Big Train, Big Experience - Connection Newspapers

Page created by Derrick Carpenter
Big Train, Big Experience - Connection Newspapers
Shirley Povich interviews Walter
                                                                                     Johnson, and you can perch on
                                                                                     the bench with them.
v Kenny Lourie, Page 11
v Education, Page 9
Real Estate, Page 2

                                Big Train, Big Experience
                                                 Page 3

 Photo by Ken Moore

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photos from Bright MLS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              April, 2022 Top Sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In April, 2022, 68 Potomac homes sold
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        between $4,050,000-$733,000.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7 6 Hartman Court
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   — $2,050,000

                                                                                                      2 10818 Red Barn Lane — $3,700,000

                                                                                                  4 10901 Burbank Drive                                                                                                                                                                                            6 9308
                                                                                                                                     — $2,520,000                                                                                                                                                                  Mercy Hollow Lane
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   — $2,318,000
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                                                                                                                                                                                                   Address..................................BR FB HB Postal City .....Sold Price... Type ........Lot AC . Postal Code ... Subdivision....... Date Sold

                                                                                         3                             MacAth                         495                                           1 9919 LOGAN DR .................. 7 .. 7 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $4,050,000 ... Detached .. 1.15........ 20854 .........POTOMAC ....... 04/27/22
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                                                                                                                                                                                                    2 10818 RED BARN LN ............ 6 ... 8 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $3,700,000 ... Detached .. 2.04........ 20854 .........POTOMAC ........ 04/29/22

                                                                                                                               o   n Rd.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    3 10617 MACARTHUR BLVD . 6 ... 7 ...1 ....POTOMAC . $2,575,000 ... Detached .. 0.58........ 20854 .........POTOMAC ........ 04/22/22

                                                                                                                                                                                                    4 10901 BURBANK DR ........... 5 ... 4 ...1 ....POTOMAC . $2,520,000 ... Detached .. 2.23........ 20854 ..POTOMAC MANOR . 04/08/22
                                                                                                                                                                                                    5 9012 BELMART RD ............. 5 ... 5 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $2,475,000 ... Detached .. 2.07........ 20854 ... POTOMAC FALLS ... 04/29/22

                                                                                                                                                                                                    6 9308 MERCY HOLLOW LN... 5 ... 4 ...1 ....POTOMAC . $2,318,000 ... Detached .. 1.82........ 20854 .. POTOMAC OUTSIDE . 04/21/22

                                                                                                                                                                                                    7 6 HARTMAN CT .................. 6 ... 3 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $2,050,000 ... Detached .. 0.56........ 20854 ..... MCAULEY PARK.... 04/05/22
                                                                                                                                                                                                    8 10701 BALANTRE LN .......... 6 ... 7 ...1 ....POTOMAC . $2,001,000 ... Detached .. 2.38........ 20854 POTOMAC VIEW ESTS 04/29/22

                                                                                                                                                                                                    9 10514 UNITY LN ................. 4 ... 4 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $2,000,000 ... Detached .. 2.49........ 20854 ...NONE AVAILABLE .. 04/29/22
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Copyright 2022 MarketStats for ShowingTime. Source: Bright MLS as of April 30, 2022.
                                                                                                      3 10617 MacArthur Boulevard — $2,575,000                                                             

              2 v Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
       PB v Potomac Almanac v July 28 - August 3, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Big Train, Big Experience - Connection Newspapers
Big Train, Big Expectations
We knew them when …
                  By Ken Moore         lo remembers being asked.
                      The Almanac         “Is the Pope Catholic?” he said.
                                          ”Everything he did, he worked

        efore Hunter Renfroe be-       for,” said Colangelo.
        came an outfielder for the        Renfroe set records the next year
        San Diego Padres, Tampa        that still stand in the Big Train re-
        Bay Rays, Boston Red Sox       cord books: 16 home runs and 53
and now the Milwaukee Brew-            runs batted in.
ers, his “host mom” Becky Crow-           “Hunter, I can’t keep up,” Crow-
ley promised him a steak dinner        ley said of the steak dinners.
whenever he hit a home run for
the Bethesda Big Train at Cabin       BIG     TRAIN       HISTORIAN
John Park’s Shirley Povich Field.  Bill Hickman keeps track of how
  Renfroe hit 8 home runs and      Ren-froe and other Big Train
batted .305 the first year he played
                                   Alum-ni are doing in MLB, the
for the Big Train in 2011. After his
                                   minor leagues, and other levels of
next season at Mississippi State,  profes-sional baseball.
he had opportunities to play in the   Other players Hickman keeps an
                                                  eye on in the Major

                                                                                                                                                                                   Photos by Mary Kimm
                                                  Leagues this season
Q: ‘Do you have a                                 include Ty France, a
                                                  first baseman with
spot for [Hunter]?’ …                             the Seattle Mari-
                                                  ners and a 2013
A: ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’                        Big Train player;
                                                  his teammate Logan
“I have the best college                          Gilbert, a pitcher
                                                  with the Mariners            More than 260,000 people have watched Bethesda Big Train baseball at Shirley Povich Field since
baseball job in America.”                         who played on the            1999, with crowds averaging between 500-750 people per game.
                              — Sal Colangelo 2016 Big Train;
                                                  Brandon Lowe with
                                                  the Tampa Bay Rays
Cape Cod Baseball League and for (2014 Big Train); David McKay
Team USA in the Olympics.          (2015 Big Train) with the New
   But Renfroe chose to return to York Yankees; and Joe Mantiply,
Bethesda and the Big Train, and to pitcher with the Arizona Diamond-
Crowley, his “host mom” in Olney. backs (2010 Big Train).
Big Train’s Manager Sal Colangelo     After 22 seasons, 43 percent
vividly remembers receiving a call of Big Train players continued to
from Renfroe’s college coaches be- play professional baseball; 17 have
fore the next Big Train Season.    made it to the major leagues.
   “Hunter wants to come back. Do     “The biggest thrill was the very
you have a spot for him,” Colange-           See Big Train, Page 6

                                                                               “We didn’t pick 750 seats because we were clairvoyant. Truth be told, we picked 750 seats because that
2022 Home Games                                                                was what we could afford,” according to Big Train documents.

Shirley Povich Field
10600 Westlake Drive
Cabin John Regional Park
  Thursday, June 16, D.C. Grays, 7 p.m.
  Saturday, June 18, Gaithersburg Giants, 7 p.m.
  Sunday, June 19, Silver Spring-Takoma Thunderbolts, 7 p.m.
  Saturday, June 25, Alexandria Aces, 7 p.m.
  Thursday, June 30, Olney Cropdusters, 7 p.m.
  Saturday, July 2, Gaithersburg Giants, 7 p.m.
  Sunday, July 3, D.C. Grays, 7 p.m.
  Tuesday, July 5, All-Star Game, 7 p.m.
  Thursday, July 7, Silver Spring-Takoma Thunderbolts, 7 p.m.
  Saturday, July 9, Metro SOCO Braves, 7 p.m.
  Wednesday, July 13, Gaithersburg Giants, 7 p.m.
  Friday, July 15, Metro SOCO Braves, 7 p.m.
  Saturday, July 16, Olney Cropdusters, 7 p.m.
  Monday, July 18, D.C. Grays, 7 p.m.                                                                            Scoreboard at Shirley Povich Field Saturday, June 11. Follow Bethes-
  Thursday, July 21, Alexandria Aces, 7 p.m.                                   Bruce Adams.                      da Big Train on twitter @BethesdaBigTrain.                                                                                                            Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022 v 3
Big Train, Big Experience - Connection Newspapers
Concerts and Fireworks Shows in Germantown and Kensington

               ontgomery County will host
               two Independence Day fire-
               works displays this year, one
               on Saturday, July 2 and the
other on Monday, July 4.
   “It’s great to be able to gather again and
enjoy the fireworks and celebrations,” said
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich.
“I know they have been missed by so many.
These are the first in several years; we’re
thrilled to return and we have so appreciat-
ed everyone’s cooperation and understand-
ing of the need to protect public health.
Have a safe and happy 4th of July.”
   The Independence Day celebrations will
take place at the following locations:
   v July 2: Mid-County Sparkles at Albert
Einstein High School, located at 11135 New-
port Road in Kensington
   v July 4: Germantown Glory at South Ger-
mantown Recreational Park, located at 18041
Central Park Circle in Germantown (Boyds)

   Mid-County Sparkles will begin at 6 p.m.
on Saturday, July 2 with a concert by Joe Fale-
ro Band, a Latin Jazz band. Quiet Fire, a soul,
rhythm and blues and rock band, will take the
stage at 7:30 p.m. The only parking available
on-site at Einstein High School will be for in-
dividuals with disabilities. Free parking and
shuttle service will be provided from Westfield
Wheaton, located at 11160 Veirs Mill Road.
Parking at Westfield Wheaton will open at
5:30 p.m. Event goers who park at Westfield
Wheaton prior to 5:30 p.m. may be subject to       the directional signs for free on-site parking.   both locations. Alcoholic beverages and pets     accommodations, contact a therapeutic rec-
towing by the property owner. Shuttle service        The fireworks displays will begin at ap-        are not permitted.                               reation specialist at 240-777-6870 or email
will begin at 5:30 p.m. Follow the directional     proximately 9:15 p.m. at both celebrations.         Sign language interpreter services and
signs for event parking and shuttles.              The timing of the fireworks shows may             other auxiliary aids or services will be pro-       Montgomery County Recreation thanks
                                                   change due to weather conditions. Low lawn        vided upon request with as much notice as        its sponsors the Maryland Soccerplex, Mont-
  Germantown Glory will kick off on July 4 at      chairs, blankets and coolers are welcome at       possible, preferably at least three business     gomery Parks and Westfield Wheaton for
7 p.m. also with a concert by Quiet Fire. Follow   both events. There will be food vendors at        days before the event. To request special        their support.

25th Juneteenth Celebration
          ontgomery County’s 25th June-                                                                                                               ily and will take place throughout the Black-
          teenth Celebration will be held at                                                                                                          Rock Center campus. There will be food
          the BlackRock Center for the Arts                                                                                                           trucks too.
from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. on Saturday, June 18.                                                                                                               Special Guest Rare Essence will perform,
This will mark the first official observance of                                                                                                       along with other musical and artistic sur-
Juneteenth as both a national and County                                                                                                              prises.The Montgomery County Office of
paid holiday.                                                                                                                                         Human Rights, the Human Rights Commis-
   The BlackRock Center is located at 12901                                                                                                           sion, Friends of the Human Rights Com-
Town Commons Dr. in Germantown.                                                                                                                       mission and the County Executive’s African
   The celebration is a free, family-friend-                                                                                                          American Advisory Group are coordinating
ly event, but an RSVP is encouraged to                                                                                                                the program.
receive a day-of-event reminder email                                                                                                                    “The end of slavery not only meant free-
with the direct link to the event and any                                                                                                             dom for a people, it meant freedom for a
additional announcements. An RSVP can                                                                                                                 nation,” said Office of Human Rights Di-
be made at                                                                                                                rector James Stowe. “However, nothing
e/2022-juneteenth-journey-to-freedom-tick-                                                                                                            is guaranteed — as we see efforts at voter
ets-316992431897.                                                                                                                                     suppression nationwide, confrontation with
                                                                                                                                                      law enforcement and excessive force issues
  Juneteenth commemorates the 157th an-                                                                                                               for Black and Brown people, social justice
niversary of the events of June 19, 1865.          the United States.                                to recognize equality through education, art,    crisis and an attempted insurrection and
On that day, Union General Gordon Grang-             The County event will feature an award          dance, music and honoring elders.                end of our democracy. This is a must attend
er and 2,000 Federal troops arrived in Gal-        recognition ceremony and Juneteenth-in-              New this year, the festivities will include   program for every freedom-loving member
veston, Tex., to take possession of the state      spired food. This year’s “Journey to Free-        “Trail of Knowledge” educational passport        of our community. … So come on out and
and enforce the emancipation of its enslaved       dom,” will hold a theme of “Memorialize           activities — a historical journey of African     bring your entire family for a full day of ed-
people. The anniversary today is known as          the Struggle, Celebrate the Successes and         American Music and artistic entertainment.       ucation, fun, good food, music, art and en-
Juneteenth and is celebrated widely across         Secure Justice.” The celebration is designed      All activities are designed for the whole fam-   tertainment.”
4 v Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022                                                                                                              
Big Train, Big Experience - Connection Newspapers

                   . CURBSIDE PICK UP .
               . CONTACT-FREE DELIVERY .                                    Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022 v 5
Big Train, Big Experience - Connection Newspapers

Big Train in Our Local Park
From Page 3
first time,” said Hickman, referring     “We were seeing these college players
to John Maine, who was drafted
and played for the Baltimore Ori-        play in this small ball park in front
oles, New York Mets and Miami
Marlins, and was a 2000 Big Train        of 750 people and now they’re going
   “The feeling that we were seeing      to play before 30,000 to 40,000 in the
these college players play in this
small ball park in front of 750 peo-     major leagues. Wow!”
ple and now they’re going to play                                          — Bill Hickman, Big Train historian
before 30,000 to 40,000 in the ma-
jor leagues. Wow!” he said.              said. “He’s a lot prouder of his save       “It’s an enormous boon to the
                                         than his win.”                           community,” said Hickman. “Not
CROWLEY HAS TRAVELED to see                                                       only do people get to see base-
Hunter Renfroe at Fenway, at Wrig- BRUCE ADAMS also had a dream ball, professional caliber baseball
ley, in San Francisco and Cincin- and vision. Adams, a former Mont- in the summer, there are so many
nati, and has a goal to see all 50 gomery County Councilmember non-profit organizations that get
states while watching him and oth- (and Director of Office of Commu- to come out and get in front of the
er players she has hosted. She trav- nity Partnerships for more than a microphone, to set up tables and
eled across the country to see him decade), co-founded the Ripken promote what they do in the com-
as he was rising through the minor League, co-founded the Bethesda munity.”
league ranks to the big leagues.         Big Train with John Oursiman, and           Saturday night, June 11, the
   “Hunter deserves everything he’s led the construction of Shirley Po-           featured    nonprofit was Nourishing
getting, he’s a wonderful guy,” said vich Field.                                  Bethesda,      which provides drive-
Crowley, who has been honored by            This season is the 23rd season of     through    family   food distribution at                                                                                               At the dedication ceremony, Shirley Povich’s son Maury Povich
the Big Train for hosting a                                                                    BCC Rescue Squad every                                                                                                    said if his father had the choice to sit next to anyone other than
player every season since                                                                      Friday, 1-3 p.m., while                                                                                                   family for eternity it would have been Walter Johnson. Maury
                               Celebrating Diversity Nights

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Photos by Mary Kimm
2001.                                                                                          supplies last. 301-654-                                                                                                   Povich said his father believed that the Senator pitcher was
   The San Diego Padres                                                                        7767 https://www.nour-                                                                                                    “the most honest, the most humble and the most human of any
selected Renfroe with           v The Bethesda Big Train has retired the numbers                                                                                                                     athlete he had ever been around.”
the 13th pick in the 2013 of Jackie Robinson (No. 42), Roberto Clemente (No.
MLB Draft.                    21) and Hank Greenberg (No. 5). This season, the team COLANGELO HAS LED
   “I loved when he played held the inaugural Clarence ‘Pint’ Isreal Juneteenth the Big Train to nine
in the minor leagues, Classic on Sunday, June 12; Israel was star in the Negro regular season titles and
too,” she said.               Leagues who was from Rockville.                                  eight league champion-        Toby Mendez sculpture of famous Washington sports journalist Shir-
                                vSister Cities Night, Saturday, June 25, 7 p.m., will ships with a regular sea-              ley Povich interviewing Walter “Big Train” Johnson became a fixture                                                                                              It’s a great atmosphere for an afternoon or evening out with friends and family. Tickets are $10.
IN THE MAJOR LEAGUES honor Montgomery County’s sister cities and the 50th son record of 434 wins                             in Shirley Povich stadium last November.
last year, Renfroe hit 31 Anniversary of Title IX.                                             and 177 losses for a .710
home runs and had 96            v   Big  Train Pride  Night, Thursday,  June  30, 7 p.m.,      average and a national
runs batted in for the        the first Pride  Night at Shirley Povich Field.                  championship.
Boston Red Sox. He hit          v Native American Baseball, Wednesday, July 6, 7                  “I have the best college
33 home runs for the San p.m., an exhibition game with the Virginia based Native baseball job in America,”
Diego Padres in 2019. American National Baseball Team.                                         he said. “I’m blessed that
This season, as a Milwau-       v   Jewish   Baseball Heritage  Night, Thursday,   July  7,    Bruce trusted me to run
kee Brewer, he has hit 10 7 p.m. Featuring documentary filmmaker Aviva Kemp- the team since 2005.”
home runs in 45 games, ner who will discuss her classic baseball films, The Life                  Collegiate      Summer
as of Monday, June 13,        and   Times   of  Hank  Greenberg   and  The   Spy  Behind       Baseball  Register  ranked
including one on Tuesday,     Home    Plate.                                                   the   Ripken   League    as
June 7, the opening of          v First Annual Roberto Clemente Community Ser- the third and fifth best
this year’s Big Train sea- vice Day, Saturday, July 9, 7 p.m. Tribute to Latin Base- league in summer col-
son at Cabin John and his ball Night.                                                          lege baseball in 2018
first game back from the                                                                       and 2019. Big Train was
injured reserve because of                                                                     ranked the nation’s num-
a hamstring injury.                      the Bethesda Big Train at Shirley        ber  six team   in 2019, highest of any
   Manager Colangelo isn’t sur- Povich Field.                                     summer      team   in the country that
prised when his former players              He calls the Big Train experi-        wasn’t   with   the  Cape Cod League.
make it to the Big Leagues. “I usu- ence, “small town charm and Big In 2011, Perfect Game USA named
ally think, ‘Wow,’ this is amazing League talent.”                                Big Train the nation’s top summer
that this young man gets to live out        Adams co-founded the Bethesda college team.
his dreams,” he said.                    Community Baseball Club in 1998             About 197 Big Train Alumni
   Hickman is doing research on with the mission to improve youth made it to pro ball, somewhere.
a project of pitchers in the Major fields in Montgomery County and Four became first-round picks, four
Leagues who have just one win.           Washington D.C. Big Train has in- were second-round picks and 3
   One of Hickman’s favorite stories vested more than $600,000 to im- were third-round picks to MLB.
is 2011 Big Train alumni Ryan Gar- prove baseball and softball fields.               About 159 colleges have had
ton, a pitcher who made his major           In 2010, Adams initiated the          players    come to play for the Big
league debut on May 26, 2016 for Ripken League’s annual Feed the                  Train.
the Tampa Bay Rays. Garton had Hungry Challenge that has collect-                    “Players are the best recruiters,”
one win and one save, according to ed more than 27 tons of food for said Colangelo. “You build these
Hickman.                                 the Manna Food Center. https:// relationships because they know                     Plaque for the Toby Mendez sculpture of sports journalist Shirley
  “A Cinderella story,” Hickman                         See Baseball Around, Page 8              Povich interviewing Walter “Big Train” Johnson.                                             A young fan gets up close and personal with Shirley Povich.
6 v Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022 v 7
Big Train, Big Experience - Connection Newspapers

Baseball Around the Corner
From Page 7
you’re going to treat them right.”
   In addition to the 17 play-
ers from the Big Train who have
made it to the Major Leagues, an
additional 22 alumni have played
with Major League teams in spring
training games. Also, after 15 sea-
sons, 440 Ripken League alumni

                                                                                                                          Photos by Mary Kimm
have been drafted by major league
teams and thirteen players have
signed as free agents.
   Some players use experiences
they gain in the summer in Bethes-
da for different careers. “I real-
ly enjoy seeing what happens to
the players after they leave,” said
                                        Fans can get this close to the action.
Hickman. “It gives me a positive
outlook.”                               organized our vacations and activi-           When she describes watching
                                        ties with what was happening with          the Big Train, she describes the
                                                                                                                                                Ice cream is a hit. You can also get hot dogs, pizza, and more.
SUCCESS OF THE BIG TRAIN,               the Big Train schedule,” said Wald-        vision Bruce Adams had when he
“all starts with the host family,”      man. “We kept doing it because we          founded the team.
said Coach Colangelo.
   Emily Waldman and her family
                                        enjoyed the experience.”
                                           Crowley remembers her first
                                                                                      “It’s like being in a small town,
                                                                                   it’s a wonderful baseball, and you
                                                                                                                                                Big Train Major League Players (So Far)
hosted their first Big Train player     two players back in 2001, she calls        meet these wonderful people,” she                            John Maine, 2000 Big Train          Cody Allen, 2008 Big Train
in 2013. Now, she is the co-host        them by first name, Chris (Welsch)         said.                                                          Baltimore Orioles                   Cleveland Indians
family coordinator with Amy Ma-         and Brady (Glass).                            At Big Train games, “everyone                               New York Mets                       Los Angeles Angels
tush and helps find families inter-        “They got me a book and taught          talks, everyone is interested in all                           Miami Marlins                       MLB Debut: July 20, 2012
ested in hosting Big Train players      me how to score a game,” said Crow-        the players and I have inside infor-                           Major League Baseball Debut:
for the summer.                         ley. “You watch the game differently       mation,” she said. “It’s good base-                          July 23, 2004                       Matt Bowman,
   “The closeness that Becky feels      and people start talking to you.”          ball, it’s fun.”                                                                                 2010-2012 Big Train
with her players is not unique,”           Waldman calls the volunteer work           Crowley lives closer to the Big                           Steve Schmoll,                        St. Louis Cardinals
said Waldman.                           that host families do “a leap of faith,”   Train competitor, the Olney Crop-                            2000 Big Train                        Cincinnati Reds
   “There’s no financial incentive,     and not just for the families hosting      dusters, but she and Bruce Adams                               Los Angeles Dodgers                 MLB Debut: April 6, 2016
so the people who want to host re-      the players, but for the players and       have a deal.                                                   MLB Debut: April 6, 2005
ally want to host. The families tend    the players’ parents, too.                    “Bruce says, ‘You’re staying with                                                             Ryan Garton, 2011 Big Train
to be really excited about doing it,”      Crowley wanted her players to           me,’” she said.                                              Charlton Jimerson,                    Tampa Bay Rays
she said.                               be able to just focus on baseball             Colangelo and Crowley have                                1999 Big Train                        Seattle Mariners
   Waldman got involved partly          while they are here in Bethesda.           their own deal, said Colangelo,                                Houston Astros                      MLB Debut: May 26, 2016
because she remembers her fami-         And now Crowley focuses on base-           who has been the Big Train’s man-                              Seattle Mariners
ly hosting opera singers when she       ball here in Bethesda and through-         ager since 2005.                                               MLB Debut: Sept. 14, 2005         Joe Mantiply, 2010 Big Train
was growing up and wanted her           out the country as her players                “She does anything and every-                                                                   Detroit Tigers
children, who played baseball, to       make it to the minor leagues or be-        thing for the kids. She has the big-                         Bobby Livingston,                     New York Yankees
have a similar type of experience.      come adults doing whatever they            gest heart, she really becomes a                             2001 Big Train                        Arizona Diamondbacks
   “We would go to every game at        do.                                        Mom to them,” said Colangelo.                                  Seattle Mariners                    MLB Debut: Sept. 3, 2016
home, a lot of away games, that            “I can’t tell you how many wed-            “We have a deal; when she re-                               Cincinnati Reds
was our evenings. It meant that we      dings I’ve been to,” she said.             tires, I retire,” he said.                                     MLB Debut: April 25, 2006         Hunter Renfroe,
                                                                                                                                                                                    2011-2012 Big Train
                                                                                                                                                Dirk Hayhurst,                        San Diego Padres
                                                                                                                                                2001 Big Train                        Boston Red Sox
                                                                                                                                                  San Diego Padres                    Tampa Bay Rays
                                                                                                                                                  Toronto Blue Jays                   Milwaukee Brewers
                                                                                                                                                  MLB Debut: Aug. 23, 2008            MLB Debut: Sept. 21, 2016

                                                                                                                                                Michael McKenry,                    Brandon Lowe, 2014 Big Train
                                                                                                                                                2004 Big Train                        Tampa Bay Rays
                                                                                                                                                  Colorado Rockies                    MLB Debut: Aug. 5, 2018
                                                                                                                                                  Pittsburgh Pirates
                                                                                                                                                  St. Louis Cardinals               Ty France, 2013 Big Train
                                                                                                                                                  MLB Debut: Sept. 8, 2010            San Diego Padres
                                                                                                                                                                                      Seattle Mariners
                                                                                                                                                Brian Dozier,                         MLB Debut: April 26, 2019
                                                                                                                                                006 Big Train
                                                                                                                                                  Minnesota Twins                   David McKay, 2015 Big Train
                                                                                                                                                  Los Angeles Dodgers                 Seattle Mariners
                                                                                                                                                  Washington Nationals                Detroit Tigers
                                                                                                                                                  New York Mets                       New York Yankees (40-man roster)
                                                                                                                                                  MLB Debut: May 7, 2012              MLB Debut: May 20, 2019

                                                                                                                                                Mike Costanzo, 2                    Logan Gilbert, 2016 Big Train
                                                                                                                                                003 Big Train                         Seattle Mariners
Baylor Cobb, catcher from Louisiana Tech, at bat for the Big Train Saturday night, June 11, against the                                           Cincinnati Reds                     MLB Debut: May 13, 2021
Alexandria Aces.                                                                                                                                  MLB Debut: May 13, 2012                   * Source: Bethesda Big Train
8 v Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022                                                                                                                                   
Big Train, Big Experience - Connection Newspapers
Prepare Aspiring Biologists for International Competition
Top high school biology students prepare
for USA Biolympiad (USABO) competition.
                   By Marilyn Campbell          them for the competition.”
                           The Connection          The instruction that students received in-
                                                cluded day trips to get hands-on experience

              arymount University hosted 20     with the lessons they were studying. “One
              of the nation’s brightest high    of the most amazing excursions for these
              school biology students earlier   students was a field trip out to a local lake,
              this month for the USA Biolym-    where they got the opportunity to set tur-
piad (USABO) competition. The group re-         tle traps and then return the following day
ceived ten days of rigorous science instruc-    to see what they were able to catch,”said
tion, lab training and testing. They were       Rimkus. “When we pull up a net with over
vying for a chance to become one of the four    100 pounds of different types of turtles, in-
gold medalists who will represent the U.S. at   cluding large snapping turtles, the students
the International Biology Olympiad in Yere-     are amazed. They learn that not all science
van, Armenia from July 10-18.                   happens in a lab, and many areas of science
   The students, including Lynn Tao of          that they may have never considered in the
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science        past may contain the kinds of questions they
and Technology in Alexandria and others         would want to try to answer.”
were chosen from more than 11,000 stu-             The students were also able to watch an                                                          Photo courtesy Marymount University
dents who registered to participate in USA-     open heart surgery as part of the INOVA           Biology students attend rigorous classes at Marymount University as part of a
BO’s national biology exams.                    Dome Experience program. “Our students at         competition to represent the U.S. at the International Biology Olympiad in Yerevan,
   “We start with the 20 who have placed        Marymount in the Nursing and Biology ma-          Armenia. For the Information on 2023USA Biolympiad (USABO) visit: https://www.
highest on the national test, and we put        jors get an opportunity to see these surgeries
them through a rigorous week of intense         on a pretty regular basis,” said Rimkus. “It
refresher courses and offer them new ways       is always a wonderful experience to see the       cellence in Education (CEE) and Marymount     ton, D.C., means that they were looking for
to work through the problems of science,”       surgeons and nurses work with such care           also hosted their scholars in 2018, 2015      a University with expertise in the biological
said Todd Rimkus, Ph.D, Director of Mary-       and expertise. USABO students always ask          and 2014. “[We] have a longstanding rela-     sciences. “Our finalists have received many
mount’s School of Science, Mathematics and      great questions of our hosts at the hospitals.”   tionship with CEE,” said Rimkus.“Our close    gold medals … so I am confident that this
Engineering.“Our mission was to prepare            USABO is managed by The Center for Ex-         proximity to their headquarters in Washing-   group is ready to achieve similar outcomes.”

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   To request a vote-by-mail ballot        If you decide you want to vote      over a stream for more than an
online please follow the link Vot-      in person instead of receiving a       hour observing two 7-year-old
er Registration and Mail-In Ballot      vote-by-mail ballot you will need      boys playing loudly in the creek.
Request or text the word VBM to         to contact your local board of elec-
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Maryland Mail-in Ballot Request            Bauer Drive Community Recre-
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ty Board of Elections. https://         ation Center             Germantown Community Recre-
documents/Mail-in%20Ballot%20           ation Center
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   To request a vote-by-mail ballot     reation Center
in person, please visit Montgomery         Marilyn J. Praisner Community
County Board of Elections, 18753        Recreation Center
N. Frederick Avenue, Suite 210,            Mid-County Community Recre-
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879            ation Center
   A registered voter may request a        Montgomery County Executive
mail-in ballot ​by submitting a writ-   Office Building
ten request and returning it to ​the       Nancy H. Dacek North Potomac
Board of Elections, if i​t includes:    Community Recreation Center
   the voter’s name and residence          Potomac Community Recreation
address;                                Center
   the address to which the ballot is      Sandy Spring Volunteer Fire De-
to be mailed, if different from the     partment Station 4
residence address;                         Silver Spring Civic Building at
   voter’s signature                    Veterans Plaza
                                           Wheaton Library & Community
Permanent Vote By Mail List             Recreation Center
  If you want to receive a Vote-By-        White Oak Community Recre-
Mail ballot for all future elections,   ation Center
you can sign up for the permanent          For information on the approved
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mark on your vote-by-mail appli-        operation, go to the Early Voting
cation ‘I would like to receive a       Information page https://www.
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  Once you sign up, we will send        ingCenters.html
10 v Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022                                                                                                 
Big Train, Big Experience - Connection Newspapers
Bulletin                              Submit civic/community announcements at
                                     Photos and artwork welcome.                                                                 One Small Step
                                              Deadline is Thursday at noon, at least two weeks before event.

SUNDAY/JUNE 19                                                          Health Symposium for healthcare providers, Pride
                                                                                                                                POTOMAC                                     for Humankind …
Waltz Dance. 3:30-6 p.m. At the Spanish Ballroom at
  Glen Echo Park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd., Glen Echo.
                                                                        on the Page Book Talk with local author Eric Nguy-
                                                                        en, and a Pop-up of the Maryland Trans Resilience
                                                                                                                                                                            By KENNETH B. LOURIE
  Featuring the ensemble Sugar Beat playing a lively                    Conference, organized by Trans Maryland. A full 
  mix of folk waltzes with a few other couple dances,                   list of events can be found at PrideInThePlaza.
  including Hambo, Schottische, Swing, Tango, and                       com/Events.                                                  Twitter @PotomacAlmanac                    … One Giant Step for Yours Truly. I hope
  Polka. The 45-minute dance lesson begins at 2:45                   To encourage residents to attend multiple events, the                                                  so, anyway. And what am I giant-stepping
                                                                        County has created a “Passport to Pride.” Those               Newspaper of Potomac
  p.m. with a half-hour introductory Waltz workshop                                                                                                                         about? The Entenmann’s selection at my local
                                                                        who attend and get their passports stamped at                 A Connection Newspaper
  and a more advanced move presented the last 15                                                                                                                            supermarket. After years of disappointment and
  minutes. Social dancing follows until 6 pm. Admis-                    three or more Pride in the Plaza events will be en-                                                 of suffering in silence concerning the same
                                                                                                                                 An independent, locally owned weekly
  sion is $15, $5 for full-time students with student                   tered to win one of 10 grand prizes. The passport                                                   old-same old choices, I am planning this week
                                                                                                                                          newspaper delivered
  ID. No partner required For more information, call                    can be found online here or picked up at any Pride                                                  to introduce myself to the store’s manager
                                                                                                                                       to homes and businesses.
  Joan Koury at 202-238-0230 or Glen Echo Park at                       in the Plaza event.                                                                                 to inquire about the possibility of changing
  301-634-2222, go to or                                                                                        1606 King Street                    the Entenmann’s selection to some varieties
  e-mail                                   SUMMER READING CHALLENGE BEGINS                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314               more to my liking. Specifically adding: the
                                                                     The Montgomery County Public Libraries’ Summer                                                         “Marshmallow Iced Devil’s Food Cake” and the
MONDAY/JUNE 20                                                          Reading Challenge is scheduled to begin on                  Free digital edition delivered to       “Chocolate Chip Iced Cake,” and any glazed
Juneteenth Celebration. 4-7 p.m. At The Circle, Scot-                   Wednesday, June 15. This year’s theme is “Oceans                 your email box. Go to              “Holiday Sprinkled Pop’ems” as well.
   land Drive, Potomac.                                                 of Possibilities.” Children and teens are invited to             To say I speak from experience goes without
Featuring history, fun and music. Featuring a basket-                   sign up online or in-person at any branch.                                                          saying to anybody who knows me. For those
   ball shootout, slam dunk contest and cash prizes.                 MCPL’s Summer Reading Challenge! offers children                                                       of you who don’t know me, know this: when
   Special presentation of African dancers. Activities                  and teens a chance to fill their summer with
                                                                                                                                                                            it comes to chocolate desserts, I am a maven
   for kids include moon bounce, face painting, tat-                    great books and fun learning activities, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                            (Yiddish for expert). I wouldn’t say exactly that
   toos, crafts and games.                                              in-person and virtual events. This year, MCPL and
                                                                                                                                                                            I’ve written the book, but I can say I’ve con-
                                                                        the Chesapeake Bay Foundation are greening up               EDITOR & PUBLISHER
                                                                        Summer Reading by keeping plastic out of the                     Mary Kimm                          tributed a few chapters. Thanks to my mother’s
SUNDAY/JUNE 26                                                                                                                                                              feeling that her two boys needed to drink eight
In honor of Pride Month, Montgomery County will                         waste stream. As children read and complete   
                                                                        missions, MCPL will help plant trees, restore oyster             @MaryKimm                          glasses of milk daily for healthy bones, she
    host its second annual Pride in the Plaza, a free,                                                                                                                      (don’t call your mother ‘she;” I can still hear
    outdoor LGBTQ+ pride festival on Sunday, June 26                    beds, and improve animal habitats throughout the
    from noon to 8 p.m. in Veterans Plaza in Down-                      Chesapeake Bay watershed.                                                                           my father admonishing) deduced that washing
                                                                     An indoor-outdoor Kick-off event will be held on Sat-                 E-MAIL:                          down dessert/chocolate with milk would be
    town Silver Spring.                                                                                               
Pride in the Plaza will feature food, music, an                         urday, June 18 at the Rockville Memorial Library.                                                   an excellent/recurring way to reach this goal.
    LGBTQ+ focused resource and vendor fair, bilin-                     The event will include:                                                                             And boy was she right. We had dessert multiple
                                                                                                                                   CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
    gual Drag Queen Story Hour, and the champion-                    A Chesapeake Bay Foundation hands-on educational                                                       times per day: after breakfast, packed with
    ship finale of Live in Your Truth Program’s Drag                    table                                                        Carole Dell, Kenny Lourie,             our school lunches, an after-school snack at
                                                                                                                                             Ken Moore
    Duels series. The day will conclude with the second              Strolling magician Abracadabra Alex                                                                    home, after dinner and finally before bedtime,
    annual Pride in the Plaza Mini-Ball, a free voguing              Summer Reading Challenge! signups and book give-                                                       and always with a glass of milk. Five separate
    competition with cash prizes, starting at 5 p.m., in                aways                                                                                               occasions. The product line: Hostess, Drakes,
                                                                     Craft tables                                                        Photographers
    partnership with Capitol Ballroom Council. Local                                                                                Deborah Stevens, Carole Dell
                                                                                                                                                                            Nabisco; repeat.
    businesses that want to support Pride in the Plaza               Participating is easy: Sign up (or log in) online begin-                                                   And not that I’m the least bit undernour-
    can visit                    ning June 15                                                                                        ished or deprived by my local supermarket’s
                                                                     Read books and do activities to earn online badges and               Art/Design
Pride in the Plaza will showcase a diverse cross-section                                                                                 Laurence Foong                     poor Entenmann’s selection. Hardly. If nothing,
    of local nonprofit organizations, LGBTQ+ owned                      complete missions                                                                                   I’m flexible when it comes to chocolate
                                                                                                                                      Production Manager
    businesses, artists, and networks tabling to share               (Optional) Print an Early Literacy or Elementary                                                       desserts. However, I have my preferences, and
                                                                                                                                         Geovani Flores
    information about their services for Montgomery                     School Age game board at home or pick one up at                                                     the older I get – and possible even the less
    County’s LGBTQ+ communities. HIV and other                          your local library.
                                                                                                                                                                            healthy I become, I’m going to want/need to
    health screenings will be provided free of charge,               Take our survey (English or Spanish) when you’ve
                                                                                                                                                                            treat myself/lift my spirits by eating delectable/
    in honor of National HIV Testing Day (June 27).                     finished the program. Your voice counts!
                                                                                                                                                                            desired desserts. Because, at the end of the day
In the week leading up to the festival, the County is                Summer Reading Challenge!, which runs through
                                                                        Aug. 31, is generously sponsored by Friends of the                                                  (at the beginning too), as I was told many years
    partnering with LGBTQ+ led organizations on a                                                                                                                           ago by my publisher after she learned I had
    slate of events for residents of all ages, including                Library, Montgomery County, Inc.                                  ADVERTISING
                                                                     For more information about the program, visit www.                                                     been diagnosed with lung cancer: “Kenny, it’s
    Pride in the Field, an LGBTQ+ focused field day,                                                                                 For advertising information
                                                                                                                                                                            all about you.” And believe me, upon receiv-
    Pride in the Parks Movie Night, Pride in Sexual                          
                                                                                                                                           703-778-9431                     ing a “terminal” diagnosis from my oncologist
                                                                                                                                                                            it wasn’t much of a stretch to focus on me,
                                                                                                                                           Debbie Funk                      myself, and I.
                                                                                                                                  Display Advertising/National Sales            But as time has passed and I have not, I
                                                                                                                                            703-778-9444                    got away from my individual requirements
                                                                                                                                  and tried to blend in with whatever choices
                                                                                                                                                                            were available to me. In that time frame, I’ve
                                                                                                                                          David Griffin                     purchased a wider variety of desserts, now
                                                                                                                                         Marketing Assistant                to include Tasty Cake and Little Debbie to go
                                                                                                                                                                            along with the original big three. But over time,
                                                                                                                                                                            and not able to get over the disappointment
                                                                                                                                         Jerry Vernon
                                                                                                                                                                            in taste and preference of the usual suspects, I
                                                                                                                                                                            expanded my horizons to include Entenmann’s
                                                                                                                                          703-549-0004                      products. And with the lack of diversity in my
                                                                                                                                  supermarket’s Entenmanns’ selections (ex-
                                                                                                                                                                            cept for the few and far between times when
                                                                                                                                           CIRCULATION                      either of my preferences were available), I had
                                                                                                                              become increasingly tolerant – until recently,
                                                                                                                                                                            since my store never has the varieties I crave,
                                                                                                                                                                            so finally, after months of complaining – to my
                                                                                                                                                                            wife, I’m going to get off my couch and try to
                                                                                                                                                                            do something about it.
                                                                                                                                Potomac Almanac is published                    As I contemplate more than my navel, I
                                                                                                                                by Local Media Connection LLC               am salivating at the prospect of being able to

                                                                                                                                                                            pre-order and in effect, guarantee me that my
                                                                                                                                                                            favorites will be in-store, possibly even with
                                                                                                                                                                            my name on the package and a visible “Not for
                                 WWW.CONNECTIONNEWSPAPERS.COM                                                                         Five Time First Place                 Resale” warning printed across the cardboard
                                                                                                                                         Award-Winner                       box. What joy this kind of control would bring
         To Advertise in This Paper, Call by Monday 11:00 am 703-778-9411                                                                Public Service                     a cancer patient who only wants to have a
                                                                                                                                      MDDC Press Association                “Marshmallow Iced Devil’s Food Cake” when
                                             Employment                                     Announcements                                                                   I want it, not when it’s available – which is
                                                                                                                                             Four Time
                                                                                                                                                                            never, at least at my local supermarket. This is
                                                                                                                                     Newspaper of the Year
                                                                                                                                                                            not exactly a dying man’s wish, but it is a wish
                                                                                                                                   An Award-winning Newspaper
                                LCG, Inc., Sr. Application Developer, Rockville, MD          GARDENER                             in Writing, Photography, Editing,         nonetheless that if I’m going to succumb to my
                                & various unanticipated LCG office locations & cli-    Energetic gardener, Speaks French                Graphics and Design                 disease, before I die, I would like to have my
                                ent sites nationally. Design & develop applications   & English. Spring Cleanup, weeding,                                                   cake and eat it too.
                                including web applications on Java-based plat-            planting, edging, mulching,
                                form. May telecommute. Email resume to nicole.          maintenance. Excellent Potomac                                                         Kenny Lourie is an Advertising Representative for
                       Refer to job 1566.48.8.              references. 301-980-8258                                                          The Potomac Almanac & The Connection Newspapers.                                                                                                                                            Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022 v 11
12 v Potomac Almanac v June 15-21, 2022
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