Page created by Virgil Powell

...the free England fanzine
                                                                                                                produced and distributed by
                                                                                                                the Football Supporters’
                                                                                                                Association (FSA) as part of
                                                                                                                our Fans’ Embassy service

                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 3
                                                          ELCOME to Milan for                     those lucky enough to be successful
Italy v England                                           England’s penultimate                   will be happy with the very
San Siro, Milan                                           Nations League fixture                  reasonable price of £9.50 a ticket.
Friday, 23rd September 2022                      and the Three Lions first visit
                                                 to the San Siro. It will also be                 England fans will be positioned
Kick–off 20.45, local time
                                                 England’s last game away from                    behind one of the goals with the
England will probably                            home turf until their World Cup                  whole upper tier allocated to us, bar
play in WHITE
                                                 opener against Iran in Qatar.                    a small triangular section closed off
                                                                                                  for safety reasons, so please adhere
                                                 In case you hadn’t already noticed               to that closure.
Useful Numbers                                   the match coincides with Milan
                                                 Fashion Week, causing fans problems              The match will kick off at 20.45
Fans’ Embassy Helpline:                          securing hotel rooms at sensible                 local time, however, we do advise
+44 7956 12 13 14                                rates. Most of the Fashion Week                  you arrive early to ensure you have
England Supporters Club (FA):                    activity occurs in the centre of town            ample time to get into the iconic
+44 7790 371 105                                 with catwalk parades both inside                 but worn San Siro. The game offers
British Embassy:                                 and out. We are sure the majority of             an opportunity for us to avenge our
+39 02 723001                                    England fans will blend seamlessly               final defeat in the summer of 2021.
Emergencies:                                     in with the glitterati attending the             As always at an England away game
Police: 113                                      Fashion Week.                                    the FSA Fan’s Embassy is here to
Fire: 115                                                                                         offer any information, advice and
Ambulance: 118                                   We have received an allocation of                assistance you might require during
                                                 4,361 tickets which exceeds the                  your trip.
                                                 5% allocation required by UEFA.
                                                 The English FA received over 6,000               It’s a free and confidential service,
                                                 applications from travel club                    and if you need any help, we can be
                                                 members. As always a number of                   contacted around the clock on
Contact Free Lions                               members will be disappointed, but                +44 7956 121314.
                                                 COVER STORY
Gifts & Postcards to:
                                                 Harry Kane’s goal against Germany means he is now on 50 for
Free Lions, c/o the FSA                          the Three Lions and stands alone in second place on England
1, Ashmore Terrace
                                                 men’s senior team’s list of all-time record goal scorers. He also
Stockton Road
Sunderland                                       scored our only goal in the 4 nations league fixtures in June;
SR2 7DE                                          therefore we thought it was fitting he took the centre stage in our
                                                 last away fixture before the world cup.

IT WASN’T ME                                                                                      THANK YOU
The Free Lions fanzine is produced by the        relying on its contents. None of the financial   As ever, this fanzine has been a team effort.
Football Supporters’ Association (FSA), the      support we have received to produce
national membership-based organisation for       Free Lions impacts on what we put in it.         This edition was edited by Matt Willis,
fans. We have tried to ensure the accuracy of    Consequently, none of our supporters can be      and thanks are due to Phil Rowley; Clive
all the information provided in this fanzine,    held in any way responsible for the contents     Hetherington, Joe Hetherington; Richard
but can accept no responsibility for any loss,   of, nor the views expressed in, this fanzine.    Weekes, Tony Conniford; Paul Foley; Ashley
injury or inconvenience suffered by anyone       Cover image courtesy of the FA.                  Brown and Peter Daykin.

                                          FSF helpline: +44 7956 121314
  PRODUCES FREE LIONS                       @WeAreFreeLions
MANCINI                                                                                                                                               AGREE OR DISAGREE WITH CLIVE HETHERINGTON?
                         BY CLIVE HETHERINGTON                                                                                                                                                       CONTACT CLIVE VIA FREELIONS@THEFSA.ORG.UK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 5
                                                                                            Leonardo Bonucci was sent off               ITALY         – THE KEY THREE by Joe Hetherington
                                                                                            three minutes from half-time and
                                                                                            midfielder Lorenzo Pellegrini
                                                                                            scored a late consolation – before                       GIANLUIGI                                     LORENZO                                  GIANLUCA
                                                                                            beating Belgium by the same                               DONNARUMMA                                    PELLEGRINI                               SCAMACCA
                                                                                            scoreline in the third-place                               The towering keeper                          The Roma                                 He may only be
                                                                                            play-off, with middle man Nicolo                          is a player all too                           skipper is                               23 and seeking
                                                                                             Barella and forward Domenico                            familiar to England                          becoming                                  his first senior
                                                                                                      Berardi’s (pictured)                        fans due to his pivotal                       an increasingly                          international goal
                                                                                                         penalty putting them       role in Italy’s Euro 2020 final victory.    influential figure: during Italy’s      after seven caps, but West Ham’s
                                                                                                           in control.              Donnarumma saved both Jadon                 tricky Nations League schedule this     £30million-plus summer signing
                                                                                                                                    Sancho’s and Bukayo Saka’s spot-            summer, he scored a goal apiece         from Sassuolo is attracting headlines.
                                                                                                             But frustrating        kicks in the penalty shootout as            against Germany and Hungary.            The beanpole striker is tipped for a

            F England have had their              After a                                                    draws – 1-1            Italy became European champions             Injury robbed him of a place in         big future and it is surely significant
            troubles in recent times, they        disappointing                                              at home to             for the first time since 1968. Having       Italy’s squad for Euro 2020, but        that he is already wearing Italy’s No
                                                                                                                                    made his international debut at             the versatile midfielder, 26, is now    9 shirt. Sassuolo, who signed the
            are certainly not alone.              1-1 draw at home                                          Switzerland and 0-0
                                                                                                                                    17, Donnarumma was tasked with              one of Mancini’s key players as         Roma academy product from PSV
                                                  to Bulgaria and                                          away to Northern
                                                                                                                                    the seemingly impossible job of             he reshapes his squad. Pellegrini,      Eindhoven in January 2017, loaned
         When Gareth Southgate’s men              goalless stalemate in                                 Ireland – forced Italy
                                                                                                                                    replacing Gianluigi Buffon. Now 23,         who began with home-city club           him to Cremonese, Dutch side PEC
         come up against Roberto Mancini’s        Switzerland, they returned                        to a qualifying play-off
                                                                                                                                    he won player of the tournament at          Roma before joining Sassuolo and        Zwolle, Ascoli and Genoa. In his final
         Italy here at the San Siro in Group A3   to winning ways with a 5-0                semi-final with North Macedonia
                                                                                                                                    Euro 2020 and is already closing in         then returning to the capital when      season in Italy, a long-awaited first
         of the Nations League, they will face    thrashing of visitors Lithuania.          in Palermo.                             on his 50th cap. He left AC Milan for                                               goal for Sassuolo arrived – he scored
                                                                                                                                                                                a buy-back clause was activated
         a side equally besieged by doubters.                                                                                       Paris Saint-Germain last year on a          in 2017, has five goals in 24           twice away to Genoa – and ended
                                                  That, though, proved to be the            It was there that the unthinkable       free transfer.                              appearances for his country.            the campaign with 16.
         Whatever their Nations League            end of a 37-game world-record             occurred in the worst possible
         fate, the Three Lions can, at least,     unbeaten run in internationals            manner – defeat in stoppage time
         look forward to a piece of the           stretching back almost three years        to the only goal of the game.           Three days later, Italy launched            Wilfried Gnonto (pictured), only        He admits considering quitting after
         action at the World Cup this winter.     to October 2018, five months into         Having won 3-2 in a friendly in         their Nations League schedule with          18, became Italy’s youngest-ever        the failure to qualify for the World
                                                  Mancini’s reign.                          Turkey, Italy were then soundly         a 1-1 draw against Germany in               scorer and Alessandro Bastoni           Cup – and even in the aftermath of
         But for the second successive                                                      beaten 3-0 by Argentina in the          Bologna, where Pellegrini gave              added a second goal.                    their Euro 2020 triumph.
         tournament, four-times winners           As hosts for the finals of the last       Finalissima – the clash between         Mancini’s side a fleeting lead.
         Italy will be missing from the           Nations League, Italy were 2-1            the champions of Europe and             Barella and Pellegrini                                By the time a much-           But the Premier League title-
         game’s greatest stage.                   semi-final losers to Spain at the         the Copa America holders – at           were the scorers                                         changed Italy              winning former Manchester City
                                                  San Siro – experienced defender           Wembley on the first day of June.       in a 2-1 win over                                          had mustered a           boss remains remarkably bullish
         The mood was all so different last                                                                                         Hungary in Cesena                                           response, they were     and insists his ultimate goal is still
         summer when the Azzurri basked                                                                                             before the goalless                                          already 5-0 down.      to win the World Cup – with Italy.
                                                        CLIVE’S VERDICT                            Italy 2, England 1
         in the glory of their Euro 2020 final                                                                                      draw with England
         Wembley win at England’s expense.                                                                                          at Molineux.                                                 While their travails
                                                    Both sides chopped and changed so       impression from June’s goalless                                                                    doubtless owe a lot
         A warning signal, however, was             much during this summer’s Nations       draw at Molineux was that the           But, as if to underline                                   to the transitional
         Italy’s stuttering form on the             League matches that they are likely     Azzurri are developing more of an       the uncertainty now                                    stage they are going
         resumption of their World Cup              to look very different again. England   identity in transforming their squad.   lingering around the Italian                      through as Mancini bloods
         qualifying campaign – and it was           boss Gareth Southgate and Italy         For that reason, coupled with home      set-up, they suffered another               younger players, the past year
         to be no false alarm.                      counterpart Roberto Mancini have        advantage, I think Italy will shade     resounding defeat when Germany              has been tough for such a proud
                                                    a wealth of young talent, but the       this encounter.                         won 5-2 in Monchengladbach.                 football nation.

                                                   Receive urgent info:                                                                                                Email:
                                                   Sign up to Free Lions’ FREE SMS text service                                                                        FSF helpline: +44 7956 121314
         PRODUCES FREE LIONS                       Text “UPDATES” to +44 7956 121314                                                PRODUCES FREE LIONS                  @WeAreFreeLions
         SCOUSE PHIL’S FREE LIONS                                                                            ON PAGE
         ITALY MUSIC QUIZ                                                                                        13                                                                                  YOUR FREE LIONS GUIDE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                               choice than the classic pizza and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               pasta staples. However those in
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the central part of town will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                               busy due to the Fashion Week, with
         ...WHERE all the questions,                                                                                                                                                                           some possibly closed for private
         answers, or indeed both, have                                                                                                                                                                         functions.
         something to do with Italy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               But rest assured, if you are willing

         1   Which Scottish singer of
             Italian descent has had 3 No 1
         albums in the UK including the 2022
                                                     Question 4: Nino Rota                   Question 6: Gwen Stefani
                                                                                                                                                                                                               to look around you’ll be sure to
                                                                                                                                                                                                               find somewhere to sample the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               local beer, wine and food.
         album, ‘Last Night In The Bittersweet’?

         2    A famous advert, for which
              make of ice cream, was set to
                                                   5    Both parents of pokerfaced
                                                        American singer Stefani
                                                   Joanne Angelina Germanotta
                                                                                           8    Italian fashion designer
                                                                                                Donatella Versace designed the
                                                                                           wedding dress for which recently
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Milan has a couple of football
                                                                                                                                                                                                               teams of note, you may have
                                                                                                                                                                                                               heard of them, AC and Inter

         the tune of the 1898 Italian              hailed from Italy, but how is she       freed American singer for her                     ILAN is the capital        The historic areas of the city are     Milan both of whom have a rich
         operatic song ‘O Sole Mio’?               better known?                           wedding in June to Sam Asghari?                   of Lombardy and the        predominately focused around a         footballing history and share the
                                                                                                                                             second most populated      small central area, beyond this the    San Siro Stadium.

         3    Which band, who performed
              at the Commonwealth Games
         opening ceremony, had a track
                                                   6    Gwen Stefani also has Italian
                                                        ancestry. Name the band, who
                                                   have had numerous hits such as
                                                                                           9   What is the title of Robbie
                                                                                               Williams’s first No 1 single,
                                                                                           which is also the title of his 1998
                                                                                                                                  Italian city after Rome,
                                                                                                                                  claiming around 1.4 million
                                                                                                                                  residents. Clearly famous for its
                                                                                                                                                                        city becomes a rather sprawling
                                                                                                                                                                        urban metropolis, housing Milan’s
                                                                                                                                                                        diverse community.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Each club has its own branded
                                                                                                                                                                                                               changing room in the ground, Italy
         called ‘Venice Drowning’ on their         ‘Don’t Speak’, ‘Spiderwebs’ and         album that contains the track,         connections to fashion and the                                               will use one, whilst England will be
         1990 album ‘Liberty’?                     ‘Just A Girl’, of which is she the      ‘Rome Munich Rome’?                    arts it is also the home of Italy’s   Milan has a host of restaurants        relegated to the rather smaller, and
                                                   lead singer?                                                                   stock exchange and a number           and bars stretching out across the     plainer away dressing room.

         4   Italian composer Nino Rota
             composed the iconic musical
         score for which 2-part, multi Oscar       7   What is the correct name for
                                                       the London band formed in
                                                                                           10       In 1998 at one of his
                                                                                                    ‘Pavarotti and Friends’
                                                                                           concerts, which band did the
                                                                                                                                  of large industries.                  whole city, offering much more

                                                                                                                                        TICKET COLLECTION POINT (TCP)
         winning film of the 70s, directed by      Balham in 1999, Bologna Brakes,         famous Italian opera singer duet
         Francis Ford Coppola?                     Naples Brakes or Turin Brakes?          with on their song ‘Viva Forever’?

                                                                                                                                     T’LL come as no surprise to        for your group, this helps the FA      Thursday 22nd September
                                                                                                                                     you to find out it’s 100%          staff locate yours more easily.        Location: San Siro Ticket Booth/
               FSA FANS’ EMBASSY                                                                                                     collection for ESTC members                                               Ticket Office
                                                                                                                                  here in Milan, which means that       The ticket collection here in Milan    Opening Times: TBC

                REGULAR feature of all             will be on hand in Milan to offer any   We will be operating on the            every individual must collect         is slightly different to usual and     (Likely to be 1pm until 8pm)
                England away games for             advice, information, and assistance     afternoon of Thursday 22nd             their own ticket in person.           will have two separate locations,
                the last twenty years or           that you might need to make your        September, and then on match                                                 one at the stadium on Matchday         Friday 23rd September
         so, we’re now looking forward             trip go smoothly.                       day (Friday 23rd September)            Remember to take up-to-date           Minus One (Thursday) and one in        Location: Excelsior Hotel (Piazza
         to operating our last Fans’                                                       from around 10am through to            photo ID with you, and it will        the city centre on matchday. It        Duci D’Aosta 9, Milan, 20124)
         Embassy before the World Cup              Subject to securing official            about 4pm.                             speed up the process if you can       should be noted that there will be     Opening Times: TBC
         later this year.                          permission from local authorities                                              remember the name of the lead         no ticket collection point at the      (likely to be 9am until 8:45pm)
                                                   in Milan, the Fans’ Embassy will        We will of course be contactable       member who purchased the tickets      stadium on matchday!
         The Football Supporters’                  be based outside the front of the       around the clock via the helpline on
         Association’s Fans’ Embassy service       Central Station, in central Milan.      +44 7956 121314.                                    At the time of print, opening times were to be confirmed. The FA will of course communicate
                                                                                                                                               these with you and our Fans’ Embassy volunteers will be on the ground to help you in Milan.

                                                    Receive urgent info:                                                                                        Email:
                                                    Sign up to Free Lions’ FREE SMS text service                                                                FSF helpline: +44 7956 121314
         PRODUCES FREE LIONS                        Text “UPDATES” to +44 7956 121314                                             PRODUCES FREE LIONS             @WeAreFreeLions

                                         FSA Fans’ Embassy:
              FA Ticket                    Central Station
                   FSA Collection:
                        Fans’ Embassy:
                Excelsior Hotel
                      Central Station


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PAGE 11
                                                                                                  THE STADIUM                         GROUND RULES

                                                                                             HE capacity for the
                                                                                             game is 75,817, with the
                                                                                             England allocation being
                                                                                        4,361, this makes it the biggest
                                                                                        stadium in Italy almost 10,000
                                                                                        bigger than the Stadio Olimpico
                                                                                        in Rome.

                                                                                        The last time Italy played here
                                                                                        was against Spain in October
                                                                                        2021 for a Nations League semi-
                                                                                        final where a disappointing and
                                                                                        mostly disappointed 33,524 fans
                                                                                        watched Italy lose 2-1. Let’s hope
                                                                                        more Italians turn up to create an
                                                                                        atmosphere this time.

                                                                                                                                       ICK off is scheduled for          for the second check and security       collection to see if they’ve had
                                                                                        The view from the Three Lions top              2045 local time with              search. We have been informed           any luck.
                                                                                        tier seats is mostly unobstructed,             gates open two hours              that phone charger packs will not
                                                                                        although if you do end up near          before. England fans will be             be allowed in the stadium and will      Concessions and toilets for England
                                                                                        the front there is a tall perspex       directed to an entrance on Via           be confiscated, Free Lions has little   fans will be available in towers 8
                  GETTING TO THE GROUND                                                 partition separating you from the       Federic Tesio, there’s an initial        confidence these will be returned       and 11, only low alcohol beer will
                                                                                        home fans.                              ticket check as you enter the            to you so we suggest you leave          be available inside the stadium.
                                                                                                                                first compound.                          them at the hotel. Other than that

                HE San Siro is located in the     will enter a large compound which     It’s a long way up, it’s very steep                                              it’s the standard banned list, so       We are expecting a hold back until
                western suburbs of Milan,         leads up to the stadium gates.        and feels like you are right on top     In Italy you must have photo ID to       leave your guns, knives and pyros       home sections are empty, Italian
                although public transport                                               of the pitch. Finally, although it is   enter the ground, and this ID must       at home!                                police estimate that to be 30
          links are good. By far the easiest      If you do decide to get a taxi, and   rail seating, the steps in the aisles   match the name printed on your                                                   minutes although our suspicion is
          mode of transport for England           they’re not cheap in Milan, try to    are uneven and there are no rails,      ticket, if this is not the case it is    Following the security check you        it could well be longer. Toilets and
          fans is the metro, the M5 (purple       make sure they drop you near the      so be careful.                          likely that you will be refused entry.   are on the outer concourse of the       concessions will remain open.
          line) to be precise.                    San Siro Stadio metro, otherwise                                                                                       stadium and need to head to gate
                                                  you could face a long walk                                                    Both passports and driving licenses      10 to scan your ticket, following       Flags will be allowed in the
          There are two San Siro metro stops,     around the perimeter of the                                                   will be accepted as proof, but they      that head to tower 9 to make your       stadium, albeit there is no clear
          make sure you disembark at San Siro     ground to the England entrance.                                               must be originals and not copies.        way up to the stand.                    procedure to hang early, when we
          Stadio, on exiting the metro take a                                                                                   England fans membership cards                                                    last spoke with San Siro staff we
          short walk away from the stadium        Finally, San Siro is served by                                                will NOT be accepted.                    At the time of going to press the       were told the gates maybe open
          along the main road, taking the first   both buses and trams, buses 49                                                                                         slow ramped climb up the tower is       three hours before, but definitely
          right Via Federico Tesio.               and 80 both stop at San Siro                                                  Once you have entered the                the only way into the stand, albeit     two. Flags can be hung from the
                                                  Stadio metro stop, whilst the                                                 compound you will make your way          the FA were trying to find a way        seat rails and at the back of the
          You should see the England fans         tram will leave you with a walk                                               to the stadium where we expect           for less ambulant supporters to get     stand but not on the Perspex at
          entrance just in front. England fans    around the stadium perimeter.                                                 to see 8 lanes that will be used         some assistance. Check at ticket        the front.

                                                   Receive urgent info:                                                                                          Email:
                                                   Sign up to Free Lions’ FREE SMS text service                                                                  FSF helpline: +44 7956 121314
          PRODUCES FREE LIONS                      Text “UPDATES” to +44 7956 121314                                            PRODUCES FREE LIONS                @WeAreFreeLions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PAGE 13
               GETTING AROUND                        THINGS TO SEE AND DO                                                                    EATING & DRINKING

                    ILAN has good public
                    transport system with
                    interlinked buses, trams
          and metro. Uber and taxis are
          available and reasonable for
          short trips but can get expensive
          as you may have found if
          jumping in one at the airport.

          The metro is the best and most
          efficient way of moving around the

                                                  W                                                                                 Y
          city, tickets can be bought in metro             ITH the Fashion                  Alongside the Doumo is the high               OU are probably bored              If you fancy more than a Moretti,        offers much more, for starters
          stations and there’s a variety of                Week in full swing               end shopping, and the surrounding             of us mentioning Fashion           the city does boast a few craft          they interestingly have Coteletto,
          ticket options available, the ones of            the city will be busy            streets show off much of historic             Week but it will have an           breweries, one of the pioneers from      a dish very similar to the German
          most interest to us are likely to be    and bustling with the rich                Milan and “Fashion Week”                impact on our visit, as for starters     the mid-90s is Birrificio Lambrate,      Weinerschnitzel, with chips of course.
          a single journey ticket for 2 Euros,    and beautiful, so easy for the            dependant are well worth a wander.      bars and restaurants will be busy.       offering both a pub and restaurant.
          this will last 90 mins from when        England faithful to seamlessly                                                                                                                                      Stews and soups, breads and cakes,
          first used, so remember to stamp        mingle into the crowds. The               Leonardo Da Vinci spent a chunk         Prices vary tremendously but if          Irish pubs I hear you say? Of            you can easily find something
          it on the bus or tram otherwise it      Fashion Week does mean that               of time in Milan and his influence      you look around, keep off the            course, there are. Here’s just a         different to eat for every meal.
          won’t be valid.                         some streets may be closed, the           can still be seen. Milan used to        tourist trail then you can still find    few of those on offer, Mulligans,
                                                  fashion shows happen inside               have a fairly thorough canal system     a reasonably priced, pizza, beer or      a short walk up from Garibaldi           Alternatively, if its McDonald’s
          Milan also offers a one day ticket      and out.                                  which Da Vinci helped design,           carafe of local wine.                    station. O’Connells and Pogue            you are after there are a number
          for 7 Euros, or a 3 day one for 12                                                these days only Naviglio Grande                                                  Mahone’s to the south of the city.       dotted around town including one at
          Euros, both of these work on 24         It you fancy joining a supermodel,        and Naviglio Pavese remain and          A Milan night out starts with                                                     Doumo and another just across from
          hour periods from when first used,      rockstar, or these days, influencer       both areas offer an array of canal      Aperitivo, meeting up in a bar for a     There’s even a traditional English       the main entrance to central station.
          again don’t forget to stamp!            in the front row then I’m afraid          side bars and restaurants. Da           drink or two and some light snacks,      football pub, whatever that might
                                                  your chances are slim. Tickets for        Vinci’s Last Supper Mural (it’s not     so don’t be surprised to see these       be. With the city as spread out as it    If you fancy joining the locals in an
          It’s advisable to have a ticket that    the prime events are reserved for         a fresco) is in Milan at the Santa      offered or arrive at your table.         is its difficult to pinpoint one main    aperitivo you could always try the
          covers your return from the San Siro    the industry folks and people who         Maria delle Grazie, tickets can be                                               area where Three Lions supporters        classic Italian cocktail, A negroni or
          to avoid any additional queuing.        can afford to buy the creations on        bought in advance.                      Across town to the south is the          will gather.                             the now globally renowned Aperol
                                                  display. However other events are                                                 Navigli area (pictured), a common                                                 Spritz. Alternatively stick with
                                                  accessible to the public if you are       If you fancy a bit of peace and         place for the Milanese to start,         Although pasta and pizza are             the readily available and familiar
                                                  keen to show off the badge.               quiet then a stroll in Sempione         and even finish their night out.         widely available Milanese cuisine        Peroni Nastro Azzuro and Moretti.
                                                                                            Park is probably top choice
                                                  Milan’s historic centre is the heart of   of Milan’s open spaces. It also                                                                       Suarez 9. Luton Town 10. Dele Alli
                                                  the city, centred around the Doumo,       happens to be alongside Milan
                                                                                                                                         Spice Girls
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chloe Kelly 6. Coventry City 7. Bobby Charlton 8. Luis
                                                                                                                                         7. Turin Brakes 8. Britney Spears 9. ‘Millennium’10.
                                                  a magnificent gothic cathedral            Castle and a number of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Stadium and Leigh Sports Village 5. Ellie Toone and
                                                                                                                                         Godfather Parts I and II 5. Lady Gaga 6. No Doubt
                                                  dating back to the 14th Century.          leading city museums so could                1. Lewis Capaldi 2. Cornetto 3. Duran Duran 4. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Arsenal v Crystal Palace 4. Manchester City Academy
                                                  As well as heading inside you can         keep you busy for a few hours, if            Music Quiz (Page 6)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  1. AC Milan 2. George Weah 3. Gabriel Martinelli for
                                                  also head up onto the roof to take        you are trying to kill some time                                                                      Football Quiz (Page 16)
                                                  in the view of the square below.          before retiring to the pub.
                                                   Receive urgent info:                                                                                               Email:
                                                   Sign up to Free Lions’ FREE SMS text service                                                                       FSF helpline: +44 7956 121314
          PRODUCES FREE LIONS                      Text “UPDATES” to +44 7956 121314                                                PRODUCES FREE LIONS                 @WeAreFreeLions
THE LACK OF GOALS IS A WORRY                                                                                                                 AGREE OR DISAGREE WITH CLIVE HETHERINGTON?
                         BY CLIVE HETHERINGTON

                                                                                                                                                                                           CONTACT CLIVE VIA FREELIONS@THEFSA.ORG.UK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PAGE 15
                                                                                      matches – here in the San Siro         have some good players in forward         of a major miss in lifting the ball        OBITUARY: COLIN GRAINGER
                                                                                      against Italy and when Germany         positions – Foden, Mount, Sterling,       over at the far post when it looked
                                                                                      visit Wembley on Monday, is            Grealish – but that one, main             easier to score.
                                                                                      finding a way to restore the belief    position, the Harry Kane position,
                                                                                      and confidence that were smashed       God help us if he gets injured. That’s    Former Chelsea man Graeme Le
                                                                                      to smithereens by the Hungarians.      where we’re struggling.                   Saux said: “It was a basic miss.
                                                                                                                                                                       Harry Kane scores that. He gets
                                                                                      Putting the ball in the net would      “You look at the back-up. Tammy           into a position where he trusts
                                                                                      help in that particular goal. It is    Abraham played all right, his             himself and scores. Sterling looked
                                                                                      now six hours since England last       touch and link-up play were good.         a bit hesitant and on his heels.”
                                                                                      scored from open play – centre-        He’s scored goals and he’s possibly

                                                                                      back Tyrone Mings’ stoppage-time       the one waiting in the wings.But          There is no doubt that, in his              HEY called him ‘The Singing

                   HILE the Lionesses           The 4-0 humiliation left fans in a    effort in the 3-0 friendly win over    we have concerns about whether            defence, Southgate faced a                  Winger’ and he had the
                   roared at this               state of shock. For the first time    Ivory Coast at Wembley in March.       we can create and finish chances,         dilemma over how to approach                distinction of appearing on
                   summer’s Euros,              since 2014 under Roy Hodgson’s                                               especially when Harry Kane is not         the Nations League. Four games         the same bill as The Beatles.
          Gareth Southgate’s boys               management, England have gone         The problem was emphasised in          on the pitch.                             in quick succession, 11 days to be
          capitulated in the Nations            four matches without a win.           the home humbling by Hungary,                                                    precise, so soon after the end of a    Colin Grainger, who died in June at
          League with barely a whimper.                                               who at times looked capable of         “Harry would have scored from             demanding domestic season, meant       89, also performed on the football
                                                And for the first time since he       scoring at will, even before central   the Mason Mount chance. He                tired legs and a need for rotation.    stage for England, making a
          England’s women, under the            took charge in 2016, there were       defender John Stones was sent          would have whipped it low and                                                    memorable debut for his country by
          leadership of Dutch coach Sarina      calls from some supporters for        off with England 3-0 down, and         hard into the corner of the net.          Southgate also felt he had to take     scoring twice – the first goal with his
          Wiegman, captured the Football        Southgate to go after such a          in the goalless draw with Italy at     That’s why the centre-forwards get        the opportunity to look at younger     first touch after only four minutes –
          Association’s first major trophy      catastrophic setback and miserable    Molineux three days earlier.           the big bucks, isn’t it!                  players – but the Hungary debacle      in a 4-2 Wembley win against Brazil
          since Alf Ramsey’s men conquered      run of form.                                                                                                           was unquestionably an experience       in May 1956. He played on the left,
          the world in 1966, as Wembley                                               Chelsea midfielder Mason               “Mason didn’t keep his shot low           they could have done without.          the opposite flank to the great Sir
          again played host to an historic      The FA have rightly invested much     Mount’s alarming lack of               for starters. He had a big area to                                               Stanley Matthews, whose cross he
          occasion in the national psyche.      faith and trust in Southgate,         composure when he hit the bar          hit and just had to sweep it into         It is never easy to strike the right   headed in for his second goal just
                                                                                                                                                                                                              before half-time.
                                                England’s most successful manager     against the Italians from the most     the far corner, but he went high          balance when so many factors
          Now, however, Southgate’s rock-       – in the men’s game – since the       inviting position, crystalised the     and probably too hard. That’s             have to be weighed up, but there
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Despite that fast start with
          bottom England face the distinct      man who became Sir Alf.               dearth of quality in England’s play.   probably a player who is lacking a        appeared to be too much reshuffling
                                                                                                                                                                                                              England, the speedy Grainger won
          possibility of being relegated from                                                                                bit confidence, having not scored a       in selection and formation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              only seven caps in under a year
          League A of the Nations League        A World Cup semi-final four           Captain Kane has scored 50 goals       goal in an England shirt for ages.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                              as an international, scoring once
          after failing to win any of their     years ago and a Euro 2020 final       for England and is only three short                                              Characteristically, Southgate          more in a 3-1 victory away to West
          opening four games – losing two       appearance last summer are            of equalling former skipper Wayne      Owen added: “I wouldn’t say it was        accepted full responsibility for       Germany in the same month as his
          of them – and scoring only once in    proof of England’s progress under     Rooney’s record. And one-time          a positive performance – it was so-       England’s failings and admitted he     Brazil bonanza.
          the process, through a late, Harry    Southgate. For these reasons, talk    England striker Michael Owen,          so. We played okay, created chances       was given a harsh reminder of the
          Kane penalty leveller in the 1-1      of changing manager before this       sixth on the all-time list with 40,    and conceded a few chances. A             dangers of being too gung-ho in        Born in South Yorkshire, Grainger
          draw away to Germany.                 winter’s World Cup makes no sense.    expressed concern over how reliant     draw was probably a fair result.”         an attacking sense. If England were    began at Wrexham and went
                                                                                      on Kane for goals the Three Lions                                                inclined to be play that way, there    to play for Sheffield United,
          Hungary, having beaten England        Any worries about England’s           have become.                           Sterling, now a team-mate of              was still no real end-product.         Sunderland, Leeds, Port Vale,
          1-0 in Budapest at the start of the   Nations League status are now                                                Mount’s with both club and                                                       Doncaster and Macclesfield. His
          campaign, came to Molineux to         scarcely relevant. What matters       Speaking on Channel Four after the     country following his £47.5million        It seems we can expect to see a more   career as a crooner ran in tandem
          inflict the Three Lions’ heaviest     in the next two games – which         Italy game, Owen said: “The lack       move to Stamford Bridge from              cautious England before they board     with his playing days, although
          home defeat since 1928.               are, after all, World Cup warm-up     of goals? I think it’s a worry. We     Manchester City, was also guilty          the plane for Qatar in November.       overall football came first.

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Goalkeepers:                                              RINT deadlines again mean we’ve had to use squad
Gianluigi    DONNARUMMA Paris Saint-Germain               members from Italy’s June Nations League games,
Pierluigi    GOLLINI    Fiorentina                        but that doesn’t stop the fun: while away some time
Alessio      CRAGNO     Monza
                                                    by finding the surnames of the Italy squad hidden in the
Defenders:                                          Wordsearch grid.
Alessandro   BASTONI         Inter Milan
Giovanni     DI LORENZO      Napoli
Luiz         FELIPE          Real Betis                N   U    F   C    I   G      E   T    N   A    T    S   I     R   C
Federico     DIMARCO         Inter Milan               G   O    L   L    I   N      I   C    S   O    T    N   C     A   R
Francesco    ACERBI          Inter Milan
Giorgio      SCALVINI        Atalanta                  N   I    N   I    V   L      A   C    S   K    I    U   P     D   A
Gianluca     MANCINI         Roma                      O   B    I   W    B   M      I   I    L   C    C    R   E     O   G
Davide       CALABRIA        AC Milan
                                                       N   R    Q   K    A   L      H   S    N   O    A    A   S     N   N
Midfielders:                                           T   E    E   C    R   N      Z   A    X   R    L    S   S     N   O
Davide       FRATTESI        Sassuolo
Nicolò       BARELLA         Inter Milan               O   C    C   R    T   Q      M   U    I   R    A    P   I     A   L
Salvatore    ESPOSITO        SPAL                      B   A    R   E    L   L      A   I    L   E    B    A   N     R   O
Manuel       LOCATELLI       Juventus
Matteo       PESSINA         Monza                     R   E    S   P    O   S      I   T    O   R    R    D   A     U   C
Leonardo     SPINAZZOLA      Roma                      U   W    D   I    M   A      R   C    O   A    I    O   L     M   A
Bryan        CRISTANTE       Roma
Matteo       POLITANO        Napoli                    N   P    O   L    I   T      A   N    O   E    A    R   V     M   T
                                                       O   Z    N   E    R   O      L   I    D   H    A    I   Z     A   E
Gianluca     SCAMACCA        West Ham United           A   G    P   F    R   A      T   T    E   S    I    X   R     U   L
Giacomo      RASPADORI       Napoli                    S   P    I   N    A   Z      Z   O    L   A    R    I   P     O   L
Gianluca     CAPRARI         Monza
WILFRIED     GNONTO          Leeds United              V   G    H   T    A   S      M   B    A   S    T    O   N     I   I

    SCOUSE PHIL’S                          FREE LIONS FOOTBALL QUIZ
                                                                                                           ON PAGE   13

1    Who are the current Serie A
     champions?                            6     Which Championship side had
                                                 to postpone a number of home
                                                                                        his first club, Nacional?

2    Which former Ballon D’or winner
     and World Player of the Year is
                                           games at the start of the season due
                                           to the poor state of the pitch, partly
                                           caused by hosting the Rugby 7s in
                                                                                        9   Which is the only League club
                                                                                            situated in Bedfordshire?

the current President of Liberia?          this year’s Commonwealth Games?
                                                                                        10        I was born in Milton
                                                                                                  Keynes in 1996 and played

3    Who scored the 1st goal in
     this season’s Premier League?         7    Wayne Rooney and Harry Kane
                                                are number one and two on
                                           the list of England’s all-time
                                                                                        74 games for my home town club.
                                                                                        I joined a Premier League club
                                                                                        in 2015, winning the PFA Young

4    Apart from Wembley, name the 2
     non football league grounds used
at the 2022 Womens’ Euro Finals.
                                           highest scorers, but who is next on
                                           the list?
                                                                                        Player of the Year award two
                                                                                        years running. I won all of my 36
                                                                                        caps whilst playing there, before

5    ...and name England’s scorers
     in the 2-1 final win v Germany.
                                           8   Which former Premier League
                                               player and Champions League
                                           winner has recently re-signed for
                                                                                        transferring to another Premier
                                                                                        League club in January 2022.
                                                                                        Who am I?
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