Toyota travel Insurance - Policy Document 2013

Page created by Jesse Singh
Toyota travel Insurance - Policy Document 2013
toyota travel Insurance
Policy Document 2013

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Toyota travel Insurance - Policy Document 2013
Travel Insurance Policy ref: VOY/PWCTY/2013
Arranged exclusively for Toyota members. Provided you have paid the appropriate premium, you are covered in
accordance with the full wording shown herein up to the limits indicated below. The limits apply per person for each
separate trip. The excesses apply for each person and each section of each claim. Valid for issue no later than 31st
March 2014.

Benefits table                                                                                         Limits              Excess
1. Cancellation or curtailment                                                                         £5,000            £50* (£20)**
2. Emergency medical expenses                                                                       £10,000,000               £50
          including emergency repatriation
          including relative’s additional expenses
          including emergency dental treatment                                                          £350
3.                                                                                                  £1,000 (£20)              Nil
4. Personal accident - loss of sight, limb(s) or permanent total disablement                          £20,000                 Nil
            maximum payable in the event of death                                                     £5,000
            maximum payable in the event of death if under 16                                         £2,000
5. Travel delay (a) £ after 12 hrs delay (b) £ each 12 hrs thereafter (c) £ max                 (a)£20 (b)£10 (c)£100         Nil
             abandonment (after 12 hrs)                                                                 £5,000                £50
6. Missed departure                                                                                     £500                  Nil
7. Baggage - overall limit                                                                             £1,500                 £50
           maximum per item, pair or set                                                                £200
           total limit for all valuables                                                                £300
           emergency purchases                                                                          £150                  Nil
8. Personal money                                                                                       £300                  £50
            cash limit (£50 for under 18’s)                                                             £125
9. Loss of passport                                                                                     £200                  Nil
10. Personal liability                                                                               £2,000,000              £100
11.                                                                                                  £500 (£50)               Nil
12.                                                                                                 £1,000 (£100)             Nil
13. Kennel/cattery fees                                                                                 £500                  Nil
14. Legal expenses - max per person/overall limit                                                 £25,000/£50,000            £100
     Cover under wintersports sections 15, 16 & 17 only applies when taken in conjunction with a wintersports trip
15. Ski equipment - overall limit                                                                       £400                  £50
             maximum per item or pair owned or borrowed                                                 £250                  £50
             maximum per item or pair hired                                                             £150                  Nil
16. Ski pack                                                                                            £200                  £50
17. Piste closure (amount per day)                                                                   £200 (£20)               Nil
 Journey disruption cover
18. Extended cancellation or curtailment                                                              £5,000                  £50
18. Extended travel delay & abandonment - £ after 12 hrs delay/£ each 12 hrs thereafter/£ max      £20/£10/£100               Nil
18. (or up to £5,000 unused costs)                                                                                            £50
18. Extended missed departure                                                                           £500                  £50
18. Accommodation cover                                                                                £3,000                 £50
 Annual multi-trip policy features
Maximum age at start/renewal of cover                                                                             69
Maximum period per trip                                                                         31 days (extensions available up to 60
                                                                                                days for members aged under 65 years)
Business travel for main policyholder only                                                                        Yes
Family members can travel separately                                                              Spouse/cohabiting partner only
Wintersports - up to total maximum of                                                                17 days (under 65’s only)

* Maximum excess of £100 per policy per incident. If excess waiver option is selected and shown on your policy schedule,
no excess is payable under any policy section.
** Loss of deposit claims only.

Important conditions relating to health
In line with all travel insurance policies, there are situations that cannot be covered or they can only be covered if declared to
and accepted by insurers. Failure to do so may result in a claim being declined. Hence please read the points below in
respect of you and your travelling companions insured by us.

 1. Are any of you suffering from or have suffered from any form Yes                 There is no cover for claims related directly or
    of cancer that has required treatment in the past 12 months?                 indirectly to these conditions. However, cover may
                                  No                                              be available by contacting Healthcheck on: 0845
                                                                                          003 5244 9.00am-5.30pm Mon-Fri.
 2.                                                                                                  Please quote:
      than stable well controlled asthma) or any heart related                                VOY/PWCTY/2013 Toyota
      condition (including angina) and are still taking medication or               In most cases cover can be provided. If special
      receiving follow up consultations?                                           terms are necessary we will explain them to you
                                                                                 You must tell us if, at any time during the period of
                                                                                 insurance and each time you make arrangements
 3. Do any of you have any other medical conditions that have
                                                                                    to travel, there is a change in your health and
    required specialist referral to a consultant or hospital             Yes
                                                                                  you answer ‘yes’ to any of the medical screening
    treatment within the last 6 months?
                                                                                  questions by contacting Healthcheck as soon as
                                  No                                              possible so that we may reassess your coverage
                                                                                 relating to any trips you have booked or may wish
         Your medical conditions (if any) will be covered.                                        to book in the future.

 In respect of travel to all destinations you are not covered for any directly or indirectly related claims if you or any of your
 travelling companions, insured under this policy, or any non-traveller upon whose health your travel plans depend;
 At the time of taking out or renewing the policy or making arrangements for a trip;
 a. have been given a terminal diagnosis.
 b. are on a waiting list for treatment or investigation or awaiting the results of any tests or investigation.
 c. are currently receiving ongoing treatment at a hospital.
 d. have any medical condition for which the recommended treatment or prescribed medication as directed by a medical
     practitioner is not being taken.
 e. are aware of any medical condition which you/they have but for which a diagnosis has not yet been received.
 At any time;
 a. are planning to travel against the advice of your doctor or with a view to obtaining medical treatment.

Medical & other emergencies                                             Outpatient treatment
                                                                        If you need outpatient medical treatment, please provide a
Medical assistance abroad
Our nominated 24 hour emergency service has the medical                 treatment will be paid for by HealthWatch S.A in line with
expertise, contacts and facilities to help should you be                your policy. You will need to pay any excess at the time of
injured in an accident or fall ill. Our nominated 24 hour               treatment.
emergency service will also arrange transport to your home              Note: some clinics may not wish to settle their bill directly
country when this is considered to be medically necessary or            with us and you may be asked to pay for your treatment and
when you have notice of illness or death of a close relative at         claim this back upon your return.
home. You must contact them if you are admitted to hospital
and wish to return home by any means other than originally              Instructions to outpatient clinics
booked or require medical treatment that will cost more than            Please send details of the treatment provided, costs after the
£500 (or the equivalent in local currency).                             excess deductions and a copy of the

Payment for medical treatment abroad                                    HealthWatch S.A:
If you are admitted to a hospital/clinic while abroad, our              Email:
nominated 24 hour emergency service will arrange for                    Outpatient department fax:          HEALTHWATCH S.A.
medical expenses covered by the policy to be paid direct                0030 2310 256455 or 0030 2310 254160.
                                                                        Outpatient department tel: 0030 2310 808052.
someone must contact our nominated 24 hour emergency                    You must include your bank account details, IBAN no’s
service for you as soon as possible. Private medical                    and/or Swift code for payment to be processed electronically.

nominated 24 hour emergency service.                                    Special notice
                                                                        This is not a private medical insurance and only gives cover
In the case of medical emergency please contact
                                                                        in the event of an accident or sudden illness that requires
    our nominated 24 hour emergency service,                            emergency treatment. In the event of any medical treatment
  Specialty Assist, on telephone number +44 (0)                         becoming necessary which results in a claim under this
  207 902 7412. Please quote: VOY/PWCTY/2013                            insurance, the insured person will be expected to allow
                     Toyota                                             insurers or their representatives unrestricted reasonable
     Email:                             access to all their medical records and information.

Reciprocal health agreements                                            Insurers
EU, EEA or Switzerland                                                  Arranged by Voyager Insurance Services Ltd and
If you are travelling to countries within the European Union            underwritten by AXA Insurance UK plc.
(EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland you
are strongly advised to obtain a European Health Insurance              Registered in England No. 78950.
Card (EHIC). You can apply for an EHIC either on line at www. or by telephoning 0845 606 2030. This will entitle          Voyager Insurance Services Ltd and AXA Insurance UK plc,
                                                                        are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services
between countries within the EU/EEA or Switzerland. In the              Authority. This can be checked on the FSA’s register by
event of liability being accepted for a medical expense which           visiting the FSA’s website at or by contacting
has been reduced by the use of a European Health Insurance              them on 0845 606 1234.
Card we will not apply the deduction of excess under section
2 - emergency medical expenses.
Australia                                                               Compensation scheme
If you require medical treatment in Australia you must enrol            AXA Insurance UK plc. is covered by the Financial Services
                                                                        Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to
                                                                        compensation from the scheme, if they cannot meet their
receive treatment. In-patient and out-patient treatment at a            obligations. This depends on the type of business and the
public hospital is then available free of charge. Details of how        circumstances of the claim. You can get more information
to enrol and the free treatment available can be found by               about compensation scheme arrangements from the FSCS.
visiting the MEDICARE website on www.medicareaustralia. or by emailing                Data Protection Act 1998
Alternatively please call our nominated 24 hour emergency
                                                                        To set up and administer your policy we will hold and use
service for guidance. If you are admitted to hospital contact
                                                                        information about you supplied by you and by medical
must be made with our nominated 24 hour emergency
service as soon as possible and their authority obtained in
                                                                        other companies acting on our instructions including those
respect of any treatment NOT available under MEDICARE.
                                                                        located outside the European Economic Area.

How to make a claim                                                     Governing law
For all claims other than medical emergencies please notify
                                                                        You and we can choose the law which applies to this policy.
the claims handlers either by contacting the telephone
                                                                        We propose that English Law applies. Unless we and you
number below or via their website. Please quote: VOY/
                                                                        agree otherwise, English Law will apply to this policy.
PWCTY/2013 Toyota.
                     Rightpath Claims                                   Cancellation rights
          Tel: 0844 887 0305 (9am - 5pm Mon-Fri)
                                                                        We hope you are happy with the cover this policy provides.
                                                                        not meet with your requirements, please return it to Philip
       Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon CR0 0XZ
                                                                        Williams & Co., within 14 days of receipt and we will refund
Please do not send in any documentation until you have a                your premium. We reserve the right to deduct from the rebate
completed claim form to go with it. The claim form lists the            of premium the reasonable costs incurred in processing the
additional documentation necessary to support your claim.               original sale and cancellation. We shall not be bound to
Always make sure that any loss or theft of valuables or any             accept renewal of any insurance and may at any time cancel
items are reported to the police within 24 hours of discovering         any insurance document by sending 14 days notice to you
the loss or as soon as possible after that, and a written               at your last known address. Provided the premium has been
report obtained in the country where the incident occurred. If          paid in full, you shall be entitled to a proportionate rebate of
your baggage is damaged or lost in transit whilst “checked-             premium in respect of the unexpired period showing on the
in” you must report it to the handling agents or airline as             insurance.
soon as possible on collection and obtain a Property
Irregularity Report. These reports (if applicable to your claim),       Extensions to policy
together with all available receipts and any other requested            1. Longer trips - extensions for trips over 31 days are
documentation, must be submitted with your claim form.                     available for members aged under 65 years upon request
                                                                           to a maximum of 60 days. An additional charge will be
Territorial limits                                                         made.
You are covered for trips to countries within the following             2. Sports & activities - please check the list of activities on
areas provided that you have paid the appropriate premium,                 page 16. If you are planning to take part in any activity
                                                                           listed in level 1 you will automatically be covered under
Area 1      The continent of Europe West of the Ural                       this policy. If you are planning to take part in any activity
            mountains, any country with a Mediterranean                    listed in level 2 you will need to pay an additional premium.
            coastline (excluding Algeria, Libya & Israel),                 If the activity in which you are participating is not listed or
            the Channel Islands, the Canary Islands, the                   you need to pay an additional premium for those activities
            Isle of Man, Madeira and Iceland.                              listed in level 2, please contact Philip Williams & Co. on
Area 2      Worldwide                                                      01925 861019.

If you have bought the annual multi-trip option, trips wholly
within your home country are also insured but only if they
include a minimum of 2 nights away from home in pre-

Definitions                                                            Relative means husband, wife or civil partner (or partner
Listed below are certain words that appear throughout the              with whom you are living at the same address), parent,
policy. In all cases they will have the meanings shown below.          grandparent, parent-in-law, brother, sister, child, grandchild,
                                                                       brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or
Accident/accidental means a sudden, unexpected, unusual,
                                                                       Ski equipment means skis, snowboards, ski-poles, bindings,
causes, resulting directly, immediately and solely in physical         ski-boots and snowboard boots.
bodily injury which results in a loss.
                                                                       Terrorism means an act, including but not limited to the
Baggage means personal belongings, including clothing                  use of force or violence and/or threat thereof, of any person
worn, and personal luggage owned or borrowed by you that               or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of
you take with you or buy on your trip.                                 or in connection with any organisation(s) or governments,
                                                                       committed for political, religious, ideological or similar
Breakdown means that the vehicle in which you are
travelling stops as a result of mechanical or electrical failure       and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.
due to any cause other than lack of fuel, oil or water.
                                                                       Trip means any holiday, leisure or business trip which begins
Business colleague means any person that you work closely              and ends in your home country for which you have paid the
with whose absence for a period of one or more complete                appropriate premium.
days necessitates the cancellation or curtailment of the trip
                                                                       Unattended means out of your immediate control and
                                                                       supervision such that you are unable to prevent loss, theft or
Curtailment/curtail means cutting your planned trip short by           damage occurring.
early return to your home country or admission to hospital as
                                                                       Valuables means watches, furs, jewellery, photographic
                                                                       equipment, binoculars, telescopes, spectacles, sunglasses
                                                                       and electronic equipment and its media, antiques, musical
Europe means the continent of Europe West of the Ural                  instruments and unset precious stones. * Please note that
mountains, any country with a Mediterranean coastline, the             exclusions may apply for valuables that are lost, damaged or
Canary Islands, Madeira and Iceland.                                   stolen whilst as checked-in baggage. It is therefore important
                                                                       that you store your valuables in your carry-on or hand
Expert witness                                                         luggage and they are under your supervision at all times.
law because they have specialist knowledge in a particular
                                                                       We, us and our means AXA Insurance UK plc., Registered
their opinion on the meaning of facts.
                                                                       England No. 78950.
Family means subscribing member, their cohabiting partner
and any number of their dependent children aged under 21               Wintersports means cross country (Nordic skiing), glacier
years, all normally residing together in their family home.            skiing, recreational racing, snowmobiling, mono skiing, off-
                                                                       piste skiing or snowboarding (provided local safety guidelines
Home means your normal place of residence in the United                and warnings are observed), on-piste skiing, on-piste
Kingdom, Channel Islands or Isle of Man.                               snowboarding, snow blading and sledging.

Home country means whichever one of the United Kingdom,                You and your means each person for whom the premium has
Channel Islands or Isle of Man is your usual place of                  been paid and whose age does not exceed the maximum
                                                                       United Kingdom, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man and
Medical practitioner means a registered practising member              registered with a medical practitioner in your home country.
of the medical profession registered in the country where              Each person is separately insured.
you are treated who is not related to you or any person with
whom you are travelling.

Mugging means a violent, threatening attack by a third party
causing actual bodily harm.

Non-traveller means your relatives or business colleagues
who are not travelling with you, and people with whom you
have arranged to stay.

Personal money means cash, being bank notes and
coins, travellers’ cheques, postal orders, travel tickets and
accommodation vouchers carried by you for your personal

Public transport means any aeroplane, ship, train or coach
on which you are booked to travel.

Section 1                                                                      ii. are on a waiting list for treatment or investigation or are
Cancellation or curtailment                                                    awaiting the results of any tests or investigations.
                                                                               iii. are currently receiving ongoing treatment at a hospital.
(Cover under this section starts from the date shown on your              e.   any directly or indirectly related claim if you or any of your
schedule or the date travel is booked, whichever is the later).                travelling companions insured under this policy are
You are covered                                                                planning to travel against the advice of a doctor or with a
table for your proportionate share of the unused travel and                    view to obtaining medical treatment.
accommodation costs (including unused pre-booked                          f.   any cost incurred in respect of visas obtained in
excursions up to a value of £150) that have been paid or                       connection with the trip.
where there is a contract to pay that cannot be recovered                 g.   disinclination to travel.
from anywhere else if it is necessary to cancel or curtail the            h.   claims arising from your anxiety, stress, depression or any
planned trip because of any of the following events involving                  other mental or nervous disorder unless you provide a
you or a travelling companion insured under this policy that
                                                                             professional stating that this necessarily and reasonably
a. i. unforeseen injury, illness or death, or                                prevented you from travelling.
   ii. unforeseen complications arising as a direct result of             i. failure to obtain the necessary passport, visa or permit for
   pregnancy;                                                                your trip.
   suffered by you, a travelling companion or a non-traveller.            j. the cost of your unused original tickets where our
b. the accidental injury, illness or death of your relative or that          nominated 24 hour emergency service or we have
   of a travelling companion, a business colleague or person                 arranged and paid for you to come home following
   with whom you intended to stay.                                           curtailment of the trip. If however you have not purchased
c. receipt of a summons for jury service, being called to court              a return ticket, we reserve the right to deduct the cost of
   as a witness (but not as an expert witness) or being placed
   in compulsory quarantine.                                                   incurred which are medically necessary to repatriate you
d. your unexpected requirement for emergency and                               to your home.
   unavoidable duty as a member of the armed forces,
                                                                          Please note that curtailment claims will be calculated from
                                                                          the day you return to your home country or you are
   resulting in cancellation of previously agreed leave.
                                                                          hospitalised as an in-patient. Your claim will be based solely
e. redundancy, provided that you are entitled to payment                  on the number of complete nights' accommodation lost. In
   under the current redundancy payments legislation and                  respect of travel expenses, we will pay for any additional
   that at the time of booking your trip you had no reason to             costs but not for the loss of your pre-booked arrangements.
   believe that you would be made redundant.
f. your presence being required to make your property safe                Conditions
                                                                          It is a requirement of this insurance that if you;
     damage at your home within 48 hours prior to your                    a. (for cancellation) become aware of any circumstances
     departure, or whilst you are away.                                       which make it necessary for you to cancel your trip, you
g.                                                                            must advise your tour operator or travel agent in writing
     accident within 7 days prior to your departure. This only                within 48 hours. The maximum amount we will pay will be
     applies if you are planning to go on a self-drive trip in the            limited to the applicable cancellation charges at that time.
     car.                                                                 b. (for curtailment) wish to return home differently to your
                                                                              original plans and claim any additional costs under this
You are not covered for                                                       insurance, you must contact our nominated 24 hour
a.                                                                            emergency service and obtain their agreement to the new
b. anything not included in You are covered above.                            arrangements. Failure to do so will affect the assessment
c. any claim directly or indirectly arising out of;                           of your claim.
   i. any cancerous condition for which you or any of your
   travelling companions insured under this policy have                   Please also refer to the general exclusions and
   received treatment in the last 12 months.                              conditions.

     controlled asthma) or any heart related condition (including         Section 2
     angina) for which you or your travelling companions                  Emergency medical expenses
     insured under this policy are still taking medication or
     receiving follow up consultations.                                   You are covered
     iii. any other medical condition suffered by you or any of           table for either the necessary and reasonable costs incurred
     your travelling companions insured under this policy that            as a result of your unforeseen bodily injury, illness, death or
     has required specialist referral to a consultant or hospital         complications arising as a direct result of pregnancy during
     treatment within the last 6 months.                                  your trip in respect of;
                                                                          a. emergency medical, surgical and hospital treatment and
We may agree not to apply (c) above or to accept this                        transportation. At the sole discretion of our nominated 24
insurance at special terms but only if you supply us with                    hour emergency service, who reserve the right to make the
details of your condition. Please contact Healthcheck on
0845 003 5422 quoting VOY/PWCTY/2013.                                          necessary, this also includes the cost of repatriation to
d. any directly or indirectly related claims if at the start date              your home country, by whatever means deemed medically
   or renewal of this policy and each time you make                            necessary. The cost of emergency dental treatment to
   arrangements for a trip, you or your travelling companions                  natural teeth is covered up to the amount shown in the
   insured under this policy or any non-traveller upon whose
   health your travel plans depend;                                            pain only.
   i. have been given a terminal prognosis.
b. additional travel and accommodation expenses (on a bed                g. any expenses related to treatment or services provided by
   & breakfast basis) to enable you to return home if you are               a health spa, convalescent or nursing home or any
   unable to travel as originally planned.                                  rehabilitation centre unless agreed by our nominated 24
c. additional travel and accommodation expenses (on a bed                   hour emergency service.
   & breakfast basis) for;                                               h. any expenses incurred in England, Scotland, Wales or
   i. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany                 Northern Ireland that are funded by or are recoverable
   you home, or                                                             from the health authority in your home country.
   ii. a relative or friend to travel from your home country to          i. any expenses for treatment not related to the injury or
   stay with you and accompany you home.                                    illness which necessitated your admittance to hospital.
d. returning your remains to your home or of a funeral in the            j. normal pregnancy, without any accompanying bodily
   country where you die, up to the equivalent cost of                      injury, illness or complication. This section is designed
   returning your remains to your home country.                             to provide cover for unforeseen events, accidents and
e. with the prior agreement of our nominated 24 hour                        illnesses. Normal childbirth would not constitute an
   emergency service, your necessary additional travel                      unforeseen event.
   expenses to return home following the death, injury or                k. exploratory tests unless they are normally conducted as
   illness of a travelling companion or of your relative or                 a direct result of the condition which required referral to
   business colleague in your home country.                                 hospital.
                                                                         l. claims related to manual labour unless declared to and
You are not covered for
                                                                            accepted by insurers.
   respect of each claim unless a recovery can be made                   m. the additional costs of accommodation in a single or
   under the terms of the EHIC or any other reciprocal                      private room, unless it is medically necessary or there is
   agreement.                                                               no alternative.
b. any claim directly or indirectly arising out of;                      n. the costs of medical treatment that you knew at the time
   i. any cancerous condition for which you or any of your                  of your departure would need to be continued during your
   travelling companions insured under this policy have                     trip.
   received treatment in the last 12 months.                             o. the costs of replacing or repairing false teeth or of dental
                                                                            work involving the use of precious metals.
   controlled asthma) or any heart related condition (including          p. the cost of your unused original tickets where our
   angina) for which you or your travelling companions                      nominated 24 hour emergency service or we have
   insured under this policy are still taking medication or                 arranged and paid for you to come home following
   receiving follow up consultations.                                       curtailment of the trip. If however you have not purchased
   iii. any other medical condition suffered by you or any of               a return ticket, we reserve the right to deduct the cost of
   your travelling companions insured under this policy that
   has required specialist referral to a consultant or hospital            incurred which are medically necessary to repatriate you
   treatment within the last 6 months.                                     to your home.

We may agree not to apply (b) above or to accept this                    Important conditions
insurance at special terms but only if you supply us with                Please note that it is essential under the terms of this
details of your condition. Please contact Healthcheck on                 insurance that;
0845 003 5244 quoting VOY/PWCTY/2013.                                    a. In the event of any illness, injury, accident or
                                                                            hospitalisation involving anyone insured under this policy
c. any directly or indirectly related claims if at the start date           where the anticipated costs are likely to exceed £500
   or renewal of this policy and each time you make                         (or its equivalent in local currency) you must notify our
   arrangements for a trip, you or your travelling companions               nominated 24 hour emergency service. They will direct
   insured under this policy or any non-traveller upon whose                you to an appropriate medical facility and may be able
   health your travel plans depend;                                         to guarantee costs on your behalf. If it is not possible to
   i. have been given a terminal prognosis.                                 notify them in advance because the condition requires
   ii. are on a waiting list for treatment or investigation or are          immediate treatment to save life or limb our nominated
   awaiting the results of any tests or investigations.                     24 hour emergency service must be contacted as soon
   iii. are currently undergoing a course of treatment                      as possible. Failure to do so will affect the assessment of
   prescribed by a specialist or hospital consultant.                       your claim.
d. any directly or indirectly related claim if you or any of your        b. Wherever possible you must use medical facilities that
   travelling companions insured under this policy are
   planning to travel against the advice of a doctor or with a             agreements such as the EHIC in Europe and MEDICARE
   view to obtaining medical treatment.                                    in Australia.
e. any treatment or surgery;
   i. which is not immediately necessary and can wait until              Important note on mobile phones
   you return home.                                                      Mobile telephones are convenient, but expensive. Even if
   ii. which in the opinion of our nominated 24 hour                     you ask someone to call you back on your mobile telephone,
   emergency service is considered to be cosmetic,                       you may still have to pay the bill for the international element.
   experimental or elective.                                             You will also be charged for calls made on a mobile
   iii. carried out in your home country or more than 12                 telephone via a freephone number. For these reasons we ask
   months after the expiry of this insurance.                            that wherever possible you contact us from a landline. If it is
f. any expenses incurred after the date which, in the opinion            absolutely essential that you do use a mobile telephone, then
   of our nominated 24 hour emergency service, you should                we will consider reimbursing the charges to a maximum of
   be moved to an alternative facility or repatriated to your            £25, if we believe they have been reasonably incurred.
   home country, but despite which advice, you decide not to             Please also refer to the general exclusions and
   be moved or repatriated.                                              conditions.

Section 3                                                             Section 5
Hospital stay benefit                                                 Travel delay and abandonment
You are covered                                                       Travel delay
for each night spent receiving in-patient hospital treatment          You are covered up to the amounts (a), (b) and (c) shown in
outside of your home country that is covered under section
2 - emergency medical expenses.                                       which you are booked to travel is delayed by at least 12
Please also refer to the exclusions and conditions
relating to section 2 - emergency medical expenses and
                                                                      each subsequent complete 12 hour period, up to the
the general exclusions and conditions.
                                                                      maximum payable (c).
Section 4                                                             However, if you are delayed on your outward journey from
Personal accident                                                     your home country such that you will arrive at your
                                                                      destination more than 24 hours after the original scheduled
You are covered
                                                                      arrival time and you choose to abandon your trip instead of
if you have an accident whilst you are on your trip which is
                                                                      a payment for delay, you are covered for the cost of the trip,
the sole and independent cause of your death, permanent
                                                                      up to the maximum claimable under section 1 - cancellation
total disablement, loss of sight or loss of limb(s) within 12
                                                                      or curtailment.
months of the accident.
If you are aged under 16 at the date of the accident, the             You are not covered
amount you are covered for in the event of your death is              a. for a claim caused by a strike if it had started or been
                                                                         announced before you arranged this insurance or booked
                                                                         your trip, whichever is the later.
Payment under this section in respect of all the                      b. if you fail to check-in on time.
consequences of an accident shall be limited in total to the
                                                                      c. if transport services are withdrawn as the result of a
                                                                         recommendation or instruction from the Civil Aviation
death within 12 months of the accident, the total payment will
                                                                         Authority, Port Authority or similar body.
be limited to the amount shown for death.
‘Accident’                                                               respect of each claim for abandonment.
                                                                      e. to claim under this section if you have also claimed under
time and place and independently of all other causes,                     section 6 - missed departure from the same cause.
resulting directly, immediately and solely in physical bodily
injury which results in a loss.                                       Please also refer to the general exclusions and
‘Permanent total disablement’ means that for the twelve               conditions.
months following your accident you are totally unable to work
in any relevant occupation and at the end of that time there is       Section 6
no prospect of improvement.
‘Loss of limb(s)’ means physical loss of a hand or foot or
                                                                      Missed departure
permanent loss of use of a hand, arm, foot or leg.                    You are covered
‘Loss of sight’ means total and permanent loss of sight               table for necessary additional accommodation (on a bed &
which shall be considered as having occurred;                         breakfast basis) and travel expenses that you incur in
a. in both eyes if your name has been added to the Register           reaching your destination if you arrive at any departure point
                                                                      shown on your pre-booked itinerary too late to board the
   ophthalmic specialist, or                                          public transport on which you are booked to travel as a result
b. in one eye if the degree of sight remaining after correction       of;
   is 3/60 or less on the Snellen scale.                              a. the failure of public transport, or
You are not covered for                                                   vehicle in which you are travelling.
a. claims arising out of manual labour.
b. a ‘permanent total disablement’ claim if at the date of the        You are not covered
   accident you are over the statutory retirement age or are          a. for a claim caused by a strike if it had started or been
   not in full time paid employment.                                     announced before you arranged this insurance or booked
c. the contracting of any disease, illness and/or medical                your trip, whichever is the later.
   condition.                                                         b. to claim under this section if you have also claimed under
d. the injection or ingestion of any substance.                          section 5 - travel delay from the same cause.
e. any event which directly or indirectly exacerbates a               c. for any claim for more than the cost of the original booked
   previously existing physical bodily injury.                           trip.
f.                                                                    Conditions
Special condition relating to section 4 - personal accident           It is a condition of this insurance that you must;
a.                                                                    a. have planned to arrive at your departure point in advance
   estate.                                                                of your earliest scheduled check-in time and provide a
                                                                          written report from the carrier, police or relevant transport
Please also refer to the general exclusions and
conditions.                                                           b. obtain a report from repairers if your claim is because of
                                                                         breakdown or accident to your car.
                                                                      Please also refer to the general exclusions and

Section 7                                                               Section 8
Baggage                                                                 Personal money
You are covered                                                         (Cover under this section starts at the time of collection from
table, after making reasonable allowance for wear, tear and             the bank, or 72 hours prior to departure, whichever is the
depreciation for the loss or theft of, or damage to;                    later).
a. your baggage,
                                                                        You are covered
b. your valuables.                                                      table for loss or theft of personal money.
We may at our option replace, reinstate or repair the lost or           You are not covered for
damaged baggage.                                                        a.
You are also covered                                                       respect of each claim.
table in respect of emergency purchases for the reasonable              b. loss or theft from an unattended motor vehicle at any time.
cost of buying essential requirements if you are deprived of            c.
your baggage for more than 12 hours after arrival at your                  respect of all cash carried by you whoever it may belong
outbound destination. You must provide receipts for the                    to.
items that you buy. If your baggage is permanently lost, any            d. any loss resulting from shortages due to error, omission,
amount that we pay for emergency purchases will be                         depreciation in value or variations in exchange rates.
deducted from the total claim.                                          e. loss or theft of personal money whilst unattended unless
You are not covered for                                                    locked in a hotel safe (or equivalent facility) or locked in
a.                                                                         your private accommodation.
   in respect of each claim, except for emergency purchases.
                                                                        Please also refer to the special exclusions and conditions
                                                                        shown below and to the general exclusions and
   one item, pair or set in respect of baggage and valuables.
c. any additional value an item may have because it forms
   part of a pair or set.
d. baggage stolen from an unattended motor vehicle between              Section 9
   the hours of 9p.m. and 8 a.m. or, if the theft occurs at any         Loss of passport
   other time of day, unless the vehicle is being used or travel
                                                                        You are covered
   between different points of overnight accommodation.
                                                                        table following loss or theft of your passport for any
e. loss or theft of or damage to valuables whilst they are              reasonable additional necessary costs incurred in obtaining
   unattended unless locked in a hotel safe (or equivalent              a replacement to enable you to continue your trip or return to
   facility) or locked in your private accommodation.                   your home country.
   accident to the aeroplane, ship or vehicle in which they are         You are not covered for loss or theft from an unattended
   being carried.                                                       motor vehicle at any time or from baggage whilst in transit
g. loss or theft of or damage;                                          unless you are carrying it.
   i. to household goods, bicycles, waterborne craft and their          Please also refer to the special exclusions and conditions
                                                                        shown below and to the general exclusions and

  iii. to watersports and ski equipment.                                Special exclusions applicable to sections 7, 8 & 9
  iv. to contact lenses, dentures and hearing aids.
  v. to baggage in transit unless reported to the carrier as            You are not covered for
  soon as possible and a written Property Irregularity Report           a. loss or theft of anything left unattended in a public place,
  is obtained.                                                             including on a beach.
  vi. mobile telephones, computers and/or accessories,                  b. loss or theft of valuables, personal money or passport
  (including games and games consoles [but not including                   unless reported to the police within 24 hours of
  handheld games consoles], PDA’s, personal organisers,                    discovering the loss, or as soon as possible after that, and
  laptops and electronic navigation equipment) and                         a written report obtained in the country where the incident
  televisions. Please note that these items may be more                    occurred.
  appropriately insured on a household all risks policy where           c. loss of bonds or securities of any kind.
  the full value may be covered worldwide 365 days a year.              d. baggage sent by post, freight or any other form of
  unaccompanied transit.
                                                                        Special conditions applicable to sections 7, 8 & 9
  viii. to sports clothes and equipment whilst in use.
                                                                        It is a requirement of this insurance that you must;
  ix. caused by moth or vermin or by gradual wear and tear
                                                                        a. in the event of a claim,
  in normal use.
                                                                            i. provide receipts or other documentation to prove
  x. caused by any process of cleaning, repairing or restoring.
                                                                            ownership and value, especially in respect of valuables
   carried in your baggage.
                                                                            ii. retain any damaged items for our inspection.
h. mechanical or electrical breakdown.
                                                                        b. take care of your property at all times and take all practical
i. loss, theft or damage to business equipment, business goods,             steps to recover any item lost or stolen. Failure to exercise
   samples, tools of trade and other items used in connection               all reasonable care may result in your claim being reduced
   with your business, trade profession or occupation.                      or declined.
Please also refer to the special exclusions and conditions
                                                                        Please also refer to the general exclusions and
shown below and to the general exclusions and
Section 10                                                               You are not covered for claims for mugging, unless reported
                                                                         to the police within 24 hours of the assault or as soon as
Personal liability                                                       possible after that, and a written report obtained in the
You are covered                                                          country where the incident occurred.
table, plus legal costs incurred with our written consent for
                                                                         Please also refer to the conditions and exclusions under
any claim or series of claims arising from any one event or
                                                                         section 2 - emergency medical expenses, and to the
source of original cause, if you are held legally liable for
                                                                         general exclusions and conditions.
a. accidental bodily injury to someone else, or
b. accidental loss or damage to someone else's property,                 Section 12
   including your temporary trip accommodation and its                   Hijack benefit
                                                                         You are covered
You are not covered for                                                  table if the aircraft on which you are travelling as a passenger
a.                                                                       or the crew of the aircraft are hijacked.
   respect of each claim.                                                You are not covered for claims arising from you, your family
b. any liability arising from loss or damage to property that is;        or your business connections having been or being engaged
   i. owned by you or a member of your family or your                    in activities that could reasonably be expected to increase
   travelling companions insured under this policy, or                   the risk of hijack.
   ii. in your care, custody or control, other than your
   temporary trip accommodation and its contents, not                    Please also refer to the general exclusions and
   owned by you or a member of your family or your                       conditions.
   travelling companions insured under this policy.
c. any liability for bodily injury, loss or damage;                      Section 13
   i. to your employees or members of your family or                     Kennel/cattery fees
   household or your travelling companions insured under
   this policy or to their property.                                     You are covered
   ii. arising out of or in connection with your trade,                  table for additional kennel or cattery costs incurred for your
   profession or business, or assumed under contract.                    dog or cat if you are delayed in returning from your trip for an
   iii. arising out of the ownership, possession, use or                 insured reason.
   occupation of land or buildings.                                      Please also refer to the general exclusions and
   iv. arising directly or indirectly from or due to ownership,          conditions.
   possession or use of any motorised or mechanical
   vehicles including attached trailers or caravans, any
   aircraft (whatsoever), any watercraft or vessel (other than
                                                                         Section 14
   manually propelled watercraft or vessel) or any other form            Legal expenses
   of motorised leisure equipment.                                       You are covered
   v. arising directly or indirectly from or due to ownership,           table for legal costs and expenses incurred in pursuit of a
                                                                         claim for compensation or damages from a third party who
  vi. arising directly or indirectly from or due to any animals          causes your death, bodily injury or illness during your trip.
  belonging to you or in your care, custody or control.
                                                                         Where there are two or more persons insured by this policy,
  vii. arising out of your criminal, malicious or deliberate
                                                                         then the maximum amount we will pay for all such claims
                                                                         shall not exceed £50,000.
  viii. arising out of dangerous sports or pastimes including
  contact sports unless declared to and accepted by us.                  You are not covered for
  ix. arising directly or indirectly from the transmission of any        a.
  contagious or infectious diseases or virus.                               respect of each claim.
                                                                         b. any costs and expenses;
                                                                            i. to pursue a claim against any member of your family or
If something happens that is likely to result in a claim, you
                                                                            any of your travelling companions.
must notify the claims handlers in writing as soon as
                                                                            ii. incurred without prior written permission from the claims
possible. You must not discuss or negotiate your claim with
any third party without the written consent of the claims
                                                                            iii. which are to be based directly or indirectly on the
handlers. Any related correspondence or documentation that
                                                                            amount of any award.
you receive must be sent as soon as possible, unanswered,
                                                                            iv. claims by you other than in a private capacity.
to the claims handlers.
                                                                            v. if we think an action is unlikely to succeed or if we think
Please also refer to the general exclusions and                             the costs will be greater than any award.
conditions.                                                                 vi. to pursue a claim against your tour operator, travel
                                                                            agent, or us or our agents.
Section 11                                                         pursue legal action relating directly or indirectly to
                                                                            medical negligence or any allegation thereof.
Mugging benefit
You are covered
                                                                         a. we will have complete control over the appointment of any
table for each night spent receiving hospital treatment during
                                                                            solicitor(s) acting on your behalf and of any legal
your trip as a result of bodily injuries sustained by you during
a mugging.
                                                                         b. we will be entitled to repayment of any amounts paid
                                                                            under this section in the event that you are awarded legal
                                                                            costs as part of any judgement or settlement.
c. we will be entitled to add any amounts we have paid under
                                                                         Age of equipment       Proportion of original purchase price
   this insurance to the claim against the third party and to
   recover such amounts from any compensation awarded                    Up to 1 year                             85%
   to you.                                                               Up to 2 years                            65%
Please also refer to the general exclusions and                          Up to 3 years                            45%
conditions.                                                              Up to 4 years                            30%
                                                                         Up to 5 years                            20%
Section 15                                                               Over 5 years                              NIL
Ski equipment
                                                                         Please also refer to the general exclusions and
You are covered
table, after making reasonable allowance for wear, tear and
depreciation and subject to the special condition shown
below, for;                                                              Section 16
a. loss or theft of, or damage to ski equipment owned or                 Ski pack
   borrowed by you.
                                                                         You are covered
b. loss or theft of, or damage to ski equipment hired by you.
                                                                         table for the proportionate value of any ski pass, ski hire or
c. the cost of necessary hire of ski equipment following;
                                                                         ski school fee that you are unable to use following;
   i. loss or theft of, or damage to, your ski equipment
                                                                         a. accidental injury or sickness that prevents you from skiing,
   insured by us, or
   ii. the delayed arrival of your ski equipment, subject to you
                                                                         b. loss or theft of your ski pass.
   being deprived of their use for not less than 12 hours.
                                                                         You are not covered for
We may at our option replace, reinstate or repair the lost or
damaged ski equipment.
                                                                            respect of each claim.
You are not covered for                                                  b. loss or theft of ski pass not reported to the police within
a.                                                                          24 hours of discovering the loss, or as soon as possible
   each claim other than claims for hire costs.                             after that, and a written report or reference obtained in the
b. ski equipment stolen from an unattended motor vehicle                    country where the incident occurred.
   between the hours of 9p.m. and 8a.m. or, if stolen at any
                                                                         Please also refer to the general exclusions and
   other time, unless they were forcibly removed whilst
   locked either inside the vehicle or to a purpose designed
   ski rack.
c. damage to ski equipment whilst in use for race training or            Section 17
   racing.                                                               Piste closure
d. your damaged ski equipment unless returned to the                     (Valid for the period 15th December to 31st March only).
   United Kingdom for our inspection.
e. loss or theft of ski equipment not reported to the police             You are covered
   within 24 hours of discovering the loss, or as soon as                table for each day that it is not possible to ski because all
   possible after that, and a written report or reference                piste’s are closed due to a complete lack of snow, adverse
   obtained in the country where the incident occurred.                  conditions or avalanche danger in your pre-booked trip
                                                                         resort, up to the total amount shown either;
f. loss or theft of, or damage to, ski equipment whilst in
                                                                         a. for the costs you have paid for travel to an alternative
   transit unless reported to the carrier and a Property
                                                                            resort including the necessary additional cost of a ski
   Irregularity Report obtained.
                                                                            pass, or
g. loss or theft of, or damage to, ski equipment over 5 years
                                                                         b. a compensation payment to you after you return where no
                                                                            alternative is available.
h. loss or damaged caused by wear and tear, depreciation
   (loss in value), atmospheric or climatic conditions, moth,            You are not covered
   vermin, any process of cleaning, repairing or restoring,              a. if you arranged this insurance or booked your trip within
   mechanical or electrical breakdown.                                      14 days of departure and at that time there was a lack of
i.                                                                          snow in your planned resort such that it was likely to be
                                                                            not possible to ski.
                                                                         b. any circumstances where transport costs, compensation
Special condition applicable to section 15
                                                                            or alternative skiing facilities are provided to you.
a. the maximum we will pay for any one article, pair or set of
   articles if the proportion of original purchase price shown           Conditions
   whichever is the less.                                                   authorities or ski lift operators for the period that there was
b. in the event of a claim you must;                                        no skiing available owing to the closure of all ski lifts.
   i. provide receipts or other documentation to prove                   b. you must submit receipts for the travel and ski pass costs
   ownership and value, especially in respect of valuables,                 that you wish to claim.
                                                                         Please also refer to the general exclusions and
   ii. retain any damaged items for our inspection.
c. take care of your property at all times and take all practical
   steps to recover any item lost or stolen. Failure to exercise
   all reasonable care may result in your claim being reduced
   or declined.

Section 18                                                                 trip because the alternative transport offered by the public
Journey disruption cover                                                   transport operator was not reasonable. The amount
                                                                           payable will be calculated after deduction of the amount
Extended cancellation or curtailment                                       of the refund on your ticket(s) together with any
What is covered                                                            compensation from the public transport operator.
Section 1 – cancellation or curtailment is extended to include         You can only claim under subsections 1. or 2. for the same
the following cover.                                                   event, not both. If the same costs, charges or expenses are
We will pay you up to £5,000 for any irrecoverable unused              also covered under section 5 – travel delay you can only
travel and accommodation costs (including excursions up to             claim for these under one section for the same event.
£150) and other pre-paid charges which you have paid or are            Extended missed departure
contracted to pay, together with any reasonable additional             What is covered
travel expenses incurred if;                                           Section 6 – missed departure is extended to include the
a. you were not able to travel and use your booked                     following cover.
   accommodation, or                                                   We will pay you up to £500 for reasonable additional
b. the trip was curtailed before completion,                           accommodation (room only) and travel expenses necessarily
as a result of the Travel Advice Unit of the Foreign &                 incurred in reaching your overseas destination or returning to
                                                                       your home country if you fail to arrive at the departure point
Organisation (WHO) or regulatory authority in a country to/            in time to board any onward connecting public transport on
from which you are travelling issuing a directive;                     which you are booked to travel, following completion of the
1. prohibiting all travel or all but essential travel to; or           initial international journey, including connections within your
2.                                                                     home country on the return journey to your home as a result of:
   area or event to which you were travelling, providing the           1. the failure of other public transport, or
   directive came into force after you purchased this                  2. strike, industrial action or adverse weather conditions, or
   insurance or booked the trip (whichever is the later), or in        3. you being denied boarding (because there are too many
   the case of curtailment after you had left your home                    passengers for the seats available) and no other suitable
   country to commence the trip.
Extended travel delay & abandonment                                    If the same expenses are also covered under section 6 –
What is covered                                                        missed departure you can only claim for these under one
Section 5 – travel delay & abandonment is extended to                  section for the same event.
include the following cover.                                           Accommodation cover
We will pay you one of the following amounts;                          What is covered
1. if the public transport on which you are booked to travel is        We will pay you up to £3,000 for either;
   cancelled or delayed, leading to your departure being               1. any irrecoverable unused accommodation costs (including
   delayed for more than 12 hours at the departure point of                excursions up to £150) and other pre-paid charges which
   any connecting public transport in your home country or to              you have paid or are contracted to pay because you were
   your overseas destination or on the return journey to your              not able to travel and use your booked accommodation, or
   home country we will pay you;                                       2. reasonable additional accommodation and transport costs
   a.                                                                      incurred;
   each full 12 hours delay after that, up to a maximum of                 a. up to the standard of your original booking, if you need
   £100 (which is meant to help you pay for telephone calls                to move to other accommodation on arrival or at any other
   made and meals and refreshments purchased during the                    time during the trip because you cannot use your booked
   delay) provided you eventually continue the trip.                       accommodation, or
2. we will pay you up to £5,000 for either;                                b. with the prior authorisation of the our nominated 24
   a. any irrecoverable unused accommodation and travel                    hour emergency service to repatriate you to your home if it
   costs (including excursions up to £150) and other pre-paid              becomes necessary to curtail the trip;
   charges which you have paid or are contracted to pay                    as a result of the insolvency of the providers of the
   because you were not able to travel and use your booked
   accommodation as a result of;                                          tsunami, landslide, avalanche, volcanic eruption,
   i. the public transport on which you were booked to travel             hurricane, storm or an outbreak of food poisoning or an
   from your home country being cancelled or delayed for                  infectious disease affecting your accommodation or resort.
   more than 12 hours, or                                              You can only claim under one of subsections 1. or 2. of what
   ii. you being denied boarding (because there are too many           is covered for the same event, not both. If the same costs
   passengers for the seats available) and no other suitable           and charges are also covered under section 1 – cancellation
                                                                       or curtailment you can only claim for these under one section
  you choose to abandon your trip because the alternative              for the same event.
  transport to your overseas destination offered by the
  public transport operator was not reasonable, or                     What is not covered
  b. suitable additional accommodation (room only) and                 1.
  travel expenses necessarily incurred in reaching your                   for, under this section by each insured person (except
  overseas destination and/or in returning to your home                   claims under subsection 1. a) of what is covered under the
  country as a result of;                                                 extended delayed departure cover above).
  i. the public transport on which you were booked to travel           2. the cost of Airport Departure Duty/Tax (whether
  being cancelled, delayed for more than 12 hours, diverted               irrecoverable or not).
  or re-directed after take-off, or                                    3. travel tickets paid for using any airline mileage reward
  ii. you being denied boarding (because there are too many               scheme, for example Air Miles.
  passengers for the seats available) and no other suitable            4. accommodation costs paid for using any Timeshare,
                                                                          Holiday Property Bond or other holiday points scheme.
  you choose to make other travel arrangements for your                5. claims arising directly or indirectly from;
a. strike, industrial action or a directive prohibiting all              to property by or under the order of any government or
                                                                              public or local authority. However cover is provided in
     area or event to which you were travelling, existing or                  respect of claims under section 2 - emergency medical
     being publicly announced by the date you purchased this                  expenses of the policy arising through terrorism other than
     insurance or at the time of booking any trip.                            losses arising from nuclear, chemical or biological
     b. an aircraft or sea vessel being withdrawn from service                exposures unless you planned to travel to areas that were
     (temporary or otherwise) on the recommendation of the                    publicly known to be affected or threatened by such risks
     Civil Aviation Authority, Port Authority or any such                     (Please see general condition 3).
     regulatory body in a country to/from which you are travelling         2. loss, damage or expense incurred as a result of travelling
     c. denied boarding due to your drug use, alcohol or
     solvent abuse or your inability to provide a valid passport,             have advised against travel provided that such loss,
     visa or other documentation required by the public                       damage or expense is directly or indirectly related to any
     transport operator or their handling agents.                             such circumstances that are the reason for the advice.
6.   any costs incurred by you which are recoverable from the              3. loss, damage or expense directly or indirectly resulting
     providers of the accommodation (or their administrators)                 from or attributable to radioactive contamination of any nature.
     or for which you receive or are expected to receive                   4. loss, destruction or damage directly occasioned by
     compensation or reimbursement.
7.   any costs incurred by you which are recoverable from the                 travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.
     public transport operator or for which you receive or are             5. you travelling in an aircraft other than as a fare paying
     expected to receive compensation, damages, refund of                     passenger in a fully licensed passenger carrying aircraft.
     tickets, meals, refreshments, accommodation, transfers,               6. your suicide or attempted suicide or your deliberate
     communication facilities or other assistance.                            exposure to unnecessary danger (except in an attempt to
8.   any accommodation costs, charges and expenses where                      save human life).
     the public transport operator has offered reasonable                  7. sexually transmitted diseases or the excessive
     alternative travel arrangements.                                         consumption of alcohol or use of drugs, except those
9.   any costs for normal day to day living such as food and                  prescribed by a registered doctor and not those drugs
     drink which you would have expected to pay during your                   prescribed for drug addiction.
     trip.                                                                 8. your failure to obtain any recommended vaccines,
Special conditions relating to claims                                         inoculations or medications prior to your trip departure
1. if you fail to notify the travel agent, tour operator or                   and take the complete course of recommended medications.
   provider of transport or accommodation as soon as you                   9. your participation in sports & activities except as listed on
                                                                              page 14 of the policy wording (and an additional premium
     will pay will be limited to the cancellation charges that                paid in respect of level 2 where appropriate), unless
     would have otherwise applied.                                            declared to and accepted by us. We reserve the right to
2.                                                                            apply special terms and conditions (which may include
   from the provider of the accommodation (or their                           additional premiums) and coverage will be subject to your
   administrators) the local police or relevant authority that you            compliance with them.
   could not use your accommodation and the reason for this                10. any loss or damage under wintersports sections 15, 16 &
3. you must tell our nominated 24 hour emergency service as                   17 except when this insurance is taken in conjunction with
   soon as possible of any circumstances making it                            a wintersports trip.
   necessary for you to return home and before any                         11. scuba diving if you are;
   arrangements are made for your repatriation.
4. you must check in, according to the itinerary supplied to
   you unless your tour operator has requested you not to                     ii. diving to a greater depth than 30 metres, or
   travel to the airport.                                                     iii. diving alone, or
5.                                                                            iv. diving on or in wrecks or at night.
   from the public transport operator (or their handling                   12. racing of any kind (other than on foot and recreational
   agents) of the cancellation, number of hours of delay or                   wintersports racing).
   denied boarding and the reason for these together with                  13. you taking part in civil commotions or riots of any kind.
   details of any alternative transport offered.                           14. any other loss, damage or additional expense following
6. you must comply with the terms of contract of the public                   on from the event for which you are claiming unless we
                                                                              provide cover under this insurance. Examples of such
   assistance or a refund of your ticket from them, in                        loss, damage or additional expense would be the cost
   accordance with the terms and/or (where applicable) your                   of replacing locks after losing keys, costs incurred in
   rights under EU Air Passengers Rights legislation in the                   preparing a claim or loss of earnings following bodily
   event of denied boarding, cancellation or long delay of flights.           injury, illness or disease
Please also refer to the general exclusions and                            15. you breaking or failing to comply with any law
conditions.                                                                   whatsoever.
General exclusions                                                            related to the claim.
You are not covered for claims arising out of;                             17. the bankruptcy or insolvency of a tour operator, travel
1. loss or damage directly or indirectly occasioned by,                       agent, transport company or accommodation supplier.
   happening through or in consequence of war, terrorism,                  18. a tour operator failing to supply advertised facilities.
   invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war             19. any government regulation or a.
   be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution,                  20. you travelling against any health requirements stipulated
                                                                              by the carrier, their handling agents or any other public
     nationalisation, or requisition or destruction of or damage              transport provider.

You can also read