress Theodora, Justinian, and Julian ‘the                  Time and Place                                       development of the Latin language, its power     Fee
Apostate’, as well as reading exciting sources                EVENING COURSE: TIME AND VENUE TO BE                 of communication, comparisons between            €250 for the course/*Concession €125 for the
such as Procopius, Ammianus Marcellinus,                      CONFIRMED, please check our website http://          formal and informal Latin in antiquity and       course
and Nonnus, to understand how much of                         www.histories-humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses         beyond will also be considered. The second
                                                                                                                                                                    *The concession rate is available to second
the empire’s legacy lived on through the                      After 21st August for update or text ‘INFO’          term will be devoted to a careful study of the
                                                                                                                                                                    and third level students and people whose
institutions of the church.                                   FOLLOWED BY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO                 Latin literary language through samplings
                                                                                                                                                                    primary source of income is social welfare,
                                                              087 2572017.                                         of Latin authors, in both poetry and prose,
Lecturer                                                                                                                                                            health board or a government-sponsored
                                                                                                                   ranging from antiquity to early modern times.
Dr Cosetta Cadau                                              Duration                                                                                              employment scheme.
                                                                                                                   We will consider the relevance of the past in
                                                              This lecture-only module comprises one               the present and there will be time to explore
How to Apply                                                                                                                                                        Time and Place
                                                              lecture per week over two twelve-week terms          some favourite topics more in-depth through
Closing date for online and postal                                                                                                                                  Day: TBC, 6 – 7.30 p.m. Venue to be confirmed
                                                              commencing Monday 25 September 2017 and              inclusive but leisurely class discussion.
applications:                                                 Wednesday 17 January 2018. There is a one            “The 2 required texts are Hans Henning           Duration
Friday 23 September 2017 for Michaelmas                       week break in each term (6 - 10 November             Oerberg, Lingua Latina Pars I: Familia Romana    The Course comprises one class per week
Term (September)                                              2017 and 26 February – 2 March 2018) when            and Jeanne Marie Neumann, Lingua Latina:         over two twelve-week terms commencing
                                                              no classes will take place.                          A Companion to Familia Romana: Based on          Wednesday 27 September 2017, and
You may register and pay by credit/laser card
online at http://www.histories-humanities.                                                                         Hans Oerberg’s Latine Disco, with Vocabulary     recommencing Wednesday 17 January2017.
tcd.ie/shortcourses After 21st August or                                                                           and Grammar, which can be ordered online         There is a one week break in each term, (6 - 10
you can download an application form and                                                                           or purchased from bookshops. Additional          November 2017and 26 February - 2 March
send it with a cheque/money order made                                                                             materials will be provided by the teacher.”      2018) when no lectures will take place.
payable to Trinity College number 1 account                   Latin language and                                   How to Apply
to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short
Courses administrator, School of Histories and
                                                              culture for beginners                                Closing date for online and postal
Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity
College, Dublin 2.                                                                                                 Friday 23 September 2017
                                                              This course will run subject to sufficient
Applications may be made in person in room                    numbers enrolling – there will be a limited          You may register and pay by credit/laser card
3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER                    number of places available                           online at http://www.histories-humanities.
21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by                                                                           tcd.ie/extramural.php After 21st August or
                                                              This course offers a comprehensive appraisal
appointment.                                                                                                       you can download an application form and
                                                              of the language of ancient Rome. It also
                                                              explores some central features of Latin              send it with a cheque/money order made
                                                              literature. In this course we aim to examine         payable to Trinity College number 1 account
€150 for the full course. *Concession €75 for                                                                      to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short
                                                              the cultural context surrounding classical
the course                                                                                                         Courses administrator, School of Histories and
                                                              Latin and its successors. In the first term, those
*The concession rate is available to second                   who have knowledge of Latin grammar will             Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity
and third level students and people whose                     be able to review it at a leisurely pace, while      College, Dublin 2.
primary source of income is social welfare,                   people with little or no knowledge will have
                                                                                                                   Applications may be made in person in room
health board or a government-sponsored                        an opportunity to learn the basics of the Latin
                                                                                                                   3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER
employment scheme.                                            grammar. Aspects such as the origins and
                                                                                                                   21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by
14         Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                      Evening and Short Courses 2017   15
Classics                                                      You may register and pay by credit/laser card     Classics                                           You may register and pay by credit/laser card
                                                              online at http://www.histories-humanities.                                                           online at http://www.histories-humanities.
Latin language and                                            tcd.ie/extramural.php After 21st August 2017
                                                                                                                Ancient Greek                                      tcd.ie/extramural.php After 21st August 2017

culture: intermediate                                         or you can download an application form and                                                          or you can download an application form and
                                                              send it with a cheque/money order made            language and culture -                             send it with a cheque/money order made
                                                              payable to Trinity College number 1 account                                                          payable to Trinity College number 1 account
This course will run subject to sufficient                    to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short      beginners                                          to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short
numbers enrolling – there will be a limited                   Courses administrator, School of Histories and                                                       Courses administrator, School of Histories and
number of places available                                    Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity                                                        Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity
                                                                                                                This course will run subject to sufficient
                                                              College, Dublin 2.                                                                                   College, Dublin 2.
                                                                                                                numbers enrolling – there will be a limited
An intermediate reading course in Latin is
                                                              Applications may be made in person in room        number of places available                         Applications may be made in person in room
combined with an exploration of Roman life
                                                              3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER                                                           3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER
and literature. Starting with a swift review of                                                                 This course offers a comprehensive appraisal
                                                              21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by                                                             21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by
the basics of Latin grammar, we will aim to                                                                     of the language of ancient Greece. It also
                                                              appointment.                                                                                         appointment.
begin reading unadapted works of Roman                                                                          explores some central features of Ancient
literature by the end of the course. The set                  Fee                                               Greek literature. In this course we aim to         Fee
texts are, Lingua Latina Part 1: Familia Romana               €250 for the course *Concession €125 for the      examine the cultural context surrounding           €250 for the course *Concession €125 for the
and Lingua Latina Part 2: Roma Aeterna by                     course                                            classical Greek and its successors. In the first   course
Hans Henning Orberg. These can be ordered                                                                       term, those who have knowledge of Greek
online or in any bookshop. All other materials                *The concession rate is available to second                                                          The concession rate is available to second
                                                                                                                grammar will be able to review it at a leisurely
will be supplied by the tutor.                                and third level students and people whose                                                            and third level students and people whose
                                                                                                                pace while people with little or no knowledge
                                                              primary source of income is social welfare,                                                          primary source of income is social welfare,
                                                                                                                will have an opportunity to learn the basics
The 2 required texts are Hans Henning                         health board or a government-sponsored                                                               health board or a government-sponsored
                                                                                                                of the Greek grammar. Aspects such as the
Oerberg, Lingua Latina Pars II: Roma Aeterna                  employment scheme.                                                                                   employment scheme.
                                                                                                                origins of the language and the dialects will
and Jeanne Marie Neumann, Lingua Latina:
                                                              Time and Place                                    also be considered in the first term. The          Time and Place
A Companion to Roma Aeterna: Based on
                                                                                                                second term will be devoted to a careful
Hans Oerberg’s Instructions, with Vocabulary                  Day: TBC; 7.30 – 9 pm Venue to be confirmed                                                          Thursdays 6 – 7.30 p.m. Venue to be
                                                                                                                study of the Ancient Greek literary language
and Grammar, which can be ordered online                                                                                                                           confirmed
                                                              Duration                                          through samplings of Greek authors, in both
or purchased from bookshops. Additional
                                                              The Course comprises one class per week           poetry and prose, ranging from the archaic         Duration
materials will be provided by the teacher.
                                                              over two twelve-week terms commencing             to Hellenistic times. We will also consider the    The Course comprises one class per week
Lecturer                                                      Wednesday 28 September 2017, and                  relevance of the past in the present and there     over two twelve-week terms commencing
                                                              recommencing Wednesday 18 January2017.            will be time to explore some favourite topics      Thursday 29 September 2017, and
                                                              There is a one week break in each term, (6 - 10   more in-depth through inclusive but leisurely      recommencing Thursday 19 January 2017.
How to Apply                                                  November 2017and 26 February - 2 March            class discussion.                                  There is a one week break in each term, (6 - 10
Closing date for online and postal                            2018) when no lectures will take place.                                                              November 2017and 26 February - 2 March
                                                                                                                How to Apply
applications:                                                                                                                                                      2018) when no lectures will take place.
                                                                                                                Closing date for online and postal
Friday 23 September 2017                                                                                        applications:

                                                                                                                Friday 23 September 2017

16         Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                     Evening and Short Courses 2017   17
Classics                                                      Fee                                               Fee                                                 English

Ancient Greek                                                 €250 for the course *Concession €125 for the
                                                                                                                €60 for the entire series. Individual lectures
                                                                                                                are €7 each. Concessionary rates for the full
                                                                                                                                                                    Cities in Literature
language and culture                                          The concession rate is available to second
                                                                                                                series will be €45 or individual lecture €6 each.
                                                                                                                Concessionary rates apply to: students, OAPs,
-intermediate                                                 and third level students and people whose
                                                              primary source of income is social welfare,
                                                                                                                unemployed, groups of 20+. Teachers bringing
                                                                                                                                                                    In this series of lectures, members of the
                                                                                                                                                                    School of English will give talks on the varied
                                                                                                                groups of students receive a free Teacher Pass.
                                                              health board or a government-sponsored                                                                roles major cities including Dublin, London,
This course will run subject to sufficient                    employment scheme.                                                                                    Los Angeles, Paris, and New York, have played
                                                                                                                How to Apply
numbers enrolling – there will be a limited                                                                                                                         in literary works of different eras and genres.
                                                              Time and Place                                    Online Application:
number of places available.                                                                                                                                         Set in Dublin on a single day in 1904, James
                                                              Thursdays 7.30 – 9 p.m. Venue to be               Please apply and pay online using this link
In this intermediate course learning and                                                                                                                            Joyce’s novel Ulysses is perhaps the best-
                                                              confirmed                                         to Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie
reading ancient Greek is combined with an                                                                                                                           known literary work tied to a particular city.
                                                                                                                (available shortly)
exploration of literature and culture. Building               Duration                                                                                              The works of Charles Dickens and Arthur
on the basics of Greek grammar acquired                                                                                                                             Conan Doyle transport us to Victorian
                                                              The Course comprises one class per week           Pay at the Door:
at Beginners level, we will consolidate                                                                                                                             England’s bustling metropolis of contrasts and
                                                              over two twelve-week terms commencing             It is possible to pay on the door at the night,
foundations to begin reading unadapted                                                                                                                              contradictions. Dashiell Hamett, Joan Didion,
                                                              Thursday 29 September 2017, and                   however only those who have pre-booked can
works in Attic and Koine Greek. Books used                                                                                                                          and Nathanael West captured the dark heart
                                                              recommencing Thursday 19 January 2017.            be guaranteed admission.
and texts read will be specified by the tutor at                                                                                                                    of California’s cities. While portrayals of the
                                                              There is a one week break in each term, (6 - 10
the beginning of the course.                                                                                    Postal Application:                                 different facets of urban life often underpin
                                                              November 2017and 26 February - 2 March
                                                                                                                Apply to: Ms Sophia Ní Sheoin, Centre               literary renderings of cities, absence of
                                                              2018) when no lectures will take place.
How to Apply                                                                                                    Executive Officer, Oscar Wilde Centre for           something from the depicted urban space can
Closing date for online and postal                                                                              Irish Writing, School of English, 21 Westland       provide an equally powerful creative impetus,
applications:                                                                                                   Row, Trinity College Dublin, the University of      as witnessed by the wave of literary works,
                                                              English                                           Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland. Phone: 01-8962885        such as Don DeLillo’s The Falling Man or Art
Friday 23 September 2017
                                                                                                                email: wilde@tcd.ie. Application forms will         Spiegelman’s In The Shadow of No Towers,
You may register and pay by credit/laser card                 English Literature                                be available for download shortly from the          dealing with New York City in the wake of the
online at http://www.histories-humanities.                                                                      Oscar Wilde website: http://www.tcd.ie/OWC/         ineffable loss following the events of 9/11.
tcd.ie/extramural.php After 21st August 2017                                                                    evening-lectures. Cheques/Bank Drafts/Postal
or you can download an application form and                   This course will provide an introduction to                                                           Course Director
                                                                                                                Orders should be made payable to TCD No. 1
send it with a cheque/money order made                        major authors of poetry, drama and prose                                                              Professor Ema Vyroubalová
payable to Trinity College number 1 account                   through close examination of selected texts,
to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short                  chosen from among those prescribed for            Date, time and place                                How to Apply
Courses administrator, School of Histories and                the Leaving Certificate. The course will be                                                           Online Application:
                                                                                                                There will be ten weekly lectures beginning
Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity                 of special interest to teachers and pupils
                                                                                                                on Tuesday 10th October 2017 at 7 pm, in the        Please apply and pay online using this link
College, Dublin 2.                                            preparing for the examination but the lectures
                                                                                                                Edmund Burke Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity        to Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie
                                                              will be directed towards a more general
Applications may be made in person in room                                                                      College Dublin, the University of Dublin,           (available shortly)
                                                              audience as well.
3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER                                                                      Dublin 2.
                                                                                                                                                                    Pay at the Door:
21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by                      Course Director
appointment.                                                                                                                                                        It is possible to pay on the door at the night,
                                                              Dr Pádraic Whyte

18         Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                      Evening and Short Courses 2017       19
however only those who have pre-booked can                   Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies              August 2017 or you can download an               Health Policy and Management
be guaranteed admission.                                                                                        application form and send it with a cheque/
                                                             Gender: history,                                   money order made payable to Trinity College      Health Economics
Postal Application:
Apply to: Ms Sophia Ní Sheoin, Centre
                                                             culture and                                        number 1 account to: Dr Patricia Stapleton,
                                                                                                                Evening and Short Courses administrator,
Executive Officer, Oscar Wilde Centre for                    representation                                     School of Histories and Humanities, Room 3141,
                                                                                                                                                                 This short course looks at the role of
                                                                                                                                                                 economic principles in understanding
Irish Writing, School of English, 21 Westland                                                                   Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2.
                                                                                                                                                                 behaviour of users and providers of
Row, Trinity College Dublin, the University of                                                                  Applications may be made in person in room
                                                             ‘The story is no longer about the things that                                                       healthcare, in setting priorities and in
Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland. Phone: 01-8962885                                                                    3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER
                                                             have happened to women and men and                                                                  financing access to care. Key issues to
email: wilde@tcd.ie. Application forms will                                                                     21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by
                                                             how they have reacted to them; instead it                                                           be examined include: the ways in which
be available for download shortly from the                                                                      appointment.
                                                             is about how the subjective and collective                                                          individuals respond to incentives; how we can
Oscar Wilde website: http://www.tcd.ie/OWC/
                                                             meanings of women and men as categories of                                                          best set healthcare priorities
evening-lectures. Cheques/Bank Drafts/Postal                                                                    Fee
Orders should be made payable to TCD No. 1                   identity have been constructed.’ (Joan Scott,                                                       by evaluating the costs and effectiveness of
                                                                                                                €75 for the course. /*Concession €45 for the
Account.                                                     Gender and the Politics of History, New York,                                                       healthcare interventions; and what are the
                                                             19988, p.6). This lecture-only module will                                                          advantages and disadvantages of different
Date, time and place
                                                             examine the histories and representations of       *The concession rate is available to second      ways of financing health services. By the end
There will be 10 weekly lectures beginning on                gender, seeking to understand how gender           and third level students and people whose        of the course, participants should:
Tuesday evenings at 7 pm, from 23th January                  is constructed by societies, institutions and      primary source of income is social welfare,
2018 in the Jonathan Swift Theatre, Arts                                                                        health board or a government-sponsored           •    Understand principles of demand
                                                             individuals, through the critical analysis of
Building, Trinity College Dublin, the University                                                                employment scheme.                                    and elasticity as applied to health and
                                                             texts, works of art and public actions. Gender,
of Dublin, Dublin 2.                                                                                                                                                  healthcare, and the implications for
                                                             its role, its construction and it historiography
                                                             will be brought together by scholars across        Time and Place                                        policies on charging for services and
                                                                                                                DAY-TIME COURSE: TIME AND VENUE TO BE                 health promotion.
                                                             the school in an interdisciplinary module.
                                                             The operation of gender ‘as a tool of              CONFIRMED, please check our website http://      •    Appreciate options for financing health
                                                             analysis’ will be examined in histories of the     www.histories-humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses          services, and how different methods
                                                             body, sexuality, medicine, religion, politics,     after 21 August 2017 for update or text ‘INFO’        affect access to care and performance of
                                                             institutions and representations in a variety      FOLLOWED BY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO                  providers of care.
                                                             of texts and contexts which will show the          087 257 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                 •    Describe the methods used in economic
                                                             inherent instability and elusive nature of many
                                                                                                                Duration                                              evaluation of health.
                                                             gendered identities.
                                                                                                                This lecture-only module comprises of one
                                                                                                                                                                 How to apply
                                                             How to Apply                                       lecture per week over one twelve-week term
                                                                                                                                                                 Interested applicants please contact the
                                                             Closing date for online and postal                 commencing in the week beginning Monday
                                                                                                                                                                 Centre of Health Policy and Management, E:
                                                             applications:                                      15 January 2018. There is a one week break,
                                                                                                                (26 February – 2 March 2017) when no lectures
                                                             Friday 12 January 2018
                                                                                                                will take place.                                 Admission criteria
                                                             You may register and pay by credit/Visa
                                                                                                                                                                 Applications will be considered from
                                                             debit card online at http://www.histories-
                                                                                                                                                                 applicants with health service management
                                                             humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses after 21st
                                                                                                                                                                 experience. In addition, applicants should

20        Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                    Evening and Short Courses 2017    21
hold a good honours degree in a professional                        bringing about change and influencing      Histories and Humanities                            Applications may be made in person in room
discipline or hold other qualifications deemed                      the delivery of person-centred care in                                                         3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER
appropriate by the course committee.                                health services.                           Reputations V:                                      21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by

Fee                                                           How to apply                                     Emperors, presidents                                appointment.

€1,000 (excluding application fee)                            Interested applicants please contact the         and premiers                                        Fee
                                                              Centre of Health Policy and Management,                                                              €180 for the full year or €90 per
Date                                                          E: mscinhsm@tcd.ie.                                                                                  term/*Concession: €90 for the full year or €45
This short course is comprised of five three-                                                                  Following on from our previous evening              per term
hour sessions and usually starts in the autumn                Admission criteria                               ‘Reputations’ series, – Reputations I - Classical
                                                                                                                                                                   *The concession rate is available to second
term. Precise dates would be provided to                      Applications will be considered from             to Modern; II – The World’s Greatest; III -
                                                                                                                                                                   and third level students and people whose
interested applicants on request from August.                 applicants with health service management        Female Icons; IV – World Revolutionaries
                                                                                                                                                                   primary source of income is social welfare,
                                                              experience. In addition, applicants should       this year’s weekly series of lectures will focus
                                                                                                                                                                   health board or a government-sponsored
                                                              hold a good honours degree in a professional     on the reputations of famous leaders of the
                                                                                                                                                                   employment scheme.
Health Policy and Management                                  discipline or hold other qualifications deemed   world, from classical emperors/empresses to
                                                              appropriate by the course committee.             present day premiers and presidents. Each
Managing People                                                                                                week the lecture will place the person in their
                                                                                                                                                                   Time and Place

                                                              Fee                                                                                                  Monday evenings 7 – 8 pm. Swift Theatre.
in Healthcare                                                 €2,000 (excluding application fee)
                                                                                                               times and assess the influence he or she had
                                                                                                               in their own territory and beyond. There will       Duration
Organisations                                                                                                  be an opportunity for discussion after each
                                                                                                                                                                   This lecture-only module comprises one
                                                                                                               lecture and a small list of recommended
                                                                                                                                                                   lecture per week over two eight-week terms
                                                              This short course is comprised of eleven         reading will be circulated for each session.
This short course comprises three subjects:                                                                                                                        commencing week beginning Monday 2
                                                              three-hour sessions and usually runs in the
management and organisational behaviour;                                                                       How to Apply                                        October 2017 and recommencing Monday
                                                              Michaelmas and Hilary terms. Precise dates
human resources management; and                                                                                                                                    29 January 2018. There is a one week break
                                                              would be provided to interested applicants on    Closing date for online and postal
organisation development. The synergistic                                                                                                                          in each term (6 - 10 November 2017 and 26
                                                              request from August.                             applications:
relationship between individual and group                                                                                                                          February – 2 March 2018) when no lectures
                                                                                                               Friday 23 September 2017 for Michaelmas             will take place
behaviour and organisational functioning and
                                                                                                               Term (September)
organisational culture is central to the course.
                                                                                                               Friday 12 January 2018 for Hilary Term
By the end of the course, participants should:
•     Understand and utilise a strategic
                                                                                                               You may register and pay by credit/laser card
      approach to the operation of the main
                                                                                                               online at http://www.histories-humanities.
      activities in the management of people.
                                                                                                               tcd.ie/shortcourses after 21st August or
•     Understand how to enable the healthy                                                                     you can download an application form and
      functioning of organisation systems                                                                      send it with a cheque/money order made
      through process consultation.                                                                            payable to Trinity College number 1 account
•     Appreciate the role of the manager or                                                                    to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short
      leader in Irish healthcare, particularly in                                                              Courses administrator, School of Histories and
                                                                                                               Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity
                                                                                                               College, Dublin 2.
22         Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                     Evening and Short Courses 2017   23
Histories and Humanities                                      Please note: This is a lecture-only course and    Time and Place                                   How to Apply
                                                              does not include access to computers on
Introduction to Irish                                         campus. Participants must have access to
                                                                                                                Tuesday evenings 6 – 7 pm. Venue TBC             Closing date for online and postal
Family History                                                their own computers at home for follow up
                                                              clinics and research.
                                                                                                                                                                 Friday 23 September 2017
                                                                                                                This lecture-only module comprises one
                                                                                                                lecture per week over two eight-week terms       You may register and pay by credit/Visa
                                                              How to Apply
(This course will run subject to sufficient                                                                     commencing week beginning Monday 2               debit card online at http://www.histories-
numbers applying)                                             Closing date for online and postal                October 2017 and recommencing Monday             humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses After 21st
                                                              applications:                                     29 January 2018. There is a one week break       August or you can download an application
Family History isn’t just about the past:
                                                              Friday 23 September 2017 for Michaelmas           in each term (6 - 10 November 2017 and 26        form and send it with a cheque/money order
learning about our origins allows people
                                                              Term (September)                                  February – 2 March 2018) when no lectures        made payable to Trinity College number 1
to get down to the granular details of our
                                                                                                                will take place.                                 account to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening
ancestors’ lives. It enables people to construct              Friday 12 January 2018 for Hilary Term                                                             and Short Courses administrator, School of
their own family narrative and their personal                 (January)                                                                                          Histories and Humanities, Room 3141, Arts
                                                              You may register and pay by credit/laser card     History                                          Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2.
This lecture-only module is taught through
a series of eight lectures per term over two
                                                              online at http://www.histories-humanities.
                                                              tcd.ie/shortcourses after 21st August or
                                                                                                                Kingship and Warfare:                            Applications may be made in person in room
                                                                                                                                                                 3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER
terms by Fiona Fitzsimons & Brian Donovan
of the Irish Family History Centre (Eneclann).
                                                              you can download an application form and          Ireland, c.1000-1318                             21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by
                                                              send it with a cheque/money order made                                                             appointment.
The course covers a broad sweep of Irish                      payable to Trinity College number 1 account
history (1650s to 1950s), and is deeply                       to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening and Short      This module begins with the rise of Brian        Fee
rooted in the sources. The focus is on the                    Courses administrator, School of Histories and    Boru from modest origins to become Ireland’s     €150 for the course. /*Concession €75 for the
records generated by churches, central and                    Humanities, Room 3141, Arts Building, Trinity     most famous high king—a spectacular career       course.
local government, enterprises, families and                   College, Dublin 2.                                that ended in the iconic battle of Clontarf
individuals; exploring what section of the Irish                                                                in 1014. We explore how Irish society and        *The concession rate is available to second
                                                              Applications may be made in person in room                                                         and third level students and people whose
population is documented in these records,                                                                      kingship changed in the aftermath of Clontarf
                                                              3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER                                                         primary source of income is social welfare,
and how to interpret the evidence. Where                                                                        as a result of inter-provincial warfare and
                                                              21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by                                                           health board or a government-sponsored
record collections were destroyed, do any                                                                       the changing role of the church. The second
                                                              appointment.                                                                                       employment scheme.
collateral records survive that contain relevant                                                                half of the module examines the causes and
information?                                                  Fee                                               implications of the English (or Anglo-Norman)
                                                                                                                                                                 Time and Place
The fee includes free access to the largest Irish                                                               invasion of the late 1160s, perhaps the single
                                                              €250 for the full year or €125 per                                                                 DAY-TIME COURSE: TIME AND VENUE TO BE
collection online, www.Findmypast.ie as well                                                                    most formative development in Irish secular
                                                              term/*Concession: €125 for the full year or €75                                                    CONFIRMED, please check our website http://
as free access to EPIC and the Irish Family                                                                     affairs. We study the interaction of cultures
                                                              per term                                                                                           www.histories-humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses
History Centre in CHQ. It will also provide                                                                     in its aftermath and the Irish opposition
                                                              *The concession rate is available to second                                                        after 21 August 2017 for update or text ‘INFO’
support for all participants to construct a                                                                     to English rule that saw the emergence of
                                                              and third level students and people whose                                                          FOLLOWED BY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO
simple family history portfolio over sixteen                                                                    England’s ongoing Irish problem through
                                                              primary source of income is social welfare,                                                        087 257 2017.
weeks, including creating a family profile;                                                                     later centuries. The module closes with the
                                                              health board or a government-sponsored            most serious challenge to English power in
research to collect documentary evidence;                                                                                                                        Duration
                                                              employment scheme.                                medieval Ireland: the Scottish invasion (1315-
building a family tree; and writing a simple                                                                                                                     This lecture-only module comprises two
report.                                                                                                         18) led by Edward Bruce, brother of Robert
                                                                                                                                                                 lectures per week over one twelve-week term
                                                                                                                Bruce king of Scots.
24         Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                   Evening and Short Courses 2017   25
commencing in the week beginning Monday                      and Short Courses administrator, School of       History                                              Applications may be made in person in room
25 September 2017. There is a one week break                 Histories and Humanities, Room 3141, Arts                                                             3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER
(6 - 10 November 2017) when no lectures will                 Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2.             History of modern                                    21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by
take place.
                                                             Applications may be made in person in room       Ireland                                              appointment.

                                                             3141, Arts Building, Trinity College AFTER                                                            Fee
History                                                      21ST AUGUST ONLY 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm or by
                                                                                                              The lecture-only module covers political,            €150 for the course. /*Concession €75 for the
History of Continental                                       Fee
                                                                                                              religious, social, and economic themes in the        course.
                                                                                                              history of Ireland from the Act of Union to the      *The concession rate is available to second
Europe 1860 to 1918                                          €150 for the course. /*Concession €75 for the    early twentieth century, including the conduct       and third level students and people whose
                                                             course.                                          of Irish government under the Union, Irish           primary source of income is social welfare,
                                                                                                              involvement in the Empire, the development           health board or a government-sponsored
This lecture-only module examines the                        *The concession rate is available to second
                                                                                                              of nationalism and unionism, the conflicts           employment scheme.
evolution of a Europe that dominated the                     and third level students and people whose
                                                                                                              over Repeal and Home Rule, the increasing
planet in the mid-19th century, and which                    primary source of income is social welfare,                                                           Time and Place
                                                                                                              polarisation of Catholics and Protestants,
stood at the zenith of colonial domination of                health board or a government-sponsored
                                                                                                              the origins and impact of the Great Famine,          DAY-TIME COURSE: TIME AND VENUE TO BE
the non-European world, to a continent in                    employment scheme.
                                                                                                              post-Famine ‘modernisation’, the importance          CONFIRMED, please check our website http://
the 1920s that was shaken by the First World                                                                  of emigration and Irish settlement abroad,
                                                             Time and Place                                                                                        www.histories-humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses
War and the redistribution of global power                                                                    and the political crises of the early twentieth      after 21 August 2017 for update or text ‘INFO’
(to the USA, USSR and Japan). It also faced                  DAY-TIME COURSE: TIME AND VENUE TO BE
                                                                                                              century culminating in the revolution of 1916–       FOLLOWED BY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO
the first stirrings of anti-colonial opposition.             CONFIRMED, please check our website http://
                                                                                                              21. Attention is given to the imprint of religion,   087 257 2017.
The module will enable you to gain a good                    www.histories-humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses
                                                                                                              social class, and gender on Irish politics and,
understanding of the forces that have shaped                 after 21 August 2017 for update or text ‘INFO’                                                        Duration
                                                                                                              more generally, on Irish life.
contemporary Europe since the mid-19th                       FOLLOWED BY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO
                                                                                                                                                                   This lecture-only module comprises two
century. It will introduce you to a vital period             087 257 2017.                                    How to Apply                                         lectures per week over one twelve-week term
in Europe’s recent past and offer you insights                                                                Closing date for online and postal                   commencing in the week beginning Monday
into different kinds of history – political,                                                                  applications:                                        25 September 2017. There is a one week break
economic, social, and cultural.                              This lecture-only module comprises two
                                                                                                                                                                   (6 - 10 November 2017) when no lectures will
                                                             lectures per week over one twelve-week term      Friday 23 September 2017
                                                                                                                                                                   take place.
How to Apply                                                 commencing in the week beginning Monday
                                                                                                              You may register and pay by credit/Visa
Closing date for online and postal                           25 September 2017. There is a one week break
                                                                                                              debit card online at http://www.histories-
applications:                                                (6 - 10 November 2017) when no lectures will
                                                                                                              humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses After 21st
                                                             take place.
Friday 23 September 2017                                                                                      August or you can download an application
                                                                                                              form and send it with a cheque/money order
You may register and pay by credit/Visa                                                                       made payable to Trinity College number 1
debit card online at http://www.histories-                                                                    account to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening
humanities.tcd.ie/shortcourses After 21st                                                                     and Short Courses administrator, School of
August or you can download an application                                                                     Histories and Humanities, Room 3141, Arts
form and send it with a cheque/money order                                                                    Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2.
made payable to Trinity College number 1
account to: Dr Patricia Stapleton, Evening

26        Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin                                                                                                                      Evening and Short Courses 2017   27
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