Page created by Jane Castro
FALL 2021

            Helen Hall Library


                                                         BEYOND THE OAKS

                     EVENTS FOR EVERYONE
            Look inside for new events planned for all ages!
                                            See page 42
City Librarian                     Volunteer Coordinator
Teresa Potter                      Ashley Young
281-554-1106                       281-554-1116

Assistant City Librarian,          Children’s Services Librarian
Public Services                    Kate Guynn
Darla Rance                        281-554-1112
                                   Technical Services Librarian
Assistant City Librarian,          Ashley Leblow
Access Services                    281-554-1131
Meredith Layton
281-554-1127                       Circulation Supervisor
                                   Kelsea Meza
Adult Services Librarian           281-554-1123
Joanne Turner
281-554-1103                       Electronic Services Librarian
                                   Amelia Chau
Teen Services Librarian            281-554-1104
Sheldon Stevens
281-554-1133                       Local History Librarian
                                   Caris Brown


We had such an amazing summer              There are also more events for families
seeing citizens from the community and     and visitors of all ages like Día de los
welcoming all the new visitors! This is    Muertos, Halloween at the Library,
your library, and we are so happy to       and the Harry Potter Yule Ball!
have you visit.
                                           The Library Holiday Open House is
Reading and getting prizes does            back and better than ever! Join us
not have to end with summer! There         on Thursday, Dec. 2, at 5 p.m. for
is a Fall Reading Challenge all of         Story Time with Santa Claus. Photos
September, October, and November           with Santa will be from 5:30 to 7:30
and it is open to readers and learners     p.m. Then head to League Park for the
of all ages.                               lighting of the tree.

We added so many new events and            Spring Preview: We are planning
programs, and I am most excited            the Helen Hall Library 50th Birthday
about the Pop-Up Storytimes at Fire        Celebration! On February 14, 2022,
and EMS Stations! Be sure to check         the Library is turning 50 so consider
the locations as we take the library       this your save-the-date for the birthday
to your neighborhood. If you are           party on Saturday, February 19!
interested in the library coming to you,
please let us know!                        Teresa Potter
                                           City Librarian

                 LIBRARY CLOSED DATES
             Saturday-Monday, September 4-6 (Labor Day)
                  Thursday, November 11 (Veterans Day)
Wednesday, November 24 the library will close early at 2 p.m. (Thanksgiving)
           Thursday-Sunday, November 25-28 (Thanksgiving)
 Thursday, December 23 the library will close early at 2 p.m. (Christmas)
              Friday-Monday, December 24-27 (Christmas)
   Thursday, December 30 the library will close at 6 p.m. (New Year’s)
         Friday-Sunday, December 31-January 2 (New Year’s)


LIBRARY EVENTS FOR ALL AGES                                                           4-5
Nature Journal Challenge         Family Fire Prevention Day       Fall Reading Challenge
Family Game Nights               Día de los Muertos               Holiday Open House
StoryWalk®                       Free Comic Book Day              Harry Potter Yule Ball
Family Creative Art:             Halloween at the Library
Mandalas and Mantras

CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS                                                                   6-8
Toddler Time                    Family STEAM                      “Eggciting” Eggs to Chicks
Preschool Storytime             Family Build It                   Music and Movement
Babies and Books                Pajama Storytime                  READ to the Dogs
Pop-Up Storytimes               1,000 Books Before Kindergarten   Homeschool Resources
Stuffed Animal Sleepover        Gardening

TWEEN PROGRAMS                                                                             9
Tween Writers Club               Tween STEAM

TEEN PROGRAMS                                                                      10-11
Teen Anime Club                  Dice & Dimensions                 Teen Late Night Series:
Teen Advisory Board (TAB)        Teen Writers Workshop             Fandomonium
Teen Writers Club                Study and Homework Sessions       Haunted Library Lock-In
Game On                          Teen Book Box                     Ultimate Scavenger Hunt

ADULT PROGRAMS                                                                     12-16
Great Books Club                 Genealogy Series                 Medicare Explained
Happy Hour Book Club             Watch out! Movie Matinees        Featured Monthly Database
Swirl. Smell. Sip. Repeat!       The History Club                 Thursday Talks
English Conversation Practice    Harvey Remembered                Adult Writers Club
League City Book Club            Antiques Roundtable              Know Your Rights
Every Stitch Way                 Computer Classes

VOLUNTEER SERVICES                                                                         17

                                                                                            FOR ALL AGES
Nature Journal Challenge                       Family Creative Art: Mandalas
Plants, bugs, and mud, oh my! We are           and Mantras
exploring everything nature has to offer in    Back by popular demand! Come and
our weekly Nature Journal Challenge! This      create a beautiful mandala while learning
program is online via Instagram.               an inspiring mantra. Georganna Tapley
                                               will facilitate this family program.
Dates: Sept. 3, Sept. 10, Sept. 17, Sept.
24, Oct. 1, Oct. 8, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct.     Date: Sept. 23
29, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, and Nov. 19               Time: 10 to 11 a.m.
Time: Posted by 10 a.m.                        Ages: All ages
Ages: All ages
                                               Family Fire Prevention Day
                                               Does your family have a fire plan? Join
                                               us for crafts and information to keep your
                                               family safe!

                                               Date: Oct. 2
                                               Time: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
                                               Ages: All ages

                                               Día de los Muertos: Sugar Skulls
                                               Come learn about traditional sugar skulls
                                               and make your own. We will supply
                                               various craft items to design a beautiful
Family Game Nights                             paper sugar skull.
Board games, card games, chess, and
                                               Date: Oct. 28
checkers for all ages!
                                               Time: 5:30 to 7 p.m.
                                               Ages: All ages
Dates: Sept. 14, Sept. 28, Oct. 12, Oct.
                                                                                            HELEN HALL LIBRARY

26, Nov. 9, and Nov. 23
Time: 5 to 6:30 p.m.
Ages: All ages

Enjoy a story with your family as you stroll
outside the library. A small prize will be
available in the Children’s Department
when the walk is completed.

Dates: Sept. 20 to 26 and Oct. 18 to 24
Time: All day
Ages: All ages

FOR ALL AGES         Free Comic Book Day: 20th                       Holiday Open House
                     Anniversary Celebration                         Join Helen Hall Library for a festive
                     Visit us for Free Comic Book Day! Helen         evening to kick off the holidays! Cookies
                     Hall Library’s Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is     and refreshments will be served. The Teen
                     giving away free comic books to promote         Advisory Board will host activities for all
                     the love of reading and help new readers        ages. Storytime with Santa will be at 5
                     discover comics.                                p.m., followed by photos with Santa. After
                                                                     visiting the Library, head down the road to
                     Please note: Comic books are limited            League Park for the tree lighting at 8 p.m.
                     to two per person and available while
                     supplies last.                                  Date: Dec. 2
                                                                     Time: 5 to 7:30 p.m.
                     Date: Aug. 14                                   Ages: All ages
                     Time: 12 to 4 p.m.
                     Ages: All ages

                     Halloween at the Library                        Harry Potter Yule Ball
                     Join us for a pumpkin walk and trick-           Put on your dress robes and join us
                     or-treating! Helen Hall Library is a Teal       for activities, crafts, community, and
                     Pumpkin project site.                           refreshments.

                     Date: Oct. 30                                   Date: Dec. 11
                     Time: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.                         Time: 1 to 5 p.m.
                     Ages: All ages                                  Ages: All ages

                     Fall Reading Challenge
                     September to November
                     Open to all ages

                     Download the Beanstack
                     Tracker App or visit
                     and log your time! Those who compete
                     will be entered in grand prize drawings!


                                                                                               CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
  Programs are first come, first served. Tickets are available 15 minutes before.

Toddler Time                                   Babies and Books
Wiggles, songs, rhymes, and a story.           Tickles, giggles, rhymes, and story for
                                               those who BYOB (bring your own baby).
Dates: Sept. 13, Sept. 20, Sept. 27, Oct.
4, Oct. 11, Oct. 18, Oct. 25, Nov. 1, Nov.     Dates: Sept. 1, Sept. 8, Sept. 15, Sept.
8, Nov. 15, Nov. 22, Nov. 29, Dec. 6,          22, Sept. 29, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20,
and Dec. 13                                    Oct. 27, Nov. 3, Nov. 10, Nov. 17, Dec.
Times: 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. and 11:15 to        1, Dec. 8, and Dec. 15
11:45 a.m.                                     Times: 10:15 to 10:45 a.m.
Ages: Designed for ages 1 to 3 and their       Ages: Designed for birth to walking and
caregivers                                     their caregivers

Preschool Storytime
Stories, songs, and rhymes. Children will
have a short craft time at the end of the

Dates: Sept. 7, Sept. 14, Sept. 21, Sept.      Pop-Up Storytimes
28, Oct. 5, Oct. 12, Oct. 19, Oct. 26,
                                               Meet us at different Fire and EMS Stations
Nov. 2, Nov. 9, Nov. 16, Nov. 23, Nov.
                                                                                               HELEN HALL LIBRARY

                                               for storytime hosted by your favorite
30, Dec. 7, and Dec. 14
                                               Children’s Librarians! The first Friday of
Times: 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. and 11:15 to
                                               each month will be at a different facility so
11:45 a.m.
                                               be sure to check the location.
Ages: Designed for ages 3 to 5 and their
                                               Aug. 6: Fire Station 6 on South Shore Blvd.
                                               Sept. 3: Fire Station 2 on Hobbs Rd.
                                               Oct. 1: EMS 1 on S. Egret Bay Blvd.
                                               Nov. 5: Fire Station 6 on South Shore Blvd.
                                               Dec. 3: Fire Station 2 on Hobbs Rd.

                                               Time: 10:15 a.m.
                                               Ages: Designed for ages 3 to 5 and their
                                               caregivers                                             6
CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS   Stuffed Animal Sleepover                      Pajama Storytime
                      Does your stuffed animal need a               Grab your pajamas and join us for songs,
                      vacation? Why not try the library? Drop       rhymes, and stories that will have your little
                      off your stuffed animals for a week of fun    ones ready for bed!
                      activities and play time! At the end of the
                      week, pick up your stuffed animal and         Dates: Sept. 9, Sept. 23, and Oct. 14
                      receive a goodie bag for yourself!            Time: 6 to 6:30 p.m.
                                                                    Ages: Designed for ages 3 to 8 and their
                      Dates: Drop off Sept. 9 and pick up           caregivers
                      Sept. 17
                      Time: All day                                 1,000 Books Before
                      Ages: 0 to 11                                 Kindergarten
                                                                    One of the most important
                                                                    things a caregiver can do is
                                                                    read to their little one! Reading
                                                                    is the pathway to readiness
                                                                    when a child enters kindergarten. 1000
                      Family STEAM                                  Books Before Kindergarten is a nationwide
                      Families join us for a variety of STEAM-      public charity promoting early literacy. The
                      related activities.                           program encourages caregivers to track
                                                                    the number of books they have read to their
                      Dates: Sept. 16, Oct. 7, Oct. 21, Nov. 4,     little ones. At Helen Hall Library, caregivers
                      and Nov. 18                                   can use the Beanstack app to register and
                      Time: 6 to 7 p.m.                             track books. There is a sticker for every 100
                      Ages: Families with children of all ages      books read and a cute backpack when a
                                                                    child reaches the 1000 books.
                      Family Build It
                      Gather your friends and family to build
                      something amazing!

                      Dates: Sept. 11 and Nov. 6

                      Time: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
                      Ages: Families with children of all ages

Gardening                                     Music and Movement

                                                                                          CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
Come learn and grow. Gardening is a fun       Join us for songs, movement, and playing
and healthy activity, allowing children to    with musical instruments.
develop a love for nature, nutrition, self-
sufficiency, and responsibility. Weather      Dates: Sept. 18, Oct. 16, and Nov. 20
permitting, this program will be outside.     Time: 10:30 to 11 a.m.
                                              Ages: Families with children birth to 8
Dates: Sept. 15, Sept. 29, Oct. 13, Oct.
27, and Nov. 10
Time: 5 to 6 p.m.
Ages: 6 to 11

                                              READ to the Dogs
                                              Designed for reluctant readers or those
                                              who need extra reading support in grades
                                              1-3. Children read for 15-20 minutes to
                                              a registered therapy dog. Registration
                                              is required. Email joan.peeples@
“Eggciting” Eggs to Chicks          
Learn about the lifecycle of a chick!
                                              Dates: Aug. 12, Aug. 25, Sept. 9, Sept.
Dates: Sept. 2                                29, Oct. 14, Oct. 27, and Dec. 9
Time: 6 to 7 p.m.                             Time: 7 to 8 p.m.
Ages: 6 to 11                                 Ages: 1st to 3rd grade

                                              Homeschool Resources
                                                                                          HELEN HALL LIBRARY

                                              Come learn about the free resources to
                                              help with your homeschool journey.

                                              Date: Sept. 14
                                              Time: 2 to 3 p.m.
                                              Ages: Designed for families with students
                                              6 to 17

                              Ages 8 to 11. Register for our program via our online calendar.

                     Tween Writers Club                            Tween STEAM
                     The pen is indeed mightier than the           Tween STEAM: Join us for hands
                     sword at Tween Writers Club! Bring your       on activities as we explore science,
                     imagination, we will provide the paper.       technology, engineering, art, and math!
                     Prepare to do battle!
                                                                   Dates: Sept. 9, Sept. 23, Oct. 14, Oct.
                     Dates: Sept. 2, Sept. 16, Oct. 7, Oct. 21,    28, and Nov. 12
                     Nov. 4, and Nov. 18                           Times: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
                     Times: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.                      Ages: 8 to 11
                     Ages: 8 to 11


                                                                                             TEEN PROGRAMS
 Registration is required for all teen programs. For registration and updates,

Teen Anime Club                                Teen Writers Club
Calling all anime fans! Join us to watch       Do you have what it takes to be a writer?
and discuss some good anime shows              Hone your skills with crazy writing prompts
while eating snacks.                           and support each other through the
                                               creative writing process.
Please note: Anime shows selected are
rated PG-13 and TV-14.                         Dates: Sept. 14, Sept. 28, Oct. 12, Oct.
                                               26, Nov. 9, and Nov. 23
Dates: Sept. 20, Oct. 4, Oct. 18, Nov. 1,      Time: 5 to 6 p.m.
and Nov. 15                                    Ages: 12 to 18
Time: 5 to 6:30 p.m.
Ages: 12 to 18                                 Game On
                                               Drop in to play Nintendo Switch games,
                                               Jackbox games, Uno, and more!

                                               Dates: Sept. 13, Sept. 27, Oct. 11, Oct.
                                               25, Nov. 8, and Nov. 22
                                               Time: 5 to 6 p.m.
                                               Ages: 12 to 18
Teen Advisory Board (TAB)
Become an ambassador for your Library          Dice & Dimensions
and gain leadership experience! Help           Do you dream of new worlds? Discover
plan teen activities, assist with Library      a realm of infinite possibilities when you
events, and more. Snacks are served and        join us for tabletop role-playing games!
participation counts as service hours. New     All experience levels are welcome. This
members are welcome!                           program is hosted by Teen Advisory Board
                                                                                             HELEN HALL LIBRARY

Please note: Applications for new
members are provided at the program.           Dates: Aug. 5, Aug. 19, Sept. 2, Sept. 16,
                                               Oct. 7, Oct. 21, Nov. 4, Nov. 18,
Dates: Sept. 8, Sept. 22, Oct. 6, Oct. 20,     and Dec. 16
Nov. 3, and Nov. 17                            Time: 5 to 7 p.m.
Time: 5 to 6 p.m.                              Ages: 12 to 18
Ages: 12 to 18

TEEN PROGRAMS        Teen Writers Workshop                          Teen Late Night Series:
                     Showcase your original works and works-        Fandomonium
                     in-progress with fellow writers and provide    Fandoms…assemble! Join a team of
                     feedback for each other. All types of          diverse fandom fanatics and test your trivia
                     writers are invited! This program is hosted    knowledge for prizes. A virtual program
                     by a Teen Advisory Board member.               via Zoom.

                     Please note: Original works may include        Date: Sept. 24
                     PG-13 and TV-14 content.                       Time: 6 to 7:30 p.m.
                                                                    Ages: 12 to 18
                     Dates: Aug. 3, Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2,
                     and Dec. 7                                     Haunted Library Lock-In
                     Time: 5 to 6:30 p.m.
                                                                    Join us for some fearful fun! Watch movies,
                     Ages: 12 to 18                                 play games, and enjoy frights for one night
                                                                    only. Costumes are encouraged!
                     Study and Homework Sessions
                     Created for those students who need a little   Please note: Permission slips are required
                     extra help, these weekly peer group study      to participate and available online
                     sessions will be a great way for students      (
                     to connect and work on assignments             TeenServices/Programs). They count as
                     or subjects that need some additional          registration and must be submitted to the
                     attention. Wednesday evenings beginning        upstairs Reference Desk by Wednesday,
                     in September. For more information, please     Oct. 27. Late submissions will not be
                     contact Volunteer Coordinator Ashley           accepted.
                     Young at 281-554-1116.
                                                                    Date: Oct. 29
                     Dates: Sep. 8, Sep. 15, Sep. 22, Oct. 6,       Time: 6 p.m. to 12 a.m.
                     Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 10,             Ages: 12 to 18
                     Nov. 17, Dec. 1, Dec. 8, and Dec. 15
                     Time: 6:30 to 8 p.m.                           Ultimate Scavenger Hunt
                     Ages: 12 to 18, 6th to 12th grade              Complete crazy challenges and capture
                                                                    it all on camera! This is not your average

                     Teen Book Box                                  scavenger hunt…
                     Do you love visiting the Library but don’t
                     always have time to browse for a good          Please note: Teens are required to have
                     book? Then sign up for Teen Book Box!          transportation present at the end of the
                     Fill out a registration form online to start   event.
                     picking up monthly boxes with treats and a
                     book selected just for you.                    Date: Nov. 12
                                                                    Time: 6 to 8 p.m.
                     Please note: Library cards are required to     Ages: 12 to 18

                     Dates: September to November
                     Ages: 12 to 18


                                                                                                   ADULT PROGRAMS
         Registration is not required unless noted under specific events.

Great Books Club                                 Happy Hour Book Club
This club encourages readers to get to           This program meets at Craft 96 Draught
know those famous books they may have            House + Kitchen in League City. Contact
heard of but never read. It is not necessary for
to finish the book to be welcome. We             more information.
often discuss the movie if there is one.
Contact Elaine Childs at libraryadmin@           Aug. 5: Untamed by Glennon Doyle for more information.
New members are always welcome.                  Sept. 2: Betty by Tiffany McDaniel

Aug. 10: The Turn of the Screw by Henry          Oct. 7: Three Women by Lisa Taddeo
                                                 Nov. 4: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous
Sept. 14: The Dangers of Smoking in Bed          by Ocean Vuong
by Mariana Enriquez
                                                 Dec. 9: Trick Mirror: Reflections on
Oct. 12: The Secret Agent by Joseph              Self-Delusion by Jia Tolentino
                                                 Time: 6 to 7 p.m.
Nov. 9: Perfume by Patrick Suskind               Ages: For adults

Dec. date and time TBD: The Great
Gatsby along with club annual holiday

Time: 7 to 8 p.m.                                Swirl. Smell. Sip. Repeat!
Ages: For adults
                                                 Join us in the library’s theater for an
                                                 educational wine tasting program. Bay
                                                                                                   HELEN HALL LIBRARY

                                                 Colony HEB’s Wine Manager will
                                                 introduce a variety of wines for samplings
                                                 and lecture on how to pair each selection
                                                 with an entrée. Program is limited to the
English Conversation Practice                    first 25 participants. Late arrival may forfeit
Practice your conversation skills with us! All   their seats. Online registration begins on
skill levels welcome.                            Sept. 6, 2021.

Mondays: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.                       Date: Oct. 2
Wednesdays: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.                  Time: 6:30 p.m.
Ages: For adults                                 Ages: 21+

ADULT PROGRAMS       League City Book Club                       Genealogy Series
                     New members are always welcome and          Filling in the
                     reading the book is not required. Contact   Family Stories
            for more       Using Social
                     information.                                History with Sue
                                                                 Kaufman from
                     Aug. 16: Eleanor by David Michaelis         the Clayton
                     Sept. 20: The Code Breakers by Walter       Library
                                                                 Date: Oct. 4
                     Oct. 18: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte      Time: 7 to 8:30 p.m.
                                                                 Ages: All ages
                     Nov. 15: The Children Act by Ian McEwan
                                                                 Grandma was a
                     Time: 7 to 8 p.m.                           WAC: Women
                     Ages: For adults                            in the Military
                                                                 World War
                                                                 I and II with
                                                                 Melissa Hayes
                                                                 from the Clayton
                     Every Stitch Way
                     This crafting group meets every other       Date: Nov. 4
                     Wednesday. Bring your needlework,           Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m.
                     knitting, crocheting, embroidery, or any    Ages: All ages
                     other craft project you might be working
                     on and join us!                             Watch Out! Movie Matinees
                                                                 Stop by on select Saturdays to enjoy
                     Dates: Aug. 11, Aug. 25, Sept. 8, Sept.
                                                                 some tasty treats and catch a seasonally
                     22, Oct. 6, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 17
                                                                 themed film! Snacks will be provided.
                     Time: 1 to 3 p.m.

                     Ages: For adults
                                                                 Aug. 21: High Noon (1952) PG
                                                                 Sept. 25: Minari (2020) PG-13
                                                                 Oct. 23: Freaky (2020) R
                                                                 Nov. 20: When Harry Met Sally (1989) R
                                                                 Dec. 18: The Nightmare Before Christmas
                                                                 (1993) PG

                                                                 Time: 12:30 p.m.
                                                                 Ages: For adults

The History Club                            Harvey Remembered
The History Club invites one speaker per    The anniversary of Hurricane Harvey is
month on selected Monday evenings to        approaching. This life-changing event
discuss local history and Texas history     affected so many people, and Local
topics. Attendance can be in-person or      History Librarian Caris Brown would
via Zoom. Please contact Caris Brown at     like to collect stories and memories from to register.   you. Contact Caris at caris.brown@
                                   to tell your story.
Sept. 13: Handwritten
Promises in the                             Dates: Sept. 1 to Dec. 30
Republic of Texas                           Time: By appointment
James P. Bevill, award                      Ages: All ages
winning author of The
Paper Republic, will
describe the human
side of the financial
story of the Republic of Texas.

Oct. 11: League
City Haunts – The
Unofficial Ghosts of
League City
Local historian Joyce                       Antiques Roundtable
Zongrone will recount                       The Antiques Roundtable meets on the
oral histories of League                    first Monday of each month to discuss a
City ghost stories from the last one        different topic. Join this group so you can
hundred years.                              be part of deciding future program topics
                                            of interest! Please feel free to bring objects
Nov. 8: Vanished                            to share.
Houston Landmarks
Local author and                            Dates: Aug. 2, Sept. 13, Oct. 4, and Nov. 1
historian Mark Lardas                       Time: 1 to 3 p.m.
                                                                                             HELEN HALL LIBRARY

will share highlights                       Ages: For adults
from his recent book
Vanished Houston
Landmarks. Come find out why there is an
Interurban Road in League City, among
many other fascinating stories.

Time: 7 to 8 p.m.
Ages: All ages

ADULT PROGRAMS       Computer Classes                            Medicare Explained with
                     Classes will be held in the Computer Lab    Shari Ferguson
                     on the 2nd floor. Registration required.    Come have your questions about
                     To register, go to https://helenhall.       Medicare answered and discussed.
            Please       Medicare health and prescription
                     note: Registration begins one week in       coverage can be renewed annually, so
                     advance of class schedule date. For more    this a wonderful opportunity to learn what
                     information, please call 281-554-1101.      options are available.

                     Morning Computer Classes                    Tuesday evenings
                     Sept. 8: Basic Computer Skills              Dates: Sept. 28, Oct. 26, and Nov. 30
                     Sept. 15: Basic Internet and Email Skills   Time: 7 to 8:30 p.m.
                                                                 Ages: For adults
                     Sept. 22: Working with Windows 10
                     Sept. 29: Word                              Saturday mornings
                     Oct. 6: Excel                               Dates: Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Nov. 13, and
                     Oct. 13: Advanced Excel: Charts and         Dec. 18
                     Pivot Tables                                Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m.
                     Oct. 20: PowerPoint                         Ages: For adults
                     Oct. 27: Publisher
                     Nov. 3: Social Media 101
                     Nov. 10: Google Drive/Docs
                     Nov. 17: Tablet/Smartphone
                     Dec. 1: Saving Money with Coupons
                     and Apps
                     Dec. 8: iPad Basics

                     Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
                     Ages: For adults                            Featured Monthly Database
                                                                 Sept. 10: Library Database: Learn how to
                     Evening Computer Classes

                                                                 download e-materials with Libby
                     Sept. 27: Word
                     Oct. 25: PowerPoint
                                                                 Oct. 8: Library Database: Learn a
                     Nov. 29: Excel                              language with Transparent Language

                     Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.                     Nov. 12: Library Database: Learn how to
                     Ages: For adults                            read e-magazines with Flipster

                                                                 Time: 10 to 11 a.m.
                                                                 Ages: For adults

Thursday Talks                              Know Your Rights

                                                                                           ADULT PROGRAMS
Storytelling with audiobook narrator and    Join us for this six-week series on
voice actor Pearl Hewitt                    understanding the ins and outs of today’s
                                            legal system. The local Bay Area Bar
Aug. 19: Modern Day Storytelling…           Association and their talented attorneys
the oldest form of Entertainment is now a   will answer all your burning questions,
Digital Medium                              helping you navigate everything from your
                                            tricky Homeowner’s Association to how
Nov. 18: Listening to a Book is Reading a   to best handle your recent traffic citation.
Book – Using Audiobooks as Educational      Coffee and snacks will be provided.
Tools                                       This series is coordinated by Volunteer
                                            Coordinator Ashley Young.
Dec. 9: Art of Reading Out Loud – How
to Create an Audiobook and the Steps It     Sept. 18: Taking Control of Your
Takes to Become a Narrator                  Healthcare – HIPAA, Wills, and Hospitals

Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m.                      Oct. 2: Understanding Probate
Ages: For adults
                                            Oct. 16: Homeowners, Homeowners’
                                            Associations (HOAs), Landlords & Tenants

                                            Oct. 30: Car Accident – What’s Next?

                                            Nov. 6: The Ins and Outs of Criminal Law
                                            – DUIs, Misdemeanors, and More

                                            Nov. 13: Understanding Immigration Law

                                            Time: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
                                            Ages: For adults

Adult Writers Club
                                                                                           HELEN HALL LIBRARY

Enjoy prompts, community, and creativity
with other writers.

Dates: Sept. 9, Oct. 14, and Dec. 9
Time: 6 to 8 p.m.
Ages: For adults


                                                                                            VOLUNTEER SERVICES
As we continue to welcome back our volunteers, we are creating new
roles for those seeking to connect with Helen Hall Library in unique
ways. The goal of Volunteer Services is to further the library’s mission
by providing our volunteers the opportunity to experience an enriching
environment and engage with the community. With volunteer positions to
match most schedules and interests, we are confident you will find Helen
Hall Library a highly rewarding place to serve. Call the Volunteer Coordinator Ashley
Young at 281-554-1116 for more information.

Teen & Adult Volunteer Program                Drop-in Volunteers
The library is seeking motivated teens and    For those who are seeking to fill service
adults with a desire to engage with their     hour gaps or just participate in the most
community on behalf of Helen Hall Library     exciting events taking place at Helen Hall
and our mission. For ages 12+, orientation    Library and around the city, our drop-in
and a 10-hour time commitment in no less      volunteers are welcome! For ages 15+,
than 2 months are required. Applications      these unique set of volunteers are notified
can be found on our website or can            of all upcoming events for which we
be completed in person at the Adult           need “all hands on deck!” No orientation
Reference Desk. Orientation dates listed      required.

Dates: Aug. 4, Sept. 1, Oct. 6, Nov. 3,
and Dec. 1
Time: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Ages: 12+
                                                                                            HELEN HALL LIBRARY

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