2019-20 Employee Benefits Overview - Pasadena City College

Page created by Carrie Ruiz
2019-20 Employee Benefits Overview - Pasadena City College
Employee Benefits Overview
2019-20 Employee Benefits Overview - Pasadena City College
2019-20 Employee Benefits Overview - Pasadena City College
Eligibility .............................................................................................................................................. 3
How to Enroll or Waive Benefits .............................................................................................................. 5
Cost of Coverage and Cash-In-Lieu Amount .............................................................................................. 6
Kaiser Medical Traditional HMO.............................................................................................................. 7
Anthem Medical Premier HMO ................................................................................................................ 8
Anthem Medical 100-A PPO - Classified .................................................................................................. 9
Anthem Medical 100-A PPO – Certificated ............................................................................................. 10
Anthem Medical Anchor Bronze PPO...................................................................................................... 11
Anthem Medical Minimum Value PPO .................................................................................................... 12
Dental Plans – PPO or HMO .................................................................................................................. 13
EyeMed Vision ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) ........................................................................................................... 15
Life Insurance and Long-Term Disability ................................................................................................ 16
Getting Care When You Need It Now ...................................................................................................... 17
Programs and Services......................................................................................................................... 18
Anthem Programs and Services ............................................................................................................. 19
Value Based Care Benefit for PPO Members ........................................................................................... 20
MDLIVE – Telehealth for Anthem Members ............................................................................................. 21
Key Terms ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Important Plan Notices and Documents .................................................................................................. 23
Continuation Coverage Rights Under COBRA ........................................................................................... 28
Medicare Part D Notice ........................................................................................................................ 31
For Benefits Assistance ................................................................................................... Back Cover Page

 Medicare Part D Notice: If you (and/or your dependents) have Medicare or
 will become eligible for Medicare in the next 12 months, a federal law gives
 you more choices about your prescription drug coverage. Please see Annual
 Notice on pages 32-33 for more details.

2019-20 Employee Benefits Overview - Pasadena City College
District Message
At Pasadena City College, we value your contributions to our success and want to provide you
with a benefits package that protects your health and helps your financial security, now and in
the future. We continually look for valuable benefits that support your needs, whether you are
single, married, raising a family, or thinking ahead to retirement. We are committed to giving
you the resources you need to understand your options and how your choices could affect you
We are providing you with this booklet to help you understand the benefits that are available to
you and how to best use them. Please review it carefully and make sure to ask about any
important issues that are not addressed here. A list of plan contacts and resources are
provided on the back coverage of this booklet.
While we've made every effort to make sure that this booklet is comprehensive, it cannot
provide a complete description of all benefit provisions. For more information, please contact
the Benefits Office. The information in this booklet is a general outline of the benefits offered
under the Pasadena City College benefits program. Specific details and limitations are
provided in the plan documents, such as the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC),
Evidence of Coverage (EOC) and/or insurance policies. The plan documents contain the
relevant plan provisions. If the information in this booklet differs from the plan documents,
the plan documents will prevail.

                     The benefits in this summary are effective:
                      October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020

                                Review your benefit options.
        Visit https://benefits.plansource.com and enroll or waive insurance benefits.
            Employees waiving coverage must provide proof of other coverage.

                           If you have questions, contact Benefits.
                               Benefits Technician: Conna Bain
                                       (626) 585-7719
                    Benefits and Wellness Coordinator: Cristina Zamora
                                     (626) 585-7503

2019-20 Employee Benefits Overview - Pasadena City College

WHO IS ELIGIBLE?                                            DEPENDENT VERIFICATION
All active, eligible full-time employees are eligible       Adding dependents is subject to eligibility
for the benefits outlined in this booklet.                  verification in order to ensure only eligible
                                                            individuals are participating in our plans. You will be
You can enroll the following family members in our          required to provide proof of one or more of the
plans:                                                      following within 30 days of their eligibility:
•   Your spouse (the person who you are legally             •   Marriage Certificate or License (if married less
    married to under state law, including a same-sex            than a year)
                                                            •   Most recent Federal Income Tax Return
                                                            •   Domestic Partners Affidavit
•   If you have registered your domestic partnership
                                                            •   Birth Certificate
    with your state or local government, your
                                                            •   Final decree of divorce
    domestic partner is eligible for coverage. Please
                                                            •   Court documents showing legal responsibility for
    contact Benefits if you would like to add a
                                                                adopted children, foster children or children
    registered domestic partner. Any premiums for
                                                                under legal guardianship
    your domestic partner paid for by Pasadena City
    College are taxable income and will be included         •   Physician’s written certification of disabling
                                                                condition (for dependent children over age 26
    on your W-2. Any premiums you pay for your
    domestic partner will be deducted on an after-              incapable of self-support)
    tax basis.                                              If you do not supply the proper documentation to
                                                            add dependents within a 30-day period, you will
•   Your children (including your domestic partner's
                                                            not be able to add the dependent(s) until the
                                                            next open enrollment period.
    o Up to the age of 26 are eligible to enroll in
      medical, dental and vision coverage. They do          WHO IS NOT ELIGIBLE?
      not have to live with you or be enrolled in
                                                            Family members who are not eligible for coverage
      school. They can be married and/or living and
                                                            include (but are not limited to):
      working on their own.
                                                            •   Parents, grandparents, and siblings.
    o Over age 26 ONLY if they are incapacitated
      due to a disability and primarily dependent on
      you for support.                                      Please refer to the Summary Plan Description for
                                                            complete details on how benefits eligibility is
    o Named in a Qualified Medical Child Support            determined.
      Order (QMCSO) as defined by federal law.

2019-20 Employee Benefits Overview - Pasadena City College
Eligibility Continued
                                                             •   Change in work schedule, including a switch
                                                                 between part-time and full-time employment
                                                                 that affects eligibility for benefits
Open enrollment is the only time each year that
                                                             •   Change in a child’s dependent status, either
employees can make changes to their benefit
                                                                 newly satisfying the requirements for dependent
elections without a qualifying life event. Life events
                                                                 child status or ceasing to satisfy them
include (but are not limited to):
                                                             •   Change in place of residence or worksite,
• Birth or adoption of a baby or child
                                                                 including a change that affects the accessibility
• Loss of other healthcare coverage
                                                                 or network providers
• Eligibility for new healthcare coverage
                                                             •   Change in your health coverage or your spouse’s
• Marriage
                                                                 coverage attributable to your spouse’s
• Divorce
If you qualify for a mid-year benefit change, you will       •   Change in an individual’s eligibility for Medicare
be required to submit proof of the change. Changes               or Medicaid
must be submitted to Benefits within 30 days of              •   A court order resulting from a divorce, legal
the life event. An employee may be held                          separation, annulment, or change in legal
responsible for substantial charges if services are              custody (including a Qualified Medical Child
provided for a person who is found to be                         Support Order) requiring coverage for your child
ineligible.                                                  •   An event that is a “special enrollment” under
                                                                 the Health Insurance Portability and
ELIGIBLE NEW HIRES                                               Accountability Act (HIPAA) including
                                                                 acquisition of a new dependent by marriage,
You must complete the online enrollment or                       birth or adoption, or loss of coverage under
waiver process, and upload dependent                             another health insurance plan
verification documentation within 30 days from               •   An event that is allowed under the Children’s
your date of hire. If documentation is not                       Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
received, your dependent(s) will not be enrolled.                Reauthorization Act. Under provisions of the
                                                                 Act, employees have 60 days after the following
Online Benefits Website:
                                                                 events to request enrollment:
                                                                      o Employee or dependent loses eligibility
Coverage for new full-time employees begins on the                        for Medicaid
first of the month following or coinciding with date                  o Employee or dependent becomes
of hire.                                                                  eligible to participate in a premium
                                                                          assistance program under Medicaid or
QUALIFYING LIFE EVENTS                                                    CHIP

                                                             REMINDER: Three rules apply to making changes
The following are considered qualifying life events:
                                                             to your benefits during the year:
• Change in legal marital status, including                      i.   Any change you make must be consistent
    marriage, divorce, legal separation, annulment,
                                                                      with the change in status;
    and death of a spouse
                                                                ii.   You must make the change within 30 days
• Change in number of dependents, including                           of the date the event occurs; and
    birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or                iii.   All proper documentation is required to
    death of a dependent child                                        cover dependents (marriage certificates,
• Change in employment status that affects                            birth certificates, etc.)
    benefit eligibility, including the start or
    termination of employment by you, your spouse,
    or your dependent child

2019-20 Employee Benefits Overview - Pasadena City College
How to Enroll or Waive Benefits
Go online to our Benefits website https://benefits.plansource.com. After you login you’ll be asked to review and
update your employee profile. Make sure all the information about yourself and dependent(s) is correct. Don’t
forget to upload dependent verification documentation. If documentation is not received, your dependent(s) will
not be enrolled.

 USERNAME AND PASSWORD                                      EXAMPLES
 All usernames and passwords have been set                  Username: if your name is Taylor Williams, and the last
 to the following:                                          four digits of your SSN are 1234, your username would be
          Username: Your username is the first
          initial of your first name, up to the first       Password: if your birthdate is June 4, 1979, your password
          six letters of your last name, and the            would be 19790604. The first time you log in, you will be
          last four digits of your SSN.                     prompted to change your password.

          Password: Your initial password is your           If you have login problems contact the Benefits Office:
          birthdate in the YYYYMMDD format.                      • clbain@pasadena.edu or (626) 585-7719
                                                                 • czamora5@pasadena.edu or (626) 585-7503

The following verification documents are required to enroll a dependent in health benefit plans. SISC requires the
Social Security Numbers for all dependents to be covered on the plans and reserves the right to request
additional documentation to substantiate eligibility.
 Dependent Type                        Required Documentation
 Spouse                                • Prior year’s Federal Tax Form that shows the couple was married (financial information
                                         may be blocked out).
                                       • For newly married couples where prior year tax return is not available a marriage
                                         certificate will be accepted.
 Domestic Partner                      • Certificate of Registered Domestic Partnership issued by State of California (AB 205
                                       • SISC Affidavit of Domestic Partnership (when applicable)
 Children, Stepchildren,               • Legal Birth Certificate or Hospital Birth Certificate (to include full name of child,
 and/or Adopted Children                 parent(s) name, and child’s DOB)
 up to age 26                          • Legal Adoption Documentation
 Legal Guardianship up to age 18       • Legal Court Documentation establishing Guardianship
 Disabled Dependents over age 26       Anthem Blue Cross (All items listed below are required)
                                       • Legal Birth Certificate or Hospital Birth Certificate (to include full name of child,
                                         parent(s) name and child’s DOB)
                                       • Prior year’s Federal Tax Form that shows child is claimed as an IRS dependent
                                         (income information may be blocked out)
                                       • Proof of 6 months prior creditable coverage
                                       • Completed Anthem Disabled Dependent Certification Form
                                       Kaiser (All items listed below are required)
                                       • Legal Birth Certificate or Hospital Birth Certificate (to include full name of child,
                                         parent(s) name and child’s DOB)
                                       • Prior year’s Federal Tax Form that shows child is claimed as an IRS dependent
                                         (income information may be blocked out)
                                       • Proof of 6 months prior creditable coverage
                                       • Completed Disabled Dependent Enrollment Application
                                       • Most recent Kaiser Certification notice (if available)

Cost of Coverage and Cash-In-Lieu Amount
Pasadena City College pays 100% of Medical, Dental, and Vision benefits for all full-time employees and
their eligible dependents. Full-time employees must complete the Opt Out – Refusal of Personal Coverage form,
if you are not enrolled in the District’s sponsored health plan and have group insurance coverage elsewhere. Form
is not valid if not complete and you will need to provide a copy of current Group insurance card.


 12 Month                                                  $301.00
 11 Month                                                  $328.36
 10 Month                                                  $361.20
 Annually                                                  $3,612.00


 ANTHEM MEDICAL PPO                          EMPLOYEE                  PCC                      TOTAL
 ANCHOR BRONZE PLAN                          DEDUCTION            CONTRIBUTION                PREMIUM
 Employee Only                                $119.70                $602.70                   $ 722.40
 Employee + Child                             $567.60                $567.60                  $ 1,135.20
 Employee + Children                          $567.60                $567.60                  $ 1,135.20

 ANTHEM MEDICAL PPO                          EMPLOYEE                  PCC                      TOTAL
 MINIMUM VALUE PLAN                          DEDUCTION            CONTRIBUTION                PREMIUM
 Employee Only                                $119.70               $1,029.90                 $ 1,149.60
 Employee + One                               $574.80                $574.80                  $ 1,149.60
 Employee + Family                            $574.80                $574.80                  $ 1,149.60


 ANTHEM MEDICAL PPO                          EMPLOYEE                  PCC                      TOTAL
 ANCHOR BRONZE PLAN                          DEDUCTION            CONTRIBUTION                PREMIUM
 Employee Only                                 $119.70               $602.70                   $ 722.40
 Employee + Child                             $1,135.20               $0.00                   $ 1,135.20
 Employee + Children                          $1,135.20               $0.00                   $ 1,135.20

 ANTHEM MEDICAL PPO                          EMPLOYEE                  PCC                      TOTAL
 MINIMUM VALUE PLAN                          DEDUCTION            CONTRIBUTION                PREMIUM
 Employee Only                                 $119.70              $1,029.90                 $ 1,149.60
 Employee + One                               $1,149.60               $0.00                   $ 1,149.60
 Employee + Family                            $1,149.60               $0.00                   $ 1,149.60

Kaiser Medical Traditional HMO
This plan is available only in certain California counties and cities ("Service Area") as described in the
Evidence of Coverage. You must live and/or work in this select Service Area in order to enroll in this plan.

Find a Primary Care Physician by visiting www.kp.org or call member services (800) 464-4000.

When you need chiropractic or acupuncture care, find a provider and schedule an appointment. For participating
providers visit ashlink.com/ASH/kp or call (800) 678-9133.

    Calendar Year Deductible                                                          None
    Annual Out-of-Pocket Max                                                  $1,500 individual
                                                                     $1,500 per member/$3,000 family
    Physician Office Visit                                                          No charge
    Specialist                                                                      No charge
    Preventive Services                                                             No charge
    Outpatient Diagnostic X-ray and Lab                                             No charge
    Advanced Diagnostic Imaging                                                     No charge
    (MRI/PET/CAT scans)
    Inpatient Hospitalization                                                       No charge
    Physician Services                                                              No charge
    Outpatient Facility Services
    Surgery                                                                         No charge
    Urgent Care                                                                     No charge
    Emergency Room (copay waived if admitted)                               $100 copay per visit
    Ambulance Services                                                       $50 copay per trip
    Durable Medical Equipment                                                       No charge
    Medically Necessary Acupuncture & Chiropractic Care 1                    $10 copay per visit
    (up to 30 combined visits per year)
    Hearing Aid Benefit                                        $500 allowance per device, 1 device per ear, 2
                                                                          devices per 36 months
    Prescription Drugs                                       Pharmacy         Mail Order        Supply Limit
    Generic                                                  $5 copay         $5 copay          Up to a 100-day
    Brand                                                    $5 copay         $5 copay          Up to a 100-day
    Specialty                                                $5 copay         N/A               Up to a 30-day

    Services authorized and provided by American Specialty Health Plans of California (ASH Plans).
Anthem Medical Premier HMO
Plan is available only in certain California counties and cities ("Service Area"). Members must access covered
services through a network of physicians and facilities as directed by their Primary Care Physician. To find a
Primary Care Physician visit https://www.anthem.com/ca/sisc/ or call member services (800) 825-5541.
    Network: California Care HMO                                                                 Copayments
    Calendar Year Deductible                                                                           None
    Medical Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                                    $1,000 individual; $2,000 family
    Physician/Specialist Office Visit                                                          $10 copay per visit
    MDLive Consultation
                                                                                               $5 copay per visit
    Preventive Services                                                                             No charge
    Diagnostic X-ray and Lab                                                                        No charge
    Advanced Imaging: CT, CAT, MRI, PET etc.                                                  $100 copay per test
    Inpatient Hospitalization                                                                       No charge
    (preauthorization required)
    Physician Services                                                                              No charge
    Outpatient Facility Services
    Surgery in an Ambulatory Surgery Center                                                         No charge
    Surgery in a Hospital                                                                           No charge
    Urgent Care 2 (office setting)                                                             $10 copay per visit
    Emergency Room (copay waived if admitted)                                                 $100 copay per visit
    Ambulance Services (ground or air)                                                        $100 copay per visit
    Durable Medical Equipment                                                                       No charge
    Acupuncture & Chiropractic Care                                                            $10 copay per visit
    (up to 30 combined visits per year)
    Hearing Aid Benefits                                                                        50% coinsurance

    Prescription Drugs 3
    Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                                             $1,500 individual/$2,500 family
     Network Pharmacy                                                                                $5 copay
     Costco Pharmacy                                                                                 $0 copay
     Costco Mail Order                                                                               $0 copay
     Network Pharmacy                                                                     $20 copay after deductible
     Costco Pharmacy                                                                      $20 copay after deductible
     Costco Mail Order                                                                    $50 copay after deductible
    Specialty – Navitus Mail Order                                                        $20 copay after deductible
    Supply Limit                                                Members may receive up to 30 days and/or up to 90 days supply
                                                                of medication at participating pharmacies.

  24/7 virtual access to provider and therapists.
  Urgent services inside the Personal Physician’s Service Area and rendered or referred by the Personal Physician or Personal Physician’s Medical
  Pharmacy Benefits are administered by Navitus Health Solutions. Navitus Specialty Rx supplies limited to no more than 30 days.

Anthem Medical 100-A PPO - Classified
    Network: Prudent Buyer PPO                            In-Network                             Out-of-Network 1
    Calendar Year Deductible                                                        $0 individual; $0 family

    Medical Out-of-Pocket Max                              $1,000 individual; $3,000 family      No limit individual; No limit family

    Professional Services

    Physician/Specialist Office Visit                     $10 copay per visit                    See footnote 1
    MDLive 2 Consultation                                 $5 copay per visit                     Not applicable
    Preventive Services                                   No charge                              Not covered
    Diagnostic X-ray and Lab                              0% coinsurance after deductible        Not covered
    Advanced Imaging: CT, CAT, MRI, PET etc.              0% coinsurance after deductible        All billed amounts exceeding
                                                                                                 $800/test after deductible
    Inpatient Hospitalization                             0% coinsurance after deductible        All billed amounts exceeding
    (preauthorization required)                                                                  $600/day after deductible
    Physician Services                                    0% coinsurance after deductible        See footnote 1
    Outpatient Facility Services
    Surgery in an Ambulatory Surgery Center               0% coinsurance after deductible        All billed amounts exceeding
                                                                                                 $350/day after deductible
    Physician/surgeon fees                                0% coinsurance after deductible        See footnote 1
    Urgent Care                                           $10 copay per visit                    See footnote 1
    Emergency Room (copay waived if admitted)                       $100 copay per visit + 0% coinsurance after deductible
    Ambulance Services (ground or air)                                    $100 copay + 0% coinsurance after deductible
    Durable Medical Equipment                             0% coinsurance after deductible        Not covered
    Acupuncture (up to 12 visits per year)                0% coinsurance after deductible        50% of maximum allowed amount
                                                                                                 after deductible
    Chiropractic Care (up to 20 visits per year)          0% coinsurance after deductible        Not covered

    Hearing Aid Benefit 3                                 0% coinsurance after deductible        Not covered

    Prescription Drugs 4
    Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                                       $1,500 individual/$2,500 family
     Network Pharmacy                                                                      $5 copay
     Costco Pharmacy                                                                       $0 copay
     Costco Mail Order                                                                     $0 copay
     Network Pharmacy                                                              $10 copay after deductible
     Costco Pharmacy                                                               $10 copay after deductible
     Costco Mail Order                                                             $20 copay after deductible
    Specialty – Navitus Mail Order                                                 $10 copay after deductible
    Supply Limit                                          Members may receive up to 30 days and/or up to 90 days supply of
                                                          medication at participating pharmacies.

  Non-participating providers can charge more than Anthem’s allowable amounts. When members use non-participating providers,
they must pay the applicable deductibles, copayments or coinsurance plus any amount that exceeds Anthem's allowable amount.
Charges above the allowable amount do not count toward the calendar year medical deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.
  24/7 virtual access to provider and therapists.
  Up to a max combined benefit of $700 per person every 24 months for the hearing aid and ancillary equipment.
4 Pharmacy Benefits are administered by Navitus Health Solutions.

Anthem Medical 100-A PPO – Certificated
    Network: Prudent Buyer PPO                            In-Network                             Out-of-Network 1
    Calendar Year Deductible                                                        $0 individual; $0 family

    Medical Out-of-Pocket Max                              $1,000 individual; $3,000 family      No limit individual; No limit family

    Professional Services

    Physician/Specialist Office Visit                     $10 copay per visit                    See footnote 1
    MDLive Consultation
                                                          $5 copay per visit                     Not applicable
    Preventive Services                                   No charge                              Not covered
    Diagnostic X-ray and Lab                              0% coinsurance after deductible        Not covered
    Advanced Imaging: CT, CAT, MRI, PET etc.              0% coinsurance after deductible        All billed amounts exceeding
                                                                                                 $800/test after deductible
    Inpatient Hospitalization                             0% coinsurance after deductible        All billed amounts exceeding
    (preauthorization required)                                                                  $600/day after deductible
    Physician Services                                    0% coinsurance after deductible        See footnote 1
    Outpatient Facility Services
    Surgery in an Ambulatory Surgery Center               0% coinsurance after deductible        All billed amounts exceeding
                                                                                                 $350/day after deductible
    Physician/surgeon fees                                0% coinsurance after deductible        See footnote 1
    Urgent Care                                           $10 copay per visit                    See footnote 1
    Emergency Room (copay waived if admitted)                       $100 copay per visit + 0% coinsurance after deductible
    Ambulance Services (ground or air)                                  $100 copay + 0% coinsurance after deductible
    Durable Medical Equipment                             0% coinsurance after deductible        Not covered
    Acupuncture (up to 12 visits per year)                0% coinsurance after deductible        50% of maximum allowed amount
                                                                                                 after deductible
    Chiropractic Care (up to 20 visits per year)          0% coinsurance after deductible        Not covered

    Hearing Aid Benefit 3                                 0% coinsurance after deductible        Not covered

    Prescription Drugs 4
    Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                                       $1,500 individual/$2,500 family
     Network Pharmacy                                                                      $7 copay
     Costco Pharmacy                                                                       $0 copay
     Costco Mail Order                                                                     $0 copay
     Network Pharmacy                                                             $25 copay after deductible
     Costco Pharmacy                                                              $25 copay after deductible
     Costco Mail Order                                                            $60 copay after deductible
    Specialty – Navitus Mail Order                                                $25 copay after deductible
    Supply Limit                                          Members may receive up to 30 days and/or up to 90 days supply of
                                                          medication at participating pharmacies.

  Non-participating providers can charge more than Anthem’s allowable amounts. When members use non-participating providers,
they must pay the applicable deductibles, copayments or coinsurance plus any amount that exceeds Anthem's allowable amount.
Charges above the allowable amount do not count toward the calendar year medical deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.
  24/7 virtual access to provider and therapists.
  Up to a max combined benefit of $700 per person every 24 months for the hearing aid and ancillary equipment.
4 Pharmacy Benefits are administered by Navitus Health Solutions.

Anthem Medical Anchor Bronze PPO
    Network: Prudent Buyer PPO                            In-Network                                  Out-of-Network 1
    Calendar Year Deductible                                                  $5,000 individual; $10,000 family
    (all providers combined)                               (For individual on family coverage plan, enrollee can receive benefits for
                                                                      covered services once individual deductible is met.)
    Medical Out-of-Pocket Max                             $6,350 individual; $12,700                  No limit individual; No limit family
    (includes plan deductible)                            family
    Professional Services

    Physician/Specialist Office Visit                     30% coinsurance after deductible            See footnote 1
    MDLive 2 Consultation                                 Consult fee until deductible is met         Not applicable
                                                          then 30% coinsurance
    Preventive Services                                   No charge                                   Not covered
    Diagnostic X-ray and Lab                              30% coinsurance after deductible            Not covered
    Advanced Imaging: CT, CAT, MRI, PET etc.              30% coinsurance after deductible            All billed amounts exceeding
                                                                                                      $800/test after deductible
    Inpatient Hospitalization                             30% coinsurance after deductible            All billed amounts exceeding
    (preauthorization required)                                                                       $600/day after deductible
    Physician Services                                    30% coinsurance after deductible            0% coinsurance after deductible
    Outpatient Facility Services
    Surgery in an Ambulatory Surgery Center               30% coinsurance after deductible            All billed amounts exceeding
                                                                                                      $350/admit after deductible
    Physician/surgeon fees                                30% coinsurance after deductible            See footnote 1
    Urgent Care                                           30% coinsurance after deductible            See footnote 1
    Emergency Room (copay waived if admitted)                      $100 copay per visit + 30% coinsurance after deductible
    Ambulance Services (ground or air)                                  $100 copay + 30% coinsurance after deductible
    Durable Medical Equipment                             30% coinsurance after deductible            Not covered
    Acupuncture (up to 12 visits per year)                30% coinsurance after deductible            50% of maximum allowed amount
                                                                                                      after deductible
    Chiropractic Care (up to 20 visits per year)          30% coinsurance after deductible            Not covered
    Hearing Aid Benefit      3
                                                          30% coinsurance after deductible            See footnote 1
    Prescription Drugs   4

     Network Pharmacy                                                                $9 copay after deductible
     Costco Pharmacy                                                                 $0 copay after deductible
     Costco Mail Order                                                               $0 copay after deductible
     Network Pharmacy                                                                $35 copay after deductible
     Costco Pharmacy                                                                 $35 copay after deductible
     Costco Mail Order                                                               $90 copay after deductible
    Specialty – Navitus Mail Order                                               $35 copay after deductible
    Supply Limit                                          Members may receive up to 30 days and/or up to 90 days supply of
                                                          medication at participating pharmacies.

  Non-participating providers can charge more than Anthem’s allowable amounts. When members use non-participating providers, they must pay the
applicable deductibles, copayments or coinsurance plus any amount that exceeds Anthem's allowable amount. Charges above the allowable amount do
not count toward the calendar year medical deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.
  24/7 virtual access to provider and therapists.
  Up to a max combined benefit of $700 per pair every 24 months for the hearing aid and ancillary equipment.
4 Pharmacy Benefits are administered by Navitus Health Solutions.

Anthem Medical Minimum Value PPO
    Network: Prudent Buyer PPO                            In-Network                                  Out-of-Network 1
    Calendar Year Deductible                                                  $5,000 individual; $10,000 family
    (all providers combined)                               (For individual on family coverage plan, enrollee can receive benefits for
                                                                      covered services once individual deductible is met.)
    Medical Out-of-Pocket Max                             $6,350 individual; $12,700                  No limit individual; No limit family
    (includes plan deductible)                            family
    Professional Services

    Physician/Specialist Office Visit                     30% coinsurance after deductible            See footnote 1
    MDLive 2 Consultation                                 Consult fee until deductible is met         Not applicable
                                                          then 30% coinsurance
    Preventive Services                                   No charge                                   Not covered
    Diagnostic X-ray and Lab                              30% coinsurance after deductible            Not covered
    Advanced Imaging: CT, CAT, MRI, PET etc.              30% coinsurance after deductible            All billed amounts exceeding
                                                                                                      $800/test after deductible
    Inpatient Hospitalization                             30% coinsurance after deductible            All billed amounts exceeding
    (preauthorization required)                                                                       $600/day after deductible
    Physician Services                                    30% coinsurance after deductible            0% coinsurance after deductible
    Outpatient Facility Services
    Surgery in an Ambulatory Surgery Center               30% coinsurance after deductible            All billed amounts exceeding
                                                                                                      $350/admit after deductible
    Physician/surgeon fees                                30% coinsurance after deductible            See footnote 1
    Urgent Care                                           30% coinsurance after deductible            See footnote 1
    Emergency Room (copay waived if admitted)                      $100 copay per visit + 30% coinsurance after deductible
    Ambulance Services (ground or air)                                  $100 copay + 30% coinsurance after deductible
    Durable Medical Equipment                             30% coinsurance after deductible            Not covered
    Acupuncture (up to 12 visits per year)                30% coinsurance after deductible            50% of maximum allowed amount
                                                                                                      after deductible
    Chiropractic Care (up to 20 visits per year)          30% coinsurance after deductible            Not covered
    Hearing Aid Benefit      3
                                                          30% coinsurance after deductible            See footnote 1
    Prescription Drugs   4

     Network Pharmacy                                                                $9 copay after deductible
     Costco Pharmacy                                                                 $0 copay after deductible
     Costco Mail Order                                                               $0 copay after deductible
     Network Pharmacy                                                                $35 copay after deductible
     Costco Pharmacy                                                                 $35 copay after deductible
     Costco Mail Order                                                               $90 copay after deductible
    Specialty – Navitus Mail Order                                               $35 copay after deductible
    Supply Limit                                          Members may receive up to 30 days and/or up to 90 days supply of
                                                          medication at participating pharmacies.

  Non-participating providers can charge more than Anthem’s allowable amounts. When members use non-participating providers, they must pay the
applicable deductibles, copayments or coinsurance plus any amount that exceeds Anthem's allowable amount. Charges above the allowable amount do
not count toward the calendar year medical deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.
  24/7 virtual access to provider and therapists.
  Up to a max combined benefit of $700 per pair every 24 months for the hearing aid and ancillary equipment.
4 Pharmacy Benefits are administered by Navitus Health Solutions.

Dental Plans – PPO or HMO
Delta Dental Incentive PPO Plan
In this incentive plan, Delta Dental pays 70% of the PPO contract allowance for covered diagnostic, preventive
and basic services and 70% of the PPO contract allowance for major services during the first year of eligibility.
The coinsurance percentage will increase by 10% each year (to a maximum of 100%) for each enrollee if
employee visits the dentist at least once during the year. If an enrollee does not use the plan during the calendar
year, the percentage remains at the level attained the previous year. If an enrollee becomes ineligible for benefits
and later regains eligibility, the percentage will drop back to 70%.

No member ID cards are distributed with this dental plan - simply provide your dentist with your name, social
security number, and that you are on the Delta Dental PPO plan. To find a dentist visit
deltadentalins.com/enrollees or call (800) 765-6003.

MetLife DHMO Plan
You and your eligible dependents must select a primary dentist from the SafeGuard DHMO directory. To find a
dentist visit www.metlife.com/mybenefits or call (800) 880-1800.
                                                                   Delta PPO 1                             MetLife DHMO
                                                      In-Network               Out-Of-Network 2                In-Network
    Calendar Year Deductible                                            None                                       None

    Annual Plan Maximum                         In-network dentists: $2,500 per person each                   Not applicable
                                                calendar year
                                                Out-of-Network dentists: $2,200 per person
                                                each calendar year
    Diagnostic & Preventive Services
                                                                                                         Copays vary by service;
                                                                Plan pays 70-100%                         see contract for fee
    Basic Services                                                                                       Copays vary by service;
    Fillings, Posterior Composites & Sealants                   Plan pays 70-100%                         see contract for fee
    Endodontics                                                                                                schedule
    Oral surgery
    Periodontics                                                                                       Copays vary by service; see
                                                                  Plan pays 100%
                                                                                                        contract for fee schedule
    Major Services                                                                                       Copays vary by service;
                                                                Plan pays 70-100%                         see contract for fee
    Crowns, inlays, onlays, cast restorations
    Prosthodontics                                                                                       Copays vary by service;
    Bridges and dentures                                                50%                               see contract for fee
    Orthodontic Services                                            Not covered                            Adults and Children

    Orthodontic Lifetime Maximum                                   Not applicable                            Up to $1,695
                                                                                                         Copays vary by service;
                                                                                                          see contract for fee

  You can visit any licensed dentist, but your out-of-pocket costs may be higher if you choose a non-PPO dentist. Network dentists are
paid contracted fees. You are responsible for any applicable deductibles, coinsurance, and amounts over plan maximums and charges
for non-covered services.
  Reimbursement is based on PPO contracted fees for PPO dentists, Premier contracted fees for Premier dentists and program
allowance for non-Delta Dental dentists.

EyeMed Vision
We offer you two vision plans through EyeMed. Vision plan option is based on Medical election. If you elected
Anthem HMO or Kaiser HMO your vision plan option is Materials Only. If you elected an Anthem PPO plan your
vision plan option is Full Service (materials & exam).

Network providers may be accessed on-line at www.eyemed.com or call 866-723-0596.

Network name: INSIGHT. For Out-of-Network claim form visit www.eyemed.com.

                                          MATERIALS ONLY                                             FULL SERVICE
                                    In-Network     Out-Of-Network 1                          In-Network      Out-Of-Network 2
                                    Copayments     Reimbursements                            Copayments      Reimbursements
    Examination                          N/A                          N/A                      $0 copay                    Up to $40

    Frequency                                           N/A                                           1 x every 12 months

    Eyeglass Lenses (Standard)

    Single Vision                     $0 copay                    Up to $30                    $0 copay                    Up to $30

    Bifocal                           $0 copay                    Up to $50                    $0 copay                    Up to $50

    Trifocal                          $0 copay                    Up to $70                    $0 copay                    Up to $70

    Progressive                  $65-$110 copay                   Up to $56               $65-$110 copay                   Up to $56

    Frequency                                1 x every 12 months                                      1 x every 12 months

    Frames                     $0 copay; plan pays               Up to $175             $0 copay; plan pays               Up to $175
                                   up to $250                                               up to $250
                               allowance; 20% off                                       allowance; 20% off
                                 retail price over                                        retail price over
                                       $250                                                     $250

    Frequency                                1 x every 12 months                                      1 x every 12 months

    Contacts 2 (conventional)

    Conventional Benefit       $0 copay; plan pays               Up to $180             $0 copay; plan pays               Up to $180
                                   up to $180                                               up to $180
                               allowance; 15% off                                       allowance; 15% off
                                 retail price over                                        retail price over
                                       $180                                                     $180

    Medically Necessary         $0 copay, paid-in-               Up to $210              $0 copay, paid-in-               Up to $210
    Benefit                           full                                                     full

    Frequency                                1 x every 12 months                                      1 x every 12 months

1 If you choose to, you may receive covered benefits outside of the EyeMed network. Just pay in full at the time of service, obtain an itemized
receipt, and file a claim for reimbursement of your out-of-network allowance. In-network benefits and discounts will not apply.
2 If you choose to, you may receive covered benefits outside of the EyeMed network. Just pay in full at the time of service, obtain an itemized

receipt, and file a claim for reimbursement of your out-of-network allowance. In-network benefits and discounts will not apply.
  In-lieu of frames.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
A Flexible Spending Account lets you set aside money—before it's taxed—through payroll deductions. The money
can be used for eligible healthcare and dependent day care expenses you and your family expect to have over the
next year. The main benefit of using an FSA is that you reduce your taxable income, which means you have more
money to spend. The catch is that you have to use the money in your account by December 31st. You must re-
enroll in this program each year. WageWorks administers this program.

                                 IMPORTANT INFORMATION
    Expenses must be incurred between 1/1/2019 HEALTHCARE FSA (HFSA)
     and 12/31/2019 and submitted for                      This plan allows you to pay for eligible out-of-pocket
     reimbursement no later than 3/30/2020.                healthcare expenses with pre-tax dollars. Eligible
    Elections cannot be changed during the plan           expenses include medical, dental, or vision costs
     year, unless you have a qualified status change       including plan deductibles, copays, coinsurance
     (does NOT apply to Healthcare FSA).                   amounts, and other non-covered healthcare costs for
                                                           you and your tax dependents. You may access your
    Healthcare FSA: You can keep (roll-over) up to
                                                           entire annual election from the first day of the plan
     $500 of unused money for use in the next plan         year and you can set aside up to $2,700 this year.
     year. Unused amounts above $500 will be lost, so
     it is very important that you plan carefully before    Looking for information on what expenses are eligible
     making your election.                                                   under a Health FSA?
    Dependent Care FSA: Unused amounts will be             Visit www.takecarewageworks.com to search eligible
     lost at the end of the plan year, so it is very                              expenses.
     important that you plan carefully before making
     your election.                                        DEPENDENT CARE FSA
                                                           This plan allows you to pay for eligible out-of-pocket
    FSA funds can be used for you, your spouse, and
                                                           dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars. The
     your tax dependents only.                             care must be provided while you work or care is
    You can obtain reimbursement for eligible             provided to enable you to look for work. Eligible
     expenses incurred by your spouse or tax               expenses may include daycare centers, in-home child
     dependent children, even if they are not covered      care, and before or after school care for your
     on the District’s health plan.                        dependent children under age 13. Other individuals
    You cannot obtain reimbursement for eligible          may qualify if they are considered your tax dependent
                                                           and are incapable of self-care. It is important to note
     expenses for a domestic partner or their children,
                                                           that you can access money only after it is placed into
     unless they qualify as your tax dependents            your dependent care FSA account.
     Important: questions about the tax status of your
     dependents should be addressed with your tax          All caregivers must have a tax ID or Social Security
     advisor.                                              number. This information must be included on
    Use Health FSA Debit Card to pay for eligible         your federal tax return. If you use the dependent
     services and products. Payments are                   care reimbursement account, the IRS will not allow
                                                           you to claim a dependent care credit for reimbursed
     automatically withdrawn from your reimbursement
                                                           expenses. Consult your tax advisor to determine
     account, so there are no out-of-pocket costs.         whether you should enroll in this plan. You can set
    FSA Store. For convenient online shopping, you        aside up to $5,000 per household for eligible
     may also use your card at FSAStore.com.               dependent care expenses for the year.
    Keep your receipts. In most cases, you'll need to
     provide proof that your expenses were considered      Click here to watch a video and learn more about
                                                           take care.
     eligible for IRS purposes.

                                            MEMBER SERVICES
                                           (800) 950-0105

Life Insurance1 and Long-Term Disability
EMPLOYER PAID LIFE AND AD&D                                                VOLUNTARY LIFE3
Basic Life insurance pays your beneficiary a lump                          Voluntary Life Insurance allows you to purchase
sum if you die. AD&D provides another layer of                             additional life insurance to protect your family's
benefits to either you or your beneficiary if you                          financial security. Coverage is provided by Lincoln
suffer from loss of a limb, speech, sight, or hearing,                     Financial Group.
or if you die in an accident. The District also
provides dependent life insurance and the cost of                            Employee Voluntary Life Amount
coverage is paid in full by the District.
                                                                             5X annual salary up to $500,000 max in
    Life Amount                         $50,000                              increments of $10,000. Amounts over $300,000
                                                                             require Evidence of Insurability (EOI).
    AD&D Amount                         $50,000
                                                                             Employee Voluntary AD&D Amount

DEPENDENT LIFE                                                               5x annual salary up to $500,000 max in
                                                                             increments of $10,000.
•     Spouse or Domestic Partner $1,500 benefit
                                                                             Spouse/Domestic Partner
                                                                             Voluntary Life Amount
•     Child (each) $1,500 benefit amount
                                                                             100% of employee coverage ($250,000 max in
                                                                             increments of $5,000). Amounts over $50,000
EMPLOYER PAID LONG-TERM                                                      require Evidence of Insurability (EOI).
DISABILITY 2                                                                 Spouse/Domestic Partner
In the event that you become disabled from a non-                            Voluntary AD&D Amount
work-related injury or sickness, disability income
                                                                             100% of employee coverage ($250,000 max in
benefits will provide a partial replacement of lost                          increments of $5,000).
income. The cost of coverage is paid in full by the
District.                                                                    Child(ren) Voluntary Life and AD&D Amounts
                                                                             •    From 14 days but            $250
Eligible Classes:                                                                 less than 6 months
1. Certificated Management and Certificated                                       of age
    Employees 5+years or more of credited CA                                 •    6 months but less           $1,000 up to
    service under STRS Plan A                                                     than 26 years               $10,000 in
2. All Other Employees Excluding Class 1                                                                      increments of $1,000

    Monthly Benefit Amount           66.67% of monthly                     Evidence of Insurability (EOI): Depending on the
                                     salary; $3,000                        amount of voluntary life coverage you select, you
                                     maximum                               may need to submit an Evidence of Insurability
    Benefits Begin After             140 days                              form, which involves providing the insurance
    Duration                         See plan summary.                     company with additional information about your
                                                                           health. Please email your EOI form to the
The age at which the disability begins may affect                          Benefits Office. Insurance that requires EOI will
the duration of the benefits.                                              not be effective until Lincoln approves in writing.
Beneficiary Reminder: Make sure that you have                              Reminder: if you purchase life insurance for a
named a beneficiary for your life insurance benefit.                       dependent and need to remove them from coverage
It's important to know that many states require that                       due to a qualifying event, you must notify the
a spouse be named as the beneficiary, unless they                          Benefits Office within 30 days of event.
sign a waiver.

  Life Benefit Reduction: coverage amounts begin to reduce at age 70 and benefits terminate at retirement. Spouse basic life insurance
terminates when the spouse attains age 70. See the plan certificate for details.
2 Board of Trustees are not eligible for LTD benefit.
  Voluntary Life Age Range Premium adjusts take effect at Policy Anniversary (10/1).

Getting Care When You Need It Now

WHEN TO USE THE ER                                          GET A VIDEO HOUSE CALL
The emergency room shouldn't be your first choice           MDLIVE – ANTHEM MEMBERS
unless there's a true emergency—a serious or life           MDLive is an inexpensive alternative to the
threatening condition that requires immediate               emergency room or urgent care center. Use MDLive
attention or treatment that is only available at a          to get the care you need for minor conditions
hospital.                                                   including prescriptions (when appropriate).

                                                            Connect with a board-certified doctor or therapist via
WHEN TO USE URGENT CARE                                     video chat or phone, from your home, office or on-
                                                            the-go 24/7/365.
Urgent care is for serious symptoms, pain, or
conditions that require immediate medical attention         Register  Request Consult  Talk with a Physician
but are not severe or life-threatening and do not           For videos and resources, visit
require use of a hospital or ER. Urgent care
conditions include, but are not limited to: rashes,
sprains, flu, and fever up to 104°.

Preventive care is intended to prevent or detect
illness before you notice any symptoms. Diagnostic
care treats or diagnoses a problem after you have
had symptoms.

Be sure to ask your doctor why a test or service is
ordered. Many preventive services are covered at no
out-of-pocket cost to you. The same test or service
can be preventive, diagnostic, or routine care for a
chronic health condition. Depending on why it's
done, your share of the cost may change.

Whatever the reason, it's important to keep up with
recommended health screenings to avoid more
serious and costly health problems down the road.

Programs and Services
                                                                   person visits 1. This program is sponsored by SISC and
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM                                        available at no cost to eligible employees and covered
There are times when everyone needs a little help or
advice. The confidential Employee Assistance Program
(EAP) through Anthem can help you with things like                 Getting started with Expert Second Opinion program is
stress, anxiety, depression, chemical dependency,                  completely confidential and only takes a few minutes. To
relationship issues, legal issues, parenting questions,            begin using this benefit, members must register online at
financial counseling, and dependent care resources.                www.advance-medical.net/sisc/ or call Advance Medical
                                                                   at (855) 201-9925.
If you need counseling, you get up to 6 visits with a
licensed professional and best of all, it's free.
                                                                   CARRUM HEALTH PROGRAM
Help is available 24/7, 365 days a year by telephone at            Anthem PPO members can receive inpatient surgical
(800) 999-7222.                                                    procedures with no cost sharing (deductible applies for
Other resources are available online at                            HSA members) at Scripps Hospital in San Diego.
www.anthemEAP.com; Company Code SISC.                              Covered   procedures:
The program is available to your family and household                  •     Total hip replacement
members.                                                               •     Total knee replacement
                                                                       •     Cervical spinal fusion
If your situation requires more lengthy or specializing                •     Lumbar spinal fusion
treatment than the EAP is designed to provide, they will               •     Anterior/Posterior Spinal Fusion
refer you to your medical carrier to help you locate a                 •     Discectomy/Spinal Decompression
participating provider on your health plan.
                                                                   For videos and resources, visit
CONDITION MANAGEMENT                                               www.carrumhealth.com/sisc or call (888) 855-7806.
Condition management is a confidential, voluntary
program designed to help people with specific conditions           LIFEKEYS – ADDITIONAL EAP
stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Health        LifeKeys services include:
management nurses work over the telephone with PPO
                                                                       •     Online will preparation
plan participants who are living with one of the following
conditions:                                                            •     Information on important life matters
                                                                       •     Protection against identity theft
   Diabetes                                                           •     Guidance and support for your beneficiaries
   Coronary artery disease (CAD)
                                                                   It’s easy to access LifeKeys services. Just call (855) 891-
Please visit the Health Smarts web page at                         3684 or visit GuidanceResources.com. (First-time user:
www.sischealth.com for additional information.                     Enter Web ID LifeKeys)

COSTCO GENERIC PRESCRIPTIONS                                       TRAVELCONNECT
$0 co-pay for generic prescriptions. Costco membership             TravelConnect is a comprehensive program that can bring
is NOT required. 30 or 90-day supplies of most generics.           help, comfort, and reassurance if you face a medical
Some narcotic pain and cough medications are not                   emergency or need assistance while traveling 100 or more
included in the Costco Free Generic or 90-day supply               miles from home.
programs. Please note this program is not available to
Kaiser members.                                                    For a complete list of TravelConnect services, go to
                                                                   mysearchlightportal.com and enter your group ID:
                                                                   LFGTravel123. To use TravelConnect services, call On
EXPERT SECOND OPINIONS                                             Call International at (866) 525-1955.
Program provides medical second opinions from nationally
recognized experts specializing in specific areas of need,
with no required travel. This service can also assist
members with locating top, in-network doctors for in-

 In-person visits/services will be subject to member’s plan
Anthem Programs and Services
Did you know that one in three people are at risk for        PROGRAM
developing type 2 diabetes? With the Diabetes
                                                             This program helps families touched by ASD.
Prevention Program, you can learn more about
                                                             Families with children who fall somewhere on the
wellness, make changes to start losing weight and
                                                             Autism Spectrum can get the support they need
reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
                                                             through this program. To learn more call (844)
Programs you can select may include:
 Weight Watchers                                            SPECIALOFFERS@ANTHEM
 Healthslate®
                                                             Anthem offers members a variety of discounts on
 Jenny Craig
                                                             popular programs that can help you save money and
 Noom®
                                                             get healthier. Login to Anthem’s website to find
 RetrofitSM
                                                             discounts on:
 Skinny Gene Project
 And more                                                       •   Vision and hearing
Start the journey to a healthier you with a one-                 •   Fitness and health
minute quiz. Visit www.solera4me.com/SISC.                       •   Family and home
                                                                 •   Medicine and treatment
MEDICATIONS                                                  HMO AWAY FROM HOME CARE
Specialty medications are high-cost injectable,              Through the Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core
infused, oral, or inhaled medications that generally         program, HMO members can access emergency and
require special handling and may be subject to               urgent care services across the country and around
special rules such as quantity limits, prior                 the world. While you can receive urgent care
authorization and/or step therapy. These                     services from any provider, using the Global Core
medications have become a vital part of the                  program can be more cost-effective and less hassle.
treatment for chronic illnesses and complex                  You may not need to pay for the services up front,
diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid              but if you do, you will be able to submit a claim for
arthritis and cancer. Some medications may involve           reimbursement. You can locate a provider any time
special delivery and instructions that not all               by calling (800) 810-BLUE or by going to the Find
pharmacies can easily provide. These medications             a Doctor section of anthem.com/ca/sisc.
require personalized coordination between the
                                                             Through the Away From Home Care program you can
member, the prescriber and pharmacy. Navitus
                                                             apply for Guest Membership, if you will be
Specialty helps patients stay on track with treatment
                                                             temporarily outside of your service area for at least
while offering the highest standard of
                                                             90 days in one location. To request a Guest
compassionate care through personalized support,
                                                             Membership application, call (800) 827-6422.
free delivery and refill reminders. Most medications
classified as Specialty can be found on the SISC             Please note that Away From Home Care is not
Drug List located on Navitus’ secure member                  available in all areas and states, and benefits from
website Navi-Gate for Members at                             the host plan may differ from benefits in the HMO
www.navitus.com.                                             plan.

Anthem members can speak directly to a registered
nurse who can help you with your health-related
questions. The call is free and is available to you
anytime. Call the number on the back of your ID

Value Based Care Benefit for PPO Members
At SISC, we continually evaluate ways to limit unnecessary spending in an effort to keep benefits affordable
without impacting access to high quality and safe care. Effective October 1, 2018, SISC PPO plans has limited
the maximum benefit amount at an in-network outpatient hospital facility for the following five procedures:

                                                                       Upper GI Endoscopy Upper GI Endoscopy
                          Arthroscopy Cataract Surgery Colonoscopy        with Biopsy       without Biopsy
Maximum benefit at
an in-network
                            $4,500         $2,000           $1,500           $1,250                $1,000
outpatient hospital

There is no limit at an There is no benefit change at an ASC.
in-network Ambulatory
Service Center (ASC) The limits at an outpatient hospital facility do not apply at an ASC.

NOTE: The value-based site of care benefit applies to facility fees only. The fees paid to physicians and any other
practitioners who assist in the procedure, such as anesthesiologists or radiologists, are not affected.

If you use an in-network outpatient hospital facility, you will be responsible for the regular deductible and
coinsurance PLUS any amount by which the hospital charge exceeds the maximum benefit. This provision can be
waived if your doctor receives advance certification from Anthem that you need to be in an outpatient hospital
setting. The benefit includes a simple process to exempt the member if the physician provides clinical
justification for using a hospital.

It also allows exceptions when:
     • a member lives more than 30 miles from an ASC and a hospital that offers the service for less than the
         maximum benefit; or
     • if a procedure cannot be scheduled in a medically appropriate timely manner due to available ASCs not
         having capacity.

If you use an in-network ASC, then there is no benefit change! You will only be responsible for the regular
deductible and coinsurance. ASCs deliver the same quality of care as in an outpatient hospital setting at a lower
price point due to a more efficient operating structure. It’s time to address the disparity in costs between
hospitals and ASCs. Limiting spending at higher cost facilities is one of the things we can all do to make a

 Most physicians have privileges at both hospitals and
 ASCs. If you need one of the outpatient procedures on
 the list shown above, it will be up to you to either
 request treatment at the in-network ASC or have your
 doctor obtain an advance certification from Anthem.
 If you have questions call member services.

MDLIVE – Telehealth for Anthem Members
24/7 access to Doctors on your computer or mobile device.
Behavioral health therapy and psychiatrist visits available.

How it Works: Register  Request Consult  Talk with a Physician
                                                                        Doctors can help
                                                                        with many different
                                                                        health issues, such

                                                                        •   Colds
                                                                        •   Flu
                                                                        •   Sore Throat
                                                                        •   Fever
                                                                        •   Allergies
                                                                        •   Sinus infections
                                                                        •   Bronchitis
                                                                        •   Diarrhea

Anthem HMO & PPO Members $5 copay per doctor                            •   Pinkeye and

consultation                                                                other eye
Behavioral Health consultations match the office copay of               •   Rashes
your health plan.                                                       •   Joint Pains

HDHP members will pay the entire cost of services until                 Doctors can also
deductible is met.                                                      provide
                                                                        prescriptions, if
How to Access
Download MDLIVE app, visit www.mdlive.com/sisc or call (800) 657-6169.
Anthem members will need to have their member ID number and the name, address and phone
number of the covered member who needs medical assistance.
Spanish speaking physicians and representatives are available.

                     For videos and resources, visit www.mdlive.com/sisc.

Key Terms
Health insurance seems to have its own language. You will get more out of your plans if understand the most
common terms, explained below in plain English.

MEDICAL                                                        PRESCRIPTION DRUG
OUT-OF-POCKET COST - A healthcare expense you                  BRAND NAME - A drug sold under its trademarked
are responsible for paying with your own money,                name. For example, Lipitor is the brand name of a
whether from your bank account, credit card, or                common cholesterol medicine. You generally pay a
from a health account such as an HSA, FSA or HRA.              higher copay for brand name drugs.

DEDUCTIBLE - The amount of healthcare expenses                 GENERIC DRUG - A drug that has the same active
you have to pay for with your own money before your            ingredients as a brand name drug, but is sold under
health plan will pay. The deductible does not apply            a different name. For example, Atorvastatin is the
to preventive care and certain other services.                 generic name for medicines with the same formula
                                                               as Lipitor. You generally pay a lower copay for
COINSURANCE - After you meet the deductible                    generic drugs.
amount, you and your health plan share the cost of
covered expenses. Coinsurance is always a                      PREFERRED DRUG - Each health plan has a list of
percentage totaling 100%. For example, if the plan             prescription medicines that are preferred based on
pays 70% coinsurance, you are responsible for                  an evaluation of effectiveness and cost. Another
paying your coinsurance share, 30% of the cost.                name for this list is a "formulary." The plan may
                                                               charge more for non-preferred drugs or for brand
COPAY - A set fee you pay whenever you use a                   name drugs that have generic versions. Drugs that
particular healthcare service, for example, when you           are not on the preferred drug list may not be
see your doctor or fill a prescription. After you pay          covered.
the copay amount, your health plan pays the rest of
the bill for that service.

providers (doctors, hospitals, labs, etc.) are
contracted with your health plan and have agreed to
charge lower fees to plan members, as negotiated in
their contract with the health plan. Services from
out-of-network providers can cost you more because
the providers are under no obligation to limit their
maximum fees. With some plans, such as HMOs and
EPOs, services from out-of-network providers are not
covered at all.

OUT-OF-POCKET MAXIMUM - The most you would
pay from your own money for covered healthcare
expenses in one year. Once you reach your plan's
out-of-pocket maximum dollar amount (by paying
your deductible, coinsurance and copays), the plan
pays for all eligible expenses for the rest of the plan

You can also read