BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast

Page created by Joseph Valdez
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
        E !                                             Gulf Coast

                                                                  A Winter Visitor
                                                                    January 2023

 pages 12-13

 pages 10-11

 page 14

  In print and online
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                           S NOW BI R D S 17 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y Y E A R
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
Gulf Coast

                                                                       ON THE COVER
                                                                       Canadian couple Beverley Lee,
                                                                       72, and Charles Vertes, 77, met
                                                                       aboard a cruise ship pre-Covid.
                                                                       They are calling the Alabama Gulf
                                                                       Coast home port for the winter,
                                                                       with plans to set sail several
                                                                       times throughout the season. At
                                                                       left, they enjoy Luna’s, a favorite
                                                                       snowbird spot in Orange Beach.

Publisher’s Welcome............................................................................................................6
Cover Couple......................................................................................................................8-9
Snowbird Events..................................................................................................................14
Casino Entertainment........................................................................................................16
Leisure Learning...................................................................................................................17
          Publisher: Karen Harrell / / 850.291.1266
                                   Art Director: Jahna Jacobson
                             Writers and Contributors: Karen Harrell
                       Photography: Randy Hamilton/Hamilton Art Agency

                               Join our Facebook Page and Enewsletter.
                                 February edition ad deadline: Jan 10
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
Another January is here!
New respect. That’s what I have for folks
who’ve endured many tough winters and
now spend time on the Gulf Coast.
My family traveled to Arkansas over
the holidays, anxiously awaiting our
daughter‘s arrival (the day before,
the arctic blast freakily charged through, dropping temperatures by some 40
degrees). She miraculously made her flight (her connecting gate in Charlotte
had changed, but the flight had to be delayed because the plane had a glancing
blow with the retreating stairs. So she arrived late but in time to “hunker down“
with us and assorted other family. A nephew took a 24-hour bus ride home from
Arizona, and although there were delays, he arrived late at night, and the station
happened to be across the interstate from our hotel. What an ordeal!
Many of you are just returning, while others are first-time visitors. Some
are refugees from Hurricane Ian. All are welcome. This region’s community
organizations organize “Welcome” events for you all. Vendors set up, and they
give you a chance to interact. I highly recommend you try to make as many as
possible and explore! From the casinos of Mississippi to the beautiful beaches
along Alabama and Northwest Florida, there are many rich experiences to be
Our cover story this month is a wonderful story of finding love on a cruise ship
after losing their spouses. Yes, it can happen!
If you’ve been here before, you will notice the magazine is a bit smaller this time.
Like many news media, we are working to survive and will do all we can to bring
you winter visitor news. As long as we can...
Ok, put a smile on your faces and get out there and engage each other. That’s
the spice of life.
Best wishes,
Karen Harrell,
Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page, go to our website, and sign up for our
Seasons, our e-newsletter. We try to have fun with both. Take care. Be well.
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
Canadian Couple makes Alabama home port for cruise season
Beverley Lee, 72, and Charles Vertes, 77,   have been spending winters here since      had known about
met aboard a cruise ship pre-Covid with     then. (I) stayed at the Beach Club, Fort   cruising and
a made-for-television movie-type script.    Morgan, from 2008 until 2020. (I) was      snowbirding before
Both are fit and adventuresome with         active as a volunteer yoga instructor      retirement?
bright, welcoming smiles. This year they    and helped snowbirds with technology.      No… in my wildest
are renting a three-bedroom condo at        (I) still help with their snowbird         imagination, I did
Turquoise in Orange Beach. Here is their    Facebook page. (I have) made many          not think retired
story as told by Lee.                       friends and keep in touch.                 life could be this
                                                                                       amazing. Highly
Q. Are you married?                         Charles visited in winter 2020. Then,
                                                                                       recommend it. Live
(We are) not married. Our spouses           Covid (happened) and we were unable
                                                                                       every day to the
passed away several years ago. We met       to travel until the fall of 2021. We are
on a transatlantic cruise in November       thrilled to be back again.
2019.                                                                                  Q. What kind of
                                            Q. You met on a transatlantic cruise
                                                                                       activities do you
Q. Are you still working or retired?        and were both traveling solo? How
                                                                                       like to do on the
I retired as a school principal in 2006,    did that happen?
                                                                                       coast? Are there
and Charles retired as a McDonald’s          We both love cruising - a safe and fun
                                                                                       any you miss doing
franchise owner in 2019.                    way to travel alone. Ship excursions
                                                                                       at home?
                                            provide numerous opportunities to
Q. Where are you both from?                                                            Enjoy symphony
                                            explore each port. As a woman, I would
I am from Midland, Ontario, and Charles                                                and theatre in Gulf
                                            not have felt confident going to many of
is from Vancouver, British Columbia. We                                                Shores, Orange
                                            these places. Charles and I boarded the
spend our time between our two homes                                                   Beach, Pensacola
                                            ship in Barcelona, Spain.
and travel extensively.                                                                and Mobile. Walking
                                            Charles left after 15 days in Miami,       the beautiful beach,
Q. Do you have children and
                                            while I continued on the same ship         local trails and
                                            for 15 more days through the Panama        practicing yoga
No children for me. Charles has two
                                            Canal and other ports, all the way to      are my favorite
boys and eight grandchildren – four-
                                            San Diego. As an avid boater, it had       activities. Charles
year-old triplets (two girls and a boy),
                                            been my dream to do this repositioning     loves golf. He
a nine-year-old boy, three teenage girls
                                            transatlantic cruise.                      participates in
and a teenage boy.
                                                                                       the Iowa-Alabama
                                            Q. For those who don’t know
Q. How did you decide to spend your                                                    Snowbird Golf Club
                                            how cruising works - particularly
winter on the Alabama Gulf Coast?                                                      group several times
                                            transatlantic cruises - explain what
Back in 2008, I visited friends here and                                               a week. We both
                                            attracted you guys to that option.
instantly fell in love with the area. (I)                                              love trying new
                                            Transatlantic and/or repositioning
                                                                                       restaurants, especially seafood. The       Q. Do you ever take side trips to and
                                            cruises are usually longer and involve
                                                                                       Gulf, Cosmos, Acme (and) Cobalt are        from the coast?
                                            many sea days. Ships are being moved
                                                                                       long-time favorites. Both our homes are    No! Usually, (we) can’t wait to get
                                            to or from their seasonal locations. We
                                                                                       on the water, but we miss the sights       here. (We) normally drive down from
                                            both love days at sea and exploring
                                                                                       and sounds of the Gulf, the beautiful      Toronto in two or three days. (We) often
                                            new destinations not easily available by
                                                                                       quartz sand and fresh seafood from Joe     stop in Niagara Falls, Nashville and/or
                                            car, train or plane.
                                                                                       Patti’s in Pensacola.                      Birmingham.
                                            Q. How did Covid affect your
                                                                                       Q. What are your favorite places to        This time, we did a cruise out of NOLA
                                                                                       go? Any new ones?                          before our vacation. (We) loved doing
                                            Our travel plans changed dramatically.
                                                                                       Love Fairhope, Pensacola, New Orleans      cruises from Mobile to Mexico. Usually
                                            We canceled several cruises and missed
                                                                                       and the National Seashore between          (we) took at least one a winter. (We’re)
                                            a winter on the Gulf Coast but enjoyed
                                                                                       Gulf Breeze and Navarre.                   looking forward to them being back
                                            many Canadian winter activities,
                                            including snowshoeing. Our first cruise    Q. Do you have out-of-town visitors        in Mobile. We are doing another
                                            since Covid was in November out            during your stay?                          cruise from Jacksonville to the
                                            of New Orleans to Mexico and the           Yes, over the years, (we) have had many    Bahamas in January and will likely
                                            Western Caribbean. Short cruises are a     visitors for a week’s stay. Since Covid,   visit friends in Florida before and
                                            great way to get started.                  no. Most Canadians find it too difficult   afterward.
                                                                                       to fly here and are not keen on the cool
                                            Q. Is there anything you wish you
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast

FLORIDA                                  12, 26 and Feb. 9 at Destin United        dates are Jan. 11, Feb. 1 and March 1 at     Original Hootenanny. Tickets are $10.
Panama City Beach Senior Center has      Methodist Church, 200 Beach Dr. ,         Fort Walton Beach Rec Center, 132 Jet        Details:
become the hub for local and Snowbird    and Feb. 23 (St. Andrews by the Bay.)     Drive, Fort Walton, Fla. Registration at     ALABAMA
activities, from exercise classes,       Doors open at 9 a.m.; meetings start      9 a.m.; meeting at 10 a.m. Club socials      Alabama Snowbird Fundraisers: Check
craft shows, dances, potluck, games,     at 10 a.m. Annual dues: $20. Details:     are Jan. 16, Feb. 20 and March 10 plus       with individual clubs for participation
woodworking and more. Information            a Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Dance.          information. Dates and events: Feb.
is updated regularly on the center’s     DESTIN: At the Destin Community           Details:                          7 - Baldwin County Heritage Museum
Facebook page or you can pick up a       Center, 101 Stahlman Ave., Destin,        NAVARRE: A Snowbird Welcome is set           Golf Scramble Fund Raiser, Glenlakes
list on-site at 423 Lyndell Ln, Panama   Fla. The annual “Big Registration” is 1   for 10 a.m. Jan. 10 at the Santa Rosa        Golf Course; Feb. 10 - Low Country Boil.
City Beach, Fla. Details: (850) 233-     to 3 p.m. Jan. 3 and 8:30 to 9:45 a.m.    County Welcome Center, 8543 Navarre          Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo; Feb. 11 - Trivia
5065.                                    prior to meetings. The 2023 calendar      Pkwy, Navarre, Fla. A list of Snowbird       Night 6 p.m. OBEC; Feb. 14 - Pin Tap
PCB WINTER RESIDENT APPRECIATION         includes weekly 10 a.m. meetings          winter classes is available. Space is        Bowling Christian Services ,The Gulf
DAYS at Laketown Wharf Convention        Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31; Feb. 7, 14, 21 and   limited. “A Groovy 70s Festival” is 2 to     Bowl.
Center. Jan. 13 (ticket sales for Jan.   28. Meetings include vendors and          4 p.m. Jan. 19 at St. Sylvester’s Catholic   ILLINOIS: Jan. 6 – 9 a.m. Welcome Back
20 Homecoming Dance at Laketown          entertainment. Activities include cards   Church. Details: (850) 981-8900              Coffee & Donuts, Orange Beach Senior
Wharf), Feb. 8 (ticket sales for Feb.    and games, crafts, golf, pickletball,     PENSACOLA BEACH: The annual SRIA             Activity Center; 13 – Breakfast meeting
20 Senior Prom at Edgewater Beach        casino outings and more. Details:         Snowbird Beach Bash is Jan. 19 at Our        7:45 a.m. GT on the Bay (reservations
Resort) and Feb. 22 (ticket sales for               Lady of Assumption Catholic Church,          Mary Lou Brunner 219-869-1138); 17-
Feb. 24 Grand Finale at Edgewater        FORT WALTON BEACH: This is the            920 Via de Luna, Pensacola Beach, Fla.       Potluck, 5:30 p.m. at Orange Beach
Beach Resort.) 8 to 11 a.m. $10.         clubs’s 46th year! Registration dates     PERDIDO KEY: The popular                     Senior Activity Center; 27 - Breakfast
WALTON COUNTY: One of the largest        are: 9 a.m. to noon Jan. 7 and 10 and     Hootenanny’s are back at the world-          Meeting, GT’s pm the Bay. Updates are
clubs in the region! 2023 Registration   9 to 10 a.m. Jan. 11. Weekly 10 a.m. to   famous honky tonk Flora-Bama. Dates          on the Illinois Club Facebook page.
dates include Jan. 2, 16 and Feb. 6.     noon on Tuesdays starting Jan. 18. Fee    are Jan. 12 - New Year New Boots; Feb.       INDIANA: The Indiana Snowbird Club
Annual dues: $20. The club meets Jan.    is $10 for the season. General meeting    2 - Sweetheart Saloon and Feb. 16 -          meetings are Jan. 12 and 26 and

                                                                      Join the Club !
Feb. 9 and 23 at the Orange Beach or           meetings start Jan. 10 at GT’s on         Snowbird Club meets weekly at 9.
Community Center, 27280 Canal Road,           the Bay, 26189 Canal Road, Orange         a.m. on Wednesdays for breakfast at
Orange Beach, Ala. Doughnuts, coffee,     MISSOURI: The club extends an            Beach, Ala. Doors open at 7:30            BuzzCatz Restaurant on Canal Road in
tea and orange juice will be served.      invitation to ALL SNOWBIRDS for          a.m., breakfast, 8:15 a.m. There is a     Orange Beach. 2023 breakfast dates
Please RSVP with Sharon Kimmel, (260)     activities. There are two or three       minimum number of 75 to host the          are Jan. 4, 11, 18 and 25; Feb. 1, 8, 15
229-4344, at least five days before the   activities every week during January     breakfast meetings through March 14       and 22; and March 1 and 8. Details:
meeting. Dues are $2.50 per person.       and February. A “Welcome Back”           (except Fat Tuesday, Feb. 21). Cost is    Rich Smith at (610) 217-6674
Please bring correct change or a check.   party is scheduled for Jan. 7 at         $12 per person and sign up is the prior   WISCONSIN: First 2023 general
50/50 raffle and door prizes. January     Phoenix V. The club meets at 8:30        Tuesday at Tuesday          meeting is at 9 a.m., Orange Beach
meetings feature ticket sales for a new   a.m. Wednesdays for breakfast at         lunch meetings are mid-March through      Event Center. Other meeting dates
Calendar Drawing fundraiser for the       Tacky Jacks, 240 E 24th Ave, Gulf        May at The Ugly Diner, 2200 E 2nd St.,    are Jan. 17 Feb. 2, 16 and March 1.
fire departments. Luncheon is Jan. 19     Shores. Cost is $14 includes a buffet    Gulf Shores, Ala.                         Other events include: Jan. 6 - March
at Glen Lakes Golf Club in Foley, Ala.    breakfast, tax, and tip. RSVP on the     NEW YORK: The NY Snowbirds meet           10: Weekly cards 9 a.m., Gulf Shores
Open to members and non-members.          website. Activities include a mixed      for lunch Jan 12, 26, Feb 9, 23, and      American Legion Post 44. Jan. 25
RSVP three days prior to Becky            golf scramble every Wednesdays at 1      Mar 9 at Ginny Lane at the Wharf in       - Pot Luck, 11 a.m., Orange Beach
Heidenreich (260) 760-5130.               p.m. at the Gulf Shores Country Club,    Orange Beach, Ala. at 11 a.m., order      Community Center. Other upcoming
MICHIGAN: Club meetings held at           520 Clubhouse Drive in Gulf Shores,      off their special lunch menu, with        club events include: Jan. 30 and Feb.
The Island Church, 25550 Canal            Ala. Weekly Happy Hour, 4 p.m.           separate checks, have guest speakers,     13 - Golf Fun Day, Glen Lakes Country
Road, Orange Beach. Coffee and            Mondays at Cobalt, the Restaurant,       a meeting, and door prizes. $1 per        Club. Feb. 21 - Fat Tuesday/ Mardi
doughnuts are served at 9 a.m. with       28099 Perdido Beach Blvd., Orange        person collected at registration for      Gras and Feb. 23 - picnic. Details:
the meeting to start at 10 a.m. Dates     Beach, Ala. RSVP on website preferred.   expenses and year end donations to
are: Jan. 5, 19; Feb. 2, 16 and March     Details: https://missourisnowbirds.      the community. RSVP at nysnowbird@
                                                                                                                             Many clubs also have Facebook
2. Annual picnic is Feb. 23. Annual       org/ or       
membership is $5 per person. Details:     MINNESOTA: Weekly breakfast              PENNSYLVANIA: The Pennsylvania
perform jazz with other musicians.             Lighthouse Climb on Jan. 6, from 6 to 8
                                                                                               Drummers, please bring your own sticks/        p.m. See the views of the St. George Sound
                                                                                               brushes. Vocalists, please bring your own      and Carrabelle Beach. SGI Lighthouse
                                                                                               mic. Details: or        Full Moon Climb also happens in January
                                                                                                                       with views of St. George Island, the Gulf
                                                                                                                                              of Mexico, and Apalachicola Bay. Details:
                                                                                               “Spirits of the Passage: The Story of the
                                                                                               Transatlantic Slave Trade” - In conjunction    1/7
                                                                                               with the 160th anniversary of Abraham          Todd Herendeen
                                                                                               Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Proclamation,      Elvis Tribute - Todd
                                                                                               the National Maritime Museum of the Gulf       Herendeen pays a
                                                                                               of Mexico (GulfQuest) hosts a powerful and     birthday tribute to
                                                                                               important exhibition exploring the strength    the king! Dinner-
                                                                                               of the human spirit through a display of       and-show tickets
                                                                                               nearly 150 historical objects spanning more    or show-only
He’s back! Snowbird favorite “Chef Nino” returns to the Gulf Shores and
                                                                                               than 350 years. 155 S Water St, Mobile, Ala.   tickets available.
Orange Beach Rouses Markets for weekly cooking demonstrations (and
                                                                                               Details: (251) 436-8901                        Doors open at
tastings) through the end of February. Fridays at 10 a.m. (Orange Beach) and
                                                                                                                                              5:30 p.m., dinner
3 p.m. (Gulf Shores) and 10 a.m. Saturdays. Good fun!                                          1/6 - 2/4
                                                                                                                                              at 6 p.m., show at
                                                                                               Crooked River Lighthouse Full Moon
                                                                                                                                              7 p.m. Doors for show-only guests 6:45
ONGOING                                          Gardens and Home - Wednesday                  Climbs - The Crooked River Lighthouse
                                                                                                                                              p.m. Todd Herendeen Theatre, 8010 Front
Brandon Styles Live - Theater & Magic            workshops cover special features of           at Carrabelle Beach will host a Full Moon
Shop at OWA. Be sure to check out this           the Gardens or Home, gardening tips
lively variety show during your stay! The
show features 60 different celebrity and
                                                 and guest lectures. Programs begin
                                                 at 10:30 a.m. and last about one hour.
                                                                                                Celebrate '23 Southern style!
speaking impressions in a fast-paced             Winter Wednesday events are included            Cities across the Gulf Coast are             Celebrate the New Year! - 7 p.m. End
show. Performances are held Tuesdays             in Gardens admission. Admission for             celebrating a fresh start for the new        the year with the most memorable
and Saturdays year-round. Brandon Styles         members is free. Reservations are               year with fireworks, moon pies, a            musical theater melodies performed
Theater, OWA, 1501 South OWA Blvd.,              requested. Details: https://bellingrath.        beach ball drop and frigid dips!             by the Pensacola Symphony
Foley, Ala. Details: or    org/experiences/events/winter-                                                               Orchestra. Saenger Theatre, 118 S.
                                                                                                 New Year's Eve
(251) 237-3330                                   wednesdays/ or (251) 459-8868 or                                                             Palafox Place, Pensacola, Fla. Details:
                                                                                                 12th Annual Beach Ball Drop at Pier
Seville Savories Food Tours - Seville                                                            Park - 600 Pier Park Dr., Panama City
Savories, an innovative food tour deeply         SATURDAYS                                       Beach, Fla. New Year’s Eve Beach Ball        New Year's Day Pensacola Beach
rooted in area history, is led by Pensacola      Grand Boulevard Farmers' Market -               Drop that features an 800-pound LED          Polar Bear Plunge - Paradise Bar &
native Duel Christian. Options include           600 Grand Blvd., Miramar Beach, Fla.            illuminated beach ball. Free family          Grill, 21 Via De Luna Dr, Pensacola
lunchtime and evening tours with tastings        9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Details: https://www.          celebration with live entertainment,         Beach, Fla. Head to Pensacola
at Pensacola’s finest restaurants. Details:                 fireworks display, 10,000 beach              Beach and plunge headfirst into or (850)          farmers-market                                  balls & more! Details: https://www.          the Santa Rosa Sound! Registration
341-5731.                                        Niceville Florida Community Farmers'               begins at noon. All proceeds go to
                                                 Market - 1003C John Sims Pkwy., Niceville,      holiday-events/new-years-eve-beach-          the Pensacola Beach Chamber of
The Pensacola Ice Flyers – Pensacola’s Ice                                                       ball-drop/                                   Commerce. Details: https://www.
                                                 Fla. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Details: https://
Flyers play several January home games at                                                                                           
                                                 nicevillefloridacommunityfarmersmarket.         Moon Pie Over Mobile - Ring in the
the Pensacola Bay Center. January home                                                                                                        bear-plunge/ or call 850-932-1500.
                                                                         new year with a 600-lb. electric
games have a 7:05 p.m. start time except
where noted. Game dates include Jan. 6,          SUNDAYS                                         Moon Pie! During the street party,           Flora-Bama Polar Bear Dip - Flora-
14, 16 (4:05 p.m. start), 20, 21 and 27. 201 E   30A Farmers Market - The 30A Farmers            you can dig into the world’s largest         Bama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr., Perdido
Gregory St, Pensacola, Fla. Details: www.        Market is an International Farmers Market       edible Moon Pie, join the second             Key, Fla. Take a dip in the Gulf of                                    Event, featuring foods from around the          line, watch live entertainment               Mexico at high noon! Those who
                                                 world, as well as wth delicious food from       and fireworks! Details: https://             fully submerge will get a free draft
WEDNESDAYS                                                                                                    beer and a free New Year's lunch of
                                                 the South. 28 N. Barrett Square, Rosemary
Boardwalk Talks at Dauphin Island                                                                                                             ham, black-eyed peas, greens and
                                                 Beach, Fla. Details: https://www.facebook.      Pensacola Beach New Year’s
Sea Lab Estuarium - The Northern Gulf                                                                                                         cornbread at the New Year’s Day
                                                 com/30aFarmersMarket/                           Eve Firework Display - Free
Institute presents informal talks about                                                                                                       beach party.Details: http://www.
the Gulf of Mexico region. 101 Bienville         1/2                                             firework display along the
Blvd., Dauphin Island, Ala. First and third      Jazz Jam at Odd Colony Brewing Co. -            Pensacola Beach Boardwalk at
Wednesdays, 11:15 a.m. FREE. Details: www.       Join Jazz Pensacola at its first 2023 Jazz      midnight. Details: https://www.              Gulf Shores Kiwanis Club Polar or (251) 861-2141             Jam at downtown Pensacola’s Odd Colony               Bear Dip - Details: http://www.
                                                 Brewing Co. Led by professional musicians,      years-eve-firework-display/        
1/4-2/15                                                                                                                                      html
                                                 Jazz Jams are strictly fun opportunities to
Winter Wednesdays at Bellingrath
Beach Rd. Panama City Beach, Fla. Details.     Trash Bash with the Navarre Beach Sea             2/4                                    or (850) 381-         Turtle Conservation Center - 8 to 10              Fort Morgan Home Tour - 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.        tour-tickets-467783582287
0310                                           a.m., 8739 Gulf Blvd., Navarre Beach, Fla.        Share the Beach Sea Turtle program is
1/11 - 3/1                                     Help clean up our beaches! Navarre Beach          hosting a Tour of Homes to raise funds for
Murder in the Bayou - When Aunt                Parking lot near the Sand Crab Pavilion.          a UTV to help us with our morning patrols.
Thelma goes missing, her sister, Mrs.          A limited supply of gloves, buckets and           The tours will consist of 6 beautiful homes
Gladys White-Clark-Lash-Von Schmitt,           pickers are provided, or bring your own.          along the Fort Morgan peninsula including
fears the worst. Join in this interactive      Details:           the amazing Skywalk. Details: https://
whodunnit! Wednesday evenings Jan.
11 through March 1. Limited seating
and cash bar. Tickets are $45 for
                                                 Mardi Gras kicks off 2023 season
                                                 Mobile, Ala., the birthplace of Mardi           Garden District. Tickets include food, drinks
adults and $25 for children 12 years             Gras, has a full slate of activities and        and a wild concert by the Chee-Weez!
and under. Buffet will be open 5:15 to           parades throughout the Mardi Gras               Details:
6:15 p.m. Showtime 6:30 p.m. Details:            season. See a full roster of events at          kick-off-celebration/   
1/14                                             gras/
                                                                                                 Krewe de la Dauphine parade, 1 p.m.,
Apalachicola’s annual Oyster                                                                     Dauphin Island, Ala. Details: https://          open
Cook-Off - Downtown Historic                                                                        to well-behaved people
Apalachicola at Riverfront Park.                                                                 byway/krewe-de-la-dauphine-mardi-               and pets. Free for humans, $10 per pet.
The event features oysters galore,                                                               gras-parade/                                    Pets must be on a short-leash. Registration
shrimp, smoked mullet, hot dogs,                                                                                                                 at 1 p.m. Dancingly Yours PreParade
hamburgers, local beer, live music,                                                              2/3-4
                                                                                                                                                 Showcase at 1:30 p.m. Parade starts at 2
kids’ activities, dancing performances                                                           Panama City Beach Mardi Gras
and a 5K run! Well-mannered                                                                      Celebration & Music Festival - Staged
pets are welcomed on a leash. All                                                                with the Krewe of Dominique Youx's              Navarre Beach Mardi Gras Parade, 1 p.m.,
proceeds benefit the Apalachicola                                                                great Mardi Gras at the Beach parade.           Navarre, Fla.
Volunteer Fire Department. Details:                                                              Kids' parades, costume contests,
https://www.floridasforgottencoast.                                                              fireworks, 5k, live music and fun! At
                                                                                                                                                 Harborwalk Village Mardi Gras
com                                                         Visit Mobile                         Pier Park, Aaron Bessant Park and
                                        Mobile Mardi Gras,                                                                                       Celebration - 2 p.m. Celebrate Mardi
                                                                                                 Frank Brown Park. Details: www.
1/28                                            1/7                                                                                              Gras with LIVE music by Fais Do-
OWA Art and Craft Festival - 1501 S.            10th Annual Pensacola Mardi Gras                                                                 Do, followed by beads, dazzling
OWA Blvd., Foley, Ala. Noon to 6 p.m. This      Twelfth Night Kick-Off Party - 5 to 11           2/11                                            floats, and street performers as the
family-friendly event is completely free to     p.m., 36 E. Garden St., Pensacola, Fla. You’re   Kids & Kritters - Walking procession            parade rolls through the Village at 4
attend and enjoy. Stroll Downtown OWA           invited to party with the Krewes! Pensacola      for pets and people in the Casino Beach         p.m. Details: www.nicevillechamber.
and experience a wide variety of local arts     Mardi Gras is taking it to the streets and       parking lot, west side near the Pensacola       com events/details/mardi-gras-
and crafts for sale plus live performances.     taking over several blocks around East           Beach Visitor Information Center. Entry is      celebration-02-18-2023-6836

Upcoming events welcome Snowbirds across the coast
January 19                                                                          January 12
Navarre: Ready to rediscover your                                                   FWB Winter Guest Fest: This popular
groove? “A Groovy 70s Festival” is 2 –                                              event will move to a new location this
4 p.m., January 19, at St. Sylvester’s                                              year: Christian Life Center at First
Catholic Church. Loads of fun planned!                                              Baptist Church, 21 First St., Fort Walton
                                                                                    Beach. Fla.. 8 a.m. to noon. Admission:
January 10
                                                                                    $2. The event includes a variety of
Also, the Snowbird Welcome (for all
                                                                                    food vendors, attractions, hospitality
staying along the coast or interested
                                                                                    and more. Presented by Fort Walton
in learning more) is scheduled for 10
                                                                                    Beach Chamber and Tammy’s Journeys.
a.m. on January 10 at the Santa Rosa
                                                                                    Details: 850.244.8191 or www.
County Welcome Center, 8543 Navarre
Pkwy, Navarre, FL. A list of Snowbird
winter classes is available. Space is                                               January 19
limited, and people are urged not to                                                Pensacola Beach: The annual SRIA
delay. Details: (850) 981-8900                                                      Snowbird Beach Bash is scheduled
                                                                                                                                a.m. on January 13, February 8 and 22.
                                                                                    for 9 a.m. January 19 at Our Lady
January 12                                                                                                                      Details:
                                                                                    of Assumption Catholic Church, 920
Perdido Key, Fla., the sweet little beach                                                                                       Paradise Music Festival: Great live
                                                                                    Via de Luna, Pensacola Beach, Fla. A
town that rests adjacent to Orange                                                                                              music at the Destin-Fort Walton Beach
                                                                                    variety of vendors welcome guests
Beach, Ala., will welcome back winter                                                                                           Convention Center to wrap up the
                                            2 Sweetheart Saloon and February 16     with food, information, prizes and
residents with three ”Hootenanny’s”                                                                                             season on Feb. 18! “Paradise Bayou”
                                            Original Hootenanny. Tickets are $10    entertainment. Details:
staged at the world-famous honk-tonk                                                                                            plays at 4 p.m. followed by Eagles
Flora-Bama, a roadhouse style bar/          and available at Perdido Key Chamber/   PCB Winter Appreciation Days at
                                            Visitor Center, 15500 Perdido Key                                                   tribute band 7 Bridges at 7 p.m. Tickets
lounge. Dates and themes are January                                                Laketown Wharf Convention Center.           are $25 in advance, $30 at the door
12 – New Year New Boots; February           Drive. Only 200 tickets will be sold.   Join fellow snowbirds from 8 to 11
                                            Details:                                                         Details:

Snaps! Destin Snowbird Club Ribbon Cutting
The Destin Snowbird Club opened the season with the annual ribbon cutting at ”The Roost” at the
Destin Community Center. Far right photos are representatives from Destin/Fort Walton meeting sites
and Welcome Centers.
1/7                                            1/20                                          2/10
Mississippi Coast                           Keith Jophnson and the Big Muddy Band,
                                            8 p.m., Ground Zero Blues Club, 814 Howard
                                                                                           Pure Love on the Coast, Mississippi Coast
                                                                                           Coliseum, 2350 Beach Blvd., Biloxi, Miss.
                                                                                                                                         38 Special, 8 p.m., Beau Rivage Resort &
                                                                                                                                         Casino, 875 Beach Blvd., Biloxi, Miss., Details:
2/25                                        Ave., Biloxi, Miss. Details: 228-910-6600 or   800-726-2781or        888-566-7469 or
Gladys Knight, 8 p.m.. Beau Rivage Resort
                                                                                           1/14                                          2/17
& Casino, 875 Beach Blvd., Biloxi,          1/12                                           Chrisette Michele, 8 p.m., IP Casino Resort   Stayin’ Alive, A Tribute to the Bee Gees, 8
Miss., Details: 888-566-7469                  Aaron McCall Band, 8 p.m., Ground Zero       & Spa, Studio A, 850 Bayview Ave., Biloxi,    p.m., Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, 777 Beach
or                          Blues Club, 814 Howard Ave., Biloxi,        Miss. Details: 228-436-3000                   Blvd., Biloxi, Miss. 228-374-7625 or www.
12/31                                            Miss. Details: 228-910-6600 or www.                                           
The Molly Ringwalds,                   
                                                                                           Rock Show NOLA, Hard Rock Hotel &             2/18
10:30 p.m., Beau Rivage                          1/14                                      Casino, 777 Beach Blvd., Biloxi, Miss. 228-   Home Free, 8 p.m., IP Casino Resort & Spa,
Resort & Casino, 875                            Super Chikan & The Fighting Cocks, 8       374-7625 or               Studio A, 850 Bayview Ave., Biloxi, Miss. 8
Beach Blvd., Biloxi, Miss.,                         p.m., Ground Zero Blues Club, 814                                                    p.m. Details: 228-436-3000
Details: 888-566-7469 or                                                                   1/21
                                                           Howard Ave., Biloxi, Miss.                                                                         Big A & The Allstars, 8 p.m., Ground          2/24
                                                             Details: 228-910-6600 or
                                                                                           Zero Blues Club, 814 Howard Ave., Biloxi,     Dancing With The Stars, 8 p.m., Beau
1/6                                                           www.ground
                                                                                           Miss. Details: 228-910-6600 or www.           Rivage Resort & Casino, 875 Beach Blvd.,
Muddy Alexander,                                     
                                                                                                           Biloxi, Miss., Details: 888-566-7469 or www.
8 p.m., Ground Zero                                            1/20                                                            
Blues Club, 814                                                                            1/27-28
                                                                Ed Willis &
Howard Ave., Biloxi,                                                                       Rodney Carrington, 8 p.m., Beau Rivage
                                                                Blues4Sale, 8 p.m.,
Miss. Details: 228-                                                                        Resort & Casino, 875 Beach Blvd., Biloxi,
                                                                 Ground Zero Blues
910-6600 or www.                                                                           Miss., Details: 888-566-7469 or www.
                                                                  Club, 814 Howard
                                                                  Ave., Biloxi, Miss.
com                                                              Details: 228-910-         1/28
                                                               6600 or www.                CAM, 8 p.m., IP Casino Resort & Spa, Studio
                                                             A, 850 Bayview Ave., Biloxi, Miss. 8 p.m.
                                                                                           Details: 228-436-3000

Snowbirds keep learning after retirement
Kick off 2023 by learning something new!                 certificate program. Students enrolled in non-credit   way from Bear Creek to the Lake Shelby Overlook.
                                                         courses receive all of the benefits of the regular     It’s an easy-grade hike, perfect for all ages and
Lifelong learners can explore new or different
                                                         students, including use of the library, access to      experience levels! Leashed pets are welcome to join.
ideas, skills and hobbies at community colleges,
                                                         special events, and free parking. Details:   Details: Nature Center (251) 948-7275 ext. 2092 for
universities, senior centers and other resources
along the Gulf Coast.
                                                                                                                Leisure Learning: The University of West Florida in
Snowbirds in Santa Rosa County/Navarre Beach
                                                                                                                Pensacola has multiple field-trip-type outings that
area can reserve space in a wide range of lectures
                                                                                                                highlight many local topics. One of the most popular
in January, February and March. Topics range from
                                                                                                                is a day trip to Pensacola’s award-winning Double
making Mardi Gras masks to learning about sea
                                                                                                                AA baseball stadium, which features a meal cooked
turtles and other aquatic creatures to snorkeling,
                                                                                                                by a team chef. Details:
history of the area, fishing and casting, seafood
cooking and more. Details: (850) 981-8900
Gulf State College: Gulf State College in Panama
City offers Education Encore. Classes start Jan. 20
and run for a variety of times. Topics range from
history and ancestry to art, health, fitness, computer
programs and much more. Details:
                                                         Pensacola State College: Adult Education classes are
Northwest Florida State College: Courses offered
                                                         offered for just $30 per semester on a wide range of
through these options range from personal
                                                         topics. Details:
enrichment, recreation, leisure, and crafts to
professional development and customized business/        Learning Campus at Gulf State Park: Ring in the
industry training. These courses are non-credit and      first day of the new year on a hike through nature!
may not be used toward any NWFSC degree or               Naturalists at Alabama’s Gulf State Park lead the

Cruises and casino trips: Travel fun made easy
One of the great things about spending       Walton Beach, Fla., has 2024 group
a winter along the northern Gulf Coast       space for three six-night sailings on the
is access to numerous cruise ports.          Spirit (one Bahamas and one Western
                                             Caribbean) and one five-night sailing on
New Orleans is home to Disney Cruise
                                             the Carnival Elation from Jacksonville
Lines, Norwegian, Carnival and Royal
                                             13-18, 2024.
Caribbean. Also, Mississippi River
Cruises via American Cruise Lines            The six-night Bahamas sailing is January
and American Queen. The port has             14-19, 2024, and the six-night Western
numerous year-round options. Visit:          Caribbean sailing February 11-16, for the list.               2024. The ship has balconies, ocean
                                             views and interior cabins. Reservations
In Mobile, Ala., the Carnival Spirit is
                                             and deposits are being taken now
slated to return in Oct. 2023 with six to
                                             to hold space. Final payment is due
eight-day sailings. Port of Call includes
                                             in October 2023. Details: visit www.
a variety depending on the length of
                                   , or (850) 243-
the cruise: Mexico - Cozumel, Costa
                                             2809 or
Maya; Bahamas – Bimini, Freeport,
Mahogany Bay, Nassau, Princess Cays          CASINO BUS ROLLS: Why drive when
and Half Moon Cays.                          someone else can handle those duties?
                                                                                         Rock - $15.                                 Grocery; Orange Beach, Cactus Cantina,
Jacksonville, Fla., is an easy drive from    The Good Time Tour buses roll out from      Florida pickup locations include Piggly     25311 Perdido Beach Blvd; The Track
most northern Gulf Coast locations           several Gulf Coast locations daily to the   Wiggly, 251 Mary Esther Blvd., Mary         3200 Gulf Shores Pkwy; Foley – The
along I-10. Carnival offers four and five-   Mississippi Gulf Coast casinos, including   Esther; Winn Dixie, 8674 Navarre Pkwy.,     Train Station (Carolina Street, east side);
day Bahamas trips aboard the Ecstasy         free play. The price begins at $30 per      Navarre; and Pensacola, 8084 N. Davis       and the Fairhope Walmart. To reserve
with discount prices starting at $196.       person, depending on your departure         Hwy., Northcross Shopping Center.           your trip, call (850) 476-0046. Check
                                             point. Free play includes Beau Rivage       Alabama pickup locations include            updated locations and times at www.
Tammy’s Journeys, located in Fort
                                             Casino - $15, IP Casino - $20 and Hard      Perdido Bay, 12255 Lillian Pkwy., Greer’s

Beau Rivage unveils new rooms and Wind Creek offers stay/spa packages
Beau Rivage Resort & Casino: Known       are reminiscent of the seashore and        of dining
for grace and elegance, MGM Resort       incorporate details of driftwood, high     options, a spa,
International’s Beau Rivage Resort       gloss surfaces, coral and aqua blue.       a golf course
& Casino in Biloxi, Miss., recently                                                 and more.
                                         Beau Rivage’s colorful array of
unveiled its newly completed $55                                                    Sign up for
                                         flowers and evergreens creates an
million room remodel of the resort’s                                                MGM Resort’s
                                         unforgettable arrival experience.
1,645 guest rooms.                                                                  rewards
                                         Guests are greeted by 29 Live Oaks
                                                                                    program for
The Beau Rivage is recognized for its    flanking the front drive, creating
                                                                                    special deals.
mini-Bellagio style. All rooms feature   a graceful canopy reminiscent of
views of the Mississippi Gulf Coast or   the entrance to a stately Southern         The Beau
historic Biloxi and its Back Bay.        mansion. Visitors enter the lobby and      Rivage is
                                         are greeted by an indoor arboretum         located at
The refreshing new designs feature
                                         featuring a glass ceiling with specialty   875 Beach
upgraded amenities and state-of-the-
                                         lighting designed to highlight the         Blvd., Biloxi,
art technology.
                                         grandeur of the atrium’s elements.         Miss. Details:
                                                                                                                           high-speed internet and the option of
The King room features a buttercup                                         or (228) 386-7111
                                         The guest rooms feature a custom-                                                 a spacious walk-in shower or standard
yellow palette reflective of the sky
                                         commissioned triptych that honors          Wind Creek Atmore: Looking for a       tub and shower combo. Sign up for
at sunrise, while the Mississippi sky
                                         flora and fauna indigenous to the          casino getaway close to home?          the Wind Creek Rewards program to
inspires the two-Queen room’s coral
                                         Deep South. The newly redesigned           The Wind Creek-Atmore has a $159       tap into special offers. Daily rates at
tones at sunset. Both boast finishes
                                         corridors are fresh and bright, with       overnight stay (Monday-Thursday)       the on-site RV resort start at $38.
infused with textures and patterns
                                         tranquil carpets reflecting the spirit     package that includes a $70 spa
reminiscent of Southern homes.                                                                                             Wind Creek is located at 303 Poarch
                                         of the Southern Mississippi River          package. Additional nights (Monday-
                                                                                                                           Rd., Atmore, Ala. Details: www.
With a color palette that pays           waterways.                                 Thursday) can be added for $99. The
                                                                                                                  or (866) 946-
homage to local sunrises, sunsets and                                               AAA Four-Diamond hotel features 237
                                         The expansive resort features                                                     3360
reflections of the water, the finishes                                              rooms with premier bedding and free
                                         headliner entertainment, a range
Find your copy of Snowbirds Gulf Coast!                                               Thank you to all of our Snowbirds Gulf Coast partners!
Snowbirds Gulf Coast prints four editions each winter: Holiday, January, February
                                                                                      Show your support by patronizing our advertisers! Tell them Snowbirds Gulf Coast sent you!
and Spring, distributed regionally from Panama City Beach, Fla., across the Florida
                                                                                      We are grateful to our loyal partners who have helped bring this magazine to you for the past
panhandle to the Alabama Gulf Coast and Biloxi Visitor Center. We also push out
                                                                                      17 years!
.pdf editions through our e-newsletter and Facebook page: Snowbirds Gulf Coast.
A selection of locations include:
Alabama Gulf Coast Rouses                  Mobile Visitor Center
                                                                                      Wind Creek Casino and            American Snowbird                 Majestic Oaks RV
Supermarkets                               RV Park offices throughout the coast       Resort - Atmore                  Network                           Buzzcatz
Alabama Welcome Center at I-10             Magnolia Grill                             Beau Rivage                      Key Concepts Realty               GTs
Area libraries                             Majestic Oaks RV Resort
Area Senior centers                        Navarre Beach Visitor Information          OWA                              SRIA                              Cosmos
Beach House Restaurant/Spring Hill         Center                                     Retina Specialty                 Distro Data -                     Lunas
Suites Navarre Beach                       OWA                                        Rouses                           Bellingrath                       Farmer Markets
Biloxi Visitor Center                      Panama City Beach Senior Center
Brick Oven Foley                           Panama City Beach Visitor Center           Baptist Health Care              Seville Savories Tour             Sinfonia Gulf Coast
BuzzCatz Coffee & Sweets                   Panama City Chamber                        St Landry Parish                 Remax Realtor                     Tammy’s Travels
Condo lobbies throughout the coast         Pensacola Beach Visitor Center
                                                                                      SRC/Navarre                      Brick Oven Foley                  Beach House Bar and
Dauphin Island Chamber of Commerce         Pensacola Visitor Center
Destin Chamber of Commerce                 Perdido Key Visitor Center                 Westminster Village              Good Time Tours                   Grill
Emerald Coast Convention & Visitor         Perdido Bay Golf Course                    Navarre Beach Snowbirds          TheGrove                          Paradise Music Festival
Center                                     Santa Rosa County Visitor Center
Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce          South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                      ACI Transport                    Magnolia Grill                    Gibson Beach Rentals
Fort Walton Beach Recreation Center        Village Baptist Church, Destin Visit       Spring Hill Suites Navarre       Hamilton Images
(FWB Club locale)                          Pensacola Visitor Center                   Perdido Hootenanny               Hilton Head RV
GTs On The Bay                             Walton County Visitor Information

                                                                                                                                                                    Gulf Coast
J.W. Renfroe Pecan Co.                     Center
Joe Patti’s Seafood                        ...and may more!
Juanas Pagoda
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