Biogas from Waste - Clarke Energy

Page created by Louis Wheeler
Biogas from Waste - Clarke Energy
from Waste
Biogas from Waste - Clarke Energy
Biogas                                                                    Biogas from Waste                           Benefits of Waste Biogas Plants

from Waste                                                                Disposal and treatment of biological
                                                                          waste represent a major challenge
                                                                          for the waste industry. For a wide
                                                                                                                        Production of renewable power
                                                                                                                        Treatment of a waste material
                                                                                                                        Reduced carbon emissions
                                                                          range of organic substances from            — Economical embedded power
Clarke Energy is the authorised distributor and service                   agriculture, foodstuff of feed                production and reduced
partner for GE Energy’s gas engine division in a growing                  industries, anaerobic digestion is a          transmission losses
number of countries across the world. In addition to                      superior alternative to composting.         — Production of soil improver
                                                                          Biogas – a mixture of both methane          — Cost effective proven technology
providing high-efficiency, reliable gas engines we combine
                                                                          and carbon dioxide – is created
this with the expertise and resources to deliver unbeatable               during anaerobic digestion and
product support.                                                          serves as a high-energy renewable           Waste Feedstocks
                                                                          fuel that can be used as a substitute
Whether your requirement is for the supply of a single gas                for fossil fuels. Biogas-fuelled gas
engine generator or a complete turnkey power generation                   engines improve waste                       A variety of biodegradable waste
                                                                          management while maximising the             feedstocks can be used in digestion
facility, we can meet that need. Our ability to add value by              use of an economical energy supply.         facilities. At the outset the developer
offering an end-to-end service, from initial proposal to                                                              should consider what contaminants
reliable long-term maintenance, has led to us becoming a                                                              might be in this waste and how
multi-national company with operations in ten countries                   Biogas Creation                             could it affect the digestion process
across the globe. Our company prides itself on integrity,                                                             or the operation of the gas engines.
delivering only the highest quality products whilst providing
                                                                          Biogas results from anaerobic               Waste-based facilities range from
a reliable accountable localised service.                                 fermentation of organic materials.          simple systems for the digestion of
                                                                          As a metabolic product of the               contaminant free by products, such
Benefits of working with Clarke Energy                                    participating methanogens and               as those in the food preparation
Clarke Energy provides flexible solutions for your gas                    acidogenic bacteria, the                    industry, up to mixed waste
generation projects. Our services range from the supply of                prerequisites for its production are a      digestion facilities such as
                                                                          lack of oxygen, a pH value from 6.5         mechanical biological treatment
a gas engine generator, through to the complete turnkey
                                                                          to 7.5 and a constant temperature of        (MBT) facilities accepting household
installation of a gas powered generation facility. Clarke Energy          35-45°C (mesophilic) or 45-55°C             waste. MBT facilities include
has a dedicated, top-quality team of sales, engineering,                  (thermophilic). The digestion period        comprehensive pretreatment plants
project management, commissioning and maintenance staff                   or retention period is typically            or materials recovery facilties
to meet your needs. We also offer long-term maintenance                   between 10 and 30 days depending            (MRFs) to refine the waste materials
contracts backed up by a strong balance sheet, giving                     upon the type of digestion employed.        prior to digestion.
                                                                          The anaerobic digestion systems of
peace of mind with respect to the long-term performance
                                                                          today operate largely within the
of your GE gas generation equipment.                                      mesophilic temperature range.

                                                  Biogas from Waste Schematic

                                                                                                                               Exhaust gas


                                                                                           Gasometer                                Heat
                                                                                    Digester                                        exchanger
                                                            Gas flare                                                                             consumer

                                                  Biomass                                                                                         Electrical
                                                                                                       Raw fertiliser for                         energy
                                                                                                       agricultural use


                                                            Primary pit
Biogas from Waste - Clarke Energy
Conversion Steps from                         Gas Quality Considerations              GE Jenbacher and Biogas                          Our Competence
Waste to Power

The process of biogas generation is           The biogas may contain high levels      The broad range of GE Jenbacher                  Clarke Energy has extensive
divided into four steps:                      of water (humidity) and sulphur,        biogas engines is specifically                   experience in the engineering,
                                              depending upon the feedstock of         designed to run at full load with high           installation and maintenance of
1. Preparation of the input waste             the digester. Developers of biogas      efficiency and high availability,                generation facilities operating on
   material – including removal of            plants should consider the potential    despite a low heating value and                  gas derived from biological sources.
   physical contaminants, particle            for gas contamination when              fluctuating gas quality and pressure.
   size reduction & pasteurisation            designing their facility.               The high quality and specially                   The GE Jenbacher gas engine is
2. Digestion (fermentation),                                                          designed engine parts resist the                 known for having the highest levels
   consisting of hydrolysis,                  Please contact your local Clarke        impurities that usually appear in                of electrical efficiency on the market.
   acetogenesis, acidogenesis and             Energy sales office to provide you      biogas and similar types of fuel.                When coupled with a contractual
   methanogenesis                             with GE Energy’s technical                                                               maintenance agreement with Clarke
3. Conversion of the biogas to                instruction for fuel gas quality to     Before the biogas can be fed into                Energy, it will give peace of mind to
   renewable electricity and useful           understand the required specific        the gas engines, it needs to be dried            the customer that they will achieve
   heat                                       limits.                                 and compressed. Severe                           the highest levels availability and
4. Post-treatment of the digestate                                                    contaminants such as sulphur                     hence consistent returns from their
                                              Clarke Energy is able to supply fuel    should be removed if exceeding a                 biogas plant.
Initially the feedstock to the                gas treatment equipment either free     certain level. Not only will these
digesters is received in a primary pit        issue, or as part of a turnkey scope    measures considerably increase the
or liquid storage tank. From here it is       of supply. These typically include      availability of the generator, but they
loaded into the digester by various           carbon filters, gas dehumidifiers and   will also reduce the costs associated
different means depending upon the            gas boosters.                           with operation.
constitution of waste materials.
                                                                                      Please request a fuel gas quality
In the digestion tanks a series of                                                    specification to understand
biological processes are harnessed                                                    operational limits for gas
in order to produce biogas.                                                           contaminants in the generator’s fuel.
Hydrolysis is the process where the
organic material is solubilised into                                                  Waste based biogas systems
the digestion liquid. It then                                                         typically gain revenue in the form of
undergoes the intermediate steps of                                                   gate fees and from the sale of
acidogenesis and acetogenesis                                                         renewable electricity and heat. This
which create the precursor                                                            means that the gas engine is of
molecules for methanogenesis.                                                         particular importance for the
Methanogens feed off these                                                            success of the plant. Waste facilities
precursors and produce methane as                                                     are typically required to operate at
a cellular waste product.                                                             specific times of day and have limits
                                                                                      on the levels of waste that is
The biogas containing this                                                            permissible to be stored on site.
biologically-derived methane is                                                       These factors make it essential for
contained and captured in a gas                                                       the operator to have an engine with
storage tank which is located                                                         the maximum levels of availability
separately to the main digester, or                                                   (running time per year) and the
alternatively can form its roof. The                                                  highest levels of electrical efficiency,
gas storage tank acts as a buffer in                                                  in order to convert the gas to the
order to balance fluctuations in the                                                  maximum level of electrical output
production of gas in the digesters.                                                   and to ensure consistent plant

                                                                                      PDM Group (Refood) Doncaster, 2 x JGMC420 + waste heat boiler

Biogengreenfinch, Westwood, UK, 2 x JGMC320
If you would like to find out
more about how Clarke
Energy can help you
develop your waste sector
biogas project, please
contact your local office for
more details.

Algeria                         Ireland                         Tunisia

33 bis, rue des Pins            Unit 7                          Immeuble Saray
Hydra, Alger, Algérie           Newtown Business Park           1er étage – Bureau n°B.2
Tel. +213 2160 88 86            Newtownmountkennedy             Les Berges du Lac
Fax. +213 2169 35 01            County Wicklow                  1053 Tunis, Tunisie       Ireland                         Tel. +216 (0)71 65 50 62
                                Tel. +353 (0)1 281 0010         Fax. +216 (0)71 65 50 59
                                Fax. +353 (0)1 281 0520

Building 1                                                      UK Head Office
2-4 Stirling Street             New Zealand
Thebarton                                                       Power House
South Australia 5031            Unit 5                          Senator Point
Adelaide                        56 Pavilion Drive               South Boundary Road
Australia                       Airpark II                      Knowsley Industrial Park
Tel. +61(0)8 8290 2100          Mangere                         Liverpool L33 7RR
Fax. +61(0)8 8443 5848          Auckland 2022                   United Kingdom     New Zealand                     Tel. +44 (0)151 546 4446
                                Tel. +64 (9) 256 9910           Fax. +44 (0)151 546 4447
                                Fax. +64 (9) 256 9912 

Lotus Kamal Tower TWO
Level -16                       Nigeria
59 & 61, Gulshan South Avenue
Gulshan-1                       28, Joel Ogunnaike Street
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh          GRA
Tel. +88–02–9841638             Ikeja
              9857355           Lagos
              9898837           Nigeria
Fax. +88–02–8826530             Tel. +234 (0)181 567 23

France                          South Africa
Z. A. de la Malle               Mozambique
Bouc Bel Air 13320              PO Box 1535
France                          Link Hills 3652
Tel. +33 (0)4 42 90 75 75       KwaZulu-Natal
Fax. +33 (0)4 42 90 75 76       South Africa        Tel. +27 31 763 3222
                                Fax. +27 31 763 3041

Shivkiran, Plot No. 160         Tanzania
CTS No. 632
Lane No.4                       Regus Centre
Dahanukar Colony                7th Floor
Kothrud                         Amani Place
Pune 411038                     Ohio Street, PO Box 38568
India                           Dar es Salaam
Tel. +91 20 30241777            Tanzania
Fax. +91 20 30241800            Tel. +255 (0) 222 196817
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