Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games: A golden opportunity - Mace Group

Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games: A golden opportunity - Mace Group
Birmingham 2022
    A golden opportunity
Mace | Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games | August 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                      3

Foreword                                                                                                                            Leveraging sport for economic growth

                                          measures which supported business            the few cities that has manage to truly      The West Midlands is undoubtedly          London knows that international
                                          growth were more important in the            capture the benefits of the Olympics         one of the most important regions of      sporting events can act as a major
                                          long term.                                   and deliver a real host nation legacy.       the UK. It has a £126bni economy,         boon to trade, jobs, health and civic                          S T M I DL A N D S
                                                                                                                                    is home to nearly six million peopleii,   pride, with the London 2012 Olympic                     WE
                                          When you go to Stratford today, it is        Our success gave the UK a renewed            and is home to more than 450,000          and Paralympic Games being one of
                                          like visiting a completely different place   confidence in its ability to deliver         businesses.iii                            the best examples to date.
                                                                                       complex projects – and that has meant
                                          Thinking back to when it was selected                                                     It is world renowned for its advanced                                                           H II D               The West Midlands
                                                                                       that today, other areas of the UK are                                                  It is an example that Mace knows well,              ET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         has a...

                                          as a potential locations for the Olympic

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7 ELIZA
                                                                                       looking to repeat 2012’s success. The        manufacturing, its universities and       having taken a leading role as part of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 REG F
                                          Park during the preparations for             delivery model that we developed at          for its food and drinks industries. It    joint venture CLM to deliver the 2012


                                          London’s bid, the site was an unloved                                                     currently accounts for 10%iv of the

                                                                                       the Olympics and the culture that was                                                  venues, and then working closely with
                                          industrial area, filled with polluting       built between the different teams is still   UK’s international exports, is home to    the London Legacy Development                                              economy.. i
                                          industrial activity that had stifled         to this day held up as an exemplar for       the second largest city in the UK, and    Corporation to transform the venues
                                          connectivity between neighbourhoods          others to follow.                            has a tremendously vibrant and young      after the games.
                                          and left a toxic legacy.                                                                  population.                                                                 is home to nearly
                                                                                       Our new analysis – undertaken by                                                       At the Queen Elizabeth Olympic
                                          The surrounding residential areas                                                         But for all of these strengths, the                                                  six million people...ii
                                                                                       an ex-Treasury economist – shows                                                       Park alone, developments are well
                                          were struggling – there was high             that the minimum benefit to the              West Midlands does not punch at           underway to create over 11,000
The 2022 Commonwealth Games in
                                          unemployment and decades of little to        West Midlands of hosting the 2022            its weight. Its GVA is less than half     homes and 10,000 permanent high-
Birmingham is a golden opportunity
                                          no investment that had left the area in      Commonwealth Games would be                  that of London’s (its GVA is a third      quality jobs. There’s also a major
to use global sport and infrastructure
                                          need of regeneration.                        £1.5bn of legacy benefits in the first       of London’s, GVA per head is under        shopping centre, fantastic transport
investment to deliver transformational
change, a positive lasting legacy                                                      year plus £500m one-construction             a half), in places it has some of the     hub, West Ham’s new stadium and
                                          Today, the park is a bright, happy                                                        highest levels of deprivation in the
and a boost to UK exports to                                                           benefits - and thats at a minimum.                                                     the largest new green park in any
                                          place thrumming with activity. The                                                        country and residents have noticeably
the fast-growing countries of the                                                                                                                                             European city - all of which would not
                                          venues are still hosting global sporting     My experience has taught me that             longer times to travel to get to local
Commonwealth.                                                                                                                                                                 exist without the Olympics. Recently
                                          events on a regular basis, are home          legacy doesn’t happen automatically.         amenities.                                announced plans include the London         ...and more than...
                                          to West Ham, and the infrastructure          Capturing legacy benefits takes hard
There are important comparisons to                                                                                                                                            School of Fashion, Sadler’s Wells the
be drawn between London’s hosting
of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic
                                          improvements the ODA delivered have
                                          helped to transform a neglected area
                                          of the city and enabled much needed
                                                                                       work, early planning and collaboration
                                                                                       between stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                    Simply put, there is a significant gap
                                                                                                                                    between the economic performance of
                                                                                                                                                                              Victoria and Albert Museum and the
                                                                                                                                                                              BBC moving into the new ‘East Bank’
Games, the business boost achieved                                                                                                  the West Midlands and the rest of the                                                businesses iii
                                          homes to be built.                           This report aims to capture some of          UK. London in particular creates more
and the scale of transformation that
                                                                                       the transferable lessons from the 2012       growth (both overall and per capita),     With the potential of hosting the 2022
was delivered to East London.             Thousands of new homes and                   Olympics and shows the size of the           has more job opportunities and higher     Commonwealth Games, Birmingham
                                          millions of square feet of new               prize that Birmingham and the West           levels of aspiration. It has a higher
When the opening ceremony of the                                                                                                                                              now has a once in a generation
                                          office accommodation have been               Midlands has within their grasp.             skilled, more productive workforce
Olympic Games took place on 27                                                                                                                                                opportunity to rapidly accelerate its
                                          delivered since 2012, creating new                                                        and attracts more investment from
July 2012, I was chief executive of the                                                                                                                                       own growth and development.
                                          neighbourhoods, improving others and         If we get it right, the 2022                 both home and abroad than anywhere
Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA).
                                          providing opportunities for thousands        Commonwealth Games will be so                else in the UK. Why should the UK’s       With the opening of a transformational     Birmingham accounts for...
I spent six years working with            of local people.                             much more than just sport – they can         second city not have the same?            Birmingham New Street station in
Government, local authorities and                                                      represent a landmark period of change                                                  2015, the arrival of HS2 in 2026, and
                                          After the Games, I was the chief             and growth for an entire region and          Some of London’s advantage comes
transport bodies to help deliver the                                                                                                                                          the Games in 2022, Birmingham has a
                                          executive of the London Legacy
infrastructure for the Games – from                                                    help boost the UK’s global trade post-       from being the capital city and some      golden opportunity to create a positive                                    of the UK’s
                                          Development Corporation, charged             Brexit.                                      from being an international centre for                                                                               international
building the Olympic Stadium itself                                                                                                                                           legacy for many generations to come.
                                          with ensuring the host boroughs got                                                       financial services. But some of the                                                                                  exports iv
to transport improvements at venues
                                          the benefits of the Olympics long after                                                   benefits that London enjoys come
across the UK.
                                          the athletes had headed home.                                                             from the decisions taken to leverage
It was a big moment for me personally,                                                                                              its position for economic gain.              “The London 2012 Games have
                                          I think we did a good job. East London                                                                                                 definitively served as a catalyst for
everyone involved and the country. We                                                  Dennis Hone
                                          is now the fastest growing area of                                                        In particular London has used the            development and improvements,
were filled with a tremendous feeling                                                  Group Board Member, Mace                                                                                                          ...and is home to the second
                                          London, with more than 110,000 jobs                                                       power of international sporting event        both tangible and intangible,
of pride of what we had delivered
                                          added since the Olympic Games –
                                          with Newham and Hackney growing
                                                                                       Former Chief Executive of the                to great advantage.                          which would otherwise have
                                                                                                                                                                                 taken decades to achieve.”
                                                                                       Olympic Delivery Authority and                                                                                                    city in the UK.
At that stage, most people were rightly   at five times the rate we expected in                                                     In recent years it has hosted the
                                                                                       the London Legacy Development
focussed on the sport and Team GB’s       2012.                                                                                     London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic          Jacques Rogge
medal tally – but those of us who had                                                                                               Games, World Athletics Championship         President of the International
                                          Everywhere you look in the east of                                                        and many of the 2015 Rugby World            Olympic Committee
been involved in the delivery since
                                          the city you can see benefits brought                                                     Cups games.
the beginning were keenly aware that
                                          by the Games – and internationally
delivering a sustainable legacy and
                                          London is now recognised as one of
Mace | Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games | August 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                      5

The power of capital investment                                                                             The size of the prize

Examples of successful investment in         Overall satisfaction of travellers through                     It is widely accepted that major           Of the total Birmingham                     However, the full benefits of the
transport, retail and sports venues are      New Street station increased from                              sporting events can bring tremendous       Commonwealth Games budget, we               Games are actually likely to be much
easy to see in cities across the UK.         81% to 87% in the last two years, and                          tangible and intangible benefits the       estimate around £250m will be for           more substantial. These calculations
                                             satisfaction with the “choice of shops/                        cities that host them, by boosting         construction. Finer details and cost        don’t quantify the full regeneration
A key example for the West Midlands          eating/drinking facilities available” has                      trade and encouraging people to live       breakdowns are yet to be confirmed,         benefits. Nor do they take into account
can be found locally in Birmingham,          risen from 65% to 80%.                                         healthier life styles.                     including contingencies, but we             the economic benefit that would be
where regeneration was kick-started                                                                                                                    calculate that from construction activity   seen beyond the West Midlands to
by the renovation of the Bullring            Together, better access to services                            We have worked with Chris Walker, a        one-off economic benefits of £500m          the wider UK economy, meaning that
shopping centre.                             and improved customer satisfaction                             senior economist who worked at HM          could be generated from preparing for       the Games would not only be a boon
                                             provides an opportunity for substantial                        Treasury and the Ministry for Housing,     Games, i.e. non-legacy items.               and major opportunity for the West
This began a complete transformation         time and wellbeing impacts for                                 Communities and Local Government,                                                      Midlands, but for the country as a
of the city centre that continued with       passengers and non-passengers alike.                           to undertake an assessment of the          Investment and trade,                       whole.
the overhaul of Birmingham New                                                                              possible benefits to Birmingham and
Street train station and the creation of     So it’s no wonder that the public                                                                         legacy item (+£1.5bn)
                                                                                                            the West Midlands of hosting the 2022                                                  Regeneration activity, legacy
the Grand Central retail centre, as well     still want more investment with 85%                            Games.                                     This is likely to be the backbone
as the ongoing development as part of        wanting to see improvements in                                                                            of the overall economic benefit             item (+£TBC)
the Birmingham ‘Big City Plan’.              infrastructure driven by higher levels of                      We have used baseline comparisons          of the Birmingham Games, but                Birmingham’s Games will be centered
                                             investment.                                                    with the 2012 London Olympic               probably more important given the           on the upgraded stadium at Perry
The impact this has had on                                                                                  Games which have subsequently              construction activity associated with       Barr. Just as the London Olympics
Birmingham and the wider West                With the arrival of a new HS2 station                          been modified to take account of the       the Birmingham bid is comparatively         did at Stratford, the Commonwealth
Midlands is clear. Estimates suggest         at Curzon Street in under a decade’s                           different location, demographics, scale    modest.                                     Games Athlete’s Village will create
that over 10,000 jobs across the             time, Birmingham will have another                             of the event and levels of proposed                                                    much needed new homes as well
region were created during the design,       opportunity to transform part of its city                      investment.                                Birmingham’s plans for the Games            as providing jobs and new transport
planning and construction work               centre and can build on the work at                                                                       also include Business Expo 2022,            infrastructure in a deprived area in
associated with redevelopment of New         New Street.                                                    The expected cost for the 2022             a four-year enterprise and industry         need of regeneration. The successful
Street train station, Grand Central retail                                                                  Birmingham Commonwealth Games              programme to showcase the best of           regeneration of East Manchester
centre and the Bullring.                     But it is also the intangible benefits                         is currently estimated at circa. £750      UK industry and business to a global        following their Commonwealth Games
                                             which are just as important too.                               million, with a quarter coming from        audience. This will form a key part of      demonstrates the potential impact.
Together, the retail outlets created now     When a key aspiration for the West                             local funding sources and the rest from    the economic legacy left by the 2022
support in excess of 6,000 local jobs.       Midlands and the UK being boosting                             HM Treasury. 95% of proposed venues        Games.
                                             international trade post-Brexit, stations                      for the Games are facilities already in
As a result, Birmingham has moved            are a front door that sets the tone for                        existence that will be made suitable for   The Government places great                    BIRMINGHAM 2022
from twelfth to third in the national        international investors and developers.                                                                   importance in hosting sport as a
                                                                                                            the Games with some modifications
retail rankings and has seen an 11%                                                                                                                    platform for trade and tourism as
                                                                                                            and improvement works.
increase in its visitor economy. It now                                                                                                                the country prepares for Brexit and
boasts close to 40 million visitors,                                                                        Assuming the above, we assess the          these activities will create new global
contributing over £5 billion to the                                                                         minimum possible economic benefits         opportunities between commonwealth
economy, each year.                                                                                         to be as follows:                          nations and key global markets from            We estimate that the 2022
                                                                                                                                                       the USA, Middle East, China and                Birmingham Games could
                                                                                                            Construction activity,                     Europe.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      generate at least...
                                                                                                            non-legacy item (£500m)                    This means that in total we estimate
   Since the redevelopment                       Birmingham has seen an...                                  There will be some economic impacts
                                                                                                                                                       that the 2022 Birmingham Games

                                                                                                                                                                                                                H II D

   of Birmingham New Street                                                                                 from construction activity leading up to   could generate at least £1.5bn of

                                                                                                                                                                                                        7 ELIZA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             REG F
   station Birmingham has                                                                                   Birmingham Commonwealth Olympics.          economic benefit in the first year                                            of economic benefit


   moved from 12th to...                                                                                                                               following the Games, as well as                                               and...
                                        visitor economy                                      These will not be as big as London.
                                                                                                                                                       £500m in one-off construction benefit.
                                                                                                            Nearly £6.8bn (three-quarters) of the
                                                                                                                                                       The West Midland’s annual Gross
                                                                                                            £8.9bn London Olympics expenditure
                                                                                                                                                       Value added (GVA) is around £126bn,
                                                                                                            was spent on infrastructure including
                     3rd                                                                                    venues. The new construction activity
                                                                                                            includes building the aquatic centre
                                                                                                                                                       which means that a £2bn boost would
                                                                                                                                                       represent a 1.6% increase to GVA.
               in the national
               retail rankings                                                            Now boasting      and upgrading the Alexander Stadium
                                                                                                            as to increase its capacity.                                                                                               £500m
                  INGHAM                                                                  40m                                                                                                                                         in one off
                                                                                          annual visitors                                                                                                                             construction benefit
Mace | Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games | August 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                       7

Four lessons from the London 2012 Olympic
and Paralympic Games

                                                                                                                                   Four years from now, for a short         Doing so effectively will produce a         If the delivery team can successfully do
Mace was instrumental in delivering        2. Don’t hold back on the                    4. Broad political support                 amount of time, the whole of the         huge economic benefit to the city,          all of that, the Games could usher in
the London 2012 Olympic and                ambition                                     is vital to delivering the end             Commonwealth – and beyond – will         as this report shows. However, that         a new golden age for Birmingham – a
Paralympic Games.
                                           If you had asked people before the           result                                     be looking to Birmingham.                benefit isn’t guaranteed. Many cities       new dawn for the UK’s second city.
Below we’ve captured four of our key       UK delivered the Olympics whether            Global mega events rely on close                                                    host global sporting events and don’t
                                           the event would be a success, many                                                      As a result, the Games offer             always achieve their objectives – the
lessons that helped make it the most                                                    working between delivery teams
                                           would have told you that it couldn’t be                                                 Birmingham a transformative              key is to ensure you’re constantly
successful mega-event held in the                                                       and the politicians who control the
                                           done.                                                                                   opportunity to build on its recent       working to maximise the legacy
UK – each of which will be important                                                    purse-strings. That means that delivery
                                                                                                                                   success and create new perceptions       benefits.
in the delivery of the Birmingham 2022                                                  teams must be conscious of the
                                           If you had asked them if we could                                                       of the city across the globe.
Commonwealth Games.                                                                     political context of their work and the
                                           deliver a complex infrastructure                                                                                                 That means planning ahead carefully,
                                                                                        different relationships between national   Before that, there is a huge amount
                                           programme as big as the Olympics,                                                                                                and ensuring that the whole delivery
1. Delivering complex                      on-time and without a single fatal
                                                                                        and local political stakeholders.          of work to do in order to deliver the    team is pulling together collaboratively.
programmes relies on good                  accident across the entire project,                                                     infrastructure and venues required to    It means drawing from a wide range of
                                                                                        For Birmingham 2022, there will be
relationships                              most UK construction professionals           a balance to be struck between the
                                                                                                                                   make the Games a success.                stakeholders to ensure that everyone
There are few programmes more              would similarly have voiced their            impact of the games in the West                                                     is on-board with contributing to the
complex than delivering large              doubts.                                      Midlands and the rest of the UK – and                                               delivery and legacy plans.
infrastructure and venue projects to a                                                  between local and national political
hard deadline, but that’s the reality of   In reality, we could do it – and we did it
                                                                                        funding and oversight.
global sport events.                       with aplomb. Ambition is a good thing,
                                           as long as you plan carefully.               Collaborative working during the ‘build’
The most important thing is                                                             phase of the process must include
building strong, high quality aligned      3. Legacy must be ‘baked-in’                 working with all stakeholders across
relationships between the delivery         to everything you do                         the political spectrum to ensure that
organisations. During the Olympics,        Events like the Olympics and                 everyone is bought in and supportive
that was the delivery partner (private     Commonwealth Games are fantastic             of the process.
sector joint venture company CLM),         investment multipliers, ensuring
the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA)
and, later on, the London Organising
                                           that money used for infrastructure
                                           improvements delivers even better
Committee of the Olympic Games             outcomes than you might expect.
                                           However, for this to work every single
Those relationships allow for              element of your legacy must be
collaborative working that builds trust    planned in advance. For the Olympics,                                                   i.
throughout the programme, rather           the ‘post-Games’ use of every venue
than different organisations pulling in    and piece of infrastructure was scoped                                                  ii.
different directions.                      out before construction began,                                                                 databook-2017.pdf
                                           ensuring the maximum possible benefit
                                           post-Games                                                                              iii.


                                                                                                                                                                            Chris Walker

                                                                                                                                                                            The new economic modelling commissioned by Mace in this report was
                                                                                                                                                                            done by Chris Walker. Chris Walker is an independent consultant economist
                                                                                                                                                                            and associate of WPI strategy. He has worked across a range of sectors
                                                                                                                                                                            and with local, devolved and national government. Chris is a former HM
                                                                                                                                                                            Treasury economist and senior economic adviser at the Minister for Housing,
                                                                                                                                                                            Communities and Local Government.

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