Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding

Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
Asahi Kasei

2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment
       Highlights Book

Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
Table of Contents
  Who to Contact ............................................................................................ 3
  Important Notices ......................................................................................... 5
  Medical Coverage ........................................................................................ 6
           Preferred Provider Organization (PPO 2 & A) ..................................... 7
           Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP) ............................................... 8
           Prescription Drugs .............................................................................. 9
           Health Savings Account (HSA) ......................................................... 10
           Medical Benefits Summary ............................................................... 12
           Preventive Care ................................................................................ 15
           Teladoc .............................................................................................. 16
  Health Advocate ......................................................................................... 18
  Dental Coverage ........................................................................................ 19
           Dental Benefits Summary ................................................................. 20
 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)......................................................... 22
Vision Coverage........................................................................................... 23
          Vision Benefits Summary...................................................................24
  Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) .............................. 26
  Disability ..................................................................................................... 28
  Legal Shield and Identity Theft Shield ........................................................ 29
   Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) ............................................................. 30

Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
Who to Contact
    Plan:                      Administered by:                Is there an App for that?

                  Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina   Search for
Medical &         (877) 275-9787
Prescription or
                   Delta Dental of North Carolina            Search for Delta
                  (800) 662-8856

                  United Healthcare (UHC)
                  (800) 638-3120 ▪

                  Phone: (866) 695-8622                      Search for Health
                     Advocate; enter
Health Advocate                                              Asahi Kasei as the
                  (enter “Asahi Kasei”)                      organization

                  Flores & Associates
Flexible                                                     Search for Flores e-
Spending          (800) 532-3327

                  Health Equity
Health Savings    (866) 346-5800                             Search for Health
Account                                                      Equity
                  (800) 654-7757
Legal Shield                                                 Search for Legal

                  (888) 494-8519
Identity Theft                           Search for ID
Shield                                                       Shield

                  (800) 755-5801                             Search for
401(k)                                                       Transamerica
Retirement Plan (do not put www
                  before the address)

                  Lisa: (517) 223-5102
Asahi Kasei       Meghan: (517) 223-5191
Benefits          Email:

                  Help Net Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
EAP               (800) 969-6162 ▪

Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
Important Notices
Qualified (Mid-Year) Changes in
Status                                                   Please keep in mind:
Your benefit elections will be in effect for the         1. The change you make must be consistent
entire plan year (January 1st through                       with the event. For example, if you get
December 31st). You may only change your                    married, you may add your new spouse to
benefit elections during the plan year if you have          your coverage.
a qualified change in status as defined by the
Internal Revenue Code and as allowed by the              2. Furthermore, the change must be requested
underlying carrier or vendor.                               within 30 days of the event. If you do not
                                                            notify us within 30 days, you must wait until
                                                            the next annual enrollment period to make a
                                                            change to your benefits.
                                                         3. Lastly, in most cases, the election change
                                                            must be made prior to the effective date.

                                                         HIPAA Notice of Special Enrollment
Changes in status include:
                                                         If you are declining enrollment for yourself or
   Birth, placement for adoption, or                   your dependents because of other health
      adoption of a child, or being subject              coverage, you may be able to enroll yourself and
      to a Qualified Medical Child Support               your dependents in this Plan if you or your
      Order which requires you to provide                dependents lose eligibility for that other
      medical coverage for a child.                      coverage (or if the employer stops contributing
                                                         towards your or your dependents’ other
   Marriage, legal separation,                         coverage).
      annulment, or divorce.
                                                         In addition, if you have a new dependent as a
   Death of a dependent.
                                                         result of marriage, birth, adoption, or placement
   A change in employment status that                  for adoption, you may be able to enroll yourself
      affects eligibility under the Plan.                and your dependents. However, you must
                                                         request enrollment within 30 days after you or
   A change in election that is on
                                                         your dependents’ other coverage ends (or after
      account of, and corresponds with, a
                                                         the employer stops contributing toward the other
      change made under another
                                                         coverage), or after the marriage, birth, adoption,
      employer Plan.
                                                         or placement for adoption.
   A dependent ceasing to satisfy
      eligibility requirements under the                 If you or your dependent's Medicaid or CHIP
      Plan.                                              (Children's Health Insurance Program) coverage
                                                         is terminated as a result of loss of eligibility, or
   Electing coverage under your state’s                become eligible for a premium assistance
      Marketplace during an annual or                    subsidy under Medicaid or CHIP, you have 60
      special enrollment.                                days to notify the benefits team.

Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
Medical Coverage
Who administers our medical                       Who can I enroll for medical
plan options?                                     coverage?
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
(BCBS NC) will administer our medical and         You may enroll your:
prescription drug plan options as of                 Legal spouse
January 1, 2019.
                                                        Children by birth, marriage,
                                                          adoption, or legal guardianship
                                                          until the end of the month they
What are my enrollment                                    reach age 26.
You are required to choose one of                 Disabled children may be covered past the
the following medical enrollment options:         limiting age. Please contact the benefits
         1. Enroll in PPO 2,                      team for more information.
       2. Enroll in PPO A (formerly known
          as PPO 3),
       3. Enroll in the CDHP, or
                                                  How do I find a doctor, hospital,
                                                  pharmacy or other provider?
       4. Waive coverage.
                                                     Call the number on the back of your ID
Will I receive a new ID card?
Yes. In December, you will receive a new ID          Search online at
card from BCBS of NC.                         or through the
                                                       mobile app.

Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
PPO (2 & A)
What is a PPO?                                          What is a copay?
“PPO” stands for Preferred Provider                     A fixed dollar amount you pay for office visits,
Organization. Under a PPO, medical providers            urgent care visits and emergency room visits, as
(doctors, hospitals, labs, etc.) join together to       well as prescription drugs.
form a network that offers discounted services to
members.                                                Copays do not count toward satisfying your
                                                        deductible. Copays do count toward the out-of-
                                                        pocket maximum.

                                                        What is coinsurance?
                                                        Once your deductible is satisfied, the plan will
                                                        pay a portion of the cost for most services (other
                                                        than those that require a copay) and so will you.
                                                        This is called coinsurance. Coinsurance is a pre-
                                                        set percentage that you are responsible for
                                                        paying, after the deductible has been satisfied.

                                                        What is a coinsurance maximum?
                                                        It is the total amount of
                                                        coinsurance that a plan
                                                        participant must pay before
                                                        the plan begins to pay 100%
                                                        for any services that are
                                                        covered at the coinsurance.
What is a deductible?
The PPO plan has an individual and family
deductible. The deductible is a specified dollar
amount a member must pay for covered services           Is there a limit to my out-of-pocket
each benefit year before the plan begins to
provide payment for benefits.
                                                        Yes. You will continue to pay a portion of the
The individual deductible must be satisfied by          costs until you meet the out-of-pocket maximum.
one person, while the family deductible can be          The PPO plan has an individual and family out-of
satisfied by combining expenses for two or more         -pocket maximum. If you are a single on a two-
covered family members.                                 person or family contract, you are subject to the
                                                        individual out-of-pocket maximum, while the
Office visits, preventive care services and             family out-of-pocket maximum can be satisfied by
prescription drugs are not subject to the               combining expenses for two or more covered
deductible.                                             family members. Your deductible, copays and
                                                        coinsurance all count toward the out-of-pocket
                                                        maximum. Once the maximum is met, most
                                                        services are covered by the plan at 100%.

Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
What is a CDHP?
CDHP stands for “Consumer Driven Health
Plan” (CDHP). It is sometimes referred to as a
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP).

The CDHP option offers you the lowest payroll
contribution and the possibility of saving for
health care expenses in the future (with a Health
Savings Account). See the Health Savings
Account (HSA) pages for additional information.

The CDHP option provides greater control over
how your health care dollars are spent.

The CDHP also works on a PPO platform where
medical providers (doctors, hospitals, labs, etc.)
join together to form a network that offers
discounted services to members.

                                                         What is coinsurance?
                                                  Once your deductible is satisfied, the plan will
What is a deductible?                             pay a portion of the cost for most services (and
The CDHP option has a higher annual deductible so will you until you reach the out-of-pocket
than other traditional health plans and you must maximum).
first meet your annual deductible before the
plan will pay any portion of your claims,
including office visits and prescription drugs.   What is a coinsurance maximum?
The exception to this is preventive care, which   It is the total amount of
includes annual physicals for adults, well-child  coinsurance that a plan
exams, well woman exams, etc.                     participant must pay before
                                                  the plan begins to pay 100%
The CDHP option has an individual and family      for any services that are
deductible. The entire family deductible must be covered at the coinsurance.
met under a two-person or family contract before
benefits are paid for any person on the contract, Is there a limit to my out-of-pocket
unless that member has met the individual out-of costs?
-pocket maximum. This is true even if one family Yes. You will continue to pay a portion of the
member has satisfied the individual deductible    costs until you meet the out-of-pocket maximum.
amount.                                           The entire family out-of-pocket maximum must
                                                  be met under a two-person or family contract.
                                                  This is true even if one family member has met
Are there copays?                                 the individual out-of-pocket maximum. The
No. All services, including office visits and     deductible and coinsurance all count toward the
prescription drugs, are subject to the deductible out-of-pocket maximum. Once the maximum is
and coinsurance.                                  met, most services are covered by the plan at

Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
Prescription Drugs
To be eligible for prescription drug coverage,          Are there restrictions on certain
you must elect to participate in one of the
medical plan options.
                                                        Yes. There are limits and restrictions on the
Medications are categorized in a formulary. A           plan. Not all prescription drugs will be covered
formulary is a list of prescription medications         under the plan. Some drugs are excluded from
selected for coverage under the plan. Drugs             the drug benefit. Also, if there is a generic
may be included on the formulary based upon             alternative available, you will be required to
their effectiveness, safety and cost.                   accept the generic. If you elect to receive the
                                                        brand when a generic alternative is available,
BCBS NC maintains their own                             you will be responsible for the difference in cost
formulary. You may notice                               between the generic and brand, in addition to
changes to the medications                              the brand copay.
that are covered and/or the
tier they are covered under.                            Quantity limits
                                                        Some medications are subject to quantity limits,
                                                        meaning there is a limit of how many pills you
Is there a network of                                   can receive in a month.
With BCBS NC, you have access to a wide                 Your doctor will need to tell BCBSNC in writing
network of pharmacies. Nearly every “chain”             that you meet our medical necessity criteria to
pharmacy is in the network (CVS, Rite-Aid,              receive more than the set amount.
Walgreens and Wal-Mart). Also, you can
search for pharmacies on BCBSN NC’s website
                                                        Prior Authorization / Step Therapy
                                                        Some drugs require that certain clinical criteria
                                                        must be met before coverage is provided.
Special Note about Specialty Medications                These drugs are typically not covered unless
Specialty Drugs are medications used to treat           your physician and BCBSNC agree that the
complex conditions such as multiple sclerosis or        drug is medically necessary and that an
rheumatoid arthritis, generally in the form of an       alternative medication would be harmful to your
injectable drug. These medications must be              health or ineffective. Your doctor will have to
filled at the mail order specialty pharmacy             submit a written confirmation BCBSNC that you
AllianceRx Walgreens Prime by calling 1-800-            meet medical necessity criteria. Please locate
706-4365 or visiting to            your medication on the BCBSNC formulary. If
set up your account. You will need your                 the drug is flagged as needing Prior
Member ID card and information about your               Authorization or Step Therapy, you will need to
prescription and the doctor who prescribed it.          reach out to your provider to take the necessary
AllianceRx Walgreens Prime will help you                steps to have your medication covered by the
schedule your first delivery and ship your              Plan.
medication and covered supplies via next-day
delivery anywhere you choose in the United              If you have a specific
States. If you are currently taking a specialty         question about a
medication, you will be notified by BCBSNC by           medication, an upcoming
mail with detailed instructions about how to set        procedure or treatment you
up the delivery of your medication.                     are currently receiving,
                                                        please contact the benefits

Asahi Kasei 2019 Annual Benefits Enrollment Highlights Book - APNA On Boarding
 The HSA is only available to employees who enroll in the CDHP medical plan option.

If you enroll in the “Consumer Driven Health           Things change, so your eligibility to contribute
Plan” (CDHP), you have two components to               to an HSA is determined on a month-to-month
help pay for medical and prescription drug             basis. If you are covered under the CDHP
expenses:                                              option on the first of the month and are HSA-
1. A High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)                eligible, you may contribute 1/12 of the annual
   administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of           contribution limit for that month. Essentially,
   North Carolina, and                                 you must be enrolled in the CDHP option for the
                                                       entire plan year to contribute the maximum
2. A Health Savings Account (HSA)                      annual limit.
   administered by Health Equity.
                                                       Who administers the Health
What is a Health Savings Account                       Savings Accounts?
(HSA)?                                                 Health Equity will continue to administer the
An HSA is an investment account that can help          Health Savings Accounts. If you have a current
you save money to pay for current or future            account with Health Equity it will automatically
qualified medical expenses that are not                transfer to our new arrangement with BCBSNC.
reimbursed through health insurance, including         If you are already enrolled in the CDHP, your
a Flexible Spending Account.                           debit card will remain active, and your login and
                                                       password with Health Equity will remain the
An HSA allows tax-free contributions and               same.
withdrawals, similar to 401(k) retirement
accounts, except it’s for health care expenses.
And, any remaining balance rolls over year-to-
year and is yours to keep, regardless of job
changes or retirement.

Who is eligible to open a Health
Savings Account?
You are eligible to establish an HSA if you are
enrolled in a HSA-compliant health plan, such
as our CDHP.

You are not eligible for an HSA if you:
   Are covered by another health care plan
     that is not HSA-compliant, including a
     Flexible Spending Account, Medicare or            Who can contribute to an HSA?
     our PPO plan.                                     Anyone (an eligible individual, a family member,
                                                       an employer or any other person) may make
   Can be claimed as a dependent on
                                                       contributions to an HSA on behalf of an eligible
     someone else’s tax return.
                                                       individual. The total contribution amount,
   Are enrolled in a Health FSA with a               regardless of source, cannot be greater than
     balance greater than $0.                          the annual limit.

How does the HSA work?                                   What happens if I contribute more
You can withdraw money from your account or              than the maximum allowed?
use the debit card provided when you have a              If you contribute too much money to your HSA,
qualified medical expense. You are responsible           a 6% penalty will apply to any amount in your
for deciding if the expense is qualified and,            HSA that exceeds the annual contribution limit.
therefore, should understand what health                 The penalty can be avoided if the excess
expenses are permissible. A good source for              contributions are withdrawn before you file your
qualified health expenses is IRS Publication             income tax return (the following April 15th).
502. Remember to keep your receipts in case
you need to document your expenditures or                It is your responsibility to ensure you do not
decisions during an IRS audit.                           contribute more than the maximum allowed
Funds you withdraw from your HSA to pay for
qualified health expenses are tax-free. If you
use your HSA funds to pay for non-qualified
health expenses, the amount will be taxable              Can I change my HSA contribution
and you will pay an additional 20% tax penalty.          amount during the year?
                                                         You may change (or even stop) your HSA
Will the company contribute to my                        contribution amount by contacting the benefits
HSA?                                                     team. The change will be made as soon as
Yes! The company will match your HSA                     administratively feasible. This is typically by the
contribution dollar for dollar, up to $500 for           next pay date.
single coverage or $1,000 for two party or
family coverage. AKBA, APNA, CIS and Sun
Plastech employees who met the prior year’s              Do I have to keep any records
wellness requirements will receive an additional         regarding my HSA?
$1,000 HSA deposit in January 2019.                      It is your responsibility to keep track of your
                                                         deposits and expenditures and keep all of your
How much can I contribute to my                          receipts (necessary if you are audited by the
HSA?                                                     IRS). It is your responsibility to follow the
For 2019 the IRS will allow contributions of up          regulations governing HSAs. The
to $3,500 for an individual or $7,000 for a              consequences for not doing so will come from
family. If you and your spouse each have CDHP            the IRS.
coverage, the $7,000 annual maximum is a joint
limit between the two of you. Employees age
55 or older can contribute an additional $1,000.         What happens to my HSA if I
                                                         terminate employment?
You can make contributions to an HSA anytime             You own the HSA. You may continue to pay for
during the plan year and up until April 15 of the        qualified medical expenses after your employment
following year. The company will allow you to            terminates.
contribute to your HSA via payroll deduction.
You will be asked to choose an amount during
annual enrollment. You can also contribute by
personal check.

Medical Benefits Summary

                                     PPO 2                                     PPO A (formerly PPO 3)                                   CDHP
                         In-Network                                        In-Network            Out-of-Network            In-Network         Out-of-Network
Deductibles, Copays & Dollar Maximums
Deductibles        $100 for one member,       $250 for one mem-       $750 for one member,        $1,600 for one     $1,400 for one $2,800 for one
                   $200 for family (when      ber, $500 for family       $2,250 for family           member,        person contract, person contract,
                   two or more members        (when two or more         (when two or more        $3,200 for family $2,800 for family (2 $5,600 for family (2
                  are covered under your      members are cov-        members are covered       (when two or more or more members) or more members)
                  contract) each calendar      ered under your         under your contract)     members are cov- each calendar year each calendar year
                            year              contract) each cal-      each calendar year        ered under your
                                                   endar year                                   contract) each cal-   The full family deductible must be
                                                                                                    endar year        met under a two-person or family
                                                                                                                      contract before benefits are paid.

Fixed Dollar      $20 copay: office visits     After your deducti-    $25 copay: office visit   After your deducti-
Copays                                        ble is met, the Plan                              ble is met, the Plan
                  $20 copay: specialist          pays 70% of the      $50 copay: specialist       pays 70% of the              N/A                   N/A
                  office visit, urgent care    approved amount        office visit, urgent care approved amount
                                                for most covered                                 for most covered
                  $50 copay for emergen-       services, you pay                                 services, you pay
                  cy room visits              30% until the out-of-   $150 copay: emergen- 30% until the out-of-
                                              pocket maximum is        cy room visits ($300     pocket maximum is
                                                      met.                 per visit after)             met.

Coinsurance        After your deductible is  After your deducti-   After your deductible After your deducti-           After your deducti- After your deducti-
                  met, the Plan pays 90% ble is met, the Plan is met, the Plan pays ble is met, the Plan               ble is met, the Plan ble is met, the Plan
                  of the approved amount       pays 70% of the     85% of the approved     pays 70% of the                pays 80% of the     pays 60% of the
                    for most covered ser-    approved amount       amount for most cov-   approved amount               approved amount approved amount
                  vices, you pay 10% until    for most covered    ered services, you pay  for most covered               for most covered    for most covered
                  the out-of-pocket maxi-    services, you pay     15% until the out-of-  services, you pay             services, you pay services, you pay
                         mum is met.        30% until the out-of- pocket maximum is 30% until the out-of-              20% until the out-of 40% until the out-of-
                                            pocket maximum is              met.          pocket maximum is              -pocket maximum pocket maximum is
                                                    met.                                         met.                         is met.               met.

Coinsurance                  N/A                      N/A             $2,250 for one mem-          $4,400 for one        $1,250 for one         $2,500 for one
Maximum                                                               ber, $3,750 for family    member, $8,800 for     member, $2,500 for    member, $5,000 for
                                                                       (when two or more        family (when two or    family (when two or   family (when two or
(total amount                                                         members are covered       more members are       more members are      more members are
of coinsurance                                                        under your contract)      covered under your     covered under your    covered under your
that a partici-                                                        each calendar year        contract) each cal-     contract) each       contract) each cal-
pant could pay)                                                                                      endar year           calendar year           endar year

Out-of-Pocket      $500 for one member,         $1,500 for one        $3,000 for one mem-         $6,000 for one         $2,650 for one     $5,300 for one
Maximums           $1,000 for two or more     member, $3,000 for      ber, $6,000 for two or     member, $12,000       member, $5,300 for member, $10,600
                       members each           two or more mem-        more members each           for two or more      two or more mem-    for two or more
                       calendar year          bers each calendar          calendar year           members each             bers each       members each
                                                     year                                          calendar year         calendar year      calendar year
Includes de-
ductible, co-                                  Does not include                                  Does not include
pays and coin-                                    copays.                                           copays.

                      Covered at 100%             Not covered           Covered at 100%            Not covered          Covered at 100%         Not covered
Care Services

                                              *See flyer included in this Highlights Book for additional details

Medical Benefits Summary

                                                   PPO 2                              PPO A (formerly PPO 3)                                        CDHP
                                   In-Network           Out-of-Network             In-Network          Out-of-Network              In-Network               Out-of-Network

Diagnostic Services
Laboratory and Pathology          90% after in-         70% after out-of-         85% after in-        70% after out-of- 80% after in-network              60% after out-of-
Services                            network            network deductible           network           network deductible     deductible                   network deductible
                                   deductible                                      deductible

Diagnostic Tests and X-           90% after in-         70% after out-of-         85% after in-        70% after out-of- 80% after in-network              60% after out-of-
rays                                network            network deductible           network           network deductible     deductible                   network deductible
                                   deductible                                      deductible

Maternity Services Provided by a Physician
Prenatal and Postnatal         Covered at 100%          70% after out-of-           $25 copay          70% after out-of- 80% after in-network              60% after out-of-
Care                                                   network deductible                             network deductible     deductible                   network deductible

Delivery and Nursery              90% after in-         70% after out-of-         85% after in-        70% after out-of- 80% after in-network              60% after out-of-
Care                                network            network deductible           network           network deductible     deductible                   network deductible
                                   deductible                                      deductible

Hospital Care

                                  90% after in-         70% after out-of-         85% after in-        70% after out-of- 80% after in-network              60% after out-of-
                                    network            network deductible           network           network deductible     deductible                   network deductible¹
                                   deductible                                      deductible
Inpatient Care*
                                                           Note: Non-emergency services must be rendered in a participating hospital

Outpatient Surgery                90% after in-         70% after out-of-         85% after in-        70% after out-of- 80% after in-network              60% after out-of-
                                    network            network deductible           network           network deductible     deductible                   network deductible
                                   deductible                                      deductible

Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment

Inpatient Mental Health           90% after in-         70% after out-of-         85% after in-        70% after out-of- 80% after in-network              60% after out-of-
Care                                network            network deductible           network           network deductible     deductible                   network deductible
                                   deductible                                      deductible

Inpatient Substance               90% after in-         70% after out-of-         85% after in-        70% after out-of- 80% after in-network              60% after out-of-
Abuse                               network            network deductible           network           network deductible     deductible                   network deductible
Treatment                          deductible                                      deductible

Outpatient Mental Health
                                  90% after in-           70% after in-           85% after in-        70% after out-of- 80% after in-network            80% after in-network
- Facility and clinic (in           network                  network                network           network deductible     deductible                  deductible, in partici-
participating facilities           deductible         deductible, in partic-       deductible                                                            pating facilities only
only)                                                 ipating facilities only
                                  $20 copay for                                   $50 copay for
- Physician’s office               office visits                                   office visits
Outpatient Substance              90% after in-           70% after in-           85% after in-        70% after out-of- 80% after in-network              60% after out-of-
Abuse Treatment—in                  network                 network                 network           network deductible     deductible                   network deductible
approved facilities only           deductible              deductible              deductible

 *Some procedures such as certain inpatient surgeries will require precertification when you utilize an out-of-network provider; if you do not obtain precertification (your
 doctor should be familiar with this process) your claim will be denied and you will be responsible for 100% of the cost for care. ¹The CDHP has a $250 penalty when a
 procedure requires precertification, then services subject to out-of-network deductible and coinsurance.

Medical Benefits Summary
                                          PPO 2                              PPO A (formerly PPO 3)                                     CDHP
                           In-Network          Out-of-Network             In-Network           Out-of-Network           In-Network           Out-of-Network

Other Covered Services
Chiropractic Spi-        $20 copay per         70% after out-of-         80% after in-        80% after out-of-        80% after in-        60% after out-of-
nal                        office visit       network deductible           network           network deductible          network           network deductible
Manipulation and                                                          deductible                                    deductible
Osteopathic Ma-
nipulative Therapy
                                                Limited to a combined maximum of 25 visits per member per calendar year.

Outpatient Physi-         90% after in-        70% after out-of-         85% after in-        70% after out-of-        80% after in-        60% after out-of-
cal, Speech and             network           network deductible           network           network deductible          network           network deductible
Occupational               deductible                                     deductible                                    deductible
provided for reha-
bilitation                 Physical and occupational therapy have unlimited visits; Speech therapy is limited to a maximum of 30 visits per
                                                                    member per calendar year

Durable Medical           90% after in-           90% after in-          85% after in-           80% after in-         80% after in-      60% after in-network
Equipment*                  network                 network                network                 network               network              deductible
                           deductible              deductible             deductible              deductible            deductible
Allergy Testing        Testing—Subject 70% after out-of-               Testing—Subject 60% after out-of-               80% after in-        60% after out-of-
and Injections           to $20 copay  network deductible               to $25 or $50  network deductible                network           network deductible
                                                                             copay                                      deductible
                         covered at $20                                  Injections—
                        copay or 100% if                              covered at $25 or
                          no office visit                               $50 copay or
                                                                      100% if no office

Prescription Drugs

Tier 1 (Usually            $10 copay          $10 copay plus an            $10 copay              $10 copay            80% after in-        80% after out-of-
generic)                                      additional 25% of                                                          network               network
                                                the approved                                                            deductible            deductible
Tier 2 (Usually            $20 copay          $20 copay plus an            $35 copay              $35 copay            80% after in-        80% after out-of-
Preferred Brand)                              additional 25% of                                                          network               network
                                                the approved                                                            deductible            deductible

Tier 3 (Usually            $40 copay          $40 copay plus an            $45 copay              $45 copay            80% after in-        80% after out-of-
Non Preferred                                 additional 25% of                                                          network               network
Brand)                                          the approved                                                            deductible            deductible
       A non-preferred brand medication is one for which there is either a generic alternative or a more cost effective preferred brand

Specialty Medica-              $40                Not covered                 $50                Not covered           80% after in-           Not covered
tions¹                                                                                                                   network
90 day supply at         Same as retail           Not covered          2.5x retail copay         Not covered           80% after in-           Not covered
retail or mail order        above                                                                                        network

 The benefit enrollment communications contain only a brief summary of your benefits. We have tried to ensure the accuracy of these materials, but if there is
 any discrepancy between the benefits discussed in these materials and the official plan documents, the official plan documents will rule. Actual benefits will be
 paid in accordance with the carrier contracts and any amendments to those contracts in place at the time of the claim. Please refer to the carrier booklets for
 details regarding your coverage, including benefit limitations and exclusions. Benefits are provided at the company’s discretion and do not create a contract of
 employment. The company reserves the right to amend, modify or terminate any plan at any time and in any manner.
 * Durable medical equipment provided as part of an office visit is covered at 100%. ¹Specialty Medications require use of the mail order pharmacy. See page
 9 for details.

See a doctor from home, at work or on the go                                                                   3 ways to activate today
                                                                                                               So it’s ready when you need it!
Sunburn at the beach? Stomach bug on Thanksgiving? In a rural area with no
doctors nearby? Think you’ve got the flu but don’t feel up to driving to your doctor’s                                  Download the
office? These are just a few of the reasons people use telehealth. And you can too!                                     Teladoc app on your
Your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) health plan
                                                                                                                        smartphone or tablet.
includes telehealth services from Teladoc.* It’s a good option for minor health
problems when you can’t see your regular doctor. Plus, it’s often more convenient
and cost effective than urgent care.                                                                                    Go to
Get started.                                                                                                            click “Set Up Account.”
Don’t wait until you’re sick – activate your Teladoc account now so you’re prepared.
There are three ways to activate: mobile app, online or by phone (see graphic).
Once your account is set up, you can see a board-certified doctor via secure online
                                                                                                                        Call 1-800-835-2362
video from the Teladoc app or your computer. Teladoc’s doctors can diagnose
symptoms, prescribe non-narcotic medication1 and send prescriptions to your

Skip the waiting room.
Seventy percent of consumers say they’re interested in telehealth – and                                      Why wait?
convenience is the top reason.2 Teladoc offers these time-saving benefits:                                   Average time it takes to see a doctor:
+ Video consults available 24/7 (even on holidays)                                                           + Median wait time is just 10
+ Takes just minutes to connect with a Teladoc doctor                                                          minutes4
+ No appointment needed (though you can schedule one)
                                                                                                             + 19 minutes at a doctor’s office5
+ Pediatricians available if your child gets sick
                                                                                                               (40 minutes for total visit)6
+ If you need a prescription, your Teladoc doctor can electronically send it to the
  pharmacy that’s close to you                                                                               + 30 minutes at an urgent care
+ On the couch, at work, travelling – you can use Teladoc just about anywhere3                                 (60 minutes for total visit)7
                                                                                                             + 28 minutes at the ER
*Teladoc is an independent company that is solely responsible for the telehealth services it is providing.     (153 minutes for total visit)8


Save money.
Extra convenience doesn’t mean extra cost. In fact, telehealth runs less than the
typical urgent care visit. And if you go to the ER for a non-emergency? Your cost
can skyrocket more than 1,300%!9                                                         Dollars to dollars
With Teladoc, you’ll pay for a video consult the same as an office visit with your       Compare the average member cost for:9
primary care doctor. That means:
+ If your health plan has a co-pay: You’ll pay the usual co-pay for a doctor’s visit                                                                     667
+ If your health plan has a deductible and co-insurance: You’ll pay no more than $4510                                                                     ER
  Teladoc accepts most major credit and debit cards. It’s also a qualified expense             $
                                                                                                 45 orless                 59
  for HSA, HRA and FSA accounts.                                                                                          Urgent Care

Get quality care.
Teladoc doctors are board certified with an average of
20 years’ experience. Specialties range from primary
                                                                                         1 In some states, laws require that a doctor only prescribe medication in
care and internal medicine, to pediatrics and family                                     certain situations and subject to certain limitations.
medicine. So, they can treat a wide range of conditions.                                 2 “2017 Consumer Survey on Virtual Health.” Accenture. Online: www.
                                                                                (accessed May
Trust is also important. Teladoc has a 95% satisfaction                                  3 Consults not available outside the United States.
                                                                                         4 Source: (accessed June 2017).
rating – and 92% of issues are resolved after the first                                  5 Based on national average wait time of 18 minutes and 35 seconds.
visit.4 You’ll see a doctor who is licensed to practice                                  Source: 8th Annual Vitals Index. Online:
in your state. It’s HIPAA-compliant and your personal                                    (accessed May 2017).
                                                                                         6 Shaw, Meredith K., et al. “The duration of office visits in the United
health information is never shared with your employer.                                   States, 1993 to 2010.” The American Journal of Managed Care 20.10
                                                                                         (2014): 820-826.
                                                                                         7 “2016 Benchmarking Report Summary.” Urgent Care
Keep in mind that telehealth isn’t meant to replace your primary care doctor.            Association of America. Online:
                                                                                         benchmarking/2016BenchmarkReport.pdf (accessed May 2017).
Instead, think of it as an easy way to get care when common health problems hit.         8 Average times shown are for emergency departments in North Carolina.
                                                                                         Source: (accessed May 2017).
And of course, you should always call 911 for any life-threatening emergencies.          9 Urgent care and ER figures are the average cost to Blue Cross NC
                                                                                         members across commercial group plans. Based on Blue Cross NC internal
                                                                                         data for 12 months ending December 2016. ER costs include both facility
                                                                                         and professional charges—and combine copayment, deductible and
Teladoc can handle many non-emergency health problems:                                   coinsurance.
                                                                                         10 Until December 31, 2017, the price of a Teladoc visit will be $42. On
+ Acne                           +   Allergies                      +   Constipation     January 1, 2018, the cost will be $45. Your health plan may cover these
                                                                                         visits for less.
+ Cough, cold and flu            +   Diarrhea                       +   Ear problems     Teladoc is an independent company that is solely responsible for the
                                                                                         telehealth services it is providing. Teladoc does not offer Blue Cross or Blue
+ Fever                          +   Headache                       +   Insect bites     Shield products or services. Availability depends on location at the time of
                                                                                         consultation. Telehealth services are subject to the terms and conditions
+ Joint aches and pains          +   Nausea and vomiting            +   Pink eye         of the member’s health plan, including benefits, limitations and exclusions.
                                                                                         Telehealth services are not a substitute for emergency care.
+ Rash                           +   Sinus problems                 +   Sore throat      Teladoc and the Teladoc logo are registered trademarks of Teladoc, Inc.
                                                                                         and may not be used without written permission. Teladoc does not replace
+ Sunburn                        +   And more                                            the primary care physician. Teladoc does not guarantee that a prescription
                                                                                         will be written. Teladoc operates subject to state regulation and may not
                                                                                         be available in certain states. Teladoc does not prescribe DEA-controlled
                                                                                         substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be
                                                                                         harmful because of their potential for abuse. Teladoc physicians reserve the
                                                                                         right to deny care for potential misuse of services. For complete terms of
                                                                                         use, visit
Learn more at or by calling 1-800-835-2362.                              BLUE CROSS®, BLUE SHIELD®, and the Cross and Shield symbols are
                                                                                         marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, an association of
                                                                                         independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans. All other marks are the
                                                                                         property of their respective owners. Blue Cross NC is an independent
                                                                                         licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. U13291a, 9/17


Health Advocate
What is Health Advocate?                               What issues can Health Advocate
Health Advocate offers you access to health            assist with?
care experts who provide personalized support
                                                                 Find the right medical provider
to help you navigate the health care system and
insurance-related issues.                                        Expedite appointments
                                                                 Research complex medical
                                                                   conditions, and locate latest
                                                                   treatment options
                                                                 Coordinate care and schedule follow
                                                                   -up visits
Who can contact Health Advocate?                                 Arrange specialized treatments and
          You                                                    tests
          Your spouse / domestic partner                       Answer questions about results,
          Your child(ren)                                        treatments and prescribed
          Your parents
                                                                 Provide procedure cost estimates
          Your parents in-law
                                                                 Identify Gaps In Care
                                                                 Personal nurse contact
How do I contact Health Advocate?                                Web-based health information and
          Call 1-866-695-8622                                    decision support
          Visit                        Insurance claims resolution service
                                                                 Locate eldercare
          Email answers
                                                       Is there a cost for using Health
                                                       No. There is no charge to you or your family
                                                       for using this program.

Dental Coverage
Who administers our                                   Will I receive an ID card?
dental plan?                                          Yes! An ID card will be mailed to your home
Delta Dental of North Carolina will                   address in December 2018.
administer our dental plan as of
January 1, 2019.
                                                      How do I find a dentist?
What are my enrollment                                   Call Delta Dental at 1-800-662-8856, or
options?                                                 Search the PPO or Premier networks
There is only one plan option for dental
                                                           online at
coverage. If you do not want dental
coverage, simply skip to the next benefit                  findadentist
selection in ADP.

Who can I enroll for dental                           Is there a network of dentists?
                                                      You can receive services from any dentist you
coverage?                                             choose. However, when you select a dentist
You may enroll your:                                  that participates in one of the Delta Dental
   Legal spouse                                     networks, that dentist has agreed to accept
   Children by birth, marriage,                     Delta Dental’s approved amount for services.
      adoption, or legal guardianship
      until the end of the month they                 If you visit a dentist that does not participate
      reach age 26.                                   in the network, you may be balance billed for
                                                      amounts exceeding the approved payment
                                                      amount. This can result in significant out-of-
Disabled children may be covered past the             pocket costs!
limiting age. Please contact the benefits team
for more information.

Delta Dental PPO plus Premier
                                 Summary of Dental Plan Benefits
                                        For Group# 0518

This Summary of Dental Plan Benefits should be read along with your Certificate. Your Certificate provides
additional information about your Delta Dental plan, including information about plan exclusions and limitations.
If a statement in this Summary conflicts with a statement in the Certificate, the statement in this Summary applies
to you and you should ignore the conflicting statement in the Certificate. The percentages below are applied to
Delta Dental's allowance for each service and it may vary due to the dentist's network participation.*

Control Plan – Delta Dental of North Carolina

Benefit Year – January 1 through December 31

Covered Services –
                                                              Delta Dental      Delta Dental       Nonparticipatin
                                                              PPO Dentist      Premier Dentist        g Dentist
                                                               Plan Pays          Plan Pays          Plan Pays*
                                                Diagnostic & Preventive
Diagnostic and Preventive Services – exams,
                                                                 100%               100%                100%
cleanings, fluoride, and space maintainers
Emergency Palliative Treatment – to temporarily
                                                                 100%               100%                100%
relieve pain
Sealants – to prevent decay of permanent teeth                   100%               100%                100%
Radiographs – X-rays                                             100%               100%                100%
Periodontal Maintenance – cleanings following
                                                                 100%               100%                100%
periodontal therapy
                                                   Basic Services
Minor Restorative Services – fillings and crown repair            80%                  80%                80%
Endodontic Services – root canals                                 80%                  80%                80%
Periodontic Services – to treat gum disease                       80%                  80%                80%
Oral Surgery Services – extractions and dental surgery            80%                  80%                80%
Major Restorative Services – crowns                               80%                  80%                80%
Other Basic Services – misc. services                             80%                  80%                80%
Relines and Repairs – to bridges and dentures                     80%                  80%                80%
Occlusal Guards/Adjustments – bite guards and
                                                                  50%                  50%                50%
occlusal adjustments
                                                   Major Services
Prosthodontic Services – bridges and dentures                     80%                  80%                80%
                                                Orthodontic Services
Orthodontic Services – braces                                     50%                  50%                50%
Orthodontic Age Limit –                                    to the end of the to the end of the to the end of the
                                                            month of age 19 month of age 19 month of age 19
* When you receive services from a Nonparticipating Dentist, the percentages in this column indicate the portion
of Delta Dental's Nonparticipating Dentist Fee that will be paid for those services. The Nonparticipating Dentist
Fee may be less than what your dentist charges and you are responsible for that difference.

   Oral exams (including evaluations by a specialist) are payable twice per calendar year.
   Prophylaxes (cleanings) are payable twice per calendar year. Full mouth debridement is payable once per
   Fluoride treatments are payable twice per calendar year for people up to age 19.
   Space maintainers are payable once per area per lifetime for people up to age 19.
   Bitewing X-rays are payable twice per calendar year. Full mouth X-rays (which include bitewing X-rays) are
    payable once in any three-year period.
   Sealants are payable once per tooth per lifetime for the occlusal surface of first and second permanent molars
    up to age 16. The surface must be free from decay and restorations.
   Composite resin (white) restorations are optional treatment on posterior teeth.
   Porcelain and resin facings on crowns are Covered Services on posterior teeth. Veneers and porcelain or resin
    facings on onlays are optional treatment.
   Vestibuloplasty is a Covered Service.
   Full and partial dentures are payable once in any five-year period. Reline and rebase of dentures are payable
    once in any two-year period.
   Implants and related services are not Covered Services.

Having Delta Dental coverage makes it easy for you to get dental care almost everywhere in the world! You can
now receive expert dental care when you are outside of the United States through our Passport Dental program.
This program gives you access to a worldwide network of dentists and dental clinics. English-speaking operators are
available around the clock to answer questions and help you schedule care. For more information, check our Web
site or contact your benefits representative to get a copy of our Passport Dental information sheet.

Maximum Payment – $1,500 per person total per Benefit Year on all services except orthodontic services. $1,500
per person total per lifetime on orthodontic services.

Deductible – $50 Deductible per person total per Benefit Year limited to a maximum Deductible of $150 per family
per Benefit Year. The Deductible does not apply to diagnostic and preventive services, emergency palliative
treatment, X-rays, sealants, periodontal maintenance and orthodontic services.

If you and your spouse are both eligible for coverage under this Contract, you may be enrolled together on one
application or separately on individual applications, but not both. Your dependent children may only be enrolled
on one application. Delta Dental will not coordinate benefits if you and your spouse are both covered under this

What is the EAP?                                      contact the EAP for help?
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP)                           You
provided by HelpNet is a program designed to
assist you and your immediate family members.                   Your spouse / domestic partner
HelpNet can help you resolve any concerns that                  Your child(ren)
are affecting your personal or work lives…no
matter what the issue!
                                                      Will anyone know I contacted the
What issues can the EAP help                          EAP?
with?                                                 No. The EAP is a confidential benefit. This
                                                      means that HelpNet must keep your records,
          Mental Health                             and even the fact that you called them,
          Finances                                  confidential from any other party. No one—not
          Parenting                                 even your employer—will ever know you used
                                                      HelpNet’s services.
          Work-Life Balance
          Stress                                    Is there a cost for using the EAP?
          Aging Parents                             No. There is no charge to you or your family
                                                      for using this confidential program. If you
                                                      choose to use any referrals to additional
How does the EAP work?                                resources, their charges (if any) would be your
Under the program, you can receive:                   responsibility and may be covered under your
   Telephone access to licensed                     medical plan.
      clinicians 24 hours a day, seven
      days a week.                                    How do I contact the EAP?
                                                      To access this benefit, you can contact HelpNet
   Up to 5 face-to-face counseling                  at 1-800-969-6162 24 hours a day / 365 days a
      sessions with EAP network                       year. You can also log on to their website at
      providers.                             Click on “Work Life
   Referrals to community services.                 Web”, found at the top of the page.
   Online access to an extensive library
      of articles and tip sheets on various                        Username: AKPNA
      topics, as well as audio and video
      clips.                                                      Password: EMPLOYEE

Who can

Vision Coverage
Who administers our vision                           Is there a network of vision
plan?                                                providers?
United Healthcare (UHC) will be our                  Yes. You will receive the highest level of
new vision carrier as of January 1,                  benefits and lowest out-of-pocket costs when
2019.                                                you seek services from a provider in the
                                                     UHC network (sometimes referred to as
What are my enrollment                               Specter Eyecare Network). The network
                                                     includes many well-known chain providers,
options?                                             such as America’s Best, Costco, Eyeglass
Vision will no longer be a “bundled” election        World, Visionworks and Warby Parker.
with medical coverage. For 2019, it will be
offered as a stand-alone option for you to           If your provider is not in the network and you
elect or waive. You may elect employee only          wish to nominate them to join, please contact
or family coverage. If you do not want vision        the benefits team for a form.
coverage, simply skip to the next benefit
selection in ADP.
                                                     How do I get reimbursed if I visit
                                                     a non-network eye care
Who can I enroll for vision                          provider?
coverage?                                            If you have services performed by a non-
You may enroll your:                                 network provider, you will need to pay out-of-
   Legal spouse                                    pocket for those services and file a claim
                                                     form for reimbursement, along with providing
   Children by birth, marriage,                    an itemized receipt. You can request a
      adoption, or legal guardianship                reimbursement form from the benefits team.
      until the end of the month they
      reach age 26.
                                                     How do I find an eye care
Disabled children may be covered past the
limiting age. Please contact the benefits
                                                        Call UHC at or 1-800-638-3120, or
team for more information.
                                                        Search online at
Will I receive an ID card?
Yes! An ID card will be mailed to your home
address in December 2018.

Asahi KASEI Employees Benefit Plan
Year 1/1/2019 - 12/31/2021                                                                 Vision Benefit Summary
                                                                                           Customer Service and Provider Locator: (800) 638-3120

UnitedHealthcare vision has been trusted for more than 50 years to deliver affordable, innovative vision care solutions to the nation’s leading
employers through experienced, customer-focused people and the nation’s most accessible, diversified vision care network.
In-network, covered-in-full benefits (up to the plan allowance and after applicable copay) include a comprehensive exam, eyeglasses with
standard single vision, lined bifocal, lined trifocal, or lenticular lenses, standard scratch-resistant coating and the frame, or contact lenses in lieu
of eyeglasses.
                                                                                 Exam with Materials
  Benefit Frequency
       Comprehensive Exam(s)                                                     Once every    Calendar Year(s)
       Spectacle Lenses                                                          Once every    Calendar Year(s)
       Frames                                                                    Once every    Calendar Year(s)
       Contact Lenses in Lieu of Eyeglasses                                      Once every    Calendar Year(s)
                                                                     In-Network Services
         Exam(s)                                                                 $ 10.00
         Materials                                                               $ 30.00
  Frame Benefit (for frames that exceed the allowance, an additional 30% discount may be applied to the overage)¹
       Private Practice Provider                                            $130.00 retail frame allowance
       Retail Chain Provider                                                $130.00 retail frame allowance
  Lens Options
       Standard Scratch-resistant Coating,Polycarbonate Lenses for Dependent Children (up to age 19) - covered in full.
       Other optional lens upgrades may be offered at a discount (discount varies by provider). The Lens Options list can be found at
  Contact Lens Benefit² (Selection contact lenses refers to our formulary contact list. Contact lenses not listed on the formulary are referred to as
  non-selection. A copy of the list can be found at
       Selection contact lenses                                             If you choose disposable contacts, up to 4
       The fitting/evaluation fees, contact lenses, and up to two           boxes are included when obtained from
       follow-up visits are covered in full after copay (if applicable).    an in-network provider.
         Non-selection contact lenses
         An allowance is applied toward the purchase of contact           $105.00
         lenses outside the selection. Materials copay (if applicable)
         is waived.
         {@Bullet} Necessary contact lens 3
         Necessary contact lenses                                         Covered in full after copay (if applicable).
                                                 Out-of-Network Reimbursements (Copays do not apply)
         Exam(s)                                                          Up to $42.00
         Frames                                                           Up to $37.00
         Single Vision Lenses                                             Up to $29.00
         Lined Bifocal Lenses                                             Up to $39.00
         Lined Trifocal Lenses                                            Up to $48.00
         Lenticular Lenses                                                Up to $48.00
         Elective Contacts in Lieu of Eyeglasses²                         Up to $73.00
         {@Bullet} Necessary conta                  3
         Necessary Contacts in Lieu of Eyeglasses                         Up to $73.00

        Laser vision
        UnitedHealthcare has partnered with the Laser Vision Network of America (LVNA) to provide our members with access to discounted
        laser vision correction providers. Members receive 15% off standard or 5% off promotional pricing at more than 550 network provider
        locations and even greater discounts through set pricing at LasikPlus® locations. For more information, call 1-888-563-4497 or visit us
        Additional Material
        At a participating in-network provider you will receive up to a 20% discount on an additional pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses. This
        program is available after your vision benefits have been exhausted. Please note that this discount shall not be considered insurance,
        and that UnitedHealthcare shall neither pay nor reimburse the provider or member for any funds owed or spent. Additional materials do
        not have to be purchased at the time of initial material purchase.
        Hearing Aids
        As a UnitedHealthcare vision plan member, you can save on high-quality hearing aids when you buy them from hi HealthInnovations™.
        To find out more go to When placing your order use promo code myVision to get the special price discount.

 ¹30% discount available at most participating in-network provider locations. May exclude certain frame manufacturers. Please verify all discounts with your provider.
 ²Contact lenses are in lieu of eyeglass lenses and/or eyeglass frames. Coverage for Selection contact lenses does not apply at Costco, Walmart or Sam's Club
   locations. The allowance for Non-selection contact lenses applies to materials. No portion will be exclusively applied to the fitting and evaluation.
 ³Necessary contact lenses are determined at the provider's discretion for one or more of the following conditions: Following cataract surgery without intraocular lens
   implant; to correct extreme vision problems that cannot be corrected with eyeglass lenses and/or frames; with certain conditions such as anisometropia,
   keratoconus, irregular corneal/astigmatism, aphakia, facial deformity; or corneal deformity. If your provider considers your contacts necessary, you should ask your
   provider to contact UnitedHealthcare vision confirming the reimbursement that UnitedHealthcare will make before you purchase such contacts.

 Important to Remember:
    • Always identify yourself as a UnitedHealthcare vision member when making your appointment. This will assist the provider in obtaining
      your benefit information.
    • Your participating provider will help you determine which contact lenses are available in the UnitedHealthcare selection.
    • Your $105.00 contact lens allowance applies to materials. No portion will be exclusively applied to the fitting and evaluation. Your material
      copay is waived when purchasing non-selection contacts.
    • Patient options such as UV coating, progressive lenses, etc., which are not covered-in-full, may be available at a discount at participating
      providers. The Lens Options list can be found at

 Choice and Access of Vision Care Providers
   UnitedHealthcare offers its vision program through a national network including both private practice and retail chain providers. To access the
   Provider Locator service or for a printed directory, visit our website or call (800) 638-3120, 24 hours a day, seven days a
   week. You may also view your benefits, search for a provider or print an ID card online at
   Retain this UnitedHealthcare vision benefit summary which includes detailed benefit information and instructions on how to use the program.
   Please refer to your Certificate of Coverage for a full explanation of benefits.
   In-Network Provider - Copays and non-covered patient options are paid to provider by program participant at the time of service.
   Out-of-Network Provider - Participant pays full fee to the provider, and UnitedHealthcare reimburses the participant for services rendered
   up to the maximum allowance. Copays do not apply to out-of-network benefits. All receipts must be submitted at the same time to the following
   address: UnitedHealthcare Vision, Attn. Claims Department, P.O. Box 30978, Salt Lake City, UT 84130. Written proof of loss should be given
   to the Company within 90 days after the date of loss. If it was not reasonably possible to give written proof in the time required, the Company will
   not reduce or deny the claim for this reason. However, proof must be filed as soon as reasonably possible, but no later than 1 year after the
   date of service unless the Covered Person was legally incapacitated.
 Customer Service is available toll-free at (800) 638-3120 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time Monday through Friday,
 and 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Saturday.
  This Benefit Summary is intended only to highlight your benefits and should not be relied upon to fully determine coverage. This benefit plan
  may not cover all of your healthcare expenses. More complete descriptions of benefits and the terms under which they are provided are
  contained in the certificate of coverage that you will receive upon enrolling in the plan. If this Benefit Summary conflicts in any way with the
  Policy issued to your employer, the Policy shall prevail.

UnitedHealthcare vision coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, located in Hartford, Connecticut, UnitedHealthcare Insurance
Company of New York, located in Islandia, New York, or its affiliates. Administrative services provided by Spectera, Inc., United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates.
Plans sold in Texas use policy form number VPOL.06.TX or VPOL.13TX and associated COC form number VCOC.INT.06.TX or VCOC.CER.13.TX. Plans sold in
Virginia use policy form number VPOL.06.VA or VPOL.13.VA and associated COC form number VCOC.INT.06.VA or VCOC.CER.13.VA.

                                                                                      25                                           08/18 © 2018 United HealthCare Services, Inc.
                                                                          F2790        15329830-7-1-1-R-S       01/01/2019       01/01/2019 - 12/31/2021        NCA-03C (v3.1)
Life / AD&D
Who insures our life and                                Evidence of Insurability (EOI) is required if
                                                        you are electing coverage for the first time
accidental death &                                      during annual enrollment or increasing your
dismemberment (AD&D) plans?                             coverage level. You must complete the EOI
Voya will continue to insure our life and AD&D          form and submit it to Voya for their review.
plans.                                                  Coverage will not go into effect until approved
                                                        by Voya. You can request a form from the
                                                        benefits team.
What coverage is provided?
Basic life insurance provides a benefit to your
beneficiary if you die while covered under the
plan. Basic AD&D insurance provides a benefit
in the event of your accidental death or a
percentage of the benefit if you suffer
dismemberment as described by the plan. The
benefit for each is 2.25 times your annual
earnings. There is a maximum benefit of

Who pays for the basic life and                         Who can I cover under the life
AD&D coverage?                                          and AD&D plans?
The company pays for the basic life and AD&D
coverage. Life insurance in excess of $50,000
will result in non-wage compensation being
added to your W-2, on which you will pay taxes.            Your Legal spouse,
This is referred to as imputed income.
                                                           Children by
                                                                  Birth,
Can I purchase additional                                         Marriage,
Yes. If you feel that the company-provided                        Adoption, or
coverage is not enough to protect your family in                  Legal guardianship
the event of your death, you may choose to
purchase additional coverage for yourself, your            until they reach age 26.
spouse or your child(ren). You must elect
coverage for yourself in order to elect                  Special note: Coverage effective dates and
coverage for your spouse and/or child(ren).              increases in coverage may be delayed if you and/
This applies to both the voluntary life and              or your dependents are disabled on the date
voluntary AD&D plan.                                     coverage is scheduled to take effect. Life and
                                                         AD&D benefits may reduce at specific ages.
Voluntary life and/or AD&D coverage is an after          Please review the Voya booklet for specific
-tax deduction.                                          details.

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