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                                       Monday 14th February 2022                 MYER vouchers
Rewards with NCL
  Norwegian Cruise Line’s
                                      Don’t go small, Tehan says                                                    ACA reacts to ban
                                                                                                                      The Australian Cruise
(NCL) Partners First Rewards            New York’s Times Square and         shops and cafes.                        Association’s CEO Jill Abel has
members are invited to take           London’s Piccadilly Circus are just     To maximise its reach in the          labelled a decision by the Federal
advantage of double rewards on        some of the overseas locations        United States, a TV ad will be          Govt to extend its Biosecurity
Europe and Hawaii bookings.           that will be hosting billboards to    broadcast in Los Angeles in the         cruise ban by two months as
  Travel advisors can earn a $50      promote Australia as a tourist        break ahead of the Olympics             “disappointing”, but says it will
gift card (50 points) on all Europe   destination this year, all part of    broadcast and just after the            provide time for the cruise sector
and Hawaii bookings made and          the latest Federal Government         airing of the Super Bowl, with          to prepare for a phased restart.
deposited this month.                 push to revive the country’s          other overseas target markets to          Abel also welcomed an
  Learn more on today’s cover         flagging tourism sector.              include Germany, France, Italy,         agreement reached last week at
page of Travel Daily.                   The $40 million Don’t Go Small.     Canada and the United Kingdom.          National Cabinet for governments
                                      Go Australia campaign kicks off         “After COVID-19, the world            to work together with the cruise
                                      this week and emphasises the          is looking forward to taking a          industry around the protocols
Etihad to go daily                    opportunity for prospective           holiday and we want that holiday        needed for a recommencement
  Etihad Airways has announced        visitors to check off as many key     to be in Australia...this new           on the east coast “over coming
it will increase its Melbourne and    Aussie attractions as possible        campaign is just the first step in      months” (TD 11 Feb).
Sydney services from five-per-        during the one trip.                  a long-term strategy to restart           “This is the most encouraging
week to daily from 27 Mar, taking       “Our message to tourists is         tourism to Australia, with further      sign we have had from Govt that
its total weekly services between     don’t go small,” Federal Minister     investment in tourism marketing         they’re...willing to actively engage
Abu Dhabi and Australia to 14.        for Tourism Dan Tehan said.           campaigns internationally to            in dialogue around bringing cruise
  The new daily services follow         “We want visitors to make the       come in the second half of the          ships back,” Abel said.
rival Emirates’ decision to move      most of their holiday by filling      year,” Tehan added.                       More details on the cruise ban
to twice daily Sydney flights from    their itinerary and doing as many                                             extension in Cruise Weekly.
01 Mar (TD 11 Feb), and will          things as possible and if they do
offer Aussies a combo of morning      they’ll be supporting the 660,000
                                                                            FJ job opportunity
and evening departures via the        jobs in our tourism industry and        Fiji Airways is currently seeking
deployment of Boeing 787 aircraft     our tourism regions.”                 a new Australian Business
in a two-cabin configuration.           Featured Aussie tourism             Development Manager who
  The new daily services will         experiences include diving in the     will be the carrier’s first point of
allow 12,500 extra visitors to        Great Barrier Reef, visiting the      contact on the east coast.
come to Victoria alone, and inject    Red Centre & Uluru, wandering           The position will report to
approximately $17 million into        the vibrant Sydney Harbour and        the airline’s Regional General
the state’s economy.                  exploring Melbourne’s many            Manager Australia - for more
                                                                            details see page seven.

                                                                            Fly back to cruise
                                                                              Uniworld Boutique River                    per couple on
                                                                            Cruises is inviting travellers to          selected NT tours
                                                                            take of advantage of its added
                                                                            value and fly back into cruise with
                                                                            its partner Qatar Airways.
                                                                              Travellers who cruise on an all-
                                                                            inclusive river sailing with the line
                                                                            this year will receive free included
                                                                            airfares with Qatar.
                                                                              For more details, see page six.

                                                                             Today’s issue of TD
                                                                               Travel Daily today features
     REGISTER NOW                                                            five pages of the latest news,
                                                                             a front cover page from
                                                                             Norwegian Cruise Lines plus                   BOOK NOW >
                                                                             full pages from:
                                                                              • Uniworld Boutique River
                                                                                 Cruises                                      *T&C’s apply
                                                                              • Fiji Airways

Travel Daily       e                 t 1300 799 220               w                            page 1
                                                                                                      REGISTER NOW!              ENTRIES CLOSE 31 MARCH

                                                                                                      UTAH                             DELTA AIR LINES                   ROCKY MOUNTAINEER

                                      Monday 14th February 2022                  Earn points for a complimentary famil to Utah

Crown gives the go ahead                                                      TNZ wants to learn
                                                                                Tourism New Zealand (TNZ)
                                                                                                                                     QF loyalty promo
                                                                                                                                       Travel agents making
  Crown Resorts has given the             “The price now appropriately        is inviting members of the                             bookings via the Qantas
green light to sell the business to     reflects the value of Crown’s         Australian travel industry to take                     Distribution Platform for QF
US-based investment company             world-class assets and global         part in a new feedback survey to                       Frequent Flyers can offer their
Blackstone for $8.9 billion, after      reputation for premium services       better shape future policy.                            clients $100 off on return flights
receiving a revised offer last          and experiences,” Crown’s MD            The survey will close at 5pm                         to London.
month (TD 13 Jan).                      Steve McCann said this morning.       AEDT next Mon, and takes                                 The deal is available for
  Crown’s Board unanimously               Crown’s chief also said that        approximately 10 minutes to                            bookings from today through
agreed to recommend that                the added value of the takeover       complete.                                              to Wed, for travel through until
shareholders vote in favour of the      represented the strength of its         CLICK HERE to participate.                           the end of Nov, with a range of
deal, which will entitle them to        brand in the face of challenging                                                             blackout dates applying.
$13.10 cash per share, effectively      headwinds, which has included
adding an additional $845 million       low consumer traffic caused by        Ed on board AFTA
in value to the previous offer          the pandemic and a myriad of            The Australian Federation of
                                                                                                                                     King Island promo
put forward by Blackstone and           legal issues.                         Travel Agents (AFTA) is pleased                          A new travel initiative from the
rejected by Crown in Dec last year        The deal is also expected to        to have Ed Wilkinson from the                          Tasmanian Govt is encouraging
(TD 02 Dec 2021).                       see the end of James Packer’s         Australian Department of Foreign                       visitation to King Island after a
                                        controlling stake in the              Affairs and Trade joining for this                     period of travel restrictions
                                        company, with the Victorian           week’s webinar.                                          A travel incentive scheme
NT stumps up $12m                       Royal Commission last year              The Department will provide key                      providing $300 off the cost of
  The Northern Territory                recommending the Aussie               insights on the feedback from the                      accommodation and tourism
Government has announced a              billionaire sell down his 37% stake   Australian consulate and embassy                       experiences on the Island is on
new $12 million tourism support         in Crown to just 5% in two years.     networks around the world, and                         offer between 01 May and 31 Jul,
package designed to encourage             Crown Resorts was forced to         will address the current issues                        made available to 700 bookings.
greater visitation, attract skilled     undergo cultural changes in the       around the European Union                                The program will launch to
workers and support local               wake of the allegations, including    Digital COVID-19 Certificate.                          consumers in early Apr, and more
tourism businesses impacted by          a new culture transformation            To register for the webinar,                         details of the scheme will be
travel restrictions.                    program (TD 13 Dec 2021).             CLICK HERE.                                            made available soon.

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Travel Daily       e                   t 1300 799 220                   w                                                  page 2
Read about 5 key issues facing
                                                                                    travel businesses, the industry
                                                                                    says enough is enough, Journey
                                                                                    Beyond on a new track and more in
                                                                                    the February issue of travelBulletin.

                                         Monday 14th February 2022                                              CLICK
                                                                                                               to read
Lux’s Fiji success
  Luxury Escapes’ recent
                                            FCTG shows its RESPECT                                                      Matt joins Board
                                                                                                                          Voyages Indigenous Tourism
five-month Fiji campaign saw it               Flight Centre Travel Group         actions that we have committed         Australia Chief Executive Officer
increase its average destination            (FCTG) has launched its inaugural    to as part of it will provide our      Matt Cameron-Smith has joined
room nights sold per annum to               Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)     people and our customers with          the Torrens University Australia
the island nation by 500%.                  which the company states will        greater knowledge of Aboriginal        Hospitality Industry Advisory
  The company outsold every                 offer a tangible commitment to       and Torres Strait Islander cultures    Board.
other channel, including the                goals over the next two years.       and traditions,” he said.               The Board comprises both Blue
major agency networks, with                   The new RAP will also serve          For the full details, see HERE.      Mountains International Hotel
its instant online booking tech,            to emphasise the importance                                                 Management School and William
which was only a few days old               of fostering consultation and        Airnorth questions                     Blue College of Hospitality
when the campaign begun in Oct.             collaboration with Aboriginal and                                           Management.
  The result saw approximately              Torres Strait Islander peoples and     Bristow Travel, a WA-based
$50 million generated in sales.             empower its staff to contribute.     subsidiary of Bristow Group
                                              Flight Centre’s new framework      which is the parent company of         The spotlight is on
                                            is based on the concept of           Airnorth, has been placed into
                                                                                                                          A new production show is
Coral beefs up team                         RESPECT, and outlines a need         administration, according to a
                                                                                                                        debuting on board Discovery
                                            for the business to foster better    notice published by the Australian
 Coral Expeditions has                                                                                                  Princess, ‘Spotlight Bar’.
                                            First Nations goals in reference     Securities & Investments
expanded its sales team with the                                                                                          The original show will
                                            to collaboration, education &        Commission.
appointment of four new roles.                                                                                          first appear in Apr, and will
                                            employment opportunities,              It is unclear how and if this will
 Peggy Irving has been appointed                                                                                        transport guests to a vibrant
                                            added reconciliation initiatives,    affect the operations for Airnorth,
Sales & Distribution Manager                                                                                            bar atmosphere where they will
                                            and respect to culture woven into    with the company unable to
ANZ, Diane Templeton has been                                                                                           meet and connect with local
                                            the fabric of the travel company.    respond to TD’s requests for more
named Inside Sales Executive,                                                                                           storytellers, who will share tales
                                              MD James Kavanagh said the         details by time of publishing.
Anna Powell will take up the role                                                                                       of their lives through song.
                                            launch of FCTG’s first RAP would       The carrier’s parent is
of Sales Executive - Domestic,                                                                                            The show includes a modern
                                            produce key benefits to both         Bristow Helicopters Australia, a
and Elizabeth Webb will serve                                                                                           musical playlist which will evoke
                                            internal & external stakeholders.    subsidiary of the Houston-based
as International Sales Manager,                                                                                         memories and inspire dancing
                                              “We hope that this RAP and the     Bristow Group.
Groups & Charters.                                                                                                      among all.

                                                                                                                                                         OF M

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Travel Daily                e             t 1300 799 220               w                                         page 3

                                                                                       SURVIVAL SURVEY
                                                                                       Let us know how you are surviving
                                                                                       these unprecedented times.
                                      Monday 14th February 2022                   COMPLETE THE SURVEY FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN ONE OF THREE $50 GIFT CARDS.

Borocay booster                             Plotting a path through 2022
  TOURISM authorities in the                                                                                                        Window
Philippines have wasted no time
getting to the pointy end of its                                                                                                    Seat
tourism strategy, revealing free
booster shots this week for                                                                                             A selection of lucky
travellers visiting Boracay Island.                                                                                     honeymooners who missed out
  Booster jabs will be offered                                                                                          on their chance to travel to a
at no extra cost to ensure                                                                                              romantic destination because
tourists are protected against                                                                                          of COVID restrictions are today
new COVID-19 variants and to                                                                                            making up for it in style.
help rebuild confidence in the                                                                                            Thanks to a heartwarming
island’s dented visitor economy,                                                                                        Valentine’s Day initiative from
a spokesperson for Philippines                                                                                          Virgin Australia, couples will
tourism body said.                                                                                                      join a flight from Sydney staffed
                                                                                                                        entirely by crew who have met
                                                                                                                        their soulmate on the job, as
Thai fee postponed                        THE nation’s capital recently      agents, and it was energising to
                                                                                                                        well as The Bachelor alumni,
                                        played host to a gathering of        hear them share insights and
  TRAVELLERS to Thailand can                                                                                            Brittany Hockley, who will wear
                                        Travellers Choice agents who         express confidence in the retail
breath a temporary sigh of relief                                                                                       the hat of Chief Flower Officer.
                                        met up to discuss their collective   travel sector’s return,” Smith said.
after the country’s government                                                                                            Each couple will be able
                                        battle plans for 2022.                 “It was also encouraging to
revealed a new tourist tax (TD 17                                                                                       to make up for lost time by
                                          The lunch, organised and           have them acknowledge the
Jan) will be delayed by at least                                                                                        enjoying an overnight stay at
                                        hosted by Business Development       unflagging support Travellers
two months.                                                                                                             the JW Marriott Gold Coast,
                                        Manager Graham Smith and             Choice has shown to all members
  The postponement to Jul at the                                                                                        complete with bubbles and
                                        Travellers Choice member Maria       over the past two years, and the
earliest was caused by connecting                                                                                       handmade chocolates.
                                        Slater, demonstrated the strength    role that has played in ensuring
airlines, who will be made
                                        and commitment of advisors           the relationships that bind our
responsible for collecting the 300-
                                        to the travel sector despite the     group together have only grown
Baht fee, after they requested
                                        clear challenges posed by the        stronger during one of the
more time to prepare for the
                                        pandemic.                            most challenging periods in our
setting up of payment processes.
                                          “Our ACT network includes          industry’s history,” he added.
                                        some of Australia’s most               Pictured: Dave Long, Weston
Spirit of Geelong                       successful and celebrated travel     Cruise & Travel; Brian Slater,
  TT-Line’s Spirit of Tasmania                                               Maria Slater Travel; Deb Long,
ferry service is gearing up to          India travel advice                  Weston Cruise & Travel; Grant              MEANWHILE in decidedly
relocate from Melbourne to a                                                 Everson, Jamison Travel; Graham            unromantic news, a woman has
                                          All travellers to India are
newly constructed port in Corio                                              Smith, Travellers Choice BDM; Jim          taken to TikTok claiming she
                                        required to complete the Air
Quay, Geelong.                                                               Cooper, Queanbeyan City Travel &           caught a male plane passenger
                                        Suvidha self declaration form
  The new facilities promise a                                               Cruise; Maria Slater, Maria Slater         watching adult content as his
                                        before departure, DFAT advises.
smoother boarding experience                                                 Travel; Jan Dalley, Travel Makers;         girlfriend slept beside him -
                                          From today, travellers from
through upgraded tech, with an                                               Michelle Everson, Jamison Travel;          causing a social media stir.
                                        Australia may upload their
opening date to be confirmed.                                                Jenny Cooper, Queanbeyan City                While some users condemned
                                        vaccination certificate or a
  Departures from 01 Sep to 31                                               Travel & Cruise; and Phil Dalley           the man as “creepy”, many
                                        negative COVID test to support
Dec will remain at Melbourne.                                                from Travel Makers.                        defended his right to privacy.
                                        their Air Suvidha declaration.

   Adventure Awaits
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Travel Daily            e              t 1300 799 220              w                                 page 4
Mag teams up with TNZ
                                                                                                                                     International Traveller has
                                                                                                                                   launched its first New Zealand
                                                                                                                                   country issue, joining forces
                                                                                                                                   with Tourism New Zealand on
                                                                                                                                   the new venture.
                                                   Monday 14th February 2022                                                         The magazine covers the
                                                                                                                                   country’s 31 regions, and unveils
                                                                                                                                   101 New Zealand holiday
Canada makes its case                                                                                                              experiences Aussies must do.
                                                                                                                                     The 156-page New Zealand
  The Canadian Travel & Tourism                         arrivals testing and isolation                                             edition will be the first issue of
Roundtable has stressed that                            requirements for fully vaccinated                                          International Traveller dedicated
“there is no scientific reason” for                     travellers and blanket travel                                              to a single int’l destination, and
the country’s travel sector to be                       advisories, as has been done by                                            showcases 12 holiday themes
singled out as the only activity                        other international jurisdictions,”                                        to suit all tastes: Adventure,
requiring testing and isolation,                        the group said.                                                            Family, Food & Wine, Luxury,
the body claimed in a statement                           The Canadian Tourism                                                     Maori Culture, Nature, Only in
over the weekend.                                       Roundtable is a cross-Canadian                                             New Zealand, Road trips, Tiaki                                            must-dos and hidden gems, so
  The attack arrives ahead of the                       coalition of leaders in the tourism                                        promise, Winter wonderland, and                                           we teamed up with Tourism New
expectation that the country’s                          and travel sector - including                                              the Wow factor.                                                           Zealand to curate this country.
government will make changes to                         representatives from airports,                                               From today, the special issue                                             “International Traveller’s
its border measures soon.                               airlines, hotels, and chambers of                                          is available in Woolworths and                                            editorial team tapped into
  “We are hopeful that the                              commerce across the country.                                               Coles supermarkets across                                                 our extensive network of Kiwi
Canadian Government will                                  Canada’s travel sector’s pleas                                           Australia, and is supported by a                                          experts, spoke to countless travel
establish a plan with a clear                           arrive on the back of weeks of                                             national integrated television,                                           industry insiders, and added an
timeline for removing restrictions,                     unrest and blockades by truckers                                           digital, and social advertising                                           Australian lens when making our
including the removal of                                and protestors in many parts of                                            campaign.                                                                 recommendations.”
unnecessary pre-departure and                           the country.                                                                 “When New Zealand opened to                                               Tourism New Zealand General
                                                                                                                                   Australian visitors last year, our                                        Manager Australia Andrew
                               Brochures                                                                                           traffic to New Zealand content
                                                                                                                                   spiked,” said the publication’s co-
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Waddel said the issue includes
                                                                                                                                                                                                             everything Australia need to
  WELCOME to Brochures of the Week, Travel Daily’s Monday feature.                                                                 founder Quentin Long.                                                     know about New Zealand.
  If your firm is releasing a new brochure you’d like to make the industry                                                           “We knew travellers wanted
  aware of, send a brief description summarising its features and                                                                  a detailed breakdown of the
  itineraries, including a PDF of the front cover, and contact details to                                                                                                                                    Long dark clouds                                                                                                                                                                                Adverse weather from Severe
                                                                                                                                   Deposit deal ending                                                       Tropical Cyclone Dovi is disrupting
                     Scenic - Antarctica & South America 2023/2024                                                                   Pandaw is reminding travellers                                          flights around New Zealand.
                     Scenic has today announced the full release of its                                                            that its USD$100 deposit                                                    Air NZ advises it has been
                     2023/2024 Scenic Eclipse ultra-luxury Antarctica                                                              promotion offer will end soon                                             forced to cancel at least 100
                     and South America brochure collection, featuring                                                              on 31 Mar, after which time the                                           flights due to the challenges
                     new “Fly & Sail” and Beyond the Antarctica circle                                                             cruse line will revert to requiring                                       with the cyclone, with further
                     voyages. A highlight of the new program is the                                                                the standard 20% deposit to                                               cancellations potentially to come.
                     addition of Scenic Eclipse II. Released as a preview                                                          secure a cabin.                                                             Most of New Zealand’s North
                     collection late last year, Scenic has seen strong
                                                                                                                                     Pandaw added that guests                                                Island is experiencing strong
                     demand during the first two months of sales
                                                                                                                                   who had trips postponed due                                               winds causing cancellations into
                     for these ultra-luxury Expedition Voyages, with
 Antarctica bookings more than 50% up year-on-year.
                                                                                                                                   to COVID may still have cruise                                            and out of these regions.
                                                                                                                                   credits available that can be used                                          The challenging weather is
                              Norwegian - Cruise the World with NCL                                                                to secure a new booking for the                                           expected to last through to
                              Norwegian Cruise Line’s new Cruise The World                                                         coming seasons.                                                           tonight, and Air New Zealand is
                              with NCL brochure details cruising on 17 ships,                                                        Bookings for the coming season                                          working through recovery flights
                              sailing to more than 300 destinations. Showcasing                                                    are strong, with many sailings                                            for impacted customers.
                              Norwegian’s latest itineraries throughout 2022 and                                                   already fully booked, with the                                              Air New Zealand is strongly
                              2023, the brochure also showcases the innovative                                                     deposit offer ending at the end                                           encourages those currently
                              and first-in-class Norwegian Prima, ahead of her                                                     of next month, with Pandaw                                                booked to travel on affected
                              inaugural voyage later in the year. The Cruise                                                       expecting a further influx of                                             flights to transfer to another flight
                              The World brochure also features insights on
                                                                                                                                   bookings from travellers eager to                                         date by managing their booking
                              Norwegian’s Freestyle Cruising approach.
                                                                                                                                   return to Asia.                                                           online.

                                        EDITORIAL                                                            Advertising and Marketing                                  Suite 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd
                                        Editor in Chief and Publisher – Bruce Piper                          Sean Harrigan and Hoda Alzubaidi                           Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
                                        Associate Editors– Adam Bishop,                                                         PO Box 1010 Epping NSW 1710 Australia                 Myles Stedman                                                                                                                   Tel: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8007 6760)
 Travel Daily is part of the Business   Contributors – Nicholas O’Donoghue,                                  Business manager
 Publishing Group family of             Jenny Piper                                                          Jenny Piper                                                Travel Daily operates by paid subscription                             business events news
 publications.                                                                                    to people within the travel industry - sign
 Produced each weekday since
                                                                                                                                                                        up at
 1994, Travel Daily is Australia’s
                                        Travel Daily is a publication of TDaily Pty Ltd ABN 34 108 508 765. All content fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission to reproduce any material. While every care has been taken in the preparation of Travel
 leading travel industry publication.   Daily no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.

Travel Daily              e                                                  t 1300 799 220                                           w                                                                         page 5
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                                                                                                                                                                                           Experience France north to south, sailing three rivers                                                                            Indulge in a private after-hours visit to Saint Mark’s Basilica
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Enjoy a drinks reception at the Royal Waiting Room at Budapest Nyugati station
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Walk through the loveliest part of Bratislava with your local guide

                                                                       off your cruise fare                          We’ll match those savings with an air
                                                                                                                   credit towards your business class ticket.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VISIT UNIWORLD.COM | CALL 1300 780 231 | SEE YOUR TRAVEL ADVISOR
                                                                                                                                                                    *Flight offers are valid for new bookings made between 01 Feb & 28 Feb 2022. Prices are per person (adult fares) including any applicable taxes & fuel surcharges. Business class tickets are available from $3,950pp (this fare is based on SYD/MEL/ADL/PER to BUD/MIL/
                                                                                                                                                                     PRG/VIE/MUC including tax in low season 10Jan-05Apr or 11Apr-16Jun or 10Jul-02Dec and based on a Sunday to Thursday (weekday) flight in R Class with Qatar Airways and pairing with Rhine, Main Danube Discovery 29 April 2022 departure). Additional surcharges may
                                                                                                                                                                     apply. Payment terms for our Air Offer: 10% cruise deposit & full payment of air ticket balance required at time of booking. Final payment of cruise fare is due 120 days prior to cruise departure. Guests who do not wish to book airfares under this air offer, will receive an
                                                                                                                                                                     additional discount off their cruise. In this case, standard Uniworld booking conditions apply. By paying the applicable deposits you accept the Terms & Conditions of the Uniworld Air Offer, & tickets will be issued. Our partner airlines reserve the right to advise an earlier
                                                                                                                                                                     airfare Ticketing Time Limit date, subject to booking conditions and restrictions. Stopovers are subject to additional surcharge & flight restrictions apply. After ticket issuance, date changes & cancellation fees will apply as per the airfare rules (rules will be advised at

                                                                        VISIT UNIWORLD.COM | CALL 1300 780 231 | SEE YOUR TRAVEL ADVISOR                             time of booking). The promotion is capacity controlled, & may not be combined with any other offer, except for River Heritage Club savings. The airfare can’t be sold without a cruise booking & is subject to availability. Airfares are based on a maximum 90 day stay in
                                                                                                                                                                     Europe. This offer is valid on all available cabin categories on select 2022 departures across Europe (excluding Christmas Markets) sailings from 1 Mar to 15 Nov 2022. Uniworld will do everything reasonably possible to fulfil the air offer, however, if we are unable to fulfil
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the flights for any reason, we will revert your booking to the cruise only savings in lieu. Uniworld reserves the right to correct errors or omissions & to change all fares, fees & surcharges at any time.

            SOCIAL MEDIA TILES AND COPY                                                                                                                         FLYERS

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                       our world

Business Development Manager - Australia
Are you a self- starter? Can you passionately share about Fiji Airways products and services
to increase sales? Then, we would like to hear from you.

There is an exciting opportunity for Business Development Managers in New South Wales,
Victoria & Queensland to be the first point of contact for Fiji’s National Carrier. Reporting to the
Regional General Manager Australia, the successful incumbent will promote Fiji Airways sales
through an effective working relationship with key trade partners to be able to exceed revenue
targets as set in incentive agreements. You are required to have a thorough understanding of the
opportunities and threats that exist with each trade partner to help create and implement plans
to optimize performance and seek business development opportunities with MICE and special
interest groups to Fiji.

Qualifications, Skills & Experience
•   Minimum of a Diploma in Business or Marketing with strong academic performance.
•   3 years’ work experience of prior sales and marketing in travel/tourism industry.
•   Experience in an agency environment.
•   Experience with a range of selling methodologies, especially B2B relationship

Applications close on 27th February, 2022.
If you are interested in this opportunity, visit If you have any
questions or would like to know more about the role please email
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