Page created by Dustin Bryant
Beyond the Polar Circle
                  WITH ANDREW DADDO

                                       WATCH THE FILM

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                                              Friday 1st October 2021          Two’s A Crowd                                                                Ra

 Today’s issue of TD                   FCTG to challenge closures                                                   Ponant goes polar
                                                                                                                      Ponant has today formally
   Travel Daily today has six
                                         Flight Centre Travel Group          currently costing the company an       launched Beyond the Polar Circle,
 pages of news plus a front
                                       may take legal action against the     estimated $800 million in sales.       a new documentary featuring
 cover page and a photo page
                                       WA, Qld and Tas governments             “We expect the state premiers        the cruise company’s celebrity
 from Ponant, and a full page
                                       if they continue to prevaricate       to have a plan and we expect it        ambassador, Andrew Daddo.
 from Viking Cruises.
                                       about the National Cabinet-           to be reasonable...if not, and the       The 45-minute movie takes
                                       approved plan for reopening at a      borders stay shut, we don’t have
Lots of TD prizes!                     full vaccination rate of 80%.         a choice but to challenge,” he said.
                                                                                                                    viewers on a polar voyage
                                                                                                                    between South America and the
  anticipation around                    FCTG MD Graham Turner has             MEANWHILE there is                   Antarctic Peninsula, with GM
the restart of travel has the          told The Australian that the          widespread expectation that a          Sales & Marketing, Deb Corbett,
industry slowly waking from            company would likely join with        National Cabinet meeting today         saying it’s “perfectly timed for
hibernation, with a number of          several other major tourism           will see Prime Minister Scott          eager travellers to learn about
suppliers sponsoring Travel Daily      businesses in the court case if the   Morrison announce that the             the bucket list destination that
competitions throughout the            recalcitrant jurisdictions do not     current Biosecurity Emergency          is Antarctica, ahead of booking
month of Oct.                          make “reasonable” plans to open       Declaration which bans outbound        expeditions in 2022 and 2023”.
  TD readers will have the             their borders for domestic travel.    travel and foreign cruise ships          “Antarctica is one of the most
opportunity to win some great            An earlier case brought by          will be lifted in mid-Nov, about a     wondrous places on earth and
prizes, with the first cab off the     Clive Palmer against the WA           month earlier than the currently       Andrew has captured the journey
rank today being a ticket on this      Government failed (TD 26              flagged expiry date of 17 Dec.         and the true Ponant experience
year’s NYE on the Harbour cruise       Aug 2020), but the High Court                                                to perfection,” she said.
courtesy of Rediscover Australia
and Unique Cruises.
                                       explicitly noted that its decision    Nevada road trips                        “We’re thrilled with the result
                                       last year was based on the fact                                              and look forward to sharing it
  Simply send in a photo of your                                               The Australian travel industry is
                                       that at the time “there is no                                                with the world,” Corbett added,
best New Year’s celebration and                                              being invited to go on the road in
                                       known vaccine...for a person who                                             with the video showcased on the
a 25 words or less description of                                            Nevada, via a live “Neon to Nature
                                       contracts COVID-19”.                                                         cover page as well as in Ponant’s
why it was so momentous, with                                                & Death Valley Rally” session next
                                         Turner said Flight Centre                                                  special photo feature on page five.
runner-up prizes of $100 and $50                                             Tue 05 Oct at 9am AEDT.
                                       had received legal advice that
gift cards also on offer - for more                                            Registrations are now open for
                                       made it reasonable to mount a
details see page four.                 challenge, with closed borders
                                                                             the free webinar, which is the first   Viking welcome
                                                                             in a weekly series of seven taking     back to the world
                                                                             place each Tue - CLICK HERE.
                                                                                                                      Viking Cruises has today
   IT’S TIME FOR COWBOYS AND COUNTERCULTURE.                                                                        launched a Welcome Back to the
   WILDLIFE AND WILDER TALES.                                                Fresh Mint deal                        World Sale, with offers on river,
   OPEN ROADS AND OPEN HEARTS.                                                Mint Payments has finalised its       ocean and expedition cruises for
                                                                             acquisition of payments gateway        sale through until 24 Dec.
   Our webinars will give you                                                provider IPG Group, with the             Savings of up to $8,000 per
   everything you need to                                                    overall organisation to process        couple are available, and Viking
   know to plan your client’s                                                80 million transactions annually,      has also extended its Risk Free
   ultimate Nevada Road Trip.                                                worth more than $2 billion.            Guarantee until 30 Nov, offering
                                                                              Mint CEO Alex Teoh said IPG           travellers the freedom to change

               Neon to Nature &                                              would complement its existing          plans up to 14 days before
               Death Valley Rally:                                           product offering, operating niche      departure.
              Tue 5 Oct, 9am AEDT                                            verticals in travel, ticketing,          A full marketing kit is available -
                                                                             events, insurance and more.            see the last page for details.

Travel Daily           e              t 1300 799 220                   w                         page 1
                                                                                VIKING CRUISES
                                                                                with the Travel Daily
                                                                                Training Academy

                                                                                  CLICK HERE
                                        Friday 1st October 2021

Wait longer with Qantas                                                     Let’s get going!
                                                                              Aussies are keen to holiday as                   Window
  A RECENT study conducted by         initiated on the back of traveller    soon as restrictions lift, but need
CHOICE has found phone wait           feedback which suggested some         more flexibility for fear of plans                 Seat
times for Qantas were much            were “waiting several hours”          changing, Google believes.
longer than rival Virgin Australia.   to change bookings during the           More than half (58%) of               WELL it’s Oct folks and you
  The consumer advocacy group         pandemic, and while CHOICE            Australians say flexible booking        know what that means,
found the average wait time           said its findings did not reflect     and cancellation policies are a         Halloween is coming with all
on the phone to Qantas was 39         times as poor as that, the group      top consideration for choosing a        of its tricking and treating and
minutes 37 seconds (more than         did conclude that airlines are        travel brand, according to internal     mindless carving of pumpkins.
50 minutes for calls after midday),   expecting customers to wait on        data from Google, while the               But for Americans planning
whereas the standard time on          hold for far too long.                search giant also claims travel         a spooky Airbnb trip, the
hold to Virgin Australia was just       The worst time to call Qantas       companies aren’t being visible          opportunity is there to relive
over seven minutes.                   was found to be around 5pm,           enough with flexible policies.          the 90s cult thriller Scream with
  The mystery shopper study was       where customers were kept on            Google search insights also           one of its stars David Arquette.
                                      hold for over an hour on average,     found that when states were not           For only US$5, guests can stay
                                      while VA’s worst time was             being hampered by lockdowns or          for one night at a Northern
Stopover in Qatar                     shown to be later in the evening,                                             California estate on either 27,
                                                                            restrictions in the first half of the
  Qatar Airways has teamed up         clocking its worst average time of    year, search interest in domestic       29 or 31 Oct, where they will
with Discover Qatar to launch a       12 minutes.                           travel increased by an average of       be hosted by the ageing sheriff
range of new stopover packages          Both airlines were found to         72% across impacted states.             Dewey Riley (pictured), who
for fully vaccinated travellers,      be far more responsive in the           The phrase “can I travel” also        will creepily walk them down a
with prices starting from only        mornings, with Qantas averaging       peaked in Jun.                          terrifying memory lane.
US$14 per person, per night.          a five-minute wait and VA getting                                               Highlights include a tour
  The packages are themed             back in only a couple of minutes.                                             of the house to see all of
to appeal to a diverse range            In addition to the tardy call
                                                                            WebBeds appoints                        the knife marks in the wall,
of different markets, with            centre responses, TD readers            WEBJET’S B2B travel                   the dedicated phone line for
experiences including desert          continue to raise concerns about      accommodation division                  reaching Ghostface, the garage
safaris, luxury resorts, spas, fine   slow refunds from airlines, with      WebBeds has appointed James             roller door where Dewey’s
dining, museum & gallery tours        QF among the worst offenders.         Phillips to be its President for the    sister Tatum met her gruesome
all catered for.                                                            Americas region.                        demise, and perhaps the
  There are also packages created                                             The recruitment coincides with        best part, a movie marathon
around the upcoming FIFA World        ACA reschedules                       Webjet’s ambition to expand its         featuring all four Scream films
Cup Qatar 2022, which Qatar will        ONGOING travel restrictions         high-growth potential WebBeds           (on VHS naturally).
be hosting in Nov next year.          have forced the Australian Cruise     offering in the Americas, which           The tour will help promote the
  “As our passengers plan their       Association to reschedule its         includes large markets such             latest movie in the franchise,
journeys across our network of        annual conference from Nov this       as the United States, Canada,           Scream, launching in Jan 2022.
over 140 destinations, we hope        year to Sep 2022.                     Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.
this exciting opportunity enriches      The event will still be held          Phillips joins the company
them with a combined experience       at The Ville Resort-Casino in         with over 25 years of travel
of the World’s Best Airline and       Townsville, hosting a range of        experience, having previously
the country’s memorable warmth        networking activities, as well as     worked with brands like
and touristic highlights,” Qatar      seeing what pre- and post- cruise     Starwood Hotels, Hotelbeds and
Airways Group Chief Executive         touring options are on offer in the   Connecticut’s venture capital arm
Akbar Al Baker said.                  emerging Qld cruise destination.      on its travel portfolio.

Travel Daily      e                  t 1300 799 220               w                           page 2
keep dreaming...
                                                                              Inspiration for your
                                                                              clients’ next holiday

                                        Friday 1st October 2021                                                              Click to read

Hamilton CEO out                      Walk for Wellness kicks up its heels MSC protocols
  Hamilton Island Enterprises                                                                                      MSC Cruises has confirmed its
has announced the retirement of                                                                                  2021/22 winter health & safety
its long-standing Chief Executive                                                                                protocols, with the cruise line to
Officer Glenn Bourke.                                                                                            require guests to provide relevant
  After 14 years with the                                                                                        documentation at embarkation in
company, Bourke will step down                                                                                   line with travel requirements.
by Jun 2022, with Hamilton Island                                                                                  Substantiation may include
praising him as instrumental in                                                                                  a negative test result, proof of
driving the destination’s growth                                                                                 vaccination and COVID insurance
and development, as well as                                                                                      documentation.
steering the business through                                                                                      Where proof of vaccination is
unprecedented disruptions, such                                                                                  required, this will apply to guests
as Cyclone Debbie in 2017 and                                                                                    aged 12 years and above with a
the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                                                           complete set of shots received
  A search for Bourke’s                                                                                          more than 14 days before the
replacement will kick off soon.                                                                                  start of the cruise.
                                                                                                                   MSC will also require a COVID
Intrepid milestone                     Norwegian Cruise Line’s                                                   insurance policy as a mandatory
                                      (NCL) second annual Walk for            With the benefits of colouring-
  Intrepid Travel has reached                                                                                    requirement for all guests.
                                      Wellness has kicked off today.       in well known, Colour Your
a major fundraising milestone                                                                                      The insurance must cover
                                       More than 1,000 participants        World will allow participants to
for its vaccine equity campaign,                                                                                 against COVID-19 related risks,
                                      have registered (TD 08 Sep), with    tap into the benefits of art to
raising more than $100,000 for                                                                                   ie cancellation, interruption,
                                      NCL inviting them to utilise the     help improve mental wellness,
UNICEF to help fund the delivery                                                                                 repatriation expenses,
                                      hashtag #NCLWalk4Wellness to         including the ability to bring the
of COVID-19 vaccinations in                                                                                      quarantine, medical assistance
                                      share their activities this month.   mind to a meditative state by
lower-income destinations.                                                                                       and hospitalisation, including in
                                       Because wellness means              quieting restless thoughts.
   The money raised will allow                                                                                   the case of being a close contact.
                                      different things to different           Colour Your World is filled with
over 20,000 people to be                                                                                           Guests who are fully vaccinated
                                      people, NCL is inviting              illustrations showcasing some
vaccinated against COVID-19,                                                                                     will be able to go ashore
                                      participants to make time for        of the spectacular destinations
with 91% of Intrepid’s trip leaders                                                                              independently according to the
                                      mindful moments this month           which will be visited by
also receiving their first dose.                                                                                 specific country requirements.
                                      with the launch of its very first    Norwegian Prima as part of her
  Intrepid is now increasing its                                           inaugural sailing season.
ambition to raise more funds.         mindful colouring book for adults.                                         Delta slams Aug air
                                                                              Participants can download
                                                                           the colouring book from NCL’s           The responses of governments
                                                                           Marketing HQ.                         around the world to the Delta
                                                                              The NCL team is pictured and       variant have slammed Aug
    AUSTRALIANS WILL BE ALLOWED                                            a Spotify playlist, NCL Relax and     domestic travel demand, the
    TO TRAVEL WHEN WE REACH                                                Unwind, is also available by          International Air Transport
                                                                           scanning the code inset.              Association (IATA) claims.
    80% OF THE POPULATION                                                                                          Total demand for air travel in
    VACCINATED, SO LETS                                                    EK/SAA codeshare                      Aug was down 56% compared to
                                                                                                                 Aug 2019, which also marked a
                                                                             Emirates and South African
                                                                                                                 slowdown from Jul when demand
    #givetravelashot                                                       Airways (SAA) have reactivated
                                                                           their partnership to boost
                                                                                                                 was 53% below Jul 2019 levels.
                                                                                                                   IATA said this was entirely driven
    #letsgetto80                                                           connectivity and expand
                                                                           customer options in Africa.
                                                                                                                 by domestic markets, which were
                                                                                                                 down 32.2% compared to Aug
                                                                             The partnership will be initially
                                                                                                                 2019, a major deterioration from
                                                                           kicking off with a reciprocal
                                                                                                                 Jul 2021, when traffic was down
     GET INVOLVED!                                                         commercial arrangement.
                                                                             MEANWHILE rival Etihad has
                                                                                                                 16.1% versus pre-pandemic.

      1   Get vaccinated                                                   announced two new quarantine-
                                                                           free destinations to South Africa,    VA on sale from $58
          Use the social                                                   with the carrier to begin flying to     Virgin Australia is offering
     2    media hashtags                                                   Johannesburg and Cape Town in         more than 750,000 seats on sale
          Access our toolkit of                                            South Africa from 25 Nov.             from $58.
     3                                                                       Both destinations will operate        Key school holiday dates will
                                                                           three times per week on Mon,          feature on the 30 routes for sale
                                                                           Thu and Sat.                          from 4pm-11pm today.
Travel Daily       e                t 1300 799 220               w                          page 3
Friday 1st October 2021
                                                                                Drive visitation by
                                                                                educating advisors
                                                                                with the Travel Daily Training Academy

                                                                                 Click here for an information pack
Corporate update
SMEs ditching DIY, says CT                                                   Know - not no!
                                                                               Gopassport has today
                                                                                                                      ATPI launches Halo
  Corporate Traveller (CT) says       value going forward.                   launched the mobile version
it’s seen a strong trend from its       “Human interaction and support       of its travel
SME customers to ditch their          is right up there,” Walley added.      restrictions alerting service.
existing do-it-yourself model in        He said while DIY travel works         With great anticipation around
favour of adopting a TMC.             for some, in a post-pandemic           travel reopening, the site
  The company said during Aug it      world when borders reopen              allows the checking of changing            THE ATPI Group has announced
won 47 new business clients, with     there will inevitably be rules and     conditions around any trip simply        the launch of a new division,
a broad range of sectors added to     regulations to abide by.               by entering origin, destination          with ATPI Halo described as
an already strong SME portfolio.        “Who wants to do all their           and travel dates.                        “an incubator of new ideas
  “SMEs are the backbone of the       own research on different                It gathers information from            and services focused around
Australian economy, and pent-         requirements when you can just         a host of sources about                  sustainability designed to support
up demand for them to travel as       pick up the phone to an expert?”       restrictions, hot spot areas,            each of the existing client-focused
soon as our borders reopen is                                                entry requirements and safety            business units around the world
clear,” said Corporate Traveller      Responsible CWT                        precautions, with a range of             to grow and evolve”.
GM Australia Tom Walley.                                                     free and paid options ranging              Clients of ATPI Corporate Travel,
                                        CWT has published its Sep 2021
  “From the conversations I’ve                                               from simple research about a             Direct ATPI Global Travel, ATPI
                                      Responsible Business Report,
had with prospects and current                                               trip through to full coverage of         Marine & Energy, ATPI Sports
                                      covering the global TMC’s key
clients, they see this time as a                                             bookings with live notifications.        Events, ATPI Corporate Events and
                                      achievements in seven areas of
window of opportunity to reset                                                 The company also offers a full         ATPI Mining and Resources will
                                      Corporate Social Responsibility.
their travel plans and concentrate                                           service option including research        all benefit from the new services,
                                        Key highlights include reiterating
on what will provide the most                                                from an international travel             research and development
                                      the company’s support for the
                                      UN Global Compact Sustainable          advisor - CLICK HERE for pricing         from ATPI Halo “to ensure that
Amex EMEA role                        Development Goals, committing          details and more info.                   approaches to business travel
  American Express Global             to define science-based targets                                                 change for the better,” said ATPI
Business Travel has appointed         to combat climate change,              Egencia adds AI                          Group CEO Ian Sinderson.
Daniel Beauchamp as its new           campaigning against human                                                         “There has never been such an
Head of Consulting for the            trafficking, caring for employee
                                                                             hotel rate cap                           intense period of disruption, and
Europe, Middle East and Africa        health and wellness, engaging            Egencia has launched a                 with the establishment of ATPI
regions.                              with multiple community                new dynamic hotel rate cap               Halo we are demonstrating to our
  Beauchamp was previously the        projects, and the launch of a          feature, saying the enhancement          clients that we are the right long
company’s Director of Global          Responsible Travel Consulting          uses artificial intelligence to          term partner to navigate these
Clients Management, and has           framework to help clients              automatically adjust caps for            unpredictable times,” he said.
more than 25 years of experience      design more environmentally            allowable hotel rates based on             A key focus of ATPI Halo is to
in the corporate travel sector with   responsible travel programs.           local market median pricing.             help clients reduce their impact
both GBT and HRG.                       View the report at          The new option was debuted             on the environment across both
                                                                             at the Business Travel Show              travel and events, with new
                                                                             Europe in London this week, with         services including an accredited
           Show us your best New                                             travel managers able to activate         carbon offsetting program
                                                                             the feature via the Egencia              featuring more than 15 carbon
             Years Eve Photo!                                                dashboard.                               credit projects in core markets.
  Rediscover Australia and Unique Cruises                                      The tool gathers real-time hotel
  are partnering with Travel Daily this                                      prices in each destination and
  month to offer readers the chance to win                                   then sets up a suitable nightly
                                                                                                                      GBT joins council
  a ticket on the NYE Hits on the Harbour                                                                               American Express Global
                                                                             price cap for any traveller booking
  Cruise, as well as offering $100 and $50                                                                            Business Travel has become
  gift vouchers for second and third prize                                   a room in that city.
  by providing your best picture of your                                       Developed in-house by Egencia,         a member of the Global
  past New Years Eve celebrations.                                           the new tool has been piloted            Sustainable Tourism Council, with
  This ticket gives you access to:                                           with 15 key clients in the USA,          the strategic partnership said to
                                                                             Canada and Germany, with the             “bring more transparency and
  • 6 Hours Sydney Harbour Cruise on
  Journey Beyond Cruise Sydney’s Spirit of Migaloo                           company saying it resulted in            ease to the process of booking
  • Continuous premium food from Doltone House                               savings of about US$20 per hotel         sustainable hotels”.
                                                                             booking.                                   The Council is a non-profit
  • Unlimited beverages including premium sparkling wines and
  beers - For more information on what is offered click here                   Egencia is currently in the            group created by United Nations
                                                                             process of being taken over by           agencies and conservation
  To enter send a picture of your best New Years Eve along with, in
  25 words or less, what made it so memorable.                               American Express Global Business         organisations to establish and
                                                                             Travel, with the acquisition set to      manage global standards for
  Entries to
                                                                             be finalised by the end of 2021.         sustainability in travel & tourism.

Travel Daily      e                   t 1300 799 220               w                             page 4
Daddo goes beyond the Polar Circle
    Friday 01 October 2021

Ambassador, Andrew Daddo, set
sail on a journey to the White
Continent, Antarctica.
 Captured in a compelling 45
minute documentary called
Beyond the Polar Circle, Andrew
shares his thoughts, conveying
moments of anticipation and
sheer awe as he travels on board
Le Boréal to experience the
exceptional, life-changing beauty
of Antarctica on his inaugural                                                                      I COULDN’T imagine I’d love the
PONANT luxury expedition.                                                                         penguins so much. I’m almost certain
 Watch the full breathtaking                                                                      they were gossiping about my jacket.
documentary HERE.

     Andrew enjoying a glass
    of Champagne in a Zodiac at
    Detaille Island, Antarctica.

                                                                               Not everyone mak
                                                                                                    es it beyond
                                                                            the Polar Circle. W
                                                                                                e were lucky (the
                                                                            first time for our ex
                                                                                                  pedition leader).

    The PONANT
  team was so
  knowledgeable,                                                     A BEHIND-the-
  and always                                                       scenes look. Here
  managed to                                                       I am hard at work
  create the best                                                  tasting high quality
  experience for us.                                               wines with the
                                                                    onboard sommelier.

                                         Captain Colaris at
                                       the helm of a Zodiac                   Promise nothing, deliver everything - that’s how it
                                       in South Georgia.                    felt when we found this leopard seal.

Travel Daily      e           t 1300 799 220          w                          page 5
This week’s recipe:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      YOUR FAMILY’S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CAKE, BISCUIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OR SLICE

                                                              Friday 1st October 2021

                                                                                                                                   Swan gets go ahead
Icon under a microscope                                                                                                              Swan Hellenic has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                             NT million dollar fish
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ONE of the Top End’s biggest
                                                                                                                                   given the go ahead to depart                                              tourism drawcards has kicked off
                                                                                                                                   on its cruises to Antarctica in                                           today, with season seven of the
                                                                                                                                   2021/2022, with the Argentine                                             Northern Territory’s Million Dollar
                                                                                                                                   Government announcing the                                                 Fish competition now open.
                                                                                                                                   reopening of its borders.                                                   Running until 31 Mar 2022,
                                                                                                                                     To mark the green light, the                                            anglers have the chance of
                                                                                                                                   expedition line has extended its                                          catching eight barramundi worth
                                                                                                                                   return savings promotion until                                            a collective $1 million and 100
                                                                                                                                   the end of next month, allowing                                           tagged fish worth a total of
                                                                                                                                   guests access to 20% discounts                                            $10,000, with every tagged catch
                                                                                                                                   and US$300 of onboard spending                                            also seeing an additional $1,000
                                                                                                                                   money per person.                                                         donated to a charity partner.
                                                                                                                                     Departing from the homeport of                                            Those who enter will also go
                                                                                                                                   Ushuaia, Swan Hellenic’s maiden                                           in the running to win lucky door
                                                                                                                                   season of Antarctic cruises will                                          prizes such as Shimano fishing
                                                                                                                                   take place aboard the purpose-                                            combos and a range of Britz
                                                                                                                                   designed new ice-class flagship                                           campervan getaways.
                                                                                                                                   SH Minerva.                                                                 Tourism spend attributed to the
                                                                                                                                     To see what itineraries are                                             fishing comp is worth more than
                                                                                                                                   available, CLICK HERE.                                                    $7 million each year.
  This landmark is iconic and                            tallest observation tower in the
easily recognisable when you see
the whole picture, but can you
                                                         southern hemisphere.                                                                                Travel Specials
                                                           The tower has had a number
                                                                                                                                       WELCOME to Travel Specials, Travel Daily’s Friday feature. If your
identify it from this small portion                      of names over the years and is
                                                                                                                                       firm has released a travel special you’d like to make the industry aware
of the image?                                            a mainstay of the city’s skyline,
                                                                                                                                       of, send the details to
  This structure is the tallest                          having been built in 1975.
in the city and the second                                 Can you name this tower?                                                  Club Med is marking its 70+1 anniversary, inviting travellers to re-
                                    Answer: Sydney Tower Eye, Sydney, Australia                                                      celebrate missed milestones. The special promotion is for large groups
                                                                                                                                     through the Celebration Package, which offers extra free nights,
                                                                                                                                     champagne on arrival, a private welcome cocktail party and more. This
EK smells the coffee                                     Outback penalties                                                           offer is for travel dates through Jun 2023 - CLICK HERE for more info.
  First and Business class                                 EVENTS taking place in outback                                            Savings of up to US$2,000 per couple are available on a range of newly
passengers flying with Emirates                          areas face unfairly priced                                                  released 2023 river, lake, coastal and expedition cruises through the
can now enjoy an expanded                                insurance premiums, Queensland                                              newly merged American Queen Voyages cruise brand. The American-
drinks & dessert menu which                              Tourism Industry Council CEO                                                based line also has as a zero deposit offer for bookings made by 31 Oct.
includes the iced Americano and                          Daniel Gschwind argues.                                                     Book through Cruise Traveller on 1800 507 777.
the yummy Affogato dish.                                   “In some cases tourism                                                    MSC Cruises is offering discounts of up to $926 per person and three
  The popular Italian treat is                           activities and events, to insurance                                         excursions on its Oct Cruise of the Month. The sailing departs Venice on
made by pouring a shot of hot                            companies, are just a little bit                                            05 Nov 2022 over 11 nights, visiting Kotor in Montenegro, Mykonos &
espresso over vanilla ice cream,                         messy and uncertain and they                                                Santorini in Greece, and Bari & Venice in Italy. Call 1300 028 302 for info.
while the iced Americano is made                         perhaps don’t understand it fully,”
                                                                                                                                     Save 40% on Intrepid Travel’s six-day Red Centre Explorer tour
by combining espresso with cold                          he told ABC News.                                                           departing 13 Oct. The trip is priced at $1,995ppts, down from $3,325ppts,
water instead of hot water.                                Gschwind is calling on the Fed                                            with highlights including bush tucker dinners, and explorations of Kings
  EK serves up nearly 28 million                         Govt to establish insurance pools                                           Canyon and the Kata Tjuta National Park. CLICK HERE.
cups of coffee in an average year.                       for activities such as events.

 Got a confidential tip? Contact Travel Daily via our secure WhatsApp service on +61 2 8007 6760 or click HERE

                                        EDITORIAL                                                            Advertising and Marketing                                  Suite 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd
                                        Editor in Chief and Publisher – Bruce Piper                          Sean Harrigan and Hoda Alzubaidi                           Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
                                        Associate Editors– Adam Bishop,                                                         PO Box 1010 Epping NSW 1710 Australia                 Myles Stedman                                                                                                                   Tel: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8007 6760)
 Travel Daily is part of the Business   Contributors – Nicholas O’Donoghue,                                  Business manager
 Publishing Group family of             Jenny Piper                                                          Jenny Piper                                                Travel Daily operates by paid subscription                             business events news
 publications.                                                                                    to people within the travel industry - sign
 Produced each weekday since
                                                                                                                                                                        up at
 1994, Travel Daily is Australia’s
                                        Travel Daily is a publication of TDaily Pty Ltd ABN 34 108 508 765. All content fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission to reproduce any material. While every care has been taken in the preparation of Travel
 leading travel industry publication.   Daily no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.

Travel Daily              e                                                  t 1300 799 220                                           w                                                                         page 6
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                                                                                                                                                                 LC OM E B
Viking offers a
comprehensive suite                                                                                                                                          W E
of marketing materials
to support you, which
are available from our
Marketing Centre.

       Customisable Flyers                                                                                                                                                Catalogue                              Video For Social Media
   Personalise our itinerary flyers for                                                                                                                        Our new catalogue featuring our              Video is a powerful tool on social media
   river, ocean & expedition cruising                                                                                                                          latest campaign offers in one easy           and we have a selection of videos perfect
     with your own call to action.                                                                                                                               location can be viewed online.              for your Facebook or Instagram page.

                                                WELCOME BAC K TO
                                 CK TO T H E W O R TL DW EL CO M E BA
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                         W O tion voyage
                                               2022, 2023 or 2024 ocean voyage
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       TH                                                                                              D
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                                 expedi                                              , 2023
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        Plan you                                                                                                                                  age

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                    Digital Assets                                                                                                                                      Social Media                                  Email Signature
     Select from a range of digital                                                                                                                        Select from a variety of social media tiles to     Let your client’s know you’re a Viking
  banners to be used as eDM headers                                                                                                                       promote specific itineraries or general Viking     expert by putting our email signature
                  or on your website.                                                                                                                     product on your Facebook or Instagram page.            on the bottom of your emails.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          W ELCOME BAC K TO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          THE WOR LD

                           DOWNLOAD                                                                                                                                      DOWNLOAD                                       DOWNLOAD

  For more information contact your Commercial Manager or email
                                                                                            138 747                                                     VIKING.COM                MY VIKINGJOURNEY.COM/AGENT
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