Birders enter the electoral arena - Golden Gate Audubon Society

Page created by Tina Webb
Birders enter the electoral arena - Golden Gate Audubon Society
the newsletter of the golden gate audubon society // vol. 105 no. 1 winter 2021

Birders Enter the
Electoral Arena
by ilana debare

S     everal Golden Gate Audubon Society
      members led birders from around the
country into a new kind of field work this
fall—political field work of get-out-the-vote
organizing. Auk The Vote, a new all-volunteer
initiative, mobilized over 100 birders to do
phone-banking on behalf of pro-environment
candidates during the fall 2020 campaign
CONTINUED on page 3

American Kestrel, one of the birds
impacted by climate change.
Corey Raffel
Birders enter the electoral arena - Golden Gate Audubon Society
that threatened every returning migrant.
                                                                                                                           Extraordinary pluck and instinct guided
                                                                                                                           each bird through endless expanses of
                                                                                                                           scorched earth—a miraculous testimony to
                                                                                                                           avian adaptation.
                                                                                                                              But a lingering question looms large.
                                                                                                                           Will there be less habitat for birds and other
                                                                                                                              Our GGAS supporters are habitat action
                                                                                                                           heroes, attending virtual hearings and
                                                                                                                           speaking up for living shorelines, preserving
                                                                                                                           grassland, or donning boots and restoring
                                                                                                                           habitat. We advance a growing movement
                                                                                                                           to build bird-friendly cities and convert our
                                                                                                                           parks and back yards to native plant sanc-
                                                                                                                           tuaries. Functioning habitats foster high
John Ehrenfeld

                                                                                                                           biodiversity, are resilient to sea level rise,
                 Sandhill Cranes.                                                                                          sequester carbon, and are an enduring rem-
                 Sandhill Cranes.                                                                                          edy to the climate crisis. We work hard to
                                                                                                                           tell our important story: Birds are critical to
                                                                                                                           our personal well-being.
                                          Habitat, or the Art of                                                              The pandemic is a challenge like no other
                                       Birding During A Pandemic                                                           and GGAS critically depends on your sup-
                                                                                                                           port. Please help GGAS continue our work
                                       by pam young, executive director                                                    as conservation advocates and as mentors to

                                                                                                                           our young future environmental stewards.
                     n the midst of our beautiful Bay win-            gerhead Shrike, furtive Plumbeous Vireo,             Thank you for enjoying our online fea-
                     ter wonderland, the pandemic seized              and camouflaged American Bittern—are                 tures, such as our popular Speaker Series,
                 our popular holiday birding celebrations             welcome bright spots in a dangerous time.            our thoughtful and entertaining blogs, and
                 from our collective grasp. After cancelling          We are a robust and vibrant online birding           our many online classes. One happy online
                 our most anticipated events, such as our             community.                                           student sang high praises: “We looked for-
                 Christmas Bird Counts, what are we doing                Our extraordinary estuary hosts throngs           ward to this class every week and found it
                 instead? How are we coping?                          of loafing Godwits, Stilts, Avocets, Willets,        an enriching activity—especially in these
                    Birders are a sensible and compliant lot.         and well over 300 species. Upland, our               times of Covid-19. Thank you for your
                 We maintain our social distance, wear our            wintering Hermit Thrushes, Fox, Golden-              dedication and to the Golden Gate Audu-
                 masks, travel separately, and keep our own           crowned, and White-crowned Sparrows,                 bon Society.” Your donations keep our voice
                 gear. Our resourceful reports and spec-              and their mixed species flock companions             strong. Like our feathered migrants, we’ll
                 tacular photos of vagrants, hybrids, and             suffered daunting migration threats. Cali-           persist with pluck and instinct and with
                 exciting discoveries—such as a rare Log-             fornia’s fires engulfed four million acres           your loyal partnership.

                 news brief

                 Call for Blogs                         Project Feeder Watch                   Clay Anderson Is a Local Hero            Winter 2021 Classes
                 We want to hear from you! Do           In lieu of our cancelled Christmas     GGAS Eco-Education Manager               Registration is now open for several
                 you have a stay-at-home birding        Bird Count events this year,           Clay Anderson has won Bay Nature         of our winter 2021 classes. We’ll
                 essay you’d like to share? Seen any    we recommend you check out             Magazine’s 2021 Local Hero Award         have lots more birding classes
                 interesting birds lately? Let’s stay and learn how to       and was named Environmental              to offer beginning February and
                 connected online. Our Golden Gate      create and contribute your report      Educator of the Year. Please pencil      March. Be sure to check out our
                 Birder Blog offers an opportunity      about birds that you see at your       in April 11 at 5:00 pm and April 13      adult education page to learn more,
                 for publication and outreach. Email    feeder. Your reports will be part      at 4:00 pm for virtual celebrations.     get updates, and register today.
                 your essays to Melissa at mramos@      of a valuable reservoir of data for    More info at
                        conservation projects!                 local-hero-awards.                       education/classes.

                 2   THE GULL   spring 2021
Birders enter the electoral arena - Golden Gate Audubon Society

               BIRDERS ENTER ELECTOR AL ARENA from page 1

                   Although unaffiliated with Golden Gate
               Audubon, Auk was the brainchild of GGAS
               members David Robinson and Laura Cre-
               min. (I also helped with social media and
               press outreach.) Robinson and Cremin met
               through GGAS’s East Bay Conservation
               Committee, which Cremin chairs.
                   “I’d been looking for the right fit for work-
               ing on climate change and conservation,”
               said Robinson, a passionate birder and long-
               time gay rights activist. “When 2020 came,
               I felt the election was the most important
               thing we could do to address those issues.”
                   Talking last spring after an EBCC meet-
               ing, Robinson and Cremin realized that
               election work was a noticeable gap in the
                                                                   Ilana DeBare

               birding world. While National Audubon
               Society and other birding groups are active
                                                                                  David Robinson and Laura Cremin.
               on conservation issues, they have tradi-
               tionally avoided endorsing and supporting
               candidates. Auk The Vote was created to
                                                                                  David Robinson felt the election was the most important thing
               fill that gap. Determined not to reinvent the
               wheel, Auk partnered with groups such as                           we could do to address climate change and conservation
               Flip The West and Environmental Voter
               Project that already were operating phone
                                                                                  Odell, Jonathan Franzen, Nate Swick, and         be just a 2020 one-shot. Let’s make politi-
               banks to swing states. Volunteer Kristen
                                                                                  Caleb Crain, plus New York Audubon board         cians reckon with birders as a voting bloc
               Schwarz created a website that listed doz-
                                                                                  member Chris Cooper, the Black “Central          all the time, the way they currently listen to
               ens of phone-calling opportunities each
                                                                                  Park birder” who was threatened with arrest      industry lobbyists.”
               week, with sessions ranging from Phone
                                                                                  by a white woman last spring after asking            Ultimately, we need long-established
               Banking for Introverts to Spanish-language
                                                                                  her to leash her dog.                            birding groups like National Audubon to
               phone banking.
                                                                                     Over 100 birders joined the five Auk ses-     start doing electoral work on behalf of birds
                   Auk also organized five phone-banking
                                                                                  sions, calling to support pro-environment        and the environment. (Other nonprofit
               sessions specifically geared to birders, each
                                                                                  candidates in swing states. The guest speak-     groups like Sierra Club do this by setting
               with a guest appearance by a “celebrity”
                                                                                  ers provided a shot of avian inspiration, and    up a sister organization that can legally do
               birder—writers Jennifer Ackerman, Jenny
                                                                                  participants discovered that calling strang-     partisan work such as endorsing candi-
                                                                                  ers was not as scary as they’d feared. Many      dates.) For now, Auk is there to fill the gap.
                                                                                  returned for multiple sessions.                  Already, the young organization is involved
                                                                                     “I was really nervous about doing it,” said   in its second campaign “season.”
                                                                                  Cremin. “But like public speaking, you get           Georgia’s two Senate races led to a run-
                                                                                  over those fears. When I called Democratic       off election on January 5th that determined
                                                                                  voters in Iowa, people were generally recep-     control of the U.S. Senate (with Democrats
                                                                                  tive, and it was nice to connect back to the     now the victors). Auk immediately jumped
                                                                                  Midwest.”                                        into organizing December phone banks to
                                                                                     Chris Cooper said he was delighted to         Georgia, including a partnership with Geor-
                                                                                  support the Auk phone-banking session, and       gia Audubon chapters.
                                                                                  called Auk’s electoral work “long overdue.”          “I hope we’ll be involved in the 2022 mid-
                                                                                     “If we don’t have elected officials who       term elections, too,” said Robinson. “They’ll
                                                                                  are receptive,” he said, “we are crippled on     be tremendously important for birds and
                                                                                  climate change, preserving habitat, safe-        the environment!” Want to help Auk The
Corey Raffel

                                                                                  guarding environmental protections, and          Vote grow and reach more birders in the 2022
                                                                                  the Endangered Species Act…everything            midterms? Sign up at or email
               Red-shouldered Hawk.                                               that matters! Which is why Auk must not

                                                                                                                                                          spring 2021   THE GULL   3
Birders enter the electoral arena - Golden Gate Audubon Society

                                                Learning from
                                             the Feminist Bird Club
                                                           by melissa ramos

t        his new year, I am reflecting on how my words and actions
         can help build a more inclusive and equitable birding soci-
ety. I look to several successful examples of equitable birding groups
across the country for inspiration and hope. Perhaps the best exam-
ple of how to promote diversity in birding comes from the Feminist
Bird Club.
    The Feminist Bird Club was founded in New York City in 2016
by Molly Adams. The group’s primary mission is to provide safety
and inclusivity in birding for all people. Since 2016 (and with tre-
mendous grassroots organizing efforts), FBC has expanded into
several chapters across the country and the world, including a chap-
ter in San Francisco. Alex Smolyanskaya, a former GGAS board
member, was one of the founders of the San Francisco FBC. Alex
says her experience in GGAS’s Master Birder class helped her take
the next step in her birding career. She began leading bird walks

                                                                                                                                                       Rick Lewis
and eventually co-founded the SF FBC chapter with fellow Mas-
ter Birders Whitney Grover (GGAS board member), Nina Bai, and
                                                                             Sandhills at Dawn
Sarah Burton.
    “By co-founding this FBC chapter, we helped create space where
all people would be comfortable birding,” said Alex.                             5. Allow room on bird walks for birders of all different levels of
    I learned a lot about equitable organizing from the Feminist Bird        experience to join.
Club’s successes. Our flock at GGAS can learn a lot from FBC too.                6. Always encourage new communities to join walks, such as
Below are some tips and suggestions inspired by FBC that GGAS                parents with children or Black folks who tend not to attend bird
can easily fold into our current community. Everyone can feel                walks.
empowered to do some (or all) of these eight simple actions to help              7. Be gentle to new birders who may not know bird names yet or
promote more diverse and equitable birding spaces. I know I will!            have access to birding books or classes.
    1. Establish rules of engagement for safe and respectful conduct             8. Offer free resources (like showing folks how to use eBird or
on walks and online.                                                         offering welcomed birding advice) to new birders to help them feel
    2. Use birding as a tool to provide a peaceful and meditative bird-      comfortable birding.
ing experience for everyone.                                                     What does the future hold? Alex says, “We have accomplished
    3. Encourage people to bird as they’re most comfortable, even if         a lot but there is still work to do with inviting new communities to
that looks different from our preferences.                                   FBC. I don’t want to say that we are done with our work.” We can
    4. Express solidarity for marginalized peoples in ways that are          learn so much from FBC’s tenacity and untiring mission to make
not tokenizing or burdensome. An example of this looks like speak-           sure that our birding communities continue to grow and welcome
ing out against harmful comments or stereotypes.                             all people to experience the joy of birds.

Upcoming events

Volunteer Appreciation Celebration                Birdathon                                           Executive Director Search
Save the date for GGAS’s first ever online        Please stay tuned for updates on our 2021           A committee of GGAS Board and staff have been
Volunteer Appreciation Celebration! Our virtual   Birdathon events! We are brainstorming new          conducting an Executive Director search since
celebration, complete with special awards and     ways of conducting Birdathon during Covid-19        early fall 2020. We look forward to announcing
speeches, will take place on Thursday, January    restrictions. We think you’ll enjoy some of our     a new Executive Director in 2021 and we thank
28th at 7 pm. Be sure to check our website for    creative ideas and fun events. Check out our        our current interim ED, Pam Young, for her
more information.                                 website in February and March for more details.     service!

4   THE GULL   spring 2021
Birders enter the electoral arena - Golden Gate Audubon Society
speaker series

                                                                                        A Rainforest                                      online

                                                                                        at Our Feet:                                 Thursday, February 18
                                                                                                                                     7 p.m. program
                                                                                        Local Wetland                                Zoom

                                                                                        Restoration in
                                                                                        the SF Bay Area
                                                                                        john zentner

                                                                                        In this talk, acclaimed plant ecologist John Zentner will discuss how
                                                                                        wetland health impacts the health of birds and wildlife. John will
                                                                                        guide participants through understanding different types of local
                                                                                        wetlands and will outline methods of wetland conservation and how
                                                                                        these projects are crucial to maintaining holistic and healthy ecosys-
                                                                                        tems that sustain all life.
                                                                                           John is a plant ecologist specializing in
                                                                                        landscape restoration. He has an under-
                                                                                        graduate degree from UC Santa Barbara,
                                                                         Pen Waggener
                                                                                        and graduate degrees and certifications
                                                                                        from the University of Oregon and the
                                                                                        University of Oslo. John is the wetland
Bald Eagle.
                                                                                        specialist for the California Coastal

                                                                                                                                                                     Stan Lupo
                                                                                        Commission and has held many other

Net Negative                                      online
                                                                                        prestigious positions.                       Great Blue Heron.

Emissions in                                 Thursday, January 21
                                             7 p.m. program
California by 2030:                          Zoom

Can We Do It?                                                                           What would US                                     online

ellie cohen
                                                                                        Climate Policy                               Thursday, March 18
                                                                                                                                     6 p.m. program
                                                                                        Look Like if                                 Zoom

The latest climate science supports that the impacts of climate                         People and
change are hitting hard and fast, posing grave threats to human
and planetary health. We are already pushing against global tipping
                                                                                        Planet Mattered?
points that could unleash abrupt and irreversible damage to people                      basav sen
and wildlife. Our only hope for an equitable future is to enact cli-
mate policies now. Ms. Cohen’s talk hopes to inspire citizen action                     Please note: This talk begins at 6 pm PST. Basav Sen will discuss
to ensure California steps up its climate leadership to protect people                  what a progressive internationalist agenda for US climate policy
and the planet.                                                                         must look like for the US to truly become a good-faith partner to the
   Ellie Cohen, CEO of The Climate Center, is a leader in cata-                         rest of the world in addressing the climate
lyzing cross-boundary, collaborative and just solutions to climate                      crisis. He will examine various aspects of
change and environmental degradation. She has received numerous                         how the US engages with the rest of the
honors and was named one of “100 Women Taking the Lead to Save                          world on climate to demonstrate how US
Our Planet” in the US by the National Women’s History Project                           policy has always been at odds with true
                                                                                                                                                                     Mick Thompson

(2009).                                                                                 global cooperation and solidarity, and to
                                                                                        propose what a truly internationalist cli-
                                                                                        mate policy might look like.
                                                                                           Basav Sen joined the Institute for Pol- Great Horned Owl.
GGAS’s monthly Speaker Series is now online!                                            icy Studies as the Climate Justice Project
To sign up for email alerts with more info, email our                                   Director in February 2017. His work focuses on climate solutions
Communications Manager, Melissa, at mramos@                                             at the national, state, and local level that address racial, economic,                                                                   gender and other forms of inequality. He is currently the Climate
                                                                                        Policy Director at the Institute for Policy Studies.

                                                                                                                                        spring 2021   THE GULL   5
Birders enter the electoral arena - Golden Gate Audubon Society

Thank you for joining our donor community.                                                                            Rugeroni, Raymond
                                                                                                                      Ryan, Patricia Sanford,
                                                                                                                                                   Christine Brigagliano,
                                                                                                                                                   Lynne Bromley, Barry
                                                                                                                      Mary Schaefer, Verena        C Brooker, Jonica
Donations from September 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
                                                                                                                      Schelling, Christina and     Brooks, Carolyn Brown,
With gratitude to every individual, business, and organization who made a recent                                      Stuart Schneck, Virginia     Karen H Brown, Emma
                                                                                                                      and William Schultz,         C Brown, Lee Bruno,
donation. We are especially appreciative of all donations during the Coronavirus                                      Valerie Schutz, Pamela       Cheri Bryant, Paula B
                                                                                                                      Shandrick, Sally Sherman,    Buchta, Nancy Buell,
pandemic. Despite the impact to our in-person events, your donations and support                                      Susan Sherman, David         Henrietta Buescher,
                                                                                                                      Silberman, Carla Soracco,    Janet Burnham, Janet
have kept us going. Large or small, the gifts you send support our conservation,                                      Sylvia Spears, Richard       Calhoun, Robert
                                                                                                                      Spickard, William            Callwell, Janet
education, and member programs, and directly benefit the birds you love.
                                                                                                                      Springer, Malcolm            Carpinelli, Caryl
                                                                                                                      Sproul, Scott W Starratt,    Carr, Mary Carrigan,
                                                                                                                      Janet Stavnezer, Anita       Leigh Castellon, Karin
Golden Eagle                     LEAST TERN                  Bonnie Bishop, Elinor        Dorothy Kakimoto,           Stewart, Delmar Stipe,       Chamberlain, Barbara
                                                             Blake, Judith Bojorquez,     Joanna Kao, Dorothy         Dan Stofle, Stewart          Chan, Jennifer Charney,
($1000 and above)                ($250 to $499)
                                                             Hillary Bok, Claire          Kaplan, Robert Alan         & Gretchen Stone,            Mike Chase, Kim
Mary Betlach, Andrea             Patricia Bacchetti,
                                                             and Bill Bove, Barbara       Kaplan, Timothy Kask,       Loretta Strickland, Carol    Christensen, Michael
Burhoe, Marjorie                 Marjorie Blackwell,
Fletcher, Patricia               Crystal Brunzell,           Boyle, Richard Brandi,       Richard Kaufmann,           Sughrue, Christopher         Christopherson,
Greene, Bob Hallet,              Maryellen Buckley,          Jennifer Braun, John         James Keefe, Anne           Swarth, Paul Swinderman,     Ana Cliatt, Mielita
Josh Jensen, Gerald              Eunice Childs, Kathryn      Brenneman, Russell           Kelley, Tobin Kendrick,     Richard Tanner, Chris        Coats, Mark Cocalis,
& Patricia Johnson,              Choudhury, Katie            and Ellen Breslauer,         Karen Kenney, Sue           Tarp, Daniel Tauber,         Roberta L Collier, Justin
Marilyn Kecso, Pat               Clevenger, Eve Conner,      Kathleen Brown, Beth         Korbel, Kurt Kosek, Alan    Jean Thomas, Jeremy          Connolly, John Corlett,
and Sid Kirkpatrick-             Jim Cunradi, Douglas        Brown, Stephen Bull,         Krakauer, Robyn Krieger,    Thorner, Jane Thrush,        Susan Cossins, Susan
Wolinsky, Lehigh                 Donaldson, Carolyn          Deborah Bullock, James       Annis Kukulan, Pansy        Virginia Todd, Judith        Couch, Don Couch,
Hanson, Bruce Mast,              Dugger, Blake Edgar,        Bullock, Mary Burke,         Kwong, Heinz Lankford,      Turgeon, Mary Turner,        Jacqueline Craig, Ann
Helen McKenna &                  Angie Geiger, Valerie       Lawrence Burwell, Lorna      Richard Ledon, Thomas       Meshay Turner, Sallian       Cross, Denise Crozier,
Thomas Merigan,                  Glass, Christa Goldblatt,   & Warren Byrne, Susan        Lee, Arlene Lee, Milton     Umemoto, Carol Valk,         Rob Cullison, Donna
Miles and Mel McKey,             Clare Gordon, Dolores       Caldwell, Sue Carlisle,      Lee, Brooke Levin, Jean     Linda Vallee, Nancy Van      Cummings, Evan Custer,
Mara Melandry,                   Hansen, Michele & Jerry     Chris Carmichael,            Levin, Elinor Levine,       House, Douglas Vaughan,      Sarah Dandridge,
John Nelson, Audre               Harrison, Carol Henry,      Barbara Carovano,            Marc Levinson, Sally        Vicki Villata, Kenneth       Suzanne D’Arcy, Karla
Newman, Karen                    Michael and Vickie Ina,     Aneta Chapman, Valerie       Levinson, Michele           Walters, Wendy Jeane         Dayton, Linda A.
Rosenbaum, Pepi                  Donna Jaffe, James          Char, Children’s Day         Liapes, Donald Lim,         Warrington, Lucy Waskell,    Deaktor, Stan DeBella,
Ross, Ardeen Russell-            Kusz, Robert Lawrence,      School, Toni Childress,      Sandy Linder, Steve         Terrence Watson, Leslie      Adrienne DeBisschop,
Quinn, Salesforce,               John Lee, Michael           Julie Clark, Mike Clark,     Lombardi, Dana London,      Ann Watts, Paul Weaver,      Zachary Denning,
Eric Schroeder,                  Lewin, Robert and           Catherine Coates,            Randi and Herb Long,        Sandra Weber, Noreen         Michele Denomie, Elyse
Jacqueline Smalley,              Hanno Lewis, Barbara        Inger Coble, Tazuko          Denise Loomis, William      Weeden, Karen Weil,          Derbes, Jacqueline
Rigel Stuhmiller, Tan            Loomis, Diane Luders,       Coffee, Patricia Coffey,     Loughman, Catherine         Karen Westlund, Marshall     Desoer, Willys DeVoll,
Suwannukul                       John MacLennan, Laura       Susan Coffin, Paulette       Lyon, Greg Lyon,            White, Jim Williams,         John Diller, William
                                 Mahanes, Michael            Collins, Sheila Collins,     Christiana Macfarlane,      Sherry Williams, Peter       Dodge, Judith Dolan,
PEREGRINE                        McCue, Marie McNulty,       Thomas Colton,               Cecily Majerus, Keith       and Amelia Wilson, Sarah     Lisa Doyen, Jennifer
                                 Michael Morrissey,          Rosemary Corbin, Cira        Mallonee, Linda Maniwa,     Wilson, Priscilla Winslow,   Durrah, Robin Duryee,
FALCON                                                                                                                Barbara Wismer, Eric         Nathan Dwiri, Walsh
                                 Wendy Niles, Denny          M. Curri, Christopher        Linda Margossian,
($500 to $999)                   Parker, Sarah Paul,         Curtis, Michael DAloisio,    Lupe Mariscal,              Wong, Stephanie Woods,       Easton, Lynne Eggers,
Jan Ambrosini, Barbara           Corey Raffel, Edward        Barbara Davis, Barbara       Suzanne Masuret,            Karen Yablonovitch, Anna     Elise Eichhorn, Douglas
Anderson, Ellen Barth,           Reyes, Bev Riehm,           Dean, Ilana DeBare,          Michael McDowell,           Yeung, Alana Yoel, Jon       Elinson, April Ellis,
Diane & Tom Bennett,             James Roethe, Andrea        Wendy Del Valle,             George McGregor,            York, Sondra Zentner,        Patricia Elsaesser,
Robert & Barbara                 Soria, Gail Sorrough,       Darlene Del-Castello,        Patrick McGuire,            John Zimmermann,             Karen E Eppler, William
Brandriff, Anne                  Kathryn Taylor, Cheryl      Penelope Deleray, Carol      Yvonne McHugh               Emil Zollinger, Sam          Espey, Thomas Ewing,
Hansen, Linda and Bob            Thompson, Joan              Denney, Frank Derosa,        and Anthony Brake,          Zuckerman, Richard Zwaal     Jonathan Fargo, Grace
Carloni, Laura Cremin,           Vellutini                   Victoria Descalzo, Sheila    Margaret McKinley,                                       H. Fawcett, Naomi
D & J Hodgson Family                                         Dickie, Susan Diridoni,      Karen McLellan,             GIFTS                        Feger, Roland Feller, Teri
Foundation, Donna De                                         John Domzalski, Carol                                                                 Ferem, Susan Ferguson,
                                 RIDGWAY’S RAIL                                           Geraldine McLellan,         (To $99)
Santis, Clara Gerdes,                                        Donohoe, Donald                                                                       Cheryl Fernandes, Jan
                                 ($100 to $249)                                           Faith Steinberg Meltzer,    Alice Abbott, Nico
Lana Hameister,                                                                                                                                    Feryus, Susan Finch,
                                 Anne Ackerman, Jon          and Elaine Dvorak,           Barbara Meyer, Jill         Abgrall, Karen Ackerman,
Amanda Hamilton,                                                                                                                                   Janet Fiore, Mary Sue
                                 Adams, Sue Adler,           David Edelson, Richard       Moak, Stuart Moock,         Sarah Allday, Amazon
Carole Herman and                                                                                                                                  Fisher, Jean Fiske,
                                 Advanced Building           Elefant, Catherine           Janet D Morris, Anne        Smile, Rollin Anderson,
Thomas Brumfield,                                                                                                                                  Cathy Fogel, Michael
                                 Services Inc, Linda         Elliott, Susan Elwell, Bob   and Thomas Morton,          Barbara E. Anderson,
Don & Ann Hughes,                                                                                                                                  Foley, Mary Foley,
                                 Agerter, Peter Albin,       Epstein, Trudy Ernst,        Alden Mudge, Thomas         Muriel Angle, Andrea
Linda Jacobs, Charles                                                                                                                              Andrew Folta, Pauline
                                 Manuela Albuquerque,        Lyle & Dianne Eyer,          Murray, Jennifer            Antoni, Constance &
Keating, Patricia                                                                                                                                  Fong, Susan Ford,
                                 Barbara and Carlo           Leora Feeney, James          Navarrete, Richard &        Gary Armitage, David
Langenhahn, Dorothy                                                                                                                                Donna Francesconi,
                                 Alesandrini, Catherine      Ferry, Cheryl Flango,        Francoise Navarro,          Arrick, Erica C Arteseros,
& Thomas Mayer,                                                                                                                                    Steven Frank, Lisa
                                 Anderson, Eileen            Becky Flanigan, Dorothy      Eddie Nomura, Brian         David Assmann, Marge
Sharon Morris, Dan                                                                                                                                 Frost, Philip Frost, Jake
                                 Arbues, Lori Arnold,        Frantz, Jon Franzen,         O’Laughlin, Jeanette        Atkinson, Debra Austin,
and Joan Murphy,
                                 Amy Bach, John              William Giddens, Mary        Oliver, Pat Olney,          David S. Ayres, Ashley       and Freya Fuchs, Sue
George Peyton, Jay
                                 Bacon, Linda Bacon,         Gilkerson, William           Patrick Owens, Jean         Baker, Cathy Baker, Linda    Fujimura, Elizabeth
& Lisa Pierrepont,
                                 Bobbi Bader, Maria          Grant, Anne Gregan-          Perley, Juergen             Barrett, Ross Barrow,        Garsonnin, Elaine
Celie Placzek, Marjorie
                                 Baird, Elizabeth Baker,     Ver, Bob Guletz, Linda       Pfaff, Beth Piatnitza,      Nikki Beach, Victoria        Geffen, Dana Gehm,
Randolph, Delanie
                                 Beverly Barletta, William   Gustafson, Kristi Haigh,     Mary Pitts, Megan           Behrman, Alicia Bell,        Giedra Gershman,
Read, Dan Roth, Eric
                                 Barnaby, Bruce Bell,        Marian Hallet, Paula         Prelinger, Richard Price,   Gordon Benner, Nel           Andrew Getz, Barbara
Seidman, Aleksandra
                                 Judy Bendix, Charles        Hamilton, Charlotte          Elise Prowse, Laurel        Benningshof, Roberta         M Gex, Judy Giampaoli,
Smolyanskaya, Emilie
                                 Benedict, Mike Bennett,     Harbeson, Grace Hardie,      Przybylski, Elizabeth       Benton, Jody Berke,          Karen Ray Gibson,
Strauss, Margarette
                                 Scott Benson, Gail          Judy Harter, Sylvia          Pulling, Madhav Puri,       Mimi Berkoe, Martha          Patricia Glasow,
Untawale, Pam Young,
                                 Berger, Berkeley Bob’s,     Hawley, William F Hein,      Kathleen Raffel, Sonja      Berthelsen, Jeffrey          Rochelle Glassel,
Matt & Joann Zlatunich
                                 Jack Bertges, Eric Biber,   Pam Hemphill, Bruce          Raub, Virginia Rauth,       Black, Erik Blangsted,       Diana Goldstein,
                                 Annette Billingsley,        Herbold, James Herre,        Nan Ray, Carla and Phil     Sharon Bleviss, Carole       Robert Gomez, Peter
                                                             Terry Higgins, Allan         M Reed, Carolyn Reese,      Bloomstein, Judith           & Sarah Goorjian,
                                                             Hoben, William Hudson,       Jean Reinys, David Rice,    Bodenhausen, Mary            Jeanne Gordon, Amy
    Please know that we work hard to ensure the              Kathleen Hurley, Glenn       Mary Righellis, Barbara     and Fran Bolton, Beth        and George Gorman,
    accuracy of this list. If your name has been omitted     Itano, Jackie Ito-Woo,       Riper, Bill Rogina, Susan   Branthaver, Marie Braun,     Eugene Gottfried,
    or misspelled, let us know at 510.843.2222.              Robert Jacobs, John          Rosenblatt, Jeanne-         D Brazil, Barbara Brenner    Linda Grant, Jeanne
                                                             Janca, Jerry Jedlicka,       Marie Rosenmeier, Carla     Buder, Lucy W Breslow,       & Ed Griffiths, Gary

6     THE GULL    spring 2021
Birders enter the electoral arena - Golden Gate Audubon Society

                                                                                                                      board of directors

Grimm, John Grossberg,      James Mckibben,               & Annette Shapiro,             Kevan Vander Wahl,           President
Susan Groves, Richard       Helen McKinley,               Paulette Sharp, Deborah        Linda Vida, Bill Vlach,      Eric Schroeder
Grube, Mary Gutekanst,      Mac McLeod, Joyce             Sharpe, Eliza Shefler,         Emily Vogler, Linda          Vice President and Co-Chair of EBCC
Masha Gutkin, Robert        Mercado, Microsoft,           Henry Sides, Judi Sierra,      & Bernhard Votteri,          Laura Cremin
Hall, Ralph Hammond,        Jennifer Miko, William        Donald Simonson,               Kenneth Wahl, Mary           Secretary and Co-Chair of Development
Sallie Hanna-Rhyne,         Milestone, Marcheta           Edith Simonson, Molly          Sue Wallace, Rachel          Carol Baird
Charlene Harrington,        Mines, Annmarie               Singer, Mira and Ralph         Watson-Clark, Audrey         Past President and Co-Chair of FAWR
Sally Hatchett, Sara        Mitchell, Win Mixter,         Sinick, Ellen Sirbu,           Webb, Wendy Webster,         Linda Carloni
Hayes, Lois Hayn, Ann       Steven Miyamoto,              Johanna Sistek, David          Donna Weidenfeller,
                                                                                                                      Treasurer and Chair of Finance Committee
& John Healy, Tamra         Michael Morlin, Marilyn       Joel Snippen, Katharine        Wendy Weikel, Helene
                                                                                                                      Bruce Mast
Hege, Judith Helder,        Morris, Barbara Mowry,        Snyder, Harriet Sollod,        Weil, Nancy Weir,
Ocie Henderson,             David Moyer, Jennifer         Michelle Spicher,              Russell Wells, Karin         Diane Bennett, Blake Edgar, Whitney Grover,
Tyche Hendricks, Paul       Mueller, John and             Richard Sproul, Tracy          Werner, Ashton Wesner,       William Hudson, James Oliver, Christine Okon,
Henning, Ruth Henrich,      Marilyn Muenchow,             Stack, Joyce & James           Barbara Wezelman,            Dan Roth
Gail Hicks, Cathryn         Kathleen Mugele,              Stanek, Jane Stecher,          John White, Elise White,
Hicks, Diane Hie, Ellen     Karen Mullally, Robert        Kevin Steen, Livia Stein,      Sally Whitehead, Jane        staff
Hill, Susan Hillyard, Jan   Mullaney, W Murdough,         Kathy Stiles, Don & Ruth       Whitley, Carol Wiegel,       Executive Director
Hintermeister, Joanne       Masae Namba,                  Stiver, Lynn Strandberg,       Jutta Wiemhoff, Diane        Pam Young, 510.843.2222 ext. 1002
Hirsch, Judy Hnilo,         Amanda Nelson, James          Barbara Sullivan, Lucile       Wilson, Carrie Wilson,
Adele Ho, Raymond Ho,       Nemechek, Bernice             Taber, Christine Tai,          Diane Winkler, Bright
                                                                                                                      Director of Development
Linda Holbrook, David       Ng, Marilyn Nichols,          Dolores Taller, Kathleen       Winn, Keith Winnard,
                                                                                                                      Catherine Millar
C Holcombe, Carolyn         Susan Nicholson, Martin       Tandy, Joyce Tarr, Leslie      Stanley Winterman, Dale
Holm, Otto Holz,            Nicolaus, Charlotte           Taylor, Thermo Fisher,         Wong, Patsy Wood,
John Hopkirk, Carolyn       Nolan, John Norheim,          Annette Thompson,              Kathleen Wood, Linda         Volunteer Services Manager
Horgan, Susan Howard,       Leah Norwood, Carol           Cheryl Reba Thompson,          Wraxall, Betty Wren,         Janet Carpinelli
Henry Ho-Wong, Russell      Nyhoff, Susan Ohanian,        Karen Thompson,                Linda Wuy, Mary &  
Huddleston, Nancie          Beatrice O’Keefe,             Mae Threadgill, S              Donald Yaholkovsky-          Communications Manager
Hughes, Katherine           Valorie Olsen, Marita         Threlfall, Tim Tindol,         Bruschera, Robert Yates,     Melissa Ramos
Hughes, John Hules,         O’Reilly, Morton Paley,       Connie Torii, Michael          Pauline Yeckley, L Yee,
George Humphreys,           Zeke Paradock, J Parish,      Travis, Yulling Tsai,          Kimberly Young, Robert
                                                                                                                      Youth Programs Manager
Sylvia Hurdle, Anne         Richard Parker, Ann           Lesley Turner, Jessica         Young, Stephen Zarate,
                                                                                                                      Clay Anderson
Ireland, Saralinda          Parris, Kari Paul, Katrinka   Turner, Elizabeth Tyler,       Claudine Zuber, Ellen
Jackson, David Jackson,     Perry, Glenn Phillips,        Thomas Vandemark,              Zweben
Andrew Johns, Brett         John Winthrop Pierce,                                                                     Office Manager
Johnson, Christine          Carol Pierman, Ken                                                                        Meshay Turner, 510.843.2222 ext. 1001
Johnson, Alice Jordan,      Pinhero, Cora Pitcock,                                                          
Jane Jorgensen, Betty       Carole Plum, Christina        EMPLOYEE GIFT MATCHES                             
Jung, Diana Kaftan,         Poggio, Tamara Poole,         Clorox (Rachel Watson-Clark)
Carol Keaough, Eileen       Gerri Popper, Elizabeth       Genetech (Barrie Simpson)                                   volunteer LEADERSHIP
Kelleher, Gregory Kelly,    Porter, Marjorie Powell,      Google (Jessica Turner)                                     Adult Education Chair
Mairead Kiernan, David      Michael and Audrey            Morrisson & Foerster Foundation ( Douglas Hendricks)        Maureen Lahiff,
Kimball, Melani King,       Powers, Hale Prather,                                                                     Field Trip Coordinator
Timothy Kingston,           Sharon Pretti, Jay Price,     GRANTS
                                                                                                                      Steve Lombardi,
Meredith Jane Klein,        Sandra Quist, Ted Raab,       East Bay Community Foundation (Buehler Fund)
Marjorie Knettle, Pat       Charles Rammelkamp,           Flora Family Foundation                                     Travel with GGAS Coordinators
Ann Koblenz, Anna Korn,     Donna Rand, Darryl            University of California, Berkeley                          Dawn Lemoine and Eric Schroeder
Robert Kossler, Victor      Raszl, Carol Ratner,                                                            
& David Krawczyk, Ade       Richard Raushenbush,          GIFTS IN HONOR OF
                                                                                                                      MISSION STATEMENT
Kroll, Nancy Kurshan,       Kathy Rawlins, Patricia       Alicia Bell, in honor of “All the happy Bay Area Ospreys”
                                                                                                                      Golden Gate Audubon Society engages people
Gail Kurtz, Jennie & Stan   Reese, Christopher            Mimi Berkoe, in honor of Chris Durham
                                                                                                                      to experience the wonder of birds and to translate
Kwok, Lynn La, Frances      Reiger, Rosemary Reilly,      Deanna Burke, in honor of Dave Sharp’s 90th birthday.
                                                                                                                      that wonder into actions which protect native bird
Lai, Antoinette Lajoie,     Donna Remak, William          Chris Carmichael, in honor of Phila Rogers
                                                                                                                      populations and their habitats.
Elisabeth Lamoureaux,       Remick, Laura Reynolds,       Barbara Chan, in honor of Kendra Chan
Frank Latko, Donna          Judy Reynolds, Greg           Denise Crozier, in honor of Mary Plessas: “Merry            ABOUT GOLDEN GATE AUDUBON society
Learn, Winston Lee,         Rice, Dan Richman,            Christmas”                                                  The Golden Gate Audubon Society was founded
Joyce Lehmann, Susan        Felix Rigau, Krehe &          Ilana DeBare, in honor of Eric Schroeder                    January 25, 1917. Golden Gate Audubon Supporting
Lessin, Jerry Levine,       Katherine Ritter, Mary        Willys DeVoll, in honor of Nick Peraino                     Membership is $35 per year. You can join or renew on
                                                          Susan Elwell, in honor of Carol Baxter: “Merry Christmas”
Judith Lewis, William       Roach, Drew Robarts,                                                                      the website or through our Berkeley office.
                                                          Trudy Ernst, in honor of Linda Carloni
& Toni Link, Steve          Deborah Robbins, Jane
                                                          Nancy Fee, in honor of Anna C.                              The Gull is published four times per year. Special
Linsley, Daniel Loeb,       And Bill Robbins, Judith
                                                          Becky Flanigan, in honor of Maureen Lahiff                  third-class postage paid in Oakland, CA. Send
Carole Lohr, Frawley        Robinson, Michael
                                                          Linda Fraley, in honor of Bruce Mast                        address changes to the office promptly. The post
Lynch, Robert and           Rodevich, Tiffany
                                                          Claire Ittner, in honor of Julia Bryan-Wilson               office does not forward The Gull.
Ruby MacDonald,             Rose, Susan Rosenthal,
                                                          Patricia Langenhahn, in honor of Douglas Hendricks
Chris MacIntosh,            Juliet Rothman, Karen                                                                     Learn about upcoming Golden Gate Audubon
                                                          Geraldine McLellan, in honor of Mrs. Carolee Care
Bruce Mackey, Carol         Roy, Helen Rubardt,                                                                       events every month! Send your name and email
                                                          John Palo & Heidi Rackley, in honor of Eric Schroeder
Maddison, Pamela            Mary Rudser, Laura            Norma Shulman, in honor of Carol Baird & Alan Harper        address to to
Magnuson-Peddle,            Russell, Marcia Russell,      Judi Sierra, in honor of Tam                                receive our monthly e-newsletters.
Hugh Mallaney, Tracy        Joyce Rybandt, Dawn                                                                       Golden Gate Audubon Society
Mallory, Suzanne Marr,      Satkowski, K Savage,
                                                          GIFTS IN MEMORY OF                                          2530 San Pablo Avenue, Suite G
George & Barbara            Elena Saxonhouse,             Margaret & Mike Bennett, in memory of Joann Lynch           Berkeley, CA 94702
Martin, Robert Martin,      Alan Schlobohm,               Richard Brandi, in memory of Melissa Bingham                Office hours: Office is closed due to Covid-19, but
Valerie and John            Jack Schnell, William         Janet Carpinelli, in memory of Shirley & Carl Carpinelli    we are reachable by office phone and email Monday
Matzger, Daniel Mc          Schnitzer, Linda              Catherine Chou, in memory of Dr. Henwell Chou               through Thursday, 9 am – 5 pm.
Namara, Maryann             Schowalter, Marilyn           Susan Cofffin, in memory of Allan Hirsch                    Telephone: 510.843.2222
McCall Taylor, Lawrence     Schrader, David               Susan Consey, in memory of Kevin Consey           
Mccort, Kerry McDaniel,     Schwartz, Cheryl              Karen & Russell Merritt, in memory of Kevin Consey
Jean McDonagh,              Schwartz, Yvonne              Donna Remak, in memory of Sally Martin Devor
Sean Mcgowan, Mary          Schwartz, Bruce Seidel,       Joyce Ryband, in memory of Charles Ryband                   Nature Store
McGowan, Patricia           Sherri Serino, Peter          Loretta Strickland, in memory of Wilson Wynn                Visit our online store at
McGuire, Bruce McGurk,      Seubert, Chris Shaheen,       Sherry Williams, in memory of Tomas Latham                  store.
Rebecca McKee,              Douglas Shamp, Irwin          James Williams, in memory of Margarite Williams             This issue of The Gull was published January 2021.

                                                                                                                                                spring 2021   THE GULL     7
Birders enter the electoral arena - Golden Gate Audubon Society
Golden Gate Audubon Society
            2530 San Pablo Avenue, Suite G                                                                                                                               Non-Profit Org.
            Berkeley, CA 94702                                                                                                                                            U.S. Postage
            Return service requested                                                                                                                                      Oakland, CA
                                                                                                                                                                         Permit No.1702

                                                               The Gull is printed with soy-based inks on chlorine-free paper, 30% postconsumer waste content.

            2 Habitat, or the Art of Birding During           4 Learning from the Feminist Bird Club                     5 Speaker Series
            A Pandemic                                        The Feminist Bird Club teaches us many ways                Don’t miss these presentations on net
            Words of encouragement from our                   invite diverse communities to birding here at              negative emissions in California, local
            Executive Director during difficult times.        GGAS.                                                      wetland restoration, and climate policy.

            backyard birder

                                                                                        peared, but the intensity of that gaze stayed with me. As members
                                                                                        of the tit family, Oak Titmice are some of the most intelligent
                                                                                        birds, after corvids (crows and jays) and parrots, and it shows in
                                                                                        their eyes.
                                                                                            Although Oak Titmice are year-round residents, they seem to
                                                                                        come and go from the yards around my home. I’m always delighted
                                                                                        when I hear their tsicka-dee-dee calls, high whistles, or emphatic
                                                                                        buzzing as they protect their territory. They’re forever bustling,
                                                                                        whether flitting through the pistachio tree or zooming to nearby
                                                                                        redwoods. When they finally stop to perch on the fence, their
                                                                                        upright crests make them look like tiny soldiers on a mission.
                                                                                            I watch pairs rustle through the trees (Oak Titmice mate for
                                                                                        life), often hanging upside down to forage. Sometimes one will sit
                                                                                        like a sentry, its dark eyes alert while its mate searches for insects.
Bob Lewis

                                                                                        They’re known to catch bugs in mid-air. They also feed on spiders,
                                                                                        berries, and seeds, and will happily visit birdfeeders.
            Oak Titmouse.
                                                                                            Known as “the voice and soul of the oaks,” Oak Titmice prefer
                               The Oak Titmouse                                         to nest in the cavities of oaks but will settle for holes in other trees,
                                                                                        will roost in clusters of leaves or pine needles, and even inhabit
                                          by gail kurtz                                 birdhouses. I wonder if they’ve taken up residence in my neighbor’s

                                                                                        redwoods, but I’m not sure.
                   ield guides often describe Oak Titmice as drab, nondescript,             I relish these energetic birds. I worry about them too. Although
                   and “plain as a bird can be.” But I light up every time I see one,   Oak Titmice are abundant in parts of their range (which runs from
            with its downy breast, taupe-colored body, and intense black eyes.          Southern Oregon through California to Baja), the population is
            Its tufted gray crest makes it appear cheerful and game for any-            declining due to habitat displacement and Sudden Oak Disease.
            thing, like a little gray Robin Hood.                                       I’ve decided to offer the Oak Titmice in my neighborhood a home.
               The first time I spied an Oak Titmouse it was practically bound-         I’ve ordered a birdhouse and a suet feeder. Hopefully soon they’ll
            ing along the branch of my neighbor’s pistachio tree, gleaming eyes         settle in, and I can continue enjoying these anything-but-drab
            focused on the feeder below. It eventually dove down and disap-             birds.

            8   THE GULL    spring 2021
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